"Where to go!"

Xu Yu and Dao Shi had just left that realm, but a fallen immortal king immediately caught up with them.

Today's Immortal Realm is full of smoke, battlefields are everywhere, fighting continues, and countless areas have been shattered.

Fortunately, the Immortal Realm is extremely prosperous at this time, and there are endless immortal king masters. Otherwise, it would have been destroyed long ago.

But thinking about it, it is also true. It is not very far away from the Emperor's Fall era. There are naturally a group of extremely powerful Immortal Kings in the current Immortal Domain, who have survived from the Emperor's Fall era to this day.

Coupled with the Golden Crow Natural Enemy, a group of people who pioneered the cultivation of Taoism in the Immortal Realm, countless masters were born, creating many top giants at the level of Emperor Light Immortal King.

The Imperial Light Immortal King has reached the extreme in the realm of Immortal King and has touched the threshold of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. His body is surrounded by the light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and his combat power is naturally extremely powerful.

In later generations, counterfeit medicine buyers and butchers are the supreme giants at this level.


With a loud noise, a giant among the fallen immortal kings came to them, followed by a large number of dark creatures.

"How dare you take such a big risk if you are not from this ancient history? You are looking for death!"

Maybe it's because the time and space Xu Yu is in now involves too many immortal king-level creatures.

After a brief confrontation, because Xu Yu's own path and cultivation path were different from those in the world, it attracted the attention of some kings.

"With such an unscrupulous attack, did you know that it would have an indelible impact on ancient history!"

"Even you yourself will completely disappear in time and space!"

A top Immortal King giant with endless rays of light on his body came to Xu Yu with an aura as heavy as a mountain. After examining him for a while, he spoke.

Throughout the ages, it is not impossible that people from the past or the future have traveled through time and space to another world by chance.

Especially in this bright and prosperous era, a group of extremely powerful heroes have gathered together.

In the process of traveling through history and surviving, they also communicated with masters from other eras.

Just like in the original work, when Shi Hao obtained the Immortal Sutra, he reversed time and space and returned to the Immortal Ancient Era, where he fought against He Wushuang.

Xu Yu's current method is similar to Shi Hao's first seal of reincarnation, but unlike Shi Hao, the longer Xu Yu stays in this world, the more serious the drastic changes will be.

In particular, I want to know that he has also reached the level of the Immortal King Giant. The impact of rashly taking action in different time and space is not what he had in the chaotic ancient times.

Although Xu Yu, who was in chaos in ancient time and space, also made some changes to Shi Hao's life trajectory, these were not done by him personally.

In addition, Xu Yu, who was in chaos in ancient time and space, was still in the realm of humanity, and his impact on the general trend of heaven and earth was not that serious.

But in this era, Xu Yu has already stood at the pinnacle of the immortal world. Every word, every action, and every move has a huge impact on the world.

Not to mention that he is now involved in the battle to destroy Heaven, which has a huge impact on this time and space.

"So what? It doesn't matter if all the causes and effects of the heavens suppress my body!"

Xu Yu knew that his arrival had already caused some changes in the general trend of this time and space.

But he had no choice but to come to this time and space in a daze and participated in the war.

“I don’t know who is responsible for the cause and effect of that world!”

Xu Yu's unscrupulous actions must have been responsible for many consequences. Logically speaking, Xu Yu must have been targeted by the will of this world.

But what he didn't understand was why the world didn't punish his arrival with thunder.

Or maybe it's because he came to this great realm through the place connecting the past and the present, so he doesn't have to bear the consequences.

"Fellow Taoist, you!"

Regarding Xu Yu's origin, Dao Shi had already guessed, but he was not sure.


Xu Yu charged up and struck out, sending all the dark creatures that were near him flying away. He stepped forward and killed the giant who revealed his origins.


The collision between the two was like the sea of ​​law bursting its embankments. Endless divine chains and Tao of Order poured down, and time and space were distorted.

"Haha, boy, I have never encountered someone like you who goes against the flow of time and space!"

"Probably with the help of the mysterious power of the land of reincarnation, he reversed time and space and came to this world!"

After the visitor heard Xu Yu's words, he did not refute him, but continued.

It was also at this moment that Xu Yu carefully observed the king in front of him who was fighting with him.

He was an extremely burly middle-aged man. The giant hammer he held in his hand was filled with chaotic energy and was extremely powerful.

"Because the Land of Reincarnation also gives you your time and space mark in this world, that's why you can act so unscrupulously without being counterattacked by the laws of heaven and earth."

