Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 458: The real immortal rushes to the rescue in a foreign land

Border wilderness, Diguan.

Deep in the desert, vast energy fluctuations came, sweeping across the sky and the earth. It was so terrifying.

At this moment, the abyss shook and seemed to collapse.

Then, the Imperial Pass trembled unprecedentedly, and something like this happened!

"No, the Immortal King is about to knock on the door. Is he trying to force his way through the abyss?" Someone trembled and made a judgment.

"He is the Immortal King, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are in danger!" someone shouted.

Just the word immortal is enough to crush the galaxy, let alone the legendary taboo existence, the Immortal King!

Many people looked ugly. If the Immortal King crossed the Abyss, it would be a real disaster. If the Immortal King crossed the Abyss, no one could stop them.

In the vast desert, the abyss was slowly rotating, like the eye of the sea, and like a big funnel. But at this moment, it was upside down, shaking violently, blooming with various brilliance, and seemed to explode.


The sound of grand chanting was overwhelming, reaching far and wide, and golden decrees flew out one after another. Then the decrees began to burn, forming mysterious symbols, which seemed to penetrate the abyss of heaven and completely open this world.

Many people in Diguan were horrified. They seemed to see a demon lord sitting cross-legged at the end of the world, looking down at them with indifference.

Outside the pass, one after another the decrees of the Immortal King were burning, as if some kind of ceremony was being held, which was mysterious and endless, making people's hearts tremble.

In the golden desert, the sound of horns sounded, and it seemed that thousands of troops and horses were attacking to attack the Imperial Pass.

The sky and the earth were filled with blood. As the decree passed across the sky and the battlefield was sacrificed, amazing changes took place in the abyss.

As if the end is approaching, there are black lightning and blazing thunder, intertwined with each other, and accompanied by the torrential rain of blood, falling one after another.

The heaven and earth trembled, and the universe was dimmed!

Even the ancient imperial gates are crumbling, and even though they are based on star skeletons, the immortal walls are almost cracking.

"Is the Immortal King about to lock the door?"

In the ancient city, many old men shook off the dust from their bodies and suddenly opened their eyes, their expressions solemn and pale with shock.

"This is... immortal power!" Many people looked pale.

Even though there was a defense at the Imperial Pass, the intoxicating aura penetrated the void and made many people feel it. It was a kind of vast power of heaven that was beyond the reach of human beings!

Just like ants facing a blue dragon, many people feel a sense of powerlessness in their hearts!

"Immortal King!" In the city, Shi Hao clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with astonishing brilliance.

He had previously attacked the royal family in the Great Red Sky and looked down upon the young prodigies from foreign lands, but now under this kind of heavenly power, his strength seemed insignificant.

His eyebrows were slightly raised, the Immortal King was about to knock down the door, and he felt tremendous pressure. For some reason, a majestic figure emerged in his heart.

Emperor Guanzhong!

Top geniuses such as Ten Crown King, Shi Yi, Banished Immortal, Gegu and Chi Yan also have heavy pressure in their hearts. The Immortal King is too terrifying.

They are all extremely talented people. If they are given enough time, they will definitely be able to truly stand on their own. Now it seems that time is not waiting for us!

On the walls of Diguan, there are many supreme auras permeating the sky and covering the earth, but in the eyes of the immortal auras in the distance, they are so insignificant, just like fireflies and bright moons.

"The Immortal King..." A young figure stood on the wall of the Imperial Pass, with bright eyes, staring outside the pass, the supreme aura surging.

This man looks very young, but his voice is very old. Anyone who is familiar with him knows that he is an old antique, far less young than he looks. He is Wang Changsheng, the top supreme figure in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

"The general trend is coming, and it is impossible to resist." An old woman appeared, and she was also a supreme being. She was the head of the Jin family, Taijun Jin!

The other figures were silent, looking in the direction outside the pass, somewhat silent.

Outside the pass, every decree is glowing, hanging in the air, burning violently, forming various mysterious runes, and imprinting them there.

Invisibly, it seems that some kind of sacrifice is being held, and a passage is about to be penetrated to communicate with the power in the dark.

"It's dangerous!" You Zhizun's face darkened, feeling that something was wrong.

The Immortal King has revived and is about to launch unparalleled measures!

In the distance, on the horizon, a black torrent surges. They are foreign people and horses, an endless army, approaching.

