Facing Xu Yu's attack, An Lan couldn't bear it anymore and shouted for help. He put down his pride and dignity and started to shout for help. Otherwise, he felt that he might really die violently.

The person opposite is too weird and his strength is unpredictable. It is still unknown how many levels of strength he has used.

Although the Supreme Immortal King is extremely difficult to kill, he really felt the crisis of life and death with Xu Yu. Maybe he was really in danger of falling! He didn't dare to take the risk!

Many exotic creatures have changed their colors. Is this still their invincible ancestor?

An Lan's current appearance is too miserable and shocking.

His hair was disheveled, his facial bones were cracked, and his teeth were missing with blood stains in his mouth. One face in particular was swollen like a pig's head, and it was beyond repair in a short period of time.

Even the Jiutian monk was speechless. Even if An Lan could survive, he would not have the confidence to show off.

After being punished so harshly, how can he hold his head up in the future? He is destined to become a laughing stock in the endless era.

"He was beaten into a pig's head!" Chilong laughed.

"What kind of invincible ancient ancestor? I think he has a false reputation and only takes advantage of others' danger! He deserves it!" The little horned ant also shouted, taunting him so hard that many foreign monks glared at them.

An Lan was severely punished. If we were to talk about who was the funniest, it was undoubtedly the Little Alicorn Ant and the Red Dragon Ge Gu, who were the ones behind the Ten Evils. They were originally opposed to An Lan and had a deep hatred.

On the other side, Yu Tuo stood tall and powerful. His whole body was wrapped in mist. The aura of the Immortal King was overwhelming and surging, and he was also a little angry.

An Lan came to Jiutian with him, how could he stand idly by?

Not to mention that the two of them had the same purpose, and the relationship between the two was very good, so he would not let it go. However, he also remained rational and knew not to act rashly.

"Please ask Ancestor Yu Tuo to take action to suppress the murderer!" Someone said, because some monks in foreign lands were afraid, fearing that An Lan would really die in battle.

This is something that has never happened before. Taking action from the Immortal King in a foreign land means that there is no one in the sky or on earth that cannot be suppressed and no one can compete with him.

However, they are now worried about An Lan's life and death, fearing that he will really die here and his blood will be splattered for nine days.

"Ancestor Anlan is undefeated!" someone shouted.

Unfortunately, Xu Yu slapped him again, causing An Lan to stumble back with blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

"Ancestor Yu Tuo, please take action." Someone shouted again.

At this moment, Yu Tuo held the original imperial city in mid-air and activated five decrees, as if to seal the city and break open the abyss.

"Immortal creatures must pay a price if they want to pass this test. This impact is far-reaching and lasting and will be reflected many years later." This was Yu Tuo's response.

He told everyone that if they wanted to forcefully break through the Tianyuan area and get close to it, they would be bound to pay a heavy price.

"Can't we work together?" Some immortals were anxious,

Worrying about An Lan, the ancient ancestor was in trouble, could it be that Yu Ke, they were now worried about An Lan's life and death, fearing that he would really die here, with his blood splattered in the sky.

"Ancestor Anlan is undefeated!" someone shouted. Unfortunately, Xu Yu slapped him again, causing An Lan to stumble back with blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

"Ancestor Yu Tuo, please take action." Someone asked again

shouted loudly.

At this moment, Yu Tuo held the original imperial city in mid-air and activated five decrees, as if to seal the city and break open the abyss.

"Immortal creatures must pay a price if they want to pass this test. This impact is far-reaching and lasting and will be reflected many years later." This was Yu Tuo's response.

He told everyone that if they wanted to forcefully break through the Tianyuan area and get close to it, they would be bound to pay a heavy price.

"Can't we work together?" There are immortals who are anxious and worried about An Lan. The ancient ancestor is in trouble, can't Yu Tuo take action? If this continues for a long time, the morale of their community is likely to plummet, which is a major blow.

Yu Tuo then explained that the Tianyuan was not formed naturally, but was embodied by many supreme rules. It was a gathering place of traces of the great road. As long as one crossed the Tianyuan, whether it was one person or two immortal kings, the result would be the same. Give something.

Tianyuan's supreme rune is extremely targeted, like a curse, preventing immortal creatures. This is also an important reason why these people have not completely destroyed Jiutian after so long.

"So, Gu Zu Anlan just broke through alone. That's it. This is the price our world needs to pay." Someone trembled, finally understanding.

"That's it." Yu Tuo nodded.

