Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 472 Sacrificing the Formation Diagram with the King’s Blood

Using the king's blood to nourish the formation diagram, I have to say, this is amazing, it is an unparalleled generosity!

Throughout the ages, it has been difficult to kill immortals and immortal kings, let alone turn them into sacrifices, but now, it has been achieved.

The Red King, the Dark Demonic Dragon, and the spirit of the fallen lion were pierced by the killing sword and forcibly sucked into the spirit treasure array.

The four swords, all of which were dark red in color, were clanging and ringing. Their simplicity seemed to contain hidden murderous intent. Now that they were completely exhausted, they became even more terrifying.

The Lingbao array hangs above, with four swords hanging in the east, south, west, and north, respectively guarding the four gates, shining with infinite light.

The four sword gates were all churning in chaos, each time spitting out thousands of rays of rays of light, each one possessing world-shattering power.

The sword energy is billowing, the stars are falling, the universe is torn apart, big stars are exploded, and they fall from time to time. This is the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Under this kind of sword formation, everything is indestructible and nothing can stop it. Hell seems to have torn a big hole, and the murderous intent is overwhelming and boundless.

The sword is incomparable!

Using the Immortal King as nourishment, the evil spirit surged into the sky, becoming more and more terrifying, as if he had come to life again.

These four killing swords, when they were still Yakuza weapons in the past, had shocking divine power. They were among the most powerful Yakuza weapons and were coveted by many forces.

On the other side of the God of Shrouding Heaven, a set of sword arrays can fight against several extreme weapons. Later, in the Yiji Mausoleum, the immortal sword pierced the flesh ball of the immortal emperor's nirvana, absorbing the emperor's blood and tempering his body. One can imagine how terrifying it is.

Now, stained with the king's blood, its power is even greater, reaching an unprecedented terrifying height.

And the souls of many immortal kings were roaring. Of course, the killing sword did not refine them all at once, but slowly. However, when a group of people besieged the Immortal Killing Formation, it was also consuming his soul power. If it lasted for a long time, If he goes down, he will definitely die completely.

"Despicable!" The Immortal King roared with a livid face, sacrificing the king's soul, which meant that the more violent their attack, the faster the Red King and others would die!

This made some kings hesitate to be careful when taking action. Many people still did not want the Red King and others to fall completely.

"Red King, and fellow Taoists, you can go in peace, I will support you personally!" There was also an immortal king who shouted like this, regardless of everything, his divine power was surging, and he attacked violently, trying to break the sword formation.


At this moment, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. An area actually collapsed. A passage was about to be formed. The supreme power in the boundary sea was about to come over, forcefully log in, and come to this place.

As a last resort, some immortal kings faced the Immortal Killing Sword Formation while fending off the attacks of the creatures from the sea. They dispersed their forces and suddenly reduced the pressure on the sword formation.


However, the Boundary Sea is not peaceful either. There are beings emitting black mist that are coming from the sea to stop those who cross the boundary!

The creatures in the world sea also have many grudges against each other. At this moment, they have not stopped fighting each other. Many people in the foreign land breathed a sigh of relief. If the kings united, their world would be really dangerous.

But even so, the entire foreign land is in great turmoil! There are also creatures in the world sea that are going crazy and almost entering this world.

"If you stop them, this incense stick won't last long!" The immortal king roared, asking everyone to work together to tide over the difficulties.

The ancestors of the crickets, the true phoenix incarnation, the fallen blood phoenix and the golden-haired roar were struggling to support themselves. Although Jie Mie was ignited and most of the attacks were shared by Jie Hai, they also encountered many attacks, which made them uncomfortable.

On the other side, Xu Yu held a big halberd and slashed horizontally and vertically. Billions of rays of divine light surged. Every time he struck, an ancient star shattered, leading to a decisive battle with Kundi!

The power of Heaven is so terrifying!

