
With auspicious energy and divine light surging, Xu Yu, Liu Shen, Jin Maohou, Xiaota and the Six Reincarnation Disks appeared and stood on the wall of Diguan.

"I have met several Immortal Kings!"

Many wealthy families, including the Immortal Academy, the Holy Academy, the Immortal Family, and even the Supreme Lord all kowtowed and bowed to several people. Their expressions were enthusiastic. I never thought that I would be able to see the Immortal King in this life.

In the past, the path to immortality was so indistinct that even the traces of immortality could not be found in the nine heavens and ten places. Now, several immortal kings have appeared, which is enough to shock the entire ancient history.

In particular, An Lanyun, Yu Duoluo, and Wu Shang died in battle, all of which were made by their hands, which makes people even more admirable. This is the power of the killing and the blood-stained style.

Wuxingshan was also very excited, secretly praising his wise decision in the past, which would also be a great help to him in the future. This was a wonderful move.


At this moment, the bells in the Imperial Pass rang several times in a row, and the divine sound was so majestic that it spread for countless thousands of miles. It was deafening and intoxicating, as if it had come from ancient times to the present day.

The big bell of Emperor Guan rang nine times in a row, which was the highest level of welcome. Welcoming the Immortal King represented the highest courtesy from the top management of Jiutian.

The Immortal King has arrived!

The entire Imperial Pass was boiling. Even though the city was huge and covered a vast area, after the news spread, almost the whole city was in an uproar.

This is a great event that goes against the heavens, the Immortal King comes to the Emperor Pass!

Many people were shouting and very excited. They rushed from the city to the city wall, just to see the true appearance of the Immortal King.

You know, living immortal kings, especially immortal creatures in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, are hard to find, but no one expected that there would be immortal kings coming to Diguan.

Soon, Shi Hao, Chi Yan, Qin Hao and others also gathered around, their eyes burning, their expressions extremely excited and proud.

Even Shi Yi came over, his eyes flowing, and came to see the gift. For him, this was destined to be an extraordinary day. Seeing the peerless style of the Immortal King strengthened his belief.

This is their elder, who saved the building from falling, turned the tide, and calmed down the turmoil. This is a great achievement that defies heaven and can shine in the annals of history.

"With this kind of relationship, it seems that we can collect a lot of stunning women in the future," Chi Yan muttered to himself.

"Bah, despicable!" Chilong Gegu scorned.

At this moment, some people looked at Shi Hao and others with different eyes.

These great immortal kings all had a close relationship with Huang. In an instant, many people's minds were stirred and many ideas came up.

Many people are like soft-footed shrimps when dealing with creatures from foreign lands, but when it comes to flattering people and wooing interest groups, foreign lands are far behind.

Huang, Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Chilong Gegu and others have become the targets that many people secretly want to win over.

If before, they just thought these were a few talented young people, but now they have a new relationship, everything is different.

If you establish a relationship with this group of people, you will have a bright future, which is indirectly equivalent to establishing a relationship with the Immortal King.

The younger generation such as Ten Crown King, Banished Immortal, Chang Gong Yan, Witch, Yue Chan, etc. also looked incomprehensible. They were also sighing at this moment. They didn't expect that there were so many Immortal Kings behind Shi Hao.

"Huang, my brother, I can borrow your name from now on and walk away sideways!" The little fat man Cao Yusheng said with a loud smile.

"Wow, boy Shi, let's see who dares to mess with you from now on!" Taiyin Jade Rabbit also jumped up and laughed.

Some people who were close to the Jin clan were very uncomfortable, and their faces were as pale as if they had eaten a dead child. They were afraid of being implicated and being punished by the Immortal King. After all, they had offended Huang quite a lot.

Even though they are an immortal family, it is of no use at all. They are not even considered ants in front of the Immortal King.

"Yes, Escape." Xu Yu's eyes fell on Shi Hao, and his eyes were filled with inexplicable brilliance, shining brightly.

Nowadays, Shi Hao is so heroic that he has broken through to the first level of escape. Even in the Imperial Pass, he is considered a rare master.

However, he soon discovered some problems. Although Shi Hao had entered the Escape Realm, he still seemed to be missing something.

