Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 465 Visitors from different time and space

The world shook and Wushang fell!

After many eras of Wushang, this former executioner was finally destroyed.

"Reincarnation, Master Wu Ending, if there is a spirit under the Nine Plains, you will also feel comforted." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan spoke sadly, with a sense of loneliness,

The deceased is gone. Although Wushang is dead, the two leaders, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King and the Everlasting Immortal King, can no longer see this scene.

"Ancestor Wushang!" Someone in the foreign land roared sadly.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and fairies howled, the wind hunted, and the world was shaken.

In a foreign land, everyone is crying, millions of ferocious soldiers are crouching and wailing, their minds are swaying, and they can't control themselves.

Another immortal king has fallen. This is an unbearable burden!

The fall of a giant Wushang is even more costly than the sum of several immortal kings?

On the other hand, in the Imperial Pass, many leaders of large clans, masters of aristocratic families, and many supreme beings could not help but take a breath of cold air, and then showed excited expressions.

Wushang is dead!

They looked at Xu Yu, Liu Shen and the two chaos magic weapons on the battlefield, showing extremely fanatical expressions.

Several great immortal kings worked together to reverse the crisis of Jiutian and create a bright future!

Of course, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly Xu Yu. Three immortal kings fell, what an amazing achievement this was.

At this moment, in the eyes of many experts from the Imperial Palace, these few people have become an immortal monument.

In a foreign land, several immortal kings' eyes were like fairy swords, piercing the abyss of the sky, staring at the opposite side, with demonic flames rising all over their bodies, and inexplicable auras flowing. It was the immortal kings who were angry.


There was lightning and thunder, and several streaks of blood rushed into the sky. The five decrees trembled, and they were all shattered at this moment.

The immortal kings were really unwilling to give in, so they struck a resentful blow, allowing several decrees to exert great power to take action on their behalf, hoping to inflict heavy damage on Tianyuan.

Tianyuan blocked too much this time, otherwise they would have taken action long ago, and there would be no chance in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In an instant, the most splendid light burst out, terrifying decrees intertwined, the heavens trembled, and all souls under the sky trembled. This was a world-destroying aura.


The abyss collapsed, and the sky at the top exploded. The red order turned into a waterfall, and then turned into a bloody ocean, falling down in a mighty manner.


In an instant, the heaven and earth shook, the abyss was destroyed, and the broken universe was burning.

Like big stars exploding one after another, the power is so terrifying that even immortal creatures are trembling with fear.

Then, there was a big explosion!


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the sky was stained with blood.

The sky abyss exploded, and the power of the supreme immortal law descended, killing Xiang Wushang.

The sky trembled, was torn apart, and a huge gap appeared.

That level of battle is beyond imagination, even the highest rules of immortality are torn out of the cracks, which is enough to shock the past, present and future!

With a chirping sound, the fairy light surged there, and then a great river surged out. The power was too strong, causing chaos in the rules of the avenue and instability in order.

"Tear apart time and space!" At this moment, even people from foreign lands and immortal creatures exclaimed.

That kind of power was so terrifying that it caused instability in the order of heaven and earth, disrupted the life and death of the ancient world, and stretched out time.

The world trembled, and time rushed forward. The golden-backed bull quickly closed its mouth because it felt that this place was too dangerous, as if it had penetrated the gate of time.

It has heard that this kind of highest-level battle may cause some bad things, beyond the expectations of the Immortal King!


The next moment, a terrifying aura filled the air, and along the cracks in the sky, a cauldron suddenly emerged. It was huge and boundless, and it suddenly covered the border wilderness!

This was so sudden that it shocked everyone? Where did it come from? Its breath was so terrifying that it shook the heavens and the earth.

No one expected that during the war, a cauldron appeared, crossed the long river of time, flew out of the gate of time, and landed in the wilderness!

Huge stars emerged one after another along with the cauldron, rotating around it. The mother energy of all things erupted from the cauldron, and the walls of the cauldron made of fairy gold were stained with blood!

