Returning to Jiutian, with Xu Yu's strength, he can conquer this world!

Most of the lords of Jiutian's restricted area are flawed Immortal Kings. How can they stop him?

As for Xiaota, he almost screamed with excitement. I don't know if it was because he had been hanging out with Shi Hao too much. The Six Paths of Samsara was also gearing up and extremely exciting.

For them, it means too much to take back their remaining bodies and merge them into one.

If we can get the remains of the past, and now integrate the World Stone, we will definitely make breakthroughs based on the original foundation in the future, surpassing the past!

"Fellow Taoists, I'm sorry that I can't go with you." Liu Shen said. He is still in the state of Nirvana and cannot move. What he is talking to a few people now is only the Dharma body.

The island is the place of her transformation and nirvana. Now it is at a critical moment and it is not advisable to act rashly.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yu shook his head. Now that he is a powerful Immortal King, there is no need to worry too much. Liu Shen can just transform here with peace of mind.

Later, just in case, Xu Yu used the strength of the Immortal King giant to set up a magic circle for Liu Shen here. The light and mist were dense, sealing off the world. If it weren't for the Immortal King giant, he would never be able to detect the clues.

Moreover, this boundary sea is also a marginal area and there will be no danger. Moreover, Liu Shen now knows the danger at the end of the boundary sea and will not cross it rashly, so the risk factor is almost zero.

Afterwards, Xu Yu, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan and Xiaota embarked on their return journey to Jiutian.

When he returned, he only deduced the way back a little. After all, it was not too deep and the journey was not too long, so in a few days, a few of them came to the embankment again.

On the way, many immortal kings sensed Xu Yu's aura, but none of them dared to find trouble.

"After some time, let's go explore the boundary sea again." Xu Yu stood on the embankment and thought silently.

The Boundary Sea is deep and endless, with great dangers and amazing opportunities. He hasn't wandered around much yet.

It would be very dangerous for ordinary true immortals and immortal kings to go deep, but for Xu Yu, these dangers do not exist at all.

With the system, no matter how far he travels across the world sea, as long as he is not blocked for an instant, a single thought can travel through the world and return to the original place again.

Not long after, several people came to the place where it looked like children's graffiti.

"Let's go to the original imperial city first." Xu Yu's mind suddenly moved, he thought about it silently, and made a decision.

The foreign land is probably about to cross the abyss. I wonder how the king of the original imperial city in the abyss is doing now?

Moreover, he suddenly had an idea to arrange a little arrangement in the imperial city to give a big gift to the foreign land in the future. He would first go to the original imperial city and then go to the restricted area. His eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the simple teleportation circle at his feet.

Rough lines and simple directions left footprints under the dry soil, forming a teleportation circle.

If it were spread out, it would definitely make people think it was ridiculous. It was just a few simple strokes. It was not an altar built with sacred stones, nor a magic circle made of precious materials, which had that kind of teleportation ability.

"Creation is infinite, and the people who left behind the magic circle are amazing."

Xiaota sighed, looking at this graffiti-like magic circle, he sighed sincerely. At the same time, he showed a look of obsession. The seemingly simple graffiti particularly attracted his mind.

Great simplicity!

He was almost born to be the carrier of the Great Dao, and he was proficient in magic circles, but he felt that he was not as good as Yuan Yuan. He felt that this trip was infinitely mysterious, and he actually wanted to understand it.

This seems to be just a piece of graffiti left at random, but it has the great power to transform decay into something magical, which is awe-inspiring.

"That quasi-immortal emperor is amazing." Xu Yu whispered, his eyes moving, looking at the faint footprints on the side, which were uncertain.

Even he couldn't leave any footprints. The identity of the person who left the footprints next to the graffiti was instantly revealed, and he was the Footprint Emperor.

"Let's go." Xu Yu said and looked at the two of them.

Xu Yu pointed, and divine light flowed out from his fingertips, injecting mana. As he injected mana, the dry soil spurted out power, and a portal opened.

