The Supreme Emperor of the Imperial Clan has fallen!

After all, he is a sword immortal and an immortal figure. If there is no immortal leader in a foreign land, how can a top supreme person, even after the Red King, resist a powerful immortal person.

But at this moment, many people in the Imperial Pass were boiling with blood. They opened the city gate and killed each other. Their blood was boiling and the roaring continued!

In this era, they have been weak for nine days. In the war with foreign lands, they lost more than they won, let alone the glorious record of killing the supreme emperor of the foreign lands like today.

Now, with the action of several residual immortals, the heroes of the Imperial Palace, who had suppressed them for nearly an era, wished they could replace those residual immortals and rush out to wash away the shame of the past with the blood of foreign creatures.

They were all the main fighting faction. They had been holding back their anger before, but now they just let it out and attacked with thunderous momentum, with astonishing momentum.

"You... are committing a crime..." Jin Taijun's face turned pale and he trembled. Although he was still nailed to the wall and his blood was flowing, he was still talking. However, no one paid attention to her now. Many people went out of the city to fight. went.

"Master True Immortal has gone to war, how can we be left behind!" Even the supremes of some ethnic groups could not hold back anymore and looked excited.

The warrior’s beacon fire ignites the hero’s blood!

With a few chirps, many supreme beings stood on the altar, turned into a few rays of fairy light, and disappeared from the city wall, leaving the seclusion in an instant.


Shi Hao, Ten-Crown King, Shi Yi, and the younger descendants of the Banished Immortal were also excited and stood on the altar. A ray of light swept across and disappeared in an instant. They stood outside the Imperial Pass and fought in a foreign land.

"Stain the king's blood with my emperor's sword!"

Shi Hao shouted loudly, his eyes stood up, and with a flick of his fingers, the Heavenly Emperor's sword clanged and made an astonishing trembling sound.

The golden ancient chariot roared, surrounded by the terrifying four-image fairyland, tearing apart the heaven and the earth. Shi Hao carried the Heavenly Emperor Sword and fought out, charging into the enemy group like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

"Invincible with heavy eyes, invincible since ancient times, today I must drink all the enemy's blood!"

A young man appeared on the battlefield through the void, his eyes were blazing with runes, and a terrifying aura flowed, making people tremble.

In his pupils, mysterious light overflowed, and two sword embryos fell out, crossed together, turned into mysterious light, and slashed outward.

Puff puff puff!

Every time it was activated, scores of creatures fell and became headless corpses, and even their souls were completely destroyed.

The Ten-Crown King is walking like a dragon and a tiger, holding the sapling of the World Tree, the aura of the avenue is blooming, and with every turn, a swarm of creatures explodes.

"It's a pity that there are no exotic beauties, otherwise we would take them all away!"

Chi Yan laughed and said, activating the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, evolving the six most powerful treasure techniques, and concluding the cycle of life and death. It was so terrifying that it seemed to drag all the enemies to the past.


Soon, many supreme figures retreated, protecting the army, and wanted to stay away. Now the Nine Heavens were coming menacingly, and there were immortals who were invincible.


Immortal light rises, and a divine bag emerges. It is the supreme sacrifice from a foreign land, trying to use the immortal weapon to cover the retreat of the army.

"Qiankun bag!"

Many of the Diguan monks' expressions suddenly changed. It was an immortal weapon belonging to Jiutian, but now it was controlled by a foreigner. This made them very unhappy.

"My Nine Heavens Immortal Weapon!" Many people stared at the Qiankun Bag with bright eyes, ending with regret.

With a bang, the void trembled, and with thunderous thunder, another purple electric hammer stood across the sky, bursting out with lightning, penetrating the sky and the earth, and also dropped a misty light to protect the alien creatures.

Many foreign supreme beings sacrificed their immortal weapons, trying to cover the retreat of their troops, which was imminent.

They are foreign supremes, but they are not imperial supremes. They can never stop the immortals. They can only use the immortal weapons to evacuate the living forces. Otherwise, if time goes by, the entire army may be destroyed.

It was these control immortal weapons that were guarding just now, otherwise the army behind would be out of ten and unable to resist the terrifying fluctuations of the immortal way.

Everyone was amazed that the few remnant immortals had already destroyed many supreme beings before, and now there are still some supreme beings secretly holding immortal weapons. One can imagine how deep the foundation of this foreign land is.


