Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 469: Introduce the cricket ancestors and eliminate the traitors

"Zhu Zu?" Jin Mao roared in surprise.

"It's me..." The old voice came, breathless, as if it might die at any time, and a passage was opened, leading to the endless depths.

"Sure enough, it is rumored that the ancestor of this clan has been severely injured, and now he is just hanging on for his life..." Jin Mao roared.

Xu Yu was speechless, very speechless. This cricket ancestor was indeed an actor. Many people thought that he was seriously injured and did not recover. Some even thought that he had passed away. All of this was just a way for him to deceive the kings of foreign lands. The means, in fact, he has already broken into the king realm.

That voice came from the depths of the stone steps in the distance.

That is the place guarded by the Yin Yang Furnace. The treasure furnace is still there. It is suspended in the air at this moment, rising and falling slowly, with the fairy mist, and it is hazy. It seems to be able to suppress the heavens for eternity. The pressure is suffocating.

Xu Yu nodded, with a dull look on his face, and led everyone underground. At his current level, he could naturally look at everything with indifference. He deliberately released a ray of breath before, just to test the ancestor, and it did not exceed his expectations.

A group of young people were very excited and extremely surprised that the rumored Kuzu actually let them in.

The underground is very dark and dry, and the passage is very long. It is an underground palace, and the main road leads straight to one direction.

At the end of the road, there is a stone room. It is very simple, with no patterns, and even more disorderly roads. The stone door is very rough, has no spiritual power, and is plain. This place is extremely ordinary, and it cannot be seen that it is the residence of an unparalleled powerful man. All the young people were surprised. Did that divine cricket live in a place like this back then? Something beyond their expectation



The stone door trembled, and light flowed out. It was pushed open, revealing the scene inside. It was too simple, with only a stone bed, and an old man sitting cross-legged there, looking at them.

This is an old man, very tall. Although he is sitting there cross-legged, he still looks very tall. His hair is pale golden and slightly white.

"Beheading An Lan, killing Yu Tuo, and even Wu Shang have fallen. Taoist friends are really good at it. Now they are bringing a group of juniors here. They are quite courageous..."

Ancestor Xiao looked at Xu Yu and said with burning eyes. Xu Yu was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Ancestor Xiao actually knew him and recognized him.

"The three immortal kings have fallen, and the portraits of fellow Taoists are known to the world. The creatures in this world are eager to eat your flesh. I naturally know about such a major event."

Zhu Zu continued to speak, his eyes were deep, and there was an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes. At this moment, there seemed to be waves rising and falling.

Time has left many traces on his face, his skin is no longer crystal clear, his eyebrows are slanted into his temples, and his eyes are like stars in the sky.

This old man must have been extremely handsome when he was young. It can be expected that he must have long golden hair. He had an unparalleled handsomeness in his early days and was a true genius.

During the battle between Immortals and Immortals, due to the arrangement of the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation and others, Xu Yu and Zhu Zu only met each other from a distance and did not have any deep friendship.

Although Xu Yu did not approve of the approach of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King and others at the beginning, and sent high-end combat power undercover.

But no matter what, he is also an admirable figure.

But now it looks like it has completely declined.

"Fellow Taoist is really good at it. Now he is bringing a group of juniors here with him. He is quite courageous..."

Ancestor Xiao looked at Xu Yu and said with burning eyes. Xu Yu was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Ancestor Xiao actually knew him and recognized him.

"The three immortal kings have fallen, and the portraits of fellow Taoists are known to the world. The creatures in this world are eager to eat your flesh. I naturally know about such a major event."

Zhu Zu continued to speak, his eyes were deep, and there was an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes. At this moment, there seemed to be waves rising and falling.

Time has left many traces on his face, his skin is no longer crystal clear, his eyebrows are slanted into his temples, and his eyes are like stars in the sky.

This old man must have been extremely handsome when he was young. It can be expected that he must have long golden hair. He had an unparalleled handsomeness in his early days and was a true genius.

But now it seems that it has completely declined, lacking blood and energy, and is getting old, as if it is going to die at any time.

Zhu Zu, his eyes looked at Xu Yu Jinmaohou, and then at the group of young people. When he saw the Sky Horned Ant, Red Dragon Gegu, Jiuyouwei and others, his eyes became a little complicated, with some sadness and some recall.

All the geniuses were suspicious, some of them couldn't believe that this old man was the one who could compete with An Lan and was just one step away from becoming the immortal king.

Because, it seems to him now that he has no mana fluctuations and no transcendent temperament. He looks like a mortal, ordinary and unremarkable.

I remember how domineering and terrifying An Lan was back then, but this old man didn't have the oppressive feeling of a king at all.

However, Xu Yu smiled, put his hands behind his back, and looked at the old cricket, knowing that this was not the case at all.