Xu Yu's brows glowed, reflecting many splendid pictures, in which ancient worlds were shattered one after another like waves, which was extremely shocking.

The more Kundi fought, the more frightened he became. This young man was too powerful and he was already at a disadvantage. This was an unbelievable thing that he could not imagine before!

The blood in Xu Yu's body is like the sea, the Taoist bones are as famous as the Taoist bones, and the holy light outside the body is soaring, invincible to all means. It is like an immortal golden body with divine armor, resisting many terrible killings.

"The number one person in this world, in my opinion, is just a salesman!" Xu Yu sneered, suddenly exerting force in his hand, the divine light rotated, and blessed the euphorbia turned into an immortal golden tripod.


The Immortal Refining Pot glowed, and a mysterious mist sprayed out from the gourd's mouth, forming a terrifying vortex. However, Xu Yu turned his palm into a sword and knocked the Immortal Refining Pot away with a clang.


The great halberd was raised, changed direction, and landed directly on Kundi's back. The blazing runes surged, and the rules of the avenue burst out instantly. Every inch of divine light was steaming, as if the sun was burning.

"Ahem..." Kundi's hair was disheveled and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. There was a deep gash in his back, which was extremely hideous.


Xu Yu took action again. In an instant, countless willow branches stretched out, green clouds filled the air, and the sky exploded. Each willow branch turned into a different shape, including a real dragon crossing the sky and a real phoenix growing. Ming and Baihu Tuohai pierced through in an instant.

Puff puff!

The Immortal Refining Pot glowed and shattered many blazing willow branches, but many of them still hit him, leaving many bloody holes. Kundi coughed up blood and chose to turn around and leave.

"Are you leaving?" The fairy light rose under Xu Yu's feet and he moved forward at a high speed. The sun, moon and stars were moving backwards.

Between the two, the Immortal King's beam boiled, the immortal aura surged, and the essence and blood streaked across the sky and the earth, making the sun, moon and stars disappear. It was too terrifying.

Wherever they passed, many creatures couldn't bear it and exploded into pieces, turning into clouds of bloody mist, which was extremely miserable.


Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and his immortal power was earth-shattering. He turned into a terrifying beam of light, burning thousands of miles of sky, and struck the back of his head with great force.

Along the way, many stars fell from the sky, and they were shaken down by the movement of Xu Yu's eyes. The scene was extremely horrifying.

Kunti roared and was hit by a beam of destruction. His head was covered in blood and his head was almost cut off. He was so angry that he didn't care about his own injuries and attacked with the Immortal Refining Pot and the Dharma Seal.

In an instant, there was countless light and rain in this place, and the magic, essence, and blood of the Immortal King were blooming to the fullest, and their power was extremely powerful.

Xu Yu also fell back, with traces of blood on the corner of his mouth. He was also injured under the opponent's desperate level. Of course, in this way, Kundi's injuries would be more serious.

Kunti felt very uncomfortable, his ribs were hit, his flesh and blood were molded, and the bone stubble was exposed.

And his shoulders almost exploded, leaving traces like knives and axes. The skin and flesh were torn apart, and the Tao was left, filled with chaotic energy. That was left by Xu Yu, and it is still eroding him to this day. body.


They fought fiercely, and the blood was spilled, which was earth-shattering. For every drop of blood spilled, a big star dimmed and disappeared forever.

Soon, Kundi was shocked. This young man's strength was on par with him, not much higher than him, but his physical body was ridiculously strong and his recovery speed was too fast.

"Impossible, even the Immortal Sutra cannot achieve such an effect." Kundi was shocked, his eyes were wide open, sparkling, sharp as a knife, staring at Xu Yu's body, wanting to explore Come to the end.


However, the one who responded to him was just an unparalleled halberd, so ferocious that he coughed up blood and fell back again. Xu Yu stood in the sky, like an eternal immortal emperor, with the sun and moon rotating in his eyes, creating the world. , boundless horror.

