Panwang City is a true Immortal King City and one of the largest ancient cities in the Immortal Realm. It has existed since ancient times and has been prosperous for countless epochs. It is still prosperous today.

Xu Yu's eyes wandered, staring at this ancient city, feeling slightly emotional in his heart, a city can be so vast.

He knows that a fairy city governs a universe, and as many universes as there are true immortals, it is almost integrated into it.

According to general terms, the needs of a true immortal are so astonishing that they need a star field for sustenance, otherwise it will not be enough for his practice. When he swallows the essence of heaven and earth, it is enough to dry up the universe.

Not long after, the people from Jiutian and the kings from the Immortal Realm descended on Panwang City.

This city is so huge that we don’t know its starting point or its end. The sun, moon, and stars all revolve around it. The sun and moon here are just fireflies, embellishments, not worth mentioning.

It exudes a strong fairy aura, and the entire ancient land is enveloped in the aura of the fairy family.

"I've met the Immortal King!"

A group of soldiers wearing armor looked at the surging light in the sky and kowtowed in awe.

A group of immortal kings rode in chariots, with immortal birds flying and surrounded by light. It was extremely sacred. Soon they were sent to the depths of Panwang City.

"The Peach Festival is about to begin!" Soon, many statues of gods were shining in King Pan's city, and King Pan's decree was issued and passed to the star realms.

Not long after, the people from Jiutian also arrived in Panwang City.

With the glory of the Nine Heavens Immortal King, they can also participate in the peach festival and witness the grand event.

"The vast royal city, the immortal realm!"

"What a strong aura and complete rules. If you live here for a long time, you will have hope for immortality."

"The nine heavens and the earth are open, now I can fully understand it!"

Many supreme beings lamented, especially some of the supreme beings in Jiutian, that in Jiutian, they had no way to get a glimpse of that realm, but in the immortal world, they had the hope of ascending to the immortal throne!

Meng Tianzheng, with black hair shawl, eyes as bright as a celestial sword, a handsome face, and a clanging golden battle suit, silently comprehended the aura of this place, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

If he wants to become an immortal, he can do it immediately!

In the lower world, trapped in the broken world, it would be difficult for him to take that step, but in this world it is much easier.

However, he remembered what Xu Yu once said to him. The benefits of practicing in the Age of Ending Dharma and achieving immortality would be greater, so he still suppressed it.

As for Taoist Qingmu, some of the elders of the Holy Academy and the Immortal Academy, they were full of energy, and their bodies suddenly gained a lot of vitality, and they seemed to be tens of thousands of years younger.

In the Immortal Realm, there is a rich amount of immortal matter. Even if it is a supreme level being that is not a true immortal, if it has not suffered irreversible damage, it will be almost immortal, which is really amazing.

Panwang City is huge and boundless, built on an ancient continent that has existed forever. It is the center of this universe, surrounded by the stars in the sky.

It is suspended in the universe like this, with invincible power and immortal power, shocking the past and shining today. This is Panwang City. Today is a big day worth celebrating. It should be grander than the peach festival in the past. In the cosmic sea, one golden lotus plant after another is planted all over the cosmic sea, illuminating the darkness. All the heavens and all realms are roaring, and the sound of scriptures is heard. ups and downs.

Many immortal kings came, the light intertwined, and the sweet roar caused the strange phenomena to shake the universe, and the universe sea was trembling slightly.

In the peach garden, there are peach trees one after another, some of which are blooming with pink flowers. The fallen flowers are colorful, with light and rain, and they are extremely beautiful.

Some flat peach trees have old and vigorous trunks, like horned dragons, and have long been full of fruits. The red peaches are exuding red clouds, with divine brilliance and a sweet fragrance.

A group of fairy kings were chatting and laughing, sitting cross-legged under the tree, with a jade table beside them. Wine and delicacies had been placed long ago. The white mist was hazy, and the light and rain were transpiring. This was a real fairyland.

"The sun and the moon are changing, and the sea of ​​stars is rising and falling. It's so good to see all of you fellow Taoists again!" King Pan raised his glass to everyone and said with a smile.

Dao Yin, the Willow God, the crystal skull, the golden bone palm, and the bleeding eyeballs, all of them were filled with endless emotions. It was really rare to meet again in this era.

