
At this moment, the heaven and earth began to roar, and immeasurable light burst out.

Suddenly, a black light emerged from another direction in the sky and earth, like a black sun rising from the horizon, sweeping across the sky with ocean-like fluctuations.

Then, a black avenue, exuding black light, turned into a passage, from the end of the world to here. It seemed to contain a little bit of unknown aura, with layers of black air rippling out.

There was even a chilling and chilling air of death, and black mist billowing around, as if the end of the world was coming.

The world is silent, and it seems that the Nether Universe is connected to this world, and will overturn the great universe, taking all living beings on the reincarnation journey.

The three of them looked at the horizon at the same time.

Black mist filled the air, and the avenue emitting black light shook. Then, the three of them saw an extremely shocking scene.

There is a tomb at the end, which looks very huge. It stands on the edge of the earth, connects the heaven and the earth, connects the nothingness, and communicates the inexplicable space.

"That's... the Burial Domain!" The second best person in the world looked solemn, opened his big copper bell-like eyes, and said in surprise.

"Yes, it's the smell of burial soil." Immortal Gold Taoist also looked serious.

Burial Domain, eternal existence, independent of foreign lands and Jiutian, mysterious and powerful, under normal circumstances no one dares to provoke them.

Immediately afterwards, the heaven and earth shook violently, the tomb was shaking, and a gap appeared, as black as ink, as if it was connected to the most terrifying abyss.

A figure walked out of the crack, boundless in stature, wrapped in blazing light, with a divine and transcendent aura. This man was extremely powerful, with an aura comparable to that of an Immortal King. He turned out to be a Buried King!

Facing the three of them, he cupped his hands and said, "With the excuse of interrupting me, I would like to invite the three Immortal Kings to have a talk at the burial place."

The second best Taoist in the world, Immortal Gold Taoist, couldn't help but look at each other. They had just recovered and were a little confused. They didn't seem to have any interaction with the Burial Warriors clan.

The burial world is also a big world, independent of the Nine Heavens, Ten Lands and foreign lands. The strong ones are like rain and the cloud burial king is dormant. Their strength is amazing. Under normal circumstances, they will choose to stay dormant and will not come into contact with the outside world.

"Then go take a look." Xu Yu smiled faintly. He had never been to this burial world, but it made him a lot curious.

Since the Burial King took the initiative to invite him, it was probably not a bad thing.

Moreover, he doesn't have to worry about anyone being harmful to him. With his strength, he can control everything in the world except the ultimate place without any trouble.

Even if the most powerful person in the vast burial area, the Burial Master, wakes up from his dormant state, he can still look at it calmly.

"That's fine!" Taoist Immortal Gold No. 2 in the world nodded. As kings, they naturally had their confidence. Moreover, they were also curious as to why the Burial King invited them to go.

There were specks of black light. When they walked on the black road, their figures were disillusioned and disappeared from the Shenyao Mountains. Soon, they entered the burial area.

The depths of the burial area are completely different from what people imagined. Although there are densely packed ancient tombs, it is not weird. It looks more peaceful than the Immortal King's dojo. Endless light and rain fill the air, and the divine clouds flow. It is truly beautiful.

The area they came to was overflowing with light and auspiciousness. In front of a large tomb, various plants were growing, and the mist was steaming. It was very dreamy. They were all rare ancient medicines. Any one of them would be taken to Jiutian. Cause a stir.

In addition, in front of that tomb, there is a phoenix, which has lost a lot of fur. It protects the big tomb, but it does not look dark, but it is sacred, peaceful and amazing.

"Raise phoenixes as ordinary poultry!" Xu Yu's eyes moved slightly, revealing a strange color.

Rumor has it that there is a peerless strong man in the burial ground who has gained a great reputation in the world and raises phoenixes like chickens.

When the three Immortal Kings appeared, the peaceful burial area was immediately aroused. Many eyes were cast over, extremely surprised.

Then, the big tomb opened, and the phoenix opened the way, leading them into the cave. It was so gorgeous.

One by one, stalwart figures emerged, entangled in blazing light, surging and surging, looking even more extraordinary than the Immortal King.

The three great burial kings!

In addition to the funeral king who went to greet them, there were three funeral kings

The king appears.

"Everyone, please!" The three great burial kings looked at the three great immortal kings, slightly surprised, and then led a few people into the underground world and invited them to sit down.

But when they glanced at the No. 2 Taoist in the World and the Immortal Gold Taoist, their eyes shrank slightly, a little unbelievable.

Although they have been sleeping for a long time, Jiutian still knows some basic information. These two immortal kings clearly fell. They both died in the final years of the Immortal Ancient. How did they come back to life?

"You don't have to be surprised, it was Taoist friend Jiuyan who resurrected us." Taoist Xianjin said with a smile, seeming to see the doubts of several burial kings.

Resurrect the Immortal King!

The expressions of the several great burial kings were slightly stagnant. They couldn't believe their ears. Even the Immortal King could be resurrected. What kind of method was this? This was too outrageous!

