Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 478: The Rise of the Human Race and the Blessing of the Human King

Immortal Sutra!

Many people looked solemn, was this the Dafa that the Human Emperor had just realized?

How amazing it is to dare to be immortal in the name of immortality. This scripture can definitely cover the entire ancient history.

Moreover, it was created based on the characteristics of the human race, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked at the Human Emperor with blazing eyes.

In the previous battle, the scene where the Human Emperor physically resisted King Yu's ancient sword is still vivid in everyone's minds, and it is truly unforgettable.

Xu Yu nodded slightly and looked at the people with expectant faces. Without writing, he prepared to teach them this sutra. Next, Xu Yu began to preach, and a grand chanting sound sounded. In an instant, flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and gods Thousands of rainbows and thousands of auspicious colors appear in the sky and on the earth, extremely gorgeous.

Xu Yubao's appearance is solemn and sacred, and he is dictating the immortal immortal. It is like an immortal creature giving a lecture, which makes people enlightened and understand the true meaning of the great road.

The rays of light are gorgeous, the auspicious energy is steaming, the sacred brilliance shines all over the sky, and the ancestral lineage of the entire human race is completely transparent.

Even the sun, moon and stars seemed a little dim at this moment, becoming a foil to the majestic figure of the Supreme Being.

Xu Yu seemed to be sitting cross-legged in ancient times, or giving a sermon in the future, with wisps of sacred waves overflowing to form a curtain of light, making him look extraordinary.

Everyone was so intoxicated and realized the mystery in the scriptures that they could not extricate themselves. They were deeply fascinated by the supreme and immortal secret of cultivation.

"The supreme physical training method, perhaps this is the most suitable scripture for human beings to practice their physical bodies!" After a preliminary understanding, a human king couldn't help but admire.

"The supreme treasure book of body training, the hope for the rise of the human race, may be here!" The Wind King was shocked.

The human race is weak and is at the end of the race. The most critical point is that the body is far less powerful than other races. The emergence of the Immortal Sutra will greatly make up for the shortcomings.

After practicing this sutra, you will have enough capital to compete with all races, and even be able to overwhelm them on the road of the physical body.

If someone can practice the scriptures to a profound level, enough to defeat the ancient and modern enemies, he will be almost invincible in the realm of the Immortal King.

However, this is the realm of the Immortal King after all, and Xu Yu's Taoism is unfathomable. If you want to understand it thoroughly, it is not easy.

The scriptures are mysterious, and there should be only a handful of people who can truly understand them. However, even if many human races can understand it superficially, it will greatly improve their physical strength, which is very scary.

"You practice on your own, it's up to you how much you can understand."

Xu Yu smiled faintly. When he created this sutra, he also deliberately made it suitable for the cultivation of humanoid creatures.

Then, Xu Yu began to introduce the scriptures, which aroused everyone's enthusiasm.

Everyone was shocked again, because, according to what the Human Emperor said, if one can complete the practice of the Immortal Sutra, the sky will not be buried and the earth will not be destroyed. Even if the spiritual consciousness is extinguished, the physical body will be immortal and will not perish.

Even if one reaches the Great Perfection, even if the soul is scattered and destroyed, after a long time, the physical body can still condense a new soul.

Moreover, this newly created Yuan Shen is not a new individual, but has the old memories of the previous Yuan Shen.

The expressions of all the human race are fiery. The Immortal Sutra is indeed the supreme secret scripture. One day, after the Great Perfection, it will be invincible in the world and immortal for all eons.

After that, for a long time, everyone was silent in a wonderful illusion, almost unable to feel comfortable, unwilling to wake up, and just wanted to understand this supreme method created by the Human Emperor.

Two months later, everyone slowly woke up. Many people were still intoxicated and had not fully woken up. Now, the complete Immortal Sutra has been imprinted in everyone's hearts. As for how far they can practice, It all depends on one's luck.

"I see the hope of breaking through to the king's realm here." The King of Someone said softly, his eyes sparkling, exuding a strong confidence.

"It's as high as you look up, and it's strong as you drill down. The realm of the Human Emperor is beyond our imagination." Some people sighed like this, deeply shocked by the Immortal Sutra.

Everyone talked enthusiastically and praised this unique skill.

Xu Yu, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the human tribe, thoughtfully.

"The ancestral lineage of the human race should also be passed down for future generations!"

He whispered, looked at the world, thoughtfully, turned around and looked at the mountain where the Human Emperor's Seal was previously.

His thoughts were wandering. Although he could not remember the past and could not tell the past and present, he vaguely felt that he did not belong here. Everything he experienced was an illusion. He was like a lonely traveler.

And in this world, he also left his bond, so he wanted to leave something behind and do something for the future.


There was a sword that shook the sky. The moment he stared at the past, a sonorous sound came from the mountain, like a magic sword trembling, and many stone skins turned into powder and rustled down!

He imitated the Supreme God's Law, with iron hooks and silver strokes, vigorous and powerful, and outlined nine Tao diagrams. Densely packed carvings emerged, shining brightly.

There are the secrets of the scriptures and the lines of humanoid creatures, which seem to correspond to the secrets of humanoid creatures' bodies. Every mark exudes precious brilliance and is extremely bright.

