An Lan, the immortal king said such words in public for the first time.

Along the way, he ignored all kinds of obstacles and counterattacks. It seemed that when facing this strong man, he took it seriously.

At this moment, he ordered the immortals to retreat with the army. Once a conflict occurred, it would be disastrous.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the starry sky. Above the star dome, the sky was filled with picturesque stars. With a sneer, the golden pores took action and tore a huge hole. With a roar, one person stepped on the hole and appeared in the sky. In the desert.

The vast desert stretches as far as the eye can see, and there are millions of fierce soldiers. At this moment, it is silent.

One person roared, carrying all living beings on his back, and appeared in the desert. He looked lonely, but he had an aura that suppressed the world!

Xu Yu controlled her golden pores and stared at An Lan, speechless. Her eyes were so deep that they seemed to encompass the sea of ​​stars and floating dust.

Penetrate through the ages and gain a glimpse of the secrets of heaven.

"Moo moo..."

At this moment, the golden-backed bull made a thunderous sound. He was suffering and very frightened. As the man approached, all the bones in his body were ringing and about to explode. Facing that man made him very uncomfortable. .


Finally, all four of his leg bones exploded. At first he was kneeling, but now he was lying there, his body shaking.

This is an extremely astonishing scene. It is the mount of the Immortal King. Whoever dares to offend this ancient beast kneels in front of him at this moment.

And the final Immortal King is this unparalleled one. He slowly falls from the sky on his golden pores. His breath alone makes this savage cow tremble, his muscles and bones are broken, his body roars, and blood flows from his mouth and nose. Extremely miserable.

Finally, there was a crackle and he collapsed there.

Watching this scene, the monks of Jiutian were naturally very happy, and the depression in their chests had dissipated a lot at this moment.

Not long ago, the golden-backed bull was very arrogant, looking down on many monks in Jiutian, and showing off wantonly. But now, it is trembling, constantly making eye sounds, expressing fear, and seeking the protection of the immortal king.

He faced not only the Immortal King Xu Yu, but also Jin Mao. Although he was a flawed Immortal King, it was not something that ordinary people could resist.

So powerful!

While many people felt happy, they also lamented that the Immortal King Jiuyan was so terrifying and majestic that he was actually provoking the Immortal King!

In front of him, he was actually suppressing his mount. This was so outrageous.

At the Imperial Pass, many people were filled with excitement, their eyes were piercing, and they clenched their fists, wishing they could take their place and kick the chariot over with one kick.

It was really too suppressed before, and they needed a strong figure to appear and release their emotions.

"Be presumptuous and the king must not be insulted!"

In the desert, a voice came from a distant place. It was an immortal person. When he spoke like this, the sound was like a loud bell.

In front of the Immortal King, suppressing his mount is a slap in the face of the ancient ancestor, and it is also an insult to a foreign land.


Xu Yu glanced at him slightly. Without any attack, the immortal creature screamed and exploded on the spot. Then its body turned into light and evaporated completely.



How powerful is this? The strong men from all sides couldn't help but gasp. Many people were stiff and did not dare to move. They raised their hands and feet and destroyed a peerless master with just one blow.

Those were immortal creatures. Except for the Immortal King, they were so high and mighty that they were invincible. They couldn't even match the look of others.

The desert is vast and isolated, and millions of troops are silent again. They don't say a word, and the silence is terrifying.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to still be alive. It's okay, otherwise it would be too boring to directly destroy this ancient world." An Lan said lightly...

At this moment, An Lan spoke again.

As the immortal king who destroyed the Immortal Era, An Lan also had a collision with Xu Yu during the melee among the kings.

But that Xu Yu was hunted by the kings of foreign lands and could not spare any effort to kill him. Otherwise, An Lan would not have appeared in this era.


The ancient chariot glowed, chaotic energy surged, terrifying auras intertwined, and brilliant symbols rushed out.

In an instant, the world was illuminated!

Many people couldn't open their eyes. It was so bright there, as bright as the sun, that it made many people shed tears.

At this moment, a humanoid creature stepped out of the chariot. He was still dragging the original imperial city with one hand, while the other hand was holding an ancient golden spear.

That spear is so dazzling, its golden luster shines on the past, present and future, unified for all ages, reflecting in the hearts of all living beings, with endless light and shadow.

"Kill the horned ants and kill the true dragon. This spear has been silent for too long. Today, drink the king's blood!" An Lan spoke softly, with a cold tone.

