Under the setting sun, the stone village is still there, with stone houses scattered everywhere, emitting a faint light under the setting sun.

Stone Village is located in Dahuang. Next to Stone Village, there is a mosaic of clear lakes, surrounded by flowers and fragrant flowers.

It's so peaceful there, with green grass and blue lakes, like a blue gem. The auspicious birds and small animals are not surprised when they meet people.

Wisps of spiritual energy filled the air, and everyone saw that many elixirs were planted in the village. Threads of white mist surged, making it look like a fairyland.

That silver peach tree had completely evolved into a real elixir of life, which was astonishing.

This is an out-of-this-world village that makes people feel peaceful and peaceful. It is far away from the hustle and bustle and seems to be baptized for the soul.

"That's...Shicun?" All the young geniuses were surprised, their eyes turned and they stared ahead.

The village is very lively now, and it is almost dusk now, but it is not cold and deserted, but has more warmth.

A hunting team came under the sunset, carrying deer, black bears, tigers and other ferocious beasts on their backs, and the leaders were still the former Shi Fei Jiao and Shi Lin Hu.

A group of children were running in the village. They were all little guys, very lively. Xu Yu and Shi Hao didn't recognize them. They must have been born in these years.

"Xiao Hao, Sir, Liu Shen and the others are back!" Suddenly, someone with sharp eyes suddenly shouted.

In the village, many men, women and children gathered around the hunting team, many of whom turned back and looked towards the entrance of the village.

In an instant, the village fell silent, and all the adults were in a daze, as if they were petrified.

Everyone in the village seemed to find it difficult to speak. Looking at the people who came, there was excitement on their faces.

"I've met Liu Shen, sir!" Men, women, old and young all came over to greet Liu Shen and Xu Yu.

These two people have special meaning to their stone village.

"Xiao Hao, Xiao Gegu!"

Then, all men, women and children rushed over, making a lot of noise, shouting, and yelling.

What's more, someone threw Shi Hao and Red Dragon Gegu directly into the sky.

A group of people were so excited that they surrounded everyone.

Xu Yu sighed slightly, for the most powerful, more than ten years is just a short moment, but for ordinary people, it is already an extremely long time.

Therefore, this feeling is naturally even more precious.

Not long after, the village chief appeared. Now he was no longer old, but several decades younger, and full of vitality. After greeting Liu Shen and Xu Yu, he looked at Shi Hao.

"Grandpa Patriarch!" Shi Hao called.

Although Shi Yunfeng saw Shi Hao, he still couldn't help crying. He pulled him and carefully looked at this grandson whom he regarded as his own.

"I've met two adults!"

The earth rumbled and moved, as if the mountains and valleys were shaking, and like an ancient chariot driving through the sky, several ancient beasts came.

Fa Ni, Demon Ape, and Lihuo Bull Demon also appeared, greeting Xu Yu and Liu Shen with joy.

They were very excited to meet again after being separated for more than ten years.

Nowadays, they are as if they are powerful in the realm of true gods. This is almost unimaginable in the lower realm.

After all, the lower realm is barren, and it is extremely difficult to even light a divine fire, let alone enter the realm of true gods.

The three ferocious beasts still bear the responsibility of protecting Shicun. They protect the villagers who hunt in the wilderness, and often capture rare and powerful ferocious beasts for the village.

As for the little red bird and the furball Zhu Yan, they disappear for a long time every time, and now they are gone somewhere.


In the sky, chaotic energy rolled, and a big dragon hovered, with golden scales shining brightly. It turned into a middle-aged man and descended on the stone village.

"In just over ten years, several fellow Taoists have become so advanced, which is gratifying." Zhenlong smiled and looked at everyone.

"Father!" Chilong Gegu shouted, broke away from a group of playmates, and walked forward.

Today's Red Dragon is very calm, covered in red armor, with a resolute face and piercing eyes.

The real dragon smiled and nodded, with a look of relief in his eyes. His child seemed to have really grown up a lot.

He could tell at a glance that his child had been tempered by blood and fire to have such a temperament.

A group of geniuses also came to pay their respects, and their hearts were shaken violently. They did not expect that they could actually see the legendary leader of the ten evils.

"Have you ever practiced my clan's divine arts?" The real dragon's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he sensed it immediately and looked at the Ten-Crown King.

"Senior, it's true." The Ten-Crown King spoke very calmly.

"You are very good. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Zhenlong smiled.

Many geniuses were envious and secretly sighed at the good luck of the Ten-Crown Champion, who actually had the True Dragon's Dharma Eyes.

"I've seen Uncle True Dragon!" The alicorn ants also came to pay their respects.

"The son of an old friend." The real dragon's eyes flickered slightly and his smile faded.

He couldn't help but sigh softly. Almost all the ten ferocious men back then had withered away. Seeing their descendants suddenly aroused his thoughts.

"True dragon... you're still alive!" At this time, Jin Maoyan, who had been silent until now, was shocked and his eyes widened as he looked at the majestic middle-aged man in front of him.