At the same time, they saw anomalies in the sand, like a steamer, with wisps of blood mist emerging, and patches of black light intertwining.

The terrifying aura is overwhelming, vast and vast, not far away!

The thunder and lightning abyss boiled, and the terrible thunder turned into waves, submerging the sand and that area.


In the distance, thunder and lightning roared, originating from the Thunder and Lightning Abyss. Unknown how many thunderbolts flew and bombarded this area.

"Sure enough, the Thunder and Lightning Abyss exists just to suppress this area." Xu Yu had a clear understanding in his heart. Buzz!

Xu Yu's divine eyes opened, endless runes condensed, beams of destruction bloomed, and they were shot out, cooperating with the Thunder Abyss to suppress the ancient sand.


Then, as soon as the portal opened, the few people turned into fairy light and disappeared there instantly without any hesitation.

With a bang, the portal closed. At the same time, they heard a huge impact and the door shattered, but they ignored it and continued moving forward.

Not long after, the front was dimly lit, like dawn, but also in a trance. The light was not sufficient, but there was still light rippling.

In addition, there was a very terrifying pressure, it was solemn and iron-blooded, and there was also an inexplicable murderous intention blooming.

In front of them, a city gradually appeared and stood in front of them.

The destination of their trip was about to arrive and they walked out of the passage.

"This is..." Xiaota was surprised.

This is a desolate place with almost no life, no popularity, only deathly silence, and a kind of sadness that has settled down through the ages.

"Original Imperial City..." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk sighed softly, with an incomprehensible expression.

A city, deserted and lonely, stands there, and you can feel the traces of being baptized by war from a long distance away.

That city is a bit far away, but it exudes endless pressure, like a living immortal giant, as heavy as Mount Tai.

Looking around, everywhere, there is blood and white intertwined.

The soil under the feet is not real soil, it is made from crushed bones. The dark red ones are blood stains, and the white ones are bone residues.

Moreover, these creatures are not weak at all levels, so one can imagine how brutal the battles here were. Xu Yu couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

Between his brows, brilliance flowed, mysteriously, as if he had a strange feeling.

"Why do I feel like this when I come here..." Xu Yu frowned, a little confused. It must be extraordinary to make a giant Immortal King feel like this?

However, he could not find the source!

He suppressed the strangeness in his heart and scanned the world again.

This is a vast land, very large and vast, and the city is in the center of the continent.

They walked forward slowly, and saw many scenes along the way. There were many corpses on the ground, many of which had become skeletons, and many of which had become skin and flesh, which would not rot for thousands of years and remain elastic.

The entire ancient city was wrapped in a light curtain.

Moreover, the light curtain is translucent, and some external scenery can be seen, and he is suspended in the sky.

Below it is a golden desert, dotted with luster, and there are many dead bones on the ground.

The most important thing is that at the end of the horizon, there is a majestic pass, towering into the sky, so big that it is boundless, guarding a borderland.

"I don't know how many of the seven kings back then are still alive." He said to himself, thinking of the war and chaos in the last years of Immortal Ancient, his tone was a little sad.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, staring at the legendary city, the real original imperial city! I thought of a lot in an instant. This ancient city has great energy, and through it, it can control the power of Tianyuan!

Tianyuan is related to the Immortal Realm. There are powerful people from the Immortal Realm who have deployed their power in front of Jedi Tiantong to bless this place.

Now, with the strength of the giant Xu Yu, he can vaguely sense that in this place, there is not much power left by the strong men of the fairyland. If the immortal king of the foreign land blocks the pass, the city will truly be in the danger of survival.

Of course, he could also sense that if the king of the ancient city took action, the immortal king of the foreign land would definitely pay a certain price, otherwise it would be difficult to break through the city.

"Everyone in the world only knows about the Imperial Pass, but I don't know how many people know about the original Imperial City?" Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan sighed softly.