Deep in the desert, there is a stunning banner that rushes out from under the desert and sweeps across thousands of troops.

It was broken, dark red, and stained with blood, fluttering in the wind and making a hunting sound.

"Iron-Blooded Battle Flag!"

someone exclaimed.

The Iron-Blooded Battle Flag is also the Immortal King's Shroud. It once wrapped the corpses of the two Immortal Kings back, and all the essence and blood was on it, turning the broken battle flag into a treasure.

It can be said that this battle flag has too high a significance, recording the weight of the Immortal and the tragedy of the past battle.

Immediately afterwards, a young man appeared and activated the iron-blooded battle flag. He was majestic and tall, and his heroic spirit was overwhelming. Although the golden battle suit was incomplete, it set off his majestic heroic appearance.

"The Immortal Weapon Returns!"

This is Meng Tianzheng, the top supreme figure in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Now he has reappeared and wants to regain the Universe Bag through the Iron-Blooded Battle Banner.

"Great Elder!" Shi Hao exclaimed. Meng Tianzheng had been severely injured in the previous battles with many supreme beings. He was in seclusion, but he didn't expect to come out again so soon.

"Brother Dao, you shouldn't come out. Now that the True Immortal is out to fight, you should take good care of your injuries."

An old supreme in the Imperial Pass said that it also controls an immortal weapon, the Ten Realm Map, and kills everyone here. He is the master of Qi Hong, the master of the Five Spirit Chariot, Taoist Qingmu.

"There is chaos in the Imperial Pass, a true immortal is coming to the world, and the King of Immortal Generals may hold the gate. How can I not come out." Meng Tianzheng shook his head.

He activated the Iron Blood War Flag and killed them directly. The flag was fluttering, its face was like a sword from the sky, and it swept across the foreign army. Suddenly, tens of thousands of people's heads rolled down, or their bodies were broken into two parts, and the murderous intent was billowing.

It has to be said that Meng Tianzheng is extremely terrifying. Although he is still in the human realm, his combat power is extremely unparalleled, attracting the attention of even the remaining immortals.

Nowadays, the monks of Jiutian Diguan are excited, and with the help of the immortals, they almost have a great momentum, killing many people in foreign lands and turning them upside down.


Suddenly, at the end of the desert, a drop of blood fell and rolled in. It was bright red at first, and then five colors of divine light shot into the sky, which was absolutely terrifying!

Just a drop of blood set the world in motion, making the desert boil and making many strong men tremble.

"The Immortal King!" Many people's expressions suddenly changed.

This is definitely the work of the Immortal King. If it crosses the border, it will be a disaster and no one can resist it!


Several fairy artifacts glowed, blooming wisps of white mist, and the power of the Five Elements boiled. It was the Five Elements Mountain Spirit taking action, blessing the fairy artifacts, and protecting them.

"The Immortal King!"

Millions of troops from the foreign land paid homage, all chanted, their expressions were excited and crazy, with incomparable reverence.

"Iron-Blooded Battle Flag, revive!" Meng Tianzheng roared and threw it suddenly.

The tattered war flag, which had gone through the baptism of time and endured the vicissitudes of eternity, flew out with a crash.

He carries an unimaginable and unparalleled aura that spans the past and present, covering the sun and the moon, blooming with unparalleled power.

The appearance of the blood of the Immortal King from a foreign land angered Zhan Qi, causing the blood of the Immortal King dormant inside to burst out, and he finally took away the drop of blood.

The foreign monk was silent. Just now he was shouting for the Immortal King, but now he was stunned and fell silent.


The Jiutian monks were greatly shaken, and the Immortal King's methods were ineffective. He surprised them and killed them together!

Several fairy weapons from the foreign land were glowing at the moment, forming a curtain of light as high as the sky, leading many people to retreat.

"The mission of eradicating evil is over!" The Five Elements Mountain Spirit roared, leading several great immortals and killing them away with a terrifying aura. Jiutian, the Ten Realms Map, the Nine Phoenix Furnace, and the Iron-Blooded Battle Flag were handed over to them, and many powerful people were killed.

In the end, several great remnant immortals and God Guan all united into one, and actually snatched the Qiankun Bag and several immortal weapons, and returned them to Jiutian.