"Experience the complete law!" Xu Yu suddenly remembered,

Today, Shi Hao has not been forced to enter a foreign land, so naturally he has lost some experience in some laws.

He still followed his original trajectory, taking the path of cultivating his body and not being greatly affected by the order of heaven and earth, but after all, something was missing.

Then, his eyes fell on Red Dragon Qin Hao and the others.

What surprised him was that Shi Yi was actually at Zhanwo Rock Peak. He was not much weaker than Shi Hao and could enter the Escape Realm at any time.

The red dragon Ge Gu, Chi Yan, and Qin Hao are also extremely extraordinary. Their brows are shining brightly, their fighting spirit is fierce, and their temperaments are different. They have obviously experienced the tempering of blood and fire, and their realm is not low.

However, if you want to compare it with people from foreign lands, there is something missing. After all, the current Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are not complete, and there is no perfect order.

However, most of them practice the Dharma of this world, focusing on breaking limits, and do not particularly rely on heaven and earth, so the impact is not too great.

Several people were very happy. It was a rare blessing to meet each other under such circumstances. Later, Xu Yu also learned about what had happened in these years.

"Nine days of good fortune, let's celebrate!" Someone soon suggested with a smile.

"Don't worry, although the foreign enemies are gone, internal troubles still exist." Xu Yu shook his head with an indifferent expression.

“In order to fight against foreign aggression, we must first settle the domestic situation. It’s time to settle things!”

In just a short moment, King Shi, who had been silent for a moment, also spoke.

It didn't take long for him to understand their current situation and the situation of their lineage! He was immediately filled with righteous indignation, and his eyes were as sharp as heavenly swords.

In the most ancient times, the Stone Clan had a large population. In the Imperial Pass, there were many masters and they had great say. However, because of an old case, they became the descendants of guilty blood.

From then on, whenever there was an expedition, the Stone Clan people would be forced to be at the front, suffering countless casualties. No matter how many geniuses and masters emerged, they could not withstand such a decline.

Even later, the talents were almost all withered away, generation after generation. As time goes by, this great clan declines, accompanied by blood and tears, which is too desolate.

Nowadays, in the Imperial Pass, there are only more than a thousand members of the Stone Clan, and they have almost been exterminated. This is because some people are secretly protecting them, otherwise they will all be lost.

Not only the Stone King, but also the descendants of the original imperial city were filled with anger. They fought bloody battles on the front lines. They originally thought that the descendants would be safe in the rear, but almost all of them withered away. How could they not be angry.

Shi Hao, Shi Yi, and Qin Hao also had extremely cold expressions on their faces. They were also descendants of the Seven Border Kings. Along the way, they were always called the descendants of Sin Blood.

The Pixiu and Du clan members instantly turned pale and their bodies were shaky, because many of them had targeted the sin-blooded descendants, and these were all descendants of the Immortal King!

Who can bear the wrath of the Immortal King?

It didn't take long for the Jin family, Pixiu, Du clan and other big clans to be found out. Under the pressure of the Immortal King, they couldn't hide it at all.

Soon, the culprit was found out!


The culprit comes from the Feng Clan, an immortal family.

Everyone learned that the Lord of the Wind Clan extremely hated the Stone Clan and was extremely hostile to the Sin Blood lineage. He was also a Supreme.

When Shi Hao first ascended to Wuliangtian, he encountered difficulties in Yuan Qing's practice, was exiled, and entered the ancient mines of Taichu. It was related to this.

"What's going on?" Xu Yu looked at the Five Elements Mountain Spirit, slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, Shi Hao was still made things difficult by Yuan Qing and entered the Taichu Ancient Mine.

Logically speaking, with the protection of these people from Wuxing Mountain, Shi Hao should not be like this, but the trajectory is still the same.

"Back then, we entered the no-man's land and were inexplicably trapped in a remnant formation..." The Five Elements Mountain Spirit sent a message and sighed softly.

According to what he said, he originally wanted to escort Shi Hao all the way to Jiutian, but something happened on the way. They accidentally fell into a residual formation and were trapped for several years.

Xu Yu was speechless. No wonder Five Elements Mountain appeared when Taijun Jin was about to send Shi Hao away. It turned out to be this reason.

