Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 494 The Age of Dharma Ending Is Coming

The origin artifact flew away!
Several people's expressions changed slightly. After fighting for such a long time, the Origin Ancient Artifact escaped.

The kings vaguely guessed the reason, originating the ancient artifact, but they couldn't help Xu Yu, so they temporarily abandoned him.

"What a terrifying ancient artifact..." Immortal King Xuanwu exclaimed, feeling a chill running down his spine. If it was illuminated, his skin would peel off even if he died.

He couldn't help feeling that there were probably not many people in the world who could stand up to the Origin Ancient Artifacts.

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked towards the distance. Unexpectedly, a wisp of black mist floated and fell towards the void in the distance.

The origin of ancient artifacts is weird!
At the end, he quietly left behind a wisp of black mist, which would really not be noticeable to ordinary people.

"Want to leave!"

Xu Yu's expression suddenly turned cold, his eyes were as bright as lightning, and he accurately captured the wisp of black mist.

If it were an ordinary Immortal King, he might have been deceived, but he caught it.

The divine light blocks out the sun and the sky becomes chaotic.

The fairy light exploded, and he ran away at high speed, chasing the wind and lightning.

It was a wisp of black mist falling from the ancient artifact, which contained its original power. If it fell on the creature chosen by it, a super evolved person would probably be born in a few years.


Xu Yu stopped shouting, then directly took out the bronze coffin of the Third Generation, letting it spin, and with a click, the coffin lid slid open.

A wisp of black mist drifted and was collected into the bronze coffin of the third generation.

This was the dark substance that originated from ancient artifacts and was worth studying. A bold idea quietly arose in his mind, and he wanted to put it into practice!
"Collect the original black mist of the ancient artifacts..." Several people looked solemn.

This is too bold. If you are not careful, it may cause the Immortal King to suffer disaster.

However, Xu Yu told them not to worry because he had his own means to deal with it.

When everyone heard this, they didn't say much. After all, they all saw his methods.

"The darkness was repulsed when it first came. I don't know when the ancient artifact will reappear." Immortal King Xuanwu showed a worried look.

"It doesn't matter, he shouldn't show up in a short time." Xu Yu stared at the sky, already having a countermeasure in his mind.

If the Origin Ancient Artifact is not in the foreign land for a long time, he can kill it at any time. The Origin Ancient Artifact must return to defense, otherwise he can destroy the foreign land at any time. This is a big shock.

"Although the darkness has been repelled, we have to guard against it and set up some magic circles to protect this world." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk spoke and raised some key questions.

"Right on my mind!"

The kings nodded, this was indeed the truth. After all, they would not stay in Jiutian for a long time, and they still needed to arrange it.

Next, the immortal kings began to act separately, setting up a large formation,
Formations flew up one after another, landing in many places in the nine heavens and ten lands, creating layers of avenue symbols.

Afterwards, the Dharma flags formed into pieces, densely packed like raindrops, and were planted everywhere. Normally, if darkness touches them, they will be activated, and they will be alerted immediately so that they can react quickly.

The formation set up by the Immortal King himself was basically unbreakable by anyone except the Dark Immortal King or the Origin Ancient Artifact.

Not long after, Xu Yu, Liu Shen, Xuanwu Immortal King, and Samsara Pan returned to Sanqian Daozhou again.

The Stone King is still waiting. Surrounding him is a sealed stone tripod. Inside are the heads of the nine gods, and beside them are the remnants of the gods, looking dull and lifeless.

On the other side, there is the body of Shi Xiong, the stone king who died in the battle and the border king who sealed several great gods.

Next, it is time to revive these Nine Heavenly Gods and Shi Xiong.

The others were fine and calm, but King Shi and Immortal King Xuanwu had heard of his heaven-defying methods, but had never seen them. This made them look forward to it.

Xu Yu's big hand caressed it and directly cracked the stone king's seal. Then the stone cauldron's lid exploded. Countless black energy surged up into the sky like wolf smoke.

