The astonishing roar sounded, like thunder and thousands of waves, shaking the mountains and rivers, causing huge earthquakes in the sky thousands of miles away, stars falling, and like fireworks blooming,

It was a nine-headed monster. Many people were horrified. What they saw was that all nine heads of the nine-headed monster were separated from the body. They were chopped off with a knife, and the body and head were separated!
The nine heads that fell to the ground screamed together. They were frightened and angry, and tried their best to fly back again and regenerate their flesh and blood. However, the necks of their bodies were as smooth as water, and there was a sharp edge lingering around them. No matter how hard he tried, it was of no avail and he couldn't make the head fly back to the body again.

"In my hands, I want to overturn the world!" Xu Yu looked indifferently, looking at the several incompetent and furious heads indifferently, not caring.


The eyes of the immortal kings who came out of the ancient palace were about to burst. They were so angry that their king was beheaded like this? The anger caused them to leave.

However, the kings of the Immortal Realm had already noticed it and surrounded them in advance.

"Darkness, the source of falling pollution, dares to cause trouble in front of us! Kill them all!" an Immortal King shouted.

Soon, a group of immortal kings started fighting with them. Before long, they were outnumbered and suppressed these dark creatures and killed them all.

Even though their abilities are all-powerful, there are too many kings in the Immortal Realm, and the trend is completely one-sided, killing them all!

Xu Yuxue held the headless body in his mind, his eyes shot out a ray of fairy light, and the ripples of misty aura sank into it, and he began to explore it carefully.

"Sure enough, this body is weird. It was pieced together by swallowing many king bodies and combined together."

He pondered for a moment, his eyes brightened, and divine flames rose from his palms, extremely fierce, turning into two immortal phoenixes that roared and burned, rushed past, and then the body of the headless monster turned into ashes.

In fact, relatively speaking, the physical body of this kind of creature is not the strongest, but the soul that has swallowed up the kings. That is the key part.

The heads of the nine-headed monster changed color, and the extremely powerful body that was fused with many king bodies was just gone, completely burned by a fire.

The kings' eyebrows also twitched. It was too powerful for such a powerful king's body to be completely burned up like this.

"I need to capture this monster and study it." Xu Yu smiled slightly.

This nine-headed monster has many secrets, and it is indeed worth exploring! "Samsara Pan said.

Xu Yu smiled slightly, and had no intention of destroying him immediately. This monster has devoured many immortal kings, has many secrets, and has many unparalleled skills that are worth exploring.

The kings nodded. Even they were jealous of some of the monster's unique skills. They were all invincible techniques that shocked the past and the present. They had a huge effect even on the Immortal King.

So they naturally had no objection, and this man was killed by him, and only Immortal King Zhongyan had the means to deal with him.

The next moment, Xu Yu's eyes burst out with many beams of light, imprisoning him, and then covered him with his big hand, evolving into a Tao diagram, completely sealing him. No matter how his nine heads roared, it was of no avail. .

"The ultimate big storm is coming, and the world will be completely overturned! You will not end well!" The nine-headed monster roared and cursed like this. He knew that he was in doom now, so he could only roar like this hysterically.

The kings looked indifferent and looked at him coldly.

"Don't take it for granted. The reason why I was able to escape from the trap was not because I am invincible, but because the dark cage collapsed and was inexplicably damaged. Moreover, it was discovered that the ancient Jie Yin Palace fell down. There are even more terrifying invincibles in this world. They will eventually Come back and clear everything!”

Such words made it difficult for all the kings to remain calm. Even the powerful nine-headed monster could not kill it on its own, but had no intention of escaping! This is so surprising.

The kings confirmed that although this nine-headed monster was defeated, it was absolutely powerful. After all, the giants of Qi and Yu were defeated by him. That is to say, the ultimate immortal king was so powerful that almost no king could contain him, except for the butcher and some immortals. The old king of the domain has just returned from the boundary sea.

"The Dark Cage and the Ancient Jingyin Palace are all manifestations of order, so they were suppressed and no real living beings appeared." Qi Yu gradually recovered at this moment, sighing desolately and thinking of a lot.

"Real creatures, how powerful would they be?"