If they were here, the Wang family and the Jin family would probably not dare to offend Shi Hao if they had a hundred courages.

"King Stone, I'm guilty!" The Lord of the Wind Clan knelt down with a plop, bursting into tears and unable to restrain himself.

"Back then, the leader of the Wind Clan was so strong and strong, so talented and beautiful, and ranked among the true immortals. At the end of the last era, he died on the battlefield, but his descendants were so unbearable."

King Shi's eyes were bright and his voice was cold. He stared at Feng Zu with anger, but mostly disappointment.

He and the leader of the clan were once comrades-in-arms, and they attacked foreign lands together, but in the future, people did such things.

Feng Zu was silent, as if he had suddenly aged a hundred thousand years, his face was covered with wrinkles. He knew that his snow-white hair was dry and falling with the wind, like a lamp that had run out of oil.

There was loss and deep regret in his eyes. It was no surprise that Feng Zu was beheaded and many high-ranking members of the clan were implicated.

"It is the destiny of a hero to bury his bones in the wilderness. The ups and downs of the world have changed too much," Xu Yu sighed softly.

He remembered that in the original trajectory, the Wind Clan also surrendered to the dark creatures and became the rebels of Jiutian.

Afterwards, King Stone liquidated a wave of large clans that targeted Sin Blood and killed some of their leaders as a warning to others. This kind of iron-blooded method was frightening to people.

"It's over..." Stone King sighed. Although he killed some evil leaders, he did not feel happy. He was sharpening his sword against his own people. This feeling was complicated and difficult to understand.

"No, it's not over yet." Xu Yu suddenly spoke, with bright eyes, the light of a flying fairy flashed across,

"At the beginning, I said in Sanqianzhou that anyone who dares to bully the small and target Huang will be killed with my sword!" Xu Yu said coldly.

"Where is the Lord of the Jin Clan?" he asked.

"Locked in the Imperial Prison." Meng Tianzheng replied,


Xu Yu nodded, and his spiritual thoughts began to cover the world. In an instant, he locked the position of Jin Taijun. The light flowed and detained Jin Taijun from an unknown distance of thousands of miles.

"Who are you?" Jin Taijun's hair was disheveled and his face looked frightened. Wasn't he locked in a prison? Why did he suddenly reach the city wall again?

Looking at the dense and unfathomable crowd, Jin Taijun's heart suddenly sank, feeling that something was wrong.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, save me!" Jin Taijun rushed to the doctor in a hurry and looked at Wang Changsheng.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Jin Taijun exploded into pieces, blood and bones splashed, and then a ball of light flashed, and she evaporated inch by inch.

"Idiot!" Wang Changsheng cursed in his heart and was furious. He didn't expect that this guy would drag him into trouble before he died.

At this time, everyone's eyes also looked over.

He was a young man with red lips, white teeth, and fair skin. He was really too young. Anyone who knew the inside story knew that this old guy must have lived for more than a million years.

The head of the Wang family, Wang Changsheng! Descendants of true immortals.

"Senior, there is no need for me to wield weapons in person. There are a few traitors who are ignorant. I will clean up the house!" Wang Changsheng said.

The center of his eyebrows glowed, and a sword embryo emerged, shining with immortal brilliance.

"Father, you..." The expressions of several dragons in the Wang family suddenly changed.

Puff puff puff!

Wang Changsheng displayed his terrifying cultivation skills. He raised his sword and lowered his sword, one by one, killing several children in the wilderness, physically and mentally! Everyone was shocked. This Wang Changsheng was so ruthless. He actually killed his own child at any time just to get forgiveness.

"You hid it deeply enough..." Xu Yu smiled faintly and looked at Wang Changsheng unmoved.

Rather than saying they are Wang Changsheng, they are more like dark creatures. Most of the original Wang Changsheng has fallen and been taken away by him, and these people are not his true heirs. They kill them without any sense of guilt.

"As expected of the giant of the Immortal King..." Wang Changsheng suddenly smiled, which was very strange and made everyone's hearts tremble.

"I thought that hibernating for nine days was a foolproof move, but unexpectedly, I miscalculated." Wang Changsheng said with a faint smile.

"Fellow Taoist Changsheng, who are you..." someone said in horror.