Like a flood, pressing down on the heaven and earth, vast and accompanied by strong evil aura, this is an iron-blooded army, the murderous aura is too strong.

"Commanders of all tribes, come to the city quickly!" A supreme leader shouted, asking the leaders of all tribes to come up and gather together. Now that the situation is not good, we must pool our efforts to fight the enemy together.

"This time, the foreign land is coming fiercely. I think it is probably related to Huang and the rotten wooden box he brought." Jin Taijun said in a deep voice, looking at the many leaders.

Many people's eyes flickered, but they did not speak immediately, and were somewhat silent. Huang did bring back a rotten wooden box before, which was a valuable treasure. It is a pity that no one has researched him and found out some clues.

"People who went to Sanqianzhou before said that this time, there will be immortals participating in the battle, not whether they have arrived at the Imperial Pass." Suddenly, a Supreme said this, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Others also looked stunned, a little surprised and excited.

Although this is not the first time they have heard this kind of news, it is still a hope in their hearts.

In Sanqian Daozhou, a mysterious and powerful man forcibly suppressed several immortals. This matter was naturally spread to Bianhuang Emperor City by the three middle-aged men.

Even if they didn't spread the word, the news would be enough to shake the nine heavens and ten earths, and there was no way it could be concealed.

And it is said that it was a mysterious strong man who crossed the primordial gate and left a mark. He still suppressed the residual immortals and let them go to the borderlands to fight and atone for their sins.

"Crossing the Primordial Gate, the strong man has probably fallen, the brand has disappeared, and the few immortals will probably not follow his instructions, otherwise they would have been here long ago." Jin Taijun shook his head.

"Besides, even a few immortals can't fight against the Immortal King."

When several Supremes heard this, they all sighed. This certainty is extremely high. It seems that it is extremely unlikely that they can rely on you now, and they can only rely on themselves.

There are many figures on the city wall, and the leaders of various tribes have arrived, looking solemnly outside the pass.

"Bring Huang here. This matter has something to do with him, so give him a seat." Jin Taijun spoke again.

Many people suddenly showed strange expressions and looked at Shi Hao, knowing that the strong man who had crossed the primitive gate had a close relationship with Shi Hao.

Soon, Shi Hao was brought up, but he was not the only one, a group of other young people also followed.

People like Shi Yi, Banished Immortal, Ten-Crown King, Cao Yusheng and others also wanted to see the current situation in foreign lands.

The wall is magnificent, as high as the sky, and shines with the sun and the moon. It is the first time for these young geniuses to climb the city wall of Shengguan.

"So many terrible creatures!" Many young people's faces changed in an instant.

If this group of people came in, how could they resist in the nine heavens and ten earths?

Even though he is as deep as Shi Yi and as steady as the Ten-Crown Emperor, his expression is extremely solemn and his brows are furrowed.

Because Jiutian and Tendi were crippled during the battle at the end of the Immortal Ancient Period, the rules of the Great Realm were incomplete, and the combat power of the monks on Jiutian's side was not as good as that of the foreign land.

There are armies of foreign lands everywhere, a mass of darkness, with all kinds of divine lights flashing in from the depths of the horizon.

The army was vast, but there was no chaos. It was uniform. It didn't take long before it stopped outside the Imperial Pass.


The sky and the earth roared, the sun and the moon eclipsed, and a black chariot drove slowly, and the tranquility was broken.

"Hand over the ruined wooden box to ensure that the Emperor Pass continues to be peaceful." A cold and majestic voice came over.

"You hand it over as you say, who are you?"

A young voice shouted loudly. Many people were surprised that he was a young man with a handsome face, but he was very tough. He was Gegu, the red dragon, and he was also in the wilderness now.

Although he looks young, he has a fierce aura, and he has obviously experienced cruel tempering.

Now that he has entered the Imperial Pass, he naturally cannot hide his identity. His identity as the son of a true dragon has made many old antiques particularly fond of him, even faintly surpassing the Skyhorned Ant.

"Hand over Huang and the wooden box, and the immortal king of our world can swear that he will not attack the Imperial Pass for ten thousand years, and that there will be peace between the two worlds." The voice said, ignoring Gegu's buzzer.

"It's really a rotten wooden box." Many people's expressions were serious. During this period, Huang Zaihuang made a lot of noise and got that rotten wooden box. Now it seems that the importance of that wooden box is far away. More than they imagined.

