The desert is desolate and has a sense of solemnity.


A torrential bloody light rushed up and shattered the sky. It was so shocking that even time seemed to be cut off.

The sky and the earth are burning, and the symbols of the avenue are densely packed, rising from the abyss of the sky and spreading towards the sky.

This is the anger of the eight immortal kings from a foreign land, standing outside the abyss of the sky, their blood and energy collapse, their eyes split into space, forming a terrifying vision of heaven and earth.

The sudden death of the two immortal kings has already made the remaining few angry. This is a shame.

"Please all fellow Taoists clear the way for me. This time I will pay a price and kill this person!"

Wushang held a bronze halberd, his hair was flying, his eyes were like cold lightning, he stared at the other side of the abyss and made a decision.

"Fellow Taoist is right. I have never been so aggrieved in our world. Even if I pay the price and endure a certain amount of oppression, I still want to avenge An Lan and Yu Tuo."

An immortal king spoke coldly, his voice was like thunder.

They all know that it is undoubtedly difficult for the Immortal King to cross the abyss, but now, they must pay the price, otherwise they will not be able to do anything to the other party.

The fall of the two immortal kings was already shocking, and they had to take action.

Xu Yu stood in the abyss of the sky. Suddenly, his eyes opened and closed, and his eyes were full of light. He looked at several immortal kings in the distance with an indifferent expression.

"You can come and give it a try. What you are waiting for in front of me is just a pile of dead bones in a grave!"

Xu Yu got off Jin Maokong's back for the first time, stood on the bank of the abyss, and stared at the opposite side.

With his hands behind his back and his clothes flowing, he stood tall and tall like an ancient mountain or a green pine, facing the eight immortal kings across the vast abyss of the sky.

The brilliance in his eyes flashed, piercing through illusions, revealing the source, falling into the other side of the abyss, like a whale sucking cow's drink, it seems to be able to swallow everything, devour the heart and soul,

A ray of light burst out, like an eternal light, accompanied by the dragon's roar, like an aurora, piercing the void, and the whole space collapsed, and the power of the giant Immortal King was undoubtedly revealed.

"How brave to underestimate me like this!"

"There is no lifetime of death, reincarnation of death, isn't the time too long? It seems that Jiutian has forgotten the killing name of us!"

"The past will eventually reappear. It seems that the grand occasion of Immortal Ancient's last years is not far away!"

One after another, the immortal kings were filled with murderous intent and cold eyes. They seemed to have cut off eternity of time, destroying layers of space and causing endless ripples.

"Cross the abyss and destroy the Nine Heavens, right now!"

There was a voice filled with coldness and murderous intent, with a bloodthirsty flavor. It was Wu Shang speaking, the voice was cold.

"Fellow Taoists, please raid the formation for me!" Wushang shouted, holding a bronze halberd and staring coldly in the direction of Tianyuan.

"Okay!" The remaining seven immortal kings roared in unison, shaking the sky and shocking the world. They were determined now.

They took action together to fight against Tianyuan. This time, it was no longer just a few decrees, but a real face to Tianyuan, and they would rather bear the power of the rules. The impact on them was huge, but they risked it.

Several immortal kings wanted to work together to send Wu Shang over, and they all used great magic power, as if they wanted to seal off the heaven and earth and change the universe.

Several immortal kings from foreign lands were covered with light that weighed ten thousand, burning like the blazing sun. Each of their forehead bones burst out with a divine light of order, turning into a chain of avenues to resist the abyss and create a passage.

Even Xu Yu was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this foreign land could have such courage. The seven or eight immortal kings must have been damaged after experiencing this battle. They had to go through a long period of time to repair themselves, and they really spent a lot of money.


The Tianyuan was shaken and stimulated, and the power of red order surged. The interior of the Tianyuan seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​laws, pressing down again to fight against the Immortal King's attack.

"There is no need for the Human Emperor to take action now. I will detonate Tianyuan and seal this place for hundreds of years. Without fear, he will not be able to get through."

In the original imperial city, the only Stone King secretly transmitted a message, a little anxious. If Wu Shang came over, it would be a catastrophe. This iron-blooded king had no idea how much blood he had stained with the Nine Heavenly Beings in the past.

