The sound of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk actually trembled a little, and the three corners lit up at the same time, flickering on and off, flowing with chaotic energy.

"Part of my body has a corner in this sea of ​​​​world, and I can vaguely sense its location." Six Paths of Reincarnation coiled around.


Xu Yu was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk would sense its remains in the boundary sea.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is mysterious and unpredictable. It is the magical weapon of the original Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King. Although they are incomplete, they are born as one body. If they are close, they will react to each other.

He immediately made a decision and led him to get the remnant body back.

Xu Yu walked on the waves and turned into a stream of fairy light. The light and mist were dense, and he left at a high speed with the six reincarnation disks.

If the divine disk is merged again and another corner is added, the strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds, and it may reach the realm of quasi-immortal king.

In this way, several days passed, and they finally got close.

The Boundary Sea is like this. If you don't use the teleportation circle, you don't know how many thousands of years it will take to truly penetrate into it.

Many people who want to become emperors may have been gone for tens of millions of years, and some have even been gone for several epochs.

Of course, the perceived distance of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is not that far, but a strong person at the Immortal King level cannot locate that point instantly.

In the past few days, the boundary sea has been calm and the sea is dark and seeping, but occasionally there will be ups and downs of waves, and each ups and downs is a residual boundary.

During this period, he saw some creatures fighting, fighting at the level of Immortal Kings, resolving each other's grievances, killing them until the sky and the earth were dark, the sun and the moon turning pale, and the ghosts and gods crying.

Fortunately, this is in the boundary sea, and there is enough space for them to fight. If it were the ancient world, the sky would collapse and the earth would be shattered, and all life would be ruined!

If one can survive such a level of fighting, the imagination will be unspeakable. Between life and death, there is also a chance for good fortune. Even if one does not become an emperor, one's strength will be greatly improved.

Also, there are many fortunes in this sea area, and there are scriptures left by the Immortal King, which are worthy of reference. This is also an important reason why many true immortals risk their lives to come here to seek breakthroughs.

When they passed far enough, stepped on the sea, and looked back again, it was chaos and desolation, as if they didn't know where they were going.

The sky and the earth are spinning, the whole time and space seems to be upside down, the order of the universe is changing, even a true immortal will be in a trance, and those with a weak mind will easily get lost here and sink.

"No wonder it's easy to get lost in the Boundary Sea." Xu Yu sighed. If he were an ordinary person and there was no one to guide him, he would really have a lot of trouble when he thought about returning to the dam.

Generally speaking, true immortals and immortal kings need to use more magic power to deduce the deeper they go, which will consume a lot of energy and magic power.

In the process, you may also face interference and attacks from other creatures, and even the presence of dark creatures. The dangers involved can be imagined.

Many people go deep into the sea of ​​​​the world and want to come back again, but it is not easy. It is easy to get lost and never return.

There are even some fairy kings who will wander in some sea areas and be trapped there for a long time.

Of course, this is a relatively marginal area for Jiehai. Generally speaking, it is not difficult for people like Xu Yu, a giant of the Immortal King.



Suddenly, not far from them, an ancient beast appeared underwater. There were bone spurs on its back, and it was as black as ink. It rushed towards the sky. It was extremely ferocious, like a huge lizard. It opened its bloody mouth and faced Xu Yu. Bite away.

His eyes were scarlet, slightly shrouded in black mist, and he had long been lost.

"Creatures contaminated with dark matter..."

Xu Yu's expression moved slightly, and he recognized him instantly, and the other party's consciousness seemed to be confused. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to take such action against a giant like Xu Yu.

"Roar! My hometown...!" The ancient beast looked extremely ferocious, weeping and complaining. There was also deep sadness in its madness, which made people's hearts tremble.


Xu Yu's mind moved, the divine radiance rippled in his eyes, the waves flowed, his eyes glowed, the beam of light rushed away, and penetrated into the head, exploring his spiritual thoughts.


In this ancient beast, a ray of black soul was forced out of its body. It roared loudly, cried sadly, and looked like a madman. This was a sad and evil fist-high ancient beast. For its soul transformed.

Xu Yu used a finger to freeze him, reflecting the scene. Looking at his fundamental mind, his face suddenly became serious.

A picture slowly unfolded in the void, telling a sad story.

It was a beautiful Shenxiu ancient world, with vast mountains and rivers and boundless swamps. This ancient beast originally lived there.

