
On Xu Yu's body, several light groups slowly emerged, as if ancient portals appeared, connecting to several roads, the light was brilliant, and the breath of life and death was flowing.

Chaos surged in all directions, the immortal energy in his body filled the air, the flowers of the avenue bloomed, and Xu Yu shone brightly in an instant, looking like a Buddha and a war immortal!

"This is..." Xu Yu was slightly stunned. He didn't know the rotation of the several light groups dormant in his body before, as if they were passively triggered and only appeared now.

On several light groups, the five light groups are relatively solid. Only one light group is a little fuzzy and dim. The entrances of those light groups are clearly visible. There is holy light flowing, fragrant flowers overflowing, mundane worldliness, and life. The aura of the underworld also has dark demonic properties, and even more evil auras, and even the death aura of the underworld, which is colorful and colorful.

"Six paths of reincarnation have opened up in your body?!" Sora was shocked, and then his eyes widened in disbelief. The Buddha's light behind him almost collapsed. One can imagine how uneasy he felt in his heart.

He never expected that this man would actually open up the six paths of reincarnation in his body. This kind of power was truly astonishing. Even the ancient monk who claimed to have an immortal golden body did not dare to try it easily.

At this moment, Xu Yu's eyes were condensed, and changes occurred in his body again. Several light groups continued to rotate, and the light was strong, billowing like smoke.

Finally, several light groups began to rotate, like ancient mirrors one after another, reflecting the gorgeous scenery. It was these reincarnation objects created by Xian Mongruo.

Scenes such as Guimen Pass, Huangquan Road, Sansheng Stone, Wangxiang Terrace, Wangchuan River, Meng Po Tang, and Naihe Bridge turned into Dao pictures, reflected in several light groups, and then, traces of Dao marks crisscrossed each other, and Imprinted in the six paths within the body.

It was not until a long time later that Xu Yu opened his eyes again, with a brilliant light. He had gained a lot. The Guimen Pass, Huangquan Road, and Sansheng Stone were all engraved with runes related to reincarnation, which greatly promoted the six paths in his body.

"Fellow Taoist is amazingly talented. He has actually opened up six paths in the body. Maybe there will be hope for reincarnation in the future!" Kong Jian sighed, his expression full of admiration.

"It's still on the road. It hasn't been completely developed yet, so we can't say it's completely successful."

"In this case, I will take fellow Taoist to a place to help you! Maybe it will inspire you."

Kong Jian's eyes burned brightly. He knew that after Xu Yu opened up the six paths in his body, he suddenly felt a lot closer to him, because the lineage of immortal monks had also been studying reincarnation since ancient times, and they were like-minded.

Moreover, it seems that the person in front of him is still ahead of the lineage of ancient monks, and he may really evolve into reincarnation, which makes him not excited.

"That's it, thank you very much." Xu Yu smiled slightly, sensing Kong Jian's sincerity, and she couldn't help but feel a little grateful to him in her heart.

Studying reincarnation may help him understand all the causes and consequences in time, which will be of great help to him. In this ancient world of immortal monks, he really came to the right place.

"If reincarnation is really born, it will really benefit all souls," Kong Jian sighed with emotion.

Later, after being led by Kong Jian, Xu Yu came to the secret realm of Mount Sumeru, which is a stone mountain. On top of the huge stone mountain, there is a mysterious lake called - Samsara Pond!

The two of them walked on the fairy light, climbed directly up the mountain, and looked at this mysterious lake. The water surface was sparkling, with layers of Buddha light rippling, and it was filled with the aura of immortality. It was extremely mysterious.

"This is also what our lineage created for the evolution of reincarnation," Kong Jian said.

According to him, the lineage of immortal monks has experimented a lot in order to build reincarnation. The previous ones were only part of it, and the highlight is this reincarnation pool.

According to Kongjian, generally speaking, the Samsara Pond is of great use for spiritual practice, especially for physical training and building a golden body.

Of course, to practice here, you need to meet some special conditions. You must practice ancient monks' scriptures to bless yourself, and you must have the physique of an ancient monk.

The so-called physique of ancient monks refers to the physique that allows them to carry the strange and wonderful principles after practicing this Taoist tradition for many years, mastering the Dharma, and mastering the wonderful principles.

If a person of the lineage of the ancient monks refines himself here and succeeds in practice, his physical body will be flawless and his golden body will be immortal.

Of course, ordinary people will never be able to withstand the baptism of the Samsara Pool, and non-unparalleled people will not dare to try it easily. The unparalleled immortal monks who can experience the baptism of this pool will basically become kings in the end.

"It's amazing. There is a strange order. It should be a special place formed by the melting of generations of eminent monks and their bones buried in the reincarnation pool." Xu Yu's eyes were a little shimmering, and the light in his eyes was flowing, and he made such a judgment directly.

