Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 490 Liquidation of the Immortal Realm

At this time, Xu Yu noticed the Xianyu Tianxin and captured it directly.

On the surface of Tianxin, there seemed to be lingering traces of chaotic energy.

Fairyland Tianxin!

Xu Yu was immersed in it and immediately understood its purpose.

As the name suggests, he is the mark of the union of all the immortal realms. If you can control him, you can rebuke all the immortal realms, carry the general trend, and easily suppress the powerful powers in the immortal realm!

It can be said that if he controls this mark and the quasi-immortal emperor does not come out, Xu Yu will be invincible in the immortal realm!

It is somewhat similar to the Tianxin Seal. If you control the Tianxin Seal in the human world, you can become the emperor of the human world, and if you control the Tianxin in the immortal realm, you will be the emperor of the immortal realm!

If you can successfully refine the Immortal Realm Tianxin, you can control this great world and become the uncrowned emperor! And there is a great possibility of catching a glimpse of the quasi-immortal emperor!

Of course, there is no mark of Tianxin in the reality of Immortal Realm, but the product of the fusion of the will of the great world.

Moreover, the most important thing is that if you can control the Immortal Realm Tianxin, you will have the opportunity to display the Taoism of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor once in a million years!

This is amazing!

There are only a few quasi-immortal emperors born in hundreds of millions of years, but they can actually exert such power by controlling the Tianxin of the Immortal Realm!

Of course, this is also related to the fairyland.

The Immortal Realm is different from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Foreign Realms. It is composed of many realms.

Just looking at the vastness, the Immortal Realm is much larger than the Foreign Realm and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In fact, even the current kings of the Immortal Realm have never fully explored the Immortal Realm.

Not to mention, the Immortal Realm has accumulated the will of the world for countless eras.

Throughout history, many kings born in the Immortal Realm have left their mark in the Immortal Realm.

With the blessing of these Dao Marks, once someone controls the Immortal Realm Tianxin, they can have a combat power of quasi-Immortal Emperor level in a short period of time.

Afterwards, Xu Yu temporarily calmed down and looked over.

Ao Sheng, Taishi, Yuanchu! The three of them came hand in hand, with surging chaotic light and astonishing momentum. They came slowly. Every step they took was like stepping on the veins of the avenue. It actually made the stars in the sky tremble and the sun and the moon fall.

However, when they looked at the kings, their breathing froze for some reason, and some of the 'dead people' who had been there were resurrected.

When they saw Xu Yu and Liu Shen, their expressions were even more solemn. One was a being who could kill the Red King Wushang, and the other had a great cause and effect with them, and could be said to be unstoppable.

"The kings have come to the upper realm, do you really want to rebel against the Immortal Realm?"

After a moment of silence, Immortal King Taishi spoke coldly. When his eyes opened and closed, it was like lightning flashing across the night sky, which was extremely captivating.

It has to be said that these immortal kings are indeed cunning and cunning. As soon as they came up, they put a hat on everyone in Jiutian.

"Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, you are indeed still alive, you shouldn't be." Ao Sheng said lightly, and the other two immortal kings also looked at Liu Shen with cold eyebrows and a sneer.

"Coming to the Immortal Realm today is to settle all the causes and effects." Liu Shen stepped out Qingli, with frost in her eyes. She was seriously injured back then, so the three kings took advantage of her, so she had to go to the lower realm of nirvana and start over. .

"It wasn't the right time or the right place. The gate to the Immortal Realm was forcibly opened by you. What's the crime?" The Immortal King at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty couldn't help but speak.

At the same time, they used secret methods to call and secretly summoned the kings of the fairyland to come. This was also their greatest support.

"You even want to punish me! See if you are worthy?" Xu Yu looked calm, with his hands behind his back, as if he were an emperor in the dust, with an aura of invincibility in the world.


As soon as Xu Yu pointed out, the sky and the earth collapsed instantly, as if half of the pillars of heaven had collapsed, stars fell, the sun and moon dimmed, and they hit the chest of the Immortal King at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.


Blood splashed in the sky, and the Immortal King at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty changed color, but he couldn't avoid it. He suddenly coughed up blood. He flew out like a kite with a broken string, smashing countless small stars, and seemed to fall into the wilderness.

Then, with a wave of his hand, Xu Yu grabbed the Yuanchu Immortal King back and threw him into the ground like a dead dog.

Ao Sheng and Taishi's pupils shrank violently, which was amazing. The strength of the three of them was not much different, which meant that if they were to go up, the same result would be achieved.

