With the continuous retreat of the sun, moon, and stars, Xu Yu came to a wonderful land. It is a bit different from other broken ancient circles. There are many plants. The mysterious breath flows.

"A few years have passed, and I don't know if the Ten Thousand Dao Tree has fully matured."

"Naturally, if it is rooted in the body, how amazing it will be!"

Along the way, everyone was inspiring, and they suddenly got two peerless types, and they moved towards Wan Dao Shu. This was before, and I dare not imagine.

Soon after, they saw many trees with fruits hanging on them, which contained many Dao fragments. They actually emitted various Dao sounds, which was vaguely enlightening.

"Even if you can't get the Tao seeds, there are many wonderful benefits to practicing here." The Ten-Crown King said, his eyes like lightning.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to stick to this place, there is a more perfect holy land for practice." Xu Yu shook his head, already having a calculation in his heart.

When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

A place that can make even the Immortal King think it is a holy land. What kind of wonderful land it must be, everyone can't help but start to look forward to it.

In the far west, there is a suspended island, surrounded by lightning and thunder, and large cracks in the void are densely intertwined, making it impossible for ordinary people to break into it.

Golden Mao roar whistled the world, chasing the stars and rushing to the moon, and it went directly into this, like no one!

Here, the energy of Taiyin permeates the air, the fire essence of the sun surges, and various gods bloom, accompanied by the flow of colorful light, which is sacred and peaceful.

Of course, there are also arcs intertwining and thunder roaring, like a forbidden sea, containing the aura of destruction.

In the center of the island, there is a tree, like a dormant dragon, winding, with a strong trunk, gently swaying branches, rustling leaves, flowing divine light, rising up endless divine clouds, and blooming the atmosphere of the avenue.

In the book, there are densely packed trees, no more and no less than ten thousand fruits. Each fruit is a kind of Tao, so it is called the Ten Thousand Tao Tree.

This kind of tree is also a top Taoist seed. It can be planted in the human body and take root in the flesh and blood. It can also be used to understand the great ways of the world. Even a person with mediocre appearance can achieve the status of a true immortal through this tree.

Around the trees, the electric flashes are thunderous, and there is a bite of thunder ponds, and the scene is terrible. This is one of the most precious seeds in the world. It is better than the seedlings of the world trees.

Under the treasure tree, there was still a person sitting there.

His hair was disheveled, and his body was wrapped with rusty iron chains. It was some kind of fairy gold that pierced through his blades and locked him there.

This strange body was withered, closed his eyes tightly, motionless, as if sitting down.


Suddenly, before anyone could speak, this man opened his eyes. His eyes were dark and lacked brilliance. It was obvious that he had been locked here for countless years.

"Everyone, please leave. This Ten Thousand Dao Tree belongs to its owner."

However, when he saw Xu Yu and Golden Mao roar, his pupils were obviously shrank slightly, and he felt that their unpredictable atmosphere was obviously quite jealous.

"I'm waiting for the tree, don't you dare to give it?" Jin Mao snorted coldly, his eyes were shining, the terrible breath was surging, and the light was flying, which was extremely amazing.

"I can't stop you, but if you want to take a tree, you need to step over from a certain bone. I am not a humiliation." The man said,

Xu Yu was surprised. He didn't expect this man to be so strong and determined to fulfill his promise to protect the Ten Thousand Daoshu.

"Since the two are the fairy king, they should know the immortal domain. This thing is the thing of the Weiyang Xianxian. It should have given him a descendant, and he has been over." The mysterious man added a word.

"Wang Xianxian? Isn't his pulse over being destroyed by Ao Sheng?!" Jin Mao said in surprise.

"Is the lineage of Immortal King Weiyang cut off? So that's what it is..." The mysterious man sighed.

The other party is a dignified Immortal King, so he is naturally proud of himself. What he said is expected to be without merit.

"In this case, you take it away. There are still a few good seedlings in this group of children, but you have to wait for some time, and it has not yet matured." He continued.

"It doesn't matter."

Xu Yu's eyes glowed, the runes were intertwined and densely intertwined, the power of creation surged, and beams of light penetrated into the thousands of trees, shining brightly.