"Yes, it is true. Rather than saying it is their burial place, it is better to say it is the gathering of their divine nature." Kong Jian said with a smile.

"The place where we experiment with the real reincarnation is under this pool." Kong Jian added.

"Please!" Kong Jian invited Xu Yu into the lake to witness their final reincarnation.

Soon, they sank to the bottom of the lake without encountering any obstacles.

Although the tempering of the physical body by the reincarnation pool is very extraordinary, it is naturally ineffective for creatures at their level.

When they sank to the bottom of the lake, there seemed to be a loud voice: "Reincarnation is opening, the Taoist gate is wide open!"

A clear passage emerged and ran through it. They walked forward, and when they reached one hundred and eighty feet, they finally hit the bottom.

Below, there is a grotto. There are some ancient caves connected together. They are so densely packed that they look like a honeycomb, which is extremely strange.

There are many underground caves, almost all connected together.

Soon, a scene in a corner of the cave attracted Xu Yu's attention.

In a dark underground cave, there is a group of monks, lifeless and lifeless, their faces dull and looming.

"Is this the undead?" Xu Yu's heart moved.

In the darkness, those people looked numb, like the dead in the underworld. It looked quite strange to pass by like this.

"These are the monks from my lineage of ancient monks..." Kong Jian sighed.

Xu Yu watched intently, and that team disappeared at the end.

"This is also one of our experiments. We hope to open up an underworld." Sora clasped his hands together with a look of compassion on his face.

They continued to move forward, and Xu Yu really felt like he was in hell. He was secretly shocked. The Immortal Monk lineage was indeed extraordinary.

The two saw many teams, most of them were monks, but there were also other creatures. These creatures were all haunting the ancient underground caves and were heading to a certain place.

Finally, at the end of a cave, Xu Yu saw several gates, no more, no less, six in total...

The teams gathered here and suddenly became motionless and silent, as if they were waiting for something.

"This is the reincarnation trial field built by my lineage of ancient monks." Kong Jian looked forward.

"Six paths of reincarnation..." Xu Yu's eyes sparkled as he stared at the six stone doors.

"The door is open!" The next moment, the huge voice sounded again.


At this moment, the six stone doors were all opened, and the surging chaotic energy was mysterious and terrifying, seeming to devour people's souls.

These monks and other creatures were divided into six groups. With expressionless faces, they stepped on the road ahead and entered the six stone gates.

At the same time, the six stone doors all emit a faint luster here, accompanied by the mist, reflecting the vicissitudes of ancient times, and the sound of chanting sutras is heard, sending people away to reincarnation.

call out!

Suddenly, the six stone doors glowed together. One of the stone doors cracked and the light overflowed, seemingly leading to ancient times and connecting to a mysterious world.

"Let's go!" Kong Jian said.

Xu Yu nodded, and the next moment, the two of them walked directly in. In an instant, the stars changed, and the two of them came in like this.

Soon, they saw the road. On this road, they saw figures one after another. Their facial expressions were extremely stiff, surrounded by the aura of death, and lifeless.

These are the souls of the dead, walking on the Nine Nether Road, all lonely and lifeless.

Soon, we saw an extremely turbid river ahead, with a pontoon spanning it. All the dead bodies stiffly crossed the river from here to the other side.

Then, after they stepped across the river, the sky and earth changed, and the void twisted.

Scenes emerged one after another. Some monks passed through the Buddhist temple, some were beheaded in duels, and some monks suffered tribulations in the mortal world. Time seemed to have been reversed. The scenes of the dead monks during their lives were like Everything came back again.

This is a reincarnation, but it is also very strange, different from the real reincarnation.

This is more like reincarnation in a limited cage, and these people are in a special state. Some have incomplete spiritual consciousness, and some have annihilated consciousness and have become walking zombies. There is no real reincarnation.

"I believe you can also see that this reincarnation is not complete." Kong Jian sighed with regret.

Although the lineage of immortal monks has gone very far in reincarnation, they still have not realized reincarnation in the true sense.

Xu Yu didn't speak immediately, but stared at the special reincarnation created by this ancient monk's lineage with deep eyes, and his heart was faintly touched.

Suddenly, there was a long scripture flowing in his heart. The scriptures were like songs, floating softly, and the light raindrops seemed to be scattered into his soul.

Xu Yu's mind was concentrated, and he was mesmerized. He felt the vast scriptures echoing in his mind. Those were Xu Yu's wonderful scriptures about reincarnation and reincarnation. For some reason, they suddenly appeared in his mind.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to entering, studying every paragraph, understanding every paragraph, and thinking about it for a long time every time, silently understanding it.

