In Zhongzhou, the mountains are undulating, shaped like a dragon soaring in the sky. Not only are there many light spots, but there are also some beautiful peaks not far away, with palaces and towers on them, and Luan birds flying in the air. That is Zhongzhou in the human world.

"Let's go!" Feng Ancestor looked at the many Feng Clan people. He flicked his sleeves and robes. In an instant, time fragments were flying, light and mist were thick, and the speed reached the extreme. Soon, they arrived at the boundary of the Zhongzhou Ancestral Line.

This is a primitive area with boundless wilderness. Many ancient trees tower into the sky, just like hills. Many ancient vines even bury the mountains underneath.

In front of them, there is a mountain range that is majestic and towering, as if it has been standing here since the beginning of the world. Each one can be called the king of mountains and the emperor of mountains, majestic and majestic.

And the mountain range in the middle stood tall against the sky and the earth, seeming to stabilize the universe and turn into a pillar supporting the sky, suppressing the four poles of the world.

The largest mountain range is lush and green, covered with ancient trees, and appears to be full of vitality. There are also some lakes dotting the mountainous area, which is the ancestral line of the human race.

When they approached the ancestral line of the human race, the ancestral line was like the king of mountains and the emperor of mountains, towering and majestic, which made people's hearts frightened.

And in the center of the ancestral vein, there is a treasure seal of Mohu. It is hazy and dark, and it seems that it has not been completely manifested, which makes Xu Yu a little confused.

"The treasure seal is only a preliminary manifestation projection at the beginning. It will take a while before it will be fully manifested." Feng Zu seemed to have seen something and took the initiative to introduce it to him.

When they arrived, a human king tribe had already arrived.


In the following time, there were bursts of roaring sounds from the sky.

In this way, from time to time, there are pillars of light reaching the sky, dazzling and dazzling, like immortal pillars of heaven and earth, lasting forever, spreading out unparalleled powerful fluctuations. That is the arrival of powerful clans one after another, all for the kings of each clan to lead their clansmen. .

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, fire, thunder, lightning, rain, the ten major tribes, the ten major human kings!

And behind them, followed by clouds of strong men, all of whom were elites in the tribe, and all of them were extraordinary.

Many people are thirsty, and then feel excited. These people are too powerful, the treasure seal touches people's hearts, and the position of human emperor makes all the kings unable to sit still. All the kings appear together. This kind of situation is rare!

"All the wise men have arrived, the young and old have gathered together, the ten princes and the ten kings are all here!" someone exclaimed.

Standing next to the ten human kings are young people. They are princes of various races. They are all majestic and powerful, and they are also the successors to the future throne of human kings.

And Feng Yuan is the prince of the Wind Clan!

Finally, the ancestral land of the human race gradually calmed down. No light pillars descended, and no powerful law fluctuations spread.

The human race and all the major tribes gathered together, each with a burning look on his face, staring at a sacred mountain in the center.

There, there hangs a treasure seal that molds the lake, crystal clear and blooming with brilliant rays of light, like a small sun rising slowly.

This treasure seal is not big, but it is crystal clear and beautiful. It has a mysterious aura and rippling aura. Although it cannot be seen clearly and has not been completely manifested, it makes people moved and frightened.

Everyone looked at the treasure seal and felt very peaceful. Their hearts and minds were clear. They seemed to hear bursts of sacrificial sounds, coming from a more distant era, as if they came across time and space.

Even the ten human kings of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, fire, thunder, lightning, and rain all have burning eyes, hoping that this time they can be recognized by the treasure seal and can truly become the leader of the human race.

Nowadays, the human race is in danger and almost falling apart. If they get the treasure seal, there is hope of unifying the human race, ascending to the throne of Human Emperor, and maybe there is a chance to improve their cultivation.

"Brother, which human king do you think has a chance to be recognized?" Feng Yuan whispered to Xu Yudi in a low voice.

Xu Yu did not speak, but stared at the treasure seal and the place behind it. Behind the treasure seal, although it was the ancestral vein, the ancestral vein was also a chaotic space, similar to the place where he was trapped, so that This made him have endless reveries.

Everyone looked at the ancestral veins and the peaks next to the ancestral veins. Around the ancestral veins, there were dozens of fairy mountains. Those fairy mountains were all close to the treasure seal, and they were also the places where various tribes received the baptism of the treasure seal.

This fairyland is very vast, and even if many people come, there is enough space for them to have their own dojo.

The place where the immortal energy is the strongest, in the most central area, is the ten ancient mountains, which are very extraordinary.

It's amazing. In today's world, in the human world, it is really rare to have this kind of divine land.

In addition, Xu Yu was also looking at Feng Yu Lei Dian and other humans.

You must know that when he was in the lower realm, he also understood that these races were extremely powerful races in the Immortal Era, which was a longer period of time.

