Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 496 9 Monsters Deep in the Immortal Realm

When the Immortal King was angry, he laid down tens of thousands of corpses and bled for millions of miles.

People in the depths of the Immortal Realm actually dared to attack their subordinates, which made him suddenly become murderous.

Nowadays, Xu Yu's Taoism is so profound that it is difficult to find someone who can compare with him in the Immortal King Realm. His strength is among the best among the kings in the Immortal Realm, with few rivals.

But now, when Xu Yu is at the height of his power in the Immortal Realm, someone actually dares to attack his tribe.

Although no specific person was deduced, the direction of the deduction pointed to a direction, deep in the vast fairyland!

The deduced black hand points wherever it goes!

He knew a long time ago that there were some places in the Immortal Realm that were inaccessible and dangerous. Even the veteran Immortal King was willing to set foot there easily.

Because there are mysterious creatures in those areas that can be traced back to endless years, and there are also ancient families that have escaped from the world. Although they don't care about the human world, they overlook the fairyland and are aloof. No one dares to provoke them.

There is also a kind of creature with mysterious origins. They are mainly souls and rarely have physical bodies, but they are always plundering and looking for physical bodies.

"It should be to attract the spirits that fell in the ancient temple."

Xu Yu thought silently, and soon he deduced a general idea: the disappearance of some true immortals was probably related to those people.

"The depths of the Immortal Realm are ultimately scourges. They must be pacified, otherwise the future will not be stable." He said softly, making a decision.

Originally, he had not planned to take action so early, but something happened to some true immortals, which made him realize that if he wanted to stabilize the immortal realm, he must eradicate some unstable forces.

Later, he called Immortal King Qi Yu using a secret method and told him his thoughts.

"You want to pacify the depths of the Immortal Realm?" Qi Yu was a little surprised. For many years, the kings of the Immortal Realm hardly dared to provoke anyone.

In the past, some giants of the Immortal Realm fell, which led to the current kings of the Immortal Realm turning a blind eye to the creatures in the depths of the Immortal Realm.

"Yes, we not only need to save those true immortals. The reckoning is coming in the future, but we must first settle the internal affairs before going outside. We should also eliminate them completely."

"Well, what you said makes sense. Now that we have many more giants and our power has increased greatly, we may be able to sweep that place away. I will call the kings to discuss it." Qi Yu pondered for a while and said.

Not long after, countless divine lights soared into the sky, all the kings arrived, the aura was blazing, the light intertwined into a continuous patch, and strange phenomena occurred frequently in the world.

Qi Yu suddenly summoned more than a dozen immortal kings, almost half of the immortal kings in the original immortal realm.

Kings such as Pan King, Hunyuan Immortal King, and the king of the Golden Crow clan were all invited to gather in Xu Yu's Immortal King City. Next, Immortal Kings such as Liu Shen, Samsara Pan, Daoyin True Dragon, etc. also appeared.

When the kings learned that they wanted to completely pacify the depths of the Immortal Realm, they were all surprised and started talking about it.

"It's very dangerous and weird there. There are many mysterious creatures. There is a kind of creature that is mainly composed of souls. It rarely has a physical body, but it has been plundering other physical bodies. The disappearance of some true immortals should be related to this." There is an Immortal King. said.

"Those kinds of creatures are very scary, and they are very powerful. The most important thing is that they have mastered many long-lost supreme skills," the King of the Golden Crow clan, the Golden Crow King, sighed.

"Perhaps... they escaped from the Jie Yin Ancient Palace." King Pan's friend, Immortal King Hunyuan, also spoke.

"If that's the case, it's even more worth investigating." Xu Yu whispered. In fact, he also guessed that it was almost the same.

After a while, the kings reached an agreement to set out to conquer the ancient sacred land and completely put an end to the strange creatures causing chaos and scourge.

Now, with the addition of the Nine Heavenly Spirits, the strength of the Immortal Realm has greatly increased, which also gives the Immortal Kings more confidence. Moreover, there are still several giants here, so the certainty is even greater.

In fact, the kings of the Immortal Realm are also troubled by the restless factor, but they have been unable to act because of their strength. Now that their strength has greatly increased, they naturally responded positively.

Not long after, they started on the road. Now, they were naturally fearless. Xu Yu's eyes glowed, exploring the world.

The Immortal Kings accompanied them and followed several giants into the depths of the Immortal Realm.

Deep in the Immortal Realm, there are hundreds of millions of miles of red land with no human habitation, only the steaming air of death.

There are also areas that are overgrown with wormwood and desolate. They seem to lack vitality and do not look like a place to become an immortal at all.

There are also some areas covered in silver, like white snow, with no other colors. They are silent and full of the aura of death. It turns out that the snow-white bones connect the sky and the earth.

There are even some areas with strips of lakes, but they are scarlet red and have a pungent smell of blood. They are the blood of ancient creatures. They have not dried up or solidified even now. They have an absorbing power that makes people feel enchanted. trembling.

This is the deepest part of the Immortal Realm. There are many extremely weird places that contain great murderous intentions. If a true immortal is not careful, he may be robbed.