"Huang is my Jiutian person, don't have any illusions." Ge Gu reprimanded again. He had an irreconcilable relationship with Shi Wu, so he naturally wanted to stand out.

"Be bold and dare to be disrespectful to the imperial clan. This is a serious crime of genocide!" The creature in the black chariot did not speak, but someone next to him spoke at this moment.

"Imperial clan, what does it matter?" Ge Gu looked disdainful.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are still remnants of the true dragon lineage, but I didn't kill them all at the beginning." A cold voice came from the black chariot.

This is a Supreme Being from the Imperial Clan. Just now he relied on his status and remained silent, but now he spoke coldly and quietly.

The foreign monks were in an uproar. They didn't expect it to be the True Dragon Queen. No wonder she dared to scold the people of the Imperial Clan like this.

His father is the True Dragon, the leader of the ten evils. This identity is too scary. He is not weaker than the Imperial Clan, and to some extent, he is even more noble than the average Imperial Clan.

"You are seeking death!" Red Dragon Gegu was furious. Insulting his lineage was equivalent to touching his reverse scale.

Several old men pulled Ge Gu away and prevented him from speaking any more. When it comes to making decisions about life and death, the power of words is useless.

Ge Gu is the son of a true dragon. If he grows up, he will definitely be powerful in the world. Naturally, they will do their best to protect him and not let any accidents happen to him. There are many terrible methods against the genius in foreign lands, so naturally they cannot let Ge Gu be involved in danger.

"It's up to you whether you want to surrender or not. It depends on whether you can withstand the wrath of the Immortal King."

Someone else shouted like this in an arrogant tone.

At Diguan, many people were silent. What the other party said was not unreasonable. In this era, they had not even seen the True Immortal in the Nine Heavens, so how could they fight against the Immortal King who was comparable to the Immortal King.


At the end of the desert, beyond the reach of the abyss of heaven, there was light rising into the sky, sweeping across the sky for hundreds of millions of miles.

In the Imperial Pass, many people trembled. They knew without thinking that it was the Immortal King moving.

On the city wall, many people are anxious and worried. Is that kind of existence really going to cross the border?

Under the Imperial Pass, the densely packed foreign monks let out a roar that shook the world.

"Immortal King!" Only these four words made people's souls tremble.

"Do you have a choice? Don't realize it." Someone said coldly under the Imperial Pass.

"It's ridiculous. We monks don't want to fight!" the Ten-Crown King said, walking like a dragon and a tiger, with piercing eyes. "There is no peace that we want to give up. Only the iron-blooded killing can stabilize the mountains and rivers." Shi Yi also spoke, his double pupils opened and closed, and the light came in, like two swords, with their sharp edges revealed.

"A few juniors..." Jin Taijun was a little dissatisfied and glared at them.

"My world of mercy has been stained with too much blood of living beings. Now I don't want to wash you with blood anymore, and I am willing to resolve it peacefully." The man said again.

"How to solve it peacefully?" Jin Taijun was moved and asked hurriedly. Some young people frowned slightly, and even some Jiutian Supremes felt that Jin Taijun had gone too far!

Many people's expressions changed. Does the Supreme Being speak like this represent a certain attitude?

"If you meet our requirements, you won't use weapons for ten thousand years, and you can make the Immortal King swear a blood oath."

In the black chariot, the Supreme Emperor finally spoke.

"The blood oath of the Immortal King is contaminated by inexplicable cause and effect, and it is indeed effective." Jin Taijun nodded.

Many people have changed their minds. Are they trying to hand over Huang? A group of young people who were friends with Shi Hao rejected him one after another and were extremely dissatisfied.

"Juniors, you have no right to speak." Jin Taijun scolded, wanting to drive them down the city.


At this moment, a sword light lit up, shaking the nine heavens and ten earth!

A flying sword, boundless terror.

Someone took action, with the power of immortality.


Jin Taijun screamed, and a sword light penetrated his abdomen, staring him directly at the city wall, blood splattered.

Everyone was shocked and disappointed by this unexpected turn of events. Even the Supreme Being under the city wall was in a daze.

"Who...are you!" Jin Taijun shouted with a ferocious expression.

"I'm waiting, I've been ordered to come to quell the chaos!" A cold voice sounded...

Ordered to quell the chaos!

It's like a storm in the sky, like thunder in the sky, making people's ears roar and buzz.

At this time, everyone looked attentively and saw that they were five people. The terrifying aura was overwhelming, and their bodies were wrapped with fairy light, which was extremely blazing.

