Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 486 Resurrection of the Immortal King

Resurrect the Immortal King!

This is an extremely special era, and it is also a good opportunity to rise. We must seize the opportunity to raise the strength of the ancient world to its peak.

Now, he was thinking not only in the ultimate ancient land, but also in the sky, the boundless sea of ​​sacrifice and the terrestrial plateau.

Today's weird clan is still fighting against the Clan of Heaven and has no time to care about them. This is also the best opportunity for all the worlds.

Otherwise, once a quasi-immortal emperor-level creature appears in the world, Weiyi will definitely notice it and take action in advance. But now, they are fighting against the heavens and have no time to take care of the heavens for the time being.

Rising against the odds in this era may be the best era.

Xu Yu hopes that more heroes will emerge to make full preparations for the future battle on the plateau and sweep away the evil land.

Now that we know the future direction, we must plan everything in advance and grasp the trajectory of destiny!

Of course, those things are a bit far away now. For now, fighting against the darkness in this world is the top priority today.

Five Colored Bird, Daoyin, and True Dragon, these people no longer have physical bodies, and their souls have recovered a lot by guiding their residual spirits, but in the end they have not been completely resurrected. They have no physical bodies and lack of carriers.

Perhaps, waiting for their own reincarnation to transform again can make them completely retro

Now, he was going to bring back Master Bird and Master Jingbi. After all, their main souls were still there and existed in the flesh, so they could be resurrected relatively easily.

But before that, the scourge of the dark prison in the Virtual God Realm needs to be solved. In the ultimate place of the Virtual God Realm, many dark creatures are still suppressed. This is a scourge that needs to be eradicated in advance!


Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and a mysterious Tao diagram was intertwined. His spirit was connected, and he immediately entered the Virtual God Realm.

The Virtual God Realm is still full of people, and there are many monks who come and go, practicing and enlightening in this world.

As soon as he came to the Virtual God Realm, he started looking for the two old guys.

Those two old guys are usually very elusive. Under normal circumstances, only when a peerless genius emerges and breaks a record will they appear, otherwise there will be no trace of them.


He took action directly, his eyes were bright, the beam split the sky, and all the mountains, rivers, palaces, palaces, etc. in the Virtual God Realm exploded and turned into powder.

This is a spiritual kingdom, built by the principles of order, like a complete world, very solid, but for him, he can break the rules,

"Oh my God, that mysterious strong man appears again!"

"It's so scary. With just one hit, you can break so many records in vain!"

Many people actually recognized him.

Many people were surprised, and many people looked at it. The void collapsed, the black hole formed into pieces, and it was almost completely shattered.

This is the result of Xu Yu suppressing his own strength. Otherwise, if he takes action, this ancient world may explode and cease to exist completely.

Immediately afterwards, stone tablets appeared in many places, which were symbols of record-breaking, manifested one by one.

Not long after, Mr. Bird and Mr. Jingbi appeared with dark faces, but something was wrong with them. They were a little distracted, as if they had fallen into darkness, and they were confused.

They became Buddhas with one thought and demons with one thought. Their state appeared again. Seeing those dark creatures deep in the False God Realm, they became restless again.

"wake up!"

In an instant, Xu Yu shouted, golden lotuses grew in the sky, lotus flowers sprouted all over the ground, light rain transpired, and the sky was filled with divine clouds, submerging into the bodies of the two of them.

"It's you..." Mr. Bird's eyes returned to clarity from a confused state, and even the bird on his back became more agile.

"What state have you reached? I...why can't I see through it?" Uncle Jingbi suddenly said in horror.

"Leave here first, then talk!"

Xu Yu waved his sleeves, time fragments flew, and he left this place with the two old guys and appeared in another place.

Xu Yu came to an ancient road with ease. The place was covered with clouds and fog. They climbed into the sky, passed through an ancient road, and came to the boundless chaos zone.

In the distance, there is a huge cage and a huge ancient palace. It is mysterious and unpredictable, with bits of black mist rippling and an ominous atmosphere filling the air.

