"Forget it, go take a look!"

Xu Yu pondered for a moment and made a decision.

He turned his eyes, the light was bright, and shot out a celestial radiance, covering the Immortal Realm Tianxin, and put it away directly.

Not long after, shocking auras surged, and at the end of the sky, many figures appeared, wrapped in chaos, and landed in Xuanwang City,
Not surprisingly, all the kings knew about the coming darkness and came to him to discuss countermeasures.

"It can't be that the real dark creatures have returned." A fairy king said, if that is the case, it will be very difficult.

At the same time, other immortal kings who sensed the coming darkness spoke across the endless star field.

"It shouldn't happen. It's still early for the big liquidation. I'll go investigate." Xu Yu said calmly.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" The immortal kings breathed a sigh of relief. Darkness was falling. They couldn't get down easily, otherwise they would easily fall into disaster and be rejected by the lower world.

And like the Nine Heavens Immortal King, who has risen in that realm, he will not be suppressed and can move more conveniently.

If there is no Immortal King of Nine Heavens, they can only send some Supremes to lead their troops, which will be extremely unstable.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Immortal Realm are one. If the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are infected, the Immortal Realm will probably be affected in the future, so they have to be cautious.

In the end, Xu Yu, Liu Shen and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the three giants went down to the lower world.
They walked forward and appeared outside a heavenly gate. This was the fairy gate of the fairyland that he had smashed to pieces, and now it was rebuilt.

A group of soldiers from the Immortal Realm, wearing strong armor and strong swords, saw the Immortal King coming and quickly opened the city gate.

Not long after, the three people arrived in the Three Thousand Daozhou of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Huh?" Xu Yu's heart moved, as if someone was calling him.

They went along the summoning land,

Not long after, I saw an old man with wrinkled skin and a confused look. He was Cao Yusheng's master, the Xuanwu Immortal King!

A statue of a god was placed in front of him. It was Xu Yu's statue. In front of the statue, there were a few sticks of incense and a few pieces of fairy gold.

"Immortal King Zhenyan, you are indeed here." The old Immortal King of the Xuanwu clan smiled. When he saw Liu Shen and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, he was even more surprised.

Xu Yu was a little speechless. This way of seeing things was really weird. He even summoned him by offering sacrifices to the statue.

"I am old and incompetent, and darkness has fallen. Please take action, all immortal kings, to clear the world!"

"Of course, I already know everything," Xu Yu nodded.

"They...appeared!" Suddenly, Immortal King Xuanwu exclaimed, pointing into the distance.

In the distance, nine dragons emerged pulling an ancient coffin, bringing chaos and fairy fire, and they became dazzling.

In the coffin, light groups emerged one after another, including humanoids, animals, and even fairy birds. They vibrated together, separated from the coffin, and flew into the distance.

Xu Yu raised his hand, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he immediately put away the bronze coffin of the Third Generation.

"Many Gods!" Xu Yu's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he remembered some of the past events that Shi Hao once said.

Back then, Shi Hao had seen some people rushing out of the copper coffin of the Kowloon Pulling Coffin and rushing to the direction of the border wilderness, without a trace, but now these figures reappeared.

These people were once the most powerful men in the Nine Heavens, most of them were true immortals, and there were also immortal kings.

Such as Da Chi Tianzhu, Qingyu Tianzhu, Wuliang Tianzhu, etc., all have frightening backgrounds. They were famous sect leaders in the previous era.

"Fellow Taoists, please wait a moment!" Immortal King Xuanwu shouted. He knew that these people wanted to fight against the darkness and guard the one-day passage.

All the figures paused for a moment, then suddenly looked back and looked at Xuanwu Immortal King, their eyes filled with surprise and a hint of brilliance, as if they were puzzled.

These are remnants, unconscious, and now seem to be acting only on instinct,

"Fellow Taoists, wait a minute, you don't have to move forward now." Xuanwu Immortal King said, and the remnants of the gods looked dull, their expressions were very stiff, and there was no fluctuation.

Xu Yu felt a little emotional. These people were born to die. Even if they died, their remaining souls still wanted to guard the world, which was admirable.

"The Human Emperor..."

At this moment, a blazing light erupted at the end of the sky, a passage ran through the sky and the earth, and an Immortal King descended.

"Stone King!"

King Shi, who has not yet gone to the Immortal Realm, is still guarding the Imperial Pass, and now he unexpectedly appeared. He saw the remnant soul of the Lord of Heaven, and Xu Yu and others were overjoyed.

"Human Emperor, please save them..." He tremblingly offered a stone tripod.

"This is?" All the Immortal Kings turned their eyes and stared at the stone cauldron, all showing surprise.

"The cauldron made of World Stone!" Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk said softly, with surprise.