But now, those ethnic groups that were about to disappear in ancient history actually appeared. This made Xu Yu think about what kind of windy era this was.

"According to the usual practice, the sacred land will be divided into divisions through duel between various ministries, and they will receive the baptism of the treasure seal." Someone suggested.

Many human races nodded. This has been the case since ancient times. Naturally, there was no objection. Even if they were from the same human race, there was competition between them.

"I'm old, why don't we let the young people fight? If I wait for the recognition of the treasure seal that I can't get soon, maybe the future hope of my human world will fall on them." Among the ten kings, King Mu sighed,

"Good!" The kings nodded and had no objections. It was also a good thing for the younger generation to compete with each other.

"I'm coming! Who dares to fight with me!"

Feng Yuan of the Feng Clan was the first to appear. He had a clanging battle robe, sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, and a heroic appearance. As the contemporary prince of the Feng Clan, he naturally had no choice but to take action, and he himself was also a fighting maniac.

"I'll fight you!" The prince of the Fire Tribe had a fiery personality and was extremely bellicose. He couldn't stand others being in the limelight, so he stood up immediately.

"You... are still not good enough!" Feng Yuan smiled faintly, holding an ancient sword in his hand. The light of the sword was as dull as water, but it revealed a peerless edge.

"Stop using your words!" The prince of the Fire Tribe raised his eyebrows. In his eyes, there were strands of cold light, accompanied by a sharp edge that made people feel heartbroken. As a prince of the clan and the future king of humans, who would not be arrogant? Arrogant people naturally cannot stand provocation.

Boom boom boom!

The two began to fight, and in an instant, blazing light surged up in a terrifying moment.

A blazing flame surged, overwhelming the sky, burning all the heavens, filling every inch of space, and the hot breath made many people change their color. This was the secret skill of the prince of the Fire Tribe.

"It's useless, even the gods will bow under my sword!" Feng Yuan shouted coldly, the ancient sword clattered down, his aura surged, sharp and rigid.


With this blow, the void exploded, and the black ancient sword set off a gust of wind, which dispersed all the flames and eliminated them.


Next, the sword energy surged, its sound soared into the sky, and the peerless sword light bloomed,

After a big collision with dozens of moves, the Fire Tribe Prince's mouth was bleeding, he staggered back, and his eyes were darkened a lot.

"I agree." Feng Yuan clasped his fists and turned to leave. Everyone was shocked. They did not expect that the prince of the Wind Tribe could reach such a strong level and crush the Fire Tribe Prince with his absolute strength.

Xu Yu, Feng Zu, and Feng Kun also showed indifferent smiles, and were quite satisfied with Feng Yuan. This is a Qilin'er. In the following battle, Feng Yuan was even more courageous and continuously suppressed the princes. He came out on top with his absolute strength, and even many kings were greatly impressed. Although the younger generation struggles fiercely.

However, most of them have reached this point without any loss of life. Relatively speaking, the human race is still united and does not like internal strife. After all, all races are the primary enemy.

"The Wind Clan has produced a good seedling." Someone's king sighed, quite envious.

The Feng clan was naturally happy and climbed a mountain with the best location. Although the ten mountains surrounding the ancestral line were all good, there were differences in the regions, and some locations were better.

And Xu Yu naturally followed the clan and climbed the main peak. Afterwards, the other human king tribes also chose their own mountains.


When many tribes climbed up the mountain, the ancient seal of Mohu, which was as big as a walnut, was vibrating, exuding mist, and every inch was absorbed into the bodies of many people.

The treasure seal has secret power and can cleanse people's hair and cut their marrow.

You can see several sacred peaks with stunning sights. They are incredible sights that shake people's hearts.

A real dragon was born, with scales as cold as metal. He was tumbling, sucking in the sun and moon, and cutting off the galaxy with a single movement of his body. Then, the phoenix bird sang, and the fire was surging, burning up the heavens, and all beings worshiped him.

And a large rain of flying fairy light rose up, rotating around everyone, washing everyone's physical bodies, making them stronger and closer to immortality.

This is astonishing. It baptizes people's bodies directly, as everyone knows. Nowadays, compared to other ethnic groups, the human race has a big shortcoming in the physical body. It can be said to be an innate deficiency. However, the treasure seal can baptize the physical body for everyone. You can imagine how amazing this is.

And in Xu Yu's eyes, there is also a little bit of divine brilliance, and the runes are flowing, Xu Yu is unpredictable, as if he has some understanding.

The aura of the Immortal Family covers the sky, and the auspiciousness is peerless!

All tribes of the human race, from human kings to ordinary practitioners, are all so intoxicated that they seem to be wandering in that wonderful realm.

Feng Yuan's eyes turned, chaos emerged in his pupils, and some big rotating stars appeared, creating the world, that was his way, he was very focused.

Several months passed in a hurry.

