The ancient cave is faint and the firelight dances.

The terrain here is complex, with many forks in the road that connect to everywhere like spider webs. This is an underground palace.

The ancient cave contains the universe, and a figure appeared, which immediately attracted Xu Yu's attention. It was an acquaintance.

He sat upright on the futon, his back was majestic and majestic. He seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were as sharp as lightning in the firelight, and the electric light swept away, forcing back all the flames.

"Unexpectedly, there is a Kunpeng in this era." The second best person in the world said in surprise.

"It's not simple. This Kunpeng seems to have something to do with the Ten Evils of the past. His aura is very extraordinary. He should have received some degree of great fortune here." Taoist Immortal Gold also spoke.

"I've met senior!"

In an instant, the man rushed out. He was of medium height, with light golden hair. He carried a pair of wings, with chaotic energy and terrifying light intertwined, like a vast ocean, endlessly.

It’s exactly—Kunpengzi!

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Kun Pengzi was practicing in this boundless sky.

At the beginning, we parted ways in the upper realm and had not seen him for a long time. It is said that he later went to Bianhuang Emperor Pass, but he was nowhere to be seen until now.

"Have you broken through to the Supreme Level?"

Xu Yu was slightly surprised, his eyes moved, and he realized that Kun Pengzi's current state was actually a creature in the supreme realm. He had achieved a transformation in life levels, and his external strength was even more amazing than the original Immortal Ancient World.

Logically speaking, Kun Pengzi's talent was somewhat deficient, and it would be difficult for him to make a crucial breakthrough without an unexpected opportunity.

Even though Xu Yu once helped restore some of his origins, after all, he was only the Great Emperor at that time, and his strength was limited, but there was no way to eliminate his shortcomings. There was no reason to break through to the Supreme Sovereign so quickly.

"There is a senior in the fire cave here who helped me and fulfilled me..." Kun Pengzi sighed softly, seeming to see his confusion, and sighed.

"This fire cave is extraordinary. It seems to be the residence of a certain ancient figure. You are not talking about the person who left this fire cave, are you?" Taoist Xianjin speculated as he grew older.

"Senior is right, this fire cave once belonged to the emperor of our clan." Kun Pengzi said.

"Emperor Kunpeng!"

Several people's expressions changed at the same time. They all knew that only the strongest person in a clan is qualified to be the emperor!

"Yes, Emperor Kunpeng, some people call him King Kunpeng!" Kunpengzi added.

King Kunpeng!

When he came to Wuliangtian for training, he accidentally fell into this fire cave and met King Kunpeng from two eras ago.

For ordinary people, this name may be unfamiliar, but for people of Kunpeng's lineage, they will naturally know it.

This is an existence that is older than the Ten Fierce Kunpengs, a true king of the generation, and a true Immaculate Immortal King!

Then, Xu Yu's eyes fell on a simple ring in Kun Pengzi's finger.

The ring was very simple, nothing could be seen, it had no luster, it was made of an unknown material, and it was navy blue overall.

It looks like it is made of polished blue stone. It has no aesthetic feeling and is a bit rough.

"It's a pity that the senior who helped me fulfill my destiny has already run out of energy..." Kun Pengzi looked at the ring in his hand, feeling a little sad.

Xu Yu's eyes moved and looked into the space inside the ring.

There was a humanoid creature inside, skin and bones, frighteningly dry, and completely charred black. Except for a layer of skin, it seemed to look no different from a skeleton.

In addition, this creature also has a pair of wings with a slight metallic luster. Although most of them are burnt black, there is still a little golden light.

King Kunpeng!

It’s hard to imagine that this skeleton-like creature was the all-powerful Emperor Kunpeng two epochs ago!

Emperor Kunpeng, also known as King Kunpeng, has been dead for a long time, and what is left is just some obsessions.

To a certain extent, he is similar to Dao Yin, but his situation is better than that of Dao Yin, the lord of the restricted area. Although he has a skeleton body, it is relatively complete after all, while Dao Yin only has a head left. , and the everlasting obsession.

Today's King Kunpeng has his last obsession.

However, when he rescued Kun Pengzi, his obsession also consumed a lot. Now there is only a little bit left, and he can't even communicate. The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, and it seems that it will completely disappear at any time, but in Xu Yu's case , there is indeed a chance of salvation!

call out!

Xu Yu pointed his finger and exerted a powerful traction force. The skeleton of King Kunpeng appeared with a golden body, a majestic aura, and golden wings on his back.

The soul is back!

The six divine lights in his body rotated, the aura of life and death circulated, and the remaining spirits from heaven and earth gathered together bit by bit and sank into King Kunpeng's head. The little bits of brilliance condensed, making it appear mysterious and unpredictable.

Between heaven and earth, strands of remnant spirits are quietly returning, submerging themselves into the soul of his head, and his breath is gradually getting stronger, no longer as breathless as a thread.