At the beginning, only An Lan was moving forward, and the others were helping with the decree, but they did not dare to show up and really get close to Tian Yuan.

At this moment, An Lan kept flying sideways, spitting out blood, his whole body was in tatters, and he was extremely miserable. His miserable screams made people tremble with fear. They could make an immortal king so miserable. You can imagine how terrifying that person was.

At Diguan, on the city wall, many monks here were extremely excited and excited. Many people couldn't help shouting, and their excitement was beyond words.


"Is it really possible to kill the Immortal King?"

Some of the very old Supreme Beings were trembling and their lips were trembling. They felt that the blood was rushing to the top of their heads and they wanted to roar out to express the excitement in their hearts.

Who is An Lan? An immortal king who once dominated the world. He killed the sun and the moon with his red-edged spear and immortal shield. He was one of the masters who destroyed the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In the past, he fought with the Immortal King for supremacy in the world, his hands were bloody. He was one of the most hated supreme beings in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and the most hated executioner in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. This person is definitely on the list.

Now, An Lan is almost blown away, like a dream, which is unbelievable, but the monks of Jiutian Diguan are very excited and relieved!


An Lan roared, his long hair flying wildly, his eyes like lightning, tearing the universe apart, trying his best to fight.


Xu Yu bent his five fingers, filled with endless dragon energy, golden light flashed, and a big dragon opened its teeth and claws, rushed out of his palm, roaring to the heaven and earth,


The dragon roared to heaven and earth, and pierced An Lan's chest. Blood spattered everywhere, leaving ferocious claw marks.

This is a real dragon claw!

Then, Xu Yu stretched out his right hand, and a big stick of immortal gold weighed as much as a billion. Threads of Dao light surged and suppressed it. The terrifying divine power overturned the river, destroyed everything, and suppressed the world.

This is the magic of the Alicorn Ant!

An Lan was angry. These were the creatures that he had last resorted to in the past. Now that the other party was using such methods, it represented a different kind of revenge!

His body flew sideways again, almost exhausted and unable to move.

"Ancestor Yu Tuo!"

In the foreign land, someone panicked and called Yu Tuo, hoping that he would take action. They were actually afraid that An Lan would have an accident and be killed by the Immortal King Zhenyan.

He dragged the original imperial city and was ready to take action at this moment. Otherwise, he was really worried that An Lan would have a big problem.

As the Immortal King, he knew that he was a creature that was difficult to kill, but this Immortal King was so weird and his methods were unpredictable. If he didn't take action soon, he would be really worried.


The abyss shook, the original imperial city glowed, terrible pressure filled the air, the vast universe filled every inch of space, there was a roar, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, Yu Tuo stretched out a big hand, and cut out a secret treasure, and hit Xu Yu, I want to save An Lan as soon as possible.


Xu Yu's eyes were trembling, and his eyes were misty. Daoguang was flowing, and he also noticed Yu Tuo's small movements, but did not pay attention to them immediately.


Xu Yu pointed his fingers like swords, a clear light appeared, activated the grass-shaped sword technique, and cut off An Lan's head with a pop.

With a grunt, his head fell to the ground. Xu Yu turned his hand to suppress it and took him over. His divine eyes glowed and pinned him to the void, making it impossible for him to return to his true form.

Then, he stretched out his arms, and blazing divine flames appeared. A true phoenix roared out, burning for nine days, covering the sky and the sun, and rushed towards the area below An Lan's head, igniting the body.


In the foreign land, many people were shouting and going crazy. The ancient ancestor had his head cut off and his body was on fire.

The people in Jiutian were stunned and still a little unable to react.

"Go and sacrifice the flag." Xu Yu smiled and looked at the frightened An Lan's head. There was still his soul there, which contained his immortal Taoist fruit.

Xu Yu used the supreme secret technique and ignited An Lan's soul. In an instant, he seemed to see a chaotic void, with infinite light blooming, the world opened up, all spirits were born, the years passed, and life began its first reincarnation.

"The giant..." An Lan trembled. Only at this moment did he realize that he had made a mistake. This was a giant of the Immortal King. He underestimated the enemy and was too conceited.


His eyes suddenly revived, and a terrifying energy rose up. His eyes were fixed, and two blazing beams of light penetrated several layers of void.

The void seemed to fall into darkness for a moment, and then a ray of light suddenly appeared, as if it came from the beginning of chaos, accompanied by the gravel of time, seeming to penetrate the end of the universe, penetrate into his head, and sink into his soul.