The kings were at a loss. Could it be that the end of the boundary sea and the depths of the dark land really involve the emperor?
This ancient palace is so mysterious that the kings can't help but think about it.

The nine-headed monster was captured, and the remaining immortal kings were also put to death. Only a dilapidated palace was rising and falling, filled with an ominous atmosphere, and wisps of haze subconsciously emerged in people's hearts.

When it comes to darkness, it is what the kings of the Immortal Realm are most afraid of, otherwise they would not want to seal off the world.

"Let's go investigate first and see what's going on in the Jie Yin Ancient Palace!"

The kings looked at each other, and then stepped in together to explore the secrets.

The Jie Yin Ancient Palace does not look very big from the outside, but inside it is a world of its own, with mountains, rivers, swamps, the sun, moon and stars. It looks no different from a big world.

"Well, many supreme beings and true immortals are here." An immortal king sighed softly.

Deep in the ancient Jie Yin Palace, there were clusters of lights, exuding a fiery aura. They were all souls, but they were all entangled in the mist and sealed.

"The physical body has been lost, but the soul is still there!" Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, shining brightly.

The monsters in the ancient temple of Jie Yin plundered many bodies for themselves, but the retention of the souls did not mean to let them go, but to allow them to transform into dark souls over many years and worship them to devour, so they were not eliminated immediately.

With a chirping sound, Xu Yu opened his eyes, and the seal of the ancient palace collapsed. Many souls washed down and floated down from it. A large number of supreme immortals were rescued.

"Finally the Immortal King!"

Many of the true immortals in King Zhongyan City were excited, but they did not expect that King Zhongyan came to kill them and rescued them from the darkness.

Xu Yu nodded. Although these true immortals are no longer physically present, their spirits still exist.

With a chirping sound, the faint black energy outside the bodies of all the true immortal souls disappeared and was purified.

Although they have not been locked up in the ancient palace for many years, they will be tainted with some unknown atmosphere.

Next, he released a group of imprisoned creatures.

Of course, there are not only the creatures from the King's City of Finality, but also those under his command, all of whom have been rescued. True Immortal-level creatures are the backbone of any era and are the indispensable cornerstone of a large clan. Nowadays, many of them are Returned and suddenly strengthened the fairyland
With the power, there may be immortal kings in the future who will be born from this group of people.

Soon, Xu Yu saw an acquaintance. He was tall and tall, with a majestic figure, a handsome face, and white hair shawl. When he saw Xu Yu, his face was obviously surprised.
"It's you!"

The white-haired young man was shocked and obviously recognized Xu Yu.


Xu Yu's eyes wandered. He didn't expect to meet him in this place, which made him surprised. When they met again, he actually fell into a cage.

Jinghong Supreme, an extremely powerful genius in the Land of Reincarnation, came from the Immortal Realm. He first met Xu Yu. Later, Xu Yu went to the Land of Reincarnation but could not find him. He did not expect to come here.

But now, Jinghong's aura has changed. Although he has no body, his aura is that of a true immortal. "At the beginning, a crack in the void appeared in the land of reincarnation. I returned along the crack and accidentally came to the fairyland. When I broke through, I was accidentally captured by the creatures in the ancient palace."

Jinghong confessed that he was a child of a hidden family deep in the fairyland. When he returned to the fairyland and broke into the fairyland, he was invaded by darkness.

"Are you... a descendant of Immortal King Liuyun?"

At this time, Qi Yu was slightly surprised, walked over and looked at Jinghong with a complicated expression on his face.

"Senior, that's my ancestor." Jinghong replied.

Qi Yu nodded, his eyes flickering, but he didn't say much.

Not long after, the kings discovered a portal from the ancient palace. The hazy light was flowing, revealing an attractive aura, and darkness was emerging.

"Such a powerful summoning power, where does this portal lead to?" The Immortal King changed his color, and many people sensed that the portal in the ancient palace seemed to be connected to an unknown land. At the end, it seemed that some living being was about to cross Come from the world.

"How should we deal with this palace?" An Immortal King frowned.

