In the distant sky, a figure suddenly appeared, exuding an incomparably grand aura.

As that man spoke, the heavens in all directions resonated, the starry sky for billions of miles shook, and an illusory and majestic river rolled out of nothingness, carrying the breath of the sea of ​​stars and making all the realms tremble.

An old man walked slowly along an inexplicable trajectory following the passage of time. Every step he took made the world tremble.

Although he was old, he was tall, wearing a Taoist robe, with loose white hair. In his eyes, there was a terrifying sight of stars turning and the sun and moon falling together. As his eyes moved, the order of the heaven and earth changed.

"Senior Lu Gu!"

"I've met Senior Lu Gu!"

Many Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm exclaimed, showing incredible expressions. Even the giant Lu Gu was alarmed. This is an extremely ancient and terrifying existence. Many people of this generation are taller than others, and their strength is amazing!

The expressions of everyone in Jiutian were slightly condensed. The person who can be called a senior by the Immortal King must have such a terrifying seniority. He must be an existence that is extremely respected.

"The great dream of a million autumns, the sea is flowing across the sea, and the fairyland is unexpectedly invaded." Immortal King Lu Gu sighed softly, his eyes moved, and he stared at Xu Yu and his group with a sense of great majesty.

Everyone was shocked. Lu Gu appeared. Was he going to take action against the Immortal King of Jiutian? It feels like his appearance is very subtle, and he seems to be quite hostile to Jiutian!

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed when he heard everyone's cries.

In his memory, this old guy has already entered the Realm Sea, and according to the original book, this old guy will only return to the Immortal Realm when the great liquidation begins.

I don’t know why it happened so many years in advance, but with Xu Yu’s current skills, no matter what the opponent does, he can’t stand up.

"Puff puff!"

At this time, Liu Shen was still performing steadily, with endless green clouds rippling, soft light dots, and willow branches reaching the sky. Sometimes it turned into weapons such as long knives, Taoist swords, and Tiange, and penetrated several people.


Ao Sheng roared, with runes all over his body and colorful lights. The bright sword wings covered his body, summoning all the downed arms and heads back again, allowing them to regroup.

Taishi roared and turned into a huge ancient beast, which seemed to be made of the symbols of the avenue, hazy, ferocious and terrifying.

Liu Shen was still very calm, her whole body seemed to be in a fairy mist, hazy and misty, and pieces of light rain fell down, shrouding her, making her look extremely sacred.

Her hair is flying, her clothes are ruffled, and her slender figure is extraordinary, as if she has come from a mythical world. She is so aloof that it makes people marvel.

She didn't use any special skills. She just used the green wicker to greet the enemy, giving her an unconcealable peerless elegance.

Puff puff!

The sky is full of falling willow leaves. Each willow leaf ripples with light, reflecting the Three Thousand Worlds. It looks extremely soft, but it emits a heart-stopping aura that instantly penetrates the three kings and slices open their bodies. His ribs were exposed and dripping with blood.

"Senior, save me!" Immortal King Ao Sheng was frightened in his heart and couldn't help shouting. His hair was disheveled and his voice was hoarse. He was really scared after being killed to this point. If time went on, they might really be killed. , basically no surprises!

Everyone sighed, this ancestral sacrifice spirit is unparalleled! After she regained her peak, the three of them joined forces to fight him, but they were no match for him, and were actually swept away by him.

"Don't worry, when I come here, this willow tree can't turn the sky upside down," Lu Gu said flatly, his snow-white eyebrows trembling. He was not in a hurry. At this moment, he descended from the sky, and his whole person became more and more powerful. Concise, with boundless edge,

"Old man, do you want to interfere in the showdown between ancestor sacrifice spirits?" At this time, Golden Retriever, who had an astonishing appearance, spoke up, widened his eyes, and angrily scolded the giant Lu Gu.

With the help of Jiutian's boss, Jinmaohou is fearless at this moment and chooses to strike hard!

"You, a junior, have no respect for your elders. You must have been a member of my Immortal Realm back then. How come you are so rebellious now?"

Immortal King Lu Gu glanced at Jin Mao indifferently, and softly scolded Jin Mao in a superior manner, with a calm and indifferent expression.

"The Immortal Realm is ridiculous! Where were you when we were fighting bloody battles in the lower world? That's all. When we were about to return, you sealed off the heaven and earth and cut off our way of survival," Jin Maoyou shouted angrily, The anger that had accumulated for countless years exploded.