Originally, most of them withered, but now they are alive against the odds.

"Pan King, you call Taoist friend Zhan Yan your senior. I don't know why." An immortal king asked curiously.

When everyone heard this, they looked around and were extremely curious about Xu Yu's origins. They had not heard of such a person before Xu Yu broke through the foreign land, as if he appeared out of thin air.

However, the origin of the person who can be called "senior" by King Pan is certainly not simple, and it is unlikely that he is an unknown person.

"My innate Tao seed was nurtured by heaven and earth for who knows how many years before spiritual wisdom was born. When I was born, I encountered a great disaster. Thanks to the intervention of my predecessors." King Pan said calmly, feeling very emotional, clarifying the cause and effect between him and Xu Yu.

Everyone sighed when they heard this. They didn't expect such a reason. No wonder King Pan respected him so much. It turned out that he also had a heaven-defying origin and existed at the beginning of the Immortal Ancient Era.

Afterwards, everyone talked about the resurrection of True Dragon, Dao Yin, King Kunpeng and others. Everyone was extremely curious. The resurrection of a group of dead immortal kings was a bit incredible.

In their opinion, perhaps no one in the Immortal King Realm can achieve this step.

When the kings of the Immortal Realm learned that Xu Yu had opened up the six paths in the body and that his body would last forever, and that under normal circumstances he could resurrect the Immortal King, all the kings of the Immortal Realm were shocked, dumbfounded, and some even stood up.

"Fellow Taoist, you are so talented and beautiful, I admire you!" Qi Yu sighed.

"The six paths in the body actually have the power to reverse life and death!"

All the kings of the Immortal Realm looked at Xu Yu with fiery expressions. In this way, if they make friends with him, even if they fall in the future, they will have a chance to be resurrected!

"A toast to fellow Taoist!"

All the immortal kings raised their wine glasses and were amazed. They were extremely enthusiastic about Xu Yu. No one wanted to offend Xu Yu. After all, this was the hope of future resurrection.

If Xu Yu is still here, they will have a chance to recover!

The kings exchanged cups and cups, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively. The kings of the fairyland became more and more respectful to Xu Yu.

"What do you fellow Taoists think about the great reckoning in the future?" Qi Yu spoke again, his eyes sweeping towards the many kings.

His words instantly silenced the discussing kings. After all, Qi Yu, as a giant, still has considerable authority in the Immortal Realm.

"Soldiers will block it, water will cover it, and earth will cover it. If the reckoning is coming and the world is turned upside down, then we will create a bright and prosperous world!" Cricket Ancestor was the first to speak.

Everyone's hearts were trembling with fear. They were worthy of being one of the legendary Ten Evils. They were extremely ferocious. They had been dormant in a foreign land for so long, but they had not changed their nature.

"Yes, I agree with Fellow Taoist Spider Ancestor." King Kunpeng also expressed his stance, his pale golden pupils shining brightly, and his breathtaking aura flowing around.

He originally died two epochs ago, but now he has revived again, but he still has no fear.

The kings are silent, the root of everything, the origin of sin and chaos is on the other side of the sea.

At the end of the boundary sea, there is the legendary dark place, and beyond it, you may see the ultimate secret, so countless creatures continue to want to cross the sea.

Moreover, they discovered that even foreign lands were created by darkness.

Among the alien creatures, some immortal kings are super-evolved. They were eroded by darkness and gradually reached their peak, becoming kings and ancestors, such as Yu Tuo.

In the future, various civilizations and different ethnic groups will have a shocking collision in Jiutian, Burial Ground, Immortal Realm and other ancient worlds.

The storms in the Boundary Sea will rise. The past and the future will eventually reappear. Those storms can even crush the Immortal King.

If this is the case, the kings who crossed the sea will definitely choose to retreat and return along the original path, thus causing a shocking disaster.

Countless strong men fled back, the chaos was simply unimaginable, and violent collisions would occur.

This is still the most important thing, but the creatures who have fallen into darkness.

Those people are at the lowest level of true immortals, not to mention those in the realm of immortal kings.

With the accumulation of endless eras, God knows how many Dark Immortal Kings there are on the other side of the world sea.

