Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 477: The Immortal Sutra of Propagating the Dharma

As the battle progressed, Xu Yu's blood roared and rumbled, and at this moment, it actually bloomed with an extremely dazzling brilliance that moved people's hearts.

The movement of the true blood in his body was like the sound of thunder shaking the world, or like three thousand Zen chants in the mountains of an ancient temple, accompanied by the divine sounds of the great avenue, deafening and enlightening!

There was a sound of blood flowing, which made people fall into the state of enlightenment. His body was evolving, and his internal organs were surging and improving.

Faced with King Yu's attack, he didn't even dodge, and he wanted to use his body to fight against it!

King Yu stood with his hands behind his back, his sky wings on his back, his eyes were very sharp, like a sword unsheathed, the light emitted was heart-stopping.

Billions of wisps of sword light impacted, crackling the heaven and earth, and submerging Xu Yu below. This was a trembling offensive, with the sword clanging and chopping high in the sky.

"Chi", "Chi", "Chi"...

Each ray of dazzling light was as thick as a mountain and as sharp as a dragon. It was like a dragon rushing over. It was indestructible, as if it could penetrate the sky.

Going out far away, the spectators felt the chill on their backs, and the constant chill. Even from such a distance, they all felt the terrifying murderous intent. The sword rays were as thick as mountains, and the murderous intent was endless, making people feel like they were falling into an ice cellar, helpless. Extricate yourself. Even the other kings looked solemn and slightly fearful at this moment.

Even if he was outside the court, let alone in the rain of swords, it was hard to imagine how powerful the killing intent the Human Emperor had endured.

Many people in the human race looked nervous, fearing that the Human Emperor would lose. In that case, the human race would have no hope at all.

But Xu Yu's eyes were slightly condensed. At this moment, he did not dodge or fight back. The light inside and outside his body became more and more brilliant. The previous baptism made him make a huge breakthrough in the physical way!

All the ancient swords turned into feathers fell on his body, clanking, sparks flying, and a faint light curtain emerging. Those ancient swords clanked, but they could not pierce his body.

It can be clearly seen that the golden light on the surface of the human emperor's body is the surge of Wushang's Tao power, which makes his body almost immortal.

The sound of thunder was deafening, and his whole body was glowing. The precious marrow vibrated in Xu Yu's Dao bones, and the true blood in his body was crystal clear, as if he had been baptized, evolved, and had a powerful divine power.

Clang clang!

The sword light all over the sky collapsed due to the shock of the physical power, and exploded one after another, turning into a stream of light all over the sky!

This is due to his successful physical practice and the aura that permeates the Dao. It is not intentionally emitted, it is just the original power of the physical body.

"It's so terrifying!" The foreign kings gasped, their scalps numb.

Others don't understand, but they know the strength of King Yu. The strongest among the ten kings, the Human King, can withstand such a powerful blow with the power of his body!

King Yu stood still, and his expression became even colder after the attack failed. He stood high in the sky, with murderous intent in his eyes, and shouted: "The sword breaks the sky!"

Feathers fluttered, divine swords roared in unison, tens of thousands of ancient swords fired at the same time, and the sword lights intertwined, forming a terrifying dragnet that was dense and forbidding.

"Wither insect trick!" Xu Yu snorted coldly, stretched out his arms, and a divine furnace that resembled a lake appeared, condensed and formed, blooming with immeasurable light and surging divine flames.


The sword light was like a rainbow, penetrating the sky and the earth, one after another, endless. The sky was filled with dazzling colors, and everyone in the world was shocked.

And Xu Yu evolved into Mohu's divine furnace. The lid of the furnace fell off and flew into the sky. A blazing flame burst out from inside and surged out.

Clang clang!

Billions of wisps of ancient swords burst out and were suddenly covered in blazing flames. The scorching temperature was so horrifying that they were burned on the spot. Each one of them turned pitch black, and then turned into dust, falling in a swirling cloud!

King Yu's hair stood on end, dancing wildly, his eyes flashed coldly, and many ancient swords were destroyed. This made him very painful and he couldn't help but let out a loud roar. These were his original powers.

