After everyone left, only Xu Yu and Yun Jin were left.

"I want to visit the Jiutian Ancient World first." Yun Jin did not go back with Xu Yu immediately, but chose to visit this world first.

She embarked on a nine-day journey.

Xu Yu chose respect. Not long after, Xu Yu passed through the crossroads of Yin and Yang again and came to the lower world.

The nine heavens and ten earths, all the ancient worlds, have been quiet and peaceful recently, because the danger of the borderlands has disappeared.

Today, the world, whether it is the high-altitude Jiutian or the relatively remote Shidi, is actively cultivating the next generation of elites.

And the Immortal King Zhenyan, who has become famous, has led a group of geniuses to practice in various places, and has become a good story.

Of course, recently, there has been another uproar in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The supreme beings and true immortals who had disappeared for many years from various tribes in the nine heavens and ten lands have returned, shocking the world.

Many of them are considered to be the ancestors, founders, and immortals of the same lineage. They were originally thought to have died, but they reappeared in the human world, which surprised many ethnic groups.

Of course, Xu Yu was the one behind all this, and this name was also mentioned, which amazed many people.

Xu Yu didn't pay attention to these things, but instead observed the progress of the cultivation of the geniuses.

In the lower realm, Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings, Banished Immortal and others tempered themselves in the dry world and created a solid foundation for the Tao.

In this way, a few years passed in a hurry.

"Report to the Immortal King."

One day, in Jiutian, some old men from Xianyuan and Shengyuan contacted Xu Yu through special channels and informed him of some news.

Someone came down to the Immortal Realm, but they didn’t stay for a long time. After some exploration, they returned to the upper realm again.

Xu Yu was a little surprised. According to the normal trajectory, at this time in the Immortal Realm, servants should be sent to select some of Jiutian's traditions and elves to enter the Immortal Realm.

"They came in a hurry, but then left in a hurry. The gate of the fairyland was closed again, but I don't know why." The old man of the fairy garden said.

People coming from the Immortal Realm hurriedly went down to the realm, and then hurriedly returned! This is big news,

Of course, this news has not been spread, and many people still don't know it. Only some immortal dynasties and immortal families have received fragmentary news.

They are all extremely regretful. They yearn for the Immortal Realm because there are true immortals there and there are many sources of Taoism and ancestral bloodlines. Naturally, they want to enter that world.

"Since they don't open the Immortal Gate, let's open it ourselves!" Xu Yu said lightly.

The two old men from Xianyuan and Shengyuan were suddenly startled, their hearts were horrified, and their expressions changed at the same time.

Does the Immortal King want to forcefully seize the gate of heaven and set foot in the immortal realm?

Although the Immortal King in front of him seems to be extremely peaceful, he seems to have a murderous intention, which is restrained but not released. If it is touched, the sky will collapse and the earth will burst into chaos!

"You guys, you can also be prepared, you will enter the Immortal Realm at any time." These were the words he left to the two old men, and what he asked him to bring to Jiutian.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there are still many supreme figures who are trapped in the environment of heaven and earth. Many people are restricted and cannot enter the fairyland. If they reach the fairyland, there may be many more.

Meng Tianzheng is even more extraordinary. If he enters the Immortal Realm and does not suppress his realm, he will most likely break through on the spot.

Later, Xu Yu returned to Shicun and told many immortal kings about the matter. Some people from the immortal realm had gone down to the realm and quickly turned back without staying long.

"Jedi Tiantong, oh, the Immortal Realm has made a good plan to close the world and let us bear the brunt. No matter it is the end of heaven and earth, an attack from a foreign land, or the fall of darkness, there are so many Immortal Kings, using Jiutian as the battlefield, they You can sit back and relax in the Immortal Realm.”

Jin Maohou said in a deep voice, his eyes flickering. He was resentful towards the Immortal Realm. At the same time, he also came from the Immortal Realm, so he naturally knew the evil spirits in it.

The Immortal Realm is used to being aloof and treats other worlds like ant dust. It has never looked down on it. In order to so-called protect the ancient world, it has done a lot of dirty things.