"The breath of freedom... we are revived!"

"Hahaha, the seal has been released!"

"Darkness is eternal, and all living beings are disillusioned!"

One will after another revives, roaring to heaven and earth, these are the unknown things that are parasitic in the heads of the gods, and they are all cheering and celebrating the new life at this moment.

However, before they could fully recover, countless golden lights swept over and turned into avenue symbols. The sound suddenly stopped, and Xu Yu took action coldly, evaporating all these dark spirits.

"The soul is back!"

Xu Yu shouted. The six rays in the body glowed with dazzling light, spinning and roaring, driving countless avenue symbols.

Now that the dark spirit body in God's head has been eliminated, it is time to reset the remaining spirits in his head and gather the other remaining spirits in the world.

Endless residual spirits, like water waves, continuously flowed in and submerged into everyone's heads, emitting brilliant light.

Just when some people were about to revive, the next moment, the extraterrestrial catastrophe, the infinite light of chaos, shot down, the vast world, the terrifying aura was like the destruction of the world,

"What's going on? It angers the world. When people were resurrected in the past, there was no such scene!" Xu Yu was surprised and a little confused.

"Could it be that too many resurrections have touched Mo Mingming's great cause and effect?" Immortal King Xuanwu looked solemn as he reasoned silently.

"Heavenly calamity of cause and effect? ​​I am a self-made one, who can stop me? Life and death are not controlled by heaven, they are all determined by my thoughts and creation!"

Xu Yu snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with infinite murderous light. His eyes were so astonishing. The symbols of the avenue rotated, and he directly blasted away the thunder tribulation and broke through the chaos!
He is so strong that he competes with the sky for people without giving in at all. This is his belief and the source of his powerful and inexhaustible motivation!
A little bit of spiritual light rippled, and the residual spirits on the side sank into the head of the god. Not long after, all the gods revived.

"We are...still alive!!" Many resurrected gods were so shocked that they did not expect that they could still be alive.

Although there is only one head left now, the soul has been gathered and gathered in the head, only the physical body has not been reorganized.

If you want to get back your former body, it is not difficult. At that time, they will truly return to their peak!
Immediately afterwards, Shi Xiong revived. His black hair was disheveled, his face was majestic, his body was tall and majestic, his back was like a dragon, and he was extremely heroic.

The Nine Gods, the former Stone King Shi Xiong, revived. Soon, they understood the cause and effect. For a moment, everyone was filled with emotion and solemnly thanked Xu Yu.

After dealing with all this, several people planned to go home and return to the fairyland again.

The Stone King Shi Xiong, the Nine Heavenly Lords, and the Stone King of the Imperial Pass temporarily chose to stay in Jiutian. After all, this is their roots. They have just recovered and want to travel around the mountains and rivers and see their homeland.

"The troubled times are about to begin. Where in the world can we call home? Human Emperor, I will follow you into the immortal realm." Xuanwu Immortal King requested like this,

Xu Yu nodded in agreement. If this Xuanwu returns to its peak, there will be one more Immortal King!
"I wonder how my apprentice is doing..."

Xuanwu Immortal King said, the person he was talking about was naturally Cao Yusheng, the little fat man.

Cao Yusheng entered the Immortal Realm early, and now he is also practicing in Xuanwang City.

Not long after, they turned back and returned to the Immortal Realm from the Immortal Sect, and then returned to Xuanwang City.

"Master, why are you here?" Little fat man Cao Yusheng was surprised

"What, you don't welcome me? You don't know what's good for you!" King Xuan Wang glared at him.

"Although I came here to provide for your retirement, on the other hand, I also wanted to find a cemetery for you so that I can send you to your grave in the future." Old Xuanwu said with a smile.

Cao Yusheng was speechless. The master buried his apprentice and bid him farewell. It felt weird no matter what.

"The destiny has changed. It seems that you can no longer send your friend as your master. In the future, you will be buried and our master and disciple will meet again in the next life!"

