Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 467 Preaching and Choosing People, Journey to the Boundary Tomb

"You also followed the path of cultivating your body, but because you failed to pass the test in your early years, your foundation was damaged!"

"This Hedao Flower can make up for your Dao Fruit to the greatest extent, making your Dao Fruit more flawless and preparing for entering the Immortal Dao realm in the future!"

Faced with Meng Tianzheng's doubts, Xu Yu explained.

"The Tao Fruit you have been pregnant with so far is amazing. Maybe you will become an immortal in the near future. If you combine this card with the Tao Flower, you can go further." Xu Yu gently closed his head and said.

Meng Tianzheng's face moved slightly, and he sighed in his heart. As expected of the Immortal King, he immediately saw his problem. He saw that Meng Tianzheng had a divine fetus within his body, which was his former supreme Taoist fruit. Once born, it would become one with him and help him ascend to the position of true immortal. However, judging from his vicious eyes, There are still some flaws.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Meng Tianzheng to be so amazing. He would quietly achieve the status of a true immortal in this age of Dharma End!

"The old Meng Tianzheng, everything is still there!" You old Supreme sighed.

"At that time, people said that he was wasted and destined to die, but in the end he rose again. It turned out that he cut off the wasted body and regenerated it."

"If the Tao Fruit is naturally conceived and combined with the true body, the achievements will be immeasurable," a Supreme Being spoke softly, seemingly a little excited.

Many of the old supreme beings in Jiutian know something, and their expressions are complicated. After dormant for so long, they still cannot cover up their brilliance.

"The Great Elder is going to become an immortal..." Shi Hao was also in a daze, and then he was pleasantly surprised. The Great Elder helped him a lot as a person, and he was very close to him. If the Great Elder could become an immortal, he would naturally be surprised.

"Although you will become an immortal, there is still something wrong with your body. The Tao fruit is defective. Taking Hedao flower will embody the power of immortality, verify your Tao fruit, and go one step further." Xu Yu said, speaking out My own opinion.

Meng Tianzheng is indeed amazing. If he were in his current state, he would probably become an immortal instantly in the Immortal Realm.

However, in Jiutian, the seed of the body has not been completely perfected. If one can become an immortal step by step, he will indeed be very powerful, but he will not be able to reach the extreme.

But if you use the Hedao Flower, it will be enough to break through to the True Immortal Realm in the future.

"Thank you, senior." Meng Tianzheng was excited and grateful.

Later, Xu Yu gave him another piece of advice: don't rush to become an immortal immediately. When the Nine Heavens End Dharma Age comes, you may achieve greater success if you step out on your own path in real adversity.

"Under a truly apocalyptic environment, with real training, we may be able to go one step further and unleash our true potential." He whispered, and many people were shocked and thoughtful after hearing this.

Meng Tianzheng nodded. He was once the proudest man in the world. He was the top genius in the nine heavens and ten earths. He had his own pride. Since he wanted to set foot on the path of immortality, he had to do his best.

"In the future, the road to the Immortal Realm will also be penetrated in the future. Those of you who meet the conditions will also have the opportunity to go to the Immortal Realm." Xu Yu spoke again, directly throwing out a piece of bombshell information.


Everyone was wondering, where is that place?

Regarding the Immortal Realm, in the past extremely long years, few people knew about it, and almost everyone had never heard of it. Except for the Changsheng family, it was difficult for outsiders to understand it.

Next, some immortal families explained the fairyland, and many secrets were revealed. People knew that there was a vast fairyland above the nine heavens.

And the future reinforcements that Jin Taijun mentioned before refer to people from the Immortal Realm?

There are true immortals like clouds, invincible strong men, and the source of many Nine Heavens ancestral veins.

That world is even countless times larger than the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Some people from the Immortal Family and the Immortal Dynasty looked strange. Their ancestors may also have Taoist traditions in the Immortal Realm. If the Immortal Realm is opened, it may be an opportunity to escape the end of the law. Soon, many monks became excited. If they can enter the Immortal Realm in the future, Then there is no need to worry about the coming of the Dharma Ending Age.

Some young people also showed longing for the vast ancient world, which was vaster than the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. It would have endless possibilities, and it would also be a stage for them to display their ambitions.