In comparison, the kings of the Immortal Realm are a bit lacking. Do they have any extra strength to protect themselves, let alone take the initiative to attack?

Some of the kings of the Immortal Realm frowned slightly. It is true that this life is too dark. Even the kings are confused about where to go in the future.

If this is the case, the future will be the darkest and most terrifying years.

The accumulation of countless epochs and the collision of all the strong men in history will make the kings tremble and make the world fearful.

"It has been shown throughout the ages that in a world of great strife, the only way to overcome it is by oneself!"

Xu Yu drank, spoke lightly, and looked calm. Blindly escaping won't work. Only by facing him can we break the situation.

Many Immortal Kings nodded, it was indeed true. Now that the Immortal Realm had so many kings added at once, their strength increased greatly, which also made them feel more at ease.

"There are also giants in our Immortal Domain who have never returned. If they had returned, the situation would be much better," said an Immortal King.

Everyone nodded. It was indeed true. Many heroes from the Immortal Domain were in the Boundary Sea. Even the most powerful men like the Butcher had not returned yet. Maybe he would become the emperor.

"The butcher has a peerless appearance, comparable to that of the Burial Master." The Immortal King highly praised the butcher, and the atmosphere gradually became calmer, and everyone's nervousness also disappeared a lot.

The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, and then everyone continued to drink and reached agreement on many specific issues. Now that Jiutian and Immortal Realm are on a united front, there are many things that need to be prepared.

After discussing the general issues, the basic style has been determined. Jiutian and Xianyu will unite. The king of Jiutian will be stationed in Xianyu to fight against the enemy together in the future.

A month passed in a hurry, the Peach Festival was over, and Xu Yu and others had to stay in the Immortal Realm. After all, they were the kings and planned to build their own mansion.

After all, it would be unreasonable for the kings of the Nine Heavens to enter the Immortal Realm without having their own mansion.

Jinmaohou and the Master of the Rebirth Valley were both from the Immortal Realm and had their own ancestral land, so they directly chose to move there. As for the three old monsters Daoyin and Crystal Skull, the masters of the restricted area, they have no intention of building a mansion. After all, they are not really resurrected yet.

As for the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, although he has the strength of the Immortal King Giant, he has no intention of building a city. According to his words, which of the kings' cities can he not be stationed in?

Next, Xu Yu, Liu Shenzu and others chose to build their own royal city and establish themselves in the Immortal Realm. Soon, Xu Yu's Immortal King City was built.

The huge city stands in the sky, surrounded by chaotic energy, and one big star after another rotates around the city.

The whole body is cyan, and the walls are engraved with avenue runes. The entire city is simple and grand, like a fairy city that will never fall. It is surrounded by stars, with the sun, moon and stars dotted in it, which is extremely amazing.

The green trees are like dragons, curling into the clouds, the spiritual river is rolling, like a dragon lying in the coils, strange flowers are blooming everywhere, old medicines are fragrant, and the misty colors flow.

Brand-new ancient cities are located on the big sky, dotted with stars, and the air is filled with a strong fairy spirit.

Moreover, Xu Yu's statues and ancient monuments were quickly erected in the Star Territory for hundreds of millions of creatures to worship, and a steady stream of wishes quickly gathered.

Xu Yu's city was named the King's City of Ending! As for Meng Tianzheng, Old Man Qingmu, people from the Immortal Academy and the Holy Academy, they immediately chose to enter the King of End Yan City and follow him.

Among the great domains, immortal families, immortal traditions and dynasties that followed, some belonged to their ancestral lineage from the Immortal Domain, while others chose to join the King's City of Ending.

As for some casual cultivators, such as the True Immortals and Supremes of the Land of Reincarnation, except for a very few who left, most of them joined the King's City of Ending.

Naturally, Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Ban Xian and others, without further explanation, went directly to the King's City of Ending to practice.

The four of them have now reached the Escape Realm. Now they have to break the situation. The first step is to enter the Supreme, and the Immortal Realm may be their creation place.

After the establishment of the Immortal City, Xu Yu and others confiscated all the rare divine materials stored by the Immortal Kings. Those were the savings of the Immortal Kings for many years, and now they were all gone, filling in several new Immortal King Cities.