Wisps of immortal light shot out from his body, and his whole body seemed to be in harmony. His power was unpredictable, making Kundi feel a little uneasy.

"Invincible!" Kundi's face was particularly ugly, and he felt powerless. This person was simply born for fighting. Every move he made could rebuke thousands of ways and suppress the world.

Xu Yu was indifferent. Now that he has been killed, he has become even calmer. He rotates the halberd, shakes his arms, shakes the sun and the moon, and the star field trembles. It collapses the entire starry sky and hits Kundi. It is really terrifying. To the extreme.

Xu Yuyong was unstoppable and kept attacking forward, so that Kundi had to avoid its sharp edge, not to engage with it, and kept retreating. However, Xu Yu's speed was too fast, and he was pressed against him... When he broke into the dark universe, the sky was cracking under the pressure of the euphorbia in his hand, and time was passing by.

It is a vast ocean, a vast sea belonging to the great road. Xu Yu holds the power of ten thousand and dominates the world. He roars and destroys ten thousand ways!

A large halberd was pressed in front, always pressing Kundi, destroying all obstacles, not even Lianxiangu could stop it, and all the stars, meteorites, etc. in the starry sky exploded into powder.

Many immortal kings were shocked, with chills coming from their bones. What kind of fighting power this was.

Moreover, how strong and confident is this? Dare to take action like this? Do you really think you can kill the first person in a foreign land?

"Junior, you are going too far!" Kundi, with disheveled hair, roared madly, the cross in his eyes tore the world apart, like a sword from heaven slashing, burning with blazing light.


One side of the sky is rumbling, the avenues are humming, and the heaven and the earth are intertwined, as if they are opening up a new big world, surrounded by countless rays of light.

This is an extremely terrifying scene - a small star turns into a ball of light, so violent that it looks like fireworks blooming!

Everyone on the ground gasped, and the faces of many creatures in the foreign land were as white as snow. How could such people contend? One person can conquer the world!


Kunti coughed up blood, suffered heavy injuries, and ran for his life again. As long as he persisted until the Jie Mie disappeared or was broken, he would have a helping hand. Now he could only avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

The two chased each other, one behind the other, until Kunti finally stopped escaping and landed on a piece of solid ground.

The place is very big, and there is a golden temple there, which exudes a golden luster and is accompanied by sacred light rain.

"You actually dare to come with me... Your death has come," Kundi's face was cold and his eyes were as cold as two poisonous snakes.

"Origin ancient artifact!" Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the golden temple...

This is the center of a foreign land, an ancient place floating in the universe that has been solid and immortal since ancient times.

The place is very big. In front, stands a temple, which exudes a golden luster and looks unusually peaceful. It seems to be able to resolve disputes in the world, wash away people's souls, and eliminate the murderous intentions of the heavens.

Martial arts in foreign lands, almost every immortal king's hands are stained with blood. It is hard to imagine that there is such a quiet and peaceful place. This kind of peaceful and peaceful power is very strange. It actually makes people want to let go of everything and kill all their intentions.

"This is the ancient artifact causing trouble!" Xu Yu stared at the golden ancient temple with piercing eyes, and he knew clearly in his heart. He remembered that the exotic ancient artifact should be in the temple.

To be honest, there are two so-called origin ancient artifacts: they were refined by the dark quasi-immortal emperor "Hongdi" who lives deep in the boundary sea.

One of them went to a foreign land, and the other went to the burial ground, thus creating two extremely powerful tribes that have existed for endless years.

The origin of the burial soil is a "bone crown". The earliest artifact in the burial soil is

The race of Burial Warriors does not exist. Due to the emergence of ancient artifacts, the first Burial Warriors in the world were created, and many Burial Warriors transformed into Burial Kings.

In the eyes of all the burial warriors, this ancient artifact "Bone Crown" is the truly supreme holy object. They all hope to use the ancient artifact to break into the realm of the burial king.