Kongjian, on the other hand, was also extremely surprised. He didn't expect him to realize something so quickly, so he stopped disturbing him and waited for his enlightenment. The six rays of light in Xu Yu's body roared with the heaven and earth. Both sides of the body were filled with thousands of rays of light and auspicious colors, and they were integrated into each other.

"So that's it...the six paths left behind by the immortal monk are tangible but not spiritual, while the six paths in my body are spiritual and intangible. Only with both form and spirit can they be unified!"

At this moment, Xu Yu thought of a lot.


At this time, in his body, the last fuzzy group of light gradually solidified, and suddenly the brilliance became so powerful that it was completely condensed, even more blazing than the sun in the sky.

The scriptures in his body reverberated and were actually transmitted. In an instant, everything seemed to rise and fall in the heaven and earth, the universe changed, and eras passed by one after another.

And in his body, the six paths of reincarnation were finally completely opened up, and the runes were densely covered and criss-crossed together, as if a complete order and rules were born.

"This is……"

Kong was a little startled when he saw that the six paths of reincarnation in his body had been completely opened successfully. The last one was also broken open, and the complete six paths were opened.

In an instant, there were light raindrops, and the sky was full of divine clouds, pouring into this land of reincarnation. It was the power of reincarnation, spreading one after another.

The mist of light rose up in waves, soaking the place and even submerging the walking dead monks.

In an instant, the bodies of those spirit bodies were no longer stiff, and a little light appeared in their eyes, showing a little bit of life. Between the sky and the earth, there were dense light spots, breaking through the distant void, rippling little by little, and submerged into these dead bodies. In the body of a monk,

"The remaining spirits are reunited. These people really have hope of recovery in the future!" Kong Jian exclaimed, with a look of disbelief on his face.

His heart was trembling. The dead people actually had hope of resurrection. If this was spread, it would definitely shock the ages!

"The complete order of the Six Paths can lead to the return of the remaining spirits in the world, and people will have hope of resurrection from now on." Xu Yu said thoughtfully.

"So that's it. The reincarnation created by my lineage does not have a complete divine order. It is always just a form but no spirit." Kongjian suddenly realized.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, our paths may be connected." Kong Jian said excitedly, his lips trembling.

This fiery look made Xu Yudu slightly uncomfortable.

In the end, Kong Jian asked Xu Yu to stay. Instead of discussing the law, Xu Yu agreed. After all, he owed the immortal monk a favor and could not shirk it.

From Kong Jian's point of view, their broken path can be continued in the future. The human race in front of them is really amazing.

If it was even possible, if Xu Yu was willing to stay in Mount Sumeru and join the lineage of ancient monks, he would rather give up the position of Lord of Sumeru to him.

In the end, Xu Yu agreed to stay for a while, and also wanted to see if the remaining spirits had really gradually returned to their original bodies and could finally be resurrected.

After thousands of years, thousands of years of vicissitudes, several monks actually resurrected, with their memories intact. It was not the corpses that gave birth to wisdom.

Although their cultivation level is still low, it is enough to defy the heavens. Because the stronger they are in life, the more spirits they need to gather, so these people have been revived in ten thousand years.

If Xu Yu's Taoism grows, the speed of gathering spirits will definitely speed up, and more and more powerful monks may be resurrected by then.

In the end, despite Kong Jian's repeated attempts to stay, Xu Yu chose to leave Mount Sumeru. He had initially opened up about the complete reincarnation, but what he was thinking about now was still the human race in the origin era, and some kind of mystery that shrouded himself.

He continued to explore the ancient world based on some positioning coordinates. He traveled through the vast ancient worlds one after another, and finally stopped in the primitive ancient world...

The primitive ancient world!

He traveled around the ancient world, traveled through mountains and rivers, and finally stopped in this ancient world.

Because, here, he saw traces of a suspected emperor,

Crossing the boundary sea, we came to a piece of sand. There was a line of shallow footprints, like those left by a humanoid creature.

"I didn't expect that from the origin to the present, such a strong person would really be born." Xu Yu silently looked at the line of faint footprints, which touched him a lot.


The center of his brows glowed, and wisps of mysterious patterns appeared, flickering. His mind was inexplicably connected to this world.

He vaguely felt that this ancient world actually made him feel familiar. It seemed to be extremely important to him, and he felt as if he was returning to his homeland.

"Could it be that this is the place I want to find in the end?" He whispered, his eyes bright, and he had some thoughts in his heart.

Then, he decided to stop traveling to other ancient worlds and settle down in this world for the time being.

"An ancient world that has not been born for a long time." Xu Yu silently observed the world and came to a conclusion.

Because, on the one hand, all kinds of things in this world are relatively simple and primitive, and on the other hand, there are many small chaotic worlds in this world, which is a sign that the world has not been open for a long time.