This is the most powerful divine power of Chongtong in the Sixth Secret Realm, which always has the power to create life and death!

Soon, a powerful vitality permeated, and various runes were imprinted on the tree. Each inch was issued. It didn't take long for the whole tree to be completely mature.

Everyone sighed that this tree might survive for tens or even hundreds of years, but under the power of the Immortal King, it was directly ripened and transformed into a complete Ten Thousand Dao Tree.

"I have fulfilled my promise to protect this tree until it matures. It's time to go back." This mysterious man sighed, and his life was about to come to an end.

"I will give you the Ten Thousand Dao Tree, and you will bury me, and I will repay the karma." The mysterious man's voice was weak.

"It's not time to say goodbye yet." Xu Yu smiled.


The six paths in Xu Yu's body rotated, and for a moment the sky was filled with mist and turbulence. It actually attracted a remnant of his soul and poured into the six paths in his body. The mysterious man was shocked, where is this? Soon he discovered

At present, he was led by this fairy king to his body.

"This is...I feel the breath of reincarnation."

He felt that in this Immortal King's body, his decline had stagnated, and he was nourished again. This was unimaginable.

Could it be that this person has traveled further on the cycle of reincarnation than those of the Immortal King and the Immortal Monk King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation?

"One day, maybe you can return again." Xu Yudao.

The mysterious man was stunned, shocked, and then pleasantly surprised. The afterlife was illusory. If he had a choice, he would not place his hope in the future, and he certainly did not want to die like this.

At this moment, the trees are glowing, the leaves are simple, and the chaos is exuding.

There are numerous fruits of the Tao, and this tree is uncertain in its light and death. When it shines, it is like the blazing sun, and when it is dim, it is like the dark sky, unfathomable. The tree is physical, but the fruits are transformed by the principles of the Tao.

The carrier of the Great Dao naturally gathers the laws of all heavens and ten thousand ways. It is unimaginable to incorporate him into the body for practice.

With a brushing sound, the tree shrank and became one foot tall. It was very simple, and the Tao flowed, and thousands of auras fell down, like a waterfall.

That kind of Qi, each one is different and falls from different fruits. When it falls, it is like a series of hanging stars, brilliant and boundless.

Many young people have fiery expressions. The Ten Thousand Dao Tree, this is a peerless Tao species, one of the top Tao species.

Even if it is practicing this law, the eyes are hot, knowing its preciousness.

The Ten-Crown King was also undecided, because in a sense, this Ten Thousand Dao Tree was more precious than his World Tree.

Xu Yu implanted him into his body, and after silently comprehending it, he took him out, and realized that its ways are infinite, and there are countless great ways hidden in it.

If you are practicing the ancient law, this kind of way is equivalent to engraving the thousands of people in flesh and blood, and the way of Taoism, and the achievements are unlimited.

"You will take turns using these ancient species to practice and consolidate the Tao foundation." Xu Yu said, which suddenly made many geniuses look forward to it.

"Where are we going next?" Jin Maohou asked. The trip to the World Tomb has passed. The peerless Taoist seeds are hard to find and are almost gone.

When Xu Yu heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at the group of energetic young people and said with a smile: "Go to practice in a foreign land! Do you dare?"

Go to a foreign land to practice!

A group of young people were stunned, stunned, some couldn't believe it, and even dumbfounded, staring at Xu Yu blankly.

I have to say that I have to say that this feels a bit crazy! It can even be said to be shocking.

You must know that with the gathering of true immortals and immortal kings from foreign lands, that big world is not much stronger than Jiutian. It can be said to be a tiger's den and a dragon's pond. Even the immortal kings are in groups, and most people are almost shocked when they hear it.

This is too dangerous!

Even Golden Retriever was a little stunned, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, he was so shocked, he thought this was so crazy, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Foreign land, that ancient world, I have long wanted to visit!" Shi Hao clenched his fists, his eyes were bright, his expression was fiery, he was actually looking forward to it, and he had a surging fighting spirit.

Xu Yu was speechless. This little Shi Hao was also a restless master, possessing a very strong warlike gene in his body.