Xu Yu was silent, looking at this primitive imperial city. Because he usually does not manifest himself and is hidden in the abyss of heaven, unknown to outsiders.

Many people believe that it was destroyed long ago, and that it completely collapsed during the Immortal Age.

But what they don't know is that the original Imperial City is still guarding here, even in front of the Imperial Pass.

There is even a group of people who carry the sky on their backs in a corner forgotten by the world and carry the burden for them.

Xu Yu silently sensed the eternal vicissitudes and desolation of this city. He seemed to have a soul, recording the beacon fire under the desolation and the blood and tears of the warriors.

His heart was touched, and he instantly felt that the orthodox traditions he had destroyed in Three Thousand Daozhou were indeed worthy of their death!

How ironic is this that the people of this city are bleeding and devastated, but their descendants are being shamed as guilty and bloodthirsty?

He knew that this city was stained with the blood of the Immortal King and could not be defeated in a hundred battles. The people there blocked the attack of the alien cavalry and did not know how much merit they had accomplished.

This is the real imperial city. Due to years of battles, it has been damaged, surrounded by heavy troops, and even trapped by a magic circle.

Especially in an era, a huge formation stretched across the sky, trapping the city and isolating it from the outside world.

The former imperial cities were used as bridgeheads, and a brand new imperial city was built in the rear, and this imperial city was still silently enduring attacks from foreign lands.

From time to time, immortals cross the border, and they are all destroyed by the people of this original imperial city.

As Xu Yu and others gradually approached the ancient city, skeletons appeared on the uneven ground, some of them lifelike, as if they were alive.

But under Xu Yu's divine eyes, he knew that all those people were dead, and their blood essence and soul bones had completely disappeared.

Moreover, they looked up and saw that not far from the ancient city, flames shot into the sky and a pile of skeletons was burning.

Around the fire, there were runes flickering and swaying with divine brilliance. That was the magic circle, which blocked the fire. “Immortal Array.” Xu Yu nodded lightly and recognized it immediately.

Moreover, not only this fire was burning, but many other places were burning. Their energy was soaring into the sky, and they turned into rays of light, gathering towards the ancient city, and seemed to become nutrients, nourishing the ancient city.

"These people should all be immortal creatures from foreign lands." Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said solemnly.

"These immortals have been used as fuel for this city." Xiaota said.

Xu Yu sighed in his heart, not only the enemy, but also the king in the border area had turned into nutrients and burned on his own to maintain the operation of the formation.

"Well, there's... someone on the wall!" Xiaota said in surprise, looking at the city wall.

Several people looked over. The city wall was very cold and desolate, lacking in popularity. But at this moment, a few people appeared. They were children, probably only seven or eight to ten years old, with ragged clothes and dirty faces. Pretty.

In addition, there were several old people, very weak and dignified, looking down at Xu Yu and the others.

"Sure enough, it's a group of old, weak, women and children standing here." Xu Yu sighed in his heart, and couldn't help but feel more and more sympathetic.

"Where are you... from?" An old man looked at him intently, with an extremely wary look on his face.

It is difficult for experts who are not true immortals to come to this place. But there seems to be no such person in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands today, so the other party is likely to be a foreign creature, which instantly made him wary?

The old man's beard and hair were all white, his body was thin and withered, his clothes were ragged, he only had one arm, his face was stained with blood, ravines formed, his eyes were cloudy, and his body was almost completely decayed.

"Of course it's the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk replied.

"I am under the Immortal King of Six Paths, Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. You should know me." Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk said, taking the initiative to reveal his origins.

At the same time, his four corners lit up with a clear light, the chaotic light bloomed, and the powerful power of reincarnation filled the air.

"The magical weapon of the Immortal King of Six Paths!" The old man was obviously surprised.

The Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Immortal King of the Endless Immortal King were the leaders of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the past. They had a very special meaning to Bian Huang.

On the city wall, a group of children with dirty faces, unkempt hair and expressionless faces, have a kind of silence that transcends life and death, extremely vigilant and dull.

