Xu Yu nodded and walked forward. Suddenly his eyes turned slightly and he saw a huge palace.

The flames there were surging, almost transparent, and there was an inexplicable flow of energy.

It can be vaguely seen that there are several kings sitting cross-legged in the palace, burning their true bodies, their bones are ignited, and their flesh and blood release their essence, turning into rays of light, blessing the original imperial city.

"The former king, even after his death in battle, still guards here," Xu Yu sighed softly, and couldn't help but feel admiration.

"In the battle at the end of Immortal Ancient times, how many heroes were buried in the wilderness, and how many splendid ones will never be seen again." The Six Paths of Reincarnation sighed desolately.

The original imperial city was the last year of the Immortal Ancient. Apart from the melee among the kings of the Great Red Sky, there were also bloody battles among the kings in the last year of the Immortal Ancient.

The battle for the title of king is fought here for the immortal king of a foreign land, until the soul is extinct and the tribe is almost destroyed. It is really tragic.

"Those are all former comrades..." King Shi sighed softly, feeling extremely lonely, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

At this moment, he felt infinite weariness and sadness deep in his heart. After fighting for eternity, his fighting spirit was exhausted, but in the end he could not reverse the trend.

In the city, many children were chattering and talking. This was related to their usual environment. Daily life was a depressing battle. They had no childhood and no joy. They were just struggling in life and death to protect the city.

Most of these children have lost their parents, lack corresponding warmth, and face cold land, cold weapons, and blood and bones.

But today, the king was born in a rare event, and the Human Emperor also arrived, bringing light to them, making the dull primitive imperial city suddenly brighter.

King Shi took Xu Yu to a low mountain, where he sat in prison.

Normally, he would stay in seclusion here and would not be born into the world. He would not take any action until the Immortal King personally came to visit him.

Now, he was born in person for the sake of the Human Emperor. You can see how much he values ​​it.

There is a cave on the low mountain. The interior is simple, with only stone tables and stone benches. This is where the king sits.

"How did you come here when you are the emperor of the world?"

King Shi sighed, asked Xu Yu to sit down, and started chatting with you.

Xu Yu also spoke concisely and to the point about his general experience.

Xu Yu asked King Shi and got a lot of information.

The reason why the Human Emperor's Seal can resonate with their bloodline is because in the beginning, the source of this secret power of blessing came from the Human Emperor's bloodline.

According to legend, in ancient times, a ceremony to confer kings was held in the city. Races with extraordinary achievements were once crowned kings.

As long as he is the leader of the clan, he can call his clan king.

For example, back then there were the Suzaku King, the Dragon King, the Human King... Among them, the Human King was more than one clan, divided into two or three surnames, and the Stone Clan had the surname of one of the Human Kings, and the Stone King in front of him was also of the same lineage as the Human King. .

But what the world hardly knows is that above all the kings, there is a real leader who is closely related to the lineage of the Human King, and that is... the Human Emperor!

Even the most primitive kings were entrusted by the Human Emperor.

It is said that the lineage of the Human King was personally blessed by the Human King!

The Human Emperor's Seal was a supreme magical weapon that was refined by the first generation of Human Emperors, and it became the Human Emperor's token.

After the first generation of the Human Emperor left the world sea, the Human Emperor's Seal became the symbol of the Human Emperor. These magic weapons embody the supreme power and cause and effect of an ancient world, and will automatically choose a new Human Emperor to fulfill their duties. The mission left behind by the first emperor.

Xu Yu was chosen by the Human Emperor Seal due to fate and became the new Human Emperor.

According to Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, he also manifested time in ancient times. It seems that it was that time that made Xu Yu the master of the Human Emperor Seal.

"It was the most glorious era of the Imperial City. Not only the seven kings but also the emperor were crowned kings in the borderlands, and the whole world celebrated," King Shi sighed with a look of longing.

"Have you ever seen the former Human Emperor?" Xu Yu's heart moved slightly.

"No, that Human Emperor is extremely mysterious. In our era, he has disappeared and must have entered the sea of ​​​​realm." King Shi shook his head.

According to him, in the original imperial city, in the beginning, there were not just seven kings, but more kings. It was a brilliant era, and even heroes from the fairyland would enter the imperial city.