Everything is disguised. In fact, this divine cricket is already the immortal king, but it is not known to outsiders. Naturally, these juniors also do not know it.

"You are not as good as the Cricket Clan. You have been dormant in a foreign land, and yet you have quietly achieved the king's level." Xu Yu smiled faintly, and suddenly revealed the shocking secret.

Zhu Zu's eyes suddenly lit up, lightning tore through the void, and a long river of time appeared vaguely. This was a reflection of his ups and downs of emotions.

"You...know everything?" Zu Zu said in surprise, extremely shocked. One moment, he was like a blazing sun, and the next moment, sadness spread, and his expression became complicated.

The astonishing surge of power in the stone chamber was the expression of Zhu Zu's emotions. It was so astonishing that he even rushed out of the valley. However, the next moment, he was calmed down by a group of invisible forces, and the terrifying breath surged out. The person was invisibly resolved, otherwise it would definitely alarm the senior officials of the foreign land.

In fact, although Zhuzu seems to have a firm foothold in foreign lands, they are not from this world after all, and other ethnic groups are still wary of them.

Zhu Zu's expression was complicated. He didn't expect anyone to know his identity. He controls the laws of time and space, can influence time, interfere with matter, and has never revealed his deep disguise.

There was loneliness in his childlike eyes, as well as the shadow of swords and swords, and there was a dim light in his eyes, which reflected the endless figures of immortals. In his eyes, there was a peerless battle and a sea of ​​blood.

However, all this changed very quickly, in an instant.

"I came here, on the one hand, to sharpen these children, and on the other hand... to guide fellow Taoists back to Jiutian!" Xu Yu said, his eyes as sharp as a heavenly sword.

"Return to the Nine Heavens..." Zhu Zu was stunned, a little dazed, and then remained silent for a long time, with sadness in his eyes.

"The world has changed, eras have risen and fallen, but I didn't expect that anyone would still remember the truth about my fake defection." Cricket Ancestor sighed, lamenting endlessly.

He originally thought that he was destined to be infamy and go down in history, but he never thought that there would still be people who remembered him, which made him feel extremely complicated.

Of course, many people have seen that the hands of the Zhi tribe are stained with the blood of Nine Heavenly beings, and they have taken refuge in a foreign land. They are destined to be infamy for eternity and be nailed to the pillar of shame in ancient history.

"Since you were pretending to defect, why did you kill so many people?" At this time, Shi Hao suddenly asked.

"The Immortal King of Reincarnation should also die in your hands." Jin Maohou also spoke and asked a sharp question.

"How can I make them believe that I have taken refuge in a foreign land? Only by deceiving myself can I deceive them." Zhu Zu sighed.

Later, he told a shocking news. In fact, the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation voluntarily died at the hands of the Cricket Ancestor. He was also ordered to defect. The death of the Immortal King of Reincarnation was also equivalent to his surrender to a foreign land.

Everyone was silent, the foreign land was powerful, and the price paid by their world was too great!

But at the same time, respect for this cricket ancestor arose in my heart.

"Huh? No, you juniors are the descendants of the Stone Clan?" Suddenly, Zu Zu's expression changed and he looked at Shi Hao, Shi Yi, and Qin Hao.

He pointed to the center of the three people's eyebrows, which was the location of the soul.

Xu Yu watched quietly and did not take action. He could sense that this cricket ancestor did not have any malicious intent, but just wanted to explore something.

In an instant, Shi Hao, Shi Yi, and Qin Hao's eyebrows were hot, heat spread, and they began to glow, and there was a thunder-like sound.

Sinful blood collapses into the clouds, and lightning is dense. These are the unique bloodline symbols of the Stone Clan.

"Sure enough, you guys are the descendants of that person..." The reason why he defected was, in the eyes of the outside world, closely related to the King of the Stone Clan back then.

"My hands are stained with the blood of countless compatriots. I'm afraid I won't be able to wash away my infamy. I once thought that if I couldn't hold on, I would really like to seek refuge in a foreign land..." Zhu Zu laughed at himself.

"There are rumors from the outside that all the ten evil men are unparalleled heroes. Only one of them is an accident..." He said lonelyly. This feeling of not being understood by others was worse than being cut to pieces by a thousand cuts in a foreign land. , it’s much more uncomfortable.

In the past, True Dragon, Sky Horned Ant, Jiuyou Ao and others were so heroic that all the souls praised them, but what was left to him, the Godly Clan, was endless infamy. "It's all over, not only those who stand in the light are heroes." Xu Yu shook his head, his eyes were so deep that he seemed to be able to see into people's souls.

Infamous and slandered throughout the ages, he was once a man of heaven, a proud man of the generation, aloof and respected by all people. Over the years, he has been burdened with too much.