There are many divine treasures, including a piece of dark fairy gold as big as a tabletop, which is so dazzling that even the Immortal King will be moved. There are also formation flags, which are all refined by the Immortal King with supreme treasures. He is actually the Immortal King. Level formation.

In addition, there is a huge World Stone, which imitates the runes that created the world. This is an important treasure for immortal weapons. The original Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and Small Tower were jealous of it and used it to advance.

In addition to these, there are many scattered divine objects.

This is the foundation of the Immortal King, it’s so amazing!

Although those things are better than nothing for the Immortal King, they are of great benefit to those twice as young and even true immortals.

He wanted to arm many troops to strengthen his side.

And many of the vast territories of Ao Sheng, Taishi, Yuanchu, and Lu Gu, the great immortal kings, were also divided into the names of Xu Yu and others.

After everything was over, Xu Yu came to his mansion, and with a thought, he took out the signed Xianyu Tianxin...

There was a roar, and there was a vast aura in the four directions. A peaceful aura surged overwhelmingly, and a mark, shining brightly, was located in the center.

This is Xianyu Tianxin!

The Tianxin image is made in heaven, completely evolved naturally, simple and natural, with a faint Taoist charm coming out of it.

He is like the carrier of all things, and like the essence of the universe, it is completely natural.

In Xu Yu's eyes, the radiance of the Immortal Realm Tianxin flows, flashing out bursts of divine brilliance. The dense patterns on it are like stars, and the rays of light are shining everywhere, sacred and ethereal.

He felt that his heart was ethereal and very peaceful. His eyes were flowing and he was staring at the heart of heaven. He was united with the avenue, and his whole person was almost integrated with the heaven and earth.

Some patterns were burned into divine flowers, which were constantly imprinted on his mind, shining like stars.

"If Tianxin of the Immortal Realm completely controls him, he can really rebuke all the ways. In a sense, he is the master of the Immortal Realm." He was secretly surprised.

This Tianxin is very mysterious and contains extremely profound mysteries. If you want to understand it, you must at least be in the realm of the Immortal King to be qualified.

Xu Yu's mind was immersed in it. Silently, the body and the Tao were in harmony. Gradually, another vision emerged: auspicious colors descended from the sky, divine springs surged from the earth, lotuses bloomed, Yao grass sprouted, purple air continued, and the majestic three Thousands of miles...

Many wonderful images and endless methods appeared one after another, mysterious and mysterious, like the divine voice of heaven and the sacred song of the Dao, rumbling in his heart.

The final royal city!

Many people were surprised and looked over, knowing that it was the retreat place of Immortal King Zhongyan. They did not expect that such a grand vision came from the retreat place of Immortal King Zhongyan.

In the final city, in a hidden retreat. A cosmic lake, dotted with crystals, as clear as sapphire, and thatched huts appeared on the shore.

"Incredible." A man in white, as rich as jade, sat there with wonder,

"Did he take another step?" Next to him, there were three figures with blurry and dim bodies. They were crystal skulls, golden bone palms, and bloody eyeballs. The three old monsters were also shocked.

They thought that Xu Yu seemed to be improving again. The appearance of these strange phenomena clearly showed that the Immortal King was improving in his Taoism.

It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to advance further in the realm of Immortal Kings. Many Immortal Kings rely on water grinding skills and the power of faith to improve their strength.

It is extremely rare for Xu Yu to make rapid progress like this.

Just like that, two years later.

Xu Yu opened her eyes, which suddenly became much deeper.

The essence of his body was billowing, flowing to his limbs and bones, making his whole body comfortable. His flesh, blood, organs, and bones were all being nourished, and he seemed to have an inexhaustible power.

"It took only two years to realize the Tao, but it surprised me a lot. It is indeed the combination of ten thousand Tao in the Immortal Realm." He whispered in his heart, a little shocked.

He knew that the Tianxin of the Immortal Realm was the combination of all the Tao of the Immortal Realm and contained the supreme secret. It could make people understand a lot at once, and obvious effects could be seen in a short period of time.

However, if you want to make great progress, it will take a lot of time to digest those principles, and it will take a long time to confront them.

"I don't know what the situation is like in Zhongyan Royal City now?"