Inner Palace of Xuanwang City

Xu Yu quietly sat cross-legged on the central futon, with the bronze coffin of three generations lying quietly in front of her.

His eyes were deep, and he thought quietly for a while, and then his mind moved. A person who had been suppressed by him was released, and he was going to do a big experiment!

And the person released was none other than... Wang Changsheng!

Wang Changsheng!
The once top supreme being of the Immortal Family, now a dark creature, has become Xu Yu's prisoner.

When Xu Yu quelled the turmoil in the foreign land, he recognized him as a dark creature, but did not kill him, but kept him. Only now, he was released again.

Wang Changsheng looks very young, with beautiful features, red lips and white teeth.

"If you don't kill me, what do you want?" Dark King Changsheng said solemnly. He knew that he fell into the hands of the Immortal King and had no chance, but he didn't know what the other party wanted.

"The time has come when I need you..." Xu Yu smiled, looking extremely bright, but it sent shivers down Wang Changsheng's spine, giving him a bad premonition.

Xu Yu looked at Wang Changsheng and nodded secretly, "The Dao Bone Immortal Fetus has a really good body. Wang Changsheng is one of his experimental subjects."

He has always had an idea to build a body of darkness, a body of darkness that is exclusive to him. It is not limited to the soul or the body, but a dark creature through and through!
This is indeed a bold and crazy idea. If it spreads, it will definitely shock the fairyland, because it is so crazy that if you are not careful, you will completely overturn it.

Xu Yu remembered that in the original trajectory, Liu Shen gave up her body and crossed the sea with her soul in order to go to the ultimate place. In the end, the body she left behind in the boundary sea gave birth to a new soul, and thus the Dark Willow God!
And his idea is that not only the dark soul is needed, but also the dark body.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be impossible to achieve this, because if this were the case, the whole person would not be himself, but a dark body, which would be uncontrollable.

However, the development of the six paths in his body has now been perfected, and with the original black mist of the ancient artifact, there may be a chance to support him in doing this.

He wants to evolve the dark soul and take over the body of darkness that is now Wang Changsheng!
Wang Changsheng's expression was gloomy and uncertain. In front of the Immortal King, he had no choice but to wait for the unknown fate.

Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and there was a divine light flowing, suddenly rushing out, and in an instant, ripples appeared.

"Ah..." Wang Changsheng screamed.

Wang Changsheng's soul began to disappear and gradually dispersed. In the end, only a little bit of true spirit remained, flickering on and off, a dark true spirit!

Xu Yu's eyebrows glowed, and then a ball of light appeared, which was his soul.

He pointed like a sword, and with a stroke in the void, a light flashed, and a wisp of soul mark appeared, and he actually cut it off.

"Reincarnation!" He scolded lightly, and suddenly the light in his body became strong, and the blazing light intertwined, as if a vast world was spinning, roaring!

The six paths in his body rotated, the six light groups glowed, the power of reincarnation emerged, and some of the soul marks were introduced into the portal of reincarnation.

Reincarnation does not count the years, there are millions of reincarnations, and there is also a moment of rebirth.

Ten years passed in a hurry, a ball of light emerged, and the mark of the soul appeared.

Nowadays, the soul mark has completely taken on a new look. After reincarnation, it seems that it has completely lost the breath of the past. It has no trace and no trace, and its traces cannot be detected.

"The soul mark of reincarnation, or it can be said to be the soul mark of future generations!" Xu Yu smiled softly.

The mark of the soul that has been reincarnated in the body now is very special. It does not belong to the current world, but to his future. The two have the same origin, but they seem to have nothing to do with each other.

He knew that his experiment was successful! A soul that is closely related to him, but others cannot detect the cause and effect, a soul that can obscure the secrets of heaven, was born.

If we step into the darkness, how can we not cover our heels?

"The next step is to let this soul mark step into the darkness and turn into the dark soul," he said softly, and then he waved his big hand, and the light burst out and hit the copper coffin lid.