Wushang's fierce reputation is so great that it exerts pressure on ancient and modern times. Even in foreign lands, it is one of the best. How could it not make people worry?

"It doesn't matter, there is no need to rush to detonate Tianyuan, wait for him to come over, I will kill him!

Xu Yu responded, "He is also a giant among the Immortal Kings. He is fearless in a duel and is still extremely confident."

Now, if King Shi doesn't speak, he can only choose to believe him! But he is also controlling Tianyuan's power, fighting against the combined efforts of several immortal kings, and trying to stop Wushang as much as possible.

Several tall figures exerted their divine power of order, working together, and finally opened a passage.

"The head on your neck belongs to me!"

Wushang said indifferently, holding the big halberd, he stepped into the Tianyuan passage in one step. As he looked around, cold lightning shot out.

"Ancestor Wushang!"

In a foreign land, millions of ferocious soldiers are shouting in unison, fighting spirit is surging, and the banners are flying, making the sound of wind and thunder, the sound shakes the world, shakes the heaven and earth, and moves the universe!

They believed that if the Wushang Ancient Ancestor came to that world in his true form, it would turn the world upside down and rewrite everything. And they would once again create the glory of the Immortal Ancient's last years and create an immortal legend.


In the passage, footsteps were heard, and the sound of footsteps contained murderous intent. The steps fell like drums, and an aura that was more chilling than the autumn wind began to fill the hearts of people in both worlds.

A passage emerged, and the eyes of everyone in Diguan gathered at the end of that passage. Their eyes were fixed on the figure that appeared.

Wushang descended, the bronze halberd roared, shaking out billions of rays of destruction, stirring up waves of void, and the situation changed color.

"No, the Great Demon King Wushang, he is really here!"

In the Imperial Pass, many people changed their minds. Foreign Land was so determined. The two immortal kings were killed. They really couldn't swallow this breath, and they actually sent a supreme king.

Looking from a distance, it was misty and misty, and a majestic black figure stood there, full of a kind of magic, and the depressing atmosphere made people stop breathing.

Xu Yu snorted coldly, and Dao Ze flew out. Immortal light overflowed, stabilizing the world and staring at the figure coming across the abyss.

That black demonic shadow was so oppressive that as it moved forward, the sun, moon and stars trembled with its fluctuations.

Xu Yu saw his true body. He was a middle-aged man with jet-black hair and crystal-clear skin, flowing with immortal brilliance and wrapped in a mysterious power.

He holds a bronze halberd, his blood is soaring into the sky, and his power is unparalleled!

"Today, King Zhu Xian will destroy Jiutian!" Wu Shang's hair was flying and his tone was cold.

'Wushang, it's not like we didn't fight back then. If there weren't other people involved in the Immortal Ancient Era, it wouldn't be certain who would live and who would die? I don’t know if you still had the fighting power you had in the past era. I hope you won’t disappoint me. "Xu Yu said lightly.

"Thunder Emperor back then, the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass was also so powerful, so they all died young." Wushang said indifferently, his eyes gleaming with murderous light, staring at Xu Yu.

"Moreover, during the Immortal Era, if you hadn't been so good at escaping, you would still be alive today!" Wu Shang looked at Xu Yu coldly and said in a cold tone.

"But I admit that in the last era, you were indeed the most outstanding Immortal King among the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Even if you were the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Immortal King of Endlessness, they are still far behind you!"

Although the two belong to hostile camps, they will not deny the strength of the other. Standing in front of the battle, the two are reminiscing like friends they have not seen for many years.

You must know that in the final battle of the Immortal Ancient, there are very few Immortal Kings who can fight Wushang head-on.

Even the two leaders of the Nine Heavens, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King and the Everlasting Immortal King, were inferior in combat power compared to him.

After all, the Immortal King of Reincarnation and the Immortal King of Endlessness were nothing more than supreme Immortal Kings back then. They only touched the realm of giants, and they were still some distance away from the giants.

"Did the other party ever fight against the Ancient Ancestor Wushang during the Immortal Era?" someone in the foreign army whispered.

"So that's it, it's actually him. Why did an Immortal King appear out of thin air in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths? It turns out to be a remnant of the Immortal Ancient!"

After hearing the conversation between the two, some immortal kings who had participated in the Immortal Ancient War also remembered who Xu Yu was.