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, reflecting the heavens in an instant, and many scenes of the King's City appeared in their eyes piece by piece.

The King's City of Ending is not so much a city as it is an ancient star field, it is too vast.

On one of the desolate lands, Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings, and the Banished Immortal were discussing matters.

The divine power surges and agitates endlessly, roaring to the heaven and earth, fists and palms intersecting, and the avenues roaring in harmony. This is a real fight between dragons and tigers, which is breathtaking.

Shi Hao's blood was overwhelming and his chest was glowing. He had an invincible aura as if the supreme god king had come to the world and wanted to crush the mountains and rivers.

The King of Ten Crowns moves like a dragon and moves like a king. The dragon's fist strikes the heaven and earth, making the whole world tremble.

The temperament of the banished immortal emerged from the dust, and his posture was as strong as a divine dragon, soaring in the sky, carrying the true phoenix wings on his back, spreading them out gently, and it seemed like the sky was split open!

Shi Yi's double pupils opened and closed, the beam split the sky, the sound of the sword continued, and accompanied by the sound of the wheel of the avenue, the killing energy was shaken, and it captured the heart and soul.

The four-person showdown, in an instant, there were thousands of fights, each time swaying with dazzling divine light, reflecting the heaven and earth in a gorgeous way.

Of course, they all stick to the point and focus on discussing and verifying their own Tao and Dharma.

The Red Dragon, Sky Horned Ant, Qin Hao and others were watching the battle in amazement.

The younger generation respects the four of them, and others, even if they are among the top ten evils, should be slightly inferior.

Xu Yu's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he could immediately see that although Shi Hao seemed to be fighting back and forth with the other three people, the gap between him and the other three people had been vaguely widened.

Not to mention other aspects, even his realm has surpassed theirs. Now he has reached a peak and is almost breaking through that realm. This is amazing. Today's Shi Hao is only in his early thirties. With such a The achievement can be said to shock the past and the present!

If it were a real solo duel, the other people would probably be inferior to Shi Hao.

Xu Yu closed his head and gave Shi Hao a broader platform. Instead, he flew higher, which made him quite gratified.

He stared at Shi Hao with piercing eyes. His aura was long and long, his blood was like a dragon, and his chest was like a sun, so brilliant that it seemed to cover the sky.

Supreme Bone!

Now, the trajectory has changed. His Supreme Bone has not yet been chopped off, but still remains in his body. This is also a major reliance for him to dominate the world!

In private, Shi Hao once asked Xu Yu whether he wanted to cut off the Supreme Bone, consolidate his Taoist foundation, and allow himself to achieve nirvana.

And Xu Yu's answer to him was that the supreme meaning of the Supreme Bone is constantly evolving with the realm, and is not the same. With his current realm, there is no need to cut it off. If he truly understands the Supreme Bone, Everything, it’s never too late to make a decision.

Since that time, Shi Hao temporarily stopped thinking about cutting off the Supreme Bone. He wanted to see how far the precious bone in his body could accompany him.

In fact, speaking of it, the Supreme Bone also helped him a lot along the way.

Xu Yu knew that in the original work, Shi Hao once chopped off bones, many times out of necessity.

If it is not necessary, there is no need to cut it off. After all, the Supreme Bone is also growth-prone. Perhaps you can only understand everything when you reach the Supreme state.

Regarding the Supreme Bone, Xu Yu certainly has the right to speak. After all, this is the bloodline inheritance born from the blessing of the human race. It is supreme and has endless mysteries.

Moreover, his son Chen Yang also has the same physique, and his early practice has brought him many benefits, making him far superior to his peers.

After reaching the Supreme Realm, the role of this bone will gradually decrease. At that time, it is not too late to consider whether to cut off the bones.

The original ruthless man also devoured many physical constitutions to achieve enlightenment in his first life. After attaining enlightenment, he returned to his original nature, so some special constitutions were still of great help in the early stages of practice.


Suddenly, Xu Yu's mind moved, his thoughts were flying, and a vague feeling appeared in his mind.

He kneaded the formula with one hand, flashed the light, and the light between his eyebrows flowed and shone. He deduced a lot of things at once with the method of the Immortal King.

"Darkness is coming!" he whispered, knowing that darkness was approaching now. (End of chapter)

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