As for the mouth of the cauldron, all the stars in the sky are about to be swallowed into the cauldron.

"How is it possible to shake a cauldron from the long river of time?!" Even the immortal creatures were shocked.

The great cauldron fell, and the mother energy of all things circulated, causing the desert to tremble.

How powerful is this?

"There is another person on the tripod!" At this moment, someone shouted and saw the scene above the tripod mouth.

There was a man there, with a majestic body, his back turned to all living beings, and covered in blood. He seemed to have experienced a bloody battle in another time and space, standing there like the Emperor of Heaven in the dust!

Who has come across the long river of time? Huge stars emerged one after another along with the cauldron, rotating around it. The mother energy of all things erupted from the cauldron, and the walls of the cauldron made of fairy gold were stained with blood!

As for the mouth of the cauldron, all the stars in the sky are about to be swallowed into the cauldron.

"How is it possible, a cauldron was shaken out of the river of time!" Even the immortal creatures were shocked.

The abyss of heaven split open, and the long river of time emerged.

The door of time opened wide, and a cauldron came out of it, hanging above the golden desert. It was magnificent and vast, covering the world.

who's that person? Everyone is shocked!

Even the expressions of immortal creatures have changed a long time ago. How could outsiders suddenly break into this battlefield with such shocking momentum?


The blood spilled, falling from the gap in the abyss, annihilating the sky.

There is that person's blood, and there is also the blood essence of the person who fought fiercely with him, splashing down from outside the territory and from the long river of time.

This scene is quite astonishing. The cauldron swallows the sun and the moon, and there are many big stars rotating at the mouth of the cauldron, but both the walls of the cauldron and the big stars one after another are all stained red with blood.

What kind of epic battle was that? Everyone was shocked. Even if the situation in Bianhuang was critical, the sudden battle situation in the cracks in the abyss was still terrifying.


With a loud roar, someone fought for his life, the blood covered the sun and the moon, and the stars in the sky shone brightly. Following the resonance, a big claw protruded from the crack, covering the sun and the moon.

With a bang, it grabbed at the person above the mouth of the tripod.

Everyone was shocked. Not only did Yiding appear, but another unparalleled creature followed him and fought fiercely with him.

That man turned his back to everyone and faced his opponent alone. He was very calm. It was as if he had experienced the most brutal battle, fought through thousands of troops, and now met a powerful enemy.


His body shone brightly, and for just a moment, even the black hair on his head was almost dyed pale gold, and his whole aura surged.


Below, in the battlefield in front of the Imperial Pass, the golden-backed burial cow howled, with fear in its voice. The cauldron did not fall. It held the man fighting above and sprayed out immeasurable light upwards, but this momentum still made it terrifying.

With a bang, the man swung his fist, with unparalleled power and eternal invincibility, and punched the sky, directly facing the big claw that covered the sky.


Chaos exploded, and the big claw twisted slightly, suffered trauma, twitched slightly, and fell backwards.

Suddenly, the claws contracted, and then it swooped down. A huge ferocious beast whose scales were like gold was bigger than the stars in the sky. However, before it could be seen clearly, it shrank and turned into a humanoid creature.


The sound of the immortal gold armor colliding sounded, and the giant beast turned into a man, wearing a green gold armor, even the face was covered, only a pair of cyan eyes stared at the person on the tripod.

These two powerful men did not even look down. They were all staring at each other with endless murderous intent in their eyes.


Time flies, their speed is too fast, they strike at extremely fast speed, with a bang, especially the cauldron shrinks slightly, and crashes forward like an electric light.


The stomach of the green gold armor glowed, and the humanoid creature turned into a ferocious beast blocked it. It exerted great magical power, boundless magic power, split the sky with regular symbols, and forcibly shook the cauldron made of immortal gold and the mother energy of all things.

This kind of heavy blow is unimaginable. The long river of earthquakes will be disconnected and change its course again!

This change made the capital of immortal creatures below change their color and worry them in their hearts.