Now, he has completely swung to Xu Yu's side, knowing how scary he is, and now he seems to have no scruples in his actions.

Back then, if he hadn't been weak enough, he would have killed the Immortal Realm long ago. Now, with their crowds gathered and their strength amazing, why should they act based on the faces of the people in the Immortal Realm.

The Master of the Past Life Valley on the side also had a cold expression. He and Jin Maohou had almost the same experience. They were both abandoned sons of the Immortal Realm, so naturally they didn't have a good look towards Lu Gu.

"You, a junior, what do you know? If you are contaminated with something unknown, wouldn't it harm my fairyland?" Lu Gu glanced at Jin Mao, his eyes moved, and he looked at Xu Yu.

"You are the one who can kill King Chi and kill Wushang. You are very good, but I, Lu Gu, have saved these three immortal kings." He smiled faintly, looking extremely conceited.

"You can come and give it a try." Xu Yu couldn't deny it, his eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth raised an inexplicable arc. This old guy, Lu Gu, is really confident.


Right now,

Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu continued to scream. Even though they were extremely powerful, they were no match for Liu Shen in his prime. They were beaten to pieces again, which was extremely miserable.

"Junior Soul Sacrifice, let them go." Lu Gu said indifferently, his eyes bright, as if there were endless seas of stars floating in his eyes, looking towards the battlefield on the side of Liu Shen.

Liu Shen's face was indifferent, and he ignored Lu Gu. Instead, he squeezed the seal with his hand, and the light of the flying immortal boiled between his palms, destroying ten thousand ways. With a sudden shock, the bodies of several people collapsed again.

The Immortal King is difficult to destroy, but it disintegrates continuously. Even if they do not die immediately, it will cause irreversible damage to them in the long run.


Lu Gu hummed, with an ugly face. He stretched out his big hand, and an illusory big hand emerged, encompassing the sea of ​​​​stars and floating dust. His five fingers shot out beams of light that split the sea of ​​​​stars, almost penetrating to the deserted place on the edge of the universe, and directly explored it, thinking Three people need to be rescued.


An astonishing sword light erupted, and the chaotic void shook violently. Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and billions of rays of sword light surged, resisting his attack.

And the next moment, the sword glowed brightly, turning into symbols all over the sky, hitting his big hand, causing his transformed hand to explode.

Everyone was shocked. Are the two giants about to start a duel?

"You junior!" Lugu scolded angrily and turned around.

"Clown, I'm here today to see who can disrupt the situation?" Xu Yu said lightly, dismissively.

The kings of the Immortal Realm were amazed. This Immortal King was too powerful. Facing the giant Lu Gu, he dared to compete like this. It was really against the sky!

Xu Yu has a handsome face and a slender figure. Chaos light flows from his eyes when they open and close. The rays of light turn inadvertently, as if they are about to crush the heavens. Through the layers of time, it makes all the world tremble.

"Come and fight, teach this arrogant junior like you a lesson!" Lu Gu was angry, his eyes as cold as blades, his killing spree swept across the world, trying to break through the Nine Heavens!

After becoming a king for so long, even in the immortal realm, he was a supreme being with no one to challenge him. But now he met several juniors like this, and none of them gave him face.

"Old man, you don't know how high the sky is, how dare you show respect in front of me?" Xu Yu took a step forward, and his disillusionment disappeared with each step. Endless divine springs emerged, and golden lotuses were everywhere, approaching Lu Valley.

"I once overlooked the heavens and watched the ups and downs of the ages. The world sea became famous and the fairyland became the best. How can you, a junior, fight with me?" Lu Gu scolded.

Lu Gu moved, transformed into an aurora, and came from a distance. Along the way, a clear river emerged. The long river of time boiled in an instant, stirring endlessly, shaking the world, and the order of the universe from ancient times to the present appeared!


The next moment, a wave of time and space suddenly exploded. Xu Yu tore apart time and space, his majestic fighting spirit surged, his body was majestic, his back was like a dragon, breaking the heaven and earth. He waved out a fist, thousands of ways shook, and the stars in the sky dimmed. Light, rustling down!


The duel between the two seemed to shake the sky forever, the universe collapsed, and the stars in the sky dimmed at this moment.