Some kings of that era may have met the Human Emperor. Perhaps seeing that Xu Yu had many confusions and thinking that he was the new emperor, he took the trouble to explain everything one by one.

Next, the two talked about a lot of things, including Tianyuan, Diguan, the current state of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and even Liu Shen, Zhenlong and others.

"The ancestor sacrifice spirit is also alive?" King Shi was surprised.

"Yes, we are now in the boundary sea!" Xu Yu responded.

"That's great. The ancestral sacrificial spirit is here too. Maybe the future won't be too dark." King Shi sighed, knowing that Liu Shen was not dead, and he was also rarely a little excited.

The former ancestral sacrificial spirit rose up against the will of heaven and almost killed a foreign land by himself. Having such a strong man really made people feel at ease.

However, when talking about the sinful blood, the supreme king became angry and even wanted to kill him, but he quickly calmed down. For him, there is a more important mission, which is to sit in the original imperial city.

Xu Yu sighed in his heart, this is the real hero. Even if he has resentment in his heart, he still takes responsibility as the top priority.

When he learned that some Taoist traditions were destroyed by Xu Yu, and several remnant immortals were captured and taken to the borderlands, he also expressed his gratitude.

Subsequently, Xu Yu began to personally heal the wounds of the last king.

He injected life energy into the Stone King's body one after another, and the divine light illuminated the entire short mountain like a bolt of steel.

"That's...the king's aura!" Someone in the city was shocked and opened their mouths.

"What a rich essence. Did the Human Emperor help the king recover?" someone speculated.

On the low mountain, endless energy surged in like a river and the sea, and the stone king's body became more and more powerful.

The sea-like essence surged forward like a tidal wave, one after another, sinking into the Stone King's body.

Xu Yu's pupils seemed to connect the great road between heaven and earth. They were mysterious and unpredictable, pushing the stone king's withered body towards youth and gradually regaining its vitality.

It wasn't until a long time later that Xu Yu took action again, using the magic power of the giant to personally heal King Shi, and went a step further to resolve his injuries.

The Stone King of the past was also a Immortal King with shortcomings, but he experienced a cruel battle and his origin was damaged, and he almost fell to the king's level.

But even so, Xu Yu still used heaven-defying methods to slowly restore Stone King's exhausted body and ignite a spark of fire.

Of course, it is impossible to restore the opponent to his peak all at once, but he can recover 23/10 of it, and the rest can gradually return to his peak state after years of conditioning.

But now, his body seems to have regained its luster and glory, and it seems that he has recovered a lot.

"Perhaps soon, the alien cavalry will be locked up again. At that time, this imperial city may be completely destroyed." King Shi, who had recovered a lot, spoke. He was heroic and powerful, and his unparalleled demeanor could be seen vaguely.

However, now, hope arose in his heart. The Human Emperor Zhenshi was already a giant of the Immortal King, and the ancestral sacrifice spirit was still there. This was the most exciting news.

"Now that I am in good condition, I may be able to exert more powerful power from the abyss," King Shi said,

"No need to do this, let me arrange it myself first." Xu Yu said.

When he came here, he had a clear purpose, which was to lay out his plans in the imperial city of Tianyuan!

"Layout?" King Shi suddenly looked solemn.

"There will be chaos in the borderlands. Maybe in a few years, the Immortal King will knock on the door. We must make some preparations in advance." Xu Yu spoke very solemnly.

At the same time, the center of his eyebrows glowed, outlining traces of patterns, reflecting a gorgeous scenery. The future was chaotic and bloody.

Xu Yu's past secret calculations have evolved into a vague corner of the future.

Now, he has thought in his mind that due to his intervention, unpredictable changes may occur in the future, so it is better to make adequate arrangements.

The Stone King was immediately shocked. He was worthy of being the contemporary Human Emperor. His methods were unparalleled and he could evolve into a corner of the future. Sooner or later, the Immortal King of the foreign land would seize control. It was a matter of time, but the Human Emperor had already been thinking about these things. .

"What's the Human Emperor's countermeasure?" King Shi asked curiously.

Xu Yu sat on the stone bench, with innate essence flowing out of every pore, making his body like a glass and gold body without a trace of impurities, shining with brilliance. He was very calm and said slowly: "Build a supreme being on the abyss of heaven. The magic circle.”

