Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 476 The treasure seal identifies the owner

"The human race cannot be humiliated. It is not that easy to destroy our race." A human king spoke coldly, reciting a spell in his mouth, and looked at the human kings.

The ten human kings nodded, all with extremely determined expressions. They knew that the human race was at the point of survival, and were ready to take action.

"It's just the roar of an ant. When a tribe has not even given birth to a king, it dares to threaten to fight against the Immortal King." A foreign monk snorted, full of disdain.

"The human race, even the blood-eating beasts of all races, dare to overthrow the world?"

In the foreign land, there were ridiculing voices, which made many human races extremely angry and wanted to tear the alien race to pieces and drink all their blood!

At this moment, many people want to rush forward. Even if they die, they must fight and fight without bending their backs.

However, they sadly discovered that they didn't seem to even have this qualification. They were so far apart that they were not of the same order of magnitude at all. The disparity in strength is too great!

"The ancestral weapon of the human race is going to change hands today!"

"Do you really think that you can be invincible by relying on the power of the ancestral artifact? The reason why you have been allowed to survive until now is not that you cannot destroy your clan, but that you are unwilling to pay the corresponding price." Someone said with a sneer.

"Please take action, King of Humans!" Someone yelled, their chests filled with depression. They couldn't bear it anymore. How could they remain calm when the dignity of a group of people was trampled on in this way?

"The so-called King of Human Race is just a joke! He's not even an Immortal King!" Someone sneered.

Almost everyone's face was ashen, but they were unable to refute. There was no strong person of the same level to talk to them. This made people angry and helpless.

"I really want to smash their mouths." Di Yuan said angrily.


The ten human kings roared, and the beams of light boiled all over their bodies. Now, there is only one battle!

Withering in the battle and ending in extreme splendor may be considered complete for them.


There were little ripples, the sunlight was thinning, and the endless auspicious energy was steaming, covering the whole body of the kings, as if they had inherited the destiny of heaven and earth.

This is the mysterious power of the ancestral blood seal that the ten great kings chanted together.

And the realms of the kings are also gradually rising, and finally they are infinitely close to the Immortal King, terrifying to the sky, and suddenly become many times stronger.

"Sure enough, the object that the whole family sacrifices has the power of divinity!"

Among them, a king spoke and exclaimed. Several kings showed strange expressions, but their faces were still calm. Gu Jing Wubo didn't seem to care too much.

"The ancestral land of the human world has the power of the soul, and the faith of the human race is entrusted to it. The treasure seal has been kowtowed and sacrificed, and it has produced mysterious power."

Several kings nodded and sensed a special power, which was the constant worship and endless luck gathered in the treasure seal.

"So, the power of this treasure seal is provided by the origin of the human race? The source of all power is the human race?" Someone was surprised.

"No, this treasure seal should also be extraordinary. It is mutually related to the human race. The human race sacrifices for him, allowing him to generate power, which in turn uses the power to protect the human race." There was also a king who said this thoughtfully.

"This kind of secret power is very mysterious. If we use him, we might be able to go one step further! Peeping into a different avenue," Cang Wang, the king of the Cang clan who had been watching with cold eyes, spoke.


The Wind King, Wood King, Fire King and others shouted in unison, and all the secret power in their bodies emerged, raising their combat power to the ultimate level.

Their voices resounded throughout the sky and the earth, rumbling and roaring, and it was unknown how many thousands of miles they spread.

This actually caused the void in front to collapse, chaotic light loomed, and a small world emerged, where there was an extra kind of energy that opened up the sky.

The ten human kings moved together, but the ten immortal kings looked cold. Only three of them took their steps, but seven of them did not move, as if they did not bother to take action.

At this moment, the sky is vast, chaos breaks out, and the aura of destruction sweeps across the world.

Fortunately, the place where the treasure seal was suppressed stabilized the universe, otherwise everyone would be robbed, and unless the king protected them, there would be no possibility of survival.

Thousands of rays, various beams of light intersect together like bolts, the sounds of heaven and earth are everywhere, and all kinds of auspicious auras are pouring out and falling down. With the action of the ten human kings, the world has changed.

This is an extremely powerful attack. The heavenly general Ruicai, the earthly divine lotus, and the power of luck gather together to form a terrifying lethality!

"Some tricks!" A king whispered, his eyes piercing.

"The pearl casts a secret shadow. If the treasure seal belongs to our clan, it will be so amazing!"

Afterwards, the three kings continued to launch a shocking killing spree against the top ten human kings who had received the blessing of the treasure seal.

The world was shattered and everything was in ruins. This battle was very fierce.

But it is a pity that even though the ten human kings were extremely stunning, Ruo still lost with the help of the power of the treasure seal.

"So what if you use the ancestral weapon, you are still so weak." A foreign creature said quietly, looking down on the human race at all.