Moreover, all the foreign supreme beings were destroyed, and the million-strong army was almost completely destroyed, with only a few hundred people escaping.

Some old Supremes were so excited that tears filled their eyes. In this battle, they not only brought back the immortal weapons that had been in the Nine Heavens, but also achieved such great military exploits!

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit, along with several great remnant immortals and the people of Jiutian, pursued them all the way. They didn't want to let these people go. They suddenly arrived at a certain place and stopped moving forward.

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit also motioned for others to stop.

Because, outside the abyss, there is a terrifying figure, like an eternal magic mountain. Standing in the mist, motionless.

At this moment, a cold gaze, with indifference, seemed to have penetrated the abyss of the sky and looked over coldly...

They were a pair of extremely cold eyes, indifferent and ruthless, as if everything in their eyes was like ants in the dust. It's very blurry and can't be seen clearly, but it makes people feel extremely depressed.

Even though the Five Elements Mountain Spirits and a few of their incomplete bodies were discolored, the oppressive feeling was so powerful that even across the abyss, they felt that their bodies were about to collapse.

The distance between the Immortal King and the True Immortal is like a chasm, insurmountable, and an unscalable peak.

The demonic figure did not pay attention to the monks at the Imperial Pass. Even the true immortal did not let his eyes waver at all. He slowly turned around and climbed onto an ancient altar.

When he turned around, several immortal figures fell to the ground one after another, kowtowing repeatedly to express their piety and fanaticism.

The Immortal King was on the altar, looking at the abyss, seeming to be thinking about it, looking for a way to solve it.


The monks who were chasing here were silent and stopped, and then gradually retreated under the orders of the Five Elements Mountain Spirit.

Several immortals had serious expressions on their faces, some supreme beings were silent, but the young people at Diguan clenched their fists one by one, their eyes blazing, and their fighting spirit bursting out.

"When can we kill him?" Meng Tianzheng looked heroic and majestic, his golden battle clothes clanking, looking towards the end of the earth with regret and unwillingness.

In the Immortal Ancient Era, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were defeated, and many ancestors died in battle. These are all humiliations that have not yet been washed away.

Many people were silent, and at this moment, they gradually woke up. Although the battle of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was won, the general trend was still on the other side of the foreign land.

Finally, many monks from Diguan returned, surrounded by several immortals!

When approaching the Imperial Pass, many monks couldn't help but roar again to express their excitement. After all, this was a rare victory in Jiutian.

But many people know that the matter is not over yet. The Immortal King is still watching covetously outside the pass and has never left.

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit, a few remnant immortals, and many supreme beings in the Imperial Palace are not so optimistic. They know that the disaster has not yet come. With them, they cannot stop the Immortal King. Even a few remnant immortals can't do it. The fire is weak and the battle is a catastrophe for them, and they may not be able to hold on for long.

"Seniors, you said just now that you were ordered to quell the chaos. What happened? Whose order was it?"

An old man suddenly spoke. It was Old Man Qingmu. He was a very senior person in the imperial palace. Now he asked respectfully, with a look of hope.

His seniority is naturally nothing to this group of immortals who have survived since ancient times.

He knew that being able to command people at the level of immortality must be extraordinary, and it was very likely that they had already reached that supreme realm.

Everyone's expressions froze, and their ears pricked up. They were too panicked before, and they didn't have time to ask, but now that they thought about it carefully, everyone's hearts were surging.

"Of course, the Lord personally ordered us to rush to the border to help the wilderness!" The Five Elements Mountain Spirit said with a slight smile.

Then the Five Elements Mountain Spirit told everyone in Diguan that Xu Yu was suspected of being an immortal king.

Immortal King!

Many people's faces suddenly froze, with expressions of astonishment and astonishment.

"Have you really reached...that realm?"

There was an old Supreme whose eyes were cloudy, but at this moment, they burst into light, which was extremely frightening.

Later, everyone also learned the name of that adult.


Hearing the words of the Five Elements Mountain Spirit, some of the most ancient supreme beings had strange expressions on their faces.

Without him, all the powerful people from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths gathered here at Diguan, so they naturally knew some secrets of the Ancient Immortal Era.

