Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 457 The Immortal King’s mount, the Lord of the Valley of Rebirth

"A golden hair roars..." Xu Yu looked at him indifferently, his eyes flashed with divine light, and the beam split the sky and shattered the clouds. He stared at it, forming a terrifying pressure and rumbling.

"I'm careless..." The face of the Lord of Meteor Fairy Ridge suddenly changed. He felt a terrible pressure, and cold sweat was flowing. This man was too terrifying. Just a pair of pupils seemed to be able to cut his body into pieces and destroy him. 's soul.

A strong man who was born as an Immortal King is best able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Otherwise, in the past when the ancient Immortal City collapsed, he would still be alive today. In just a short moment, he made a judgment with an uncertain expression on his face.

Just now I thought he was just an ordinary Immortal King, but now it seems that this person is at least a top Immortal King and is not someone he can offend.

"It's you..." Suddenly, his color changed again, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

He attaches great importance to cause and effect. When the True Immortal from the restricted area came out, he naturally knew about it. He also deduced it and found out that the terrible monk who suppressed the Remnant Immortal was just a battle mark in Sanqianzhou, so he acquiesced. He knew the actions of his disciple’s true immortal, but he didn’t expect that Xu Yu’s true form would appear now.

"Didn't you enter the Primordial Gate?" The Lord of the Fallen Immortal Ridge was surprised. Logically speaking, after entering the Primordial Gate, there was almost no possibility of survival.

"What if you are free in the world, traveling across the world, and entered the primitive gate?"

"Hand over the two-story ancient pagoda!" the small pagoda shouted, out of anger. The six-story ancient pagoda was filled with terrifying aura. On each floor, an ancient beast emerged. It was extremely ferocious. There was also a terrifying figure on the top of the tower. The beam soars into the sky.

He has a great cause and effect with this person. He took away his tower body and caused his own realm to fall.

The two floors were controlled by him and remain to this day. This is a mortal hatred.

The Lord of Yuxian Ridge stood on the mountain, looking down, his eyes were bright and shining, like two magic lamps. Only an outline of his tall body could be seen.

"You are actually alive." The Lord of Meteor Immortal Ridge looked solemnly and looked at the small tower. His two-story tower was obtained from a sneak attack on the small tower, and its origins are not glorious.

"The magical weapon of the Immortal King of Reincarnation..." The Lord of the Fallen Immortal Ridge looked slightly condensed and looked towards the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

"Today is the day of reckoning!" Xiaota said coldly.

"Fellow Taoist, please don't be upset. I can return the two-story tower to you." The Lord of the Fallen Immortal Ridge opened his mouth and said like this. The form is stronger than the human. There is no other way. Moreover, the other party also has a mysterious human race strongman who should be provoked. No.

The gray-haired Immortal's face turned pale, and even their clan leader lowered his head. He had dared to scold them before, which made him frightened for a while. His calves were cramping, and he almost collapsed on the ground.


The Lord of the Fallen Immortal Ridge sacrificed a ruined pagoda, and the two-story ancient pagoda emerged. The small pagoda was overjoyed and summoned him with a chirping sound. Crystal light fell down, and the bottom of the tower glowed, filled with chaotic energy, and the joints looked like mutton-fat white jade. Generally softened, every inch is glowing, making a great blend.

"Fellow Taoists, now we can put aside what happened today." The Lord of Meteor Immortal Ridge said, his eyes were condensed, and he spoke like this,

"It's a joke, this is my body. Back then, you almost caused me to lose my body and spirit. How should I compensate you?" Xiaota said coldly. He had a big grudge against this person, and now he is still in the process of fusion. , otherwise he would definitely take action directly.

After seeing this person, part of his memory was restored. When he was severely injured, this person took advantage of the chaos to seize the tower, causing him to lose two layers of the tower. Otherwise, he would not have been able to seize another two layers of the tower by that little character of Onmyoji. Body, this is a shame!

