Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 471: Zhu Xian comes out, the world is destroyed


After another collision, Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. Kundi was indeed the number one person in the foreign land today. If he were an ordinary immortal king, half of his body would be broken after receiving this slap.

"Senior Kunti!"

Many immortal kings were shocked. They did not expect that this young man was so terrifying and could actually hurt Kunti!

"Senior, let me help you..."

An immortal king shouted loudly and offered a purple gold gourd. The mouth of the gourd was opened. The atmosphere there was misty and the energy of chaos filled the air, as if one galaxy after another was rotating.

This is a giant, and he is also watching eagerly from the side, his eyes are shining with a dazzling cold light, wanting to give Xu Yu a fatal blow.

"No need, you go and kill those rebellious people!" Kundi said coldly. He is the first person to show his face in this world, so he is naturally arrogant!

Kundi believed that their realm had not treated them badly, and even gave them status on par with the Imperial Clan. Now that they were abandoned, he was extremely angry.

The eyes of all the kings from foreign lands flickered with cold light in their eyes. They were extremely disgusted with the Cricket Ancestor and the fallen Blood Phoenix, and wished to kill them immediately!

This time, the loss in the foreign land was too great. Added up, almost ten immortal kings were lost, and the vitality of this world was greatly damaged!

All the kings moved together and fought with the Jozu ancestors. Fortunately, the Joker controlled time and was powerful enough. The Blood Phoenix had the ability of nirvana and its tenacious vitality, so that they could support themselves hard and not die immediately on the spot.

Kundi, on the other hand, once again used the Immortal Refining Pot to kill Xu Yuzhen. His weapon was so powerful that after being activated by him, it seemed to be enough to kill all enemies in the world.

The Immortal Refining Pot became more and more dazzling, the mouth of the gourd was shining, the Tao was surging, and the divine power was surging, trying to suck Xu Yu into it.


Xu Yu said coldly, the Holy Law of Dou Zhan evolved and turned into a big halberd, snapping forward with murderous intent, the tip of the blade was bright, reflecting hundreds of millions of rays of light, unparalleled in intensity.


There was a fierce collision and a terrifying fight. Essence and blood continued to splash between the two people. That was their supreme essence and blood!

"Old man, take my halberd!" Xu Yu dropped his halberd, and his divine power surged, knocking Kun Di backwards.

Then he stepped forward, pierced the heaven and earth with a halberd, and exploded with a powerful blow, cutting an immortal king who was besieging the cricket ancestors into two halves, dripping with blood.

Although he was fighting against Kundi, he tried his best to free up his hands to rescue a few people, which shocked the kings of foreign lands. This man was too powerful.

Surrounded by a group of enemies, Xu Yu forcibly fought his way out. Even though he was a hostile king, he had to admire his bravery in his heart!


The Immortal Refining Pot roared to heaven and earth, but could not absorb Xu Yu. Finally, he flew over and stabbed him with a sharp sword. Xu Yu could only abandon those immortal kings and face Kundi again!


Just at the nostrils, Xu Yu's eyes were glowing, and the runes were extremely blazing. They penetrated into the whole body, and every inch of skin was glowing with light.

Not long after, the metal trembled continuously, and piece after piece of armor-like stomach-like things were constructed by it, slowly covering the whole body, forming a peerless divine armor.


The Immortal Refining Pot flew over and stabbed the gourd's mouth, trying to break through its flesh and blood, but was blocked by the sudden divine armor. Before it could complete its work, sparks flew everywhere, causing Xu Yu to stagger back, his energy and blood rolling, but it did not penetrate it. .

And at this moment, his halberd also fell down. Like an aurora surging, it was extremely brilliant, and with a pop, it directly penetrated Kundi's chest, making the front and back translucent!

At their current state, if they insist on stability, it will be difficult to use effective means. Only this kind of desperate fighting can determine the outcome as quickly as possible.


Kundi coughed up blood, and a big hole was penetrated in his chest. The halberd evolved by Dou Zhan Holy Law was also extremely terrifying and sharp. Almost no one could withstand this heavy blow.

"Old man, that's all!" Xu Yu laughed, his eyes were deep, and the silvery white light flowed into his body, like orchids and musk deer, healing his injuries.

The metallic luster is cold and cold, Xu Yu is unworldly, and his black hair is dancing like billions of divine swords clanging, bursting out with brilliant brilliance. He is wearing a battle suit made of immortal gold, with a heroic figure, like an immortal emperor who has stepped from ancient times. , to travel around!