"I dare to ask, Lord True Immortal, if the Immortal King Final Yan you are talking about is the unparalleled powerhouse of the ancient Immortal Era!"

After a brief silence, someone still revealed some secrets about the Immortal Era.


"The unparalleled king of the Immortal Era!"

Everyone in Diguan was shocked. Although they thought that Xu Yu's origin was not simple, no one connected him with the supreme power of the Immortal Ancient Era.

After all, there have been gaps in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and they are skeptical about some ancient history.

"I don't know the origin of the Immortal King, but he is on this side of our world and is known as the Immortal King of Final Yan."

Even the Five Elements Mountain Spirit is not very clear about Xu Yu and can only speak vaguely.

"That's right, it's definitely that Lord, the Immortal King Jiyan!"

The old Supreme seemed to be sure of something, his voice trembled with excitement.

"Senior, do you know the Immortal King Jiuyan?" Looking at the old Supreme's expression, some young prodigies on the city wall gathered around him and asked.

"I have also seen records of Immortal King Zhongyan in the ancient books of the clan."

"According to the records of the clan, Immortal King Yan Yan is a powerful man who is not inferior to Immortal King of Reincarnation and Immortal King of Endlessness. At the end of the last era, he had a brilliant record of killing more than one immortal king!"

"In fact, even the original collapse of the world into nine heavens and ten lands was caused by that terrifying battle."

Following the Old Supreme's eloquent words, a large number of sounds of sucking air suddenly appeared on the walls of Diguan City.

A complete world was actually torn apart because of a great war. This is such a powerful force. Maybe everyone present will not be able to reach that point in their lifetime.

Then, many people looked at Shi Hao.

Many people present knew that there was an uneasy relationship between Immortal King Zhongyan and Shi Hao.

A generation of immortal kings.

His relationship with Shi Hao was not a secret, so it naturally spread quickly.

Many people looked at Shi Hao with extremely hot eyes. This was so ridiculous that he actually had an Immortal King as his backer!

There were also people with incomprehensible expressions, looking at Shi Yi, the taciturn but extraordinary man with double eyes, and secretly thinking about it.

"Big brother...has he arrived at the King's Realm?"

Shi Hao's heart was surging, Xu Yu's strength refreshed his knowledge again and again.

"Immortal King!" Shi Yi opened and closed his eyes,

His eyes were as deep as a deep pool with no bottom. It was obvious that he could not remain calm at this moment.

Nowadays, it is extremely rare to find immortal creatures in Jiutian and Ten Earths. I did not expect that there is an Immortal King here in Jiutian. Many supreme beings are very excited. The presence of an Immortal King is undoubtedly very inspiring. Nine heavens and ten places also need such people to stand up and save the building from falling!

They didn't doubt that he was there. Several immortal beings couldn't deceive them for no reason. Besides, him letting these immortals come to the borderlands was equivalent to indirectly releasing some signals.

"I just stepped into the primitive gate, and I don't know when I will return." The Five Elements Mountain Spirit was silent, and couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart.

"That mysterious strong man turned out to be an Immortal King. No wonder a brand can suppress an Immortal." Some people were shocked.

Soon, word of the disappearance spread, causing a sensation in the Imperial Pass. There was actually a living Immortal King in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

"It's time for reckoning." Amid the clamor of the crowd, the Five Elements Mountain Spirit once again climbed onto the walls of the Imperial Pass.

Today's Jin Taijun is still nailed to the city wall, his face is pale, his body is shaking uncontrollably, blood is dripping, his hair is disheveled, and he is in a miserable state.

No immortal gave an order, and no one dared to put Jin Taijun down at the risk of offending the immortal. Even people who were close to Jin Taijun avoided him like snakes and scorpions.

"Do you know your guilt!?"

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit scolded and looked at Jin Taijun.

"Lord True Immortal, what crime am I guilty of?"

Jin Taijun's hair was disheveled and his eyes were red. Unexpectedly, the real immortal came again and wanted to judge her.

"You pretend to be the Supreme Lord of the Nine Heavens, but you want to betray yourself!"

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit said indifferently, every word was sonorous, like the sound of a divine sword trembling, the terrifying divine power boiled instantly, vibrated out, and hit Jin Taijun.

Jin Taijun groaned and spat out another mouthful of blood, his face getting paler.