"Whether it's fairy gold, magical medicine, or precious materials, fellow Taoist, feel free to ask for anything, as long as I can do it, there's no problem in saying anything if you're worried."

The Lord of Meteor Immortal Ridge hurriedly spoke. He could see that this small tower should have a great hatred towards him. It was indeed impossible to resolve the grudges easily, but speaking of it, the cause and effect between him and this small tower was also huge.

He looked at Xu Yu aside, which made his scalp numb and his mind couldn't help but tremble. That person was too terrifying, far beyond what a flawless Immortal King like himself could deal with.

"No need!" Xiaota said coldly. With Xu Yu here, he got many magical treasures. He had the World Stone, not to mention these small fairy gold and magical materials.


The Lord of the Fallen Immortal Ridge had an ugly expression. If Xu Yu hadn't been here, he would have turned against him a long time ago. If he was so humble, he would have struck hard.

If this matter spreads to the outside world, it will definitely cause an uproar. It is rare for people to bow their heads even in the restricted area of ​​Jiutian.

"There is no irresolvable hatred in the world. For living beings like you and me, the ups and downs of the ages are just an illusion. It is better to dissolve enemies than to make them end. If you fellow Taoists have any requests, feel free to ask for them." The Lord of Meteor Fairy Ridge gave in again. One step forward.

"Let me make a suggestion. You can lead the Fallen Immortal Ridge to surrender to me. I still lack an Immortal King to take my place, so that's good."

Chen Xuan said coldly, he didn't have a good impression of this golden-haired roar. On the original trajectory, he not only took away the two-story tower, but also sneak-attacked Shi Hao who was attacking the Immortal King Realm.

Not long ago, he even acquiesced to the True Immortal entering the Three Thousand States and killing his mark, which caused a lot of karma to him, but he had no intention of killing him.

This golden-haired roar has good strength and is very powerful, which makes him want to conquer him. Moreover, this golden-haired roar can also be regarded as an immortal king's combat power. Although it is far inferior to himself, it is still very extraordinary.

Missing a fairy king to take his place?

Not only the gray-haired immortal, but also the golden-haired one, even the small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, all looked slightly dull and couldn't believe their ears.

After a while, a few people finally came to their senses and proposed to accept the Immortal King as a mount. Who in the past has had such courage?

The Lord of the Fallen Immortal Ridge looked extremely ugly. The other party's statement that he wanted to conquer him had already touched his bottom line! who is he?

The Lord of the Meteor Immortal Ridge Forbidden Zone has divided a vast territory in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. No one can offend him. He sits and watches the ups and downs of the world, overlooking the changes of the eras. He himself remains immortal and is respected by the world.

But now, he was actually asked to subdue him, become his mount, and bring Meteor Immortal Ridge under his command. How could he endure this?

As an Immortal King, I am already proud of myself, so how can I live in the lap of others in disgrace? ?

In an instant, he sent out his spiritual thoughts, trying to contact other restricted areas and find helpers, but the next second he was stunned. Meteor Immortal Ridge had completely blocked out the aura, and the magical techniques of his spiritual thoughts could not be transmitted.

"Want to run?" Xu Yu asked, standing there with his hands behind his back, his eyes like lightning, very oppressive.

At this moment, he seemed to represent heaven and earth, eternity and the great road, with black hair shawl and majestic appearance, like an immortal monument.

Rays of light flew out one after another, and one god after another intertwined. He became the center of the world, and it seemed that even the sun, moon and stars were rotating around him.

"It's too much to bully others!" the Lord of Meteor Immortal Ridge said with an ashen face.

"Surrendering to me is not an insult to you. Remember, what you just said was a notification, not a discussion!"


There was a dull drum sound, which seemed to hit the heartbeats of everyone. It was Xu Yu moving forward, and he was ready to take action!

His eyes are like two immortal green lamps, reflecting the vast world of mortals and the gorgeous scenery of the heavens, rotating endlessly, and every step he takes is like a drum beating in the sky, making people's blood roar and stir. more than.