"I've always been me. It's just that when I was practicing in the past, an accident happened. Since I fell in the ancient temple, my soul and bones were scattered in the wilderness." He said calmly. At this point, he had nothing to hide.

Xu Yu nodded slightly, as expected, this dark creature had a major relationship with the disaster of immortality.


Xu Yu stretched out a big hand, grabbed Wang Changsheng, and sealed it himself. The current Wang Changsheng was still useful, and he was of great use to the dark creatures.

Meng Tianzheng's face was complicated. He didn't expect that the Supreme Being with the same name as him was actually a creature of darkness, which made him feel a little disappointed.

Now, the reckoning is coming to an end. Many of the culprits have been killed. The Imperial Pass has gradually calmed down. The guilty people have been punished. Naturally, everyone is happy.

"Nine-day victory, the whole world celebrates!" The wave of purges at the Imperial Pass did not affect most people's excitement about defeating the foreign land, and they began to celebrate.

And many supreme beings invited several great immortal kings to a banquet and welcomed them into a holy land, where mist was steaming, buildings were scattered, silver waterfalls hung from the sacred mountains, and spiritual birds were hovering in the sky, flapping their wings and flying high. The light and rain are falling, like a fairyland.

The Imperial City is not an ordinary city in the traditional sense. It is vast and vast. The area within the Imperial Pass alone exceeds the eight realms of the lower realm, and there are countless secret realms and sacred lands.

A banquet was held for nine days and the celebration began. Many people had smiles on their faces. This kind of victory was rare in ancient times.

"Senior, this is a rotten wooden box. It is something that Anlan Yutuo from a foreign land misses. Please take a look at it. We can't find any clues."

Meng Tianzheng appeared, carrying a box with bright eyes.

This is an extremely old box, extremely worn and mottled with traces.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and he held the box in his hands. His eyes were shining, and the brilliance was flowing, but he could not see the box clearly.

"Sure enough, it's the rotten wooden box that seals the uncontaminated parts of the Corpse Immortal Emperor." Xu Yu's mind moved slightly and he said to himself. This box is very mysterious and seems ordinary, but no matter what means are used to get in, , all like mud cows thrown into the sea, without any effect. Liu Shen was also curious, took the rotten wooden box, studied it with interest, weighed it in his hand, and began to explore.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and the Small Tower also showed strong interest. Even the Golden Retriever stretched his neck to take a closer look.

It is said that this is something that even the Immortal King is concerned about, so they are naturally very interested.

After a long time, several people's eyes flickered and their brows furrowed, but nothing was found.

"Some creatures from the restricted area once came and said that this might be able to create an Immortal King." Suddenly the old man Aoki spoke.

"This box seems to have a big cause and effect..."

Suddenly, Jin Maohou's expression changed, and he shivered violently. His expression was moved, and he inexplicably wanted to stay away from here.

"Fellow Taoists, have you gained anything?" Xiaota secretly said

He sent a message and asked Xu Yu and Liu Shen and others, but Liu Shen and others shook their heads.

"Emperor..." At this moment, Xu Yu spoke leisurely.


And Xu Yu said that this was left by a real emperor, which suddenly made everyone change their colors and show incredible expressions.

All the kings in ancient times shocked the world, but no immortal emperor left his real name!

The emperor is ethereal and invisible!

Throughout the ages, the Emperor has been the ultimate pursuit of all those who reach the Immortal King Realm, and is another layer of heaven and earth that breaks through the King Realm.

On the sandy ground of the boundary sea, there is a line of faint footprints that flicker on and off, illuminating the road ahead and inspiring countless people in later generations to rush to the ultimate place to find the opportunity to become emperor.

But everyone already knows that it was left by a quasi-immortal emperor! He is not the real emperor yet, but this rotten wooden box involves the real Immortal Emperor!

They would not doubt that Xu Yu's words were false.

After all, he himself is a giant among the Immortal Kings, with great authority. Moreover, the actions in the foreign land also make people think deeply. If it did not involve Cheng Emperor, they would definitely not be so crazy.

"Can it be turned on?" Xiaota's expression was extremely fiery, and he said in a trembling voice that he was even trembling. It involved the Emperor, and he couldn't keep calm. His eyes were burning, and he wanted to find out what happened.