The lid of the third-generation copper coffin was opened, and a wisp of black mist that had been sealed floated out, entwined with a deep ominous aura.

And that wisp of black mist seemed to sense something very quickly. It sensed the soul mark, rushed over and merged with him, quickly turning the "reincarnated" soul mark into a dark soul. god.

His dark soul was born!
Then, Wang Changsheng's residual spirit was horrified because his dark soul floated over and completely swallowed Wang Changsheng's true dark spirit.

"This time, Tianji is completely confused, and the dark soul, plus the dark soul that swallowed the original Wang Changsheng, is perfect!"

Now, a new dark soul was born.

Xu Yu's soul mark, Wang Changsheng's soul remnant, and the black mist completely formed a terrifying dark soul.

Now, he has become a complete dark soul, a brand new individual born!
In an instant, the dark soul returned and submerged into Wang Changsheng's body. Soon, it merged with him, and a Xu Yu version of Wang Changsheng was born.

"Wang Changsheng" closed his eyes and quietly comprehended this body of darkness.
"The power of darkness..." He whispered, with curiosity, controlling the darkness for the first time. This was a brand new experience that he had never had before.

It has to be said that this body is extremely powerful even in the supreme realm. No wonder it was chosen as the carrier of darkness in the first place!

The true immortal eldest grandson, Wang Changsheng, passed away a long time ago and was later eroded by darkness. His body was naturally tempered by darkness and transformed into a true body of darkness. He was extremely powerful and could only be compared to the Supreme Realm.

At the beginning, Di Guan didn't even have a true immortal, so naturally he couldn't see Wang Changsheng's roots. He had a dark body and had been practicing for a long time.

"From today on, I am Wang Changsheng!"

'Wang Changsheng' smiled strangely, and there was an ominous aura permeating his body, which was quite shocking.

But soon, his temperament changed again.

Then, he restrained the black energy, and a brilliant light emerged from his body, which was so sacred that no shadow of dark creatures could be seen at all.

His expression changed, he smiled softly, his teeth were as white as snow,

Very brilliant, like a touch of morning glow! He has jet black hair, which is shining when it is spread down, and his eyes are as clear as crystal, without any flaws, and he looks extremely innocent.

Xu Yu and Wang Changsheng looked at each other, feeling strange in each other's hearts. The two of them had the same feelings for each other, but there was an inexplicable sense of distance between them.

"Are we going to survive the tribulation?" Xu Yu, also known as Wang Changsheng, was slightly surprised after a while and felt something strange in his body.

The bottleneck of his body of darkness has actually been loosened. He is about to break through the peak of the extreme realm and step into the true fairyland.

However, Xu Yu felt relieved after thinking about it. Wang Changsheng's talent was beyond comparison and could be compared with Meng Tianzheng. The reason why he was trapped at the top of the extreme realm was just a limitation of the environment of heaven and earth.

Now, entering the Immortal Realm is a matter of course, and achieving the Immortal Status is indeed very easy!
In fact, Meng Tianzheng could theoretically become an immortal, but he suppressed him and waited for the end of the world to approach before taking that crucial step.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Xuan directly took Chen Wang Changsheng away and appeared in a secret realm in Xuan Wang City.

This side of the world is the secret realm of Xuanwang City, a sacred land specially used to overcome tribulations.

There are mountains and rivers, vast swamps, ancient trees and wolf forests, tigers roaring and apes croaking, creating a primitive landscape.

To be on the safe side, he formed a seal with his big hand, countless flags flew out, divine light rose up, and connected together, reinforcing the defense again.

He didn't intend to let any third person know about Wang Changsheng's affairs except himself!
The world was sealed off, and even if other immortal kings approached, they would not notice that anyone was going through the immortal tribulation.


Wang Changsheng exploded, his entire body was glowing and seemed to be burning, releasing immortal power.