After all the carvings were left, billions of rays of light suddenly appeared. At this moment, dragons and phoenixes roared in harmony, white tigers roared in the sky, and Xuanwu crossed the sea, all of which were accompanied by various shocking visions?

The Immortal Sutra was engraved on the mountain. It was inspired by the great avenue of heaven and earth, and this vision came down!

Those scriptures are densely packed, not like ancient scriptures, but like a universe, seeming to carry a sky full of stars, giving people an endless sense of heaviness, which is about to crush the world.

"Supreme ancient scriptures. If one day the era changes and the scriptures on this mountain range are unearthed again, will you think that this immortal scripture is a creation created by heaven and earth?" Someone said with emotion. .


At this moment, the mountain was shaking, chaos was surging, and strands were like the Milky Way tilting down from the sky. The hazy mist filled the air, making it look extremely mysterious.

The earth rumbled, dragon veins raised their heads, mountains and rivers changed their courses, and the stone wall that recorded the Immortal Sutra disappeared.

This was naturally done by Xu Yu, who sealed it with a secret power, so that future generations can naturally get him if they are destined.

The whole world has been shaken for a long time. A generation of human emperors was born, suppressing the ten kings, quietly changing the pattern of the world, and a new force rose! Make all races fearful.

The human race also entered the Human Emperor Era from the year when the Ten Kings were killed in the Human Emperor Town.

The ten major human tribes also merged together, came to Zhongzhou in the human world, established a complete human force, and cultivated the palace of the Human Emperor.

In this way, time passed by in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, more than a thousand years passed in this world.

One Thousand Years of the Human Emperor.

Gradually, the strength of the human race gradually increased. What is surprising is that during this period, the Feng Yuan of the Wind Clan performed extremely well, with unparalleled combat power, like a rising emperor star in the sky.

He advanced by leaps and bounds, defeated the geniuses of all races, and overwhelmed the heroes of all races. He achieved the supreme position in just over three hundred years, and was called the successor of the Human Emperor. Now he has gone a long way in the supreme realm.

Generally speaking, in the past thousand years, the human race as a whole has been relatively peaceful, mainly because Xu Yu, the Human Emperor, is in charge, and almost no one dares to lift his beard.

However, there was also a small disturbance. Several kings and even the Cang, Hong, and Yu tribes came, threatening to take revenge. There were even creatures who had returned from the sea of ​​​​the world and gave orders. Unfortunately, they were all easily killed by the Human Emperor.

After this battle, there was a great earthquake in the world. The human emperor's divine power spread throughout all realms. No one could compete with him. Even the strong men in the realm sea could not do anything to him. This was an astonishing divine power.

Who can match such a brilliant record? The reputation of the Human Emperor shocked the universe, and he was said to be a strong man who was expected to break into the imperial realm. The status of the human race was also rising steadily, and it was among the top. No one dared to offend easily.

Another thousand years later, Feng Zu took the lead in breaking through the barrier and successfully advanced to the Immortal King Realm. The human race added another King Realm powerhouse!

"The human race is unstoppable!"

There was an emperor sitting in command, the Wind King rising, and a great man like Feng Yuan continuing his work, which shocked all the tribes and silenced them.

Everyone realizes that an unprecedented golden age has arrived, and it will be different from the past. There will be an extra protagonist in the world.

In the past, there was only a human emperor, but now a king has been born. Moreover, the human race will never stop here. It will be more prosperous in the future and give birth to more powerful people.

From then on, Xu Yu was as high as the Immortal Emperor. As soon as any decree came out, everyone in the universe would surrender and obey it. No clan dared to resist the will of the Human Emperor.

The Human Emperor is not only the true leader among the human race, but also has a very high status among other races. With his words, the world is convinced.

From then on, the turbulent years of the human race began. From then on, they were invincible in the world. People from all directions came to worship him. His majestic name was praised in the universe, and all monks in the world respected him.

Time is long, and the years are like gravel, slipping away from the fingers.

One hundred thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye since the battle in the early years of the Human Emperor.

The Human Emperor is truly an invincible warrior, and no one can compete with him. Looking down at the entire vast universe, it is difficult to find an opponent. Even those who have returned from the sea of ​​​​world are no match for him.

During this period, the human race expanded rapidly, and after a hundred thousand years of development, it became the largest race in the world.

The reputation of the Human Emperor is growing day by day, and the Human Emperor's treasure seal is displayed on the altar, gathering the luck of the human race, which is transformed by the endless human race faith and has incredible power. But today, all the top ten kings of the past have achieved the status of Immortal King!

Even a rising star like Feng Yuan has achieved a true fairyland. It is difficult to find a rival in the sky and on earth, and he has an aura of invincibility.

And Xu Yu's realm has also slowly climbed over the long years. According to the current classification of immortal kings in the world, he may be called the supreme giant!

His next step may be to break through the limits of the Immortal King, condense the body's imperial light, and explore the imperial path.

During one hundred thousand years, Xu Yu also studied a lot of this power of faith, and he had a vague understanding. He had a feeling that if he relied on this faith, he might be able to open up a path of faith and achieve the status of emperor!