A few days later, King Kunpeng's flesh and blood began to swell, his bones hummed, and there was a bright light. Not long after, a powerful vitality emerged.

The second best person in the world, Immortal Gold Taoist, was all dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. This King Kunpeng was a creature from two eras ago, and he could actually be saved against the odds.

As for Kun Pengzi, he was even more shocked. After more than ten years of seeing him, he had achieved the supreme position, but the senior in front of him seemed to be even more unfathomable. Even the Immortal King could be saved. What state had he reached?

King Kunpeng suddenly opened his eyes, filled with light golden light. He looked a little unbelievable and confused as to how he survived.

It didn't take long for him to understand the cause and effect of everything. It was the Immortal King in front of him who saved him.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" King Kunpeng saluted solemnly and sincerely.

Originally, he was just an obsession that was about to dissipate. His body was densely covered with wounds, but now he is beginning to come back to life.

Although his remaining spirit has not been completely condensed and his physical body is incomplete, after all, he has the corresponding carrier, which is much better than the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and the three old monsters.

"Senior..." Kunpengzi was pleasantly surprised. It couldn't be better for King Kunpeng to revive.

Although it was only an initial recovery and he was still far from reaching his peak, it was enough to defy the odds. Perhaps it would not be long before he could return to his peak state again.

"The sea has changed, the ancient world has changed, and I don't know what will happen now!" King Kunpeng naturally had endless emotions when he recovered.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist!" Taoist Immortal Gold, the second best person in the world, spoke up and congratulated King Kunpeng.

King Kunpeng became solemn when he heard this and nodded in return to the two Immortal Kings.

Several Immortal Kings chatted, they all belonged to the Jiutian camp, and they quickly became familiar with each other.

King Kunpeng also learned about the changes in the world today and the situation in all aspects. He was filled with emotion for a while. It was true that times had changed, and even foreign lands were half disabled.

Suddenly, Xu Yu's mind moved slightly. He remembered that there were still some things that he had not dealt with, so he took this opportunity and solved them completely.

He said goodbye to King Kunpeng, Number Two in the World, and Taoist Immortal Gold for the time being, and asked Kunpengzi and them to return to the lower realm first.

"It's time to go to the Land of Reincarnation."

Xu Yu whispered that the place of reincarnation was the world behind the Primordial Gate. It was in the Three Life Stones left by the ancient monks that he spent a hundred thousand years and broke through to the War Immortal.

In that place, many supreme and true immortal-level creatures were trapped. This was a good force that was worth rescuing. It would definitely be a big help in the future.

His body was wrapped with a faint fairy light, clouds of smoke were rising from his feet, chasing the wind and lightning, and it didn't take long for him to arrive.

The land of reincarnation!

Once upon a time, most of this place had to be called no man's land. For many people, it was a dangerous ancient land, full of killing and unknown.

When he entered the Primordial Gate, he was still at the highest level of strength, but now that he is at the limit of Immortal King, there is nothing to worry about.

There is no sun, no moonlight, it is always dim and dark.

Only a corner of the lead clouds in the sky occasionally leaked out, manifesting a few stars, and little bits of light were faintly visible.

However, most of the time, this is a black and white world, without any brilliant brilliance, and silence and darkness are the eternal themes. When he came here, the order of heaven and earth that stripped away the soul could no longer affect him. The Dao Fruit of his Immortal King Limit was enough to offset these negative effects.

The runes in his eyes were blazing, and the astonishing fairy light flowed, so brilliant that all the black mist was pierced, and the light became obvious and illuminated the heavens.

Many memories emerged, including the lineage of ancient monks in the land of reincarnation, the true immortal Jinglong who left the Tongtian Tower, the white-haired supreme Jinghong from the immortal realm, the girl Yunjin who accidentally lost this world...

More than ten years later, I don’t know if the girl from back then has returned to her ancient world.

The scene of heaven and earth can be seen at a panoramic view. This ancient land is full of corpses, all in a state of being deprived of their souls, and it is still the same as before.

Then, his eyes were blazing, and the divine light exploded, illuminating one channel after another, manifesting at the feet of many supreme beings and true immortals.

"That's... the Immortal King is waiting for me to return!"

In many dark and gloomy places, many creatures revived and opened their eyes, revealing incredible eyes.

"He is...that person!" Many people trembled as they recognized Xu Yu.

Many true immortals and supreme beings were trembling. They had been trapped here for countless years and finally had a chance to get out. They all wanted to scream in the sky to express their excitement.

Xu Yu closed his head. Most of these people were Nine Heavenly Beings and could become the backbone of a world in the future.

"I've seen the Immortal King!" The black crowd of supreme and true immortals kowtowed with great respect.

"Where is Jinghong Supreme?"

Xu Yu closed his head slightly and glanced around with his eyes, but he did not find Jinghong, the white-haired young man from the Immortal Realm.

When he became the Quasi-Immortal King, many geniuses did not dare to approach him. Only one Jinghong dared to approach him, which left a deep impression on him.