He has already become a giant of the Immortal King and has developed the Sixth Secret Realm. Now his divine eye has further evolved, and he has the ability to kill the most powerful Immortal King in a short period of time.


At this moment, An Lan's head and soul began to disappear inch by inch, almost burning.

"Yu Tuo...save..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes dimmed completely, and his entire soul evaporated, leaving only his head.

An Lan falls!

Yu Tuo's expression changed drastically. Unexpectedly, it was too late and An Lan was killed!

The immortal king of a generation, An Lan, has fallen!


In an instant, foreign lands, ancient caves one after another, were filled with brilliance and terrifying aura, penetrating the sky and making the stars in the sky tremble.

One after another, the immortal kings came to life, and An Lan fell, alarming many people. They all rushed towards the desert Tianyuan with murderous intent, furious!

"Come on the flag!"

Xu Yu's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he looked towards the direction of Diguan, where the iron-blooded war flag hung high, fluttering in the wind, and making a hunting sound, with endless vicissitudes and weight, like a living ancient history, telling an immortal chapter.

It is the iron-blooded battle flag and the shroud of the Immortal King. It once wrapped the corpse of the Immortal King of the Endless Six Paths of Reincarnation, leaving behind the essence and blood, as well as the blood of many true immortals. This also represents the immortality of the Nine Heavens in the past. Fighting spirit!

But now Xu Yu has come to fulfill his promise, offering An Lan's head as a sacrifice to the Iron-Blooded War Flag to comfort the souls of the heroes who died in the Nine Heavens War.

"Lord Immortal King, please take the flag!"

An old supreme, with tears in his eyes and trembling all over, has been dreaming about it many times, hoping that a supreme being will rise up and wash away the humiliation of the past. Now he has waited. He held the iron-blooded war flag high with both hands. The war flag rolled and turned into a torrent, covering the sky and the sun, and flew over like a torrent.

The north wind blew the white grass off the ground and fell into Xu Yu's hands.


Xu Yu flicked his fingers, the clear light shone, the iron locks clanked, and a fairy gold chain flew out. With a pop, it penetrated An Lan's head and let him hang under the iron-blooded battle flag.

At the Imperial Pass, on the city wall, many people watched with excitement. An Lan was executed, and his head was hung under the Immortal King's shroud. Their emotions were so agitated that they couldn't help but roar.

At this moment, the Iron-Blooded War Flag was glowing, and silhouettes appeared vaguely one after another. They were the marks of the heroes who died in the past, and they seemed to have received an inexplicable response.

As for him holding the Iron-Blooded Battle Flag, he also had an inexplicable look on his face. He could sense the many immortal imprints and emotions conveyed by the battle flag.

"You...damn it!"

Yu Tuo roared, unable to believe that the immortal king who was as famous as him was actually beheaded, which made him angry, unwilling and sad!

An Lan was not only the ancient ancestor of the foreign land, but also his best friend. The two of them had always gone hand in hand, but now one of them had died.


From the foreign land, everyone from immortals to ordinary monks couldn't believe it and couldn't help crying.

The invincible ancient ancestor was beheaded, and his head was hung under the enemy's battle flag. This was equivalent to their spiritual support being destroyed and their faith collapsed.

"Yu Tuo, are you here to seek death too? It just so happens that I have left a place for you under the Iron-Blooded War banner."

Xu Yu said lightly. His eyes were as deep as the vast starry sky. Although his words were calm, these words sent chills down Yu Tuo's spine. Although he had not yet crossed the abyss, his mind was shaken and he felt inexplicably palpitating. .

Xu Yu looked at Yu Tuo. He knew that this person had come into contact with the ancient artifacts of origin. He was a supreme being who emerged from the darkness and was a super evolver. However, he was just a supreme immortal king and posed no threat to Xu Yu. .

However, at this moment, Yu Tuo had no intention of fighting. His strength was similar to that of An Lan. Naturally, he could not take advantage of An Lan's sudden death. He had already stretched out his big hand to lure An Lan, but now that Bo Lan was dead, he could not take advantage of it. There is no need to take action again.


The abyss shook, and the original imperial city glowed.

Yu Tuo's expression suddenly changed. In the sky, red divine chains of order intertwined and enveloped all directions. The secret treasure he had played clicked and cracks appeared.

He hit the secret treasure to let it bear his injuries. Now that the secret treasure is about to be broken, his big hand must be withdrawn, otherwise he will have to withstand the terrifying power of the Tianyuan Order.