Ahead, there is a stone forest, very quiet, with huge rocks scattered across it, such as Crouching Tiger Stone, Panlong Peak...

The entire stone forest is grey-brown and stretches as far as the eye can see. It is completely different from the ordinary stone forest seen in the outside world. It is so vast, like a vast ocean.

In the stone forest, there are some huge star skeletons. When did the arrangement originate? Compared with the huge stone forest, they are nothing at all, just like fine dust.

This is their final destination.

Xu Yu is here, and his eyes shine with brilliant beams of light across the sky. The primitive breath surges and sweeps across this vast ancient land, constantly sensing everything here.

In an instant, an astonishing beam of light tore through the world, and he saw the ancient palace a million miles away, where the golden light was overwhelming.

But there are also strands of darkness entangled in that luster.

Xu Yu sensed the aura of some true immortals in Xu Yu's Immortal King City, and his eyes suddenly turned cold. Many of those people followed him from Jiutian, and were true elites who had experienced the land of reincarnation. Those creatures were imprisoned.

He raised his feet and stepped forward to kill without any scruples. Immortal beams of light shot out from outside his body. The fighting blood boiled in his body. The scriptures were turning. In an instant, the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning, and the stars were moving.

The Immortal Sutra was created by him, and his body is solid and immortal. In the King Realm, the world is vast, and it may be difficult to find a few who can compare with it.

Waves of blood surged from his forehead and turned into a glow, overwhelming the sky and making the whole world tremble and wail!
In the stone forest, the temple is dilapidated, but it is very grand, with a light golden luster, sacred and peaceful. If it were not filled with black and slightly weird, it would make people feel like it is a fairy temple.

Qi Yu, Liu Shen, Pan Wang, Samsara Pan and other twenty immortal kings stopped far away, facing the exit of the ancient palace, standing there indifferently, staring inside.

"This is the Jie Yin Ancient Palace!" Qi Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and he directly pointed out his origin.

He looked solemn. If he hadn't summoned so many people to come here, because the involvement was too deep, if he had come here alone, even if he was the top giant in the fairyland, he would be in extremely danger!
Xu Yu's expression was dull. He had also seen the Ancient Jingyin Palace before. When he was in the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, the woman who lived on the World Tree controlled an Ancient Jingyin Palace.

The Dark Land and the Ancient Temple of Jie Yin are all closely connected and inseparable.

"Fellow Taoists, where does this come from?"

Suddenly, a peaceful voice rang out, and then a ball of blazing light emerged. It was a white tiger, its fur shimmering with a golden aura, and it was also accompanied by a biting murderous intention.

His words were calm, but his breath was breathtaking. If you look carefully. It can be noticed that the body of this white tiger is a little weird, and the body feels a little stiff, but the soul is extremely powerful, emitting light and covering the body, making him look quite weird overall.

"Of course I'm the one who kills you! You even dare to detain people from my final royal city. Are you tired of living?"

The Six Paths of Samsara spoke in a deep voice, with a booming tone, and the divine voice of the Endless Avenue sounded, one after another, accompanied by the six paths of chaotic light, and every move seemed to open up the world of life and death.

"Haha, Taoist friends have a big tone. It's not like there are no giants here, but he is dead. I don't believe that you Taoists are here just for a few true immortals. I don't want to interact with you. You are forcing me. !”

Bai Hu's attitude became tougher, and his tone was suddenly cold, as if he were about to freeze for three thousand miles, and suddenly he became fierce. The other party's attitude was obviously a bad one.
"Be bold!"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation angrily scolded, and flew over with a chirp. The Six Paths rotated, suppressing the heaven and the earth. The blazing light danced, turning into a roulette of life and death, and swept towards the white tiger. As a giant, he was naturally not afraid of this weird creature in front of him.

A sword-like beam of light burst out from the white tiger's silver pupils, and with its sharp edge, it split the sky into huge dark abyss.

He roared loudly, and a wisp of white Qi emerged from his mouth and nose. It was Gengjin Qi, which stirred up an astonishing killing power, directly causing chaos in the world.

The White Tiger lives in the west and is the main killer. This tribe was once a famous overlord in the fairyland, but now it has declined because the original White Tiger Fairy King fell into darkness and finally died.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is also a giant. The Six Paths of Divine Light create the world and restore order. They are also very powerful. When two people collide, endless blazing light dances, which is extremely shocking.


Between the two, dazzling light advanced, the energy of Gengjin collided violently with the six divine lights, the avenue was about to collapse, and the universe was about to disintegrate.

"White Tiger Immortal King! Haven't you already fallen?"

A king exclaimed.

"As soon as my way is revealed, heaven and earth will go against me. Who in heaven and earth can take me away? A certain family is back."

The White Tiger Immortal King said in a cold voice, with an endless cold light flashing in his eyes. The former overlord was in a very wrong state now. His fur was standing on end, and strange symbols appeared on his forehead, shining brightly.

With a clanging sound, his back suddenly split open, and a pair of golden wings emerged. The light bloomed, burning up the heavens, and the rich essence of the sun surged.

These are a pair of golden crow wings. With a slight flapping, they can burn the fairy land and crack the sky. They exert supreme pressure and shine brightly as they sweep towards him.