"In an ancient black ship, I saw this. All the heads of God are in this place..."

The Stone King told everything. He followed the traces of the past, traveled to an ancient place, and met his former comrades. Their heads were sealed in this stone tripod and he brought them back.

He knew that Xu Yu had the power to reverse life and death, and hoped that these former comrades could be redeemed.

"Sure enough, they are all the heads of God." Xu Yu nodded, looked at the cauldron, and then looked at the remaining spirit of God aside, they were exactly the same.

The ancient tripod is an ancient tripod constructed from the World Stone. There are cracks in certain parts of the tripod, which were sealed by the Stone King.

If you look carefully, there are wisps of black mist flowing inside, and an ominous aura is permeating it. The simple stone tripod looks like there is black mist floating inside, which is extremely strange.

"The sky eroded by darkness..." Xu Yu saw the essence at a glance.

Those heads have been eroded by darkness and have been chopped off.

Come on, it was sealed inside on purpose.

He remembered something. When several great gods fell into darkness, in order to prevent harm to this world, they took the initiative to ask a king in the wilderness to cut off their heads and seal them.

This is also the reason why when someone saw King Bianhuang killing his own people, he called them traitors and called their descendants sinful blood.

"In the beginning, it was Shi Xiong who chopped off their heads to prevent them from harming the common people..." King Shi sighed.

Later, King Stone brought out another coffin, with a cold corpse sealed inside.

"Save him."

King Shi trembled, looking at his former comrades who had turned into cold bodies, and couldn't help but have tears in his eyes. Shi Xiong, who was also a stone king in the frontier wilderness, volunteered to carry Qing Tian on his back in a corner forgotten by the world, but was misunderstood as a traitor.

Xu Yu closed his head slightly. He knew that the man in front of him was another king in the wilderness, the king who sealed these gods. A king who was misunderstood by the world as a traitor.

"Just a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can."

There is no rush to resurrect them, the source of darkness must be solved beforehand.

Xu Yu turned around with Liu Shen, Xuanwu Immortal King and others, walked on the fairy light, penetrated the heaven and earth, and came to a passage.

The sun was in the sky, but it couldn't shine any light. It was like an abyss of hell, swallowing up light. Black fog billowed in the outermost area, billowing out like waves of ink.

Here, in the dark depths, you can see phantoms everywhere, creatures everywhere, and there seems to be an endless army moving in the black mist.

Darkness is eternal and the heavens perish!
Vaguely, there were countless astonishing roars...

Those are thousands of dark armies, marching towards this passage in uniform order!

The area of ​​​​this passage is dark and rolling, as black as ink, and the afterglow of the sunset will be swallowed up.

The darkness is like a bucket, as big as an abyss, slowly rotating, the whale sucks the cow, swallows everything, and there is an inexplicable sense of depression.

"Sure enough, there is already an advance army of darkness in this passage!" Immortal King Xuanwu said solemnly, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

Although he is an Immortal King, his body is already old and his soul is rotten. He really cannot exert much strength. If he comes alone, he will probably drink his hatred and die! Today, the situation is completely different.

However, when several great immortal kings arrived, this place was different. Infinite divine light surged, and blazing light swept across the world. Only a few majestic figures were left, and all darkness could not approach!
They stand in the darkness, like eternal rounds of divine sun, transcending the world!
"Immortal King!" In the darkness, someone couldn't help but exclaimed, his tone trembling with disbelief.

"In the Immortal Realm, you actually have the courage to let the Immortal King come down from the realm to sweep us away!"

In the darkness, there were figures, and several dark creatures trembled. They were all exuding thick black mist. They were obviously extremely terrifying dark creatures, but in front of several fairy kings, they were as dim as fireflies.

They found it a little scary, and they couldn't easily offend such a supreme being.

"A few true dark immortals, interesting!" Chen Xuan's eyes flickered and shone brightly. Unexpectedly, in the darkness, dark creatures of the immortal level appeared.

His eyes were as blazing as fire, with flames rising, and the shadow of the true phoenix appeared in his eyes.

The phoenix's cry continued, and two immortal phoenixes rushed out from its eyes, bathed in firelight and burned for nine days.

The two immortal phoenixes roared to heaven and earth, their feathers flickered with inexplicable brilliance, turning into firelight, sweeping towards the darkness, rippling with overwhelming divine light.
With a bang, the void exploded.

All the darkness evaporated, and this passage was shrouded in light.

The Immortal King's extreme creature's blow, even if it is a Dark True Immortal, is of no avail. It is not a competition at the same level at all!

Suddenly, in the newly opened passage, black mist emerged again, rolling in. It was thicker than the darkness before, and it was extremely breathtaking.