Jinmaohou was abandoned in this world at the beginning, and was ordered not to go back. He had no choice but to create a restricted area, feeling frustrated and isolated from the world.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have long wanted to enter the Immortal Realm. Now that someone is advocating it, how can he not be excited.

The kings nodded, convinced that they were all old monsters who had lived for countless years. They figured it out almost instantly and knew what the current fairyland was planning.

"Since they are unwilling to open the Heavenly Gate, then fight in!" Liu Shen said calmly, the light in his clear and beautiful eyes was extremely captivating.

Xu Yu closed her head and knew the past. Liu Shen was once a giant of the Immortal King. Her fighting power shocked the past and present. With her strong strength, Liu Shen once entered a foreign land alone.

However, this battle also caused Liu Shen to be seriously injured. In order to recover from his injuries, Liu Shen chose Nirvana to be reborn. However, soon the news that Liu Shen was going to undergo Nirvana healing reached the Immortal Realm.

Immortal King Ao Sheng and others heard that these people had a personal grudge against Liu Shen, so they did not want Liu Shen to recover completely, so in order to prevent Liu Shen, the three immortal kings took action together, so Liu Shen had to turn into a seed to come. In the lower realm, the willow god of the lower realm takes root in the stone village in the form of a willow tree.

"In the past, during the battle in the last years of Immortal Ancient, if the Immortal Realm could have given more help, the defeat might not have been so tragic." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan sighed lightly,

"In that case, then enter the Immortal Realm!" King Kunpeng said solemnly.

The second best Taoist in the world, Immortal Gold, nodded and said he could go on his way.

Not long after, the owner of the restricted area appeared and expressed his willingness to go with him.

"In the Immortal Realm, it's not bad to revisit the old place." Daoyin, who was dressed in white, Shengxue Feng, and as divine as jade, spoke like this.

"I'm willing to go too!"

An altar is only three feet high. There are three living objects placed on it, namely a golden bone palm, a bleeding eyeball, and a crystal skull, all of which express their wishes.

Soon, all the geniuses got the news and were extremely excited.

A group of young prodigies are so excited that they are about to enter the Immortal Realm. They have been practicing for many years and have never entered the Immortal Realm.

After practicing in the lower realm for a period of time, they gained a lot and solidified their Tao foundation. It was equivalent to planting Tao in their bodies in advance before the End of the Dharma Age, waiting for it to take root and sprout in the future and grow into towering trees.

At this moment, there were violent earthquakes in the nine heavens and ten places. The two old men in the Immortal Academy and the Holy Academy conveyed the decree issued by Xu Yu, causing the crowd to surge.

The kings will travel through the Immortal Realm, and all those who wish can follow. This is an amazing event!

Soon, many immortal forces and ancient dynasties responded, such as Jietian Dao, Butian Dao and other forces gathered to respond and were willing to follow the kings.

More importantly, a group of supreme beings and true immortals who had returned from the Land of Reincarnation were extremely eager, leading their own ethnic groups to come in force and gather in Sanqianzhou.

When the group of kings entered Sanqianzhou, many forces were already waiting for them in Sanqianzhou with banners covering the sky. They were all strong men from various races, led by true immortals and supreme figures from various races.

Xu Yu glanced around and saw many acquaintances, including supreme beings from the Nine Heavens, such as Old Man Meng Tianzheng Qingmu, as well as true immortals and supreme beings who had been rescued by him from the Land of Reincarnation.

"I'm coming too!

Zhu Zu came from the Nine Heavens. His body was tall and long, his hair was disheveled, his face was extremely handsome, and his eyes were filled with fairy light. On the other side, there were two people standing side by side with Zu Zu.

A creature with wings that split the sky, like clouds hanging from the sky, filled with blood, and eyes like two blood moons, extremely fascinating, it is the fallen blood phoenix!

Next to him was an old Taoist wearing an ancient Taoist robe. His beard and hair were all white, his face was thin, and his body was thin. Lord of the Valley of Rebirth!

Xu Yu was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the owner of the restricted area would also come. This Valley of the Past was a forbidden area in Jiutian. The owner of the Valley of the Past accidentally got a corner of the reincarnation disk. When Xu Yu and others entered the restricted area, he was also very surprised. I happily returned the Samsara Disk, thus forming a good relationship with everyone.