"Report to the Immortal King, Jinghong Supreme disappeared more than ten years ago." A Supreme said.

"Disappeared?" Xu Yu frowned slightly.

"Maybe he encountered a crack in the void!" someone speculated.

Xu Yu nodded, not ruling out this possibility. After scanning a few times again, his eyes fell on many supremes and true immortals.


At this moment, an immortal aura came here, and Xu Yu noticed a familiar aura.

Many True Immortals and Supremes also turned to look.

"is her……"

"The True Immortal of Yunjin!"

"Isn't she already out of the land of reincarnation?"

"Why did you come back again?"

Back then, Xu Yu gave up her place to escape from the Land of Reincarnation to Yun Jin, freeing her from the prison-like life in the Land of Reincarnation.

I originally thought that the other party must have returned to his ancient world, but I never thought that we would meet again so soon.

Xu Yu looked at Yun Jin who fell in front of him and was speechless for a while. He thought he would never have a chance to meet him again.

But they didn't expect that just a few decades later, they would meet again.

"My ancient world has been destroyed!"

As soon as they met, Yun Jin's first words left Xu Yu speechless.

According to his previous conversation with Yun Jin, she was personally sent to the land of reincarnation by her father more than a million years ago when she first set foot in the realm of immortality.

"When I just escaped from the land of reincarnation, I used a secret method to contact my father, and the result..."

"In the end, I found my father's remnants... Our world suffered a catastrophic disaster in hundreds of thousands of years. An ancient beast of unknown origin attacked our world..."

"Many masters from all realms had no place to resist in front of that ferocious beast. Even the entire realm was destroyed by that ancient realm!"

After saying this, Yun Jin burst into tears.

"How could an entire ancient world be destroyed by an ancient beast!"

"How is it possible? Even the Immortal King can't do it!"

Hearing Yun Jin's words, the other true immortals and supreme beings were also shocked.

You must know that the ancient world to which Yunjin belongs is not an ordinary small world.

Although it is not as good as the Immortal Realm, there are also several Immortal Kings sitting there, and their strength is considered to be powerful. Even the broken Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cannot compare with it.

But I never thought that an ancient beast would destroy it. So how powerful is that ancient beast?

But Xu Yu remembered one thing, that is, when he was traveling in the Boundary Sea before, he also encountered a lost ancient beast.

According to the memory of that ancient beast, its ancient world was destroyed by a Nine Nether Demon.

Perhaps, Yunjin's ancient world and that ancient beast are the same.

"Later, I traveled in the Boundary Sea. Maybe there was something guiding me from somewhere. Unknowingly, I returned here again!"

Hearing Yun Jin's words, Xu Yu felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, which reminded him of his immortal emperor who covered the sky and space.

When he was young, he accidentally fell into a crack in the fairyland that was rare in a million years, so he fell into the mortal world and determined to return to the fairyland.

At the end of the myth, he understood the emperor's conspiracy and secretly borrowed the Kunlun Immortal Bell. During the heavenly ascension event, he used the body of an unenlightened person to mercilessly attack and kill the emperor, and then declared himself the source of immortality for ten thousand years.

After he was born, he successfully became enlightened and became the most powerful person in the final years of mythology. He changed his former mythical status and named himself the emperor, thus starting the ancient era.

During his reign, he arrogantly looked down upon the world and looked down upon the heavens. He was regarded as the supreme god by all races in the ancient times, so that those who became enlightened in later generations followed suit and took the name of the Emperor.

In order to survive in the human world and wait for the road to immortality to begin and return to the immortal realm, many ancient and modern emperors were secretly attacked to bathe in the emperor's blood and reborn in Nirvana. The dojo was blasted to pieces by the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor.

Later, he faced the Emperor Wushi, and sat opposite each other for two thousand years at the node of Yinghuo's path to immortality. In the end, the Emperor passed into nirvana and turned into a flesh ball. The Emperor Wushi did not live long enough to enter a strange world with immortal matter.

In the end, he was liquidated by Ye Fan and others in the strange world and failed to return to the fairyland.

Returning to his thoughts, Xu Yu then looked at Yun Jin and said to her: "If you are willing, you can return to Jiutian with me!"

Although Xu Yu's starting point was not so upright, it was a good choice for homeless Yun Jin.

The ancient world was destroyed, and there were countless strong people in the world sea. With Yunjin's realm, it was naturally impossible to survive in the vast world sea.

Maybe one day he will be killed by other fallen kings, or he may get lost in the boundary sea.

Therefore, facing Xu Yu's invitation, Yun Jin naturally agreed.

Then, he waved his sleeves, time fragments flew, and a golden avenue ran through the world, taking everyone away from this place and back to Jiutian.

All the Supreme Beings and True Immortals were so excited that they bid farewell to Xu Yu one after another and promised to let him drive him if necessary. (End of chapter)

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