Zhu Zu, Liu Shen and others also sighed, Xu Yu is indeed an anomaly throughout the ages. His combat power is almost unmatched by anyone in ancient and modern times.

A large number of people, such as the Supremes and True Immortals, who followed were all dumbfounded and then ecstatic. Following such an invincible Immortal King was enough for them to gain a foothold even in the Immortal Realm!

Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Ban Xian and others also looked excited and extremely excited. This is their elder. No matter in another world or fairyland, he is always a monument and an immortal that people look up to!

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, we are in trouble!" In the fairyland, there was a very soft voice, as if there was an extremely ancient existence whispering, boom!

In the vast fairyland, at this moment, many ancient caves, fairy mountains, dojos, and many terrifying beings were awakened. They were awakened and suddenly opened their eyes, revealing incredible expressions.

The most powerful Immortal King of a generation was being kneaded like this! At the end of heaven and earth, the endless glow is surging and extremely blazing.

"The Immortal Realm will last forever and will never be destroyed. How can we allow you to be so presumptuous!"

At the end of heaven and earth, the Dharma is shocking, the energy of chaos rises and falls, the long river of time surges, the universe roars, and people as high as the stars appear one by one.


The divine light soared into the sky and penetrated the heaven and earth. Countless people in the Immortal Realm were startled and looked towards the sky in disbelief.

In the blink of an eye, ten supreme figures came across the universe. Their breath was so majestic that it made people unable to breathe.

These people are all Immortal Kings, coming from different places in the Immortal Realm. Their Taoism is unfathomable and their cultivation is unparalleled.

Now, the changes in the Immortal Realm happened, and a group of Immortal Kings from Jiutian came to kill them, and they had to appear.

Those ten people are all extremely tall, wrapped in chaos, and mysterious. They are like the beginning of existence. They are covered with Dao symbols, which are the embodiment of their Dao fruit.

In an instant, thirteen people including Ao Sheng and the king of the Immortal Realm appeared!

This shows how powerful the Immortal Realm is. In fact, to be honest, the Immortal Realm’s foundation is extremely amazing, even surpassing that of the Foreign Realm.

Generally speaking, the overall strength of the Immortal Realm is greater than that of the Foreign Realm. Although it seems that the strength of the two is about the same, it is not the case. There are too many strong men in the Immortal Realm in the Boundary Sea and have not returned.

Now the thirteen great kings have appeared, their appearance is astonishing, and the number of immortal kings alone has surpassed that of Jiutian!


A chariot crossed the sky and came from the sky at great speed.

Afterwards, the whole world trembled slightly, flowers rained down in the universe, golden crows crossed the sky, true phoenixes danced, and golden lotuses took root in the void.

In the fairyland, another king has arrived!

The faces of the Nine Heavenly Kings were solemn. Only Xu Yu, Liu Shen, and Dao Yin showed strange expressions and sensed a familiar aura.

In the chariot, a king landed. He was wearing an ancient Taoist robe and was tall. He was originally majestic, but now he looked excited.

"Pan King!" Liu Shen and Dao Yin shouted softly.

"Senior!" Something unexpected happened. King Pan reappeared and ignored the kings of the fairyland. Instead, he came forward and paid homage to Xu Yu!

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect King Pan to be paying homage to Xu Yu!

How is this going?

"It turns out it's you..." Xu Yu's expression was slightly startled, his eyes moved, and some past events from the past emerged. King Pan was the... innate Taoist seed of the past!

When he traveled through time and space and traveled through the ages, in the early years of the Immortal Ancient Period, he accidentally encountered a group of kings of the Realm Sea, fighting for the innate Tao Seed and trying to devour him. However, he was snatched away by Xu Yu and rescued. Finally, he fell into the void rift inexplicably. middle.

Unexpectedly, he fell into the void crack in the fairyland. Now, he has grown up and become a king and ancestor. But speaking of it, he and Peach Tree seem to have a strange fate.

Unexpectedly, that innate Taoist seed turned out to be King Pan!

"Pan King is a truly ancient creature, how can you respect him as a senior?"

There is a king whispering in the fairyland, and other kings can't help but feel horrified when they hear it.

No wonder Kunti can be suppressed, it turns out to be an old monster that defies heaven! I don’t know how Pan Wang met him.

Feeling the strange looks in the kings' eyes, Xu Yu was a little speechless. If based on his true age, he was really still very young.

Although he has experienced many eras, he only stopped for a period of time and did not survive every year from ancient times to the present.

