Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 445 The world is extinguished and the incense is extinguished


There was a bloody war spear that pierced through the universe. The huge spear tip was as red as blood and had penetrated in. Those huge stars exploded one after another.

The war spear was unstoppable, shattering many stars in succession, pointing towards Immortal King Xuanming who was about to extinguish Jie Miexiang.

At the same time, other giants in the world sea also took action, and attacks from many kings such as big seals, arrows, sword lights, and sword lights also hit this world.

This incense stick is equivalent to a lighthouse. After being lit, it can attract the creatures in the world sea and guide them on the way forward. If they are allowed to come over, it will be enough to destroy a world.


In the rush, someone took action and blocked the blow for Immortal King Xuanming.

However, the attacks of other kings also fell into the Immortal Realm, attacking indiscriminately, trying to destroy the entire world.

In the chaos, Xu Yu also took action.

With his hands moving, one after another order and principles condensed in front of Xu Yu's body. In the blink of an eye, a large seal was formed, surrounded by the heart-stopping divine glow and chaotic light.

Fallen Immortal Seal, as Xu Yu's strength continues to improve, the current Fallen Immortal Seal is no longer the original version.

Combining the ancient secret techniques and the heaven-shading Taoist training, the Fallen Immortal Seal has completely become the supreme forbidden secret skill at the level of the Immortal King giant.


The ancient world was opened, all realms collapsed, chaos reversed, and countless creatures fell into silence.


After a brief silence, the shouts of death rang out again, and Xu Yu was also dragged into the melee.


A king used his ancestral skills to form a space cage around Xu Yu, trying to seal him into it for refining.

Naturally, Xu Yu would not let the other party succeed. Ji Zimi instantly increased his combat power tenfold, breaking the opponent's blockade with his supreme divine power.

After coming out, Xu Yu immediately used Xing Zi Mi to rush towards the king who just wanted to block him.

As for the way of time and space, Xu Yu has already mastered it in the process of traveling through the great world many times. On the basis of Xing Zi Mi, he combined with many ancient secret techniques to create his own unique time and space magical power.


The void collapsed, surrounded by fragments of time. Xu Yu opened his mouth and spit out a sword energy, smashing the opponent's magic, and struck the opponent's body with a "swish" sound.

The collapsing void began to compress, and one space blade after another continued to strangle the king.

The king on the opposite side was not to be outdone, with laws flying around his body, trying to break Xu Yu's space strangle.

The divine chain of order constructed from the laws of space tried to block the space blades that were slashing towards him.

However, it is obvious that Xu Yu's magical power far exceeds that of his opponent. When the divine chain of order touched Xu Yu's space blade, it was instantly disintegrated.


"Why so?"

"I am Kong Zu, how could I lose to others in space?"

Being defeated at the time and space where he was best, Kongzu roared unwillingly, but no one answered him.

Kongzu, once an invincible giant in a large world, has blazed his own path of invincibility in space.

He was even once known as the most difficult giant among the kings. Any attack that did not get close to his body would be redirected to another place.

However, his own attack on the enemy can ignore the distance in space and slash directly at the opponent, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

In the era when he was respected, those who achieved enlightenment in the non-physical body were not willing to easily compete with him.

Later, in order to seek a breakthrough, he entered the boundary sea.

Unexpectedly, he appeared again and became the Fallen Immortal King.

The reason why his magical powers were restrained by Xu Yu is because with the changes of times, any magical powers are constantly developing.

Xu Yu came from the time and space that covers the sky forever. He has experienced several big worlds and has conducted in-depth research on all the ways in the world. Naturally, he surpasses him in space.

"Your time has long passed, and today is the time for you to be annihilated!"

Faced with Kongzu's incompetent rage, Xu Yu slashed at it mercilessly, crushing him.

The other party has fallen, there is no possibility of saving him, and Xu Yu will not wake him up.

After all, there are still a large number of fallen immortal kings and dark creatures gathered around Xu Yu, so the war can still end.

"Kill, destroy this world, darkness is the destination of all souls!"

As the Jie Miexiang continued to burn, more and more dark creatures and fallen immortal kings appeared here, and the battle became more and more intense.

"Quickly, extinguish the world and extinguish the incense, otherwise our world will be in danger!"

In the sky, a giant Immortal King who was being surrounded and killed by many fallen Immortal Kings roared at the top of his lungs.

"Fellow Taoist, give me a helping hand, I will go to extinguish the world and extinguish the incense!"