On the Taoist platform, Liu Shen's face was dull. After hearing about the Immortal Realm, a cold look flashed through his beautiful eyes inadvertently.

Her fall back then was closely related to the kings of the Immortal Realm. If she entered the Immortal Realm again, she would definitely settle everything!

"The Immortal Realm..." Not far away, Jin Mao roared, sighed softly, put down the wine glass, and felt a little sad.

Now, he has transformed into a tall middle-aged man with a majestic appearance. He is sitting there drinking. Hearing the news about the Immortal Realm, various emotions such as regret, reminiscence, complexity, and hatred appear in his eyes.

Back then, he was also famous in the Immortal Realm. He commanded the vast ancient stars and was respected by all the eight wastelands. Unfortunately, he later fought bloody battles for the Immortal Realm in the lower world, but was told that he could not go back!

He had been fighting in the lower realm for many years, and he could be said to have shed his life and blood. Unexpectedly, it would end like this. Unable to resist and frustrated, he chose to become a restricted area.

Looking at the eager and yearning eyes of the young geniuses, Xu Yu suddenly felt a slight movement in his mind and had some thoughts.

Things in the future need to be planned. There are many good seedlings in Jiutian, and we really need to cultivate them.

"Next, I will select some young people to practice with me. Are you willing?"

The Immortal King actually wants to select young heroes to practice with him!

This is shocking news.

Indeed, today's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the crisis has been temporarily resolved, will usher in a period of glorious years, this will be a prosperous age of cultivation.

Moreover, the Immortal King took the initiative to ask the younger generation to follow him to practice. How could this make people feel uninspired? It suddenly ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

"Master Immortal King wants to cultivate truly powerful seeds. If he performs well, he may be accepted as his disciple." Some people were excited and speculated on Xu Yu's intentions.

"I hate that I can't be young for a hundred thousand years, otherwise I would definitely be able to accompany the Immortal King and enjoy infinite destiny." There was also an old Supreme who spoke with envy.

Everyone is restless. This indicates that a great opportunity is coming.

"Lord Immortal King, you can take a look at the proud son of our clan."

"My grandson has a majestic head and a majestic appearance..."

"My great-great-grandson has endless potential. Although he is only four or five years old now, I think his potential in the future may be no less than Huang." Someone also said this, holding a four or five-year-old baby.

Everyone was speechless. Even Xu Yu didn't know what to say. These people were indeed crazy. They even pushed out a four- or five-year-old baby.

Many people volunteered, and some of the ancient sects in the Nine Heavens, the Immortal Sect, and the Immortal Dynasty all spoke out and asked Xu Yu to take away the young people under their sect.

They all know that this is an astonishing blessing. Practicing with the Immortal King is like a pie falling from the sky. In the past, they would not even think about it.

A group of young people, with burning eyes and extremely eager eyes, hope to enter the Immortal King's Dharma Eyes.

What an amazing fortune it is to be accompanied by an Immortal King! No one wants to miss out.

Even the so-called immortal Immortal Family behind them was instantly dimmed in front of the Immortal King, and there was no comparison at all.

"There's no rush, everyone has a chance, as long as they pass the test."

Xu Yu chuckled, his eyes moved, the runes intertwined, and he looked at a group of energetic young people with a little sparkle. In them, he seemed to see himself in his youth.

Everyone stopped talking. Since the Immortal King said this, they could not object. They just watched quietly to see what the test was.


Xu Yu's arms glowed, and his palms were slightly closed. Starlight rippled in his palms, and mysterious symbols emerged, evolving into a mysterious small world that appeared in the hall.

The mountains, rivers, swamps, sun, moon, stars, flowers, birds, fish and insects are all lifelike and very vivid.

Everyone's expressions changed. The Immortal King was indeed extremely powerful and could easily create a small world.

"Anyone who wants to pass the test only needs to defeat his own copy to pass."

Xu Yudan smiled broadly, glanced at the many geniuses who were eager to learn, rolled up his sleeves, raised his hand, and all the geniuses fell into the small world like dumplings.


Countless streams of light burst out and submerged into this small world, which was vaguely visible. The small world was full of people, so big that it was boundless, and divided into many different areas, so that none of the great talents met together.