"I am here for the peace of Jiutian. If I hand over Huang and the Immortal King makes a blood oath, our world will have long-term peace and stability!"

Jin Taijun defended, with veins sprouting on his forehead, looking like he was generous for the sake of nine heavens and ten earths.

"Lies, what are you talking about? Can you judge the blood oath of the Immortal King? If you use the blood of the deceased king to sacrifice, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it, and the genius of our world will be ruined in vain." The Five Elements Mountain Spirit was indifferent. road.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar. There is such a thing!

If they were not immortal figures, they would not be able to judge some of the clues of the blood oath. If they were in a foreign land that did not respect martial ethics, they would not be able to judge either.

This is the tragedy of not having top combat power. Many things have not reached that level and are out of reach.

Many people were sweating coldly, feeling that they almost caused a disaster. If they handed over the waste or rotten wooden boxes and tried again in a foreign land, they would suffer huge losses.

Not only did he lose one Huang, but he also ruined the backbone of Jiutian.

"How does Master True Immortal know that the Immortal King of a foreign land will not make a blood oath? If successful, it will bring five hundred years of peace. When the time comes, the creatures in that world will naturally take action." Jin Taijun spoke again.

"You mean...the Immortal Realm?" The Five Elements Mountain Spirit looked strange.

"Yes." Jin Taijun nodded and said: "If you stick to it for five hundred years, the adults from the fairyland will come to the borderlands to resist the foreign lands." Jin Taijun looked excited.

"It's ridiculous. People in the Immortal Realm will not rush to send troops unless this world has been destroyed." Five Elements Mountain Spirit was silent for a moment before speaking calmly. He knew the Immortal Realm too well.

Placing hopes on the Immortal Realm is too illusory. Those big shots are not willing to be contaminated by the 'turbidity' of this earthly world.

Several disabled immortals and true immortals in the restricted area were also silent. Strictly speaking, they were just abandoned children of the immortal realm.

Not even their own people are willing to lead them, let alone those lower world creatures they regard as native barbarians. Unless the crisis reaches the fairyland, it is almost impossible for them to take action.

Abandon your fantasies and prepare to fight!

"The thief is hateful. He harmed my disciples and made me lose a young supreme master in nine days!"

Meng Tianzheng's voice was cold, and he looked at Jin Taijun who was like a dead dog. He regarded Huang as his disciple, but this man seemed to be trying to kill him, how could he endure it.

The men and horses of the gold lineage were trembling, and there were endless popping sounds, and they fell limply to the ground. Now their lineage was in trouble. Not only did they offend Meng Tianzheng, but even the immortals were offended.

"Meng Tianzheng, you are going too far!" Jin Taijun roared.

"I'm here to interrogate him. I suspect that he has colluded with forces outside the territory."

Wang Changsheng on the side frowned slightly and glanced at several true immortals, but said nothing.

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit spoke with a cold voice. This was also the reason why he did not kill her.

It would undoubtedly be terrifying if there were living beings colluding with foreign beings in Diguan, and they must be found out, otherwise the front line would be unstable and it could lead to catastrophe.


The breaths of the five elements are intertwined, and the divine light is dense, penetrating into Jin Taijun's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to forcibly search for Jin Taijun's soul...

"Well, is there a restriction?"

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit was surprised. Jin Taijun set a restriction in the sea of ​​consciousness. If it is touched or forcibly explored, it will explode instantly.

"Senior, let me interrogate him." Meng Tianzheng spoke and looked at the Five Elements Mountain Spirit.

"That's fine," the Five Elements Mountain Spirit nodded, handed over Jin Taijun to Meng Tianzheng, and then asked people to keep an eye on the men of the Jin lineage.

Jin Taijun's matter has come to an end for the time being, but many people are still heavy-hearted. Looking outside the pass, I don't know how long the current peace can last.

The desert is solitary, the sun is setting over the long river, and the sun is about to set. It is as sad as blood, dyeing half of the sky red, and there is also desolation in the desolation.

The desert is vast and boundless, with isolated wolves and smoke rushing into the sky.

Visible from a distance, a large river roars through the ancient battlefield and rushes into the distance, like a cruising dragon, vast and endless.

The surrounding fields were filled with darkness, filled with remnants of alien beings. It was a bit dull and depressing at the moment. This time, they were defeated and almost completely destroyed.