In the last years of the Immortal Ancient Period, Zhenlong had fought against An Lan, Yu Tuo and even the Red King. He was a truly unparalleled king and a strong man recognized by the world.

He was determined to have died, and now he is back from the dead?

"It's just a wisp of obsession." True Dragon said calmly, without joy or worry, looking at the Lord of Fallen Immortal Ridge in front of him, his eyes twinkling.

The lively Stone Village was soon filled with laughter and laughter.

The arrival of the geniuses from Jiutian was also warmly welcomed by the people of Shicun.

When everyone entered Shicun, they saw two native chickens swinging and strolling leisurely in the village. They saw Shi Hao and the others and gave him a sideways glance.

"Why do I feel despised?" Cao Yusheng muttered.

However, when they saw Xu Yu, Liu Shen and others, their small eyes turned, showing awe and flattery.

Shi Hao was so angry that he couldn't help but kicked the two of them, causing them to 'cluck' non-stop.

After all, he was also a great monk who escaped from one's life, but he was despised by two chickens.

Many geniuses were speechless. They didn't expect that the world-famous Huang also had such a childish side, and he actually got angry with two eight rare chickens.

Soon, Shicun prepared an extremely rich dinner. Next to the lake, a bonfire was beating and the aroma of various foods was exuding.

The people in the village are full of smiles and welcome guests with great enthusiasm.

The aroma of golden barbecue and the enticing aroma of wine filled the air, and everyone pushed the glasses and changed the lids.

Xu Yu, Liu Shen and others, like the people of Shicun, sat on the ground and enjoyed the banquet in the mortal world.

All the geniuses were surprised. They didn't expect the powerful Immortal King to be so down-to-earth.

"Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, have you recovered?"

Not long after, a palm-sized bird flew over, landed on a tree, and looked at Liu Shen.

"Five-Colored Bird, can you speak?" Shi Hao was surprised. This is the ghostly thief bird in Stone Village. It often made him suffer a lot when he was a child. Every time he couldn't catch it and fell to the ground, it would make him cry.

"Nonsense." Wu Seque gave him a white look. When Shi Hao was a child, it often tried to catch this little guy, making him cry every time.

"Then why didn't you speak before..." Shi Hao asked curiously.

"You were just a little kid back then and I didn't bother to care about you..." Wu Se Que said carelessly.

Shi Hao: "..."

Being despised first by the chicken and then by the bird made him speechless and felt a little embarrassed in front of everyone.

Many geniuses were speechless. They didn't expect the world-famous Huang to be in such an embarrassing situation. They all found it interesting. Even as calm as Shi Yi, he couldn't help but smile. Afterwards, the Five Colored Birds began to introduce themselves.

And everyone gradually understood that this five-colored bird actually came from the Boundary Sea. During the ancient immortal years, it lived on the body of Liu Shen, built a nest there, and was her neighbor.

Now it is just a ball of spiritual consciousness, not a tangible body, like the soul, but it is not complete, it can be said to be a incomplete soul.

The geniuses were shocked. They didn't expect that a small village could be so extraordinary. Even a five-color sparrow was so big that it had crossed the boundary sea.

You know, to cross the boundary sea, you need at least the strength of a true immortal, and the colorful sparrow in front of them looks similar to a mortal bird, which makes them even more surprised.

"When it was alive, it was a supreme immortal king." Liu Shen opened his mouth and revealed the realm of the Five-Colored Bird.

The ultimate immortal king!

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that the origin of this five-colored bird was so big. It was incredible and shocked everyone.

"Little guys, don't look at me like this. I'm not an unparalleled master. I was cut off from the Taoist base and I don't have much fighting power. I can't recover." Wuseque said.

"Perhaps...it's not impossible." Xu Yu said suddenly with a sudden thought.

"You... have any idea?" Wu Seque's eyes suddenly widened.

"You can give it a try." Xu Yu nodded gently.

In the ancient world of immortal monks, he once resurrected mortals through six reincarnations.

And his strength has further evolved, and after countless thousands of years of Emperor Luo, Immortal Gu, and Luan Gu, the order of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has been perfected, and it may be able to work on the Immortal King as well.

"Six paths in the body? Have they been initially opened?" The real dragon was surprised.

"Not bad!" Xu Yu nodded.

"No one has succeeded in the Six Paths of Reincarnation since ancient times, but you actually opened it up?" Wu Se Que exclaimed.


On Xu Yu's body, several ancient light groups emerged, as if six portals had been opened, the light was brilliant, and the breath of life and death was flowing.

His body is pure and clear, and it seems that if there is Tao, it will manifest and turn into the world of Liuhe. The whole body is like a world, turning into the big universe.

That scene was terrifying. It was an unprecedented change. Chaos was shrouded in mist, and fragments of order were resurrected, turning into galaxies.

It seemed that all the great avenues of heaven and earth had entered Xu Yu's body, creating a new world, vast and unpredictable.

The Six Paths are vast, profound and endless. They seem to be connected to the heaven and earth invisibly, forming a powerful summoning force.