But at the same time, when they heard the introduction of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, they felt a little curious and looked at the people below.

You can imagine what these children have gone through. They should be innocent and innocent, but their faces are full of numbness and vigilance.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk?" The old man was surprised for a moment, and then fell silent. His face was still pale, and he waved with one arm to signal the children to retreat.

His other hand was one-armed, and a terrible law invaded his body, making it impossible for him to regenerate his arm after breaking it.

He was still vigilant and said: "Please get tested."

"How to test?" Six Paths of Samsara asked.

"You will know after you try it with a magic mirror." The old man replied, his eyes flickering. If these people were foreign creatures, he would definitely launch the most violent attack and turn them into nourishment like the people in the city.

Then, before the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk made any move, he looked at Xu Yu again.

"We come from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths." Xu Yu said peacefully.


At this moment, blood suddenly flowed in Xu Yu's body, surging, and wisps of brilliance emerged from his body. A treasure seal rushed out and floated above his head.

Seal of the Human Emperor!


Suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, the immortal light filled the heaven and the earth, the turbulent aura swept all directions, and the human emperor's seal dropped down with traces of ancient and vicissitudes of mysterious aura.

On the city wall, a group of people's eyebrows were glowing, forming ancient patterns, shining brightly, and breaking apart the clouds in the sky.

"The Emperor's secret power!"

The one-armed old man was so shocked that his eyes were about to burst. He looked at the suspended treasure seal with an incredible expression.

On the city wall, the blood of a group of people was boiling and burning, and inexplicable patterns appeared on their forehead bones, like a word, extremely bright.

In the middle of everyone's eyebrows, there is a small sun. When you raise your head, the beams of light will tear apart the heaven and the earth. These are all triggered by the Human Emperor's Seal.

Even Xu Yu was surprised. He did not activate the human emperor's seal, but it appeared automatically, causing resonance with these people and activating the mysterious marks on their foreheads.

According to outsiders, the tops of these people's heads, with divine light rising into the sky, are the unique patterns of the Sin Blood lineage.

But Xu Yu knew that these tattoos were symbols of glory, marks of glory, and immortal medals.

In the past, being crowned king was a kind of recognition, a symbol, a splendid inheritance, and was blessed by all ethnic groups, and their descendants also inherited that mark.

But why the Human Emperor's Seal had such a reaction and caused such a vision, this made Xu Yu a little surprised.

He stared at the Human Emperor's Seal with an incomprehensible expression. Even with the strength of the Immortal King giant, he still felt that the Human Emperor's Seal was somewhat mysterious and could not detect many clues.

"Could it be that... the legend is true?" The one-armed old man was shocked. He looked at Xu Yu and then at the human emperor's seal, and his body was trembling slightly.

That treasure seal triggered the power of their bloodline and caused the resonance of their bloodline, which suddenly made him think of a lot.

"Go and invite the king!" The old man was excited and secretly sent a message to another old man, asking him to invite the only king in the city.

At the same time, on the city gate tower, there was a bone mirror hanging, which was very gentle. At this moment, it shot out a ray of brilliance and submerged into the six paths of reincarnation.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation calmly accepts the illumination and is very calm. He also admires these people and can accept the test.

"It is indeed the divine disk of the Reincarnation Immortal King, and it is not controlled by a foreign race! He came here with good intentions, so he must be the true Human Emperor!"

The old man was excited, and the children on the wall were also a little surprised. Then they became happy, and those children cheered.


At this moment, in the city, a low mountain suddenly glowed, and a figure stepped out.

With one step, the mountains, rivers and earth are moving, the wind and clouds are changing, the avenues are intersecting, and all kinds of strange phenomena are born.


In the original imperial city, everyone was excited and very pious, as if they sensed that the king was traveling, and they all worshiped in that direction.

The last king is still alive!

The seven kings of Bianhuang were in charge of Bianhuang, and now only this one is left.

"Human Emperor!"