There are some people suppressed here, all of whom have extraordinary origins. Xu Yu often came here to fight with those creatures to hone himself, and now he has returned again.

The suppressed king here was apparently the king of the fairyland, but he accidentally fell into darkness.

Later, a giant Immortal King in the Immortal Realm took action to suppress them all, locking the souls and suppressing them in the Virtual God Realm, making them petrified and difficult to break free.

Dozens of their generals, war commanders, etc. were forced into the False God Realm, and their souls were sealed in earthen jars.

Because they were once the kings of the Immortal Realm and had meritorious deeds. I couldn't bear to kill them and hoped to find a way to wake them up and save them, so they were not completely wiped out. This is the bright background of those people, but Xu Yu You know, the origins of these people are not just that simple.


"What are you doing here?" Master Bird was surprised, and Master Jingbi was also puzzled. Under Xu Yu's amazing methods, the two of them had regained their sanity.

"Of course we will level everything and get rid of these dark creatures!" Xu Yu smiled,

"No, they are too powerful. Once released, the world will be turned upside down. We will not be able to escape the blame and will become sinners." Master Bird changed his face.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how strong they are, they can be stronger than Wushang, can they be the Red King?"

"How do you say this?" Uncle Jingbi said in horror.

"They were all killed by me!" Xu Yu smiled faintly and directly released his aura at the same time. The two old guys were stunned and shocked, and they couldn't say anything for a long time.

"Beyond... the Giant Immortal King?" Lord Bird said in shock. At the same time, the birds on his shoulders widened their eyes and showed an incredulous look.

"Not bad." He nodded.

Later, he narrated what was going on in the foreign land. Liu Shen, Guzu and others had returned against the will of heaven and together with Xu Yu, they almost wiped out the foreign land, which shocked them even more.

"Red King, Wushang actually died in your hands?"

"The foreign land has damaged more than twenty immortal kings!"

The two of them were shocked. What a miracle this was, they couldn't imagine it. They clearly remembered that more than ten years ago, the person in front of them was just the pinnacle of humanity, but now he could kill giants!

This is even more powerful than at their peak!

"Could it be that you... have become emperor?" Uncle Jingbi trembled, his breathing quickening.

"It's not that far yet, but it's enough to suppress these people." Xu Yu said calmly.

These Dark Immortal Kings are just the cultivation of top Immortal Kings. How can they be enemies with him?

"After all, these people have meritorious service. Is it inappropriate to kill them rashly?" Master Bird asked suspiciously.

"No, some of them are originally dark creatures, dormant in the fairyland." Xu Yu said.

"What!" The two veterans were shocked.

"You'll know once you find out." Xu Yu said.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi frowned. Since the other party said so, he didn't say anything more.

Several people looked towards the dark cage in the depths at the same time.

It was very dark in the hall, but you could still see clearly. There was black mist floating in the air, some stone statues were cracked, and their bodies were all locked with iron chains and bound tightly.

Of course, those iron chains were transformed by order and principles, locking the stone statues and preventing them from breaking free.

If ordinary people were to approach this place, they would probably feel like they were being stared at by wild beasts. However, here in Xu Yu, they would not be affected at all.

The faint black mist filled the air, which was very terrifying. It had become more and more fierce over the years. No wonder the two people's condition was getting worse and worse, almost completely degenerating and sinking.

In addition to the stone statues, there is also a very strange altar. Each altar has a sealed earthen pot, there are ten of them, and there are former generals sealed there.

When several people approached the cage, they heard a terrible sound. Wow!

Black mist billowed like smoke, and the ten altars glowed with black light. The earthen jars began to shake and rattle, and a tragic aura emerged overwhelmingly, absorbing the soul.

At the same time, there was the sound of cold iron chains, which was almost piercing the soul, extremely terrifying.

Several stone statues suddenly opened their eyes, emitting the brilliance of kings, and lightning flew out of their pupils, which was extremely dazzling, staring at the three people.

"It's you……"

Several stone statues were indifferent. The young man in front of them had fought with them many times and used them to hone themselves. They also took action many times, but they did not kill the young man.