"Back then, there was no end to the reincarnation and they made me endure the humiliation and live. After all, I waited until a giant who could be killed was born." Zhu Zu sighed,

"In this case, how do fellow Taoists make a decision?" Xu Yu smiled faintly, knowing that Zu Zu had already made his decision in his heart.

"Returning without success will hardly stop the mouths of all living beings in the world. Since you are going to return to the Nine Heavens, you will naturally have to offer some heavy gifts to our world!" Zhu Zu said solemnly, his eyes gradually stood up, changing from the previous calmness. , murderous!

Zhu Zu has a stern face, a tall and straight figure, and even his hair is flowing with a faint golden light. He originally had a peaceful temperament, but at this moment, he is like an unsheathed sword, with sharp edges and fierce power!

Everyone was in awe, these are the ten evils!

They are given a vicious reputation by the world, and naturally it is not for nothing. Every one of them is a ferocious existence, and basically all of them do not have a good temper and have a fiery personality.

Xu Yu was speechless, Zhu Zu had been depressed in this foreign land for too long and urgently needed a release point.

All the geniuses were dumbfounded. Just a moment ago, he was a very sick old man. In an instant, he became so powerful and ferocious. He suddenly had the majesty of an immortal king.

He was full of murderous intent and his eyes were sharp, and he wanted to behead some kings by name, and then return to the nine heavens in glory to worship the former heroic spirits.

"Let's start with the Dark Demon Dragon and the Fearless Lion. These people are the real traitors, and they will not be regretted if they die!" Zhu Zu said, his eyes bright and clear in killing.

These two major ethnic groups betrayed Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and killed countless compatriots. Their crimes were unspeakable.

"The fallen blood phoenix is ​​also an undercover agent for this world like me. You can go and pick them up!" Zhu Zu said in a deep voice, and mentioned the fallen blood phoenix clan again.

"The sea turns into dust, and time flies by. The fallen Blood Phoenix clan may not necessarily still have their hearts in the sky like you." Jin Maohou said.

"If they really rebel, I will send them on their way with my own hands!" Zhu Zu said coldly, his tone full of chill, and the sight of endless mountains of corpses and seas of blood appeared in his eyes, and his breath was turbulent, showing his strong determination.

Jin Maohou looked solemn. This cricket ancestor was extremely powerful, which made him tremble.

"Okay." Xu Yu nodded and agreed. Naturally, he would not show mercy to betrayers, but if he fell into the Blood Phoenix clan, he could fight for it.

Although the heads of the fallen blood phoenix lords were all taken off by Zhu Zu in the original trajectory, it was because they did not immediately help Shi Hao when he was in crisis, so they were killed by Zhu Zu forcefully.

In fact, the fallen blood phoenix may have been a little unjust, or he may have just hesitated for a moment before being violently killed by the cricket ancestor. There is still room for such a person to be saved.

Now, everything has changed. Maybe we can fight for it and become Jiutian's top combat force in the future, adding a big barrier.

Demonic Dragon Abyss is a very special place, located in a very famous Great Rift Valley, where black mist often rises. This is the ancestral land of the Dark Demonic Dragon Clan.

This place is very famous, and few people dare to approach it, because lives can easily be lost here. For many monks, it is a bad place, and they often get lost and die.

This abyss breaks neatly, as if a god's ax fell, dividing the earth into two halves, straight up and down, unfathomable. Only the bursts of dragon roars from time to time can prove that there are living creatures under this abyss. .

Soon, a divine gate appeared here. Xu Yu, Zhu Zu, Jin Maohou, Shi Hao and others walked out directly and appeared on the Demon Dragon Abyss.

Above everyone's heads, the Immortal Golden Cauldron floated quietly, drooping the chaotic energy, and guarded the many geniuses. On the one hand, they covered their auras, and on the other hand, they protected them, otherwise they might be instantly destroyed in the face of the immortal kings.

"Dark Demon Dragon..." The red dragon Gegu looked solemnly, looking into the abyss, frowning slightly, because this clan is very close to their dragon clan, but they have taken refuge in a foreign land, which has shamed the true dragon clan.

The strong wind is hunting, the black mist is boiling, and a large amount of mist rushes up from under the abyss, pulling people's soul away from the body.

However, for everyone, this naturally has no impact.

"Fellow Taoists, there is no need to take action, I alone am enough!" Zhu Zu said, taking one step down, time fragments were flying, and the scene was astonishing. He appeared above the abyss.

Xu Yu and Jin Maohou nodded, knowing that this cricket was very impressive. Before he became an Immortal King, he could fight with the Immortal King. Now that he has become an Immortal King, his combat power has improved by leaps and bounds. Moreover, there are They were skimming the formation, so naturally there were no surprises.

The Ten Evils become kings, their combat power far exceeds that of the Immortal King, and their potential is endless!