The ancient artifact that went to the foreign land was a "Bone Staff", and it was the one in front of him. Compared with the other ancient artifact of origin, the "Bone Crown", this Bone Staff was more aggressive. He quickly turned black at first. A group of people from a foreign land made them the immortal kings of a foreign land.

And for the amazing characters among them, blessings are given to help them break through and become supreme giants. This bone staff can also personally attack the enemy.

"Young man, I have to say that you are very unwise. Today, you will have no choice but to die in our world!" Kunti looked at him coldly, her eyes as sharp as a knife.

"This old man only knows how to run away in panic, how dare he talk here?" Xu Yu said calmly, speaking sarcastically.

Kunti said no more, but his face was a little gloomy. He retreated to the other side of the golden temple and began to recite an ancient mantra.


In an instant, there was a terrifying surge of power, and a monstrous demonic shadow rose from the temple. It was huge and boundless, standing on the continent. The Dharma was shocking, filling the universe, and looking down at Xu Yu indifferently.

"The power of darkness..."

Xu Yu's eyes widened and he stared at the demonic shadow. He remembered that the black shadow should be the material in the ancient artifact.

Kundi dared to do this and led Xu Yu here. Naturally, he was sure that he wanted to use this to destroy him. It was obvious that this was a shocking killing.


The low roar of filial piety shook the foreign land and resounded throughout the whole universe. It made all living beings tremble and tremble. The creatures of all races couldn't help but kneel down.

The black shadow is intimidating, towering over the sky and the earth, and the terrifying aura is entangled, like an unparalleled demon, making people look at it with fear.

"Junior, go ahead with the robbery!"

Kunti shouted, still reciting inexplicable spells and summoning, causing this extremely powerful creature to open its eyes, looking extremely sharp and captivating.


At this moment, the creature took action and grabbed Xu Yu, tearing the world apart with his big hands and destroying all obstacles. The power was so overbearing that ordinary immortal kings were unable to resist.

The next moment, two terrifying golden lights shot out from Xu Yu's eyes, like two golden lightnings tearing apart the world, and like two big suns in the sky, burning all things with a scorching breath, sweeping across all directions in an instant, burning out world.


The beam made a sonorous sound, rolled up the sky with wind and rain, and landed on the big paw. Sparks suddenly flew everywhere, and the avenue symbols surged like a tide, and then exploded.

The black shadow was shaken all over and staggered back. Although he was not seriously injured, he was hit by a huge force and was a little unstable.

Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and his expression was slightly moved. Logically speaking, in this foreign land, even Kundi couldn't stop him. He didn't expect this black shadow to be so powerful.

Kunti was in a daze, and even more surprised. It was just a single blow, but this black shadow did not get the upper hand. Then his face changed color. He never expected that this opponent was as tyrannical as a man!


Xu Yu shouted low, his fighting blood boiling, and he struck out wildly. The big halberd danced across the world, sweeping away all the worlds. Every blow shook the world, and divine light burst out, wanting to destroy all the worlds and ask for eternity.

There was a murderous light splashing into the strange black shadow eyes, which were extremely cold, like ghosts crawling out of hell, with an extremely tragic aura.


This place shook violently, the sky and the earth were damaged, the euphorbia cut off the universe, and countless stars were destroyed, and the sun and the moon fell!

They fight fiercely!

Fortunately, although this black shadow is strong, it is still in the king's domain and has never taken a critical step.

A spell sounded faintly again.

Kunti is casting a spell, with an ugly face, and continues to summon

Weird shadow!

The black shadow must completely destroy him!

Sure enough, an inexplicable sound rang out from the golden temple, and then, a black figure emerged, huge and boundless, standing tall in the universe.


The second figure roared and roared, exuding a terrifying pressure that would make even top creatures tremble.

Then, he rushed over, not to kill Xu Yu, but to merge with the first black shadow. (End of chapter)

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