"I didn't expect that he could survive such an injury. It's really incredible!"

"Don't be careless. After all, the opponent is also an Immortal King, with extraordinary fighting power. If he wasn't hot, he would have fallen into the Immortal Ancient!"

"If the Immortal Realm hadn't sent troops to hold us back, we would have fought and killed him wherever we chased the Human Realm Sea!"

As the Immortal King spoke, the foreign army also understood who Yu Wushang was fighting.

"It's true. During the Immortal Ancient Period, Yuanshi Immortal King fought against Wu Shang!"

The Immortal King's voice was not concealed at all, and the monks of Jiutian also heard the content of their conversation.

"Big brother!" Even Shi Hao was extremely surprised,

"I see the real chapter. The original Demon King Pu was also so arrogant and called himself a giant. It's a pity that he is dead." Xu Yu also responded not to be outdone.

"The war halberd has been silent for too long, and it's time to be stained with the blood of the Immortal King." Wushang said indifferently, and he took action now!

Holding a halberd in his hand, he really was the reappearance of the unparalleled overlord, crowning the world bravely. The halberd struck down, splitting the starry sky in half, and a great destruction occurred.

The most powerful god rushed out and turned into a sky-breaking sharp edge, slashing Xu Yu. It was extremely terrifying. It seemed to be the ultimate law, turned into eternal glory, and could destroy all forms.

This kind of killing was astonishing, enough to make the Immortal King tremble with fear.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers, and a stream of astonishing streams of light advanced, directly blocking those divine laws and disappearing between heaven and earth.

"As expected, you have also reached that realm!" Wushang's pupils shrank, and he was shocked. Although he had expected it, he was still secretly shocked at this moment. This is a giant of the Immortal King.

Such existences were rare even in the past when the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were in their full glory, let alone in this world where even immortals could not be born.

"Wushang, show your true ability,"

Xu Yu said coldly, knowing what Wu Shang meant, and at the same time, he probably had some thoughts in his mind.

Although this is just a tentative one, with a little knowledge, it can be judged with just this simple blow that Wushang is much stronger than An Lan and Yu Tuo.


"In that case, I will send you to the afterlife to sacrifice to a few fellow Taoists!"

Wu Xi was arrogant, his hair was flying, and his eyes were so cold that he could freeze the universe. He held the big halberd and struck forward again, as if he was going to cut off the universe.


There is a black light that cuts through eternity and illuminates the galaxy!

The heaven and earth trembled, and the Imperial Pass was crumbling, almost to the point of collapse.

Merely the aftermath of the battle, without targeting the Imperial Pass, created such a terrifying and shocking sight. It is conceivable that Wushang is powerful. Buzz!

Xu Yu shook his hand, and a cauldron flew out, hanging in the sky, holding the vast universe in place, otherwise Diguan would not be able to withstand such terrible pressure.

But even so, the bright light was overwhelming and shook the world, making many people's faces turn pale, their legs tremble, and they could not stand steadily.

"I believe the Immortal King can defeat him!" People prayed at the Imperial Pass.

If Xu Yu loses, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will be completely overturned.

It's gone, there shouldn't be any surprises.

"Big brother..." Shi Hao couldn't help clenching his fists, his eyes were cold, and his mood was ups and downs. This kind of power made him yearn for it.

If he had such fighting power, he would definitely be able to help him.

Shi Yi, Qin Hao, Ge Gu, and the Sky Horned Ant group were also unable to remain calm.


Wu Shang continued to attack, and the big halberd fell down, making a buzzing sound. The dragon pattern collapsed, and an ink dragon rose up to kill Xu Yu. The bronze halberd had a spirit. This was the most powerful blow.


Xu Yu didn't dodge at all, his whole body was surging with energy, his forehead bones were shining, and his blood and energy were astonishingly intertwined. His whole body was like a big furnace, burning blazingly.

He was not afraid at all, his arms stretched out, and his fists shone brightly. Wisps of immortal essence flowed out, sublimating his Tao and shattering the world.

He raised his fist to kill with great force, and penetrated the ink dragon, with scales flying and blood splattering on the heaven and earth!

Moreover, in the clanging sound of the bronze halberd he used to hit the opponent, and in the burst of the immortal law, there were hundreds of millions of rays of immortal light and thousands of auspicious colors.