And every young prodigy faces a gatekeeper, and that gatekeeper is a copy of each person, exactly the same from appearance to magical methods.

The faces of many onlookers were moved. They did not expect this kind of test. How easy is it to defeat someone who is exactly the same as yourself?

Each copy of the genius is lifelike, even the immortal's one-horned ant and the world tree of the ten-crown king are copied. They look the same, and even the aura cannot be detected.


Almost at the same moment, all the clones took action and fought against a group of geniuses. Their divine power was overwhelming and the battle was particularly fierce.

Many geniuses suddenly fell into a hard battle. This was destined to be a fierce battle. They were fighting fiercely with 'themselves'. The other party's magical powers and spells were all the same. It was too difficult. Many of them had never hated 'themselves' so much in one day. .

Even after the continuous battle, many geniuses discovered a big problem. Not only did the opponent master many identical Taoist methods, but the battle became more intense and their combat power quietly increased, making them miserable.

"The Immortal King is selecting fighters. You need to have amazing fighting talent to stand out." Supreme Aoki sighed, seeing the profound meaning of Xu Yu's move.

Everyone sighed when they heard this. It was indeed a test at the Immortal King level. It was indeed difficult and extraordinary.

It didn't take long for most of the geniuses to be defeated, panting and unable to cope anymore.

However, there are also some people who are extremely extraordinary and still calm, such as Shi Hao, Shi Yi, and Ten Crown Kings.


Just half an hour later, Shi Hao opened and closed, with unparalleled divine power, his back as steep as a dragon, and his fists with fierce light. He suppressed his own copy, exploded it inch by inch, took one step forward, and reappeared.

Shi Hao passed the test first!

Xu Yu nodded, feeling very satisfied. Although Shi Hao had not yet refined the complete laws in a foreign land, he still stood out among the young geniuses because he had gone his own way.

"Arid is out!"

"As expected of Huang, he can kill ten royal families in Dachitian. He is really a peerless person!"

"Who's next?"

Many people marveled that this Huang was indeed a junior whom the Immortal King valued. He was amazing enough and could definitely compete with the elites of the foreign imperial clan. Whether it was combat power or combat talent, he was considered to be at a perverted level.

Boom, boom, boom!

Next, three streams of light rushed out one after another. They were three young people, all with majestic appearance and extraordinary temperament.

When they rushed out, they saw Shi Hao's figure. Their expressions froze slightly and their pupils shrank. Among them, there was a man with a strong body, a steep back and a majestic appearance. He stood there like a god king. , holding a World Tree sapling in his hand, with the power to look out in all directions.

He is a ten-time champion!

There is another person who is very handsome, with a flawless face, crystal clear skin, exuding holy brilliance, and a calm and gentle smile on his face.

Banish the immortal!

No one was surprised that the two of them could kill their own clones so quickly and break through the encirclement. After all, these two people had already become famous far and wide.

But the third young man exceeded many people's expectations.

"It's him!" Someone whispered. The last person was wearing gray clothes. He looked very handsome and had an outstanding temperament. Even if he stood there casually, people could tell at a glance that he was a dragon and a phoenix.

His eyes are very deep, hazy with chaos, and extremely amazing, looking extraordinary and holy.

Everyone was greatly surprised. They all knew that this man with double eyes was an incredible master, but they did not expect that he could be on par with the Ten-Crown King and the Exiled Immortal, and that he could be so terrifying.

In fact, the main reason is that Shi Yi is usually too low-key, reclusive, and spends most of his time practicing in seclusion. Therefore, he does not seem to have any impressive achievements, so he naturally receives less attention.

"As expected of a man with double eyes, his cultivation is indeed extraordinary and holy," someone exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, the Red Dragon Gegu, Chi Yan, Sky Horned Ant, Qin Hao and others appeared one after another and defeated their own clones.

Among them, a young man attracted Xu Yu's attention and made him take another look.

"Jiuyou Ao!"

He was a man in gray clothes, with a medium build. He was very ordinary, ordinary, but he had an attractive aura. When the immortal energy was released, it was amazing.

Under Xu Yude's pupils, one can naturally see its true form, which is a Jiuyou Ao.

