Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 495 The eyes from the depths of the fairyland

The heart of heaven is unpredictable and the road is like frost!
There was a huge earthquake in the Immortal Realm, and everyone in the world was shocked!

The world is beginning to backlash, the Age of Ending Law is coming, a cruel era of chaos is coming, and if it is not handled well, it may even spread to the Immortal Realm!

This news was immediately sent out by the soldiers who were stationed at the portals of the major immortal realms and monitored the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. It soon swept through the immortal realm.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, those ancient lands are beginning to drift and will be brought together to return to one realm. In the process, drastic changes will occur.

The most terrifying thing is that as the road is high and far away, the spiritual energy will gradually dry up, and we will enter the Dharma Ending Age that is not suitable for practice, or even the Age of Nowhere. This is undoubtedly fatal for monks!

The Immortal Realm was frightened, and I was thinking of countermeasures. I immediately wanted to close the Immortal Gate and completely cut off the portal to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to avoid being affected.

"Brother once said that the end of heaven and earth is both an opportunity and a test for us. It may contain amazing fortunes. I am willing to go down to the next world and reshape the foundation of the Tao."

Soon, Shi Hao appeared and made a decision to prepare to practice in the lower world, perfect his supreme foundation, and make a breakthrough.

"I have one regret. I haven't become an immortal for a long time. The world is ending. This is the opportunity to rise." Meng Tianzheng, who is in his golden years, has also arrived. His golden battle clothes are clanging and he looks majestic. He will also experience the lower world. He wants to survive in the world of the last generation. , and attained the true supreme immortal position.

Shi Yi, the Ten-Crown King, and the Banished Immortal also recovered from their secluded state and requested the lower world. Now that Shi Hao was the Supreme, they felt a sense of urgency in their hearts and eagerly hoped to rise faster.

Not far away, the immortal King Wu Immortal and his disciple Cao Yusheng arrived hand in hand, but Cao Yusheng was crying and looking very reluctant at the moment.

"Disciple, let's go to the land of reincarnation. The master will choose an auspicious time for you, and I will personally see you off."

Xuanwu Immortal King smiled and looked at his apprentice with an incomprehensible expression.

Everyone was speechless and looked at him strangely. What kind of master was this? He was rushing to bury his disciples in the age of the end of the Dharma. No matter how he heard it, he felt a little strange.

Even Xu Yu was speechless.

"You don't know, this boy's destination is in the land. The fairyland is not suitable for him. He needs to transform in the land life after life before he can hone his invincible body." He smiled slowly.

However, Cao Yusheng still had a droopy fat face, reluctantly,

"Don't be angry, kid. What I found for you is the best immortal land, no worse than the Immortal Realm. The place of reincarnation in Sanqianzhou is the cave of the Immortal King of Reincarnation, and the Immortal King of Endlessness is also in retreat there."

Everyone was shocked, there is such a blessed place in three thousand states?

"Everyone, let's see you in the next life!" Cao Yusheng said goodbye to everyone with a sad face, his face twisted into a ball.


One kind of person waved, turned and left, heading to the Immortal Gate. Soon, Xuanwu Immortal King, Meng Tianzheng, Shi Hao, Shi Yi and others left the lower world together from the Immortal Sect.

Xu Yu's body swayed, walking on the fairy light, and appeared in an ancient city gate, watching everyone go away.

Today, the city gate has not yet been closed, and many soldiers are guarding the immortal gate in order to be prepared and observe the direction and changes of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"I've met the Immortal King!"

When Xu Yu arrived, a group of armored soldiers saw the Immortal King coming. They were all shocked, with a look of awe on their faces, and kowtowed step by step, paying homage.

Xu Yu nodded, standing on the city gate tower, his eyes moving, looking into the distance, the heavy child's light filled the air, and seemed to be able to reflect all the world's world and all kinds of expressions in the sky.

Not long after, something unexpected happened, and a loud noise was heard in the void.

The whole world is slightly turbulent, and the power of vast rules is permeating the air, just like the giant who created the world is swinging his axe, opening up the universe again and clearing the world.

At this moment, the faces of the monks from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths changed, they felt deeply chilled, and there was an inexplicable feeling of powerlessness in their hearts.

Outside the territory, an ancient world is floating in at this moment, approaching the Three Thousand Daozhou, and it is already beginning to merge together.

As time goes by, changes have occurred in the nine heavens. Some "heavens" have become infinitely close to each other, are merging, and are about to return to one place.

As soon as they merged for a moment, their essence disappeared severely, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths became barren. This was the backlash of heaven and earth, and they were rapidly entering the Age of Ending Dharma.

It seems that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have reunited into one realm, but in fact it is just an appearance. The true essence is the Age of Dharma Ending, and the era cannot even come. This is the most terrifying thing.

In the past, the Nine Heavens with thin immortal matter could give birth to creatures that were not at a high level but could live for a long time. In the future, there would be no more. The most powerful monk supreme could only live for ten thousand years.