This is the terrifying power of the giant Immortal King. Every move contains the general trend of heaven and earth, and he can rebuke the great road and suppress all directions.

"Zhen!" Xu Yu scolded lightly and stretched out a big hand.


The entire world seemed to be producing infinite Dao sounds. It was a hand that looked ordinary, but at this moment it was amplifying at an extremely fast speed, and it was taller than the mountains. The Dao sounds exploded, and even cracks appeared in the void. Fine cracks, and thousands of chaotic energy hanging down.

Almost in an instant, Jin Maohou's expression suddenly changed, and the palm that had fallen down exuded traces of inexplicable majestic energy, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

This energy made their bodies burst, and it seemed to be more powerful than the heavenly sword, making him feel an extremely heavy sense of oppression.


Giant Immortal King!

Jin Maohou's eyes were about to burst. At this moment, he could really feel its aura. The person in front of him turned out to be a giant Immortal King!

A giant above the supreme Immortal King!

He had just entered the Primordial Gate, how could he achieve such a fruition? He was really puzzled. In an instant, his mind was spinning, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Jin Mao roared and waited passively for death. This was not his character. Instead, he transformed into a huge form. The golden light surged like a wave. The huge roar shook the universe and almost shattered the Meteor Immortal Ridge.

His body is one head, and his whole body is covered with golden hair, flowing with divine brilliance, and every strand is clanging. If the divine sword clangs, it is so bright that even the sun in the sky will be dimmed at this moment, unable to compete with it. Hui.

The golden hair roar is huge, ferocious and majestic, its blood energy is soaring into the sky, shattering the universe, and its terrifying aura is overwhelming.

But it was still useless. That big hand was so terrifying. The majestic aura swept through the world, and the stars and the moon dimmed. It was pressed down slowly. Before it reached the body, the golden hair roar was trembling, and it was almost unbearable. That kind of The breath was too terrifying, making his body stiff and unable to move. In front of the big hand that pressed down, he actually looked...

It was faint and weak, and the palm was filled with faint chaotic light, as if the ancient world was slowly and powerfully suppressing it.


Jin Maohou screamed miserably, and was pinned to the ground by the big chaotic hand. His muscles and bones screamed and almost broke. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and he kept staggering back.

He was shocked and at the same time extremely bitter in his heart. This was the legendary giant. He really had unparalleled looks and could suppress ordinary immortal kings at will!

The Giant Immortal King is so terrifying!

Even for an ordinary Immortal King, the distance between him and the giant is like a chasm, almost insurmountable, let alone a flawed Immortal King like Jin Mao.

Even if he takes action in anger, it is nothing more than incompetent rage. The final result is that a moth flies into the flame and a mantis flies into a chariot.

"The horse is extraordinary and a good mount."

Xu Yu nodded slightly, showed a faint smile, and looked at the golden retriever with a satisfied expression on his face.

This golden retriever has a golden appearance, a strong body, and is very powerful, but it is a rare mount.

"Take a hit from me!"

After the fusion of the small pagoda was completed, it turned directly into an eight-story ancient pagoda. The whole body was crystal clear and snow-white, and all the spirits emerged on the walls of the pagoda.

Now, he is powerful enough to directly form a body as huge as a mountain and directly suppress it.


Golden Retriever roared, and after being hit, his whole body was shaking. The dull pressure was like a galaxy, soaking through his body inch by inch, making his body almost collapse.

Today's small tower has eight layers of fusion, and already has the combat power of the Immortal King. With the previous fusion of the World Stone, the current strength has once again transformed based on the original plan.

Moreover, he is the tower body, which is the hardest. Even the Immortal King does not dare to attack it. You can imagine how terrifying this power is.

Coupled with the mysterious origin of the small tower, it is very likely that it is a supreme treasure that was sacrificed by the strongest people in the Emperor's Fall era. It is extremely powerful.

