Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 479: The Seal of the Wheel, the Era of the Emperor’s Fall

The boundary sea, the waves are endless as far as the eye can see, the water and the sky are connected, everlasting, eternal,

A golden avenue ran through the sky and the earth. Time fragments were flying, and Xu Yu descended into the boundary sea.

"Walking across the boundary sea is the way back?"

He stood there, silent for a long time, quietly looking at the boundless world. He remembered that according to what these old immortal kings said, their ancient world was not the only one in this world. Perhaps his return journey was in other ancient worlds.

His eyes were deep and shining, and then he walked directly on the waves.

In this world, many people are also paying attention here. The strong men of all races, through various means, can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they see that the Human Emperor has really stepped into the boundary sea.

However, no one noticed, not even Xu Yu, that when he first arrived at the boundary sea, an ancient species fell from Xu Yu's body, exuding wisps of chaotic energy, and actually fell into an ancient place. middle……


The waves rolled, and Xu Yu walked through them, moving forward indomitably.

Xu Yu was taking steps, and time was flying. With every step, hundreds of millions disappeared behind him. Time seemed to be reversed. His speed was incredibly fast.

Xu Yu went straight forward. Even as a strong man like him, he could not cross the sea directly. This sea was so vast that even a general teleportation array could not be used here.

Along the way, he met some rumored kings who once left a mark in history. Now they have actually met. They all sat cross-legged on the isolated island and suddenly opened their eyes.

"Human Emperor..." Some people were shocked and recognized Xu Yu.

Although Xu Yu had not gone deep into the Realm Sea before, his reputation had already spread far and wide. Many powerful people at the Immortal King level knew this amazingly talented Emperor of the Human Race. After all, his record was so brilliant that even an Immortal King could not do it. Quite afraid of him.

Xu Yu nodded, and sometimes talked with some Lao Wang to determine the approximate coordinates of other ancient worlds and explore some detailed information.

In this way, time flies by and thousands of years pass in the blink of an eye.


Deep in the boundary sea, there was divine light steaming, flooding the world and filling every inch of space, and also enveloped Xu Yu.

The void is twisting, time is flowing, and the fragments of time are blooming one after another like flowers, which is extremely amazing.

The strong atmosphere of time and the vicissitudes of time are stirring like a vast ocean and rotating violently.

Xu Yu was suddenly shocked and felt the terrifying power of the passage of time. It was the turbulent order of time.

He suddenly looked back and looked over, his eyes were astonishingly bright, and all the scenes he saw faded and flourished in his eyes.

Endless darkness, eternal silence, the silence here seems to have lasted for thousands of lifetimes.

The earth was spinning and the sky was spinning. When everything stabilized, he was still in the sea, but he felt that many years had passed at once.

"In just a few moments, I experienced... a period of time?" He frowned, feeling shocked and confused.

He had a bad feeling in his heart, turned around, and hurried forward, heading towards the previous continent.

"What a powerful creature!"

"The ancient aura, could it be that he survived the last era!"

In the boundary sea, some kings felt a monstrous aura. They sat cross-legged on the island and opened their eyes with a look of horror on their faces.

"What happened? Why is the order of time in heaven and earth so chaotic that I lost a period of time?"

As Xu Yu moved forward, his breath burst out, and the terrifying breath surged, making the stars tremble and the sun and moon shake.

When he reaches this level, he can naturally detect many clues at once.


Suddenly, there was a beast's roar, which shook the sea water. A black roar rushed out from an island, jumped up, and attacked.

The claws were dark and huge, like a hill, slapping down.

It scratched the world to pieces. The power of this black roaring god was astonishing. Along with the power of law, it almost imprisoned the void, trying to control Xu Yu and kill him.

"This is……"

Xu Yu frowned slightly. He naturally knew this creature blocking the road. It was one, but it seemed to be a little different. He had some special substances in his body.

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and he roared, drawing a terrifying beam of light, which collided with the big black claws, the sound was shocking, and sparks flew everywhere.

This scene was very terrifying. Outside the territory, some stars fell, burned, and fell into the boundless sea, causing huge waves.

The beast roared again and again. As the Immortal King, Hei was extremely powerful, but the key point was that there was a black substance in his body. Even he was frightened by it.

However, in the end, Xu Yu was the better one and killed him.

Black blood splashed out, and his forehead bone was penetrated by the beam, and then turned into fragments, dyeing the sea water red.

"My Buddha is merciful, but the poor Taoist has only heard of it, and I have met fellow Taoists!"

"With friendly means, he actually killed a dark creature so powerfully."

Waves of Zen chanting came, like Bodhisattvas and ancient Buddhas from the heavens chanting sutras. Various runes were densely packed, and immeasurable golden light poured in here.

The person who spoke was an old monk, with only a layer of skin left on his body. He was as skinny as firewood, but he was surrounded by the light of Buddha, and he was sacred and lofty.

Xu Yu nodded thoughtfully, his heart moved, and he suddenly said:

"I've met fellow Taoists, but I don't know what dark creatures are?"