"It's so strong, even the King of Feathers is no match for the Human Emperor!"

"How terrifying is his body! It seems to be immortal!"

"It's unbelievable. Is the human race going to rise because of this?"

Xu Yu, with his precious body flashing and high fighting spirit, stepped forward in the void and pushed forward. This time he got huge benefits, his body was almost immortal, and after this battle, he had verified this,


The next moment, Xu Yu moved. His fists were so fierce that they seemed to have transcended distant time and space. The sacred light was overwhelming, illuminating the ancestral world, and also reflected in the hearts of the human race, becoming an indelible memory.

"Dare you!"

King Yu was furious, and an astonishing energy suddenly erupted, like a divine sun rising. His whole body was like a glass and jade carving, extremely magnificent and brilliant.


The killing sounds of the foreign kings sounded almost at the same time. They felt the pressure. Even King Yu could not suppress him and began to unite. If they didn't take action, they would strike with thunder.

The terrifying aura awakened from its slumber, and the vast sky shook, as if the sky was falling and the earth was collapsing. It was crushed by the terrifying energy of the kings, and the void cracked, leaving a series of black cracks, as ferocious as a spider web, surrounding Xu. Jade is shrouded in it.

However, Xu Yu was faster and rushed out at lightning speed. The fairy light was so blazing that it left an afterimage on the spot. The next second, his fist appeared in front of King Yu.

With a pop, blood splashed 30,000 feet, King Yu's palm exploded, and then the entire arm was broken inch by inch, and then half of his body was broken, and blood rained down.

"Ah..." King Yu screamed in grief and anger, and his hair started to float.

To be able to make a king suffer so much, one can imagine how powerful this human emperor is, and everyone was shocked.

The kings of the human race were surprised, and Di Yuan was even more excited. His blood surged and he danced as if he was the one who made the move.


At this time, Xu Yu began to face the attacks of the kings.

His right hand was like a golden immortal tablet, densely covered with runes and intertwined with divine light. It fell down continuously, causing the remaining kings to retreat and cough up blood.

Xu Yu's golden light shot into the sky, shining for hundreds of millions of miles. It was as bright as made of gold, and its rays of light shot through the sun and moon, majestic and powerful.

"Suppress me!" Xu Yu shouted, his eyes became more and more blazing, he killed again, fists and palms intertwined, extremely fierce, as if he could suppress ten thousand ways with one move.

"Zheng", "Qiang"...

The sound was like the clanging of fairy swords, making people's soul stir. There was a terrible collision, sparks flew everywhere, and two kings exploded on the spot, with bones flying and blood stained.

Five of the ten kings have fallen!

The treasure seal roared, and strands of Tao Qi fell down. Endless brilliance flickered, and many mysterious powers emerged, blessing it, making his power even more terrifying.

Xu Yu is like an immortal emperor who rules over the world. When some people see him, they have an inexplicable urge to worship him.

As soon as the treasure seal appeared, Xu Yu's energy and spirit rose again to an awe-inspiring height. There was a kind of supreme pressure that looked down on the people of the world, and the power of the human emperor swallowed up mountains and rivers.

This is the treasure seal of the human race. This momentum alone makes people tremble and almost want to worship, as if they are really facing the supreme immortal emperor.


As soon as the treasure seal was launched, it shook and was invincible. Two more people were beaten into blood mist, and nothing was left. The power was shocking.

"The human race's most important treasure, the treasure seal, has shown such power in the hands of the Human Emperor!" Someone exclaimed, shocked.

Xu Yu's strength was extremely extraordinary before he used the treasure seal. Now that he has the complete treasure seal in his hand, who else in the world can be defeated?

"Perhaps, it is not appropriate to call the treasure seal. Following the fate of the family and suppressing the world, this treasure seal should be called... the human emperor's seal!" Someone sighed.

"The Seal of the Human Emperor, that's quite appropriate!" Xu Yu was startled. He didn't expect that this small seal would be the Seal of the Human Emperor in the future.

At this moment, he thought a lot. During the previous war in a foreign land, the human emperor's seal collided with the ancient artifact of origin, which brought him to this era.