"But, you have to know that the time and space marks left between the world and the world will be wiped out by the will of this world as you continue to take action. At that time, you will be affected by the huge world. Backlash!"

At this moment, the giant Immortal King who came to Xu Yu seemed to know Xu Yu very well, and in a few words he told the reason why Xu Yu was not immune to the backlash of heaven and earth.

"The place of reincarnation..."

"I see!"

Hearing this king's words, other kings who were doubtful about Xu Yu were also relieved.

As the most powerful group of people in this era, they are the place where people know the reincarnation of the fairyland.

"The place of reincarnation!"

Each era and each region has different names. For Xu Yu, the place where future generations connect the past and the present is also the place of reincarnation in our era.

But the place of reincarnation is like a place that connects the past and the present in later generations. Although everyone knows that there is such a place that contains heaven-defying opportunities,

If you want to enter the place connecting the past and the present, you not only need the sacrifice of the immortal king's essence and blood, but also the supreme law spread among the heavens - the law of freedom of transformation.

Naturally, Xu Yu had no grasp of this supreme method. He was able to reach this time and space by passing through the Golden Land. He didn't know why.

"It seems that your identity is unusual. You actually know this little secret."

During the fierce fight, the two of them kept talking like friends they hadn't seen for many years.

Moreover, the opponent's combat power was so amazing that even Xu Yu found it very difficult.

But now, the kings are fighting in a melee, and every immortal king is fighting hard, and there is no way to support him.

Without him, there are too many fallen immortal kings and dark creatures, and almost every immortal king has to fight against several enemies.

In comparison, the area where Xu Yu was located seemed to be easier than them.

The two giants among the Immortal Kings fought hard. The ordinary Immortal Kings could not get close at all. Even those dark creatures would be crushed by the violent laws if they came even slightly closer.

"During the Emperor's Fall, I once competed with his Emperor when he was young!"

Just a simple sentence revealed the identity of the big man.

The Emperor's Fall Era, just hearing this name can remind you of that extremely splendid era.

Even if eternity has passed, even the great names in ancient time and space can still make the kings change their colors. Because that era was extremely brilliant, countless immortal king monsters were born, and even the supreme beings above the immortal kings appeared, which were really powerful.

In the chaotic ancient time and space, those Immortal Kings who survived from the Emperor's Fall era were all existences that oppressed the past and present.

And the person Xu Yu faced was not only a peerless genius in the Earthly Era. He even once competed with that extremely mysterious emperor when he was young.

Although the final outcome must be that the middle-aged man fell into the hands of the young emperor.

But it is enough to show that the strength of this middle-aged man is more powerful than terrifying.

However, he never thought that such an outstanding person would lose his perseverance and fall into darkness.

"It turns out he is a loser who has lost his Taoist heart!"

After knowing the origin of the other party, Xu Yu even looked down on the other party.

He competed with the legendary emperor when he was young, but in the end he stuck to his heart and fell into darkness. Such an outstanding person may go further in the realm of the Immortal King.

However, the possibility of going further is forever lost.

"Hahaha, how many epochs have passed, no one has dared to speak to me like this, boy, are you looking for death?"

The middle-aged man said coldly, as if he wanted to freeze the world.

At the same time, Xu Yu also used all secrets to increase his combat power tenfold to kill the opponent.

The real dragon roared, the Immortal King came to the nine heavens...many strange phenomena appeared around Xu Yu, and the three dharma bodies of the past, present, and future appeared, killing each other with all their strength.


Sensing Xu Yu's murderous intention, the middle-aged man also rushed forward to meet Xu Yu.

For the middle-aged man, the reason for this battle is no longer important. What he wants is the Dao Fruit in Xu Yu.

After the battle in the Emperor's Fall era, he also understood that if he wanted to reach a higher level, he must create his own method.

And after many epochs of exploration, he still couldn't find his own way.

So after Xu Yu appeared on the battlefield, and as Xu Yu continued to take action, he also realized that Xu Yu was not from this era.

Moreover, the cultivation method used by Xu Yu is very different from that of the current world. This is a completely new path for him.

"It's amazing. This method makes me take a high look. Unfortunately, it's useless. This time, this world will be destroyed!"

Some kings whispered, so what if someone takes action, the king looks down at the world, and a battle is all.


As the war continued, the time and space mark that Xu Yu left in this world reached a certain threshold, and was gradually obliterated by the opponent, and he could no longer take action!

The big man on the opposite side also saw that something was wrong with Xu Yu's state. He seemed to be disappearing in this space and time, and his attacks became even more violent.


"Fellow Taoist, leave this to me!"