Tianyuan is also a barrier, composed of countless rules and orders. Under normal circumstances, if activated, it can block the Immortal King.

But now the Immortal King thinks that the effect of Tianyuan is far less than before, but it can make a big fuss here, and it may produce unexpected huge effects in the future.

"Of course that's the case. Most of the power of rules and order left by the strong men in the Immortal Realm has been exhausted. If we add some blessings, we can catch them off guard." King Shi said solemnly, expressing his approval.

Nowadays, in the eyes of the outside world, there is no Immortal King in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Who would have thought that there is an Immortal King doing tricks.

As for the Immortal Realm, there is no need to think about it. Foreign Realms know their virtues too well. Now that the laws of the Dao are incomplete, the lower realm is just a filthy place for them. Almost no immortal king wants to go down to the lower realm.


Xu Yutou sent out wisps of unfathomable Qi, going up against the sky, and a clear path emerged. He stepped on the mysterious light and came to the sky above the original imperial city.

Xu Yu stood on the imperial city, looking at the sea of ​​stars in the outer universe and the sun, moon and stars.

Then, he looked at the original imperial city, where the bones of many immortals and kings were burning, turning into essence, supporting the operation of the ancient city.

He stood in the starry sky and silently deduced, constantly calculating, and then opened his palms and sprinkled the broken worlds one after another, crystal dots, and various rules and secrets emerged.

These are some incomplete ancient worlds salvaged from the boundary sea. If there are any extra, we can combine them with those big worlds to lay them out and treat them as chess pieces to play with and communicate with each other.

This is even more terrifying than the layout of the stars. After all, this is the great world that once existed. Although it has collapsed, there are still many forces of order and rules that remain.

If they are integrated into the magic circle, even the Immortal King will have a headache. With the blessing in Tianyuan Emperor City, the power will be even more extraordinary. He placed some broken and ancient worlds on a chessboard, and it seemed to merge into an incomparably complete world.

Under the starry sky, Xu Yu's black hair was disheveled and her eyes were deep, standing there like an immortal emperor, with rays of celestial light gathering towards him.

At the end, the white fairy light fell down like a waterfall, submerged into his pupils, turned into a blazing symbol, rushed out suddenly, and was imprinted on the condensed magic circle.


At this moment, the universe roared, the heaven and the earth seemed to have opened for the first time, the ancient city roared, and the center of the earth burst out with a monstrous beam of light, driving immeasurable mana.

"What's going on? There seems to be a change in Tianyuan!"

At this moment, outside the abyss, an immortal was alarmed.

In a foreign land, they have been plotting for a long time in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so they naturally sent immortals to stay by the Tianyuan to monitor the movements in this direction at any time.

The immortal felt something in his mind and discovered an abnormality. He originally wanted to enter Tianyuan to take a look, but he hesitated for a moment and considered that many immortals who entered had died inexplicably, so he quickly returned to the foreign land to report to the immortal. King.

In the next half month, Xu Yu wandered around the imperial city, constantly exploring, and gradually perfected the magic circle, bringing him closer to perfection so that he could better exert its huge power.

"As expected of the Human Emperor!" The Stone King stood on the short mountain with his piercing eyes. He instantly felt the unfathomable depth of this large formation. If the Immortal King took action rashly, he would definitely suffer a big loss and even be directly suppressed. possible.

Xu Yu returned to the original imperial city and stayed here for a while. On the one hand, he observed the progress of Stone King's injury, and on the other hand, he passed down some of the Immortal King's secret techniques, such as the Caozi Sword Art, Qilin Method, Thunder Emperor Method, etc. .

For ordinary people, it would be difficult for ordinary people to get started with these unique skills without certain appearance. However, most of the children in the original imperial city have good appearance and can understand many mysteries.

Some children also gradually became familiar with him, and the barriers between each other were reduced. Those children affectionately called him Uncle Human Emperor and respected him very much.

Xu Yu not only taught them all kinds of mysterious magical powers, but also saved their last king in the wilderness. This kindness was so great that they didn't know how to repay it.

Finally, Xu Yu, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan and Xiaota said goodbye to King Shi and everyone in the city, and were about to leave.