"If the things inside are taken out, will it be possible to create an emperor?" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was fascinated.

"Does the Emperor really exist?" King Shi was a little confused and couldn't believe it.

"It can't be turned on. Our current level cannot be shaken at all," Xu Yu laughed and shook his head. The things of the Corpse Immortal Emperor are not so easy to move.

Everyone regretted that it was related to the Immortal Emperor. It would be such a heaven-defying divine thing. It was a pity that they had no chance to see it now.

"It turns out to be an emperor's thing. Even the quasi-immortal emperor can definitely open it. No wonder the Immortal King of the foreign land in the middle of the Immortal Ancient Period began to explore its whereabouts." Liu Shen sighed.

She revealed the secret of the ancient immortals. The former immortal king had searched for this seemingly inconspicuous rotten wooden box in a distant era.

Everyone was stunned. The only thing that could make the Immortal King care about him at this level was the method of defeating a king and becoming an emperor.

"Yes, if it is really an Immortal Emperor object, it probably involves great cause and effect and should not be touched easily." Xiaota said, the Immortal Emperor was so stimulated just now that he could not keep calm. Now that he thinks about it carefully, there are still some He was afraid and showed a fearful look.

Of course, this is just a communication between a few people and is unknown to the outside world. After all, their level is too low to understand, so there is no need to let them know.

In the end, the rotten wooden box was left behind, and the Supreme Lords of Diguan had no objection. After all, they couldn't study it. What's more, the rotten wooden box was brought by Huang and did not belong to them.

The banquet continued, and people from the famous families, immortal families, and immortal dynasties came to see the Immortal King one by one, and communicated with them. Some people also raised some questions and asked other Xuanzhi people for advice.

"I dare to ask some of the Immortal Kings, the Age of Ending Dharma is coming, where should we go?" Someone from the Immortal Academy asked, feeling anxious and uneasy.

As soon as these words were asked, the place suddenly became quiet, and it actually attracted many blazing eyes. In the age of the end of the Dharma, after all, this matter was related to their lives, so they had to be cautious.

After the great change of heaven and earth, the immortality material in this world has become scarce. As long as you are a monk, you must die. Even if you have great magical powers, as long as you do not become an immortal for one day, you are destined to perish.

Those with strong cultivation can even live for more than a million years, but this situation will gradually decrease.

The key is that the environment of heaven and earth is still gradually getting worse. If it is in the future, it will be even worse than it is now. If God's knife falls, many people will be unable to bear it, and a large amount of life span may be lost. In serious cases, they may die on the spot.

Nowadays, many clan leaders and many supreme figures have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. It seems that there is no hope for immortality. They just want to extend their life span for a few more years, and also for the sake of their descendants.

In the Age of Ending Dharma, the heaven and earth are backlashing. In addition to the difficulty of improving their cultivation, the lifespan of all living beings will plummet. Old monsters that often live for a million years will become extinct and will only live for a few years.

Moreover, even true immortals may encounter crises in the backlash of heaven and earth. This is indeed a threat that shocks the world.

The heart of heaven is unpredictable and the road is like frost!

"If there are no accidents, the environment of this world will become worse and worse. We have truly entered the last era. Perhaps the top supreme being will only live for ten thousand years in the future." The great elder Meng Tianzheng also spoke up, like this sighed,

According to his understanding, the consequences are more serious than this. At that time, as long as a peerless master appears, it will consume the luck of the world for many years, making it impossible for others to continue to achieve enlightenment.

In other words, when one person becomes enlightened, for tens of thousands of years, all the geniuses in the world will be in despair, because these people will be suppressed by the world and unable to take that step again.

Xu Yu was a little surprised and looked at the heroic young man Meng Tianzheng who was wearing a golden battle suit and was slightly surprised.

Meng Tianzheng is worthy of being the supreme being at the top of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. His vision is far-reaching and thorough, and he knows that the general trend is irreversible and the end of the world is coming. He seems to have seen the terrifying side of the future, which can be said to be far-sighted.

In the later era of covering the sky, one person became enlightened, merged with the mark of the heart of heaven, stood high above, and suppressed all spirits. It was like one person occupied all the opportunities. The more powerful the person, the more the luck of the world was consumed.