At this moment, Dao Shi broke out of the encirclement, came to Xu Yu, took over from him, and faced him.

"Now that your time and space seal has been shattered, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay in this world any longer. Moreover, will your reckless actions have any impact on you?" Dao Shi asked, even a king might not be able to withstand such a cause and effect.

"Nothing happened. It didn't affect me much. On the contrary, I gained a lot this time. I believe we will meet again one day."

Xu Yu opened his mouth and said that the mark of reincarnation that he came to in this time and space has been shattered, and he can no longer stay in this world at this time.

Then Xu Yu's figure was shaking and even slowly disappearing. The mighty force of time was pulling him back. If it weren't for the Yin and Yang Wheel, he might have incurred divine punishment again.

"Looks like I'm really leaving!"

Xu Yu spoke, unexpectedly coming to this world and encountering dark creatures and some great secrets of the Emperor's Fall Era. This era was enough for him.

"is it?"

Dao Shi spoke, his mood was silent. Although he only had a brief exchange with the creature from the next generation in front of him, both of them were impressed by the other's talent. This was a companion on the path of cultivation.

I just hope there will be a chance to see you again in an eternity.

"Fellow Taoist, the years to come will be turned upside down. Countless darkness and turmoil will sweep across the world. When darkness breaks out in full force, it will subvert your understanding of the times...!"

Xu Yu opened his mouth, but his last words echoed down the river of time.

After seeing Xu Yu's figure completely submerged in the river of time, Dao Shi looked solemn.

"Take care, fellow Taoist!"

Looking at the shattered world, the endless void and the collapsed ancient realm, Dao Shi seemed to have made some kind of decision in his heart.

"In this troubled world, I should bring peace to the world and open up a road to heaven for all sentient beings. Even if it is difficult and dangerous, I will never flinch even if I am afraid of death."

Dao Shi spoke, turned around and stepped out of this secret realm. He was going to find enough power, enough power to calm all turmoil.

From this day on, the world welcomed a heaven-defying creature, who used absolute strength to suppress an era that was about to be destroyed.

In the long river of time, Xu Yu's whole person was silent, Xu Yu's body was slowly repairing, and countless time fragments and space fragments were flowing around him.

Looking at the broken pieces of time in front of him, Xu Yu saw a lot.

Countless kings fought, and the entire world was divided into countless ancient domains. From time to time, there were even attacks passing by Xu Yu. It was the penetration of power that transcended time and years, and was engraved in the heavens through the long river of time.

There is a king's divine ax that cuts open the world, and there is a dark creature holding a staff and raising its hand to destroy countless creatures.

Even the time and order are disrupted when the human and divine flags are waved, and the laws and rhymes of countless romances that have reached their peak shine in brilliance.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared among the debris. He couldn't see clearly the other party's true appearance, but Xu Yu felt very familiar, it was the figure in his memory.

Suddenly another fragment of time passed by. This familiar young man had already demonstrated the supreme power of kingship. The holy light filled the air and destroyed countless kings when he raised his hand. He stepped into every corner of the broken world and led a group of forces behind him to calm everything down. turmoil.

Another fragment floated again, and the power displayed by this familiar young man had exceeded the world's understanding.

That was the aura that Xu Yu was most familiar with, and it was different from the terrifying brilliance of the supreme Immortal King.

All the turmoil in the world was put down, the blood of countless kings eroded the earth, countless broken ancient artifacts were covered, and countless dark creatures were killed and retreated.

The young man established his own power, and he really did it, quelling the chaos in the world.

Then, he looked towards the Boundary Sea, which was the origin of countless dark creatures, and he stepped out resolutely.

In the long river of time, a period of time after the young man walked to the boundary sea, another dark turmoil arose. Countless dark creatures once again stepped into the land of the past, and as Xu Yu watched the scenes of fragments of time emerge.

More familiar or rumored scenes began to appear in his memory.

In a secret realm, countless creatures were chased by dark creatures and intruders. However, when the scene turned, they were safe and sound. They all knelt in front of a sacred tree wrapped in chaos. The sacred tree protected them. Three thousand branches evolve countless divine kingdoms.

Xu Yu was shocked.

Then, a divine bow and an arrow cut through the dawn, shattering countless darkness, and a new era began.

A terrifying golden crow spreads its wings across the sky, and its divine flames surge into the sky, melting everything in the world. With a scream, the years seem to be spreading, and even the realm of time is divided. The people who followed the previous youth once again created a grand event.

Xu Yu was very familiar with the Golden Crow among the fragments, and he knew that a glorious era had come to an end. (End of chapter)

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