At this moment, his face looked ugly, cracks appeared in the secret treasure, and the power of order had fallen. Those orders were really like a curse. The immortal-level creatures were so affected here that he felt as if they would be suppressed.

"Want to leave?" Xu Yu sneered, looked at Yu Tuo, and stretched out his palm.


The seemingly ordinary palm glowed, and a majestic power that seemed to be above the heavens bloomed. The palms of the fingers flicked and stroked towards Yu Tuo's big hand.


Ancient characters jumped out one after another, and a cage appeared in the air. Nine characters sealing the sky appeared in its palm, suppressing the world.

The nine characters pressed down and slowly closed together, and a small world suddenly appeared, like the creation of heaven and earth, flowing with chaotic mist.

This is his Immortal King scripture. The nine ancient characters in the past supreme realm have further evolved to the level of the Immortal King today, which is even more terrifying.

Then, divine chains of order rushed out from between his palms, wrapping around his big hands and binding them tightly. "How brave, do you really want to fight with us until death?" Yu Tuo shouted.

Yu Tuo sensed the danger, chills ran down his spine, and his body spasmed unconsciously. His hand wanted to escape, but the speed of movement suddenly slowed down a lot.

"The Iron-Blooded Battle Banner still lacks one person!" Xu Yu shouted.

"How could this be?"

Yu Tuo was shocked. The other party's magic was too weird. It blocked the world and seemed to cut off his escape route.

"not good!"

Yu Tuo's expression changed drastically. If he couldn't break free, not to mention Xu Yu would take action, even the power of Tian Yuan's rules would not be able to withstand it.

Once he is involved, even if he can escape, it may take many years for the harm to subside. This is a price he is not willing to bear.

Yu Tuo looked ferocious, and with a wave of his big hand, his immortal weapon appeared, exploded in the sky, and turned into fragments, forcibly cutting off the suppressive power, and the whole big hand quickly retreated.

Xu Yu's expression was slightly condensed. He didn't expect that this person was so courageous that he actually detonated his own royal weapon.


At this moment, Xu Yu's eyes moved, his eyes were filled with mist, and the whole world was different, filled with white mist.

His eyes were extremely deep, like the source of the world, with chaos pouring out. This place was hazy, not so real anymore, a bit hazy and blurry.

This change was not good. At least Yu Tuo felt that his body seemed to be restrained, and the impact was not so smooth. For this short moment, his hand stagnated slightly.


At this moment, the red divine chain of order fell from above Tianyuan, and the power of the curse invaded, landing on Yu Tuo's arm.

"Ah..." Yu Tuo screamed, and bursts of black smoke came out of his big hands. Those were the supreme rules, infringing on his big hands.

He wanted to throw away his car and cut off his arm, but not only his big hand, but also his body was imprisoned, unable to move!


Above the sky, black and yellow qi circulated, Xu Yu's immortal golden tripod hung high, nine colors of light shone, wandering in the void, and the misty Tao Qi dropped down, interweaving inexplicable light beams.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron flew out at extremely fast speed!

The mouth of the tripod was aimed at Yu Tuo, containing endless Taoist power, as if it wanted to swallow him up.


Tianyuan roared, and the Divine Chain of Order also dropped down. This is Tianyuan's power of order, which will carry out differential attacks on the immortal power. Even Xu Yu's Immortal Golden Cauldron is among his attacks.

The fairy golden cauldron glows, the air is misty, the heaven and the earth move, the avenue hums, and all the red power of order falls, like rain falling on a lotus leaf, creating ripples.

Xu Yu's body was full of energy and blood. The power of Tianyuan's rules was terrifying. The Immortal Golden Cauldron had relieved a lot of its power, but there was still an unparalleled divine power that washed away his internal organs and limbs, making him feel uncomfortable. .


The immortal golden cauldron roared, and the pure energy became more intense, forming a strong pulling force that suddenly pulled Yu Tuo into the abyss, leading him to the direction of Xu Yu.


At this time, Tianyuan Imperial City also took this opportunity to fly into the air and moved away in an instant.

"Ancestor Yu Tuo!"

In the foreign land, many people were shocked. Ancient Ancestor Yu Tuo was forcibly dragged to Tianyuan.


The kings from foreign lands arrived, and each one of them shocked the world, and their aura was overwhelming. Even though they were hundreds of millions of miles away, the aura made people palpitate.

"you dare?"

"How brave!"

Many immortal kings yelled loudly, and the figures were silhouetted. They were all terrifying. Eight immortal kings actually came!