Kong Wen, the old monk's expression froze slightly, and he was a little surprised. He clasped his hands and said, "Don't you know this, fellow Taoist? These are strange and unknown powers. They may come from the ultimate place of the Boundary Sea. They have not been known since the origin era." Eventually, it can pollute living beings and make them fall into darkness!"

"Darkness, the unknown power, can pollute the world's living beings!" Xu Yu was surprised, and at the same time, he was stunned. Why didn't he know and never heard of it before? Could it be that it was lost for a period of time?

Suddenly, a light of wisdom appeared in his mind. He looked at the old monk and said, "You said it started from the origin. Could it be that this is not the origin era? What era is it now?"

"My Buddha is merciful, the benefactor joked, now nature is not the era of origin, that was too long ago, but the era of emperor's fall."

The old monk said this, looking into the depths of the boundary sea with his deep eyes, and sighed.

"The Era of the Emperor's Fall..." Xu Yu was a little stunned. In just ten thousand years, the times have changed, and an era has passed.

The era of origin is over, now is the era of imperial fall.

One step per era, how many thousands of years have passed now?

How are they doing now?

Emperor Luo, as the name suggests, the emperor has fallen.

"The donor doesn't seem to be from this era." Kong Wen looked at Xu Yu.

"What can fellow Taoist see?" Xu Yu said with a slight movement in his mind.

"I don't know, I just instinctively feel that you don't seem to belong to this ancient history." Kong Wen said.

Afterwards, the two talked together, and Xu Yu also learned a lot of information. In the old monk's opinion, his problem might be related to reincarnation.

"Fellow Taoists can go to Mount Sumeru in the Ancient Immortal Monk Realm, and you may be able to find the answer."

This old monk comes from Mount Sumeru in the ancient world of Immortal Monks, and the lineage of Immortal Monks has studied the Great Way of Reincarnation, and may be able to give him some inspiration.

Finally, he bid farewell to Xu Yu.

"Where are you going, fellow Taoist?"

"Go to the ultimate place, break through the darkness, and kill the unknown!" He said softly, chanting the Buddha's name, with a firm face, and headed towards the depths of the boundary sea...

"Break the darkness and cut off the bad luck!"

After a long time, the oath was still in his ears, and Xu Yu also had respect for him in his heart.

He understood that the source of darkness, deep in the boundary sea, was full of terrible crises, but he still moved forward, determined to break the darkness.

Nowadays, most of the creatures fighting to cross the boundary sea are aiming to defeat the king and become an emperor, but there are really only a few ambitious people like this who hope to put down the black disaster. Xu Yu quietly stared at the direction Kong Wen was heading, and then turned around. He wanted to see how the Human Race, Feng Yuan and the others were doing now.

Endless celestial light arose under his feet, and with lightning speed, he turned around again. Thousands of years later, he came to the ancient world of origin again.

Time flies and the years go by.

The vegetation flourished and then withered, the ancient land was in ruins, star debris was everywhere, and not even a single one remained. The complete ancient land collapsed and turned into thousands of fragments.

All the races that once existed have disappeared, and the human world is no longer there. They have all disappeared. The ten human kings, Feng Yuan and the others have also disappeared, as if all traces have been erased.

In this square of heaven and earth, Xu Yu stood without moving for a long time, like a fossil, weathered by wind and rain for thousands of years, and submerged in dust in his heart.

The cold wind blew the corners of his clothes and raised his black hair, revealing his clear and handsome face, quietly lost in thought.

Once you touch the thread of your thoughts, memories will fly all over the sky.

His heart was very cold. All the familiar people suddenly disappeared.

"Is this reincarnation?" His expression was very complicated, including calmness, sadness, and reminiscence.

He looked at the endless mountains and rivers, but could not find a single person from the past. Not long after he set foot on the boundary sea, the world was turned upside down and the era changed. It was unbelievable.


Suddenly, his body shook slightly and he was in a daze.

Then, he raised his palm and saw a mark of Mohu. The pattern was mysterious, like the door of reincarnation.

The seal of reincarnation!

His pupils shrank, and light shot out like lightning.

This is the mark that can only be achieved through reincarnation!

This mark is not very big, but it is very complicated, as deep as the starry sky, and like the condensed wheel of life and death.

"One step per era, looking back in an instant, it's like a vast sea, the past and present life!" He whispered, with boundless waves in his heart, an era has really passed.

Reincarnation and reincarnation have always been an amazing topic that has confused many people and seems to be unsolved forever.

However, endless years have passed by in a hurry, but no one can break the true meaning of reincarnation, and he has only set foot in the sea of ​​​​world for ten thousand years, and changed the world?

However, the next moment, something happened that shocked him.


With a slight tremor, the mark of reincarnation shattered and turned into little bits of light rain, overflowing.

However, they did not all disappear, but poured into his body, as if they had turned into nutrients for his body, pouring into his chest.

He was a little stunned. His reincarnation mark seemed different from others, and it was actually broken.

Afterwards, he packed up his mood and began to travel through the mountains and rivers, hoping to find every trace of the past and find the truth. He did not believe that this world would be destroyed in an epoch.