This spear penetrated the horned ants and penetrated the real dragon. Its ferocious power shocked the world and shocked the world.

His voice was not loud, but it echoed in the desert and the Imperial Pass, making many people change their minds.

"Executioner!" The red dragon Gegu and the little Anthorned Ant looked at An Lan with their eyes splitting, full of hatred. It was this man who made their fathers shed blood.

"Don't worry, big brother will take action. This person will be doomed today!" Shi Hao spoke softly, comforting the two young descendants of the Ten Fierce.

An Lan stood tall, with an inexplicable brilliance covering his body, extremely dazzling, just like the golden ancient spear, sharp and sharp.

"It's nonsense. In the past, you were just besieging the kings, but you still dared to speak bravely? Now I am here to take off your head and sacrifice it to the heroic spirits of the Nine Heavens!"

Xu Yu looked indifferent, standing on Jinmaohou, with his hands behind his back, showing unrivaled power.

But in his heart, he was speechless. This An Lan was not only a good talker, but also a master of last-hitting. He had last-hit the most powerful men in the Nine Heavens, such as Sky Horned Ant, True Dragon, etc., and now, he still regards these as his own. His record is indeed shameless.

On the wall of Diguan City, a group of people were excited and excited. How arrogant and arrogant this was, truly unparalleled and heroic!

The Golden-backed Bull is very arrogant, but that is based on An Lan's reputation, which makes people angry, while this person's arrogance stems from his invincible spirit, which is the nobility of the soul, overlooking the common people.

It was truly shocking. This man was thinking about killing An Lan. This was so outrageous.

"Will the glory of the Middle Immortal Ancient Period be repeated in this life?"

At the Imperial Pass, Old Man Qingmu spoke, leisurely and fascinated, which also touched some people's thoughts and triggered some people's memories.

In the earliest days of the Immortal Ancient Era, the battles between Foreign Realm and Jiutian were mutually victorious and defeated. Of course, Foreign Realm still held a dominant position and won most of the battles.

In the Ancient Immortal Era, a pacifier of chaos emerged from the sky and killed the immortal king of a foreign land with the pacification of chaos technique. It was a rare and glorious time in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

But in the late Immortal Ancient period, Jiutian fell into a complete decline. The ten evils died in endless battles, the two leaders of Samsara fell, and the ancestral sacrifice spirits withered. Jiutian fell into a long-term decline. To this day, if Xu Yu had not appeared, their world would have Not even a true immortal has been born,

Of course, if it is a restricted area of ​​life, that is a different matter, because strictly speaking, those people do not belong to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

And in this life, will the appearance of Xu Yu turn things around again, or will it bring peace and prosperity? Many people are looking forward to it.

After all, even the Immortal King has been reduced to a mount. It is conceivable that the power of this Immortal King may not be weaker than that of the original peacemaker, and he can create immortal glory.

A group of people in the foreign land were in a daze, and millions of troops were shocked. They couldn't believe that this person actually said such words, it was so arrogant.

"The top of the immortal world, proud of the world, there will be heaven as long as I, An Lan, come and try! Even if I carry Tian Yuan on my back and have to hold the original imperial city with one hand, I, An Lan, will be invincible!"

An Lan smiled faintly, he was extremely conceited!

"Today he steps on the king's bones, and he goes to the emperor's palace!"

Xu Yu spoke calmly, with a cold expression.

On the ground, the golden-backed bull retreated. Although its bones were broken and its mouth and nose were bleeding, it was retreating rapidly.

That creature and even that mount made him terrified.


The golden pores moved, four hooves trampled the blue field, the desert shook, with the power of splitting the sky, big cracks appeared, criss-crossed, spread on the spot under the feet of the golden-backed bull, causing him to shatter, and his spirit and form were destroyed.

Many people were shocked that the Immortal King's mount was killed like this.

Even he couldn't protect an Immortal King from attacking so close, but this also made his expression even colder.


At this time, An Lan pushed his palm upwards, and the city shook violently, bursting out with a brilliant beam of light, soaring into the sky.


Xu Yu took action, flicked his fingers, and a stream of light burst out into the imperial city. The entire imperial city roared violently, with Dao patterns intertwined and runes brilliant, almost burning.

That is the power of the law, the breath of the great road, which contains the supreme formation arranged by Xu Yu in the past, and its divine power is astonishing.


An Lan's face changed slightly, his palms were in severe pain, and the patterns on his palms were criss-crossing. The entire imperial city was glowing, and a terrifying formation emerged, locking the world, spinning in his palms with a world-destroying aura, releasing a terrifying power. , constantly eroding his palms.