Xu Yu was slightly surprised. He remembered that this Jiuyou Ao seemed to be named Yu Wudi. He was defeated by Shi Hao in the realm of gods, but his strength should not be underestimated.

It has a wolf head with vertical eyes between its brows, huge gray horns on its head, black gold-like scales all over its body, red hair, and nine strange tails.

The ancestor of the clan was a powerful man at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor, which made him think a lot at once.

"Ten evil spirits, endless potential." Xu Yu sighed slightly.

Finally, Da Xutuo, Qi Gu, Little Heavenly King Qi Hong, and Tuogu Yulong also completed the test and came out one after another.

What surprised Xu Yu slightly was that the little fat man Cao Yusheng also passed the test and used the unparalleled power of the third killing formation to fight his way out.

In the end, only about a dozen of the hundreds of people passed Xu Yu's test.

Everyone sighed, how strict this was, almost all the heroes from nine days and ten places

The heroes are all gathered here, but only a few dozen have passed the test, which is too difficult.

But speaking of it, it should be like this. After all, if cats and dogs can pass the test of the Immortal King, it would be abnormal.

Moreover, these ten or so people are indeed the most famous geniuses in the world. They are incomparable to ordinary people. They are all famous. Xu Yu looked at these people, his eyes flickered slightly. It was not surprising. These were the top geniuses in Jiutian.

These people are not simple, and the worst ones have the appearance of true immortals. The most important thing is that they have extraordinary fighting power, which is what he values.

Of course, this test is mainly to test the combat potential, not to achieve immortality.

Speaking of fairy postures alone, such as Taiyin Jade Rabbit, Witch, Yue Chan and others all have fairy postures, but their combat power is a bit weak, so they cannot pass the test and are not within the scope of Xu Yu's consideration.

Some immortal forces and orthodoxies were overjoyed when they saw their descendants being chosen. This was a great blessing. To practice with the Immortal King was a good story, enough to go down in history.

The losers had expressions that were full of bitterness, knowing that they were far behind the chosen ones.

"The future is full of variables. Even if you can't practice beside the Immortal King, you may not be worse than them in the end."

There is a supreme being who comforts his disciples, telling them not to be gray, to cheer up, and to move forward bravely.

Even though he said that, he was the Immortal King. No one really cared about it, so he could only comfort himself like this.

Next, Liu Shen chose to practice in seclusion. She was just one step away from breaking into the giant. If she entered the fairyland, she would have to go through a bloody battle. Only by returning to her peak could she have the greatest protection. The small pagoda and the Six Paths of Reincarnation chose to travel around the nine heavens for a period of time. On the one hand, they were exploring the scenery of the world, and on the other hand, they were looking for the remaining parts of themselves, hoping to completely integrate their bodies into one.

"Next, I will preach the scriptures for a month. You can make up your own mind," Xu Yu looked at the crowd and decided to start preaching.

When everyone heard this, they were shocked. This was also a heaven-defying creation, not to be missed! Even the Supreme One is excited. If the opportunity is great enough, there may be a chance to become an immortal in the future!

Xu Yu was sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform, with bursts of smoke rising up, and large areas of light rain rising from his body into the sky, like a heavenly emperor, majestic to hell.

Xu Yu began to lecture on scriptures and Dharma, expounding the true meanings of various great ways that exist in heaven and earth, and explaining many wonderful principles, which made many people enlightened and enlightened.

Flowers of the avenue blossomed, flowing with misty colors and spewing auspicious energy. Divine springs appeared, rippling soft waves, possessing endless fairy aura, inspiring people.

Xu Yu, who possesses the Immortal King Dao Fruit, talks about the principles of heaven and earth and the wonderful sounds and laws of heaven. Naturally, people benefit a lot, and many people quickly break through the realm.

Shi Yi, the Banished Immortal, and the Ten-Crown King Emperor took advantage of this opportunity to leap to the sky and turned into monks who escaped to the first realm.

All of a sudden, there were three more young geniuses who had escaped to the first realm.

Even some of the Nine Heavens Supremes have vaguely realized that they are about to take a new step. Their bottlenecks are loosened, their eyes are much deeper, and it is obvious that they have improved a lot in their Taoism.