Or perhaps, this is the Human Emperor Seal sorting out his memories. Maybe there was such a Human Emperor in a distant era, or it could be said that this is another time and space journey for him.

I just don’t know what happened to Zhuzu and the others after he left.

Just when Xu Yu was thinking wildly, the Human Emperor's Seal appeared on his head, and a faint mysterious light hung down, making Xu Yu instantly come back to his senses. His eyes were shining with wisps of fairy light, staring at the remaining three kings.

"Retreat!" Everyone changed their colors, one person shouted, and the others all flew back.

Now, there are only three kings left. They are the three kings of Cang Hongyu. They are also the most powerful ones. At this moment, they are also heartbroken, frightened and angry.

"Are you going to leave? It's a long way to the end of the world, so I'll give you a ride." Xu Yu smiled faintly, but his eyes were filled with murderous light.

The next moment, he descended from the sky and charged in suddenly. His body and speed were extremely frightening. Time fragments were flying, and chaos energy filled the air. His aura was extremely powerful, and he came again holding the Seal of the Human Emperor to kill.

"Invincible!" They were shocked and angry. At this moment, they all knew that this was a monster that defied the heavens and was invincible. Even the ten kings were not enough to see it.

The power of the Human Emperor's Seal is really beyond imagination. Just after they met each other, the two kings were shocked to death. Even Xu Yu himself was surprised by this.

The kings of the Cang, Hong, and Yu tribes looked at each other in shock, their backs trembling with chills, and they turned around one after another. Knowing that the iron plate was on the line, they could only retreat, not daring to compete with them.


Xu Yu's eyes turned, a clanking sound emerged, the runes in his eyes were blazing, and endless chaos energy filled the world, turning into a chaotic cage, cutting off the way forward for several people.

"Human Emperor, do you really want to commit extermination until death!" King Cang shouted sternly, his eyes as bright as fire, King Hong and King Yu looked cold, their eyes were as deep as ice cellars, their faces were ugly, and they were like eating Like a dead child.

Xu Yu stared at the kings indifferently and said nothing. A warrior is invincible and does not need to be scolded. He only needs to see the true seal under his hands.

This kind of gaze made several people tremble. When King Cang was swept by his gaze, a chill came from his heart, and he felt frightened.

"A bunch of clowns dare to come to our clan to play tricks on us, they don't know the heights of the world!" He sneered.

With a roar, he went up against the sky and struck several people. He was simple and direct, and extremely domineering. He didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

"How dare you!" The kings shouted, extremely angry. They did not expect that Xu Yu would take action against them under such circumstances.

However, they did not think about how they treated the human race, and they always planned to exterminate the race.


Finally, with a loud noise, the Cang King exploded, and then burned, even the soul was turned into ashes.

This scene shocked everyone. It was so domineering and unparalleledly powerful that the Human Emperor was invincible! Kill a king again!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The eyes of King Hong and King Yu turned red, and they began to burn their essence and blood, with an almost unparalleled aura surging. Now that things have come to this, they can only survive by trying their best, because now there is no way out.

"It's useless! In my opinion, it's just some waste blood!" Xuan Zai took a step that seemed slow, but one step was as far as half of the sky. The heaven and the earth wailed, and all the ways were surrendered.

The lights intertwined above his head, and the Human Emperor's Seal flew out directly!

King Hong was shocked and couldn't escape. He was enveloped by this person's imperial seal and completely locked. He could only shake hard. With a bang, his arms were broken and he staggered backwards.

Xuan Ru came close to him like a ghost, smacked it hard, and hit the front. There was a burst of blood, and King Hong was beaten into blood and mud, and his soul was shattered.

"What a powerful treasure seal. The power of the family and the power of the sacrifices are indeed heaven-defying. Maybe this is also an emperor's way." Emperor Yu's face suddenly changed, his eyes flickering. This human emperor seal has exerted its true heaven-defying power in Xuan. Power.

"Go to Ying Jie." Xuan Leng said, but King Yu's words still made his mind move slightly, and he was thoughtful, but he did not stop, and he was approaching step by step.