He traveled in this lonely ancient land, passing by one desolate ancient land after another, and ascending to one star after another.

The whole world was silent. Looking around, there were no living beings like before. Even in the world today, there were not many monks left. The most powerful monks were just a few Supremes.

He didn't get any news from these supreme beings. He only knew that history had been eradicated, everything had been disabled, and many truths had been lost in the long river of history.

Year after year, his footprints spread all over the universe, even extending into many collapsed worlds and dark abyss.

"Has everything disappeared?" Xu Yu felt unwilling. With the human race at its peak and Feng Yuan's appearance, how could it end like this?

For thousands of years, he has been searching, but he has not found any traces of it. Even if he deduced it at the cost of his own efforts, he still found nothing.

Finally, he turned back to the boundary sea again and continued to move forward. According to Kong Wen's words, he went to the ancient world of immortal monks, hoping to get some answers.

Thousands of years later, he came to the legendary ancient world of immortal monks.

The ancient world of Immortals and Monks was established as a religion based on Buddhism and gathered many masters. It was a powerful ancient world.

The ancient world of immortal monks was very prosperous, with endless incense and many believers.

Mount Sumeru is their holy land, surrounded by mountains. Mount Sumeru towers high into the outside world, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars. It is magnificent and boundless, and will last forever.

In addition, there are those fairy grasses and Buddha trees growing on the top of the mountain. The Buddha's light is dense and shining in all directions, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

He walked along the road, and there were towering ancient mountains on the road, which were continuous and magnificent.

Many people were walking on foot, and he looked around. Most of them were monks. There were hundreds of millions of people, kowtowing step by step, worshiping this holy place.

The old vines are spread across the mountains, and they are surprisingly thick. They are entangled in the mountains, and they are full of spiritual energy.

As he went deeper, the plants were no longer so lush, some ancient places appeared, golden light emitted, and bursts of Zen sounds came from Buddhist temples one after another.

The bricks and tiles of the ancient monk lineage are very particular. There are temples made of silver bricks and temples made of gold tiles. Many immortal monks sit cross-legged in them, with immortal golden bodies and radiant Buddha light.

Some ancient temples and holy temples shine brightly, illuminating the entire universe, cutting through the sky, and standing on the most majestic mountains.

The sound of the Buddha was like a thundering holy mountain, the temple was magnificent, and the Buddha's light was vast. He clearly saw several ancient Buddhas, as if they were sitting cross-legged in front of ancient Buddhas, preaching across time and space.

"The poor monk Kong Jian has met his Taoist friend. I don't know his name. What's the purpose of coming here..." An old monk appeared, with a skinny body, wearing a brocade cassock, and smiling.

The arrival of a master of Xu Yu's level will naturally attract the attention of people here.

"It's Master Kongwen..."

Afterwards, Xu Yu briefly explained the purpose of his visit.

"So that's it, he is my junior brother, and he has indeed embarked on the journey to the ultimate place in the world." Kong Jian sighed softly and clasped his hands together.

"I came here specifically to ask for advice on many things about reincarnation." After a moment of silence, Xu Yu got straight to the point.

"I, an ancient monk, do not dare to be arrogant in the reincarnation path. I can only express some opinions." Kongjian said very modestly, and then he expressed some of his own understanding.

"Reincarnation does not count the years. There are thousands of reincarnations, and there are also instant rebirths." Sora Jian said slowly.

"The so-called reincarnation is just an experience, and it does not necessarily mean reincarnation to start a second life."

"Ask me for advice!" Xu Yu's mind moved and she spoke solemnly.

"A moment of enlightenment can be regarded as a reincarnation." Kongjian said calmly.

"Perhaps, there are still people who disappear, break into an ancient world, experience all kinds of strange things, and then return to the original world. That experience is a reincarnation for him.

According to what he said, seven days in the cave will last a thousand years in the world. This is also a kind of reincarnation.

Xu Yu was slightly startled, this was very similar to his experience.

"Is the so-called reincarnation just an experience, not necessarily reincarnation and the beginning of the second life?"

Xu Yu looked thoughtfully at Master Kong Jian.

"Yes, the donor really has wisdom." Kong Jian said with a smile.

"Donor, you have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, and you are willing to enter my Mount Sumeru... If this is true, you can attain an ancient Buddha, and you may even become a Buddha." Kong Jian unexpectedly invited him like this.

Xu Yu was speechless, he did not want to enter Buddhism, and then he thought about what situation he was in.

"Actually, we have tried a lot of things about the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

Later, Sora Jian invited him and entered a vast secret realm. It was very gloomy. There was no atmosphere in the Buddhist realm, but it was like a ghost realm, with many strange buildings standing there.

"Guimen Pass, Huangquan Road, Wangchuan River, Naihe Bridge, Wangxiang Terrace, Sansheng Stone..." Kong Jian introduced him one by one. These are all attempts made by the Immortal Monk lineage for reincarnation.

Xu Yu's eyes were deep and his heart moved slightly as he stared at this vast ghost realm. At the next moment, his body suddenly lit up with light, as if six groups of light appeared, and then started to rotate, endlessly... (End of this chapter) )

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