Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 474: The Age of Origin, Like a Dream

In this way, a long time passed, and he looked at the chaos and realized the avenue of heaven and earth. Gradually, his eyes changed, and countless complicated runes appeared in his eyes, full of mystery.

As the runes flickered in his eyes, he could clearly see the essence of his surroundings through the dim chaos.

"My eyes..." Xu Yu felt slightly surprised. His own eyes seemed to have undergone amazing changes, but he didn't care. He just wanted to see the outside world clearly.

Finally, he saw the outside world clearly. The land was endless and vast, with majestic mountains reaching into the sky, surging rivers, leaping hundreds of thousands of miles, and many fairy lands, with spiritual energy soaring into the sky.

This is a magnificent world, majestic yet beautiful, majestic yet celestial, and touching.

"This is the outside world..." Xu Yu, who was in the chaos, stared silently. This was a scene he could not see in the chaos. For him trapped in the chaos, everything was full of surprises.


One day, his body was finally able to move, and a shocking gaze shot into the sky, tearing the world apart. However, his body suffered a huge backlash, suffered the impact of the Chaos Realm, and was injured, with traces of blood flowing. He didn't care, these injuries were not too serious.

This land has many beautiful peaks, with flying birds, animals everywhere, red cliffs with strange rocks, and waterfalls. On the cliffs and at the bottom of the cliffs, there are Ganoderma lucidum growing around the clouds.

"Boom", "Boom"...

In the mountains, there was a Tyrannosaurus running, its red scales glowing brightly, full of bloody aura, and it was unknown how many creatures it had killed.

There was also a firebird that looked like a red bird splitting the sky and flying across the sky. It was as bright red as a phoenix made of red gold. With a long cry, the vast mountains were shaking, and even the stars in the sky were shaking.

It was a vast scene, with all kinds of wild beasts and wild birds in and out. It vaguely overlapped with all the scenes in his memory.


"The Star Grass should be in this direction..." Several people came from a distance, some old and some young. They seemed to be a group of hunters, looking here warily.

"There is a person there!" Suddenly, a young man exclaimed and looked surprised when he saw Xu Yu.


Right now.

A dragon roar shook the heaven and earth, and even the order of the void was disrupted. A huge blue dragon swooped down from the distance, thousands of feet long, which was really shocking.

Moreover, the blue dragon swooped down, accompanied by a terrifying dragon breath. It surges down, each root is as thick as a mountain, reaching up to the nine heavens and down to the nine netherworlds, the light is bright and the breath is vast.

Moreover, it was not just him, there were many monsters following him and surrounding him.

But at this time, everyone retreated, and they were trembling with fear from the bottom of their hearts. That kind of aura was too powerful, and for many people, those strong men could not match it.

Xu Yu stared at the black dragon, his face calm and curious. Seeing this kind of creature in reality for the first time made him very interested.

"Let's go!" an old man shouted.

At this moment, there was a slight trembling of "buzz", the bowstring was pulled open, sand and rocks flew between the sky and the earth, there were bursts of wind and thunder, and all kinds of brilliance lingered.

It was a group of old men dressed as hunters taking action. He pulled the big bow into the shape of a full moon, and an arrow of light formed on the bowstring. When he let go, a ray of divine light shot out and went away in an instant, hitting the Canglong.


The blood was soaring to the sky and the scales were falling off. The Canglong was in pain, but was not seriously injured. Instead, his eyes became more fierce, like two blood moons burning, and he roared with anger and filial piety. Instead, he accelerated his speed, abandoned Xu Yu, and rushed towards the old man.


Xu Yu was suddenly startled, but he was not afraid. His eyes turned, divine light emerged, and the beam split the sky and fell on Canglong's body.

With a mournful roar, Canglong's huge body flew across the sky, covered in flames and covered with red scales. It looked extremely terrifying, but its body, which was tens of thousands of feet long, exploded with a roar.

A large amount of blood rained down, as if it had exploded to the edge of the world. The fluctuations were unparalleled and terrifying.

All the monsters retreated, and they all chose to stay away. Even if they were far away, it was so unsafe. That person was too strong, as strong as a god, and his blood was moving to the sky.

"How could an injured young tribe be so powerful!" An Orion was shocked...

And some of the remaining people were stunned, their faces were stiff, and they were almost trembling. This kind of power may only be achieved by the top experts in the human race.

They have never seen such a powerful person! With just one slap, a supreme-level Canglong was killed.

"I have seen you, sir..." A group of people saluted forward, not daring to neglect, and looked at this terrifying human race powerhouse in awe.

An old man with a stooped figure, wearing a green animal skin waistcoat, worn-out straw sandals, and carrying a stone bow looked at him intently, his cloudy old eyes flashed with an inexplicable look. He was the one who took the initiative to save him just now, but unexpectedly the situation changed. Reversed, he was saved by this young man instead.