Everyone was dumbfounded, no one thought that such a pair of powerful opponents would be provoked at this juncture, and they would fight fiercely and engage in bloody battles.

who are they? Where are you from, and which era do you belong to?

At this moment, everyone knew that they did not belong to this time and space because they rushed out of the Gate of Time.

This is so shocking. There are records in the bone books that a similar thing happened in the past, but who has ever seen it? It was a rare miracle throughout the ages.

Now, they all witnessed it, more than one person, including millions of troops from foreign lands, including everyone in the Imperial Pass, from young monks to immortal creatures, witnessed everything.

Especially, these two people are having a peak showdown!

Some people understood that the reason why this happened was because the highest level of battle was going on in Bianhuang, a fierce battle between several immortal kings and Wu Shang.

In addition, there is also a war going on in another part of time and space, so there must be a huge battlefield where the bloodbath is going on and it has reached a fever pitch.

The top figures fought against each other in two parts of time and space, and happened to break through some kind of time boundary wall. The long river of time rushed forward, leading the two people here.

This is a myth within a myth!

Everyone witnessed the eternal miracle together!

"Time flies!"

Someone whispered that they were immortal creatures from a foreign land. Even they were surprised, which showed how powerful those two people were.

Every move of those two people, the stream of light surged, the years surged, they were extremely strong, and they destroyed everything with a wave of their hands. However, now they were entangled together, fighting fiercely as if they had merged into one person.


In the end, the figure who looked like the Emperor of Heaven took out the cauldron and smashed it in front of the man protected by the green gold suit, making a violent explosion.

The figure coughed up blood and flew straight towards the Great Crack in the Heavenly Abyss. The power of this cauldron caused him to suffer serious trauma, and his chest was sunken, even with the protection of the supreme battle suit.

On the ground, many people gasped. Whether they were overlords from foreign lands or heroes on the walls of the Imperial Palace, their scalps felt numb.

That cauldron is visible to all. The cauldron's mouth swallows the mother energy of all things, and many stars rise and fall there. It is so majestic and majestic that it overwhelms the world.

If someone else was hit by it, what would be left? Not even ashes are left!

However, the man wearing the lapis lazuli armor can actually fight hard, even if he is injured, he is an unparalleled talent!


In the void, that person was walking on a cauldron, chasing after him at extremely fast speeds, transcending time, everything seemed to be in reverse, it was extremely terrifying!

At this moment, he really looked like the Emperor of Heaven, with his long hair disheveled and unparalleled power!

The cauldron covered the sun and the moon, and rose across the sky to pursue the humanoid creature covered in green gold armor. Soon, he stretched out a hand and grabbed it forward.

The person walking on the cauldron covers the sky with one hand, trying to catch that creature back.

"I've tolerated you for a long time. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

Wearing lapis lazuli armor, the humanoid creature whose face was covered with lapis lazuli, with only its eyes exposed, suddenly turned around, roared, and shouted five kill words.

There was a roar, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, ghosts cried and gods howled, and the long river of time was about to change its course!


The cauldron flew up and hung above the abyss, blocking the big crack and suppressing the long river, preventing it from changing its course. We still have to fight here.

But Xu Yu and the others stopped after the mutation started.

The green gold armor burned, countless times brighter than the stars and moons in the sky gathered together, the aura surged, reaching the extreme, and the murderous intent shocked the past and present.

This makes many people tremble!

Even though they do not belong to this time and space and are isolated by the mysterious power, they still make the people on the ground tremble and shiver. The pressure is too strong.

At this moment, the person walking on the cauldron spoke for the first time. The language was also incomprehensible and did not belong to this time and space at all.

However, everyone can perceive its meaning through the Supreme Principle and know what he drank. At this moment, the sound shook the heaven and the earth, as if the emperor of heaven was coming, with great majesty, and issued a decree, the sound was extremely loud.

"Those who are approaching, fighting, and fighting, should all number, form, and move forward!"