"The treasure seal has truly manifested!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Many people have recovered from the state of seclusion, opened their eyes, and looked at the center of the ancestral line. The treasure seal will be manifested, and there will be a greater chance to be born! A small and bright treasure seal appeared.

"The human race, even the king has never owned it, how can it steal such a divine thing."

"Humble tribe, ants!"

Several cold smiles came, full of sarcasm and ridicule.

On the horizon, several figures slowly walked forward, each one tall and extremely majestic, like several magic mountains that seemed to crush the eternal blue sky.

Behind them, there were many strange creatures, and the ones who spoke were the people behind those tall figures.

"The king...has arrived!" Someone in the human race trembled.

Those kings walked very slowly, but they were quite intimidating. Each one seemed to have gone through countless tribulations, and their bodies were integrated with the great ways of heaven and earth, blending into the principles of the Tao.

They came hand in hand and walked together, making the earth almost sink. All kinds of brilliance fell from the sky, and the sound of the sky was endless, as if it was singing for them.

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten!

There were actually ten foreign kings. Even if one such powerful man appeared at the same time, it would make people tremble, let alone ten.

All the creatures' eyes widened, their hearts trembled, and they were in awe. This was a king-level existence. Lei would spend his whole life looking up to him.

Many human monks are bitter. Although the human race has ten human kings, no one has truly ascended to the Immortal King Realm.

"What are your intentions when you come to our human world?" the human race's boss shouted, his eyes extremely solemn, knowing that they came with bad intentions.

The kings were all extremely indifferent, holding on to their own identities and saying nothing.

Some of them have the body of a phoenix with a human head, some have the head of a unicorn, some have thirty-six pairs of divine wings on their backs, and some are exactly the same as humans, but it is obvious that they are not human.

"The treasured seal of the Heavenly General can be taken by a virtuous person!"

The kings did not speak, but the creatures behind them shouted coldly.

Many human beings are angry that they are being humiliated like this. Even if the human king can mobilize the power of the treasure seal, can he block it? This is one of the top ten kings, and many people are worried.

"Even people from the Cang, Hong, and Yu clans are here!" The strong man from the human race exclaimed,

The Cang, Hong, and Yu tribes are the most powerful forces in this ancient world, and everyone in their tribe is an expert.

All the people present were frightened. Only Xu Yu was silent, as if he was not paying attention to the changes in the outside world...

The kings of foreign lands appeared, and the situation changed, but Xu Yu remained silent in his own world, seemingly unaware of it.


Xu Yu's whole body was glowing, and one golden rune after another was engraved on the surface of his body. It was like many big stars turned to ashes, and all the galaxies collapsed, leaving only this true body, an immortal body.

The golden flesh and blood pulsed, and the bones chirped rhythmically.

Like a war song, sonorous, this is when he is enlightening, and silently, his physique is quietly transforming.

However, at this time, he suddenly saw reincarnation.

It seems like a scene in the future, but the future is chaotic and fleeting, like the moon in the mirror and the moon in the water.


The foreign kings stood firm in the ancestral lineage of the human world, causing the world to roar, and the bloody light to rush into the sky, shattering the sky. It was so amazing, even time seemed to have been cut off, and the power was unpredictable.

Those were the ten kings, their figures were all reflected in the dark lake, and their auras were terrifying and breathtaking.

Many human races have pale faces. Today's human race is living in the cracks. How can it resist so many kings? Even the human kings seem not enough. The top ten human kings of the human race all have extremely serious expressions, showing solemn expressions. , for their level

From a human perspective, one can better appreciate the terror of a powerful person at the Immortal King level.

Generally speaking, without the help of the supreme power of the treasure seal, they are not even qualified to compete.

In particular, the three great clans, Cang, Hong, and Yu, are almost the three most prosperous clans in this world. Strong men emerge in large numbers and rule the vast territory of this world.

There are even rumors that these three tribes not only exist in this ancient world, but also have their tribesmen in other ancient worlds, spreading their branches and leaves, reaching the ultimate glory.

Now, regardless of the people of these three tribes, even the other seven Immortal Kings are enough to shock people's hearts.

"The ancestral artifacts of the human race have some secrets." Finally, a king spoke, staring at the solid treasure seal with incomparable indifference.

"The human race, the last of all races, can survive to this day with the help of this treasure seal. It has to be said that it is a miracle."

"Everything in the world and all species are fighting for survival, but there are always lucky races! Unfortunately, starting from today, everything will become history."

Several kings spoke casually and communicated with each other. They did not hide it, but every word was like a blade, piercing into the flesh and soul of many human beings. This was not only looking down on, but also a kind of disregard.

Many human monks were heartbroken and couldn't help shouting to the sky.

Brush brush!

The ten divine peaks were all glowing with divine light, and the ten human kings came down, knowing that now was the critical moment of their birthdays. As human kings. Naturally, I have to be at the front. (End of chapter)

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