At this moment, Dao Shi, who broke out of the encirclement, came to Xu Yu and begged him.

"Okay! Fellow Taoist, let me help you!"

The current war situation is chaotic. If the world is not extinguished, the destruction of the fairyland is inevitable. By then, I am afraid that even Xu Yu will not be able to escape unscathed.


Xu Yu roared and rushed towards the fallen immortal king near Jie Miexiang, trying to open a path for Dao Shi to lead to Jie Miexiang.


The moment Xu Yu approached, attacks from all directions were coming at him, and the law was beaten violently.

"Fellow Taoist, let me help you!"

Immortal King Xuanming, who had been stopped before, saw someone rushing towards him. He also came to Xu Yu's side and fought forward with him.


Xu Yusha was so violent that in a situation like this, he had no choice but to fight with all his strength and was extremely crazy.

"Where did this fellow Taoist come from, since he has such strength!"

The Immortal King in the Immortal Realm in the distance was extremely surprised when he saw that the area where the area was located was so violent that the law was violent, and the sky and the earth changed color.

"Our world is so vast, there are always some unborn masters."

Although I am very curious about Xu Yu, she is a fairy. After all, she is the most powerful world among all the worlds. Since the beginning of the world, I don’t know how many immortal kings have been born.

Whenever the Immortal Realm encounters a war or disaster, those ancient giants sleeping deep in the Immortal Realm will appear and participate in the war.

Not to mention other things, before Xu Yu came to this time and space, after several founders of Heavenly Court and the founders of the Immortal Realm cultivation system died, the Immortal Realm was floating and its destruction was imminent.

In some ancient areas of the Immortal Realm, several invincible giants emerged and saved the situation in the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, they would not have any doubts about Xu Yu's identity.

"No, the method this fellow Taoist practices is very unique!"

As Xu Yu continued to take action, some giants in the Immortal Realm also saw that Xu Yu's practice system was very different from theirs.

"Have you walked out on your own path of cultivation this time? Just like the founders of Taoism!"

In today's era, which is the same era as the founder of the Immortal Realm's cultivation system, the immortal kings present naturally know how terrifying the person who created his own cultivation system is, and his combat power far exceeds other kings in the same realm. On the other side, Dao Shi, who had already made preparations, saw that Xu Yu had opened a hole for him and had adjusted his condition to its peak.

With a "boom", Dao Shi's laws of time flew around his body, and he rushed towards Jie Miexiang at extremely high speed.

"Stop him!"

The creatures in the Jiehai that had not yet returned also saw this scene, took action across endless time and space, and ordered the dark creatures near Jie Miexiang to stop Dao Shi.

Dao Shi broke through the limit of time, came to the side of Jie Miexiang in an instant, and extinguished it.


"Damn it!"

As the Jie Miexiang was extinguished, the creatures in the Jiehai that had not yet returned roared unwillingly.

The dark creatures and the fallen immortal king who were responsible for guiding the world sea looked very ugly when they saw that the world was extinguished.

Although they still have the upper hand in the current battle situation, several of the fallen immortal kings know that due to the destruction of Heavenly Court, there will no longer be strong men in the ancient palace.

That's why they lit the Jie Mie Incense, hoping to attract the fallen immortal king lost in the Jiehai to return, participate in this battle, and completely destroy the immortal realm.

However, now that the Jiemiexiang has been extinguished, their idea of ​​​​annihilating the Immortal Kings in one fell swoop has failed, and they are naturally unwilling to accept it.

"Kill, destroy this world, today!"

The battle situation became even more violent, and the kings were all going crazy.

A divine tree that reached the sky was rooted in the mountains of the world and was surrounded by several unparalleled kings. Fires ignited in the void of heaven and earth. It was like being tested in a sea of ​​fire and purgatory.

The tree body twitched and knocked away kings one after another. This was a world tree more majestic than what Xu Yu had seen in the wilderness of the lower world, and it had surpassed ordinary people's cognition.

Great power is erupting one after another on the branches, and the resonance of thousands of ways is inducing the power of time and space to strangle the king, and even crush the king's body with a flick of the branch.

A divine ax flew from the sea and was accompanied by another sword light and struck the divine tree.


The terrifying world-destroying killing has exceeded the endurance of the World Tree, and the tree body has been split open. Thousands of ways collapsed, some flew to the sea of ​​​​the world, and some flew to other ancient worlds.