Suddenly, one of them took action, and the sky was shaken violently. There was a simple and impressive weapon, trying to cut through it!


A war halberd is very thick and very cold. It is about to strike the abyss of the sky and cut it open. The cold light shimmers, which is truly astonishing.

This scene is very strange and terrifying.

The sky was shaking violently, the power of red order was surging, and the entire desert was trembling, as if the world was spinning and everything was in ruins.

Especially that aura, even if it is across the abyss and blocked by the Imperial Pass, it still makes people feel heart palpitations and send chills down their spines.

Many people are horrified, this immortal king is extremely terrifying!


Above Tianyuan, the only king in the city took action again, activating the power of Tianyuan and lowering the endless power of order to prevent the immortal king from taking action.

It can be clearly seen that it is a bronze war halberd. It is very simple and has almost cut the Tianyuan completely. The light of order overflows, like a huge gap.

Lights shined one after another, endless red clouds shone, and the red power of order was like a vast ocean, drowning the euphorbia.

The bronze halberd was so cold that it seemed like it could easily cut through the universe. It just lay there, motionless, being eroded by the power of order.

Everyone is confused. Whose weapon is this?

Is that person going to come in person?

In front of the abyss, tall demonic figures stood one after another, wrapped in chaos, making it impossible to distinguish them.

At the Imperial Pass and on the city wall, many people were silent for a moment. This was different from what they thought. The battle was not over yet, and the immortal king of the foreign land was not giving up yet! So many people came, and some people actually tried to cross the Tianyuan!


The big halberd shook, trying to break through the abyss of the sky, and really cut it over, causing monstrous killings. Billions of beams of light split the sky, thunder and lightning surged down, and the divine power shocked the world.

Chi Chi!

Billions of red clouds, infinite brilliance, bloody symbols burned fiercely, vaguely illuminating the sky full of stars, and blood-colored divine chains tied the euphorbia, preventing him from moving forward.

Tianyuan is still working.

"Tian Yuan, as expected, can target the Immortal King!" Many people in Diguan breathed a sigh of relief and their expressions softened slightly.

"Will his weapons be destroyed?" Some people stared at Tianyuan with wide eyes, showing expectant looks.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the bronze halberd was not broken. He was shining, fighting against Tianyuan and dissolving the power of order. He wanted to break through a passage and rescue Yu Tuo.

At this moment, the Immortal Golden Cauldron and the Bronze War Halberd were all glowing, confronting each other and constantly pulling together, forming a terrible storm, and Yu Tuo was right at the center of the storm and fell into crisis.

At this moment, Yu Tuo was still bearing the impact of the Divine Law of Order in the abyss. His whole body was in tatters and miserable. He had no strength, but he could not use it at this moment.

Not only was Tianyuan targeting him, but the three terrifying powers of the original imperial city's Stone King and Xu Yu emerged, making him miserable and aggrieved. An Lan failed to save him, but almost trapped him.

Xu Yu kept his expression calm, and shot out a series of traction forces, increasing the strength to pull Yu Tuo over.


At this moment, another secondary earthquake occurred in the city, forcing the bloody runes back and breaking away from the chain of order, which shocked everyone.

In an instant, many people in Diguan felt as if their hair was chilling and their whole bodies were cold.

Even Tianyuan can't stop him, who is this person?

"I... know, he is the unparalleled strong man!"

Someone trembled and said that he said a name, but he did not dare to say the words together, but separated them, otherwise he might encounter unimaginable things.

The Immortal King is so powerful that if you recite his true name, he may manifest himself on the spot, which is unparalleled.

Although Tianyuan blocked it, no one dared to recite the true name, and they were deeply afraid.

No regrets!

Many people realized who this person was. He was the famous Wu Shang from another city!

There are endless legends about this king. Even in foreign lands, he is so famous that it makes people tremble when he mentions it.

Even though they are both immortal kings, not many people dare to offend him. Even An Lan, Yu Tuo and others are not as good as him.

Because he is too powerful and too ancient. According to legend, he is half a generation higher than many immortal kings. His status is respected and unparalleled.

The Wushang family is one of the oldest imperial families!

Wu Shang is the ancestor of this clan. He has always been alive and has experienced more than one era. His magical power is truly astonishing. Looking down on the ups and downs of the era, he is an unparalleled figure.

Holding a bronze halberd, he is known as the invincible killer in the world, and he is as lonely as snow!

"It's him, it's really him!"

At this moment, in the Imperial Pass, some leaders of the big clans trembled, and their expressions changed when they recognized him.