Even though he was a golden retriever, he could understand something from sitting cross-legged below and listening to his sermons. One can imagine how terrifying his conduct is.

The Great Elder Meng Tianzheng's whole body was filled with a little bit of fairy light. He was so addicted to it that he almost became an immortal. Fortunately, he woke up at the critical moment, otherwise he would have gone through the calamity of becoming an immortal.

Now, it is not the perfect time to become an immortal. If you want to pick the supreme fruit, you need to wait for some time.

"Let's go and take you to practice." Xu Yu finished his sermon and looked at the young people to fulfill his promise.

A group of young people are very excited and are about to practice with the Immortal King. Many people are looking forward to it.

"Brother, where are you going?" Shi Hao asked excitedly.

"Let's go get some things first." Xu Yu pondered for a moment before speaking.

He roared over Jin Mao, made his hugely transformed Dharma image, and ordered many young people to sit on it.

A group of young people stepped up cautiously, but with excitement and excitement. They felt as if they were in a dream, and they could actually ride on the back of the Immortal King.

Jin Mao's face was ugly, and he couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and scream, but when he saw Xu Yu's half-smiling mouth, he forcibly endured it.


The wind in the sky was strong, and Jin Mao took a group of people on the road, tearing the sky apart and crossing the universe.

Time fragments were flying, and the sun, moon, and stars were rotating around him. The scene was extremely grand, majestic, and amazing.


As they traveled through time and space, countless seas of stars passed backwards, and soon they entered a quiet place.

Suddenly, green appeared in front. It was a piece of grass. It was huge and boundless. Its leaves turned, pulling up several big stars in the starry sky and swallowing them in one bite.

"Star-eating grass!" someone exclaimed.

Star-eating grass belongs to the innate gods. It is huge and boundless and takes root in the universe. Unfortunately, it cannot give birth to innate will.

All the young people were shocked. This star-eating grass was very extraordinary and probably had supreme strength.

"This is the old road of the Boundary Tomb in the past!" Shi Hao was surprised, and the Ten-Crown King Banished Immortal and others also showed strange expressions. They seemed to have been to this place in the past.

All around, big stars were rotating, but most of them were broken, desolate and silent.

"Revisiting the old place will leave you with a special feeling in your heart,"

Cao Yusheng chewed his teeth. He had also been here. A few years ago, he also came here to practice.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they were shocked. The Boundary Tomb was in the Infinite Heaven among the nine heavens. They arrived in a blink of an eye, and the speed was too terrifying.

Even if they continue to cross with the help of giant teleportation circles, it will still take several months at the fastest. The dim universe is full of broken scenes, many ancient roads are floating, full of broken stars, and are covered by all kinds of things. The stars cut open by the Tao should be as they should be;

"There are several ancient species here that are worth exploring." Xu Yu said, looking at this world tomb with piercing eyes.

He remembered that there should be things like Five Elements Seeds and Ten Thousand Dao Trees here, and he wanted to take them down.

Those are the top seeds in the world, which can be said to be peerless Tao seeds. If you can get them, your practice will be extremely brilliant, and you can lend them to juniors to improve their strength.

Of course, most of the people nowadays are basically at the level of Killing Me or above. Some practice the ancient methods of immortality, and some practice the methods of this world. However, these ancient ways can be used for reference, which is of great significance.


Suddenly, the star-eating grass moved, and its leaves turned into a streak of light like a giant dragon.

Everyone was dumbfounded, especially Shi Hao and Cao Yusheng who were speechless. In the past, when they came here and saw this grass, they would avoid it, but now the Star-Eating Grass is actually afraid of their group.

You don't need to think about it to know that it is because Jin Mao, the fairy king, is here. Although he has no will and cannot communicate, he still has the ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages instinctively.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Jin Maohou's face was very dark all the way. How could he be calm while being ridden by a group of juniors.

The group continued to move forward, passing through many areas like a dream, reaching deep into the realm tomb, crossing an ancient realm each time.

Not long after, they saw a creature that looked like a hyena, with dragon horns, but the wings of a Suzaku growing across the front were much larger than the stars.

Unfortunately, it was just a corpse, and all the energy in it had dried up.

"The innate god was born in chaos. At least he has the strength of a true immortal," Jin Mao commented.