There was a big explosion in An Lan's big hand. Blood spattered and the white bone stubble leaked out. The skin and flesh were torn apart, making it look particularly ferocious and terrifying.

"The Immortal King!"


In the foreign land, many people were shocked. Why did Anlan Anlan get injured instantly as soon as he came face to face with him? His big hand almost exploded and the bone stubble was exposed. This was too tragic.

A ball of light emerged and Yu Tuo appeared.

He whispered: "This man is amazing. The power of this imperial city has been blessed by him. An Lan is a little careless."

An Lan snorted, and had no choice but to put down the imperial city. At the same time, various lights in his palms rotated and repaired, causing his blood to coagulate and his skin to regenerate.

Many people were speechless. Just now they were shouting at Imperial City, but they put him down in the blink of an eye.

"Kill Demon King Pu, are you responsible for Tianyuan's arrangement?" An Lan said solemnly, pointing his golden war spear at Xu Yu, his eyes sharp and with a murderous aura.

"So what?" Xu Yu couldn't help laughing.


With a slight scolding, An Lan actually lifted the original imperial city up again and held it in his hands. He unleashed his invincible momentum and arrogance, because he sensed that the power of the magic circle was almost exhausted, and he had no worries anymore.

Even the only remaining Stone King in the city was speechless at this moment. He didn't expect that An Lan would be so obsessed with the original imperial city and lifted him up again.


An Lan held the imperial city in one hand and took out a spear with the other hand. The golden spear danced and shouted: "If you want to do it, you can come and try it!"

"The Immortal King, you are nothing but dirt in front of me. I have a hundred ways to make you bleed here." Xu Yu smiled faintly, but revealed an astonishing chill.

The monks of all races in the foreign land were immediately furious. They were all excited and angry. They actually underestimated their ancient ancestor. That was their belief, but this person was regarded as an ant.

"kill him!"

"Those who offend my king will die!"

The monks of all races shouted loudly, and the war energy of thousands of ferocious soldiers rolled into the sky, which was extremely terrifying. Although there were immortals who died in front of them, they were not afraid of the ancient ancestors here. This was a group of fierce warriors who were not afraid of death.

Xu Yu's black hair was flying, and his eyes were like lightning. It was difficult to look at him, and it made people feel trembling. At this moment, he became more majestic, and the roar of thousands of foreign troops also aroused him. The attention immediately made his face sink.


His eyes were slightly closed, the runes were flowing, and endless brilliance rushed out from his eyes. Roads of mysterious light shot out against the sky, like the sky and the earth cracking. It spread in all directions, and the desert sank, like a sword from heaven slashing. Endless light and cold light shone on the world, fierce The breath covers the sun and moon,


A group of people shouted, and in an instant, countless people collapsed into blood mist, and their souls exploded, completely turning into nothingness.

This is an astonishing sight. The divine eyes and runes are intertwined, destroying many creatures in the foreign land in an instant. This kind of terrifying strength and iron-blooded methods are frightening.

An Lan took action, swiping the golden war spear lightly to block everything.

"Red-edged spear, immortal shield, kill all the Immortal Kings and destroy the Nine Heavens!" An Lan shouted, all the energy and blood in his body stirred up, every inch of his body was glowing, and he used amazing divine power.


In the void, people suddenly appeared and shouted loudly.

This was An Lan's momentum. He hadn't made a sound yet, but immeasurable murderous intent erupted in the void. It seemed that there was a peerless monarch roaring, intending to exterminate the common people and completely collapse the world.

The universe exploded, and a terrifying sound came out in the void, like the roar of an eternal ghost, making people's scalp numb. He took action and waved the golden spear in his hand!

Everyone was shocked, especially the creatures from the foreign land. It was the first time their king had taken such a serious action.

Earlier, even the Immortal Suppressing Monument and the First Killing Formation stained with immortal blood could not move him, and he did not even move out of the chariot, but now he raised the divine spear.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the golden ancient spear erupted with waves like the ocean. The divine light split the sky, which was extremely terrifying and made people tremble.

The golden ancient spear is like a round of little suns, the meaning of the spear is deep, and it is also like an ancient Yangtze River, stretching across the two poles of the sky and the earth. It is too blazing.

"I have looked down at the eternity, and I am used to seeing life and death. I will cut the Immortal King into dregs!" An Lan shouted while taking action. In this desert, tens of millions of creatures and endless armies fell to the ground, trembling and shivering. They were imprisoned by the supreme pressure, and their bodies and souls were about to burst.