Normally, after a great emperor dies, it will take tens of thousands of years for a new emperor to be born. This is because the great emperor has passed away, but the powerful traces of the Tao have not disappeared and will still suppress the ten thousand ways of heaven and earth. In this case, According to the profoundness of the emperor's conduct, the performance is more obvious,

For example, Emperor Wushi, even though he disappeared later

For hundreds of thousands of years, it has profoundly affected the world, so much so that from the ancient era to the post-ancient era, the situation of the world has deteriorated, making it even more unsuitable for practice. "Don't worry, we can use the methods of the Immortal King to open up a new world." A secret place to help you extend your lifespan

Yuan. "Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan spoke calmly.

Nowadays, Jiutian is not what it used to be. There were no immortals in the past, but now there are even immortal king giants, which is enough to reverse a lot.

Creation of life and death, evolution of the secret realm of cultivation, cannot be done in the human realm, but for immortals, especially immortal kings, it can be done easily.

Although it is not possible to open up a large environment like the Immortal Realm immediately, it is not a problem to build small immortal worlds to slow down the life span of those who enter.

Many old Supremes breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Immortal King was here. Otherwise, if the end of the world really came, they would not have a few more years to live.

Soon, the banquet came to an end. Since some scum had been eliminated before, some meritorious people still had to be rewarded. Soon Xu Yu, Shi Wang and others began to formally discuss merit and reward...

Rewards based on merit!

Xu Yu took out many of the immortal treasures and left them for nine days to let some of the elders of the Immortal Academy and the Holy Academy reward them based on their merits and distribute them to some people who had made meritorious deeds.

The Immortal Treasure left by the Immortal King is so amazing, it is enough for many people to use for a lifetime. In particular, he distributed some of the Divine Treasure to some supreme beings, hoping that they can go further.

Time waits for no one, the last era is approaching, darkness is eternal, and the future situation will be very difficult.

Nine days and ten places, a group of backbones must be born. Otherwise, it will be difficult to face crises in the future. A group of talents must be cultivated to pave the way for the future.

Xu Yu glanced at the many supreme beings with dull eyes, and couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

In today's Jiutian, most of the Supreme Beings are old. If they want to break through to the True Immortal, the possibility is extremely slim. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at a young man wearing golden armor.

It is Meng Tianzheng!

With his sword-shaped eyebrows and star-shaped eyes, his heroic appearance makes Meng Tianzheng look like a god of war, full of invincible aura.

This person is very extraordinary. Among so many supreme beings, he is the best. No one can compare with him. Perhaps there is only one Wang Changsheng who can compare with him. Unfortunately, Wang Changsheng has been captured now.

It can be said that today's Meng Tianzheng is already the number one supreme in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and he can even defeat the true immortals at a great price.


A ray of divine light flew out and landed in front of Meng Tianzheng's eyes. It was brilliant, intertwined with inexplicable rules, and entangled with fairy energy. It was truly astonishing and attracted the attention of many people.


A flower fell, blooming with all kinds of inexplicable brilliance. In an instant, the mist was misty, illuminating the heaven and earth, and seemed to contain all the ways of heaven and earth.

"Lord Immortal King...this is?" Meng Tianzheng shrank slightly. These two items were given to him by Xu Yu alone.

"Could it be... the Hedao flower!" Meng Tianzheng was shocked, his expression moved slightly, and he looked at the shining strange flower. Although he didn't know what the card was at the moment, he recognized the flower.

Even though he was as calm as he was, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hedao flower, the most wonderful flower in the world!

Some young people were puzzled, but many Supremes stared at the flower with bright eyes, their expressions were fiery and envious, because they knew the origin of the flower.

In their opinion, the most wonderful medicine in the world is not the elixir of longevity, but the Hedao flower.

The Hedao Flower has the power to defy the heavens and can make a person directly Hedao!

Meng Tianzheng's face was complicated. If he had had this flower in the first place and planted it with his own body, he would have succeeded.

Many supreme beings are envious that this Immortal King really values ​​Meng Tianzheng, and such a divine object was directly given to him. You know, according to ancient records, only two or three people have taken this strange flower throughout the ages. It is conceivable that this flower of preciousness. (End of chapter)

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