His blood boiled like the sea, and his whole body was shrouded in rays of light. Even the Tianling Cap evaporated into bursts of blood mist. The holy light outside his body was ignited, and he became a blazing god-like existence.

The euphorbia changed again and turned into a magic jar. It was so weird that it actually released a terrifying aura, and then the sky trembled.

It burst out with a monstrous aura, and thousands of runes on the avenue surged into the sky.

With a bang, the two weapons collided again. This time, it was more violent. The aura of Kaitian swept across the universe, seeming to turn this place into a sea of ​​laws.

"Ah..." At this moment, Jin Mao roared. His Dharma appearance was originally shocking and upright, but now he let out a long and shrill roar.

The heaven and earth shook, the divine light fell, and an immortal king almost choked him to death. His chest was opened and blood splashed into the sky.

Many immortal kings took action, and the entire vast world was shaking, and everything was wailing. That kind of power was too terrifying. Even if it could survive for a while, it would be impossible to escape defeat!

"Not good..." Xu Yu's eyes flickered. Although he suppressed Kundi, Zhuzu and the others could not hold on any longer.

"Catch the sword!" Xu Yu's mind moved slightly, and he shouted directly, sacrificing the immortal weapon.


The sky and the earth roared, extremely bright, four streams of light cut through the foreign land, illuminating the vast wilderness of the universe, it was so blazing, it had an immortal edge!

Those are four dark red killing swords!

Kill, kill, trap, and destroy!

Then, a formation diagram flew out, and four killing swords moved, hanging above the four killing swords, clanking, and the astonishing sword light filled the air.

The Four Swords of Killing Immortals!


Suddenly, the sword energy penetrated the sky and the earth, tore the universe apart, and knocked down many big stars in the sky, turning them into powder.

Today's killing swords are no longer the supreme weapons of the past. After so many years of sacrifice and nurturing, the Four Swords of Zhuxian have long since become the real weapons of the Immortal King. Every move has unparalleled immortal power.

The four immortal swords were vibrating, and their killing aura was strong, shocking the world! The billowing sword energy is like the smoke of a wolf, and like thousands of galaxies falling down, it is boundless and wreaks havoc in all directions, making many immortal kings pale in horror.

"This is..." The pupils of many immortal kings from foreign lands shrank, extremely shocked. They looked at the four killing swords and formation diagrams in disbelief, and actually had a creepy feeling.

After hearing Xu Yu's words, Zhuzu, Jinmaohou and Xuehuang looked moved and rushed in instantly. They grabbed three killing swords in their hands and occupied the key positions of the formation.

At this moment, Xu Yu's body was filled with divine glow, and wisps of blood burst out, gathering from the top of his head, making it extremely misty.

Immediately afterwards, an immortal phoenix roared, rushed out from its head, and turned into a handsome man. He also controlled a killing sword and occupied a position.

It was the incarnation of Xu Lai who was refined with the True Phoenix Treasure Technique in this world. Usually, Xu Yu was not strong enough to use the incarnation to fight, but today's situation was different. The Immortal King, who had more than two hands to count, was against them. Go on a hunt.

And there is no shortage of giants. Xu Yu himself can ensure that he is safe, but Zhuzu and the others are lacking.

Among them, the most powerful one is the Immortal King. He may be able to defeat an immortal king of the same level, but if there is one more person, he will be unable to do so.

Not to mention other people, although the fallen blood phoenix became the Immortal King and had the ultimate fighting power of the Immortal King, it was still difficult for him to defeat four hands with just one fist.

Not to mention Jin Maohou, he is the weakest among the few, but he lacks the Immortal King. Although he has the fighting power of the Immortal King, he is still far behind the real Immortal King.

The moment Xu Yu's incarnation came out, Zhuzu and Jin Maohou's expressions changed slightly. They could feel that this incarnation seemed to be much stronger than them. This was surprising, but it also made them relieved.

The fallen blood phoenix looked surprised. He sensed that this terrifying incarnation condensed by Xu Yu actually had the same aura as his clan.

Now Xu Yu's immortal phoenix incarnation, cricket, Jinmaohou and fallen blood phoenix are each holding a killing sword. This immortal sword formation seems to have come to life all of a sudden and exploded instantly.