"A man can conquer the world with a three-foot sword, and he can't go anywhere. What's more, with the Immortal King here, we have nothing to fear!" The Ten-Crown King said in a deep voice, but he was very free and easy, and he agreed to go to a foreign land.

"I heard that there are anti -heaven, and there are also peerless beauties. At that time, I will take it away!" Chi Yan laughed and mad.

"The mountains and rivers are in a foreign land, and we are sworn in. I just want to go and learn a lesson and see the enemies that the ancestor gods fought."

Shi Yi, who was usually very silent, also spoke, his eyes sparkling with a cold light that was captivating and sharp.

Shi Hao and Qin Hao were both moved and couldn't help but clenched their fists. They had witnessed the blood and tears of the Seven Border Kings at the Imperial Pass, and they had long hated the foreign land in their hearts. They wished they could kill them and wipe them out completely.

Later, the ten descendants of Jiuyou and the Anthorn Ant Chilong, let alone, are extremely excited and look hot. They want to go. Almost their ancestors and exotic are exotic.

It has to be said that most of these geniuses are very confident and have a strong belief that they can't wait to go.

Among them, there is another reason.

Because in the past, they could only be trapped in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but now they can see the scenery of a big world, so most of them yearn for it.

"Since you are all going, then I will go too, Lord Immortal King. Since you, my master, and I are old acquaintances, you must protect me!"

The little fat man Cao Yusheng gritted his teeth, looked at Xu Yu with a bitter face, and everyone couldn't help but smile.

Xu Yu smiled. This little fat man was a top-notch person, but he had not yet evolved to the level of the fuming Taoist Duan De Wuliang in later generations.

Later, Xu Yu sensed them that there were complete laws of the Great Dao, which allowed them to reshape their true bodies, and then go one step further to break the constraints of heaven and earth. Practice was of great benefit, which made everyone look forward to it even more.

"It would be too risky to actually go!"

Jin Maohouhou secretly said in a voice that was a little urgent. If the Immortal King discovered it, it would be a big disaster.

"It doesn't matter, Zongheng Foreign Land, even if they find out, it will only turn the world upside down. They can escape calmly," Xu Yu said with a smile, his eyes as deep as the stars.

In today's foreign land, there are only one Red King and one Kundi who are some threats, but the others are not to be feared. He has his own means and can deal with them calmly.

"You have been turning the penalty area for too long, and you have been flattened too much, and the world of competition. If you are dormant blindly, you can only die." Xu Yu shook his head gently, looked at the golden retriever, and sighed slightly. .

Jin Mao was speechless. At this point, what else could he say? He could only go with him.

Jiutian, Yu Yutian.

In the end, he remembered a way that did not belong to these two eras. This is the ancient road left by years ago, and has been seal for countless years.

Except for some old monsters in the forbidden area, it is impossible for the world to know,

Yu Yutian, like Dachitian and Qingweitian, is one of the nine heavens. It is also a famous great world with powerful people like clouds.

Soon, they found a relic from the past.

The ground is littered with broken bones, both human and animal, countless, like a sea of ​​bones. To this day, they are still exuding the mist of immortality. One can imagine how tragic the battle was back then.

Finally, they found a magic circle in the underground ruins, opened the seal, and broke in along a black crack.


In the cracks, lightning flashed and thunder roared, strong winds blew, accompanied by a rain of blood, accompanied by the screams of gods and demons, and many paths fell down at the same time.

"No wonder it has been closed for so long and ordinary people can't pass through at all," Xu Yu sighed. There are many divine laws here. If ordinary people break in, they can only die and disappear without any accidents.


The Immortal Golden Cauldron rotated and flew out, covering the heaven and earth, covering up the universe. Those inexplicable thundering gods of order crashed down and only caused ripples on the map. All of them were resolved.

Moreover, the auras of the people under the Immortal Golden Cauldron were also concealed. They were clearly close to Chi Chi, but they seemed to be nowhere to be found. Even a true immortal could not deduce it.