One day, a dark cloud suddenly came over the ancient world and enveloped it. A terrible monster attacked and washed the ancient world with blood.

And when this ancient beast went out to travel and returned from the Boundary Sea, it escaped a disaster, but it was faced with a devastated scene.

The earth is vast, the sky is filled with blood, corpses are everywhere, and blood is flowing in the oars.

The Immortal King, the True Immortal, the Supreme and other powerful creatures were all dead, and he was a living creature that could only take a breath.

There, they learned that it was a monster that destroyed them and reflected the monster's appearance.

It was a ferocious beast, so ferocious that it made people tremble with fear, and its arrogance was overwhelming!

The head of that ancient beast looked like a wolf's head, but it had a pair of huge, primitive gray horns and a vertical eye between its eyebrows, which was extremely ferocious.

His body was covered with many black scales, which were hard and cold, like black gold shining, and long hairs grew between the gaps in the scales, as red as blood, half a foot long.

There were actually nine tails growing on his back, and at the end of each tail, there was a not-so-large ferocious beast's head.


The famous Jiuyouao among the ten evil spirits!

Jiuyou destroyed an ancient world. Even the Immortal King was as vulnerable as an ant in front of him!

And that ancient world was extraordinary. It might not be as good as the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of the past, but it was still a huge world, and it was just destroyed.

"Definitely far above the Immortal King!" Xu Yu's eyes were bright and solemn, looking at the huge Jiuyou Ao.

Naturally, he would not think that these were the ten evil men of the past. The only possibility was that he was the world-destroying old man, the ancestor of Jiuyouao!

"Jiu You Ao, is it him? No, it's not the Ten Fiends of Immortal Ancient. This strength is too terrifying. I'm afraid it can't even compare to a real dragon? How could there be such a powerful Jiu You Ao? Could it be that he has become the emperor?"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was shocked. He never expected that Jiuyousa had such strength and could destroy an ancient world. Even the giant Immortal King would never be able to do it!

The only explanation is that he may have become an emperor, or at worst, a quasi-immortal emperor!

"Is that why Jiuyouao is known as the World-Destroying Old Man?" Xu Yu's heart sank. Hearing the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk talking to himself, he couldn't help but think to himself.

"Have the ten evil spirits and the nine arrogant ones in the past ever visited the king's realm?" Xu Yu asked, looking at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

"No, he is the pinnacle of true immortals, but he can fight the immortal king." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said solemnly.

He has experienced the battle in the final years of Immortal Ancient, so he naturally has the right to speak.

Jiuyouao is one of the ten evil spirits, and his fighting power is also very terrifying. He has killed people from other worlds who are afraid of fear.

"It's a pity that Jiuyou Ao was such a hero in the past, but this Jiuyou Ao actually destroyed an ancient world." Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan lamented.

Xu Yu was speechless. The ancestor of this family became a quasi-immortal emperor in another world. It is probably not the first time he has done such a destructive act. He is considered to be in company with darkness. However, his descendants are in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. in the camp.

The ancestor of Jiuyouao, known as the world-destroying old man, is extremely terrifying. His origins are older than the Emperor Luo era. His strength is above the three quasi-immortal emperors Cang, Hong and Yu. He can be said to be the number one under the corpse immortal emperor. people!

"He is also a pathetic person." Xu Yu sighed softly and looked at this ancient immortal beast. This ancient beast not only suffered the blow of the destruction of the ancient world, but also stayed in the sea for a long time, and its mind was eroded by dark matter. .

He waved his hand gently, and the ancient beast exploded, disappeared inch by inch, merged into the sea of ​​​​the world, and was completely liberated.

A rain of light from the ancient beast's soul appeared, with tears on its face. It cupped its hands towards Xu Yu to express its gratitude, and then turned into little rain of light and disappeared completely.

This is a true immortal-level ancient beast, which is still far away from the king realm. Naturally, it cannot resist other Xu Yu.

The two of them calmed down, and Xu Yu continued to move forward with the Six Paths of Reincarnation, disillusioned step by step, very fast, one wave after another under his feet, one after another the remnants of the past, just disappeared.

"We're here!" Suddenly, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk made a sound, and he felt it!

"This is it..." Six Paths of Reincarnation Dao Pan opened his mouth and looked towards an island in the distance, while Xu Yu also stared at it. There was mist entwining there and inexplicable rules intertwined.