If ordinary people are infected, they will definitely fall into darkness quickly!
"Origin Ancient Artifact!"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. On the dark altar in the distance, there was an ancient artifact. It was a box, but it had never been opened. It was floating on an altar, and a mysterious aura circulated.

He caused the surrounding dark matter to boil, sweeping towards the surrounding areas, and possessing terrifying activity.

Even Liu Shen and Samsara Pan's expressions changed slightly, and they were filled with fear. This thing was really against the heavens. His appearance was the reason why the foreign land was born. Now he wants to turn all the creatures in Jiutian into dark creatures?
Just thinking about it makes people feel horrified.

If Jiutian collectively falls into darkness, after many epochs, another dark world may be born!
"Even if the remnant soul of the ancient immortal comes, it will not help." Immortal King Xuanwu said in horror.

Originally, if the remnant souls of several great gods came and joined him, they might be able to resist those dark immortals, but they would never be able to resist this terrifying box.

"Back off!"

Xu Yu said in a deep voice, looking at the Origin Ancient Artifact. He had had a lot of dealings with the Origin Ancient Artifact.

The origin of ancient artifacts possesses truly terrifying divine power. It has reached its peak and glory, and once created a true immortal king.

The entire foreign land was created by ancient artifacts. There are some immortal kings who came into contact with darkness step by step when they were weak, and finally turned into immortal kings.

One can imagine how terrifying he is!
Xu Yu sighed slightly, it was indeed an ancient artifact created by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it was so powerful!

Not only can he pollute living beings, but there is a rich dark substance inside, and the ones inside can even attack actively. Even if Xu Yu faced him, she would not dare to be careless.

The foreign land was able to survive only because of the existence of ancient artifacts. Otherwise, it would have been defeated by Xu Yu and others long ago.

The next moment, the Human Emperor Seal was sacrificed by him. It was filled with endless auspicious energy and radiance, protecting his body.

The Seal of the Human Emperor can withstand the dark power of ancient artifacts of origin, which is also a major source of support for him!
Immediately afterwards, Xu Yu transformed into a killing sword and held it in his hand.

The ancient artifact moved, flew over, and dropped towards Xu Yu's head, as if he had been chosen to crown him.

"He chose the Human Emperor as the seed of darkness!" Immortal King Xuanwu exclaimed.

"Chosen by darkness? I have lived forever, immortal and immortal, demons and monsters, get out!"

Xu Yu has the human emperor's seal on his head, holding a killing sword in his hand, with overwhelming murderous intent. The clanging sword light tears the world apart. His immortal body stands proudly, exuding a hazy immortal light, like an immortal monument.

The next moment, a clear light flashed, like an immortal emperor soaring into the sky, with a fierce murderous intention.

At the same time, his whole body was like a blazing fairy furnace, blooming with dazzling light, squeezing the world between heaven and earth, and the brilliant light was absorbing.

A clanging sound pierced the heavens and lit up the sky. The killing sword collided with the ancient artifact of origin, and sparks flew everywhere.

Following this, wisps of black mist surged crazily, shrouding the killing sword. The next moment, the killing sword was as black as ink, and seemed to be tainted with a strange and ominous aura.

Xu Yu snorted coldly, and the secret power of the Human Emperor's Seal dropped from the top of his head. Wisps of sacred aura transpired, shining in all directions and covering the sword body. With a chirping sound, all the black mist was dispersed.

Xuanwu Immortal King was dumbfounded, his mouth was dry, and he didn't quite believe all this. Even the Immortal King didn't dare to touch that box, as there would be great consequences. Unexpectedly, the Human Emperor was so brave and dared to attack the weapon of darkness, and it seemed that he was not at a disadvantage yet.

The sword energy was flowing vertically and horizontally, and the divine light of tens of millions of feet tore through the world and split the universe. The scene was extremely horrifying.

While he was swinging his sword, the endless earth collapsed, the void exploded inch by inch, and an infinite black abyss emerged. The scene was terrifying.
"Kill." Xu Yu shouted coldly, his hair trembling, his eyes standing up, and his whole person had an invincible aura.

He continued to wave the killing sword, which could be said to be moving forward without any fear. He once again bombarded the ancient artifact of origin. The sword energy was like a rainbow, unusually bright, and the rays of light surged, dispersing the endless black mist and making the ominous place shine.

Just like that, the two fought, the void exploded, dark matter surged violently, and the immortal energy also dispersed crazily, intertwined, impacted, and turned into ripples of the avenue.

That is to say, in the passage, strictly speaking, this is a chaotic zone, with almost no living beings. Otherwise, if the light of the origin ancient artifact is illuminated, it is unknown how many living beings will be polluted!
The two fought fiercely, and the sky trembled. After hundreds of moves, the light of the ancient artifact converged, and with a chirp, it actually flew away... (End of this chapter)

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