This was still the result of An Lan's protection. Otherwise, any attack by the two powerful men would destroy the strongest men of all races with just the aftermath.

In the sky, five decrees glowed, not only fighting against Tianyuan, but also raining light to protect the foreign army. Otherwise, An Lan alone would not be able to protect him at all.

Because the destructive power caused by this level is too great, it is difficult for one person to fully defend against it.

Moreover, at this time, Yu Tuo also appeared, blooming with infinite light. On the one hand, he was protecting the people in the foreign land, and on the other hand, he was also wary of the golden hair. After all, it was also a fairy king-level combat power, so he had to be wary.


At this moment, Xu Yu finally moved, but he was still sitting cross-legged on Jin Maohou, with a serious expression and deep eyes. He didn't show any signs of trouble. He just pointed a finger lightly, which looked ordinary. But there is a kind of power that turns decay into magic.

That finger was crystal clear and radiated with ancient light. Although it didn't look real, its aura was breathtaking and inexplicable.

"not good!"

At this moment, An Lan's eyes suddenly changed. Even though he had used terrifying power, he was now being suppressed even more. The power of that finger was so terrifying, it seemed a bit beyond his imagination.


The fingers pressed down slowly and forcefully, and the golden spear collided with each other in an instant, as if thousands of divine thunders exploded, terrifying beams of light burst out between the two, and large cracks torn in the void spread for millions of miles. , like one ferocious dragon after another.

Stripes of golden color appeared between the sky and the earth, and their beauty contained infinite murderous intent. They were caused by a huge collision.


Just a moment later, a clear cracking sound sounded. The spear body glowing with cold metallic light cracked on the spot, and then the clicking sound continued. First it broke off in one section, then cracked inch by inch, and finally exploded completely and burned. .

In the desert, An Lan stood tall, one hand still holding the original imperial city, while the edge of the red-edged spear he held in the other hand completely disappeared, leaving only a bare spear shaft.

"That is……"

Everyone was shocked. An Lan's ancient golden spear was shattered by one finger, leaving only a bare spear shaft.

It was the weapon of the Immortal King, but it couldn't withstand the man's flick of his fingers and died in a simple duel with that one blow.

Everyone was shocked and incomprehensible. What a supreme power this was. It was unbelievable that Immortal King Jiu Yan was so tyrannical?

"An could the ancient ancestor's weapons be damaged?"

The group of people in the foreign land were all stunned. For him, that was a heavy blow and an unacceptable fact.

This red-edged spear has slashed through horned ants, killed real dragons, pierced through the Nine Heavens Immortal King, and caused hundreds of millions of creatures to bleed. It has existed for eternity, how can it be shattered?

In the desert, An Lan was cold and calm, showing no emotion or anger. His eyes were deep, staring at Xu Yu, as if he wanted to see through his soul.

In fact, he was also shocked. He didn't expect that this person's strength was still so terrifying.

You know, during the battle of Xiangu, Foreign Land paid a high price for hunting Xu Yu.

An immortal king who fought against Xu Yu had fallen into a deep sleep since the end of the war, and had not yet revived even in this era.

Moreover, during the battle with Immortal Gu, Xu Yu was in the same realm as the supreme Immortal King like him, and there was not much difference between the two.

The difference is that Xu Yu's training system is astonishing and his combat power is terrifying.

In the battle of Immortal Ancient, he even rushed all the way to the realm of giants.

However, precisely because of this, Xu Yu was cared for by the kings of the foreign lands during that battle, and finally rushed towards the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries.

After the war, all the Immortal Kings believed that Xu Yu would never survive such an injury.

But he didn't expect that after an era, Xu Yu would reappear in the world, and go against the will of heaven and become a giant among the Immortal Kings.

However, on the surface, he remained calm and calm, as if he was still calm and calm.

As the immortal king, An Lan has his own majesty, not to mention that he is the number one talker in the ancient times.

Even though he knew that he was no match for Xu Yu, he could not lose in terms of momentum.

"As expected of the Human Emperor..."

The Stone King in the original imperial city was extremely surprised and lamented that with such strength, he was worthy of being a giant among the Immortal Kings, with unparalleled appearance. Even a top Immortal King like An Lan was not enough in front of him.