"Fellow Taoist, why is this necessary? I am willing to turn our hostility into friendship and live in harmony with the human race. I can guarantee that among all races in the future, the human race will have a place." King Yu said in horror.

Even burning his own blood essence could not destroy this enemy. The Human Emperor's Seal was also terrifying. He used all his methods, and it seemed that he really had no choice.

"It's a joke, you deserve it!"

He used the Human Emperor's Seal and swept across it with unparalleled strength.

The treasure seal was dazzling, and the light rain filled the sky, making the stars in the sky burn. The stars in the more distant star field were dim.

With a pop, the infinite stars were extinguished, including the King of course. The King of Feathers exploded, turned into fly ash, and was completely annihilated.

Everyone was shocked and speechless when they saw this scene. Even King Yu died, which broke the whole world!

What kind of power is this? The Human Emperor is so powerful that it is so easy to kill the Immortal King. He seems to be standing at the top, lonely and invincible, reaching the pinnacle.


The powerful people of the human race kowtowed, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared, and they were all extremely pious and enthusiastic. An invincible human emperor was born, who would lead them to the pinnacle of glory in the future.

The ten human-king tribes all surrendered happily and shouted that the human-king would be immortal.

The Feng family is even more excited. In a sense, the Human Emperor was born from them. It is unimaginable how brilliant they will be in the future.

"Brother...Human Emperor!" Di Yuan's eyes were piercing, and his expression was astonishing. He worshiped Xuan to the extreme. He could conquer ten kings with one person. How could this defy heaven? This was a miracle that had never happened before.

Human Emperor Wushuang, here only the faint blood mist filled the air, showing the brutality of the battle. All ten kings were killed, shocking the world!

The remaining strong foreigners accompanying him, those who had never been to the King's Realm, all ran away with chills on their backs, but Xuan did not pay attention to those little shrimps.

Soon, the news spread to all places. At this moment, the powerful people of all races in the universe were shocked. The emperor of the human race was born and killed the ten kings!

The human emperor sweeps across the world, what a majestic sight!

To the world, this is a myth. The human race is weak, but on this day, the Human Emperor killed ten kings in a row. He has the power to be invincible in the sky and on earth, and the reputation of the human race has spread to the extreme.

"In terms of brilliant achievements, it should be unparalleled!" People were shocked and amazed.

At this moment, everything in the universe was boiling.

In the ancestral land of the human race, Xuan returned to the divine peak again, and his enlightenment was not over yet.

He sat quietly cross-legged by himself, with no one approaching and no one disturbing him. The sudden fight disturbed him a little.

All human tribes were waiting quietly, feeling excited as they looked at the stalwart man with the human emperor's seal on his head.

Not surprisingly, the human race will rise from now on, and it is the Human Emperor who makes their towering pillars stand erect, allowing them to stand calmly among all races.

Xuan closed his eyes, he was mobilizing vitality with his heart, comprehending the great road, the baptism of the physical body had already transformed him, and he went further and gradually realized some mysterious scriptures about cultivation.

A year passed in a hurry, and a scripture gradually took shape in his mind. That was his way, his most powerful practice!

After a while, he opened his eyes. At this moment, his body was like a resurrected volcano, full of endless energy. And in his body, there were constant clattering sounds, his bones were crystal clear, his internal organs were all brilliant, and light rain was flowing all over his body.

Everyone was surprised, knowing that the Human Emperor had received huge benefits, and it was very likely that his strength had grown even further.

"I will teach you a method of physical training. You will observe it carefully."

Xuan Youyou said, looking at the crowd with an indescribable look. Since he had obtained the Human Emperor's Seal and ascended the Human Emperor's throne, he naturally had to do something.

"What kind of magic!" Someone Wang was surprised, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"In view of my human monks' research on the characteristics of the physical body, I created a step-by-step scripture, which may be called... the Sutra of Immortality!"

Perhaps knowing that he would leave this world one day, Xu Yu decided to leave the Immortal Scripture to the human race so that they would not be oppressed by other races. (End of chapter)

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