"Uncle Human Emperor..."

All the little guys are very reluctant to part with each other. These days, they have been getting along with each other in a warm and harmonious way, which is something that those cold wars could not bring to them.

The long-term contact also gave them a sense of trust and dependence on Xu Yu.

"Don't worry, the next time we see you again, when spring flowers are blooming, it will be the time when you return to your hometown." Xu Yu smiled and looked at everyone.

These children are all good-looking, and they are all descendants of the king. In a foreign land, these people can be called the descendants of the imperial clan.

They have experienced real iron-blooded training, and their future is limitless. If they can survive, they will definitely be able to soar into the sky. Xu Yu also has great expectations for them.

In fact, this is indeed the case. According to the original trajectory, a large part of these people became Shi Hao's eight hundred disciples, sweeping the world and shocking an era.

"Return home with honor..." A group of children who had experienced the war, including the old people, were all stunned, with a look of yearning on their faces, and an inexplicable glow.

The lights of swords, the sun and moon eclipsed, the ancient city was bloody, and so many brutal battles made them almost numb.

Returning to their hometown in glory seems to be an unattainable dream for them, too far away.

"The Human Emperor..."

King Shi sighed softly and wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start...

In fact, he was also depressed and seemed not to be optimistic about Jiutian's side.

In the past, there were Immortal Kings of Endlessness, Six Paths of Reincarnation, and Ten Evils in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but they still failed. Can the birth of the Human Emperor really change the situation of the war?

However, seeing Xu Yuping's calm demeanor and the aura of a leader, he actually had a vague expectation in his heart. Perhaps this new emperor might really be able to add some variables in the future.

A giant Immortal King is very intimidating no matter which world he is in. This is universally recognized. Even in foreign lands, there are not many giant Immortal Kings.

"Take care!" Xu Yu looked at Stone King and sighed softly.

When the golden Chaoyang left, Xu Yu and others left.


Peaceful clouds and mist rolled up, wrapped Xu Yu and the others away, and landed in a desert.

The first glow of the morning glow was extremely gorgeous, and the entire desert was dyed with a layer of pale golden brilliance. Not far from Tianyuan, you can see the Imperial Pass.

Xu Yu stood on the desert and looked at the current Imperial Pass in the distance.

The Imperial Pass is majestic and majestic, stretching like a dragon across the sky. It is magnificent and huge. This is a brand new Imperial Pass of later generations. It seems to be even more magnificent than the original Imperial City.

On the wall of Diguan City, there is an area where you can look out and overlook the desert. There are many masters patrolling every day. After all, foreign lands are eyeing the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. Now, it is even more rainy and the wind is full. There is a rumbling wind and everyone is free. It's dangerous, don't dare to slack off.

Xu Yu has not entered the Imperial Pass. At present, the key is to complete the small tower and the Samsara Disk. Moreover, he has set up a formation in Tianyuan Imperial City. If there is any movement in the foreign land, he will know about it soon.

"The Immortal Imperial Pass was once magnificent. I don't know how many people still remember the original Imperial Pass." Liu Dao Samsara shook his head and looked at the current Imperial Pass. He couldn't help but sigh,

"The storm is not going on, the beacon fire is not far away." Xiaota said looking into the distance.

"Let's go." Xu Yu didn't say anything. He unfolded his sleeves and robe, and took the two of them away. They turned into fairy light and disappeared. Finally, they crossed Jiebi and came to Dachitian?

Nine heavens and ten earths, the great red sky!

This is one of the nine days!

Dachitian, also known as Lihentian!

There are many legends about it, full of mystery.

For example, in this world, there once appeared a Great Red Heavenly Lord, who was famous and powerful for an era.

Moreover, in the last era, there were rivers of blood and mountains of bones, too much resentment and too much hatred.

There are countless corpses of true immortals piled up in this world, and regrets and hatred cannot be eliminated. This is also the origin of the theory of Lihentian. Later, people used their bones to build a male pass to suppress this world and block the cracks in the big world.

The Great Red Sky is vast and boundless. Xu Yu and the others keep moving forward. Some days the sun and moon turn upside down, and some mountains and rivers recede into the distance.