Xu Yu's eyes turned, the light flashed by, and all the suppressing power collapsed.

"How brave, you are looking for death!" A voice came from an earthen jar, and black mist floated. It was one of the generals who had revived.

"What a shameless clown!" Xu Yu snorted coldly.


Xu Yu wiped his hand, and the earthen jars on the ten altars were covered. The newly revived generals were also covered one by one. They completely collapsed before they could manifest themselves, turning into balls of blood mist.

"You really have some tricks, you actually dare to break the seal!" A stone statue laughed, not caring about the earthen jars. His dark soul was released, and it was so ferocious that Master Bird and Master Jingbi changed their expressions at the same time.

"The soul is intact, as it has always been, and it has indeed not been invaded." Xu Yu said coldly, with a dazzling light blooming in his eyes. He stared at them and found that they were indeed dark creatures in nature!

"Haha, that's right. Those idiots in the Immortal Realm really thought that we fell into the darkness. It's really ridiculous. We were originally dark creatures, dormant in the Immortal Realm, but they never discovered it." The Dark King laughed, The tragic atmosphere was overwhelming.

"What!" Master Bird and Master Jingbi's expressions suddenly darkened. It was just as Xu Yu guessed. Unexpectedly, darkness was dormant in the Immortal Realm, but the Immortal Realm had never noticed it!

Now it seems that the Immortal Realm is not the pure land in the legend. It is very likely that it has been riddled with holes corroded by darkness?

"Enough of the nonsense, let's turn around!" Xu Yu's attack came in an instant, like light and electricity, and in a moment, it was as if he was strolling in the courtyard.

He walked with great strides, making the heaven and earth rumble, like a fairy mountain collapsing, overturning the world, and the torrential blood energy was like a fairy sun rising slowly, absorbing people to the extreme.

The hands formed seals, from top to bottom, like a square of blue sky falling down. Many divine lights gathered here, shimmering and blazing, pressing down towards the Dark Immortal King.

"At least he's a giant!" The King of Darkness was shocked, his color changed completely, and he felt the vast aura.

I originally thought that no matter how defiant he was, he was just an ordinary Immortal King, but I didn't expect that his cultivation had reached this level!

The black mist rolled, and the Dark Immortal King struggled violently, and fell into pieces with a palm strike.

"Darkness is eternal, and all realms will return to ruins. Even the fairyland will return to darkness and turn into dust!"

"Darkness is everywhere!"

The creature roared, regrouped, and tried its best to resist, but it was still useless. Xu Yu took action again, the divine light illuminated the world, and the palm power was astonishing, killing him and turning him into powder.

"Si!" Master Bird and Master Jingbi took a deep breath. This method was too terrifying. They raised their hands to kill the Immortal King like this.

That Dark Immortal King, a supreme Immortal King, was wiped out like this, seemingly effortlessly.


The remaining Dark Immortal Kings have their livers and gallbladders broken. This is too terrifying. Killing the top Immortal Kings is like pulling weeds. How can they be defeated?

Xu Yu fell down in one step, and the stars moved, cutting off their way forward, and his eyes were disillusioned, like scriptures chanting to themselves, and the divine light soared into the sky.

There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, as if a heavenly craftsman was hammering a divine iron ingot, and a dazzling light suddenly exploded in the sky, rushing toward the remaining three Dark Immortal Kings.

The entire dark world seemed to be illuminated all of a sudden, as bright as the sun rising.

His Sendai suddenly showed extremely terrifying power, the combat power was doubled and superimposed, and the blazing light surged.

Puff puff!

All the black energy was evaporating, purified, and scattered in the sky and the earth. The three Dark Immortal Kings also exploded inch by inch. They were completely wiped out before they even had time to scream.

Then, his eyes returned to their normal state, just like ordinary people, extremely deep, but it made the two old guys tremble.

"It's amazing!" Master Bird and Master Jingbi were shocked. This was so unbelievable that they couldn't even imagine it!