A powerful wave swept across the sky and the earth. His black hair was fluttering, his eyes were as sharp as lightning, and his aura was exploding.

From his body, rays of fairy light evaporated, and the fairy mist enveloped him, making him look extremely sacred.

The light rains and the immortal light blooms!

Although he looks divine, his temperament is strange and cold, like an unparalleled demon. This is the influence of the dark soul, but his general aura is similar to that of a normal immortal.

"Sure enough, at this point, judging from the breath alone, there is no difference between dark creatures and ordinary creatures." Xu Yu observed, thinking secretly, and nodded.

In the end, he survived the catastrophe of becoming an immortal and became a dark creature at the level of a true immortal. Although he was a dark creature, he looked more divine, even surpassing ordinary true immortals.
"No wonder, when dark evolvers reach a certain level, they are no different from ordinary people."

He remembered that Yu Tuo had no trace of darkness at all from his appearance or even his aura.


"Wang Changsheng" on the side nodded slightly. After the breakthrough, this body of darkness suddenly reached the middle stage of true immortality. Its strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

In fact, it is also understandable that this body has accumulated enough, and it is only through accumulation that we have achieved what we have today.

“Go, step into the darkness, and find your own way!

Xu Yu smiled slightly and looked at the person who was led by him.
'Wang Changsheng'.

'Wang Changsheng' nodded, with a strange smile on his face. He looked at each other and smiled. The two had the same mind and understood each other quickly.

Not long after, the Immortal Gate was opened, and Xu Yu quietly sent "Wang Changsheng" to the nine heavens and ten places for training.

Nowadays, the world is approaching the end of the Dharma. For those in the Zhenxian Realm, it is also a kind of experience that can nourish their own Tao Fruit.

In the Age of Dharma End, it is a kind of torture and suppression for dark creatures. However, this environment can also hone an invincible body. Xu Yu hopes that this dark body can grow up quickly and has high hopes for him.

Originally, he wanted Wang Changsheng to cross the boundary sea directly, but currently he is only in the middle stage of the true immortal realm, and his strength is too weak. If he is destroyed, the loss will be huge, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Time flies, years grow old easily, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

one day,
The world shook, and in a mansion in Xuanwang City, there were avenues surrounding it, and a figure was clustered in the center.

Xu Yu, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes, turned his eyes, and saw Shi Hao's figure, his face moved slightly,
The breath of the supreme!
Shi Hao is going to achieve supreme status!

He was slightly surprised that he was only in his forties now, but it was really amazing that he had set foot in that field.

Today, he has achieved the first supreme status a few years earlier than in the original work. He remembers that in the original trajectory, Shi Hao became a supreme leader when he was around fifty years old, but now he is about to reach that level in his forties. .

He took one step forward and appeared at Shi Hao's residence.

Not long after, the crystal skull, the golden bone palm, the bloody eyeball, the three old guys, Daoyin, the master of the restricted area, and the reincarnation disk were also alarmed.

"If a supreme being under five hundred years old can survive, he will create a miracle," Dao Yin said in astonishment.

He has never seen anything since he lived in ancient times, and now he is surprised. One can imagine how extraordinary Shi Hao's achievements are.

Throughout the ages, only a handful of people have achieved supreme status under the age of five hundred. Unexpectedly, this little guy would take this step.

It can be clearly seen that he is like a phoenix reborn from nirvana. If the reborn true phoenix feathers give him strength, he will be strong and powerful to the peak.

In particular, there was a fairy light erupting in his body, like a small sun, making his aura gradually rise to the extreme, and he was about to enter a new world.

"Vitality emerges from ruin. Two inexplicable forces are confronting each other, evolving into a supreme avenue!"

Xu Yu whispered, his eyes were piercing, and he could see a lot of things.

In Shi Hao's body, there is the depleted source of the eight realms' final laws, as well as the creative vitality of the immortal realm.

These two forces are entangled, agitated, and compatible with each other. If a long drought meets the rain, coupled with the blessing of a secret power of the Supreme Bone, it actually allows him to reach this point.