No sorrow. The evil reputation was so great that it overshadowed the sun and the moon. In the ancient battle in the past, he was a killer and broke the balance.

"Immune to magic power, invulnerable to all attacks! This is the invincible king!" Someone sighed, very fearful.

Wushang is so famous that his fame has moved the past and present, shakes the heaven and earth, and is on par with the sky. When he reaches a certain level, everyone knows his majesty.

Immunity to magical powers and invulnerable to all attacks, this is his capital as a human being. This heaven-defying ability alone is enough to make him innately invincible, unparalleled in ancient and modern times, and few people can compete with him.

At the Imperial Pass, Shi Wu's expression froze, because he had also obtained similar abilities, but compared with this immortal king, he was nothing.

No wonder the bronze halberd is not broken and can be placed across the abyss of the sky, or even cut out passages. As its weapon, it is naturally immune to mana.

"Could it be that Diguan can't stop it after all?" Someone trembled.

"It doesn't matter, the Immortal King is still here. Moreover, the magical power is ineffective. It is only relative and cannot last long. Otherwise, the foreign land would have attacked long ago." Meng Tianzheng shook his head to reassure everyone in Diguan.

"Yes, that's exactly it." Taoist Aoki also responded. His words were very convincing to everyone, and many people calmed down at once.

If the red power of order was ineffective against him, he would have passed the test long ago. Why wait until now?

The bronze halberd blade glowed, exerting a pulling force, trying to pull Yu Tuo back, and at the same time, his blade glowed. The murderous aura is overwhelming, fighting against the Immortal Golden Cauldron.

It's a pity that Xu Yu is faster, the Immortal Golden Cauldron becomes more and more misty, the suction power is stronger than before, like a whale sucking a cow to drink, the devouring power becomes more and more terrifying, pulling it from the abyss of the sky.

At this moment, Yu Tuo's whole body was pulled out and fell in front of Xu Yu. He was already extremely weak.

Xu Yu's chest was also rising and falling slightly, and he was consuming a lot. Using the Immortal King's weapon to cross the abyss of heaven was impossible without a price.

However, after all, the power of order did not invade his body, which was the best result.


At this time, cracks also appeared on the bronze spur, which was very eye-catching.


Tianyuan's divine rules of order were already soaked in bronze battles, and Wushang had no choice but to consider withdrawing.

At this moment, although Yu Tuo was not dead, his combat power had been severely reduced. Looking at the murderous Xu Yu, he could not say a word.

"An Lan is on his way, you are not alone!" Xu Yu said coldly.


Xu Yu turned his palm into a knife and cut off his head in one go. The blood rushed to the sky and was hung on the flag. At the same time, his eyes turned, and the runes were blazing, and he shot out a light of destruction, killing his soul directly!

Kill an immortal king again!

An Lan died, his fate fell!

"You...Bin Si!" Wu Shang yelled, his long hair flowing, and his whole body was filled with anger.

In their ancient world, they lost two immortal kings in succession and still died in the hands of one person. This was a shame and humiliation that had never happened before and needed to be washed away with blood.

Wushang was furious, his bronze halberd glowed, and billions of rays of light marched forward. He forced himself to withstand Tianyuan's terrible pressure and forced him over again, hoping to break through Tianyuan and assassinate Xu Yu.


Xu Yu scolded lightly, and the Immortal Golden Cauldron unfolded and swept across the sky. With a bang, sparks splashed out, sending out billions of rays of rays of light. The divine power of the Tao of Order surged again, driving it away.

"I swear to kill you!" Wushang shouted,

But in the end, Wu Shang was helpless. At this moment, he could only retreat. His magic immunity had expired, and the consequences of continuing would be unpredictable.

Yu Tuo is dead!

In the Imperial Pass, many people were excited. Once again, an immortal king died in a foreign land. What an impressive achievement this was. Before, they could not even think of it.

"Kill! The king has fallen, and the nine heavens and ten places will bear the endless wrath of our world!"

"The remnants of the Nine Heavens have really made them a climate!"

“Today, even if we pay a certain price, we will destroy Tianyuan!

"After all, he is only one person, and with a golden retriever, his blood will definitely be splattered in the sky today!

Several immortal kings, whose Dharma appearance shocked the world, roared like blazing fire and could not be calmed down.

They were tall figures, standing one by one in front of the abyss, entangled in the mist, revealing their terrifying cold eyes, overlooking the world, like a group of demon lords... (End of this chapter)

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