Lu Gu snorted, the tiger's mouth was slightly numb, and there were actually traces of blood disappearing, bright and bright red, so dazzling.

How could this be?

The breaths of many Immortal Kings were stagnant, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

With just one blow, the giant Lu Gu suffered a small loss!

It seems that this fairy king is more terrifying than the legend!

"Nothing more than that." Xu Yu commented indifferently. Lu Gu is indeed very strong, but he is only similar to Chi Wang and Wu Shang, and is not as strong as Kun Di.

Lu Gu's face was ashen, he had never been so humiliated!

"Kill!" Lu Gu yelled, and the terrifying immortal light surged. He activated the real fire, showing his true extreme power, which was extremely terrifying and made all the immortal kings who were watching change their colors.

Suddenly, time and space were chaotic. Xu Yu's eyes were as cold as an abyss. The terrifying divine light splashed out and collided with him, darkening the world.

The violent collision between the two caused the blood energy between heaven and earth to tremble, causing a terrible storm. Many big stars fell down and turned into powder.

That is to say, a world like the Immortal Realm can withstand such a fierce attack. If it were the lower realm, without the blessing of the formation, it would probably shatter the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths again.

It must be said that Xu Yu's strength was so incredible that he attacked Lu Gu and shocked him to the point of coughing up blood many times, which really shocked the eyes of all the Immortal Kings.

"Hit, hit into the smoke!" Jin Maohou roared excitedly. Seeing Lu Gu being hit horizontally by Xu Yu, the pleasure was so great that the corner of his mouth almost cracked to the base of his ear.

The Master of the Valley of Rebirth was also extremely comfortable. Although he did not roar for a long time, he felt that the depression in his chest had dissipated a lot.

Lu Gu's face was livid. Looking at Jin Maohou who was yelling, he felt angry and wanted to tear him to pieces.

Soon after, Lu Gu regretted it. The opponent in front of him was too powerful, far beyond his imagination.

This made him unable to understand how a Jiutian creature could become so powerful that even a giant like him could not withstand it and suffered a huge loss.


Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and his fire-like eyes were more brilliant than the sun. The brilliant momentum emitted immeasurable sword light, as if it could cut through all shackles and cut through all disasters. Wherever the eyes passed, all the heavens and all the ways were destroyed. They all seemed to be ignited and set into blazing flames.


Lu Gu was penetrated. Even though he roared, it was of no avail. His flesh and blood evaporated, leaving only a streak of soul light, which he imprisoned and held in his hand.

"Ah..." Lu Gu was going crazy. He was actually beheaded. He was horrified in his heart. It was said that the man in front of him had terrifying means of destroying the Immortal King!

Otherwise, how could Red King Wushang have fallen?

He felt extremely regretful, why did he stand up for those three bastards?

Xu Yu glanced at him indifferently, turned his hand to cover it, and directly collected his soul instead of destroying it directly, because it could still be used as waste!

Lu Gu was beheaded, causing huge waves!

There was a huge earthquake in the Immortal Realm, and all the tribes were shocked. This was simply shocking. A giant was killed by Immortal King Zhenyan like this!

"Fellow Taoist, please have mercy. Lu Gu is a true giant of the generation. We cannot do without him in guarding the territory in the future." Someone said.

"Don't worry, I won't die for the time being." Xu Yu smiled lightly.

The Immortal King wanted to continue begging for mercy, but after seeing his cold eyes, he wisely shut up without saying a word.

Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu, the three immortal kings changed their colors, and Lu Gu, who stood up for them, died!

The next moment, they also exploded. Although the soul was not wiped out, the soul was also captured by the ancestor sacrifice spirit.

"Back then, I should have completely wiped you out and not given you a glimmer of hope!" Ao Sheng said angrily. He had not completely wiped out the ancestors' sacrificial spirits, which actually led to such a big disaster.

"All causes and effects are doomed." Liu Shen said indifferently, raising his hand, divine light burst out, collected the three immortal kings, and sealed the town directly.

Ao Sheng, Taishi, Yuanchu, and the four great immortal kings of Lu Valley were beheaded! In a sense, they have fallen!

Not long after, an old man with gray hair and linen robes appeared quietly, stood in front of the kings, and sighed.

Immortal King Qi Yu!

An immortal king exclaimed that even this existence was alarmed. This existence is even more defiant than Lu Gu. It is a living taboo and an undefeated legend!