"It's really gratifying that these two fellow Taoists have returned against the odds." King Pan turned around and looked at Liu Shen and Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area. Although he had a lot of things to say to them, he didn't have the opportunity right now.

In the Immortal Ancient Era, King Pan had been on good terms with the two of them, and now that they were reunited in this life, he was naturally overjoyed.

"Pan King, what do you want to do?"

There is a king in the Immortal Realm who is coldly shouting, this Pan King actually stands with the people of Jiutian, where will this put them. King Pan's face was cold and he didn't say a word. He just stood quietly beside Xu Yu.

"Okay, okay, it seems that we are going to have a battle today!" A king snorted coldly, and the atmosphere suddenly turned cold, and the two sides were somewhat at war with each other.

Thirteen kings appear in the fairyland.

On the Jiutian side, there are also many people, such as Xu Yu, Liu Shen, Jin Maohou, The Second World, Immortal Gold Taoist, Rebirth Valley Master, True Dragon, Kunpeng King, Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, Crystal Skull, etc., plus a disc. The king also has eleven people.

The Immortal Realm was in great turmoil, and the souls of all races were trembling. It seemed that there had never been such a grand occasion in the Immortal Realm, and more than twenty Immortal Kings appeared together.


Even though they were far enough away to be considered a safe zone, they were still trembling, mainly because there were too many Immortal Kings, and their inadvertent movements and every move had such a vast and intoxicating aura.

"You come from the Nine Heavens and are one with my Immortal Domain. Do you really want to kill each other?" After a moment of silence, an Immortal King spoke.

"I came here just to open the passage to the immortal world, and the ancestral sacrificial spirit has a karmic relationship with several immortal kings." Zhu Zu said.

Hearing this, the kings of the Immortal Realm breathed a sigh of relief.

"Other fellow Taoists don't need to take action. I will settle the accounts with them alone." Liu Shen said calmly, with white clothes floating in the air, a hazy celestial spirit, and an unparalleled elegance.


Several kings seemed a little hesitant. If it involves personal cause and effect, they don't have to fight to the death for this. There is still room for negotiation. After all, these immortal kings are extremely powerful. If there is a real war, both sides will definitely suffer.

Taoist friends have become narrow-minded, and it is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. It is really gratifying and congratulatory for Taoist friends to resurrect ancestor worship spirits. The past is over, why not let go of everything and fight against the enemy together, which would be a good story! "

At this time, an Immortal King smiled faintly, and everyone looked over. This was a new Immortal King who had been in the Immortal Realm for tens of thousands of years, named Sheng Mu. He was actually persuading the ancestor sacrifice spirits to put down their hatred.

Liu Shen looked indifferent and did not speak, but Xu Yu spoke.

"It makes sense!" Xu Yu nodded, then stretched out a big hand, with the sun, moon and stars rotating in his palm. It fell with a pop, beating the newly promoted Immortal King into a blood mist, leaving only a soul light. .

Everyone was shocked and looked at Xu Yu in disbelief. They didn't expect that he would dare to do things so vigorously. The Immortal King would kill as soon as he asked, which suddenly made the slightly relaxed atmosphere become tense again.

The pupils of the other Immortal Kings were slightly stagnant. As expected, they were the ones who dared to kill the Red King, kill Wushang, and suppress Kundi. They were so strong that it made people's hearts beat.

"I am from the Immortal Realm... How dare you?" Immortal King Shengmu trembled, blood and flesh exploded, but the soul was still there, and his whole body was trembling at this moment.

"I missed it. It's better to dissolve enemies than to make friends. Why don't you let go of everything!" Xu Yu smiled lightly.

"You..." Immortal King Shengmu's face turned the color of pig's liver, and he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. With a single word, he blocked his way!

"Stop talking? Are you a Holy Priest? Or a Holy Mother?" Xu Yu sneered. He hated this kind of Holy Mother in his heart. He encouraged people to be generous without any reason and was easily struck by lightning.

He has killed even giants, let alone an ordinary Immortal King. Now that troubled times are coming, kill the Holy Mother first, otherwise the whole world may suffer liquidation.


Xu Yu's eyes turned, and a sword light rushed out, crushing him to pieces.

The kings of the Immortal Realm were terrified, and now the Holy Priest was completely wiped out!

"The life of Yuanchu is only left to be harvested by the ancestor sacrifice spirit. Not just cats and dogs can talk nonsense." He scolded coldly, looking around, some immortal kings couldn't help but look at him. My heart was pounding and a chill ran down my spine.