It has to be said that Wu Shang is very powerful. He has seen the True Dragon, Wu Ending, and the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation in his life. He has never surrendered. At this moment, he is also very brave and unparalleled in the world.

The most intense duel broke out between the two people. This battle shocked the world, made ghosts and gods cry. People and horses in both worlds were frightened, and many creatures trembled. This was a duel between immortal kings, and it was extremely terrifying.

Even the golden pores on the side of the battlefield changed color many times. It can be imagined how unfathomable the two people's behavior is.


Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and strands of brilliance flowed, bursting out with rays of brilliance, extremely blazing, hitting Wushang's body.


Just like forging iron, Wu Shang's magic immunity took effect. The Immortal Tribulation Sword Jue hit his body without causing any terrible damage. It was resolved by the magic immunity.

"Hahaha, Ancient Ancestor Wushang, innately invincible, invincible in ancient and modern times!" Someone shouted, looking excited.

In the foreign land, many people heaved a sigh of relief. As expected, Wushang Ancient Ancestor defied heaven, and such a terrifying beam of light was ineffective against him.

The Wushang Emperor Clan is immune to mana. This is a divine art that defies the heavens. How many kings and giants are helpless.

Many people are afraid of confronting him.

Xu Yu's eyes were bright and his expression was still peaceful. This was just a tentative blow.

If he really uses the Heaven-defying Eye Technique, even if he is immune to the magic power, he is confident that he will not suffer heavy damage or even kill him, but the price is too high.

"I was born invincible, you can't stop me!"

Wushang laughed, full of self-satisfaction. As an immortal giant, he had the magical immunity of magic. Who could stop him? Who else in this world?

Holding a bronze halberd, he slashed horizontally and vertically, and the light of destruction surged like pieces of blood that were rising and falling, trying to drown them.

"It's too early for you to be proud!" Xu Yu snorted coldly, not taking it seriously.

And he spread his arms and formed seals with his hands, evolving the sun, moon, stars, rivers, and all the heavens and realms on his fingertips. He pushed these celestial bodies to move like a god.

Create the world!

Then, he detonated the small worlds one after another, fighting against Wushang, erasing all his blood sea visions, and causing a big explosion.


Brilliant light bursts out, and the terrifying Immortal King's Law strikes. This place is in chaos, making it difficult to explore.

The aura in his body was surging, the Immortal Sutra was running crazily, and the whole body was shining with golden light, like an immortal golden body, flowing with inexplicable divine brilliance.


Demon King Wushang's long hair was as threatening as a sword's rays, and his roots stood upright. His whole body was burning with fighting energy, like a big fireball, burning for nine days!


The bronze halberd was waved, and the sun, moon, and stars were reversed, surging with his divine power, stirring the sky!

Xu Yu's eyes flashed with light, he made seals with both hands, his palms glowed, and he hit the bronze halberd directly. There was a violent big explosion in this place again. The light was endless, and one dark crack emerged after another, swallowing the essence from all directions!

"Today, the Nine Heavens Immortal King will be extinct and completely become history!" Wushang roared, like the rumble of glaciers in the harsh winter.

His divine power was surging, and while the bronze halberd was dancing, there was an endless mountain of corpses floating in a sea of ​​blood, with bones falling into pieces, and accompanied by endless resentful spirits and ghosts, he came over to kill him.


Xu Yu's fingers glowed, yin and yang energy flowed, and a Kunpeng rushed out of his palm, swinging it 90,000 miles above the sky, and knocked back the bronze halberd with a clang.

"Kill, pave the way with the bones of the king, and build my immortal imperial body!"

Xu Yu shouted.

The two people almost turned into an aurora, criss-crossing the sky, and various magical arts and laws surged. Many unrivaled magical arts, such as the True Dragon Technique, the Kun Peng Technique, and the Nine-leaf Sword Peak, were performed by Xu Yu to an extremely high level. In an instant, The earth is spinning and the sky is spinning, more than eight hundred years have passed



Suddenly, his pupils shone brightly, and he activated it again, and the light emitted dimmed the sun, moon, and stars in the sky.

Wu Shang was immune to mana, but he was not immune all the time. Xu Yu caught the opportunity and struck a crucial blow, which hit his palm with a pop.