"Qi Yu, I've met fellow Taoist!" The old man spoke warmly and looked at Xu Yu. His eyes were like an abyss, unfathomable and infinite.

Qi Yu!

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that this Immortal King, who looked ordinary, turned out to be Qi Yu, the giant of the Immortal Realm!

This is definitely an ancient existence that can be compared with Kun Di, and is also Kun Di's old rival. The two are indistinguishable, and vaguely, Qi Yu is the leader of the Immortal Realm, almost equal to Kun Di's status in the foreign city.

"You also want to stop me?" Xu Yu's eyes flickered, time fragments emerged, and a breathtaking aura flowed out, making Qi Yu secretly frightened and awe-inspiring.

He believes that this person has become a big player and cannot compete with him. He may be able to compete with Jufu, Burial Master and others.

"Fellow Taoist is joking. If I wanted to stop you, I would have taken action long ago. There is no need to wait until now." Qi Yu said with a smile.

Everyone sighed in their hearts. The Nine Heavens Immortal King in front of them had established his dominance. His achievements in foreign lands were originally feared, but now that everyone has witnessed it with their own eyes, how can they not be shocked?

After this battle, his status as the giant of the Immortal King cannot be shaken, no one dares to rebel, and now he has been recognized by Qi Yu!

Xu Yu smiled. In fact, he had already sensed that Qi Yu was dormant in the dark and would not come out until they were over. This was also a signal of goodwill to them.

"Fellow Taoist, you have killed the Scarlet King and killed Wushang. You have made great achievements in battle. You will definitely be famous throughout the ages. On behalf of the Immortal Realm, I welcome you all." Qi Yu said with a smile.

"Easy to say." Xu Yu nodded and smiled, his eyes moving. It seems that this fairyland is not full of pedantic people.

The two talked for a while, and the atmosphere of the confrontation between Jiutian and Xianyu finally eased a little.

"The great reckoning is coming. Jiutian and Immortal Realm are one, and joining forces to fight the future is the general trend." Qi Yu sighed.

As for Lu Gu and Ao Sheng, he was very smart and did not mention it. For the future, a few immortal kings were nothing, they would not make any waves.

What's more, now that more than half of the foreign land has been damaged, even if these kings of the fairyland completely fall, it will not cause any harm.

"Senior, please come to Panwang City with all fellow Taoists to discuss important matters together." King Pan smiled and looked at the kings...

"Good!" The kings nodded. Since the conflicts in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain have been suspended, they now need to have a good talk.

"In this case, the Peach Festival will begin in advance. I would like to discuss scriptures with you, plan for the future, and cope with unprecedented changes!"

King Pan smiled, his eyes glowing with immortality, and his eyes wandered from the kings.

All the kings closed their heads and nodded lightly. Normally, it would be at least a few hundred years before the Peach Festival starts.

Facing the future liquidation, it is indeed necessary to plan and make necessary preparations in the future.

But now that all the kings are gathering together, it is indeed a grand event, and it is very reasonable to start it in advance. It makes sense.

Generally speaking, the Peach Festival is a grand event for tens of thousands of races, and only families with true immortals are eligible to participate.

Nowadays, most of the kings from the Immortal Realm, Jiutian and others have appeared, which is extremely rare and has never happened before.

Boom, drop, drop!

A huge chariot crossed the sky, its immortal energy surged like a long river, and landed down.

This is King Pan’s chariot, falling in front of the kings,

"Fellow Taoists, please!" King Pan invited the kings into the chariot, and then the chariot turned into a stream of light and disappeared instantly. As for the other people in Jiutian, someone else arranged to enter Panwang City.

The journey from the gate of Immortal Realm to Panwang City is extremely long, actually separated by several vast universes.

These are all integrated ancient universes, connected into one domain, vast and boundless.

The Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm also introduced the current situation of the Immortal Realm to Xu Yu and others. For example, the Immortal Realm has ten gates connected to the outside world and is heavily guarded. There are also ten huge fairy cities.

Moreover, some fairy kings and kings showed a picture of animal skins with the names of star seas on it, and there were fairy town guards in each star sea.

As for the deepest part of this fairyland, even the fairy king would change his color. It is marked by a skull, which means it is extremely dangerous, and basically no one dares to go there.

Not long after, the kings arrived at King Pan's city. (End of chapter)

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