Not long after, they came to a dark universe and saw a dilapidated ancient ship, which came from a distance and was stained with blood.

"This is a ghost ship. There are strange and abnormal creatures on it. They are transformed from the consciousness of dead creatures. They are natural soul seeds that can refine medicine and nourish the soul." Shi Hao said,

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard this. It was indeed a blessing from heaven.

Since ancient times, anything that can nourish the soul is unparalleled. There are many things that can strengthen the physical body, but there are very few divine objects that can nourish the soul.

The ship is very big. Although it is dilapidated, it is also extremely spectacular. It is as high as half a star, and it is sailing towards here.


A long and shrill roar came, and the mental fluctuations were extremely strong. A silver giant bear rushed out, and then there was a loud roar, and a golden roc also pounced on it, emitting supreme level fluctuations.


Xu Yu raised his hand and tapped it with his index finger. The two divine beasts exploded and turned into dots of light rain. Xu Yu took them over and handed them over to everyone.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the ghost ship exploded, the remaining creatures died, and Guangyu was taken over by him.

These nourishing products for divine souls have great effects on those below the Human Supreme Being, but they have no effect on the Immortal King.

"The soul is being nourished. This feeling is so wonderful." Fatty Cao Yusheng sighed with emotion.

The crowd passed through one broken ancient world after another, and finally they stopped in the Five Elements Continent...

Five Elements Continent, the place where the Five Elements seal demons!

This continent is full of colors, with blazing flames, domineering metallic energy rising into the sky, azure oceans, and the power of yellow earth permeating the sky.

"There is a heavenly seed here, but it's a pity that I didn't get it last time." Shi Hao said, feeling quite regretful.

"We are protected by an unparalleled figure, but we just missed it." The Ten-Crown King also said. He was always very calm, but he couldn't help it at this moment.

"That's almost it. You hold the World Tree to shine all day long, and you still worry about other ancient species." The fat man Cao Yusheng curled his lips.

"This time, this ancient species is probably doomed..." Qin Hao said excitedly.

All the young people looked excited. The Immortal King has arrived and there are no Tao seeds that cannot be obtained. It seems that they are bound to get it this time.

And they also knew that if they obtained these ancient seeds, they would be able to use them for practice, so how could they not be excited.

Although the best time to implant immortal seeds and integrate ancient seeds has been missed, it is still crucial to use that kind of thing to understand the supreme avenue.

Immortal seeds have a long history. At the beginning of the Ancient Immortal Era, there was a truly peerless genius who walked out on the Immortal Path alone and opened up an entire Immortal Ancient Cultivation System.

Some people use the sun, moon, stars, plants and flowers as seeds, some people use the bones of true immortals as seeds, some people use the Hongmeng Kaitian Treasure as seeds, the World Tree, Hongmeng seeds, universe prototype seeds, Ten Thousand Dao seeds, Demon Sealed Five Elements seeds, life seeds, The yin and yang seed, I hope to use this immortal seed to complete the transformation, stand at the pinnacle of the heavens, and go further on the road!

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, with wisps of fairy light flowing through them, and he shot out an astonishing beam of light to explore the land and search for the location of Tianzhong.

The Heaven Seed is also known as the Five Elements Seal Demon Seed!

He remembered that in addition to the Heaven Seed, there should be a Five Elements Seed that was also on the Five Elements Continent. Soon, he made a discovery and started to take action.


All kinds of seals were fully opened, and the mountains were all glowing. In the center, there was a stone mountain, shaped like a vase, crystal clear, flowing with misty divine radiance, surrounded by streaks of auspicious colors, and extremely mysterious.

According to legend, a large royal family in a foreign land was killed and buried here, where it became nourishment and cultivated 'celestial seeds'.

It can be said that this seed is the strangest, with an astonishing origin. It can be called a peerless Tao seed and can help the human body realize the Tao.

On the vase, there is a brand, and a faint shadow is guarding this place holding a sharp sword.


Xu Yu attacked, his eyes fell, and sparks flew out of the void, like knives and axes, hitting the avenue treasure vase, and his breath was surging.

"Immortal King Giant..." You sighed, and a figure appeared on the stone vase, standing in the void, staring at Xu Yu.