"Golden Crow King Wing!" Samsara Pan was shocked. He recognized it. It was the Qi machine of the former Golden Crow King. The magical power it exerted was owned by that clan. The essence of the sun was as rich as a boiling ocean.

The Golden Crow clan is very powerful in the Immortal Realm. From ancient times to the present, there have been three or four Immortal Kings. One of them, right in front of them, is the contemporary Golden Crow King.

"The king of my clan! Could it be...the ancestor of our clan?" King Jinwu, who came with him, was a little dazed, and then said in shock.

"Now that we have fallen into darkness and will rise and fall forever, the Golden Crow clan is like floating clouds to me!" He said coldly. He didn't have a good look towards the Golden Crow King. He didn't agree with him and even showed murderous intent.

The contemporary Golden Crow King frowned. It seemed that his ancestor had fallen too deep into darkness and could not be saved.

At this moment, the white tiger's silver pupils turned into gold, and a blazing aura flowed from his body, as bright as the sun.

Everyone looked solemn. This monster was formed by devouring each other. It has sunk and is no longer the same person as before.

The kings of the group sighed, this creature was already in chaos, the erosion was too serious, the previous emotions were wiped out, and only the terrifying thoughts of killing were left.

Although Samsara Pan was shocked, he did not stop. The two fought fiercely, the world overturned, and the six rays of divine light flowed, like a vast ocean bursting its embankment, spreading out thousands of miles away.

The monster unleashed its endless Sun Fire Essence and Golden Crow King Wings to fight him fiercely. The rays of light engulfed the two of them, and they were killed indistinguishably.

Xu Yu had black hair like a waterfall and dazzling eyes. With a slight turn, two terrifying beams of light rushed out and passed across him. They cut him off with a pop, leaving traces like a knife and an axe.

"You..." The monster was shocked. Who was this person? With a glance, his body was torn apart. In a short time, it was unable to reassemble.

Helpless, he could only escape. The soul turned into a beam of light and sank into the ancient palace. Xu Yu wanted to pursue him, but stopped because there were other beings in the ancient palace taking action.

With a chirping sound, a sword embryo was removed from the ancient palace, and black light flowed. It was the sword embryo of the Yuan Shen. It was indestructible and wanted to cut through eternity.

The secret to calming chaos!

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he directly clenched his palms and slashed down horizontally. A pair of fleshy palms exuded a light golden luster, like a divine pillar reaching the sky, and like a heavenly sword. At this moment, it was extremely fierce, wanting to cut through the world and ask for eternity.

In front of the ancient palace of Jie Yin, the heaven and earth were in great turmoil. The place exploded and two kinds of power surged, almost destroying everything.

"It's interesting. Your body is really extraordinary. I like it very much.

In the ancient palace of Jie Yin, a cold voice came, somewhat surprised.

At the next moment, a divine rainbow flew out, causing all things to wither. There seemed to be a sorrowful cry like the death of gods and demons. There was also a coldness that could make the scalp of an immortal king numb, and a kind of sword light swept over.

Immortal Tribulation Sword Technique!

The kings of the immortal clan were shocked, and they recognized that supreme treasure, it turned out to be the Immortal Tribulation Sword Technique!

Ping Chaos Jue, Cao Zi Sword Jue, and Immortal Tribulation Sword Jue are known as the three invincible techniques, and Immortal Tribulation Sword Jue is the last one and the most mysterious, with very few people controlling it.

Its sword intent is vast, majestic, and terrifying. It talks about the catastrophe of immortals. If it is cut off with one sword, even the immortal creatures will suffer the disaster!
Xu Yu's big hand fell again, as if admiring the sky, the aurora surged, the sun, moon and stars rotated between the palms of his fingers, and the sword energy struck where it hit, causing ripples on the avenue.

The grass-character sword technique!

At this moment, such a sound came from the ancient palace again, and countless plants and trees appeared in the void, each with nine leaves, spinning fiercely, and the sword energy stretched across thousands of paths.

This creature actually controls three major sword arts at the same time, which is really shocking.

Xu Yu's face was dull. He had already mastered these three magical arts. Now that he is in this realm and mostly uses his own magical arts, these techniques are used less.

Xu Yu's eyes danced, and there was an immortal phoenix roaring, roaring to the heaven and earth, flames sweeping across the sky, if immeasurable calamity comes and breaks out, it will collide with the grass-character sword formula!

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, the sun and the moon lost their light, and the stars all fell.

At the end, there was a loud earthquake, and the ancient palace was shaking, cracks appeared, and it was almost about to collapse.

This is the ancient palace where the Immortal King's magic circle was set up. It is obviously ruined now!
Finally, the creature appeared. It actually had nine heads, and the middle one was revealed to be a human. The other heads include ancient beasts and raptors, all with the aura of fairy light.

"Could it be that he... fused and swallowed the nine immortal kings?!" One of the immortal kings said in horror, feeling that things were a little scary.

"What, it's you...!" Suddenly, one of the nine-headed monster's heads lit up. He actually showed an extremely incredible expression... (End of this chapter)

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