"Could it be that my fellow Taoist has the ancient three-herb medicine from the Emperor's Fall era, which brings great luck." A burial king opened his mouth and asked with amazement,

Xu Yu shook his head, which shocked many Immortal Kings even more. It was not just three-life medicine that could resurrect the Immortal Kings, which suddenly made their imaginations wander.

"Everyone, it's a bit presumptuous to invite you here. I haven't introduced you yet, Huo Heng." The Burial King who was greeting them calmed down and introduced himself.

The remaining three burial kings also began to introduce themselves. They were Hanzhuo, Xukun, and Taimei. After the three burial kings, everyone bowed and started talking.

"My fellow Taoist has unparalleled divine power. He beheaded the Red King and killed Wushang. He is truly a man of heaven's will," King Xukun Burial said with emotion at first.

Xu Yu has made a great name in foreign lands. No one knows about it, not to mention a creature at the level of the Buried King, who knows it very well.

Killing the Red King, killing Wushang, defeating Kundi, and killing many immortal kings in a row, almost destroying more than half of the foreign land, is simply unprecedented, and perhaps no one will have such a glorious record in the future.

This terrifying combat power was once considered by them to be comparable to that of the Buried Lord. They even thought that this human race might become an emperor, but that was not certain. For them, this Immortal King was a person worth befriending.

And Taoist Immortal Gold, the second best person in the world, listened to the flattery of several burial kings, and now he understood that the main purpose of these burial kings was to come to Xu Yu.

Everyone chatted for a while and finally got to the point.

"The great reckoning is coming, I wonder what fellow Taoists have planned." One of them, the Buried King, asked, his eyes shining brightly as he looked at Xu Yu and the others.

"As soon as you come, make peace with it. If there are really a group of enemies around you, then use your body to establish the law and suppress the past, present and future with a pair of fists!"

Xu Yu said calmly, his eyes opened and closed, shining brightly, with wisps of divine light flowing out, giving him an astonishing confidence.

“Taoist friendly spirit!”

All the kings sighed, and their faces were moved. In any case, this seemingly young and strong man is indeed qualified to say such a thing. After all, his achievements are so brilliant that no one can compare with him in the entire ancient history.


"The burial place is transcendent and will last forever. It is the true pure land and will never be destroyed. Why are you worried?"

Xu Yu smiled faintly. At this moment, he vaguely understood the reason why King Burial invited him here.

"Fellow Taoist is joking. We speculate that this life is likely to be the weirdest and most terrifying era. The great liquidation may be more than that simple. What we see and hear in the future may not be true. We call it He is - Luan Gu!"

"The heavens are sinking, and the reckoning is coming. There may be another era change. The past, the disappeared, and the unknown will eventually come back. We hope to join forces with Jiutian to resist the great reckoning in the future." King Xukun Burial said seriously.

"Okay, I agree..." Xu Yu pondered for a moment, thought for a moment, and then said this.

Indeed, the future is full of dangers. Use all the people who can be allies as much as possible. The great reckoning is coming, and it is very likely that it will explode within hundreds of thousands of years. What's more, Xu Yu knew that the liquidation was not that easy to survive.

Even the alliance between Jiutian and the stolen land, coupled with the Immortal Domain, is still beyond its capabilities.

After all, this life is different from the previous turmoil. Not only will it affect the heavens, but even the creatures above the Immortal King will jump out to participate in the reckoning in this era.

Faced with this situation, even Xu Yu dare not say that he can survive the future turmoil, so joint burial sites are still necessary, such as to compete with foreign lands.

Now, to a certain extent, he can be regarded as the leader of Nine Heavenly Beings, so he naturally has the right to speak and make decisions.

"I would venture to ask, why don't you choose to unite with the Immortal Realm?" Suddenly, the Immortal Gold Taoist said this.

"Immortal Realm, hehe, they are very strong, but they are not our first choice for alliance..." A Burial King said with a smile.

Everyone's expressions changed, and there seemed to be something in his words, as if they looked down on the Immortal Realm.

"How many outstanding people fell from the Immortal Realm and were trapped in the lower world, and they still can't go back. Such allies make it difficult for us..." Xukun Burial King Youyou said, and it was very clear.

Xu Yu and the three of them all sighed, but the Immortal Realm is rotten. There are too many people who are in the camp of flies and dogs. Many creatures who were ordered to fight against the enemy's lower realm are not allowed to go back. They can only establish their own restricted areas. Their reputation is very poor and they are not popular with other big people The world is waiting to be seen.

The second best person in the world, Taoist Immortal Gold, also nodded with approval. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that it would not be a bad idea to form an alliance with Burial Domain for the time being.

"Of course, if fellow Taoists can unify the Immortal Realm in the future, it may not be impossible for us to form an alliance with them."

Another fairy king said a joke, and everyone laughed.

"Have you reached a unified burial place?" Suddenly Master Bird asked a key question. There are more than just four kings in the burial place.

Moreover, the burial place usually looks like it has been dormant for a long time and is indifferent to the world. However, it has always been relatively close to foreign lands, which has to make them solemn.

"Don't worry fellow Taoists, we have basically reached an agreement. We believe that Jiutian has greater potential and is worthy of joining forces to resist the great liquidation." Taimei Burial King also spoke and admitted frankly.