When everyone reappeared, they saw a brand new world, and they clearly felt the difference. It seemed that there were waves of thunder that penetrated their bodies, eating away their souls and destroying their bones.

The expressions of Shi Hao, Shi Yi, the Ten-Crown King, the Banished Immortal, and others even changed. Their whole bodies were radiating brilliance. Their blood roared as if they were boiling. They suffered inexplicable shocks. Xu Yu silently realized that this was the Tao. Then, the intact avenue fell down and collided together when they first arrived.

The complete rules of the avenue and the incomparable grand will of heaven were like a blade, cutting into everyone's bodies, but they recovered in an instant. After the initial adaptation, the situation will be much better.

To this day, they all know that there is no lack of nine days, the broken beaten in that realm, the rules of the avenue are not complete. For practitioners, there are flaws. .

"No wonder there are so many heroes in foreign lands. If you practice in this kind of environment, it will be difficult for you to become powerful." Someone sighed.

After entering the foreign land, everyone finally understood deeply that this world is not trivial. In terms of environment alone, it is much better than Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. No wonder the power gap is so huge!

"It's really a great opportunity. If you just practice here for a period of time, you will benefit endlessly." Shi Hao sighed.

He was very emotional. If the Five Elements Mountain Spirit hadn't killed him, he would probably have been handed over by Jin Taijun and trapped in a foreign land with unknown life and death. But now that he came here on his own initiative, this feeling was completely different...

Everyone nodded, and they all nodded. This realm is a holy place for practice, and maybe it is not inferior to the legendary fairy domain.

By practicing here, you can completely reshape your true body, train your soul, consolidate your own Tao and fruit, realize the evolution of your life level, and make up for your shortcomings.

There is a saying that if you practice in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, unless every realm is transcended to the extreme, there will always be flaws and the path will not be perfect.

Shi Hao has made breakthroughs in all aspects along the way, so he has surpassed the limit and can crush the geniuses of his generation along the way. Of course, this is also related to his body type, and he does not have much help from the power of the universe.

Subsequently, everyone saw that there were one avenue rules in the sky emerged, and they were in real explicitization, condensed into tangible bodies, vast, and mysterious. Looking at it from a distance, there is actually a majestic ancient tree, covering the sky, and it seems that it can cover the sky, it is a lush world tree!

Only when I entered this ancient realm, I saw such a scene.

The ancient trees support the sky, anchor the four poles of heaven and earth, stabilize the world, release the complete order and principles, and bless the world!

Compared with the World Tree, the World Tree of the Ten-Crown King can be said to be dwarfed. One is still a seedling, while the other is in a mature form.

Many geniuses looked moved, looking at the World Tree that towered into the sky and towered over the sky, they were all filled with shock. Every leaf is emitting a soft light, a genius. Of course, this is also related to his species, and he does not rely much on the power of the universe.

Later, everyone saw the rules of the avenue emerging one after another in the sky, actually manifesting themselves, condensing into a tangible body, vast and unpredictable, and endlessly mysterious.

Looking from a distance, there is a majestic ancient tree that blocks out the sky and the sun. It seems to cover the sky for thousands of miles. It is actually a lush world tree!

Only when I entered this ancient realm, I saw such a scene.

The ancient trees support the sky, anchor the four poles of heaven and earth, stabilize the world, release the complete order and principles, and bless the world! Compared with the World Tree, the World Tree of the Ten-Crown King can be said to be dwarfed. One is still a seedling, while the other is in a mature form.

Many heavens were moving, watching the world trees bearing into the clouds, and the world trees standing on the ground were full of shock.

Every leaf is emitting soft light, and the misty Tao Qi falls down, surging and sweeping across the entire foreign land.

"Even if it is a person with a normal posture, practice in this world, and it can be turned into extraordinary bone gods for a long time." Chi Yan surprised.

No wonder the foreign land is so powerful, supported by a complete world tree. The power of this law is perfect and can support the birth of many powerful people. This is beyond the reach of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Moreover, this world is so extraordinary, the spiritual energy is so rich that it cannot be dissolved, and the rivers on the ground are actually filled with spiritual liquid instead of water.