"Damn it, if there was a king in our clan, how could we let them be so arrogant?" the human race creature said angrily. The faces of all the human king tribes turned pale. This is a battle that determines the fate of the Hu clan. If they are really allowed to kill the kings and take away the treasure seal, it will be a catastrophe for the human race. Perhaps from this, the human race will Removed from ancient history.


The ten kings were bleeding and crumbling. Although they were not dead yet, they were already in a dying state, as if they might die at any time.

After the three kings dealt with the kings, they ignored them. They knew that they were just fish on the display board. They were not in a hurry. Instead, they and several other kings looked at the treasure seal and thought about how to remove it.

"It should be possible to remove the treasure seal from that divine peak."

Several Immortal Kings stared at a divine peak with their piercing eyes. It was the divine peak of the Wind Clan. It had beautiful mountains and rivers and was surrounded by white clouds.

There are ten peaks in total, and on each peak, the tribe of human kings who were baptized before were stationed, and the peak that several kings pointed to was the Feng tribe's peak.

Brush brush!

Soon, someone moved, his figure swayed slightly, the fairy light exploded, and three kings from the foreign land came up, standing with their hands behind their hands, looking at the treasure seal that was gradually solidifying not far away.

The Feng tribe trembled. Looking at the kings, they felt as if they were facing a flood of beasts, and their backs were trembling with chills.

"A bunch of ants." A king snorted coldly, glanced at the Wind Clan indifferently, pressed down with one finger, and there was a roar, like a pillar of heaven collapsing.

And at this moment, there was a swipe, and a pair of shocking eyes opened, making a clanking sound.

"Noisy!" A cold voice sounded.

Thunder breaks out in the sky, thunder breaks out in the dry land, dense and dense

The blazing light surges. Xu Yu suddenly opened his eyes. His face was handsome and elegant, but at this moment, he suddenly revealed murderous intent.


His eyes shot out two blazing lights. Wherever they passed, the void collapsed and the heaven and earth roared.


Two beams of light pierced the void and pierced the body of a king. He yelled, covered his arms, coughed up blood and fell back.

Tick ​​tock!

This king's finger bones were bleeding, and then it spread to the whole body. Like a spider king, his body spasmed and criss-crossed, and then exploded into a pile of blood and mud in full view of everyone.

"Brother..." Di Yuan's eyes widened and he clenched his fists. His eyes were blazing. He did not expect that his cheap brother could be so powerful.

Everyone is shocked!

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

A generation of Immortal King, was penetrated by someone's gaze? Everyone in the human race was shocked. Where did this strong man come from? I hadn’t noticed this person before, but looking closely, it seemed like I had never seen this person before!

The expressions of the great Immortal Kings froze. When they saw the extraordinary man, they all shrank in their expressions with a glare. In an instant, the atmosphere became silent.

After a long time, Wang Youyou spoke up and said, "I was mistaken. This person is on the same level as us."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar, and the original guess was suddenly confirmed. This person turned out to be an Immortal King.

"Immortal King!"

"The Immortal King who belongs to my human race!" Many people couldn't control their excitement and cheered loudly, extremely excited.

The human race has been weak and suppressed for too long. Everyone is looking forward to the birth of the Immortal King. Today, they have waited for the birth of an Immortal King of the human race. This is of epoch-making significance!

At this moment, the two remaining kings' backs trembled. This man was so evil that they had a bad feeling. They moved their steps and decided to retreat.


However, at this moment, Xu Yu had already stood up and had already locked onto them. With a roar, he took a step forward. Wind and thunder broke out between the sky and the earth, and lightning flashed. He looked down at the two kings with incomparable majesty.

"How dare you..." one of the kings said tremblingly, feeling a life and death crisis.


Xu Yu took action directly, decisively and domineeringly, stretching his limbs, and the four poles of his body glowed. Suddenly the sky and the earth were shattered, the sun and the moon were dim, and the terrifying aura was like an ocean bursting its banks, gushing out endlessly!

He stretched out his arms, and the immortal phoenix spread its wings. Its feathers were bright, and the five-color divine light swept across. It was a direct kill, weighing more than a billion jun. If the immortal sword fell and swept across, the sound of the sword would split the sky and resound throughout the nine states!


A king sacrificed an ancient pagoda, turned it into thirty-three floors, and suppressed Xu Yu, because he could see that this person was invincible.


The feathers were brilliant, and they crashed down with force. If the fairy sword slashed down, it collided with the ancient pagoda. Sparks flew everywhere and shook violently. But not long after, the ancient pagoda couldn't bear it and exploded.

Poof, poof!

The offensive did not slow down, and the fairy sword, which was like feathers, pierced the void and cut across the heads of the two kings. The sword's light was like water, which was extremely shocking.

Two heads soared into the sky, blood splashed and rolled down.