However, he did not do this. He vaguely felt in his heart that although the way of faith was powerful, it was an external force after all. If the world was overturned, it might affect him.

"Where is my road?"

The pure white fairy mist flows, divine orchids and Yao grass grow under the steps, divine birds and auspicious beasts appear and appear, Xu Yu sits cross-legged in the palace, her eyes are dotted with divine glow, flowing with the vicissitudes of eternity.

Over the course of a hundred thousand years, his desire to return has become stronger and stronger, although he does not know where he is going.

As the years passed, the loneliness in his heart became stronger and stronger, as if there was a voice calling him from somewhere.

"It's time to leave..." He whispered, his eyes filled with inexplicable brilliance.

Now that the human race is at its peak, it's time for him to let go of a lot. Even if he leaves, he won't have anything to worry about.

"Come here..." In the grand sky palace, Xu Yu, who had been silent for a long time, directly summoned many human heroes to gather together.


In the name of the Human Emperor, using the Human Emperor's Seal as an introduction, his words rumbled, shaking the sea of ​​stars, and spreading throughout all regions! On this day, he was extremely solemn and presided over it personally.

Although he didn't want to use the secret power of faith to create the emperor's way, over the years, he had figured out some ways to turn the power of faith into a sacred substance and use it to bless people!

Blessing the ten human kings, the human emperor's seal surged crazily, and endless power of faith poured into their bodies. Every strand of their flesh and blood was transpiring, and they enjoyed great benefits.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, there is endless auspicious light shining all over the sky.

This really shocked many people. The powerful people in the world were extremely shocked. The Human Emperor was actually giving blessings and actually caused such a terrifying phenomenon.

The forehead bones of many human races are brilliant, forming terrifying symbols, and the blood is flowing through the sky. This is a special pattern formed by the blessing of the Human Emperor!

Many people in the human race were surprised, and their hearts were shaken. The human emperor's strength was unparalleled, and he dissolved the divine power of faith to nourish them, making their divine power immortal, their treasure bodies becoming more brilliant, and their blood and energy abundant.

The most important thing is that the influence of the Human Emperor's blessing is subtle, far-reaching and lasting. There is a secret power dormant in their blood,

Those dissolved faith powers not only nourished their bodies, but also formed a special secret power, which was equivalent to planting a seed in their blood, waiting to take root and sprout later.

It is not reflected now, but in the future, perhaps their descendants, once born, will have a foundation that many people cannot match, and may even be born with some special talents and magical powers.

Afterwards, the human race held a huge grand party, where everyone gathered together and talked about the past.

"Everyone, the human race is in your hands, I'm leaving." After three drinks, Xu Yu announced the news.

"The Human Emperor!" Many people were shocked. Is the Human Emperor leaving?

"Where are you going? When will you return?" King Feng asked. The other kings also looked over, their eyes shining brightly.

"Boundary Sea, maybe I will return, or maybe I will be silent forever," he smiled faintly, his eyes showing a sense of vicissitudes of life.

There are no traces that he can find in this world, so he wants to explore the boundary sea ahead to find everything from the past.

"Brother..." Feng Yuan's face changed slightly. Even though he was already a true immortal, he was still reluctant to let go of the brother in front of him.

"You are amazing enough. This world cannot stop you. I hope we will meet again someday," Xu Yu smiled and looked at this amazing descendant of the human race, sighing for a while.

Everyone sighed inwardly, knowing that the Emperor had decided to leave and could not stay, so they could only toast him silently to express their respect.

They all speculated that the current Human Emperor might have reached the extreme level of cultivation and would go to the Boundary Sea like those people to find a chance to break through and become emperor.

Emperor has been the goal pursued by monks throughout the ages.

Moreover, among the records of this era, the legend of the Emperor is still circulating in the world, making people yearn for it.

Later, everyone talked about the succession of the next Human Emperor. Originally, Xu Yu wanted to leave the throne to Feng Yuan, but Feng Yuan refused.

"The only one in ancient and modern times, brother, you are the true emperor, we are all waiting for your return..." Feng Yuan's eyes were blazing, extremely sincere.

And all the Human Kings also nodded in agreement, saying that when the Human Emperor comes back, they will not easily appoint the next Human Emperor.

"That's okay," Xu Yu nodded and didn't force it.

Nowadays, the human race has ten great human kings, all of whom are immortal kings. They are enough to control the universe and keep a territory safe and sound.

"Farewell to the Emperor!"

Finally, there was the sound of Zen singing, solemn and vast, which seemed to come across time and space. It was the human race chanting sutras to send off other emperors.

At the same time, sweet springs surged from the ground, auspicious colors descended from the sky, sacred lotuses grew in the sky, orchids grew with them, the fragrance was fragrant, and thousands of rays of rays of light emerged, which was astonishing.

Xu Yu nodded, and under the admiring eyes of many humans, he left straight away, and a golden avenue appeared under his feet.

The heaven and earth shook, and all living beings felt it. Many kings were stunned. Seeing the Human Emperor leave, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. An immortal mountain finally moved away. (End of chapter)

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