"Fellow Taoist, you have passed. Even if Friend Shengmu made a mistake in his words, it is not this serious." Ao Sheng was silent for a long time and said in a deep voice.

"You should worry about yourself. We will not interfere in your battle with the ancestor sacrifice spirits. Anyone who dares to intervene rashly will do so at their own risk!"

Xu Yuyun smiled lightly, but all the kings were frightened and did not dare to act rashly.

Liu Shen walked slowly, his white clothes fluttering, his hand had already pressed the seal, it was shining brightly, and he was about to take action.

At this moment, the kings of the Immortal Realm hesitated and did not express their stance immediately, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, we could kill you back then, and we can do the same today!" Ao Sheng roared, surging with murderous intent. The entire universe was shaking violently and about to explode.


In an instant, tens of thousands of large stars cracked and then exploded above his head.

However, the next moment, the sky was full of stars, and all the dust in the universe was reorganized, separated from each other, and turned into a complete star.

Life and death, and creation are all in its ups and downs. When a true immortal looks at it, his soul trembles.

This is the Supreme Immortal King Ao Sheng. I have to say that he is really strong. He is located in the Rock Peak Realm of the Ultimate Immortal King and is just one step away from entering the giant realm.


He took action directly. With the palm of his hand, the stars turned, the universe shattered, and the world was created.

He held a universe in his hand, swallowed up endless stars, encompassed all the heavenly mountains, and in a flash of his hand, he was about to capture Liu Shen, suppressing him and trying to refine it.


Liu Shen stepped forward calmly, without making any special move. A willow branch flew out from beside him, destroying eternity. The stars in his big hand exploded and turned into powder.


Immortal King Ao Sheng roared, his hair flying. The roots were shining brightly, and the eyes were as deep as the ocean. He squeezed the seal and killed him.

There is a saying that the four directions above and below are called the universe, and the past and present are called the universe. At this moment, they are all in turmoil. The long river of time wraps around his body, and space submerges his body. At this moment, he seems to have opened up this world and recreated the universe.

That huge body is incomparable, it seems to shake the past, present and future, and it is extremely fascinating.


A clear light shines under the willow god's feet, creating ripples. When his figure disappears, he is like a wanderer in the long river of time, elusive.

Facing the blows of Ao Sheng's violent storm, Liu Shen was like a duckweed in the huge waves, as if he was about to capsize at any time, but he easily blocked every attack.

This battle alarmed the Immortal Realm and shocked all living beings.

Clang clang!

Billions of sword lights burst out, it was so dazzling, it was like reopening the immortal realm. It was the famous method of Immortal King Ao Sheng and his unique secret technique.

On his body, the accident covered a layer of gorgeous wings, turning into a divine bird, spreading its wings and soaring into the sky.

Willow God turned his hand to the sky, covered the dragon with his hand, and crisscrossed the sword light. The willow branches were blazing, turning into countless war spears, flashing various symbols, and stabbed with a pop, causing Ao Sheng's arm to bleed on the spot.

"But that's it. I was just taking advantage of others' danger," Liu Shen whispered, his eyes shining, and he pushed forward again.

"Come die!"

Immortal King Taishi held a sky gun and charged forward, cutting through the sky. The light burst out and cut off Cangyu.

Liu Shen turned his hand to cover it, and light rain rose up from his plain white palm, which collided with him and made a sonorous sound.


At the same time, Yuan Chu roared, standing in the distance, moving his hands continuously, forming a supreme seal, and blasted towards Liu Shen. He was changing the order of heaven and earth.

It was a piece of fairy light, which originated from the epoch of creation. It was the most original brilliance of the avenue runes in the world, and was refined into its own supreme divine power in the early Yuan Dynasty.

This light is said to be indestructible, and its power is infinite.

Liu Shen is still very plain. There are blazing light groups around him, forming a divine disk, surrounding him and blocking the fairy light of the Yuanchu Immortal King.

Just like that, a fierce battle broke out, and Liu Shen fought against the three kings alone!


Blood splashed, and the willow stick struck Ao Sheng's body like a divine whip, causing him to fly up, and his skin and flesh were torn apart in an instant.

Not long afterward, the willow branches turned into real dragons, Kunpeng, and immortal phoenixes, beating Taishi and Yuanchu to pieces many times, and blood splattered in the sky.

It has to be said that Liu Shen was extremely brave. He almost killed several people with his vertical and horizontal attacks!

"Why is it so..." A faint sigh came, and an old man appeared... (End of this chapter)

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