There is no need to slowly destroy it, but the immeasurable fairy light emitted from the Immortal Platform can actually destroy the Dark Fairy King. What a heaven-defying method.

"Now that the darkness is gone, I will pick up your bodies and help them come back to life." Xu Yu said, looking at the two of them.

"What, you can resurrect the Immortal King!" The two of them were shocked, a little stunned, and some couldn't believe it.

"The six paths in my body have been successfully opened, which should be able to resurrect the two of them, and I know the location of their physical bodies." Xu Yu said.

Both of them sighed. They thought they would live in confusion for the rest of their lives, but they didn't expect that they would be able to recover. It made them both feel unreal, as if they were in a dream.

Later, Xu Yu left the Virtual God Realm, walked through three thousand states, crossed nine days, and came to the borderland.

Border wilderness, forest of beasts

This place is extremely mysterious, adjacent to a foreign land, and the terrain is very special. It is sealed by a large formation and has never changed.

The most important thing is that Foreign Realm and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have been suppressed by a large formation, and this place has always been quiet and quiet.

Xu Yu raised his eyes and looked up. Deep in the Forest of Heavenly Beasts, there was a Samsara Pond, filled with endless Buddha light, and the water in the pond was rippled.

"Reincarnation Pond..." Xu Yu couldn't help but be stunned and thought of a lot.

In the era of Emperor Luo, there was an ancient world of immortal monks. He once entered the pool of reincarnation there. I wonder what happened to that world now?

He knew that the Immortal Monk lineage was not only in the Immortal Monk Ancient World, but also in many major realms. They had their own traditions. Even the line led by the Immortal Monk King of Jiutian was just a branch of the Immortal Monk Ancient World. That’s all.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at this place.

The second best person in the world, Lord Bird, is here, chained with iron chains, with a rusty war spear stuck in his head. This is what suppressed him, and it was also a fatal wound. He is huge in size and has a pair of wings.

If you don't look carefully, it looks like a huge pangolin. It has thick scales and is all white, but its head looks like a dragon.

He doesn't look like a traditional dragon, but he is indeed a type of dragon.

This is the second best person in the world. When he first competed with the real dragon, they fought hard to separate him from each other. In the end, he lost with only half a move.

Later, in the last years of Immortal Ancient, it participated in the decisive battle and competed with the kings of foreign lands. In the end, it was seriously injured and dying, and fell here.


Xu Yu took action, turned his eyes, sparks flew everywhere, and a beam of light fell directly, breaking the iron chain, and the rusty war spear inserted in his head was forced out. With his current strength, he could do this This kind of thing is naturally very easy.


The next moment, the second best person in the world opened his terrifying eyes and let out a shocking roar that would have shattered an ordinary person or even a true immortal.

But Xu Yu was just wearing white clothes and staring at him with an extremely calm expression, making the second best person in the world roar and roar.


Next, six rays of divine light burst out and began to gather the remaining spirits in the world. Little bits of light rippled out and sank into their heads.

Not long after, there was news about No. 2 in the world.

"I... am back!" The second best person in the world opened his eyes. He no longer looked majestic, but looked a little wretched.

"It really worked!" The Second Under Heaven exclaimed. He didn't expect that he would be resurrected so quickly.

"There is one more." Xu Yu smiled.

"Yes, that old guy is in about the same condition as me." Number Two Under Heaven smiled, with white smoke billowing from his nostrils.

They came to the magic medicine forest outside the border wilderness, and soon found the Immortal Gold Taoist and prepared it according to the law.

Soon, Taoist Immortal Gold's eyebrows glowed, and many beams of light gathered from all directions and penetrated into his body. His aura suddenly became stronger.

With a swipe sound, he opened his eyes and shot out a terrifying golden beam, majestic and domineering.

"You don't know who I am until today!" Uncle Jingbi said.

Then, the sharp look in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he returned to his old and ungrateful demeanor in the virtual god world.

"The six paths in your body are really comparable to those of Sansheng Medicine. It's simply unbelievable." Both of them admired. (End of chapter)

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