Dachitian, Yuxianling.

This is a restricted area of ​​life. It is said that true immortals will perish when they come, so the huge mountains are said to have fallen immortals.

Yuxian Ridge, as high as the sky and the earth, is a gray area, withered and cold, which is his eternal theme. It is so vast, with several mountains scattered here and there, forming one of several restricted areas. It is indeed very scary. People in the Nine Heavens , basically the color changes after hearing it.

No one dares to break in here, and whoever comes here must stop, otherwise, there will be no way in or out.

"My two-story tower is here, I can feel it vaguely." Xiaota was so excited that he had lost contact with the two-story tower for many years.

The small pagoda now has six floors. It was originally in the lower realm and had two floors. Later, the Yin and Yang Taoists in the upper realm destroyed the ancient pagoda and took back the two-storey ancient pagoda, making it six floors. There are two more floors right here in the Fallen Immortal Ridge. .

Xu Yu looked at Yuxian Ridge, his eyes were filled with auras of light, and the divine clouds were intertwined. He stared at this place, and for more than just a reason, he vaguely felt that there was something special about Yuxian Ridge.

It can be clearly seen that under the first layer of mountains, there are many overlapping dead bones, and there is a thick layer. Between the several mountains, there is an immortal aura permeating the air, a fairy mist shrouding it, and even some lush green areas. The place exudes vitality, and there is a faint fragrance of elixir, which is fragrant and fragrant.

That's where the forbidden creatures live.

Xu Yu put his hands behind his back, and his eyes moved gently, turning into terrifying beams of light and rumbling, forming a terrifying pressure.

The mighty breath swept through the universe, tearing apart the universe and reaching all directions.

Of course, this is still the result of his deliberate suppression, otherwise the power would be greater and this restricted area might turn into scorched earth.

"Your Excellency...who is it?" A powerful creature was alarmed.

The gray mist drifted, and a gray-haired humanoid creature appeared tremblingly, with a look of horror on his face. He looked at Xu Yu with a fearful expression. This man was too powerful.

"Don't worry, we are here with good intentions." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said coldly, but it made the creature shiver.

Xu Yu looked down at this sacred land with an indifferent expression. At the same time, a cauldron rushed out from his palm, slowly rotating, covering the world, fixing the universe, and locking the mountains and rivers. This was his immortal golden cauldron.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron, which determines the universe, covers the heaven and earth, and invisibly cuts off the breath of this world. The Immortal Golden Cauldron is even more invisible in the heaven and earth, and is integrated with the void. It is almost invisible from the outside world, even if it is The Lord of Meteor Immortal Ridge didn't even notice the clues.

This place also has a lot of cause and effect for Xu Yu because Canxian once invited a true immortal who came from here. He was the middle-aged true immortal holding a black gold fairy stream. He wanted to suppress Canxian together with Canxian in the ancient ruins of the immortal. However, he was suppressed by him with a snap of his fingers, and now he is serving "military service" in the border wilderness.

"Stand down and let your clan leader come out!" Xiaota said coldly, his eyes flashing with murderous intent. He had a big grudge and a big cause and effect with the master of the Meteor Immortal Ridge, and now he wanted to end everything.

"You are so presumptuous! How can you be so condescending to someone who is the leader of the clan?"

Although the gray-haired True Immortal has a chill down his spine, he is still fierce in appearance. The forbidden area exists forever and cannot be humiliated by ordinary people, because the forbidden area is not just a forbidden area, many forbidden areas are almost connected, and they are connected with the same energy. For ordinary strong people, they are really of fearlessness.

A monstrous aura filled the air, a brilliant golden light shot into the sky, and a terrifying figure appeared.

The mist shrouded him in a haze, and most people, even with clairvoyance, could not see through it. Only a pair of golden eyes revealed a frightening light, and a tall figure could be vaguely seen, looking down coldly like a demon god. Everyone.

But Xu Yu could see clearly, and under the illumination of his innate divine eyes, he could see everything at a glance.

It was a humanoid creature with loose blond hair and a tall figure, almost the same as a human race, but he knew that this person's body was a golden-haired roar.

"Fellow Taoist, you've passed..." the Lord of the Fallen Immortal Ridge said coldly. (End of chapter)

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