Jin Maohou's face turned pale, and he felt deeply humiliated, but at the same time he was helpless. The cause and effect between him and these two people was too great, and now he was unable to fight against the strength of the two.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was also speechless, looking at the miserable golden fox. Since ancient times, it was rare for the creatures in the restricted area to be so miserable.


Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and the light flowed between opening and closing. The beams of light surged, piercing the center of his eyebrows, suppressing his spirit. Since the other party was unwilling to surrender, it was necessary to take some coercive measures.


Jinmaohou trembled, roared, and struggled violently. The beam of light sank into his eyebrows and turned into divine chains of order, forcibly suppressing him.

How could this be?

He was angry in his heart, but all this was in vain. Xu Yu turned over and straddled his back.

Xu Yu, who was riding a golden-haired roar, was covered in golden light and extremely powerful, just like an immortal emperor riding on an immortal beast, parading around in all directions.

"Hahaha, you old boy, you also have today, I will come too!"

Xiaota laughed, and rushed over, pressing on top of his head. Chaos energy filled the air, and Jin Maohou almost fell apart with a click.

Xu Yu was speechless, got off Jinmaohou's back, and tossed Xiaota around as he pleased. Later, Xiaota felt unhappy, so in order to ride him more conveniently, Xiaota turned into a humanoid creature and straddled his back.

"Although the body of the tower is the carrier of Tao, the human body also has many mysteries." The humanoid creature transformed by the small tower roared on golden fur and sighed with emotion, which was considered to be a fierce breath.

The golden retriever was helpless and sad in his heart. Now that his form was stronger than his own, he had no choice but to succumb.

The gray-haired true immortal beside him was almost stunned and almost fainted. The dignified clan leader of Yuanxian Ridge actually became a mount, making him seem to think that he was living in a dream.

"Roar..." Golden Retriever roared, his hair standing on end. He could only express his dissatisfaction in this way.

"Naochao, what are you barking at?" Xiaota slapped him on the head unceremoniously. The angry Golden Retriever secretly gritted his teeth, not daring to speak, but in his heart he greeted his eighteen generations of ancestors.

He was helpless, his soul was locked, his strength was suppressed, and he couldn't resist at all.

Generally speaking, the masters in the restricted area are somewhat different from the real Immortal King, but not by much. Some have flaws in their Dao Fruit, and some have combat power close to that of the Immortal King. They have almost set foot in that realm.

Of course, with this level of strength, there is nothing wrong with being called a strong person in the realm of Immortal Kings.

But under the giant Immortal King like Xu Yu, the so-called Immortal King with Imperfections in the Forbidden Zone is just a joke. Even if he feels unhappy and doesn't want to be a mount, he can't help it.

The golden retriever is very aggrieved. He is a great hero of his generation. He was once respected by the world, but now he has ended up like this.

He wanted to self-destruct at this moment, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't control his body because his soul was imprisoned and his whole body was almost refined.

Xu Yu's divine eyes were too terrifying, and those beams of light suppressed him steadily. This method was too unnatural, and his strength was enough to dominate the field of Immortal King.

Xiaota, who had transformed into a human form, rode the golden retriever for a long time. After losing interest, he changed back to the appearance of Ta, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Let's go to the next restricted area!" The few people didn't delay and made a decision immediately...


Jin Mao roared helplessly, and several people set off. Xu Yu put away the Immortal Golden Cauldron and rode on Jin Mao's back again, but he was helpless.

Several people left the Fallen Immortal Ridge, and according to some information that Liu Shen had received from the Fallen Immortal King before, they moved forward, and soon they came to an uninhabited land.

The next restricted area is called the Valley of Rebirth, and is also the location of the incomplete Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. It is said that a corner of the Reincarnation Disk fell back then and was obtained by the owner of the Valley of Rebirth in this restricted area. In this no-man's land, the ancient trees have sprouted buds and the springs are gurgling. It is very peaceful, like a fairyland, with a misty atmosphere.

