Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 473 The mysterious human emperor seal


Kunti continued to summon, and a black shadow roared in filial piety. Standing upright, they all rushed out, eight in total!

In fact, he wanted to summon the ninth black shadow, but unfortunately, that shadow dispersed just as it appeared and was not completely condensed.

The eight black shadows merged, and their power became even stronger. The fist wind roared, shattering the universe, as if it could destroy all obstacles.

Dang Dang Dang!

The terrifying metallic sound was like a heavenly divine drum being beaten, or like a demon lord waving the magic weapon of death, shaking the world.

Xu Yu's expression was slightly condensed. He used terrifying combat power to fight with him.

"If the ninety-nine are unified, then it should be a quasi-immortal emperor level of combat power!" He thought to himself.

After the fusion of the eight figures, they indeed became stronger, because that kind of superposition tends to be the superposition of legal bodies rather than combat power.

When Xu Yu fought with him, he clearly felt that the bombardment on his body was like hitting a flesh and blood body, and it felt as real as a real person. At the same time, this man's physical body is also very strong, almost indestructible.

"Break it for me!"

Xu Yu's expression was cold. How could he let this creature show its power? Naturally, he wanted to kill him with all his strength.

His halberd danced, chaotic energy surged, and his figure twisted, as if he was traveling between illusion and reality, flying it into the air and almost piercing it.

However, the next moment, as its body shook, it condensed again, becoming extremely real. It roared filial piety, and then came to kill again, with a ferocious ferociousness.


Xu Yu's eyes exploded, and the terrifying beam of light splashed in, the void was distorted, and the murderous intent swept across the world. A pair of eyes turned, and the sun, moon and stars dimmed. It seemed that he could kill the immortal king at will.

This kind of majesty, even if it is Kunti, can't help but change its color.

"Could it be that he is going to become an emperor?" Kun Di was horrified. This man's fighting power was so terrifying, surpassing all the Nine Heavenly Beings he had ever seen...

He even thought that perhaps only the butchers, burial masters and others in the world could be better than this young man.


Xu Yu used real fire and fought fiercely with the black shadow, sending him flying many times and even scattering him. It's a pity that this black shadow can quickly reorganize its form.

Needless to say, the power of the black shadow is equivalent to that of a terrifying immortal king, but the most terrifying thing is that he is immortal and almost endless.

The origin of the ancient artifact is mysterious and unpredictable. After all, it is an artifact created by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. It possesses incredible secret power that cannot be guessed by common sense.

Xu Yu's black hair is disheveled, his battle clothes are clanging, and he holds a big halberd. He has an unrivaled heroic appearance. He attacks the sky and suppresses the Nine Netherworld. The battle with this black shadow becomes more and more intense. All kinds of spiritual lights surge, stirring up the world. An ancient land.

The heaven and earth collapsed, everything returned to ruins, and the stars in the sky trembled and fell, like a rain of fireworks. This was just caused by the breath they shook out at will.

"I don't believe that your magic power will eventually run out." Kundi stood beside the golden ancient temple, with the silver cross in his eyes shining brightly.

However, his smile soon froze. The duel between the two was like a great confrontation with the utmost laws. The world was about to collapse, and the stars exploded. It lasted for a long time, but the young immortal king did not show signs of decline. .

The black shadow's eyes were empty, and then suddenly shot out two gray beams of light, exuding deathly energy and extremely strong, constantly depriving the sky of its vitality, swooping down and hitting Xu Yu.

Xu Yu held the halberd horizontally, and all the light beams fell on the halberd, sparks splashed, and then, wisps of black matter appeared on the halberd, and the strands were entangled and passed along the halberd's pole through the halberd's edge.

Xu Yu was shocked. This was the black mist that originated from ancient artifacts. If it was contaminated, it would be very troublesome.

"Destroy!" He scolded lightly.

Thick fire light emitted, imprinting one symbol after another in the void, swimming on the halberd, obliterating every trace of black energy.

At this moment, Kunti suddenly started reciting the incantation again, and even retreated, as if he was going to launch a shocking killing blow!

The black shadow was extremely bright, suddenly shrunk a lot, and disappeared into the temple.

Xu Yu frowned, standing tall in the sky, and did not catch up immediately. There was indeed something terrifying in that temple universe, and it should be the origin of the ancient artifact.

On the contrary, he did not retreat immediately. The child's hole glowed, forming a light curtain, isolating the heaven and the earth, and observed quietly.

It must be said that he is very talented and bold.


Suddenly, the golden temple shook, and the black shadow reappeared, but it was not so big and looked more normal. In his hands, there was something so brilliant that people could not look directly at it, and it was extremely terrifying. The terrifying pressure dominated the world, making people feel dizzy and unable to resist it.