As soon as the nine characters came out, they turned into nine groups of light, and then exploded with immeasurable power. The nine characters became one, evolving into a supreme secret technique, instantly breaking through all obstacles.


The creature wearing lapis lazuli armor spurted blood and staggered backwards.

The man who was walking on the cauldron followed up, opened and closed with great force, grabbed the opponent, and then tore him violently, with a pop, tearing him in half, including the soul!


The mouth of the cauldron glowed, swallowing up the galaxy, and took in all the corpse and blood.

The peerless war has come to an end, but everyone still cannot calm down. Who is this person, where does he come from, and what era does he belong to?

It’s too shocking!

There is still rain of blood in the sky. Every drop that falls can burn out big stars and cut off galaxies. It is extremely powerful.

However, that patch of stars also came in with them and did not belong to this world.

The majestic cauldron swallowed the divine radiance, and the mother energy of all things emerged, absorbing all the scattered blood essence, and followed some stars into the cauldron.

Only the residual blood, after being refined, left scarlet traces without the supreme magic power, staining the sky red.

The man walked on the cauldron and landed slowly. At this moment, the scene is magnificent and unparalleled in the world!

There is a cauldron in the sky. A person steps on it and looks down at the world. He is unparalleled. He has a long and straight body, a head full of black hair, deep pupils, and a heroic spirit, as if he dominates the world.

The big cauldron is ancient and simple, made of a variety of immortal gold mixed with the mother energy of all things. As it breathes, one big star after another rotates around it, and above the mouth of the cauldron, there is a galaxy, extremely bright, following it. ups and downs.

That man came on the cauldron with blood on his body, both from his enemies and from his own.

Such a powerful person was also injured, which shows how terrible the battle he went through was. Obviously, the injury was not caused by one person.

At the very least, there are other marks on the cauldron, including knife marks, arrow holes, and sword energy. All kinds of powerful weapons have left marks, and world-shattering battles have broken out.

Moreover, it should have happened not long ago. Because that tripod is amazing, it can heal on its own, and some of its traces are now fading and disappearing.

In a foreign land, millions of troops are facing a powerful enemy! To them, this creature was a variable, coming out of nowhere and making them fearful.

Originally, they were about to break through the abyss, but the appearance of such a powerful creature, is it good or bad? At the very least, it would be better if he didn't show up!

Xu Yu and Liu Shen looked at the mysterious man without saying a word.

"I didn't expect to meet you in this life, but it seems that you are still ahead of your time!"

After a long time, Ye Fan seemed to see Xu Yu's figure and sighed quietly.

"Go back! What has happened will happen again in the future, and the future is not static!"

Xu Yu knew very well what the purpose of Ye Fan and the others was to return to this time and space at a huge cost. It was nothing more than to find the legendary Emperor Huang Tian.

But everyone has a different path to take, and Emperor Huang Tian has his own mission.

At this moment, on the wall of Diguan, there was a man crying, excited and sad, with a worried look.

That is Ye Qingxian. She is very mysterious. Everyone knows that she is in Diguan, but she rarely appears on weekdays and has no idea what she is doing.

Some say she has been in retreat.

But today, she appeared. Looking at the man stepping on the cauldron in the void, she felt excited, and tears kept falling from her beautiful eyes.

Her body was a little unsteady, even a little blurry, but with a slight shock from the Immortal Bell mark on her body, she finally calmed down again.

"You and I don't belong to the same age and space. Indeed, we can't change anything and can't do anything." The mysterious man sighed, time cannot be violated!

He turned around, stood on the cauldron, and said: "This is not the first time I have crossed the river of time. Unfortunately, I have experienced it once before. It's just a pity that, like this time, it is not the era I want to witness. However, I also discovered that there is a drop of blood that is similar to mine, but it belongs to this era. It once traveled with me, but it turned back inexplicably and returned to this world."

A drop of blood?

Why did he say these words, was he giving a hint?