The river is surging, and there are many mountains and rivers. In the mountains, various medicinal herbs are everywhere, all of which are rare ancient medicines that have aged well, spewing auspicious air and surrounded by various rays of light.

This ancient world is very huge and seems to have no end. It is many times larger than the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which is shocking to people.

The reason why the world tree can be seen by everyone is because they are reflected in the sky of this world, and it shines in the Quartet, so everyone can see it.

In fact, its rhizomes, branches and leaves, all flowing with brilliant rays of light, can drag up the stars, which is extremely huge.

It is said that a complete world tree can live on top of a true dragon, Kunpeng. This statement is not groundless.

During the Xiangu Era, Xu Yu also personally saw a lot of immortal atmosphere in the world tree. It is conceivable that the world tree is valuable.

"What place is this..." Xu Yu's pupils flickered and shone. Although he was sure that he had arrived in a foreign land, he didn't know exactly which part of the foreign land it was.

In foreign lands, there are many immortal kings, and they also have territories they command. I don't know where this place belongs. The territory belongs to that immortal king.

In this area, there are abundant vegetation and majestic mountains. The immortal energy is very strong. All the immortal energy has almost turned into big dragons, hovering in the sky. The scene is amazing.

This can be called a holy land for cultivation, which made all the geniuses look moved.


Suddenly, Xu Yu was taken aback, his eyes were glory, brilliant, looking at the far away, he waved his hand, and the scene after more than 100,000 miles appeared, reflected in the sky, and it was clearly visible.

It was a huge city, full of manuscripts, as if in mourning. In the city, there were two huge coffins, and beside them, a crowd of people knelt in darkness.

Then, there were many crying sounds, with a meaning of sorrow, the sound resounded through the sky, shaking the universe.

"An Lan Ancestor!"

"Ancestor Yu Tuo!"

The group of people roared extremely.

"What kind of ghost is really obscure. Someone was crying as soon as he came to the exotic. They ... seemed to be crying, Anlan and Yu Tuo, the two bastard eggs." Cao Yusheng was surprised.

"So that's it..." Xu Yu was also speechless. It turned out that An Lan and Yu Tuo's funerals were held together.

And this funeral is also extremely luxurious. There are many immortals and two quasi-immortal kings here. They are graceful and luxurious.

The voice was extremely sad, but he couldn't shake a lot of arrogance. In the past, he didn't know how many Jiu Tian Yingjie died in the hands of them, and when they were sad.

"If the Immortal King is buried, I don't know how many treasures will be buried." Cao Yusheng cooed.

Xu Yu glanced at him, feeling a little surprised. Was he about to awaken his talent?

With a wave of his sleeves, he led everyone to a sacred mountain not far away.

The light and mist are thick and the auspicious air is steaming. There are a lot of laws here. It is as vast as the sea. It is a place of creation.

Later, Xu Yu personally stepped down a magic circle, blessed everyone, and took out the Ten Thousand Dao Tree of Heavenly Plants and the Five Elements Plants, and gave them to everyone to take turns to meditate on.

Using the rules of a foreign world to temper their invincible bodies, coupled with the enlightenment of Taoism, will allow them to advance by leaps and bounds.

Many talented people looked solemn, knowing that this was a good opportunity, and quickly reshaped their bodies and tempered their souls to seize this rare opportunity.

Of course, this process is also extremely dangerous and painful, which is equivalent to deaminity and bones. It can not be amazing, and no one can succeed casually. Even if it comes to the exotic, it is impossible to become a phoenix.

Even if you rashly enter a foreign land and forcibly temper, big problems may occur.

The Tao is perfect and the rules of heaven and earth are flawless. If you suddenly enter such a world, if you forcefully introduce these Tao principles into the topic, you will usually suffer a violent backlash.

This kind of tempering may even cause the body to disintegrate, and the soul may even fly away.

During this process, many people encountered dangers, but the problems were not serious. With Xu Yu and Jin Maohou watching and guiding them, they all survived with difficulty.

More than ten days later, everyone had finished training, and they all reached a new level, becoming more powerful than ever before.