There was a gash in his palm, causing blood to splatter everywhere and dye the starry sky red.

He opened his palms and let the blood drip from the wound.

"Ancestor Wushang! How could this happen?"

Some people exclaimed that they did not expect that the ancient ancestor Wushang, who was immune to mana, would be injured. Was he at a disadvantage?

The fairy light in Xu Yude's eyes shimmered astonishingly, seeming to illuminate an immortal road with various divine lights intertwined on it.

Wu Shang's expression was gloomy and uncertain. It was obvious that this young man was more powerful than he imagined. He actually captured the moment when magic immunity expired. Moreover, the opponent fought him and became more and more courageous, gradually suppressing him!

"I am invincible!" Wushang shouted, his academic spirit shone, wisps of immortal light transpired, and the wound was hurt in the blink of an eye.

He continued to swing his bronze halberd, flying up into the sky and striking it down violently.

"The only one in ancient and modern times, I am the only one who is undefeated!" Xu Yu shouted, accompanied by a great majesty.


The violent fist wind was powerful, and Xu Yu broke through the world with one punch.

Xu Yu came closer and engaged Wu Shang in a head-on collision. During this period, blood spattered, the laws of the Great Dao roared, and divine light boiled.

"Do it!" Suddenly, Wushang shouted, and it spread to Tianyuan on the other side.

On the other side of the abyss, seven tall demonic figures stood, their aura of death surging, everlasting. They were originally working together to open the abyss, but at this moment they took action again.


The heaven and earth exploded, and the universe roared.

The seven immortal kings roared, and suddenly each of them stretched out a big hand and grabbed forward to break through the abyss!

"not good!"

In Tianyuan Emperor City, the only king suddenly changed his expression. Foreign Land was determined and wanted to break through, but he was unable to resist and could only delay their offensive.

As they passed through the Tianyuan, their flesh and blood became blurred, and their finger bones were exposed. When they finally crossed the Tianyuan, it was bloody and scary.

"The price our world has paid is too high, we must get that thing!"

"Even if it takes several epochs of cultivation to offset Tianyuan's damage, it's still worth it."

Several immortal kings spoke one after another, their eyes burning and shining!


Several big hands were not stopping, and were constantly amplifying. The terror was boundless, covering the sky and the earth, making the stars and moon eclipse and dim.


At the Imperial Pass, many people were shocked. Demon King Wushang was blocked, but seven big hands came across. Who could stop him?

What did they say they were taking away? It seems that they crossed the border not only to destroy this ancient world, but also for a more important reason.

In the past, foreign monks knocked on the gate and shouted that they were looking for something, but no one knew what it was.

Now, several immortal kings are actually allowed to take action together, even to the point of desperate measures.

The extremely tragic aura surged overwhelmingly, and the world was about to explode. Even though it had just passed through the abyss and before reaching the imperial city, it was already unbearable for many people.


The immortal gold rotates, like a scroll spreading, like a real world emerging, attracting people's mind and body, as if to smelt those big hands and stabilize the mountains and rivers.


At this moment, the golden pores moved, galloping between the heaven and the earth, unfolding a huge dharma image, and facing several big hands. He was helpless because Xu Yu gave the order,

"I don't know, a mount can dare to overturn the world!" The Immortal King shouted coldly.

The two big palms paused slightly and patted the golden hair, while the other palms continued to move forward.

"Find a fight!"

The heaven and earth shook violently, six divine lights surged, and a divine disk emerged from Xu Yu's body, shining brightly, and various energies were constantly arising and dying.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk!" Someone was shocked at Diguan.

"The magical weapon of the Immortal King of Reincarnation!" Someone trembled and said, recognizing it. This magical weapon was so powerful in the past that it made many people in foreign lands tremble. Unexpectedly, it would reappear today.

"Here comes the tower master! It's killing me!" Another shocking beam of light erupted, and an eight-story ancient tower emerged, towering into the sky.

"The legendary... that tower!" Some people were surprised. The Six Paths of Reincarnation, the small tower, and the Golden Roar reappeared!

Today's small pagoda is one level short, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is short of one corner, but they are much stronger than the original foundation. Although they are not perfect, they already have the fighting power of the Immortal King.

"It seems I'm not too late..." someone whispered. From the sky, one leaf after another fell down... (End of this chapter)

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