Only in the middle of the Immortal Ancient Era, who took action to calm down the chaos, could they create such a scene. Since the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, they have not suffered such a defeat.

The million-strong army was almost completely wiped out, and nearly a hundred of the Supreme Beings fell. The monks who escaped and killed me were countless dead and wounded. It was too tragic. The few remaining armies now looked gloomy and bleak.

They originally thought they were sure of victory, but unexpectedly, a few true immortals appeared on the way, disrupting their entire plan.

These defeated troops passed through Tianyuan and crossed to the desert.

Suddenly, this group of people stopped, because right in front of them, there were several tall demonic figures standing, as if standing before eternity, filled with the aura of immortality.

A group of defeated soldiers were shocked and looked at those tall figures.

Chaos rolled, covering the figures of several people, making it impossible to see clearly.

In addition to a few figures, there is an altar over there that is as high as the sky and the earth. It is magnificent and majestic. It was moved here by humans, as if it was holding some kind of vast ceremony.

The altar was blurry and unreal, with ancient figures sitting cross-legged. It seemed that mottled fragments of time could be seen emerging, spinning endlessly.

"Meet the Immortal King!"

Almost at the same time, everyone knelt on the ground and worshiped with reverence and fanaticism.

Even the savage beasts and even the mounts kowtowed on the ground with fanatical awe.

The words "Immortal King" are enough to shake Xingyue and crush all eternity!

It wasn't until someone on the altar said yes that the army stood up and stood there, looking towards the altar like an ant looking up at a dragon.

"You guys stand back!" Several tall figures spoke, calling for the army to retreat.

Many people looked awe-inspiring, and they all recognized those people. They were all immortals, the immortals on their side, equivalent to the powerful true immortals of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

The foreign army has strict discipline. After hearing the order, they retreat directly in order.

Soon, not far away, the breathing of the group of people who had retreated far away was stagnant, and they faintly felt an inexplicable and terrifying pressure sweeping across the world.

What is this for?


Suddenly, a loud roar came, and several big hands rose up from the altar, covering the sky and the earth, shooting directly towards the abyss, and the terrifying aura made people tremble.

Everyone was stunned, the Immortal King actually took action!

Around the army, many formations and flags suddenly emerged, emitting light and protecting these defeated armies.

Otherwise, nothing in this world can withstand that kind of terrifying power. If it were not for the blessing of the formation flag, they would be destroyed physically and mentally in an instant!

Above the altar, there was a mighty sound wave, and several big hands slapped towards the abyss, entwining black mist with an aura of destruction.

The army was shaken, their king. Is this an all-out attack to break the abyss and completely cross it?

"No, the Immortal King is knocking at the gate." Above the imperial city, the faces of the Five Elements Mountain Spirits and the remaining immortals suddenly changed, sensing the vast power of heaven.

"Where is the Immortal King? Can seniors contact me?" A Supreme asked, feeling uneasy.

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit just shook his head with a solemn expression. He could not determine Xu Yu's location, let alone contact him.

Shi Hao stood on the city wall, looking at the vast desert in the distance, his thoughts rising and falling.

"Big brother, Liu Shen, where is An now?"

He held the Emperor's Sword tightly, his eyes bright, and he couldn't help but think of the past.

Not far away, Shi Yi and Qin Hao came over. Several people from the Stone Clan looked at each other in silence and stood side by side with firm expressions on their faces, looking into the distance.


In the desert, there was another loud noise, and a weapon was sacrificed. It was a long spear, flowing with golden light, shining for eternity, directly piercing into the abyss of the sky, extremely fierce, the wind roared, and the sky seemed to be filled with stars. It was all dim at this moment.

Anlan's gun!

This is the weapon of the ancient Ancestor Anlan, which is said to be indestructible. It was as powerful as the Skyhorned Ant at the time, but it was also penetrated by this weapon, splattering blood in the starry sky.

Many foreign creatures are confused, are they going to be completely penetrated? It seems that they are not ready yet.


Between heaven and earth, there was a sound. The sky seemed to be split open, and wisps of rays of light flowed out. The abyss seemed unstable and was about to collapse.

"It's broken, the passage is about to open, the ancient ancestor will lead us to kill it!" Someone shouted, it was the remaining defeated army. Seeing the Immortal King take action, he instantly gained courage.