Once the time comes, even if you have the power to be respected in the world and do not become an immortal, you will be unable to defy the heavens. Dust will return to dust, and dust will return to dust!

As for the true immortals, they are not necessarily safe in the drastic changes in the world. They may suffer backlash from the world and have special targets.

Later, terrible things will happen, and God's will is like a knife, which will cut down on all living beings!

After some time, the two pieces of sky merged together, making a rumble that changed the color of the people and echoed in their hearts.

There was no huge earthquake as imagined, and there were no countless casualties. There were only so many rules that many people couldn't help but scream.

Vaguely. They feel that they have lost something and feel empty in their hearts, but they do not know exactly what they have lost.

"Destiny is gone!"

In an ancient place somewhere, a young man spoke leisurely. He looked very young, like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, with red lips and white teeth, and delicate eyebrows. Only his eyes were very vicissitudes of life, and there was a terrible scene of the sun and the moon turning, and the starry sea disillusioned.

At this moment, he was riding the aurora through a mountain range. His body was surrounded by a faint fairy light, making him look otherworldly.

He is the new Wang Changsheng!
Now, I have experienced in the Age of Ending Dharma, walked through countless ancient places, understood the changes in the world, and practiced in the body of darkness. This is a brand new experience.
"The road is high and far away. The farther you are from me, the stronger the feeling between each other is." After a brief understanding of the world today, Wang Changsheng's eyes were clear and divine, and he stared in the direction of the sky, his mind moving slightly.
The Zhetian Era can be called the Post-Apocalypse Era, but experiencing the changes personally has been heavier and more terrifying.

Because, not only was there the end of the law, but also in the process of drastic changes in the world, there was a sudden attack, and he invisibly killed all living beings.

This is destiny. It cannot be seen, but it is real. It is given by the universe. Now it has been harvested partially or completely. Even Wang Changsheng seems to have been chopped off invisibly.

However, he did not have any fluctuations, his mood was joyless and worry-free, and he allowed himself to be clear-minded and review all changes in himself.

Time passed quietly, and Wang Changsheng quietly understood and felt the changes in the world. The order of the universe merged, the Tao intertwined, and various orders emerged, which touched him very much.

He observed the changes in the heaven and earth, visited one sacred land after another, and one ancient land after another, exploring the changes in the Dharma Ending Age and observing every detail.

"Once the Dharma comes to an end, Lingjie is cut off!" Wang Changsheng sighed. These days, he has seen many scenes of the Dharma end, which have a profound impact on many people.

During this period of time, there has been a great panic in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Many creatures want to enter the Immortal Realm and leave this land that is gradually coming to the end of the Dharma.

Because the impact was too great, some negative effects occurred, which made them panic.

For example, there are some creatures that have lived for millions of years, but are not supreme beings. Recently, their lives have dried up one after another, their life span is about to end, and they are on the verge of death.

In fact, some people have already manifested themselves in advance. The Age of Dharma Ending is coming, and its footsteps are getting closer and closer. "Reincarnation changes, and it begins again and again. The nine heavens and ten earths are broken and reborn again and again. This is a cycle." He whispered with deep feelings.

Wang Changsheng continued to move forward step by step, like a ghost, quietly realizing the changes in the world.


Nowadays in the Immortal Realm, some immortal families and immortal forces are secretly glad that they followed Immortal King Jiuyan and entered the Immortal Realm in advance, otherwise they would have been robbed and fallen into a state of eternal catastrophe.

But soon, another shocking news came out. The former nine gods and the king of Bianhuang reappeared in the world, and they appeared one after another from the nine heavens.

Qingwei God, Dachi God, Infinite God...each immortal name is as heavy as Mount Tai, crushing the past and present, and shining brightly in ancient history.

The former God, the king of the wilderness, is resurrected!
They have used heaven-defying methods and immortal family methods to build many small chaotic realms to resist the laws of heaven and earth, attract some creatures, and protect them.

Later, some of the magic arrays from the past were also found by everyone and reappeared in the world. They were the small chaotic worlds arranged by Immortal King Zhongyan and others when they were setting up the Immortal King Array to deal with the darkness.

It is impossible to integrate all the monks from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths into the Immortal Realm. That is unrealistic, but it can reduce the loss of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths as much as possible.

Xu Yu and the others also considered that because not everyone can fight against this era of the end of heaven and earth, they left some back-ups and arranged some chaotic realms to temporarily avoid the drastic changes in the end of heaven and earth.

And with the two Stone Kings and the Nine Heavens Immortal Lords, with these powerful beings, the overall situation of the creatures in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will be much better, and most of them can survive.

Of course, there are also some supremes, young descendants, and some good talents who were recommended by Jiutian's forces in the fairyland and sent to the fairyland before the end of the law completely comes.

For example, the Five Elements Mountain Spirit brought Qin Changsheng from Three Thousand Daozhou into the Immortal Realm.

Not long after, Shi Hao's figure appeared in the Immortal Realm again, but he was not alone. Instead, he moved the entire Stone Village and placed it in the secret realm of the King's City of Ending.

From then on, there was a vast fairyland in the King's City.