Everyone was shocked that he... actually killed two kings again.

Xu Yu's style was peerless. As he took action, people's blood surged and they couldn't help but roar.


At this moment, the silent treasure seal automatically fell off, flew out of the chaos, and landed in front of Xu Yu.

"He...obtained the treasure seal!"

"The Human Emperor of our clan is born!"

Everyone was shocked.

Hunting in white, Xu Yu held a treasure seal in his hand. His whole body was filled with blazing brilliance, his figure was heroic, and he had an aura that suppressed the heavens. He was also a little surprised. He held him in his hand and quietly realized it.


The people looked excited and yelled wildly. The Human Emperor was invincible. He raised his hand and killed three kings. This has never happened in the human race since ancient times.

The cold wind, the scarlet blood, the broken bones, Xu Yu's independent center, her white clothes were not stained with blood.

Shockingly, many of the forces from the alien race that were hostile to the human race were convulsing, and their souls were trembling, and were about to leave their bodies.

"The treasure seal is on him. It seems that there will be a killing spree today." King Hong said coldly.

"Human Emperor? What a joke!"

The remaining seven kings have overwhelming magic power. The energy and spirit are as turbulent as the divine sea, flooding the heaven and earth, shocking people's hearts.

The remaining seven alien kings are all very powerful. They look down upon the world like an eagle and a wolf. Since the treasure seal is in his hands, they naturally want to get it!

People couldn't help but feel a little worried. Although they had killed three kings, there were still seven kings. If Carmen came together, the Human Emperor would probably be in danger.

What's more, the most powerful immortal kings of the Cang, Hong, and Yu tribes have not yet taken action.

"The clown!" Xu Yu sneered, with piercing eyes, looking at the murderous kings indifferently.


In an instant, tens of thousands of big stars in the sky cracked and exploded at the same time. This was just a scene created by his childishness.

Vitality and creation, rising and falling at the same time, appeared in his eyes.


All the kings moved together, the world was turned upside down, and various beams of light shot into the sky, destroying thousands of ways.

"Chi", "Chi"...

Killing thousands of people, the many weapons shook out terrifying fluctuations like mercury pouring down the ground, spreading out, extremely sharp and intimidating.

In an instant, Xu Yu turned his hand and stroked it forward. The weapons of several kings dimmed on the spot, and then exploded into pieces.

At this moment, he was extremely majestic, with flying black hair, as independent as an immortal emperor, looking down on everyone.

"Human Emperor!" Many human beings were shocked. The Human Emperor was too powerful.

People were shocked, what kind of shocking power is this?

The universe was torn apart, the heaven and earth quickly became silent, and the seven kings were stunned. What kind of combat power is this?

"That's all."

Xu Yu stepped forward, flipped his hands and then shook his palms, blasting forward, bursting out with amazing power. With a roar, he flipped his hands and slapped his hands, and rushed into the crowd, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, invincible, and shocked four or five people one after another. Coughing up blood.

This is simply a myth. It is like being in a deserted land under the siege of the Immortal King!

"Impossible. He is also in the king realm, how can his combat power be so amazing."

On Xu Yu's head, the treasure seal rises and falls, seeming to keep him from falling into disaster, and the killing light is much less.

"This treasure seal is really mysterious and unpredictable." Xu Yu was secretly surprised.


King Cang took action and killed him directly. His body was covered with golden light, his fist seals were unparalleled, and all the people who were bombarded were wailing.


Xu Yu snorted coldly and slapped it down with a palm. The situation changed color and the world was in turmoil.

King Cang groaned, coughing blood from the shock, his body trembled, and he staggered back, as if he had been hit by a huge impact.


A sky knife fell, extremely sharp, billions of rays of light exploded, then rotated, and struck Xu Yu's head. This was King Hong's move.


Xu Yu's eyes turned, and the opponent's astonishing speed suddenly slowed down many times. With a clang, his two fingers clamped the heavenly sword, and then suddenly vibrated, the runes were blazing, making him almost burn.

King Hong was also retreating, unable to stop him.


A cold snort came over, and a creature with golden wings on its back came to kill, like a flash of blazing lightning.

Chi Chi!

Every wing is falling off, imprinted with runes in the void, turning into ancient swords.

Every ancient sword is spitting out sword light and soaring into the sky. This is a terrifying sea of ​​swords, endless as far as the eye can see, and the murderous intent is shocking to the world.

King Yu takes action!

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately realized that this Feather King was the most powerful among all the kings.

Originally, he was not prepared to fight hard and wanted to fight with the treasure seal.

But at this moment, in his body, chanting sounds sounded, and runes filled the sky, surrounding him. Every word was like being made of divine gold, with texture, sacred and brilliant, suppressing all directions, and wisps of mysterious aura filled the air... …(End of chapter)

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