Among them, the progress of Shi Hao and Shi Yi's banished immortals is particularly obvious. They were not weak to the Imperial Clan in the first place, but now if they encounter the Imperial Clan, they can probably crush them, which is amazing.

And even people like Little Heavenly King and Qi Hong who are slightly inferior in appearance are now comparable in strength to the geniuses of the Imperial Clan. They can be said to be extremely terrifying. If it weren't for Tianzhe, these people would at least be able to practice to the True Immortal Realm. .

Not only the laws of the foreign land, the guidance of the Immortal King, but also many Taoisms laid a supreme foundation for them. This is the supreme capital for their future rise.

All the geniuses burst into tears of gratitude. This Immortal King showed great kindness to them. Even though Xu Yu did not accept them as disciples, they already respected him as a master in their hearts.

"Next, it's time to do a big move." Xu Yu said lightly, looking at the endless mountains and rivers of the exotic, and his eyes were Zhanzhan ...

"How to plan?" Jin Mao roared in a daze. He always felt that this master was not at peace, which made him a little uneasy.

Now that they had gone deep into the foreign base camp, he only prayed for a safe return without any trouble. Unexpectedly, Xu Yu wanted to cause trouble, which suddenly made his nerves tense again.

"What should we do?" When Shi Hao and Gegu Skyhorn Ant heard this, they were not surprised but happy. These militants looked eager to give it a try.

"First go to the God Clan and get a helping hand." Xu Yu smiled and looked into the distance, his eyes sparkling.

"The Clan, didn't you rebel? Will he help us?" Jin Maohou was confused. Shi Hao and Shi Yi also had puzzled faces, not understanding Xu Yu's behavior.

"Among them, there are other hidden feelings, and then they will know it." Xu Yu responded.

He waved his hand, and time fragments flew, leading everyone away from this place.

On the way, he encountered a foreign Supreme Being from the Imperial Clan. He directly searched the soul of this creature and learned the location of the ancestral land of the Godly Clan.

The Spider Clan is a powerful and mysterious race. It can break space with one hand and time with the other. Those two unparalleled magical powers are their unique skills and the basis for their dominance in the world.

This is an invincible race!

The members of this clan are as rare as the Imperial clan, and reproduction is not easy, but as long as one comes out, he will be a peerless and terrifying figure.

And precisely because of this, the Ten Fierce Clan's magical arts are extremely cherished. Only a few people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have mastered them.

Generally speaking, the race that involves time and space is not ordinary, and the gods of the gods are the best among them.

In the past, the Dai people were considered to be a betrayal of nine days and ten places, but they lurked down in the exotic and waited for opportunities.

Xu Yu knew that long years had passed, and almost everyone in the Clan believed that they had taken refuge in a foreign land. However, the leader of the Clan, the Clan, was devoted to Jiutian, and was now playing the role of an undercover agent in a foreign land.

Such a powerful combat power is worthy of winning. At that time, a few people are enough to turn this exotic.

The time and space abilities of the Spider Ancestor, if used properly, will exert astonishing power and can tear apart the universe.

Not long after, time fragments flew, and a passage opened from the void. Several people came on the head of the hole and landed not far from the ancestral land of the cricket ancestor.

The ancestral land of the Zhi tribe is a rocky mountain shrouded in mist. Although they are not tall and hazy, they carry mysterious power and are very attractive to people's minds.

These stone mountains seem to be extremely heavy, majestic and domineering, but they carry inexplicable secret power, dots of brilliance, entangled with various gods, and the fragments of laws are shining.

If you look closely, you always feel that these stone mountains are concentrated. It seems to contain the power of the universe. It is the power of time and space and space, and it is also a special symbol of the gods.

This is the ancestral land of the Dai people. Outsiders did not dare to approach at all. They could only stop. On the periphery of this ancestral land, there were many people sitting on the periphery, even a few supreme, extraordinary strength, guarding here.

Today's Zhu Clan is also a top ethnic group in foreign lands. Its status is no less than that of the Imperial Clan, and it is very transcendent.

There are vast stone mountains inside, with a huge area and shrouded in mysterious mist.