"Dark Demon Dragon, get out, the time of reckoning has come!'

The cricket ancestor stood tall and majestic on the dark abyss, and shouted coldly, his eyes like two suns, extremely blazing, shining in the abyss.

Two rays of fairy light shot down from the sky, illuminating eternity, releasing immortality to their heart's content, and penetrated the abyss.

"The Dark Demonic Dragon Clan is ungrateful and betrays Jiutian. They should be punished!"

Zhu Zu took action, holding the seal with his hand and falling downwards. The fragments of time were flying, and the rules of space were entangled. It was astonishing, and he unleashed a terrifying divine power that penetrated the sky and the earth.

"What a strong Crawfish Ancestor!" Many people's expressions changed slightly, and they were shocked by the Claw Ancestor's strength.

"The way of time and space..." Shi Hao watched the cricket ancestor's performance, his chest glowed, and runes were imprinted on it. He seemed to have some enlightenment, and he was actually a little intoxicated.

But Shi Yi, Ten-Crown King, Di Xian and others had piercing eyes and stared motionlessly, carefully comprehending Zu Zu's move.

Although they still cannot understand it based on their level, it is very rare to observe it at such a close distance. It is equivalent to letting them stand on the shoulders of giants and plant a Tao seed in their hearts. Sooner or later, one day Take root, sprout and grow into a towering tree.

The cricket ancestor, surrounded by fragments of time and the laws of space, has stabilized this world, as if it has solidified, and the outside world cannot detect the clues of this world at all.

This is Zhu Zu's incredible ability to freeze time and space. No matter how long it takes, just a moment outside is enough for him to take action many times without being noticed.

Deep in the Demonic Dragon Abyss, there were rumbling and violent earthquakes, and it seemed that buildings were collapsing. The power of the attack from the Cricket Ancestor was too great, and it was going to destroy the clan's ancestral land.

Suddenly, a majestic force spread out, filled the depths of the Demonic Dragon Abyss, turned into an immortal light and soared into the sky, actually preventing the collapse and protecting this place.


"Zhu Zu, are you crazy?"

A roar came, and a terrifying light spread, shaking out one after another, shaking the earth and the earth, as if a god was resurrected. A blazing glow bloomed with immortal glory, and a big black dragon soared into the sky, covering the sky, shaking the past, present and future.

The dark dragon appears!

"Creatures of the Nine Heavens..." The Dark Demonic Dragon's appearance shocked the world. He looked at Xu Yu and Jin Maohou with his cold eyes, and his eyes suddenly shrank slightly, revealing a look of shock.

Almost instantly, he understood.

"蛄, you have colluded with Nine Heavenly Beings and are so ambitious that you will be punished!" He said sternly, while his spiritual thoughts surged and he wanted to pass it on. However, he was surprised to find that this place was blocked and could not be passed on at all.

At the same time, he looked extremely fearful and looked at Xu Yu, knowing that this was a person he could not afford to offend.

Even supreme immortal kings like An Lan and Yu Tuo, and even giants like Wu Shang, had died in battle. He didn't think he could defeat any of them.

The dark dragon's face looked ugly, knowing that it had hit an iron plate.

"A disgrace to the dragon clan!" Red Dragon Gegu couldn't help but said angrily and glared at him.

"Are you... the son of a true dragon?" The Dark Demonic Dragon looked at Gegu, his expression changed, and he sensed the special bloodline of his dragon clan.

"It's ridiculous. You are a junior and don't know how to predict the future. Your father is indeed a hero, but so what, he died in battle after all, but I am alone and will live forever," he said coldly.

"It's ridiculous. It's really something that has forgotten its ancestors. Today I'm here to punish you and clear your name!" Zhu Zu sneered, his long golden hair flowing, and his eyes were like cold lightning.

"Haha, Ten Fierce, so majestic. I am standing in front of you. Do you know that things have changed now? If you fight alone, you may not be my opponent."

The Dark Demonic Dragon glanced at Xu Yu with fear. Seeing that he had no intention of taking action, he was slightly relieved and looked at Xiao Ancestor.


The aura of the Immortal King surges to the sky, and the endless light of law boils. His eyes are blazing, like two abyss, swallowing up all tangible things.

Today's Dark Demon Dragon is no longer what it used to be. It is no longer the true immortal of the past, but has the fighting power of an immortal king. Similar to this Golden Hair Roar, it can be said to be a flawed immortal king.

"What I wish now is to take your head off with my own hands!"


The next moment, the cricket ancestor moved, as if coming along time, stepping on the years, the power of time and space surged, killing forcefully.


Not long after, the dark demon dragon gradually roared continuously, unable to withstand the attack of the cricket ancestor at all. Its scales were stained with blood, blood spattered, the entire huge dragon body was covered with scars, and the last head rolled down... (End of this chapter)

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