Each of them was wrapped in the mist and dew of the immortal path, making it difficult to see clearly, but the aura made people tremble, and some supreme beings couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Some people's bodies surround the Five Elements Qi to evolve the Five Elements Divine Power, some have ancient axes on their heads, and some hold black gold maces, but without exception, their auras are too terrifying. They are immortal power, and they are the aura of immortality!

"True fairy!"

Many people were surprised and couldn't help but exclaimed, what did they see?

Unexpectedly, there are still true immortals in the nine heavens and ten places. At this moment, they boarded the Imperial Pass and suppressed Jin Taijun.

The one who took action was a creature holding a sword. He was holding a broken sword and pointing at Taijun Jin from a distance. His expression was extremely cold, and his whole person was like an unsheathed fairy sword, shining brightly.

Jin Taijun, who rules the world with one sword and is known as the supreme humane, has no power to resist. This is the power of immortality.

Moreover, this is also the reason why the creature holding the broken sword stayed behind, otherwise Jin Taijun's body would be separated and his soul would be destroyed with one strike of the sword!

"There are rumors that immortals will come to the border to help, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Great, the real immortal is here, Diguan can be saved!"

"What a powerful True Immortal, he suppressed the Supreme Being of the Jin Family as soon as he arrived!

Many supreme beings, leaders of various clans, and the commanders of the Imperial Pass were extremely excited, especially some of the main fighting factions, who breathed a sigh of relief. These immortals appeared just in time. If it had been later, Huang would have been taken away.

However, many people from the Du family and the Pixiu clan and Jin Taijun's faction were afraid that the real immortal was sending a signal by taking action against Jin Taijun and protecting Huang.

"So it's you..." Shi Hao's neck suddenly froze slightly and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He naturally recognizes the Five Elements Mountain Spirit, and there are also several remnant immortals from Sanqianzhou and true immortals from the restricted area who came to Bianhuang to perform their 'military service', and the one who took action was none other than the Sword Immortal from Sword Valley.

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit ignored the ashen-faced Jin Taijun, turned to Shi Hao and Qin Hao, smiled slightly, and nodded.

Many people were horrified that this true immortal really came here just for the sake of desolation.

Some geniuses from Sanqianzhou have inexplicable expressions, such as the little fat man Cao Yusheng, the Taiyin Jade Rabbit, the Exalted Immortal, the Ten-Crown Master, and others. They all witnessed the scene outside the ancient ruins of the Immortal. They recognized these people. Immortal, I didn’t expect to appear at this time.


Jin Taijun, who was nailed to the wall, instantly lost her color and murmured to herself. She never expected that a real immortal would come forward to stand up for Huang, and she couldn't help but have a ridiculous illusion in her heart.

Blood splattered on her chest, and a terrifying sword mark penetrated his body, almost cutting him off, exposing the dense white bones.

Everyone's color changed. He was indeed a true immortal. He was so powerful. Jin Taijun was so miserable.

Even Wang Changsheng's pupils shrank and he looked at the immortals, his young and immature face slightly stagnant.

Many people next to Jin Taijun were crawling on the ground with their hearts broken at this moment. No one could bear the terrifying pressure of the immortal creatures, not even a look in their eyes.

"Kill out first, and we'll come back later to settle the matter!"

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit didn't talk nonsense. He looked at Jin Taijun coldly and commanded the four immortals to kill him. Soon, he arrived under the wall of Diguan.

"True fairy..."

The black chariot under the Imperial Pass is as black as ink, with billowing smoke, and carved with some strange ancient beasts, including real dragons. There is a compelling pressure coming out of the wall.

"Senior True Immortals, you can't stop the trend of our clan, how about you join our clan?"

Sitting cross-legged in the black chariot, the Supreme Emperor of the Imperial Clan spoke quietly, actually wanting to persuade some great immortals.

He also didn't expect that there were real immortals in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which seemed to be a bit of a hindrance to his big plan.

"Nine Heavens are decaying. Why bother to persist? The trend is irreversible. Why not keep a useful body and return it to our domain." The Supreme Emperor of the Imperial Clan persuaded him again.

If he were an ordinary person, he would not bother to have a conversation at all, because he is the Supreme of the Imperial Clan, and even when facing the Nine Heavens Supreme, he is still superior.