"Be careful..." Yu Tuo moved his lips in the distance, secretly reminding him that he felt that this Nine Heavens Immortal King, whom he had never seen before, seemed to be shrouded in fog, making it difficult to see clearly, and he needed to be prepared.

"An Lan, I said I would pick off your head today and I would not make a mistake." Xu Yu smiled faintly and looked down at An Lan. It's like looking at an ant.

"Haha, you want to take my head off? I, An Lan, am invincible, who can kill me?"

Moreover, at this time, his golden battle spear was automatically recovering, and golden light was flowing. From the heaven and earth, from the void, the fine gold energy was extracted, and the light was brilliant and amazing!


This is the supreme power. He is reshaping the golden war spear. At this moment, it becomes more and more brilliant. The golden light covers the sky and sweeps across the sky. It is like the eternal sun, billions of rays of light, shining on the sky and the earth. Through it all, the peerless immortal king's soldiers are unparalleled in the world!

The next moment, Xu Yu's temperament became more and more fierce, and his whole person was like a fairy sword, with sharp edges, especially the light emerging from his eyes, densely covered with blazing symbols, and flowing light, which made people tremble when they saw it.

"The clown can kill you by flipping your palms!"

Xu Yu said coldly, his eyes flashed with all kinds of brilliance, like a flying fairy, the whole person stood in the sky, like an emperor in the dust, possessing an ultimate majesty, just like scolding an ordinary creature, scolding An Lan

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Behind them, there were immortal beings who sneered. They were laughing in anger. Who dared to speak like this to their belief in their ancient ancestor, the Immortal King?

Do you really think that you are respected in the world and invincible in the past, present and future?

"I am the king of all heavens and all realms, and all the kings will bow their eyebrows when they see me!"

An Lan shouted, his face became colder and colder, and his eyes were as deep as the starry sky. There were not only the scenes of the destruction of the heavens and the world, but also the grand scene of the resurrection of all things. He suddenly shook the golden spear, and golden light burst out, stabbing forward. go.

The world rises and falls, chaos reopens, and immeasurable light emerges!

Xu Yu's eyes were very cold, his black hair was shiny, his figure was very handsome, his back was broad and strong, as if he could hold up the sky, and there was a torrent of blood in his body, like a blazing furnace, which could burst out at any time.


Suddenly there was a slight scolding, and the heaven and earth shook, and he raised his palms.

The brilliance fills the sky, illuminating the eight wastelands and ten lands. The Immortal King's majesty is so vast that it frightens all directions, and the Nine Netherworlds are silent.

A big golden hand, like an ancient sacred mountain, pressed down towards An Lan. The void also twisted violently, cracks appeared, and the terrifying aura vibrated.

Groups of dazzling academic light advanced, the light was blazing, like rounds of suns exploding, and the light rain was like arrows. It actually pierced the void with holes and was broken into pieces. The terrible cracks in the void spread to endless and distant places.

With this palm, Xu Yu has evolved his current understanding of palm techniques to a most vivid and vivid state. At the level of a giant, every move turns decay into magic, mysterious and unpredictable.

An Lan was horrified. With this palm strike, the spear he thrust out stopped and could no longer advance an inch. His whole body was like an insect trapped in rosin, imprisoned and unable to move.


The red-edged spear exploded again, turning into many golden fragments, scattered across the sky and earth. Each fragment was as magnificent as a star, each one burned down, and it was like fireworks blooming in the starry sky.


That palm did not stop, not only shattering the golden war spear, but also continuing to press down and sweep towards An Lan's chest.


There were splashes of blood, as if a moment had passed, or as if eternity had frozen.

An Lan flew up unexpectedly, his body convulsed and blood splashed into the sky.


"Immortal King!

Foreign land, many people shouted, what did they see? Ancient Ancestor An Lan was actually slapped away. He couldn't believe it, it was like a dream.

An Lan quickly stabilized his figure, created wind under his feet, started to move quickly, and kept retreating.

Xu Yu stepped on the fox and chased after him.

An Lanwen's pupils shrank, this person's methods were too evil.

His hand could no longer hold the imperial city, so he let go. The pressure was too great, otherwise he would continue to be suppressed.

The fragments of time flew, the power of time emerged, the golden pores moved quickly, almost reversing time, the heaven and earth exploded, and a terrifying aura surged out.

Behind, five decrees glowed, hundreds of millions of rays of divine light rose up, and the laws were intertwined. They were the laws of the five immortal kings, and they worked together. Yu Tuo gave a light scold, fought against Tianyuan, and entrusted the original imperial city. stand up.