An immortal king shouted, his body covered in blood, flying sideways like a scarecrow, his soul almost split in two, and his whole body was in tatters.

The other king also spit out blood, and his sword energy surged into the sky, almost cutting him in half, causing him to cover his body and run for his life.

However, this was not over yet. Two sword lights were blazing like rainbows, chasing after each other. They rushed out of the formation and cut off the heads of the two ordinary immortal kings with two pops. Even the soul was struck by the sword. The light shattered!

Everyone gasped. This killing array was really weird. Several Immortal Kings presided over it and exerted their power to the extreme. They could actually explode and kill the Immortal King in an instant.

Although there was a reason why they were at a loss and underestimated the enemy, it was enough to prove how terrifying this sword formation was.

Just one confrontation severely injured two Immortal Kings. This was of course related to the fact that they were injured, but it was also enough to prove the terrifying nature of this killing sword.

"You are looking for death!" Kundi roared, and the attack became more intense. That weird magic circle was so terrifying that it suddenly caused the loss of two immortal kings in their world again!

Xu Yu was not in a hurry, holding his halberd horizontally to block his attack, his eyes sparkling, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth: "That's not all!" He curled his fingers lightly, and a ray of light lit up above the Zhuxian formation. He brought it in Jiutian.

It was half a stick of residual incense, and it was lit. It was so bright and frightening that all of a sudden, many people's faces changed.

The world is destroyed!

As soon as the world was destroyed, the foreign land was turbulent and all parties were shocked. Even the Immortal King changed his color and his breath was stagnant.

"Stop!" Someone shouted, trying to stop all this. The world was just destroyed. If it was destroyed, there was still a chance to save it.

However, Jie Mie is on the Lingbao formation. The formation is rotating slowly and is invulnerable to all means. If he cannot break through the killing formation, he cannot be destroyed at all.

In just an instant, the fragrance was everywhere in the world. It was the fragrance of Jiejie. It floated throughout the foreign land in an instant, making many people change their colors.

"The world is destroyed. It's ridiculous. It's just a stick of incense. So many immortal kings died in the past nine days. How can a stick of incense change the world?" an immortal king roared.

The Immortal King, the Immortal King, was so powerful and powerful that even the stars in the sky were turbulent. His overwhelming pressure made many creatures in foreign lands suffocate.

In his hand, there was a purple gold gourd exuding an ancient aura. It was resurrecting and swallowing the world. He was so conceited that he wanted to absorb the killing sword, the formation diagram, and even the world's destruction.

This is an immortal giant, and he takes action now!

"It's up to you!" Xu Yu's immortal phoenix incarnation sneered, and worked together with several people to control the Immortal Killing Sword Array to fight against each other. Now four people can bring out the maximum power of the Immortal Array.


Suddenly, a sword energy penetrated the sky and the earth, tore the universe apart, and knocked down many big stars in the sky!

The four peerless killing swords held by the four immortal kings were resurrected, and they slashed towards the Purple Gold Gourd with a sword light that terrified all living beings. Their murderous intent was endless and shocked the ages.


The purple gourd made a sound when it was hit, sparks flew everywhere, and the aurora surged suddenly, and they actually confronted each other, as if they were in a stalemate.

But not long after, the luster of the Purple Gold Gourd dimmed, and the Four Swords of Zhu Xian were still better than him, causing him to fly directly across the sky, cutting through the sky for millions of miles.

"What, the king's soldiers of the Ancient Ancestor were knocked away?!" People were shocked.

The Immortal King Rotation is also a famous giant in a foreign land. He is not inferior to the Red King, but his weapons are unable to do anything to the opponent and are blown away.

"The powerful killing force, combined with the four killing swords, can pose a threat to the giants." The Immortal King turned his eyes as cold as lightning, and his face was ugly, as if he had eaten a dead child.

"Damn it!"

Kundi roared, his hair flying, and controlled the God Refining Pot. Unexpectedly, the giant took action, and there was nothing he could do for the time being. He was a little anxious.

He directly controlled the refining pot to turn over, and suddenly he swallowed a dazzling galaxy.


The body of the Immortal Refining Pot rumbled, refining the galaxies. Soon, immortal energy filled the air, the spout rotated, and the galaxies turned into bolts and fell down, destroying all things. Wanting to break through Xu Yu, he bombarded the Immortal Killing Sword Formation and bounded the world. Destroy and destroy.