"Ancient artifact of foreign origin!" He felt awe-inspiring. This is the most precious treasure in this world. It is precisely because of this that this unique world is created.

It is like some kind of metal or some kind of jade, flowing with nine colors of brilliance, dazzling and sacred, with endless light rain falling down, it is really beautiful.

If an ordinary person encounters it, a drop of light rain will cause them to explode and die miserably.

This thing is untouchable!

Among hundreds of millions of people, there are only one or two people who can come into contact with them and have the opportunity to become the supreme evolver and have the opportunity to achieve the immortal throne in the future.

However, at this time, the Human Emperor Seal in his body shook slightly, and secret power emerged, entangling him. Those gorgeous lights were not able to hurt him.

Xu Yu was surprised. He didn't expect that the human emperor's seal had such a wonderful effect. Even darkness could not touch his body and he was invulnerable to all means.

This is the trump card of a foreign land. If an ordinary immortal king is touched or illuminated by this box, he will be in danger and may even fall on the spot.

In the burial place, the Buried King usually does not go back and touch the ancient artifacts of origin. In foreign lands, the same is true. The Immortal King will not touch the ancient artifacts of origin.

It is conceivable that even Kunti has escaped.

Now, this black shadow was holding a big weapon and was blasting towards Xu Yu, like a sure kill. However, Xu Yu's body was filled with divine light and was wrapped in a mysterious force. This ancient artifact had no effect on him.

He had never been exposed to this ancient artifact before, so he naturally had no immunity, but under the protection of the Human Emperor's Seal, he did not fall into disaster!


Suddenly, the black shadow disappeared into the ancient artifact, and only this object fell down.

It turns out that this black shadow comes from the ancient artifacts of origin. It is not a real creature, but a creature composed of dark matter and laws.

Kunti and others have been trying to keep this thing for who knows how many years, and they have figured out some ways to summon the black shadow.

If you are an ordinary giant, you will definitely hate it when faced with this thing.


At this moment, the world was finally destroyed, and even the creatures in the sea of ​​​​the world, separated from the two far ends, could not really come.

Many immortal kings sighed. Although the effect of world destruction was gone and they defeated the creatures in the world sea, they also paid a huge price. Even two immortal kings died in the battle. At this moment, many immortal kings had their hands free to deal with the people in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and wanted to kill them to vent their hatred.

At this time, the four swords were unstable and almost fell. Many immortal kings attacked and almost broke the formation. The battle went crazy, and Chen Xuan's blood phoenix incarnation almost collapsed. Time was running out. arrive.

The ancient sword wailed, and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation was ultimately too weak to withstand it. After all, there were too many immortal kings from foreign lands.

"Even if you fight, you will have no regrets even if you die!" Zu Zu whispered, his eyes blazing, determined to die to make his ambition clear.

The fallen blood phoenix and golden hair roar have unlucky looks on their faces. They don't want to explain themselves here yet. Xu Yu's immortal phoenix incarnation is also crumbling and about to disappear. Now, the few of them can barely hold on with the help of the immortal king's soul sacrifice array diagram. .

Xu Yu turned around, knowing their situation, and wanted to leave this world and go to rescue them.

At this moment, some immortal kings also chased towards the golden ancient temple, joining forces with Kunti to keep him.

"Where to go?" All the kings shouted.

They chanted spells together, used secret techniques, and activated the ancient artifacts, hoping to completely eliminate Xu Yu.


The black shadow reappeared, holding the ancient artifact of origin, and came out to kill.

The origin of the ancient artifact is so glorious that all living creatures must retreat under its illumination.


The Human Emperor's Seal emerged, rising up and hanging above his head, with strands of mysterious power hanging down, like a rain curtain, protecting him.

"What is that!" The foreign kings were shocked. A small seal actually blocked the light of the ancient artifact.

"Get away!

Xu Yu raised his eyes and scolded the kings. He reached the extreme speed and flew down from the sky, holding a big halberd. In anger, with just a few moves, he knocked an immortal king into a blood mist.

At this moment, the black shadow went crazy and came after him again.

Xu Yu had no intention of fighting him, knocking him back with a halberd, and then sent out several beams of light, splitting the universe.

The body of an immortal king was shattered into pieces, blood splattered in the sky, and he was about to break out while carrying a heavy load.

The kings were horrified. Is this still a human being? Under the attack of the ancient artifact, he still killed two immortal kings! But not long after, the black shadows once again surrounded him carrying the ancient artifacts of origin.