An Lan was forced and still staggered back.

"Today is the day of your death, and I will kill you Chaqi!"

"I, An Lan, once killed ten evil spirits from the nine heavens and walked on the king's bones. Who can suppress me?" An Lan roared, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.


However, Xu Yu still didn't get off Jin Feokong's back, and it was still a simple palm. For this talkative king, only absolute strength can make him realize what true despair is!

An Lan staggered, blood drained from the corner of his mouth, and a clear palm print appeared on his face, accompanied by bloody palm marks.

However, it wasn't just that, Xu Yu was extremely fast and struck out continuously, slapping the opponent hard and making a huge sound.


An Lan's body was unable to break free and was almost imprisoned. He opened his mouth and coughed up blood, and several of his teeth fell out.

In just a moment, Xu Yu slapped him more than a dozen times, causing his cheeks to swell rapidly.

Whether it was the imperial pass or the foreign monks in the desert, their eyes almost fell off. What did they see? The Immortal King actually got slapped in the face in public?

An Lan's face was stunned, and he was obviously stunned by Xu Yu, and then turned pale. How many epochs have passed since he became a king and an ancestor, and he was so high up, overlooking the long river of epochs, that he had never suffered such a great humiliation!

"The Immortal King!"

"An Lan Ancestor!"

In the foreign direction, the strong men from all sides were shocked, their hearts were filled with waves, and their spines were all chilled, feeling that their faith was about to collapse.

What kind of truth is this? The undefeated immortal king, the supreme and powerful man, and the faith in the hearts of all races are being hanged and slapped like this.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill all the Immortal Kings and destroy Jiutian!"

An Lan's expression was ugly, but he was the most powerful man, able to overlook the eternity and dominate the world, but he was currently in such a crisis and was being humiliated like this.


Xu Yu made a fist seal, stepped on the Golden Retriever Machine, and suppressed it. The astonishing collision sound was very loud, almost like the beating of a heavenly drum. He hit An Lan and flew into the air many times, causing him to vomit blood.

He sat upright on the golden pores, and while swinging a single fist, he suppressed all directions and killed An Lan. He was so domineering that it made everyone sigh.

The movements of his hands and feet seem to be one with the avenue of heaven and earth, who can compete with him!


Another punch hit An Lan's shoulder, making him stagger, his feet hollow, and then his shoulder exploded.

Behind, many creatures from the foreign land were wailing. The undefeated An Lan was unexpectedly beaten like this, as if the world had collapsed.

How could this be? ?

In the foreign direction, many people were worried, frightened by An Lan, and had endless doubts. How could this person be so tyrannical?

"An Lan, you are an ant!" Xu Yu smiled faintly.


At this time, An Lan exploded, and a shield appeared in his left hand, which was solid and immortal, trying to seal Xu Yu's unparalleled fist seal.

"Immortal shield, immortal for all tribulations, I will live forever, and I will bring chaos to the world. No one can kill me!"

An Lan roared loudly, the sound shook the heaven and the earth. His momentum was like the sun rising across the sky, illuminating thousands of stars. His energy and blood were as blazing as a melting furnace of heaven and earth, capable of melting even immortal gold. He held a shield in his left hand, and his right hand was still holding a sharp strike. The spear is just a spear shaft turned into a weapon, which is slashed horizontally.

"I wish your strength was half as strong as your tone."

There is a sound that can shake the stars, a river of stars can be seen in the light of the fist, and the majestic emperor's shadow actually appears behind Xu Yu.

At this moment, it transformed into the light of the fist, and seemed to come to life, carrying the terrifying fist intention of Fen Shi, sweeping towards An Lan.


This power was so powerful that it dispersed many avenue patterns spreading in the void, causing a big explosion in the sky.

The majestic impact sound penetrated the layers of void, rushed up to the nine heavens like a substance, stirred up thousands of huge waves, the waves surged, and the waves burst one after another, just like small worlds that were born and destroyed, and the turmoil was endless.

With this kind of momentum, especially the immortal figures have a clearer understanding, and the more they know, the more their minds are shaken, and it is difficult to calm down, and even the meaning of Yan Li arises.

In the blazing light, An Lan staggered back again. One of his arms spasmed, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, as thick as lava, and his pupils showed an unbelievable look.


The Immortal Shield exploded and turned into fragments one by one. The streams of light rushed forward and pierced into An Lan's flesh and blood, instantly leaving his body riddled with holes and numerous blood holes appearing.

"Yu Tuo, save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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