His name is Feng Kun, and he is the patriarch of the Feng clan. He came here this time to collect a unique herbal medicine in order to save his seriously ill grandson.

Ahead, light rained down, like fireworks blooming one after another, and when large swaths of light passed by, they looked like shooting stars across the sky, very brilliant.

It was a piece of grass, but it was flowing with brilliant light like stars, shimmering and shining, very hazy and beautiful.

And this grass is surrounded by strands of black mist, wrapping it up. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to remove it. If you are not careful, it will be corroded by the black mist.


Xu Yu raised his hand, grabbed it in the air, and the herb fell down. He caught it in the palm of his hand and handed it to Feng Kun.

"Thank you, sir!" Feng Kun said gratefully.

"No need to be polite, let me ask you, what time is it now, and where is this place?" Xu Yu asked. He was full of curiosity about this world. When he finally met someone, he naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"I'm telling you, sir, the human race doesn't keep track of time. If we go by what those races say, our era is called...the Age of Origin, and the place we are in is called the human world." Feng Kun glanced at him doubtfully and hesitated for a moment. replied like this.

"The era of origin, the human world..."

Xu Yu closed his eyes in silence, thoughts flowing in his mind. He could feel a mysterious wave spreading out in the world, and his eyes were condensed with talismans one after another, as if they were coming. Branded into the mountains and rivers.

"The human race is one family. Please come to our clan as a guest." A group of people warmly invited.

"That's fine." Xu Yu nodded. His memory seemed to remind him of what he was looking for. It would be good to find a place to stay temporarily.

Feng tribe

This place is a small tribe located in the northern plains of the human world. The tribe is surrounded by blue-black gables made of rocks, glowing with a metallic light under the setting sun.

This is a large tribe, covering an area of ​​almost ten thousand miles. Outside the tribe, there are many people, and the sound of gold and iron is heard.

Each of the heroic men, some holding war spears, or holding iron spears, or war knives, loudly roared their filial piety, their steps were moving, their bodies were like moving tigers, and they were practicing.

"The patriarch is back!" Many people in the Wind Clan greeted with smiles and breathed a sigh of relief. Going out once was not easy. Even those who are as powerful as the Supreme may fall.

"We got the Star Grass." Soon, the news spread throughout the tribe, and many people were surprised, so that the grandson of the tribe leader could be saved. The arrival of Xu Yu also attracted the attention of many people. They were even more surprised to learn that he had killed the top Supreme Canglong and helped the clan leader and his party, and everyone respected him extremely.

And Xu Yu stayed here for a while, and gradually became clear about it.

Now, he finally knows what kind of world this is.

This is a tragic era, with thousands of races and chaos. The human race is at the bottom of this origin era, with bloodshed and extreme suffering.

There are thousands of races, including supreme figures, powerful immortals, kings, and many powerful men who rule the world. However, the human race is caught in the cracks and is struggling to survive with only a few true immortals.

The human race has now reached the most critical stage of life and death, and it is not optimistic. Several true immortals have experienced great wars, their origins are fierce, they are old, and they will die at any time. If that happens, the human race will be in danger.

But knowing a lot about this world, the stranger it feels to him.

"I don't belong here either, so why am I from here."

He can probably sense that this era is also extremely unfamiliar to his memory.

In the following time, he was very silent, walking among the tribes and fields, breathing the mountain air, often alone and lost in thought.

But no matter what, he couldn't remember more.

In the next few months, Xu Yu will face the morning sun in the morning, swallow the clouds and spit out the clouds, and start building the foundation. This is his spiritual practice, and it was born out of thin air in his mind. He has nothing to do, and Just practice this and slowly restore your body.

And every time at this time, a group of little kids from the tribe would come and imitate and practice his every move, but he did not shy away from these and just let them learn.

At first, a group of adults were confused and confused. It seemed that the young man was practicing, but it was very different from their practice.

But not long after, all the young men became much stronger, their blood was as strong as dragons, and their strength improved greatly. Everyone realized that this was an amazing practice that was of great benefit.

Half a month later, Xu Yu often walked in the fields in the afternoon and pumped her fists. In the morning and at night, she breathed, breathed and reshaped her body.

These are the instincts of the body, prompting him to do this, as if he wants to find something subconsciously. He didn't pay much attention to the children who followed him to practice, and allowed them to imitate their own practice. However, soon, a young man attracted his attention, which surprised him.

That young man, named Feng Yuan, was very good at practicing and was a top being among all the people. Even someone as powerful as Xu Yu was surprised and thought that he would be limitless in the future.

And he is not very reserved with Xu Yu. He treats her like an elder brother, and the relationship between the two is very good.