This restricted area also belongs to Dachitian and is not far from Yuanxian Ridge, so they arrived soon.

What surprised him was that there were many hanging coffins on the cliffs in this uninhabited land, full of mystery.

"These ancient coffins are a little special. They seem to be isolated from everything." Xu Yu was surprised. These coffins are very special, as if everything is sealed inside.

His divine eyes flickered, flickering with misty divine brilliance, and he took a thorough look at the situations inside many ancient coffins.

In many ancient coffins, there are various creatures, including human beings and other races.

However, they all have one characteristic, their bodies are well maintained and they look like they are alive.

"Well, these people are all buried in the sky, there are some secrets." Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan spoke, and then several people looked at Jin Mao.

"The Master of the Valley of Rebirth is studying the Dharma of Reincarnation. These are his past experiences." Golden Retriever responded helplessly. The situation was stronger than others and he had to surrender.

The cliffs are erected up and down, and the coffin is mottled. It has survived for countless years. This has to be said to be a miracle.

"What does he want to do?" Xiaota asked with interest.

"It is said that his old capital rests here. He hopes that one day he will be buried in the sky and gather the real heavenly spirits to wake them up in the future," Jin Maohou replied.

According to Jin Maohou, the owner of this forbidden area wanted to awaken the old memories of the past, so he was buried hanging in the sky, using the formation as a guide, hoping that one day they could be reborn.

Valley of Rebirth.

Soon after, they entered the deepest part of the uninhabited land. Turning left and right, they suddenly disappeared from a mountain range and entered a vaster area.

There are many ancient cliffs, towering old trees, and the roaring of apes and tigers. It is an extremely primitive landscape, as if no one has been there for millions of years.

"What a hidden area." Xu Yu and the others were slightly surprised. If he hadn't had the coordinates left by Liu Shen and Jin Maohou's directions, they would have been able to

It's really hard to find this place.

The Valley of the Past is isolated from the human world, surrounded by the ancient formation, and is located in a vast uninhabited area.

Far away, Xu Yu saw a huge valley, where the fairy energy was soaring into the sky and surrounded by white clouds, like a fairyland.

"What a holy land." Xu Yu looked at the mountains and terrain and was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a sacred land in Jiutian.

Soon, a group of people came out to welcome him. They seemed to be roaring in the sky and the earth, reaching for the stars and the moon. Their momentum was astonishing, and their celestial energy was overwhelming.

"The distinguished guest is coming to our door, but I cannot welcome you from afar."

In the middle is an old Taoist. He has white beard and hair, a thin face and a thin body. He is dressed in white clothes and looks like an old god with a smile on his face.

Lord of the Valley of Rebirth!

"I already know your purpose of coming." The old Taoist smiled slightly and looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. When he saw Xu Yu riding on Jin Maohou, his pupils shrank slightly and a hint of shock flashed through him.


A divine disk flew over, blooming with boundless light, filled with chaotic energy, and flowing with brilliant brilliance.


The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was overjoyed. He chanted scriptures in his mouth, pulled the Divine Disk, and began to fuse it. Another corner was obtained, and now only the last corner is left.

Xu Yu and Xiaota were surprised, but the owner of the Valley of the Past was happy to return the sacred plate like this.

"It's time and destiny. There are great causes and effects on you. If I don't follow the destiny, there may be a big disaster."

The Master of the Valley of Rebirth was quite calm and had nothing to be ashamed of, so he admitted it openly.

"You all have come a long way, why don't you go into the valley and tell me."

The Master of the Past Life Valley smiled, and he was relieved when he saw that the few people had no intention of making trouble.

"That's fine." Xu Yu nodded, and Xiaota's Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also agreed.

The master of the penalty area is pretty good, has a good attitude, and doesn't embarrass him anymore.

Moreover, this reincarnation disk is different from the body of the small tower. He did not snatch it, but it fell into this restricted area during the battle and was obtained by him. Naturally, there is no hatred for the reincarnation disk.