"I have met you fellow Taoists!" The Master of the Valley of Rebirth smiled, and the Immortal Kings returned the favor.

The nine heavens and ten earth were trembling. People did not expect to see such a magnificent spectacle. All the supreme beings and true immortals gathered together, and all the immortal kings gathered to enter the immortal realm!

"Let's go!" Xu Yu waved his hand and gave the order.

A sonorous war song has been played, and the battle in the fairyland has begun! Since the Immortal Sect does not manifest itself, then take the initiative to penetrate him!

Normally speaking, after the destruction of the Immortal Ancient, the connection between the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to the Immortal Realm is not deep, and they may not even know the location of the passage, but who are these Immortal Kings and know many unknown secrets.

Not long after, under the guidance of several veteran immortal kings, everyone came to a passage connecting the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to the Immortal Realm.

Soon, a stone gate stood in front of them, seeming to suppress the four ends of the world and freeze the vast universe. The magnificent stone gate, with its brilliant texture, then became lustrous and brilliant. Even the stars, in front of this stone gate, felt like As light as ant dust.

Behind this stone gate is a big world, extremely vast, but now it is blocked, disconnected from the outside world, and no one can enter.

At this moment, nine heavenly beings arrived in front of this ancient immortal gate!


Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and a blazing light burst out and penetrated the stone door. It seemed to illuminate the past, present and future. All the patterns and principles gradually appeared.


The next moment, a city gate appeared, and a vast city wall was located there, suppressing the universe and stars.

It is simply too majestic. It stands in front of the sea of ​​stars, shaking the past, suppressing the current world, and overlooking the future. It is unshakable and carries a very strong celestial energy.

In fact, it is just a section of the city gate tower, and the exposed city wall looks boundless. Compared to its body, it is only a very short part.


The next moment, the stone gate turned crystal clear.

Some creatures appeared, especially on that city wall, a group of soldiers were wearing strong armor, their bodies covered with thick armor, and they were full of murderous intent.

"Who is knocking on the gate of the Immortal Fortress?" Suddenly a loud voice rang out, shaking the heaven and earth with a roar, and blazing fairy light emerged overwhelmingly.

"The kings of the Nine Heavens are about to enter the Immortal Realm, please turn the switch quickly to pass." A supreme leader shouted.

"Jedi Tiantong, now is not the right time, nor the right place, nor a good time to open the Immortal Realm." The voice replied.

"Why are you pretending to have all the kings gathered here? Even the Immortal Realm can't be proud of it! If you offend the Immortal King, you will definitely die without a burial place!"

Before the kings of the group could speak, Jin Maohou, who was the vanguard, let out a fox roar, and the blazing light surged, forming a vast and terrifying pressure that made everyone in Xianguan change their color.

Xu Yu, Liu Shen, Jin Maohou, Cricket Ancestor and True Dragon

Many immortal kings and so on stood side by side, with divine rainbows and auspicious colors surrounding them, and the sacred aura overflowed.

Golden lotuses grow in the sky, spiritual springs emerge from the earth, and purple energy steams from the sky, majestic and endless.

The kings gathered together, and even God recognized their Dao fruit, and sent down shocking visions.

"My lords, Immortal Kings, I'm sorry. We have been ordered by Immortal King Ao Sheng to station in this world and monitor the heavens. It's not yet the time for the Immortal Gate to open, so you should go back."

The voice spoke with a surge of immortal energy. He was a quasi-immortal king stationed here.

"Ao Sheng, hum! He is so brave. Who can stop us from entering the Immortal Realm? Where was he when we were fighting bloody battles in foreign lands?"

Zhu Zu, his hair is disheveled, his eyes are sometimes turbulent, and his whole person is fierce, like a sharp fairy sword, with a breathtaking edge.

Everyone was surprised. Zhu Zu now seemed to be a different person from the foreign land. He seemed to have been dormant and suppressed for too long, and now he needed to be released.

Moreover, Zhu Zu is one of the Ten Evils. Being named evil, basically no one has a really good temper. Now that he is rejected, he is naturally very angry.

Even the true dragon, who only had obsession left, was ready to move, his eyebrows were sharp, and he seemed to be unable to resist taking action.