However, how could Xu Yu, as Kun Di wished, walk through time, turn the magic jar into a halberd again, cut down the power, kill the hanging star river, wear it out, and not let him get close to the sword formation!

At the same time, a terrifying aura filled the universe. It was the power of a stick of incense. After being ignited by Xu Yu, it finally caused something incredible to happen.

The entire universe is burning, it is extremely gorgeous, and the fragrance is everywhere, but it makes many people feel like they have fallen into an ice cave.

At this moment, many immortal kings roared, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared. One by one, they stood tall and stunned the world. They resorted to many means to break through the Immortal Killing Formation.

But at this moment, a strange change suddenly occurred in this world. The boundless starry sky seemed to be transparent at this moment, with microwaves rippling, and the scene outside the world could be clearly seen.

"That's..." Some creatures above the supreme level were shocked, seeing an incredible scene, their pupils shrank violently, and then their hearts began to tremble.

It was a sea, vast and boundless, and every wave contained the remnants of the world. As the waves rose and fell, fragments of time flowed around. There were immortal corpses and immortal skeletons in the sea, rising and falling.

"That's...the Boundary Sea!" The creature said with a trembling voice.

At the same time, the creatures in the sea of ​​​​the world also saw this side and saw a complete world. They regarded it as a beacon, illuminating their way forward. Their eyes were blazing, as sharp as fairy swords, cutting through the sky. , accompanied by endless surge of divine power.


Moreover, someone launched a terrible blow, holding a Tiange in the returning sea, and stabbed it over, threatening to pierce through the other world with great divine power and break through.

Igniting the 'World Destruction' is equivalent to leading the way for those creatures. Many people take action to break through this ancient world and break in directly. Their divine power is unparalleled and cannot be concealed.


The Tiange pressed down, the light was brilliant, the universe was like a canvas, it was torn apart with a chirp, the dome was broken, a Tiange was red, as if it was stained with blood, it penetrated in, and the cold light shimmered.

The world is destroyed!

Many creatures trembled, their souls trembled, and they finally understood why they were called this name. It turned out to have this meaning.

There was a sea, and some living creatures were crossing the sea, launching the most terrifying attacks on foreign lands. Those creatures were too powerful, with immortals like clouds and immortal kings in their midst. If they were really allowed to kill them, they would be enough to destroy a large world.

Even if it was as powerful as this ancient world, it would be difficult to withstand that kind of terrifying killing.

That stick of incense is like a lighthouse. After being lit, it can attract the creatures in the world sea. If they can kill them, they will not show any mercy and will truly wipe out the common people.

In the sea of ​​​​the world, all kinds of creatures from all over the world gathered. Now, in order to become the emperor, they have lost their minds and will not care about the life or death of any creature.

Walking along the lighthouse, who cares about the flood?



Several loud shouts echoed throughout the world, all coming from the Immortal King of a foreign land. They were terrified. If those people really came, it would be a catastrophe.

Regarding the Boundary Sea, no one knows better than them how terrible it is. During the Great Reckoning, everything that has passed away, is ancient, and has disappeared will eventually return!


Someone made a move, and sparks flew everywhere, causing the Tiange to fly out and shake it away.

"Kill!" On the other side of the boundary sea, there is a creature with cold eyes, ruthless and cruel, without too many emotional fluctuations.

The imperial road is far away, and the great road lies ahead. All living beings are like ants. Even if an ancient world is destroyed, they will not frown.

Years of fighting and fighting in the world sea, aimlessly moving forward, and drifting alone have wiped out the emotions in their hearts.

When the world is destroyed and ignited, the consequences are too terrible. Even a king as powerful as the Immortal King will change his color. If the foreign land becomes the landing point for the creatures of the world sea, then this ancient world will be finished.

Many immortal kings went berserk and joined forces to attack the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. If the root cause was not eliminated, it would be very troublesome.

Not long after, the rotation speed of the array slowed down, and the killing sword became dim, as if it was about to be breached.

The foreign kings are excited, this hateful killing array is finally going to be destroyed!

Chi Chi!

With a clear mind, Xu Yu in the distance naturally knew it. He turned his palms and several immortal king's souls were sacrificed by Xu Yu. He put his hands together and threw them over, letting the Lingbao array absorb them and transform them. As nourishment for the killing sword.

Sacrifice the formation diagram with the Immortal King! (End of chapter)

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