Today's Shi Hao has a deeper destiny than his original trajectory, and Xu Yu saw that his body is surrounded by various principles from nine heavens, foreign lands, and fairy worlds, promoting his advancement!

Not long after, Meng Tianzheng, Taoist Qingmu and the Supreme Beings of the Nine Heavens also came. They were all extremely surprised. They did not expect that this descendant of the human race would reach this point so quickly.

"How powerful will it be to become a supreme being if you use your body to achieve success?" Great Elder Meng Tianzheng was full of expectations for Shi Hao.

Immediately afterwards, young people such as Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings, and the Exiled Immortal also came. They were all surprised. They were still seeking refuge in the First Realm, but Shi Hao was planning to attack the Supreme Being?
"Crossing the taboo line of five hundred years, it's really against the sky..." Xuanwu Immortal King also appeared, making a seal with his hand, making some calculations, and his expression was moved. He couldn't see through the young man in front of him.

"Hahaha, my brother is about to reach the Supreme Realm. It's really unbelievable."

The little fat man Cao Yusheng appeared. He was surprised at first, then overjoyed and triumphant.

Everyone was speechless, why did they feel that the person who broke through was not Shi Hao, but the little fat man who broke through to the Supreme.

Xu Yu waved his hand and directly arranged an Immortal King's magic circle to seal off the area where Shi Hao was about to cross the tribulation.

The supreme breakthrough shakes the world, and ordinary people cannot get close to it. But with this magic circle, these young people have the opportunity to observe the supreme breakthrough, which will help them take a further step and get a lot of inspiration from it.

Normally, if a supreme breakthrough occurs, there will be true immortals to protect him, but Shi Hao has several immortal kings to protect him, which is amazing.

Not long after, the news spread that Shi Hao was going to break through to the Supreme Level, and everyone in the Immortal Realm was shocked!
No one can believe what the forty-year-old Supreme said. Even in the Immortal Realm, many people immediately regarded this matter as a joke.

Five hundred years is a curse that is difficult to break and difficult to overcome.

In this era of Immortal Realm, no such creature has been born.

But soon, they confirmed that this was true. The man who called Huang seemed to be creating a miracle!
Shi Hao soared up into the sky and began to overcome the tribulation. His body bloomed with infinite light, and his chest had an aura that was unprecedented in the world. The heaven and earth were in chaos, which was very shocking. Not long after, the catastrophe officially came.

Next, he was tortured by heaven and earth, burned by the fire of karma, and all kinds of terrible sufferings came and eroded his body, which made everyone watching couldn't help but feel frightened and sweat for him.

In the end, he succeeded, advanced, and became a young supreme, with a terrifying aura that spreads far and wide. Forty-year-old Supreme!
Everyone sighed, "Huang, this is really outrageous!"
Shi Yi, Banished Immortal, and Ten-Crown King were very silent. There was unspeakable pressure in their hearts. Shi Hao pushed them away a lot. At such an age, they have entered the Supreme Realm.

"Brother, although I have entered the supreme realm, I feel that my Dao fruit is still flawed..."

Not long after, Shi Hao found Xu Yu and came to ask him for advice.

"What suits you is the best. The laws of heaven and earth are at an end. If you are willing, you can rebuild it in the lower world." Xu Yu smiled.

Today's Shi Hao has not yet completely opened up the secret realm of the human body, and the Supreme Avenue has not yet been truly perfected. If he waits for him to open up the secret realm, great things can happen!
Then, he tapped lightly, and many insights about the great path were absorbed into his eyebrows. Then he imparted some insights about the six paths of reincarnation in his body to him, allowing him to realize it.

"I understand..." Shi Hao nodded with joy, then turned and left.

Ten years later, the fairyland was in a commotion, and something terrible happened!

"Something big has happened, heaven and earth are backlash, and the Age of Ending Dharma has arrived!"

(End of this chapter)

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