Moreover, this ancient world is not peaceful. The land is vast and the sky is full of blood. Powerful ethnic groups are roaring in the sky and the earth, fighting against each other constantly. The land is filled with killing and bloodshed.

There are many powerful ethnic groups, such as the Dark True Dragon Clan, the Heavenly Lineage, and powerful ethnic groups such as the Kaitian Gods. These are powerful ethnic groups that have emerged from the chaos. With one word, the world is in awe.

This is almost a new ancient world that has not been opened for a long time. These creatures are very powerful, because they are all extremely powerful since they were born from chaos.

This is a different world, and it is also a terrifying world. Xu Yu once heard the cry of the Immortal King and saw the blood of the Immortal King in the sky destroying hundreds of millions of miles of land.

This era is so terrifying. It can almost be said that conquests are endless, and thousands of races compete for the throne. This is an unimaginably glorious world.

In the last years of this life, the grand occasion of shining stars is also reproduced. One after another, outstanding people are born, soaring into the sky and constantly breaking the limits.

Countless strong men were born. For example, a strong man nicknamed The Butcher rose up against the heavens. His qualifications were extraordinary, and he was even considered to be a being who could become an emperor.

Even though Xu Yu, who rarely paid attention to the human world while walking around this world, noticed him and was somewhat interested in him. He subconsciously compared this young man with extraordinary qualifications to Feng Yuan, but he felt that he was far behind.

He took his time, temporarily stopped his practice, and walked through ancient sacred lands and secret realms one after another to explore this world.

He always felt that this world had some connection with him. As the years passed, this feeling not only did not decrease, but became even closer.

Xu Yu's strength was unparalleled, but he just walked around quietly, sitting and watching the battles of thousands of races for hegemony, and the ups and downs of the world.

He has lost too much, and he doesn't want to get too involved with the mortal world, otherwise he will only be left with endless bonds.

The six paths in his body have initially been opened, and he can already gather the remaining spirits of the world. As long as his strength continues to increase, even if one day someone does die, he may be able to rescue them from reincarnation.

As long as he keeps practicing and waits for the transformation of his strength, everything will be possible in the future. Therefore, improving his own strength and constantly perfecting the Six Paths of Reincarnation is the right path.

"The Human Emperor's lineage has been born!" A piece of heavy news came from the Jiutian Ancient World. The Human Emperor's lineage, which had disappeared for many years, was born.

The Human Emperor lineage is the true orthodoxy of the human race on the vast earth today. Hundreds of millions of people are separated from the Human Emperor lineage.

"The lineage of the Human Emperor..." Xu Yu also knew the news and was suddenly surprised. How could there be a lineage of the Human Emperor in the Jiutian Ancient World? Is all this a coincidence or what? He decided to take a look.

Not long after, he arrived in a chaotic fairyland.

Xu Yu stood on a cliff, with a vast waterfall falling at his feet. The land was lush and green, and wild beasts were rampant. He sensed the geographical location of the Human Emperor's lineage with just a moment's notice.

This is a sacred land with magnificent mountain peaks and an extremely large area. All kinds of ancient trees grow and take root on the cliffs. They are green and gleaming with rays of light, as if they were carved from jade.

There are also spiritual springs flowing down along the jade, turning into silver waterfalls, like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky, accompanied by bursts of thin smoke and mist.

Ancient medicines are everywhere, taking root at the foot of mountains, cliffs and cliffs. They are dotted with soft luster and fragrant, swaying out wisps of aura and bursts of fragrance.

"The ancestral land of the human race, whoever comes, stop!" Outside the mountain gate, a group of guards shouted, looking coldly at the young man in white robe who walked out of nothingness in front of him.

"As expected..." Xu Yu ignored them and sighed lightly. The Human Emperor clan was indeed the clan he commanded back then.

Moreover, the general scale of the place has not changed, making it very familiar to him.

In them, he also sensed the rich blood energy, which was the breath he had blessed them with his faith, and it was passed down from generation to generation.

All the guards looked at each other, feeling that this man seemed familiar, but they couldn't remember where they saw him.

Xu Yu's eyes were piercing, and he ignored these people and stepped forward. The mountains and rivers retreated, the sun, moon and stars reversed, and he walked towards the inside.


In the center of this secret realm, the divine peaks are majestic and colorful, surrounded by clouds and flowing purple clouds. Suddenly, a person appears.

The person's thick black hair was spread freely, his body was plump and strong, and his aura was terrifyingly calm, as if he was walking out of nothingness, a god patrolling the heavens.

"I've seen the Human Emperor!" When the surrounding soldiers saw the coming person, they all knelt down and saluted seriously, with fanatical expressions on their faces. (End of chapter)

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