The immortal mist fills the air, the power of immortality spreads, the powerful aura and the ethereal immortal energy are intertwined. This is the pure land of the Clan.

"The gods of God are really extraordinary, and they are so prosperous in the exotic. It seems that the foundation is no longer weak." Golden Mao roar was surprised. From the perspective of the state of its ethnic groups, it was enough to prove everything.

A powerful clan not only has top experts, but also mainstays. These are the hope of the clan and an important reason for whether a clan can continue to prosper in the future.

"I don't know how many times more powerful than the Immortal Family of Jiutian." A group of geniuses were stunned. Many of them came from the Immortal Family and the Immortal Dynasty. They were well-informed and could detect a lot at once.

The battle in the last years of the Immortal Ancient was very far away for juniors like Shi Hao, but for a flawed Immortal King like Jin Maohou, he still knew a lot of inside information.


Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and wisps of light flowed out, sinking into the ancestral land, and soon gained something.

A stone mountain surrounded a stony valley, which was very entangled, filled with immortal aura and steaming royal aura.

Here, there is not only chaotic energy, but also real immortal fire. It is very unusual. It should be the place where the Spider Clan is dormant. With a wave of his sleeve, he disappeared with everyone and appeared directly in the valley. The guards could not detect it at all.

"Zhu Zu..." Xu Yu whispered, vaguely sensing a powerful aura, and he thought it was Zu Zu.

The stone valley is not very big, and even the ground is made of stone, hard and cold, with a dull metallic luster. There are no living beings stationed here, and no one dares to come here easily, so it seems very empty and lonely.

"The Shenxia Clan, is this their ancestral land in a foreign land?"

Shi Hao, Qin Hao, Shi Yi, Xianxian and others were also very curious. According to Xu Yu, the Shenli tribe of the year, betraying the nine days, seemed to have another hidden feelings. The secret.

Everyone is very interested in the Shenxia Clan, which originally belonged to Jiutian but now belongs to a foreign land.

In particular, the descendants of Sky Horned Ant, Gegu, and Jiuyouao are even more curious and are looking at this valley one after another.

In the center of the valley, there is a stove, which is deeply floating and wrapped in chaos, and it contains the breath of the avenue.

"Could it be the treasure Yin Yang Furnace?" Jin Mao roared in surprise and recognized this treasure.

Yin Yang furnace!

All the geniuses were surprised. They had also heard about this furnace. It was very mysterious. It was brought over from the Diguan side by the Zhu Clan. It is now a great treasure of the Zhu Clan.

He is very quaint, surrounded by the road, hazy, and the simple atmosphere in the simplicity, which seems to be able to intercept the traces of the heavens.

It has withstood the impact of eternity and has been baptized by countless powerful men. It is indestructible in a hundred battles and is indestructible in all disasters. It has witnessed countless battles. It can be said to be an immortal ancient history.

Moreover, this furnace has not been moved for most of the epoch and can only be placed in the valley, because it is related to the rise and fall of the Clan!

Because, it has been said that the ancestor of the Zhi tribe is still alive, but he needs to use this furnace to suppress his body and keep his body immortal.

Xu Yu looked at the Yin-Yang Furnace and his expression moved slightly. If it was the original trajectory, the Six Little Emperors and Shi Hao would be refining their true bodies in this furnace.

Here, the fire is booming, coming out of the ground, and those stone mountains are also exuding terrible energy, forming a peerless fire, and the red reflection of the valley.

All in all, this place is very extraordinary, the temperature is scary, and the ordinary creatures cannot come in, otherwise it will melt on the spot. This is at least the monks who can cut me above me.

If it weren't for the Immortal Golden Cauldron, these geniuses would probably not feel very comfortable. But at this moment, Xu Yu deliberately revealed a trace of aura, not too much, but enough for Zhu Ancestor to feel it.


At this moment, the stone valley actually cracked open, and a stone path appeared, leading underground, with no bottom as far as the eye could see.

"Fellow Taoist, please come in..." Suddenly, an old voice came, full of exhaustion, as if it was like the fallen leaves in autumn, which will wither and wither at any time... (End of this chapter)

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