Both of them were extraordinary people, with incomparable knowledge, and they were keenly aware of the mysteries of this island for the first time.

Xu Yu's divine eyes shot out two of the brightest rays of light, staring at the misty island.

When you reach the level of the Immortal King giant, you can be respected and powerful in this sea area near the dam, and you can see some scenery that many Immortal Kings cannot see.

The mist is misty, the fairy light is gorgeous, and various lights flicker, like stars dotted in it, and various runes flicker, almost isolating this place. If it weren’t for the giant Immortal King and the special circumstances of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, ordinary people would really not be able to find this place.

"The Immortal King's Array has been set up." Xu Yu's eyes flashed and shone brightly, and he made this judgment. This is an Immortal King-level array. Most people can't see through it at all. Even if they get here, they can't see it. an island,

"I still have a corner of the divine disk, which should be on this island." Six Paths of Reincarnation said.


Xu Yu's bright eyes condensed an astonishing beam of light, piercing through the layers of fog and seeing through the Immortal King's magic circle.

In the mysterious sea area, an ancient island is located in the black ocean. It is full of vitality, with endless ancient medicines, fragrant medicines, flowing luster, and various mysterious atmospheres.

An ancient tree, rooted in a huge island, towers into the clouds, with extremely thick leaves and drooping branches, like a divine chain of order, magnificent and extraordinary.

It has a special momentum, and the terrifying flow of immortal energy is like opening up an ancient universe and evolving into three thousand realms. The misty and peaceful mist is lingering, and the atmosphere is myriad.

"Willow God!"

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He had an innate divine eye that was unparalleled in the world. He could break through the illusion and saw that the willow tree in the magic circle was none other than the Willow God!

Unexpectedly, Liu Shen would practice cultivation on this island.

"Little Tower is here too."

A six-story small tower is suspended in the void, with lights intertwining and the tower's jade and various spirits emerging, making it mysterious and unpredictable. It was Xiaota in the past. He and Liu Shen were practicing on the island.

And Xu Yu was a little empty, and the scene inside also fell into the six-path samsara pananian.

"They are actually here, and my corner is actually here?" Liu Dao Samsara Pan was surprised. He did not expect to see Liu Shen and Xiaota here.


Xu Yu gently rolled up his big sleeves, the fairy light was dim, and his disillusionment disappeared step by step, and he appeared on the island with the small tower.



The willow tree glowed, and its thousands of branches stretched straight like war spears, exuding a terrifying murderous intent. The small tower on the side was also caught off guard and was ready.


When they saw Xu Yu and the Six Paths of Samsara Disk, the two of them relaxed instantly.

The branches drooped down, extremely soft, and the green clouds rippled gently.

From the tree, a hazy image rushed out and turned into a beautiful figure in white, which seemed to be close in front of us, but yet it was far away in the horizon.

"Still in the process of transformation..." Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. The current Liu Shen body was still dormant, and a ray of incarnation came out to meet them.

Even so, this incarnation is extremely powerful.

Beside her, there are three thousand light groups, wandering in vain, one ancient country after another rises and falls, three thousand light groups are paying homage.

Each light group is a world, containing many ancient countries, where countless gods and demons are worshiping her, and the sound of chanting can be heard.

All over the world, endless gods and demons are praying and saluting. The scene is enough to shock the ages. It is a strange phenomenon that is unimaginable.

White clothes are better than snow, and the beauty is unparalleled!

Now Liu Shen's body has returned to the level of the Immortal King, and he actually entered the sea of ​​​​realm one step ahead of him.

A few people started talking. After entering the Primordial Gate, they lost contact. According to Liu Shen and Xiaota, they later went to find Xu Yu and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, but unexpectedly learned that he had become a quasi-immortal. The king may have left this world, so they walked along the world behind the primitive gate and came to the sea of ​​​​the world to hone their skills.

"I originally thought that I would never meet my fellow Taoist again after the last era, but I never expected that after an era, my fellow Taoist still has the same style!"

"I never thought that when I see fellow Taoist again, he is already a giant of the Immortal King!"

Suddenly, Liu Shen's face condensed slightly. He had not noticed it just now, but now he could actually feel Xu Yu's aura. Unexpectedly, Xu Yu had reached this level so quickly.

At the end of the Ancient Immortal Era, Liu Shen and Xu Yu briefly met in the Boundary Sea. At that time, Xu Yu was about to die due to successive battles with the Immortal King.