At the Imperial Pass, on the city wall, the witch shuddered. She still remembered that during the battle between the geniuses of the Three Thousand States, Shi Hao had found a drop of blood in the soil of the Ancient Immortal Land and obtained it.

At that time, the witch had seen with her own eyes a cauldron that was exactly the same as the cauldron stepped on by the mysterious strong man in front of the Imperial Pass.

That drop of blood was left by Ding.

The witch's skin was white, and her hair fell around her swan-like neck. Her face was slightly raised, her big eyes were shining, and she looked in the direction of Shi Hao.

She had a solemn look on her face because the guess was so shocking!

A drop of blood on Huang's body? Her heart beat violently.

"I already know your purpose of coming, but the hope is too slim!"

At this moment, Xu Yu spoke.

After a long time, Ye Fan left this time and space with complicated eyes.


The sea of ​​order in Tianyuan was boiling to the extreme, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

"not good!"

In the abyss, King Shi was suddenly startled. He urged the original imperial city to retreat. The abyss collapsed. It was definitely not comfortable for him here and he had endured too many impacts.

The abyss collapsed, the laws and order collapsed, and turned into a red ocean, submerging everything.

The original imperial city is crumbling!

Originally, the Stone King could rely on the power of the Abyss and Order, but now that the Abyss has collapsed and the laws are intertwined like a sea, this is a devastating harm to him.

He kept reciting scriptures, and the sky was full of blazing symbols, activating the imperial city. With the help of confrontation, he originally wanted to detonate the abyss and block the alien cavalry, but now he doesn't have to. It's not that kind of crisis yet. , so he tried his best to fight.

"King!" At the Imperial Pass, the descendants of the Seven Border Kings were shocked. They did not expect that they had just killed Wu Shang and they would encounter such an unexpected event. The abyss burst its embankment. It was a catastrophe for the creatures inside!


At this moment, Xu Yu took action and controlled the Immortal Golden Cauldron to fly over, covering the vast universe in an instant.

Then Xu Yu pinched his sword and slashed towards Tianyuan, as if he was going to remove the original imperial city from the sky.

peeled off from the sea of ​​order.

The sword energy clanked and penetrated Xiaohan. A shocking sword light illuminated the nine heavens and ten earth. It suddenly fell and split open the red ocean of order.

Amazing power!

The light of a sword shines for nine days!

The imperial city was crumbling. Although the king was taking action, he was obviously unable to do anything. However, at this moment, the immortal golden tripod rotated and covered the original imperial city, which relieved a lot of pressure on him.

Lines of soft light fell down, turning into the primordial energy of heaven and earth, forming a powerful light curtain. Mysterious symbols flowed to protect the original imperial city.

The original imperial city was no longer cracked. The Immortal Golden Cauldron wrapped him around him, slowly retreated, and was finally brought out.

"What a terrifying strength!" In the foreign land, the pupils of several immortal kings shrank, and they were extremely shocked. The sea of ​​laws burst its embankments, and they were even split open by his sword.

Moreover, he also fished out the original imperial city of Tianyuan. What a means! How profound is his conduct? !

The original imperial city broke away from Tianyuan!


In the abyss of heaven, laws are intertwined and become eternal. The abyss became a sea of ​​red fire, with billions of runes burning. Even the Immortal King could not bear the power of rules and order.

"It's over, this sea of ​​laws has burst its banks, and we can't get through it in a short time," someone in the foreign land murmured, full of unwillingness.

At this moment, there were living beings looking at the burial ground in the distance. Seeing this scene, I knew that something big had happened, and I couldn't help but feel shocked.

"It's self-defeating!" In the foreign land, several immortal kings were very angry. Originally, they wanted to give Tianyuan a blow in anger and complete the damage to him, but they did not expect that the sea of ​​law burst its embankment, which meant that neither of them could pass through.

They are convinced that this terrifying ocean can last for hundreds of years before it disperses on its own, and during this period, they cannot enter again.

"I'm not willing to give in. Our world has lost three immortal kings, and we haven't taken that thing yet." Some people were angry, furious, and full of unwillingness.