"So that's it, this Immortal Gate is actually engraved with the Dao marks of the kings." Liu Shen whispered, looking at the Immortal Realm City Gate in front of him.

She stood proudly, with flawless snow clothes, as bright as the moon, with wisps of white mist filling the air. There were three thousand light groups around her, which was one world after another!

Her eyes were a little cold, and she sensed the aura that this portal was blessed by kings, including the handiwork of Ao Sheng, Taishi, Yuanchu and others.

"I don't know what the kings in the upper realm want to do, so don't make things difficult for me below." The quasi-immortal king sighed, feeling helpless.

With so many Immortal Kings here, one can imagine how much pressure he, a quasi-king, must bear. Even though there are all the Dao Marks of the Kings surrounding this place, he feels as if his body will be shattered at any time.

"Crush Ling Xiao, right now!" Xu Yu said lightly. The next moment, his breath burst out. Instead of opening the door, he just broke through the door and entered.


Xu Yu's pupils suddenly opened, a violent aura surged, and the blazing fairy light burst out, illuminating the heaven and earth.

In an instant, the scene in front of the Immortal Gate reflected the heavens and was felt by the creatures in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Each one was extremely surprised and looked at it in disbelief.


The next moment, chaos intertwined, fairy light overflowed, and the immortal gate that was said to last forever exploded.

"How...possible!" The pupils of the quasi-immortal king contracted violently, and he was extremely shocked. This immortal sect has been blessed by many kings recently, and it is actually too shocking to be unable to match the gaze of the immortal king in front of him.

Even the kings who were traveling with him were extremely shocked. They couldn't help but lament that his fighting power was unparalleled, enough to dominate the world, and few people could compete with him.

Shi Hao, Ten-Crown King, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi and other younger generations were strongly infected by it, and their blood boiled and agitated endlessly. A single glance destroyed eternity, what fairyland, what immortality, anyone who stands in the way. , everything collapsed!

This is what a real man should be like, so what about the fairyland! At this moment, the scene inside the fairyland was also revealed.

Inside the fairyland, there are hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains, filled with fairy mist, the land is endless, and the mountains and rivers are so majestic that you can't even see the edge at a glance.

This is a vast world, a fairyland, larger than the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths by countless generations.

Everyone who followed Jiutian held their breath and marveled. It was indeed a fairyland. From these wisps of breath, it was enough to feel that one day of practice in this world could be worth several years of Jiutian's work.

At this moment, the quasi-immortal king sent by Ao Sheng also felt that something was wrong. His body was filled with chills and he was about to run away!

However, how can the people here get what he wants?

Let’s do it directly!

The golden hair roared, and with a roar, its big claws covered the heaven and earth, blocking the universe. Like a curtain hanging from the sky, the light intertwined, and with a pop, the body and spirit of the quasi-immortal king were destroyed.

Xu Yu looked at this strange land with interest. He had only entered fragments of the Immortal Realm of later generations, and had not entered the complete Immortal Realm world.

However, this place is no stranger to other kings. They have all been here before, and now they are just revisiting their old places.

However, for most of the creatures in Jiutian, the Immortal Realm is still unfamiliar. Even though they have ancestral homes here, they have never been there.

Shi Hao, Ten-Crown King, Shi Yi and others were bathed in the rain of light, surrounded by blazing fairy light, which seemed to be baptizing their bodies.

Having just passed through the dry and barren world of the lower world, and now coming to the fairyland, it was like the rain came after a long drought, and I was actually nourished inexplicably.

However, the peace did not last long, the world began to turmoil, and the Immortal King was finally awakened!

"How brave, do you want to rebel against the Immortal Realm?"

A loud shout came, the world was turbulent, the aurora surged, everything was wailing, and three figures stood at the end of the sky.


The void is like cracked silk, and there are ferocious cracks in the worlds everywhere. The colorful fairy light flows, distorting everything, but it cannot distort the three stalwart figures.

The three of them are like gods standing between heaven and earth, invulnerable to all laws, as if the place where they are is the only kingdom of God and the eternal pure land.

Ao Sheng, Taishi, and the three great immortal kings of the Yuan Dynasty appeared! (End of chapter)

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