The Valley of Rebirth is really magnificent. The surrounding cliffs are towering into the clouds, majestic and majestic. The huge valley surrounding it is enough to accommodate several super giant cities.

In the valley, there are many things happening, auspicious air is steaming, fairy air is rushing into the sky, and they mix together to form many mysterious scenes.

A group of people entered the ancient city and came to a mansion. The Lord of the Valley of Rebirth invited Xu Yu and others to sit down.

A group of people sat down calmly. With their absolute strength, they could naturally fear nothing.

Among this group of people, there was only one Jin Maohou who felt uncomfortable. He was also the master of the restricted area, but he became a mount.

Everyone started talking, and soon they talked about reincarnation.

"Your Excellency, it seems that you are also studying reincarnation?"

Xiaota asked curiously.

"Yes, the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation is indeed amazing and talented. I also want to study the secret of rebirth through the Reincarnation Disk." The Master of the Valley of Rebirth sighed softly.

Xu Yu nodded slightly, showing a lot of interest in this person's life. This person was quite straightforward, and he studied reincarnation, and he was considered a person of the most affectionate nature.

This person should have made a lot of progress in studying reincarnation.

"Reincarnation in the world is mostly empty. It is just the birth of a new soul from an old body, and it is no longer the same self as before..."

The Master of the Valley of Rebirth spoke slowly, explaining his point of view.

According to him, in a certain sense

It is said that there is no reincarnation in this world. When a person dies, the soul is completely destroyed. If he is reborn later, he is just another spiritual body, with a body that is similar to the spirit.

Therefore, he did not want to do this, so he used the divine coffin to warm their old physical bodies, suppress everything in their bodies, and prevent the breeding of spiritual bodies.

"If we can find the spirit of the past, collect some of its imprints, and use it as a medium, we may be able to resurrect it again," the Lord of the Valley of Rebirth said, his eyes shining brightly.

This is also the reason why his coffin is hanging in the sky, trying to call back the "spirit of heaven" into his body!

Xu Yu was slightly shocked. Although this person was just a flawed Immortal King, his insights were unique and extraordinary, which gave Xu Yu a lot of inspiration.

"The yin and yang are reversed, mutually reinforcing each other, there is no absolute life, and there is no absolute death. Even if the soul is eliminated, it may exist in the world in another medium." Xu Yu whispered, seeming to have emotion,

"Fellow Taoist is right, the disappearing soul will not really be scattered to pieces?" The Master of the Valley of Rebirth's eyes widened and he seemed to be touched.

He studied reincarnation and resurrection techniques. Hearing Xu Yu's words, he felt deeply, as if he had figured out some issues, and he looked thoughtful.

"Perhaps the extreme of life is death, and similarly, the extreme of death is also life. The two transform into each other, but..." the Master of the Valley of Rebirth said.

"But it requires a specific environment and medium to complete!" Xu Yu said what the Master of the Past Life Valley had not finished.

Looking closely at the original work, breaking a king and becoming an emperor and reincarnation have always been throughout ancient history.

The emperor cannot be found in the world, and there is no shortage of people who have studied reincarnation throughout the ages.

Whether it is the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Immortal Ancient Era, the Master of the Rebirth Valley in front of him, or the founder of the Reincarnation Seal, they have all made many breakthroughs in exploring the path of reincarnation.

Even if it has not been confirmed yet, it is enough to prove the mystery of reincarnation.

In the following period, Xu Yu and the Master of the Past Life Valley seemed to have been friends for many years, conducting research on the two topics of past life and reincarnation.

Jinmaohou, Xiaota and others were shocked. These two people had probably gone very far in their understanding of reincarnation.

As time passed, the two of them started talking more and more, and they felt like they were mutual confidants, which left both the Six Paths of Samsara Disk and Xiaota speechless.

However, as the two discussed the Tao, time passed, and one day, a drastic change occurred in Bianhuang Diguan... (End of this chapter)

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