And this young man, the grandson of the patriarch Feng Kun, was dying, but now he is full of life again.

Xu Yu also always took good care of this familiar boy and taught him how to practice. The two of them often talked freely without any restraint.

Once, Feng Yuan talked about his grand ideals.

"Brother, if one day, I hope to surpass the Supreme King and walk on the emperor's bones! Fight for a bright future!"

The young man Feng Yuan clenched his fists, his eyes sparkling. This was his heroic ambition. Today, the human race is weak and surrounded by powerful enemies. He is determined to change and create a bright future for the human race!

In this world, there are legends of the Emperor, but it seems that no one has ever taken that step, yet he said he wanted to step on the Emperor's bones, which shows Feng Yuan's grand ambitions.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to that day." Xu Yu smiled, his eyes deep and shining.

In the next few years, he just walked, as if measuring this land. He walked in this area for most of the day, and when he was free, he would point out Feng Yuan.

After staying in the Feng tribe for a long time, he gradually felt a sense of belonging, and his lonely heart gradually became hot and no longer so cold.

His body was also repairing. There seemed to be six light groups rotating in his body, and his true body gradually grew. His body seemed to be made of divine gold. It was strong and indestructible, which was amazing.

Dang Dang Dang!

One day, there was a big bell that resounded across the sky and spread throughout the Feng clan.

Soon, news came out that the treasure seal of Zhongzhou in the human world reappeared. If you get the seal's approval, you can obtain the supreme...human throne!

"Brother, come with us to see it. The treasure seal in the ancestral vein has appeared. This is a great opportunity."

Feng Yuan came, his eyes clear, and he happily invited Xu Yu to come too.

"Perhaps, this time, the human king can be recognized by the treasure seal in the ancestral line and become the true emperor of our clan!"

Feng Yuan's face showed a look of expectation and longing.

"The Emperor of the Human Race?" Xu Yu's mind moved slightly, and his eyes flashed with light.

"Yes, there is an old saying that if someone can hold the treasure seal, which is the ancestral weapon of the human race in the ancestral line, that is, the treasure seal, he can become the emperor of our clan and command the heavens!" Feng Yuan was excited.

The human world is the territory of the human race. There are ten major tribes, namely the ten tribes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, fire, thunder, rain. Each major tribe has a human king, but there is no real leader, the human king. The human king usually protects the human race. .

Every human king can draw on the power of the treasure seal in his ancestral veins. If all the kings draw on the power of the treasure seal together, they can even fight against real immortal king-level experts.

This is the reason why the human race is weak, but can still be in a corner. It is almost all due to the treasure seal in the ancestral vein.

The human race does not have a king, but it can still open up the human world, establish a foothold among all races, and survive to this day. The power of the treasure seal can be seen.

It's a pity that the kings of people can use the secret method and the power of the treasure seal, but they can't really control him. They don't get real recognition. The treasure seal is always hidden in the ancestral lineage.

In other words, even a human king who is as powerful as the ten major tribes can only rely on that power, but cannot truly possess it.

It can be said that holding the treasure seal now is almost an illusory dream, but apart from this, he also has an important role, which is why everyone is excited.

He can help people baptize and enlighten themselves. This opportunity may be comparable to the Immortal King preaching. This is a rare and great opportunity. Even if he does not get the treasure seal, getting this opportunity is almost the greatest blessing in the human world.

Therefore, whenever the treasure seal appears, the major tribes of the human race will bring the outstanding heroes of the younger generation of each tribe to get this opportunity, and the human king will also take action, hoping to hold the treasure seal, gain recognition, and witness the throne of the emperor!

Soon, a big flag was fluttering, a silk banner covered the sky, and a large number of people from the Feng tribe gathered together in a mighty and dense manner.

From a distance, a man was walking towards him. He was very calm, his black hair was disheveled, his eyes were deep, and he had an invincible aura.

The contemporary King of the Feng Clan, Feng Ancestor!

"I have met fellow Taoist! During this period, I have been recovering from my injuries, so I have neglected it." Fengzu smiled, with a handsome face, crystal-clear eyes, and a peaceful temperament.

Xu Yu nodded and didn't say anything, but his eyes were slightly focused, and he noticed that the person in front of him, Wang Fengzu, had serious injuries in his body, and was far from being as powerful as he looked on the surface.

Everyone in the Wind Clan was shocked. Where did this mysterious man come from? Even their ancient ancestor was so polite to him.

"Zhongzhou is vast and endless. The place where the treasure seal is is the ancestral line of my human race!" Feng Zu took the initiative to introduce it to him. When Xu Yu heard this, he raised his eyes, shining brightly, staring in the direction of Zhongzhou in the human world. (End of chapter)

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