The war spear glowed, and a big hand slapped the end of the golden spear, making a clanging sound, blessing the supreme divine power, and stabbed into the sky.


In the abyss of the sky, endless rays of light rise up, like the power of flying immortals, infinitely powerful, accompanied by lightning and thunder, chaotic light surging, colliding with the golden spear.

It was an astonishing sight, the place was blurry and could not be seen clearly.


Finally, there was a loud noise, and An Lan's weapon fell, appeared on the altar, and was caught by a big hand.

"Did you fail?" Someone's voice trembled in the foreign land.

Everyone was in awe, this was the Immortal King knocking on the door. If he failed, then they would have no hope.

"The ancient ancestor is just testing, and he doesn't seem to want to break through today, because that will cost him blood. The king hopes to enter in full glory!"

A tall figure spoke. He was an immortal from a foreign land. He comforted the army in this way, and he told everyone to feel at ease and not to think wildly.

In the desert, on top of the altar, several figures are blurry and dim, unable to be detected by outsiders. There is not just an immortal king!

"It's a little weird. It seems that the power in the abyss has increased." Someone on the altar whispered with doubts. He is the owner of the golden gun, An Lan!

"This world seems to be a little unusual now." Another person said, looking in the direction of the Imperial Pass with an incomprehensible expression.

"First, Demon King Pu fell, and then there was a sudden change in Tianyuan. There must have been some changes that we had to guard against." Another person continued.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Today, this world will inevitably be destroyed. We are all here. It is time to open up a new era." An Lan smiled lightly.

Of course, this is a conversation between the Immortal Kings and is not known to the outside world. Even the Immortals cannot get a glimpse of it.


On the altar, the golden gun trembled slightly, rushed upwards, and with a sudden slash, a large crack in the void appeared.

At this moment, another black army appeared between heaven and earth, sweeping across the universe. It was a black ocean with murderous intent, walking from the big crack in the void.

Thousands of ruthless soldiers!

They came from a foreign land with murderous intent that penetrated the sun and moon. They were extremely terrifying and were summoned by An Lan.

After nearly annihilating an army of one million, tens of millions more troops came to kill them. This was the method of the Immortal King.

Several immortals also had slightly solemn expressions on their faces. They thought that the Immortal King would still test them now, but they didn't expect that he would take a serious action.

On the altar, there were many demonic shadows, and several immortal kings whispered, as if they were chanting sutras, and their spiritual thoughts were transmitted to the ears of several immortals.

"Honor the king's order and bring peace to the nine heavens!" The immortal shouted, receiving the king's will and passing on the order.

In an instant, tens of millions of troops replied, and there was an overwhelming sound, which made many people in the Imperial Pass change their expressions. At the same time, everyone in the Imperial Pass was ready to prepare. All the monks knew that a peerless war was about to break out.


A sound shook the whole city!

Then, horns filled the sky, the true dragon horns sounded, and everyone stood up. After receiving the message from their respective clansmen, they stood up one after another and left as fast as possible. The era was coming to an end, and there was still a new great general.


People are very anxious, uneasy, and worried about their future and destiny.

Even though he is an immortal figure, he still feels solemn.

"There is only one battle!" Many people shouted shortly after.

On the wall of Diguan City, many people looked at it intently.

Shi Hao climbed onto the city wall for the first time, and then the latter type of young people also appeared, and everyone knew that it was a matter of life and death.


The sky and the earth roared, and a sky weapon emerged, cutting through eternity. If a star falls, it almost splits the abyss of the sky, and the sound is vast and endless.

"Immortal weapon!"

In the Imperial Pass, many people had chills running down their spines and were extremely shocked. The aura of immortality filled the air and was unparalleled. It seemed to be more terrifying than these true immortals.

The ringing of bells came from the vast desert. Even though there was a guard from the Imperial Pass, all living beings still heard the ringing of copper bells between heaven and earth.

At this moment, no matter how far away they were, even a god-level monk could see a chariot on the horizon, slowly approaching!

Great Red Sky, Valley of Rebirth.

"No, something has changed in Tianyuan!" Xu Yu, who was discussing with the Master of the Valley of the Past, suddenly stood up! (End of chapter)

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