After all, this world tree that was about to transform failed to pass the test of this era and was shattered in the ashes.

A divine energy that resonated with thousands of people was breaking away from the encirclement of the kings and running towards Xu Yu's direction.

This is the source of the World Tree, the most essential vital energy, containing the charm of ten thousand ways, and the foundation of a complete World Tree.

Such a fairy tree already has a spirit. After being robbed, it knows that it has failed in this life and can only choose Nirvana and come back again.

But not all kings will help it achieve nirvana. After all, who would waste eternity waiting for a world tree that has failed to transform to grow up?

In the ancient immortal cultivation method, that is, the era when the Tao Seed Method had just established its orthodoxy, the World Tree seedlings were definitely the supreme Immortal Seed. Therefore, even the kings of the Immortal Realm began to compete for the World Tree in the melee.

As for those fallen fairy kings, what they want is the incomplete Law of Ten Thousand Daos on the World Tree.

The World Tree was naturally aware of the kings' plans, so it rushed towards Xu Yu as soon as it was robbed.

Without him, in the world tree's perception, Xu Yu was the only one at the scene who didn't know how to cultivate it and wouldn't covet its origin.

However, how could other kings let it go so well?

However, Xu Yu had already taken the lead and used his magic to block the two attacking kings.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful!"

Dao Shi was roaring, because the divine ax that cut off the World Tree was slashed out again, and the giant in the boundary sea also noticed the World Tree's choice, and slashed at Xu Yu.

The owner of the giant ax is definitely one of the most powerful giants in the world sea. Not only did he cut off the World Tree with one blow, he also broke through Dao Shi's attack.

With one blow of the ax, Dao Shi used his distraction to help Xu Yu block the magic of the giant axe, but was split into two pieces, as if there was nothing.

Although it is said that Dao Shi was distracted, after all, Dao Shi is also a giant among the immortal kings, possessing supreme power.

It can only show that the owner of the giant ax is very powerful, and his attacks are unparalleled.

"Don't think about it!"

Xu Yu activated the secret realm and directly gathered the tree source. However, the attacks of the kings tried to destroy Xu Yu's body, and Xu Yu was in danger of being attacked from two sides.


The power of time flowed out of Xu Yu's body to shatter the space and distort this blow.

Looking from a distance, it seems that a big clock made of time fragments wraps Xu Yu, standing outside the current world.

In addition, the space was shattered to form an independent space, which stretched the distance between Xu Yu and the kings infinitely.

So close to the end of the world, another space magical power created by Xu Yu can make distance and space infinitely far or infinitely close.

However, it is difficult to completely resist. This is the suppression of all laws of heaven and earth by the ultimate divine power. Even if the way of time and space is against the heavens and is enough to fight against the king, it cannot completely compete with this peerless divine power.

The person who took action must be one of the kings and giants in the world. Even the time and space magic used by Xu Yu, the top giant among the immortal kings, could not completely withstand the power, and the clock of time shattered.

Fortunately, the tree source has been captured, and there will be plenty of time to recover.


With an explosion, the power of time and space evolved again because there was an attack in the last second.

"It's interesting that just one secret technique has such great power, but it's still not enough."

A figure emerged from the chaos, and the four ends of the world were frozen. Just the appearance of Wang Ming's power made everything fall silent.

"Immortal-killing sword!"

A sword light slashed out, and a strong will was comparable to the power of heaven. This was a completely different swordsmanship from Xu Yu's knowledge.

Even though we have never seen such a sword after an eternity of bloody battles, the will of living beings is stronger than the power of God. Is this era so glorious that it ushered in its destruction?


Time and space were changing, and Zhou Tian Dao was directly mobilized to destroy this unparalleled sword. However, the attacks of other kings also came to Xu Yu. In an instant, at least ten kings attacked Xu Yu.

For a time, Xu Yu became the target of public criticism.

The sword light came to heaven and earth with the supreme power to distort time. The clock of time was cut off again, but it also distorted the traces of Xu Yu's existence.

Since you can't fight it, then twist your own body and open an infinite time and space distance between yourself and this sword. This is a reverse application of the law. However, you are still injured. The giant's world-destroying blow penetrates time. , across space.

This is the king, an existence that can fight across time and space.

"Fellow Daoist!" Dao Shi exclaimed.

"Quick, get out of here first!"

Xu Yu was also unable to hold on. He cut through the endless void and penetrated the power of time, leading the two of them to escape directly from this realm. (End of chapter)

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