Of course, his mother, grandfather, and others also came.

He even brought some people from Big Red Bird, Er Baldy, Fire Nation Sacrifice Spirit, and Butian Pavilion.

After settling these people, Shi Hao officially started training in the lower realm.

Nine heavens and ten earths, heaven and earth are gradually changing, and the end of the law is becoming more and more severe.

Heavy, but Wang Changsheng has been very calm during these years.

Sometimes I practice in the world and realize the vast world of mortals as the world changes. Sometimes I sit on a mountain cliff, watch the ups and downs of the road, and detect the pulse of the universe.

Suddenly, a knife cut open the sky at a very fast speed. The snow was bright and cold, eternity was shattered, and many stars fell and were annihilated into ashes, which was extremely gorgeous.

In the Age of Dharma Ending, God's will is like a knife, ruthlessly cutting it down! Moreover, he is very targeted. This kind of sword of providence also poses a threat to the true immortal!
Most people cannot see it because it is invisible and is the carrier of Tao. Only the person involved can see it.

When this sword fell, it illuminated the heaven and earth like a falling star. It was extremely powerful, setting off layers of ripples on the avenue and shattering the sky.


The quelling chaos was launched, the sword-shaped mark in Wang Changsheng's heart glowed, the sword clanked, and billions of wisps of sword energy shot up into the sky, bombarding the sky.

Bang bang bang!
Endless star skeletons fell down, and many big stars in the sky disintegrated and exploded. Wang Changsheng fought against the sword of God's will to prevent him from approaching.

If an ordinary person were to use the Knife of Heaven's Will, their lifespan would probably be drastically reduced. However, when it comes to true immortals, the Knife of Heaven's Will actually wants to break through their foundation, causing the immortal to fall into the mortal world, and finally suffer the ravages of time!
The Age of Ending Dharma has begun, and God's will is like a knife, cutting it down, but it is resisted by his heaven-defying life. Of course, this is just the first wave, and there will be many more.

Of course, Wang Changsheng can block it, but that doesn't mean that other living beings can block it. Just this first wave has made many monks unable to resist and died.

The impact should continue, but this is only the initial stage. A few days later, many powerful people died. Even if they resisted, their lifespans were also reduced sharply. Many people did not expect that things would evolve so quickly.

Even just the first wave made many people unable to stop it.

Many people set off, not daring to delay any longer. They formed a mighty army and went to some chaotic realms left by the Immortal King and God to ask for asylum.

At first they were not aware of the seriousness of the problem, but now they are horrified. They all hate their parents for losing two legs.

The Great Migration has begun, and many strong people are running for their lives.

Some creatures didn't even have time to go to the chaotic world left by the Immortal King, and simply withered on the road.

After all, not every creature has profound Taoism. Crossing a long distance is not an easy task for creatures with average cultivation. The number of strong people who can persevere in drastic changes and rush to the Chaos Realm is huge. Not too much.

The two stone kings and the nine gods are also doing their best to rescue the living beings and minimize the heavy damage caused by the end of the law to the nine heavenly beings.

But even so, many lives have withered away. The entire earth is lifeless and mourning is everywhere, and there is no exception in the nine heavens and ten lands.

"Heaven and earth are irreversible. The end of the world is coming, and even the elixir has degraded." Someone exclaimed, and something even more terrifying happened next.

The desolation of heaven and earth has become more and more serious. Even the magic medicine has become ineffective. It has no original effect and the whole plant is dim. The elixir of immortality has degraded, and the immortal substance and immortal charm contained in it have decreased sharply. It is no longer as good as before, and it is even impossible to speak.

In the vastness of the universe, Wang Changsheng is constantly being chopped by the sword of providence. Every time there is a slight fluctuation, he will find it.

Dao is ruthless, it is a kind of rule and order, and it targets not only ordinary creatures, but also dark creatures.

This torrential furnace of providence seemed to be staring at him, constantly looking for trouble for him, trying to get him back on the road.

However, Wang Changsheng survived. His cultivation level increased sharply, and the dark Tao and Dharma also continued to improve.

This is unimaginable. In the middle stage of True Immortal, there is a breakthrough in a short period of time, which is simply unbelievable.

This is the age when heaven and earth are at the end of the Dharma. After surviving the catastrophe, the benefits gained are indescribable!

If you practice properly, even dark creatures will not practice so fast.

Generally speaking, in the supreme realm, the practice of dark creatures advances by leaps and bounds, and it takes a lot of time to reach the supreme realm or even become a true immortal.


Fairyland, the final city of Yanwang

Wang Changsheng experienced Xu Yu's dark body in the lower realm, while he himself practiced in the immortal realm.

A few years passed in a hurry, and he was sitting cross-legged on the futon. One day, he suddenly opened his eyes because someone came to report that many powerful people from the True Immortal Realm had disappeared recently.

Xu Yu made a secret with both hands and quickly deduced the general reason. His eyes were as bright as lightning, and his cold eyes instantly stared into the deepest part of the fairyland... (End of this chapter)

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