But the weight of a true immortal is different. It is equivalent to the immortality of their world, and is the true mainstay of a great world. Even he must be treated politely.

The Sword Immortal, the four True Immortals holding black gold Immortal Copper in the restricted area, and the two remnant Immortals had their eyes flickering and did not speak immediately, as if they were hesitating.

Not far away, the Immortal King's decree stood across the sky, burning in the void, blooming with immortal brilliance. The aura was so breathtaking that even the true immortals couldn't help but feel frightened.

To be honest, several of the great immortals were very excited at the moment. Serving in the wilderness was not their original wish.

They have lived from ancient times to the present, and none of them spared their lives.

Fight for Jiutian, pull him down, right?

If they were not forced to do so, wouldn't it be wonderful for them to hibernate in the restricted area, hide in the Three Thousand Daozhou, and watch the changes of the world and the ups and downs of the world?

Now that I have come to Bianhuang, I don’t know how much punishment I will suffer!

Now it’s okay to say that the Supreme One only appears, but what if he is immortal? What about the Immortal King?


The Five Elements Mountain Spirit snorted heavily and took the lead in expressing his attitude and flatly refused.

At the same time, the eyebrows of several remnant immortals were glowing and throbbing a little, which was the terrifying power of restraint.

They realized that if they really betrayed Jiutian, it would probably explode completely and destroy their body and soul. It was impossible not to leave behind a back-up plan when they suppressed a few immortals.

"Kill!" The Five Elements Mountain Spirit shouted, taking the lead. The remaining immortals had no choice but to rush into the army.

The divine light blocks out the sun and the sky is in chaos!

The black chariot exploded and was chopped into pieces by the Sword Immortal's sword. The black metal fragments collapsed into the air and shook the desert.

The sword fairy strikes again!

The sword energy spread horizontally, and thousands of divine rays tore the heaven and earth apart, splitting open the desert. The scene was horrifying. Billions of rays of fairy light swept across the heaven and earth, and many living beings collapsed in an instant.

Those sword lights illuminated the universe, and also illuminated the hearts of many warring factions, and their hearts surged and their blood boiled.

If there weren't many supreme plundering formations covering the army, many foreign creatures would have been robbed and instantly exploded into blood mist.

The Supreme Emperor of the Imperial Clan changed his color. Although this Sword Immortal was physically disabled, he was still a true Immortal and was not something ordinary people could fight against.


After only a dozen moves, the fairy sword flew across the sky, and a flying fairy light bloomed, stabbing the arm of the supreme emperor, and blood flowed.

This is the Supreme Being of the Imperial Clan. If he were an ordinary Supreme Being, he would not be able to stop him at all and would be instantly killed by the Remnant Immortal.

The sword immortal's face was ugly. Unexpectedly, he didn't reach the opponent in seconds. He kept attacking, becoming more and more fierce.

Thousands of phantoms of sword energy arise, and the light of one sword shines across ten states!


Suddenly, a lot of red glow emerged from his body, turning into a large furnace, large and simple, red in color, with a cold metallic luster.

"Red King Furnace!" The Sword Immortal was shocked. No wonder this emperor of the Imperial Clan was so powerful and was actually a descendant of the Red King. In the past, when it came to ferocious soldiers, the Red King Furnace was definitely at the top of the list. Legend has it that an Immortal King died in the last years of the Immortal Ancient Period, and his blood was finally refined by this furnace.

Chi, also has the same pronunciation as "eat". He once killed a king and was famous all over the world. His fierce power was so fierce.

Unfortunately, this is a rule, not a real furnace.

However, he still couldn't hold it back and was cut off by the Sword Immortal's sword. He was smashed into pieces and blood spattered into the sky.

"The Supreme Emperor of the Imperial Clan has been killed!" One stone stirred up a thousand waves. Many people in the Imperial Gate were extremely excited, feeling their blood surge with passion, and the previous depression was swept away.

Although these remnant immortals were defeated by Xu Yu, they were still an insurmountable mountain to the Humanity Supreme. Although the emperor clan's supreme strength was extraordinary, they could not stop the remnant immortals' unrivaled killing spree.

Moreover, several of the remnant immortals seemed to be holding back some anger in their hearts, and they were killing all around, as if they wanted to vent it out, which was even more terrifying.

"Go out of the city and fight!"

Many of the walls of the Imperial Pass were boiling, and the supreme emperors were bleeding. Their dormant blood was ignited again... (End of this chapter)

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