"With your Taoist friend's appearance, you may have a chance to become emperor in the future." King Zhuo Han said with a smile.

Xu Yu laughed dumbly. It turned out that the treasure of the burial place was placed on them, and they valued his amazing potential.

But it makes sense when you think about it. After all, a few of them have almost killed Foreign Land, and there are several giants with endless potential. Foreign Land is now half disabled, so it is natural to choose them.

Even though some of the Burial Kings were on good terms with the Immortal King of Foreign Land, facing reckoning and facing the future of their ethnic group, they had to make truly wise decisions.

I have to say, this is very true and very wise! Xu Yu looked at the buried kings with distant eyes, a little speechless, thinking secretly.

If a period of time passes, they may not have the chance to make a choice, and the foreign land may be destroyed by him at any time.

But having said that, no matter what, Burial Ground is also a powerful force. Although it is also a group born under the origin of ancient artifacts, it is still worthy of alliance.

"I would also like to ask fellow Taoist to help me with my burial place, so that my burial place owes you a favor." Zhuo Han Burial King said solemnly,

"Please come," Xu Yu said calmly, waiting for him to speak.

"It is said that during the battle in a foreign land, fellow Taoist not only faced the ancient artifacts of foreign origin, but also opened the ancient artifacts of foreign origin. I wonder if fellow Taoist can help our clan and see clearly what is contained in the ancient artifacts of our clan. "

"Origin of ancient artifacts, what does your lineage have to do with it?" Immortal Gold Taoist's eyes opened and closed, and a golden light shot out, a little surprised.

"Origin ancient artifacts created my lineage of Buried Warriors!" You Buried King said, very calmly and directly.

"You should know that there is also an ancient artifact of origin in a foreign land. Fellow Taoist Master Ji Yan should be aware of it." The Burial King continued.

Afterwards, the Burial King continued to tell many secrets.

For example, Foreign Land Attack Jiutian has been looking for something, a seed, a seed that can unlock the ancient artifact of origin.

The ancient artifacts of origin created the Buried Warriors and the foreign land. According to the Buried King, although the two ancient artifacts had different origins, the results were the same, creating two powerful clans.

The lineage of Buried Warriors is derived from this. Many Buried Kings achieved the status of Buried Kings after being exposed to ancient artifacts in their youth.

The first Burial Warrior was a corpse. After coming into contact with the ancient artifact of origin, it turned into a Golden Burial Warrior, and later grew into a Burial King.

The funeral warriors that followed were bred from the first few burial warriors.

However, the origin of the ancient artifact is very special and can turn people into golden burials. Moreover, there are various dangers in doing so, and not everyone can succeed.

And he also talked about foreign lands. There was once a creature who was just a mortal, but unexpectedly became a super evolved person. In the end, his soul seemed not to belong to him, and he advanced by leaps and bounds, and finally turned into an immortal king.

Two origin ancient artifacts, one touches a living person, and the other touches a corpse. This is indeed evil and mysterious.

Taoist Immortal Gold and the second best person in the world were all shocked and inexplicable. They did not expect that the Burial Warriors clan had such an astonishing origin.

Xu Yu's expression was calm, and he naturally knew everything, but there were still some details that he didn't know, so he was listening quietly at this moment.

"No need to check, I already know that among the ancient artifacts, there is an imperial crown." Xu Yu said calmly,

"Emperor Crown!

Several burial kings were in a daze, and then stood up suddenly, extremely excited. If the imperial crown is opened, will there be hope of becoming an emperor?

Why have you practiced for so long? Isn’t it just to achieve the goal of Burying the Emperor?

Being illuminated by the ancient artifact of origin, there is a chance to become a burial king. If it is turned on, is there any hope of becoming an emperor?

Now, I learned that there was an imperial crown inside.

"Don't be excited. To be precise, it should be the imperial crown of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor!"

Quasi-immortal emperor!

Several top burial kings were shocked again, and then Xu Yu quoted the concept of quasi-immortal emperor to them. This was also the first time they learned about the term quasi-immortal emperor.

However, he did not say anything about the true origin of the imperial crown. After all, it involved darkness, which made him cautious and had to be vigilant and keep some mystery.

It was difficult for several Buried Kings to question him carefully, but Xu Yu's weight in their hearts became increasingly important.

After lingering for a while, Xu Yu and the others said goodbye to several great burial kings. It was time for them to make preparations and go to the Immortal Realm soon.

"Origin ancient artifacts should not be touched easily."

Before leaving, Xu Yu warned, and several people nodded solemnly, but Xu Yu was obviously overly worried. Even though they regarded the ancient artifact as a real sacred object, they did not dare to touch it with him at will.

Several people stayed away from the burial soil, left the wilderness, and came to Jiutian again. When Xu Yu reached Wuliangtian, he suddenly stopped.

In front of them, there was a divine peak with an ancient cave in the center. It was very grand and deep. The cave was filled with flames and extremely bright. When Xu Yu stared at it, he saw a familiar figure... (End of this chapter)

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