This is a heroic middle-aged man, tall and tall, with disheveled black hair, sword-shaped eyebrows slanting into his temples, and piercing eyes.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be polite." Xu Yu said and looked at this old man, who was also the last king in this city.

Some old people and children were shocked. They didn't expect that these people would alarm their ancient ancestor, the king!

"King Stone, you are still alive." The Six Paths of Reincarnation sighed, looking at this middle-aged man. He and he fought together in foreign lands in the past, so they naturally knew each other.

"Just hanging on for breath," Stone King nodded gently and looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

"At his peak, he was definitely an unparalleled Immortal King."

Xu Yu nodded secretly, feeling a majestic momentum that was not overwhelming, but absolutely upright, inviolable, and upright.


At this time, the magic circle was removed, and King Shi came forward. The people in the city naturally felt relieved. Then, Xu Yu and others came to the city.

Xu Yu's eyes turned to look at the king, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although he looked majestic and heroic, his body was almost decayed and his soul was about to end.

"I didn't expect that a human emperor would be born in this life," King Shi sighed.

In the ancient city, it was very quiet and empty. Several old men came with their children and looked at Xu Yu and others.

Of course, there are other people in the city, but for the majestic ancient city, the number of people is still too few, even insignificant.

After being baptized by the flames of war, the most glorious ancient city in the past has left mottled marks and scars, which have not faded to this day.

There are even bloodstains from the past that have not dried up, and most of the buildings are extremely old, telling the story of the past desolation.

"Human Emperor, I have offended you so much." The one-armed old man apologized and appeared with a group of children. He had doubted the Human Emperor just now, and now he felt deep self-blame in his heart.

Those children were nervous and curious as they looked at several people.

"It's okay." Xu Yu smiled, and then he looked at Lao He. The brilliance flowed, the runes condensed, and the power of life and death emerged, rippling out little bits of divine brilliance, which was astonishing.


A soft light flowed into the one-armed old man's broken arm. It was like a spring breeze turning into rain. This force quickly wiped out all the rules and order in his broken arm.

In an instant, the one-armed old man's injuries were gone, and every inch of his skin was glowing and crystal clear. Soon, his bones reappeared, his flesh and blood grew again, and a brand new arm grew out.

The old man's face also changed from old to young. The vitality of his flesh and blood reappeared, shrouded in brilliance. He changed from an old man to a heroic middle-aged man. His strength once again returned to its peak state, and even went further, reaching its peak. status.

"Grandpa has returned to his old age!" A young child shouted, causing everyone to look sideways and express strange expressions on their faces.

The one-armed old man was so excited that he even cried. For so many years, he never thought that he would one day recover.


Xu Yu used the secret technique again, as if the scriptures were turned over, wisps of blazing light filled the air, and huge fluctuations rolled up for nine days. Dang Jiuyou down.

The divine power has surging tides, ups and downs, and is unparalleled in the world. It can regenerate dead trees, make fallen flowers bloom again, and restore youth to the aged. Their power is not only reflected in their strength and killing power, but they can also moisturize things silently, be gentle and peaceful.

The old, weak, women and children in the city were suddenly surprised. The light and rain came, and all diseases were weakened. Full of energy.

"The Human Emperor is unparalleled!"

Many people were excited. This method was simply unbelievable. They had been fighting for many years and had to maintain the magic circle, which consumed a lot of their bodies. Moreover, many of them had hidden diseases. With Xu Yu's help, all diseases were eliminated. Even hidden diseases were eliminated. No, what an outrageous method this is.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there is still a strong man like the Human Emperor!

Originally, many people believed that there were not even true immortals in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but only supreme beings. However, Xu Yu's methods refreshed their understanding.

"Immortal King Giant!" King Shi's heart was slightly touched. His eyes were vicious. Although he is not in good condition now, he can still judge Xu Yu's strength now.

"You emperors, come in and have a chat!" King Shi said, looking at Xu Yu's Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and the small pagoda... (End of this chapter)

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