Immediately afterwards, wisps of divine brilliance rippled, which was the aura of life stirring.

"My memory is being reorganized!" Five Colored Bird suddenly shouted.

Between the heaven and the earth, little spiritual lights rippled, gathering from Liuhe and Bahuang, and gathered into the soul of the five-color bird.

“It really works!

Everyone's eyes widened. Although the speed was not particularly fast, overall, he was continuing to regain his vitality.

"Comparable to Sansheng Medicine!" Golden Retriever's eyes were blazing, this was so unbelievable.

Who can save the Immortal King? The legendary Sansheng Medicine may be able to save him.

And the three herbal medicines are something that is out of reach.

And the six paths in his body are comparable to the three herbal medicines. If spread, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Not long after, the Five-Colored Bird's soul was filled with energy, and it shone brightly.

"In the Ancient Immortal Era, an accident occurred while I was crossing the Boundary Sea..." Five Color Bird Eyes said.

It thought a lot, and also revealed its origin. He did not belong to Jiutian, but came from other ancient worlds. His name was Fairy Bird King, and he once stationed on the World Tree in an ancient world.

"It's a pity that my physical body does not exist, otherwise I might be able to be resurrected." Wu Se Que regretted.

Resurrection requires a physical body in this world. If not, it will be very troublesome.

"Perhaps, when I transform again, I can condense the physical body for you." Xu Yu said.

However, there was one thing he didn't say, dormant in his body and reincarnated, he might be able to give birth to a physical body after a long time, but now he is not sure, and there is a certain risk.

"If one closes the five senses and six consciousnesses and lives in the six realms for a long time, can a new body be born?" Xu Yu thought to himself.

For a practitioner, the soul and the body are all very important, and one is indispensable. If one is missing, nothing will be possible.

"Fellow Taoist, come and give it a try." Xu Yu looked at the real dragon.

"Okay!" Zhenlong was excited. He did see hope in Five Colored Bird. Although he may not recover in the end, there may be other opportunities in the future.

Soon, six divine lights shone, and one could clearly see that some residual spirits were floating between the heaven and the earth and submerged into his body.

Soon after, his figure became clearer, his aura became much stronger, and he was able to realize some of the power of the Immortal King.

It's a pity that he was not completely resurrected, after all, he lost his body.

The real dragon was a surprise. This was already a very good ending for him, and he really saw the hope of resurrection.

Everyone sighed, this seemed to be against the heavens. It seemed to be even better than the three herbal medicines. The six paths in the body were really against the heavens.


As soon as Xu Yu was disillusioned, he came to the depths of Xiling Realm and saw three old monsters, which were crystal skulls, golden bone science, and bloody eyeballs.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Xu Yu.

"With this aura...have you become the Immortal King?" The crystal skull was shocked.

"I'm here to fulfill my promise. Fortunately, the six paths in my body were successfully opened." Xu Yu said.

"What!" The three old monsters were shocked and froze, followed by an incomparable surprise.

Later, Xu Yu helped Shuipin Skull, Golden Bone Palm, and Bloody Eyeball, and used Six Divine Lights to revive many of their remaining spirits, giving them more vitality.


The breeze blew and there was silence, Xu Yu came to the restricted area.

The dilapidated ancient land and desolate ruins suddenly exuded vitality and showed a bright splendor. The Lord of the restricted area, Daoyin, appeared again, drinking tea there with a calm expression.

Next to him, stood a beautiful woman named Yue. Yue, to be precise, was Yue Chan's second body. Now, he has not returned to the upper world and has been practicing here.

"Since the beginning of the Ancient Immortal Era, Taoist friends have always been so drunk." Xu Yu smiled.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, it seems you have remembered everything." Dao Yin chuckled with emotion.

Later, Xu Yu used the Six Paths of Reincarnation to attract many residual spirits to Dao Yin, making his aura much stronger.

"Fellow Taoist, you are so amazingly talented. The Six Paths have really been completely opened up." Dao Yin was shocked.

The six paths of reincarnation in the body are really astonishing. Just a wisp of his obsession has such an effect.

"I look forward to the day when fellow Taoist disciples return intact." Xu Yu smiled, turned around and left.

Afterwards, he left the restricted area and was about to start his journey again. This time, he would truly resurrect the Immortal King!

"Since the beginning of the Ancient Immortal Era, Taoist friends have always been so drunk." Xu Yu smiled.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, it seems you have remembered everything." Dao Yin chuckled with emotion.

Later, Xu Yu used the Six Paths of Reincarnation to attract many residual spirits to Dao Yin, making his aura much stronger.

"Fellow Taoist, you are so amazingly talented. The Six Paths have really been completely opened up." Dao Yin was shocked.

The six paths of reincarnation in the body are really astonishing. Just a wisp of his obsession has such an effect.

"I look forward to the day when fellow Taoist disciples return intact." Xu Yu smiled, turned around and left.

Afterwards, he left the restricted area and was about to start his journey again. This time, he would truly resurrect the Immortal King! (End of chapter)

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