Xu Yu's eyes were as blazing as fire, and he looked at the black shadow. With a slight thought in his mind, he raised his hand to use the Human Emperor's Seal, and with great power, he hit the black shadow.


This time, the black shadow exploded with a bang, instead of condensing again, it actually steamed up and evaporated completely like water.

At this scene, not only the foreign kings were dumbfounded, but even Xu Yu was surprised. The Human Emperor Seal's offensive continued unabated and continued to hit the ancient artifacts.


The void roared and trembled violently. The entire universe shook like a broken painting, and there was a crashing sound.

As for the ancient artifact of origin, sparks flew everywhere, dense cracks appeared after being smashed, and light rain poured out from the sky. Xu Yu was shocked. He didn't expect it to be smashed open, which made him a little stunned. However, the box had a strong The dark matter was suddenly perceived by him.

The most important thing is that the current human emperor's seal seems to be his own body exerting power, which exceeds the power controlled by Xu Yu. There is an invisible secret force surging, surging, and erupting!

"What!" The foreign kings were horrified and couldn't believe what they were seeing. The ancient artifacts were about to be smashed open.

The origin ancient artifact box is full of cracks. Although it looks like a sacred light, it is actually the richest dark substance.


The Human Emperor's Seal was out of control and automatically bombarded the ancient artifact again. The divine power surged and almost boiled.


The box actually cracked completely, blooming like petals, and the blazing glow shocked the sky. Anyone who looked at it had their eyes wet with blood from the irritation.

Among the ancient artifacts of origin, a staff appeared directly. It was extremely simple, as if it were polished from white bones. The body of the staff was engraved with a figure, condensing the rich source of dark matter.


The human emperor's seal and the opened ancient artifacts stirred up the divine power between each other, and the blazing light shot into the sky. The overwhelming emergence of brilliance illuminated the entire world. With the power of time and space, there was a vague feeling of the long river of time surging.

At that moment, even Xu Yu seemed to be as light as ant dust under this kind of power, and his eyes suddenly became chaotic.

At this moment, he actually felt that his consciousness was beginning to blur. He could vaguely see that the sky and the earth were like floating light, and the mist seemed to penetrate an ancient time and space...


With a clear sound, the sky cracked open, light rained like a waterfall, the long river of time shook violently, and a twisted path of time was opened.

The chaos of the heaven and earth is like a chicken's egg, and it seems that it will last forever. Billions of years pass by in a hurry, without even a snap of a finger. This is an era when heaven and earth have not yet been judged and Hongmeng has just opened.

"Who am I...where am I?"

Just one day, the consciousness of a model lake was born from nothingness, and he felt this strange world. He didn't know where he came from, and he didn't know where he was going. He was just a ball of consciousness, quietly observing this strange world. of heaven and earth.

In his eyes, there is only endless darkness and eternal silence, eternal existence, and nothing else.

He felt like he was inside an egg shell now. Even though he didn't know what an egg shell was, this strange memory seemed to have come out of thin air.

There was chaos surrounding him, and he vaguely knew that he was trapped in a certain place.

In this way, gradually, long years passed, and nourished by the chaotic energy, he became more than just a consciousness, and gradually gave birth to a body.

He had a very subtle feeling, warm, bathing in the chaotic air, as if he was wandering in a hot spring, and his whole body was nourished.

Later, he heard a passage of scripture, which echoed in his immortal consciousness. Many things appeared in his mind out of thin air. Those things were very mysterious and fascinated him deeply.

Time flies, the years go by like this, and I don’t know how many thousands of years have passed.

"I want to leave, I want to go back..." Suddenly this idea came to him, and it spread like wild grass.

Although he didn't know where he would go, he vaguely knew that this place did not belong to him, which made him feel a huge sense of loneliness in the long years.

But he was in chaos, as if he was cut off from everything, his body couldn't move, and he could only move his eyes, but he could only see endless chaos as far as the eye could see.

From time to time, he would think that this world might be like this, but occasionally there would be a flash of wisdom in his heart, and there would always be many more things in his mind for no reason, such as mountains, rivers, swamps, sun, moon, stars, flowers, birds, fish, and insects.

However, before his eyes, there was always only silence and nothingness, without the mottled and strange scenery in his mind.

"I want to go to the outside world!" He was very curious and stared at the depths of chaos all day long. His body could not move, and he could only move his eyes. There were bright symbols emerging on them, intertwined inexplicably.

But all around, there was only light and darkness, and nothing but emptiness.

Every day when he wakes up, he is faced with nothing but chaos and nothingness. He stares as hard as he can, hoping to peer through the chaos into the real world. (End of chapter)

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