The remaining seven immortal kings are silent. They have reached into the abyss with their big hands, and they are also contaminated by the curse. It will take a long time to pass away. This is also a big loss for them.

Tianyuan, although still targeting the Immortal and the Immortal King, has almost no impact on the human realm.

However, if the Immortal King cannot cross the border, it is meaningless.

After all, as long as the king is not crossing the border, no matter how many people there are, it is useless, they will be simply shot to death by a few fairy kings!

After all, today is different from the past. In the past, there were no true immortals in the Nine Heavens, so it was natural for the Supreme to lead an army across the border. But today, several immortal kings have appeared. Even if they are immortal, they are like ants in front of the immortal kings. It’s vulnerable! No matter how much it is, it’s just as tiny as ant dust!

The abyss of the sky has cracked long ago and is burning there. There is a red ocean there, which is the sea of ​​rules. There are causal flames boiling, which actually separates the two worlds.

"A hundred years later, when the king returns, he will definitely level this place and wipe out the Nine Heavens!" There was a king with blazing eyes, like a blazing flame, staring at Xu Yu and the others.

"You should be lucky. If the sea of ​​laws hadn't burst its banks, you would have been crowned!" Xiaota shouted.

Xu Yu stood on the bank of Tianyuan, looking into the distance without saying a word. His eyes were gleaming, and the runes were flowing, dazzling like a fairy sword, trying to crush this world.

He was speechless in his heart. Originally, he didn't want Tianyuan to burst. Unexpectedly, several immortal kings took action and caused Tianyuan to burst.

"Tian Yuan, already on the verge of collapse, has experienced many immortal kings knocking on the door, and there is a giant like Wu Shang, so naturally it cannot bear it. Even if those decrees are not detonated, they will not be able to hold on for long." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk sighed softly.

"It's a pity that we can't go to this other world for the time being." Liu Shen shook his head, a little regretful. In the past, he went in and out of the other world by himself, and almost killed the other world.

"If you ever think about going to that world again, you don't know that you have to go there like this." Xu Yu pondered, a foreign land must be visited.

"If I use that thing, can I use it to cross the abyss..." Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, as if he thought of something.

"There are many heroes in our world who will make a comeback sooner or later!"

"A hundred years passes by in a hurry. To a mortal, it is a lifetime. In our opinion, it is only a blink of an eye. If we wait a hundred years, this world will be turned upside down!"

Several immortal kings, their eyes glowing, communicated secretly, and finally gazed at Jiutian. Their whole bodies were blurry and dim, and the light was misty, and they disappeared.


In the foreign land, the Immortal gave the order, commanding millions of troops to retreat, rumbling and moving, and began to return to the foreign land.

"It's finally over..." Xiaota breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just a short-term peace. A hundred years later, they will definitely come back." Liu Shen said, his eyes shining brightly, staring at the abyss.

"I have met you all." King Shi descended from Tianyuan Emperor City and saluted Xu Yu and others.

"Senior Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit..." King Shi looked at Liu Shen and bowed to him alone to show respect.

"I've suffered a lot from you these past years." Liu Shen sighed softly and looked at Stone King with emotion.

"I am still alive. Compared with the kings of the past, this is a good ending." Stone King sighed, and the two began to talk, and for a while, they were filled with endless emotions.

"Go back to Diguan first. It's rare to have a period of stability in these nine days." Xu Yu said.

"I wonder what Jiutian is like now?" Stone King sighed.

He has been sitting in the original imperial pass for who knows how many years. It has been too long and he has no way to return to his homeland again. Now he is finally on his way back again.


In the sky, the original imperial city shone brightly, quickly shrunk, disappeared into the palm of the Stone King, and disappeared.

Over the years, he had already refined the original imperial city and almost turned it into a magic weapon. It was deeply controlled by it and could naturally be easily controlled.


After a few flashes of light, Xu Yu and his party appeared on the Imperial Pass...

(End of this chapter)

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