But I never thought that Xu Yu not only got rid of the terrible injuries of the past, but also became stronger.

A six-story ancient pagoda also stands next to it. On the pagoda, there are all kinds of spirits emerging, and the chaotic energy is surging, as if it existed at the beginning of the world, but it has not been spoken for a long time.


Even though he was a small pagoda, he was speechless. This speed of practice made him feel ashamed.

"Fellow Taoist's strength has improved rapidly, which is really gratifying." Liu Shen smiled faintly. After all, she was very human. She quickly calmed down and looked at Xu Yu. Then, she gently raised her hand, and several Qingqi futons appeared, inviting him to sit down.

"Knock on the gate of heaven alone, ask your heart and seek the great road. The road to the Immortal King is still long."

Xu Yu sat down and shook his head gently. He was telling the truth. Although he was already a giant of the Immortal King, it would still take a long time to condense the Emperor's Light and touch another level.

Today, Liu Shen has returned to the Immortal King realm. Although it is still far away from the strength of the former giant, it is also extremely rare.

"The road ahead is vast and unpredictable, and the way to become an emperor is uncertain." Liu Shen shook her head. Her phantom was almost empty, exuding mist, and had a hazy fairy charm.

"It's not easy to open up a new path and become a quasi-immortal emperor." Xu Yu whispered.

Liu Shen has great courage. Although he has not yet returned to a giant, he has already thought about the long way to go.

The quasi-immortal emperor has troubled many ancient and modern heroes, even butchers, burial masters, and counterfeit medicine sellers are all trapped in this situation.

"Fellow Taoist came just in time. I accidentally got a piece of the Divine Disk in the past two years." After chatting for a while, Liu Shen said with a slight smile and looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

With a chirping sound, a divine disk flew out and suspended in the void. Soft light flowed and chaos filled the air, making it extremely mysterious.

"Thank you!"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was excited. Unexpectedly, this corner of the Divine Disk was obtained by Liu Shen. In an instant, his body became one with it and slowly fused directly.

"Two years ago, I came here and met the Lord of the Forbidden Zone in the past Jiutian - the Immortal King Shen Yun. I got this horned divine disk from him." Liu Shen said frankly, saying Understand the origin of this corner of the sacred disk.

The Fallen Immortal King!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was slightly surprised. This Immortal King once established the Divine Meteor Forbidden Zone in the Nine Heavens. Unexpectedly, a corner of his Reincarnation Disk fell into his hands.

"One corner of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was broken into several parts in the past, and one of them fell into the forbidden area of ​​Shen Yun and was obtained by the Immortal King Shen Yun."

Liu Shen spoke, these were all he knew from exploring the memory of the Immortal King Shen Yun.

Not long after he entered the boundary sea, the Godly Fallen Immortal King took action against them, because the owner of the restricted area had already arrived and fell into darkness.

The Immortal Kings in the Forbidden Zone are basically all Immortal Kings with flaws. No matter how they are Liu Shen's opponents, they are naturally defeated by him and their memories are explored.

The Immortal King of the Fallen Gods has great courage and is unwilling to stay dormant in the restricted area. After the end of the Immortal Ancient War, he took the reincarnation disk with him and chose to go deep into the sea of ​​​​the world to find the creation of the Emperor. Unfortunately, he was invaded by darkness in the end, and he was confused.

This Divine Fallen Immortal King also came from the Immortal Realm back then, but could not return, so he opened a restricted area in Jiutian. However, after that, he disappeared invisibly, that is, he entered the Realm Sea.

Moreover, Liu Shen told another piece of news. In the memory of the God of Fallen Immortal King, there is also a reincarnation disk that seems to have been obtained by creatures in the restricted area.

"Finally there is a whereabouts." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was pleasantly surprised. This was great news.

"Then let's go to the restricted area for a walk. By the way, there are still two floors of the tower, and they have been found." Xu Yu thought for a moment.

"Let's go, let's go, what are you waiting for? Who dares to mess with us?" Xiaota laughed. Now Xu Yu is already a giant of the Immortal King. He has enough confidence to strike hard!

Now it is a six-story tower. If the two floors are integrated, it will definitely grow by leaps and bounds.

"Then let's go for it!" Xu Yu nodded lightly. The future was dark and turbulent, and his strength could not improve too much in a short period of time. The best way to improve the strength of those around him was to improve it.

The group of people got up and prepared to go to the Jiutian restricted area! (End of chapter)

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