Then, he looked at Golden Retriever again, with an incomprehensible expression.

"It's you..." The humanoid creature spoke, looked at Golden Retriever, and sighed quietly.

"I didn't expect that you were still alive..." Jin Maohou's face was moved, and he obviously recognized the humanoid creature.

"What's the point of living? It's just a little bit of lingering thoughts." The humanoid creature sighed softly.

Xu Yu and the other geniuses were speechless. They did not expect that this humanoid creature and Golden Hair Roar turned out to be old acquaintances.

Later, everyone learned that this person's name was Cang Nan, and like Jin Mao, he came from the lower realm of the fairyland. In the end, he was equivalent to being exiled and could not return to the upper realm.

However, in the end, the two of them made different choices. One created a restricted area, and the other killed many creatures of the foreign royal family. In the end, he left a trace behind, using the foreign creatures as nourishment to protect the heavenly species.

Jinmaohou was talking to him, and felt sad. They were both abandoned sons of the fairyland, and they both had the same problem. But at the same time, he felt a little embarrassed. Even though the other party only had a trace of regret left, he died in the battle, but he But it became someone else's mount.

"There is no need to attack. This fairy seed can be given to you. I just hope that I can find a good inheritor for him," the humanoid creature said, looking at Xu Yu.

"Huh?" Xu Yu was slightly surprised.

"This is supposed to be prepared for those who are struggling in the world of mortals. I hope that some living beings will achieve the status of immortals in the Age of Ending Dharma."

The figure in Namo Lake said.

He knew that if he was not Xu Yu's opponent, even at his peak, it would be impossible to be an enemy of a giant, so he told it frankly.

Everyone was awestruck and their expressions were scorching. This heavenly seed was actually related to becoming an immortal, which made many heavenly girls unable to look away.

"Hey, I didn't expect that this junior would actually succeed with his body!" Suddenly, he looked at Shi Hao again.

"Time is also destiny. Today we meet old friends again, and I see someone who has succeeded in making a living. I have no regrets. It's time for me to dissipate with the wind." The figure from Dao Mo Lake said.

"I will inherit your cause and effect, and in exchange, I can protect your true spirit..." Xu Yu suddenly spoke, with piercing eyes.

The six paths in his body rotated, and hazy portals opened one by one, emitting soft light and filled with a powerful breath of life.

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation have actually been successfully opened!" The figure in Namo Lake was shocked, even more surprised than someone who succeeded in using his body as a species.

"Preliminary development can raise true spirits." Xu Yu nodded. Now there is still some distance to being resurrected through the six paths in the body.

"Okay!" The shadow of Mohu spoke without hesitation. With a chirp, it turned into a ray of light, submerged into the six paths in its body, and was absorbed.

Then, the stone mountain disintegrated, and the Avenue Aquarius cracked, and with a roar, it completely collapsed in place.

A fist-sized jar flew out, containing a heavenly seed.

At the same time, there are countless remains in the stone vase. The hundreds of thousands of troops, all of them royal families from foreign lands, were all buried here.

Everyone was shocked. No one dared to defy the will of a truly invincible creature. Before they came here, the phantom didn't even bother to pay attention to them, but now he took the initiative to offer his heavenly seed.


At this moment, the Five Elements Continent sank. It was disintegrating, almost completely burning up and turning into powder.

This is a vast continent, its size is considered extraordinary in the world tomb, and it begins to collapse.

"When the seal is lifted, even the Five Elements Continent will no longer exist."


A bright divine rainbow rushed up from the ground of Five Elements Continent. It was so bright that it wrapped around the Five Elements rainbow light.

Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and he had already locked onto it. With a swipe of his big hand, he instantly grabbed the ancient seed.

"It is said that there is an ancient Five Elements species in the Five Elements Continent, but I didn't expect it to be true." Shi Yi exclaimed.

As we all know, the seed of that day was originally deliberately sealed by someone and was not born and raised here, but this Five Elements Seed was naturally bred by this world.

"Let's go get the Ten Thousand Dao Tree!" Xu Yu said with a smile. The strong wind roared, and Jin Maohou led everyone on their way. It didn't take long for them to arrive... (End of this chapter)

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