"One of the founders of Heavenly Palace shot down an ancient palace, but it didn't end well." King Pan said in a deep voice, remembering some past events. The kings also frowned. This Jie Yin Ancient Palace was too terrifying. Such a monster was born, and the Heavenly Palace was created.

They have also heard the story of the deceased, and they know that this ancient palace is actually an unknown thing!

"The passage must be sealed, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with if more terrifying creatures appear again."

Afterwards, several Immortal Kings continued to explore the Jie Yin Ancient Palace, their expressions solemn and uneasy feelings inexplicably growing in their hearts.

To make a strong man like the Immortal King uneasy, one can imagine how strange the Jie Yin Ancient Palace is.

"Could it be that we are really connected to the land of ultimate darkness?" Some immortal kings were surprised. Just now they had only guessed. Now that they had entered the palace and saw such a portal, it seemed that their guess was about to come true.

The kings were talking a lot and looked worried.

"Immortal King Ji Yan, what do you think?" Qi Yu's eyes flickered and he looked at Xu Yu. The kings were talking about it, but Xu Yu's expression remained unchanged and he didn't say a word, which made him confused.

"The ancient palace of Jie Yin is not connected to the land of darkness, but to other ancient palaces, and other ancient palaces may have more powerful dark creatures." Xu Yu responded after thinking for a moment.

"That means that if the ancient palace is not destroyed and the passage is not sealed, more powerful creatures may appear from it!" An Immortal King changed his color. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that what Xu Yu said was probably true!
"It should be so." Xu Yu nodded. A chill ran down the spines of the kings. If this ancient palace was not destroyed, the dark creatures would fall from the sky without crossing the boundary sea in the future, killing them by surprise.

"It is better for the Immortal King Ji to have the foresight, otherwise we may die because of this in the future!" Some Immortal King lamented with emotion.

If dark creatures cross the sea and come from the dam, they may not be too at a loss. If more powerful fallen creatures appear from the sky, even the fairyland may collapse. By that time, everything may be too late.

"Then start, we will completely seal this portal! Cut off the possibility of their appearance!"


Xu Yu sacrificed the Human Emperor Seal, controlled the treasure seal and began to bombard the door.

And the kings also started to take action, emitting blazing immortal radiance, using forbidden secret skills, and hitting the vague light door, Willow Divine Technique, Six Paths of Reincarnation Light, and True Dragon Treasure Technique, which suddenly made the place boil.


The heaven and earth overturned, violent noises shook the heavens, and all kinds of brilliance burst out, hitting the leading door.

More than twenty Immortal Kings took action and destroyed the portal. All the light dimmed, the power of summoning disappeared, the power of darkness was wiped out, and the ancient Jingyin Palace was considered useless.

"Finally the scourge has been eliminated."

All the kings sighed and breathed a sigh of relief.

More than twenty immortal kings took action, and there were many giants who could overturn the world. But now they all took action together to deal with Jie Yin Ancient Palace. It was really amazing.

"Next, clean up everything. Don't let darkness take root in the Immortal Realm, otherwise there will be endless disasters in the future." Qi Yu sighed.

The kings nodded. After this time, they all understood the seriousness of the problem. The darkness was too terrible and must be nipped in the bud, otherwise the consequences would be endless.

This ancient Jieyin Palace is now destroyed like this. If Darkness wants to come to the Immortal Realm, it will definitely come from the Boundary Sea, and they can deal with it more calmly.

"Gather the emperor's light as soon as possible and prepare for that realm."

Xu Yu whispered in his heart that this time he faced off against the nine-headed monster, which also gave him a sense of crisis.

Afterwards, everyone returned to their respective royal cities, and Jinghong also bid farewell to him for the time being and rushed to his family first.

When everyone returned again, the news quickly came out, shocking the world and causing a storm in the fairyland.

In the end, Immortal King Yan killed the unparalleled creatures in the dark cage, and led the kings to destroy an ancient palace.

The remaining kings were alerted and all came out of seclusion one by one to communicate with some fairy kings who had gone deep into the fairyland to obtain information.

As for the Immortal Realm, since the kings returned from the depths of the Immortal Realm, great turmoil has occurred. Immortal King Qi Yu led many people to explore various places, trying to sweep away the darkness and not give up any place.

However, Xu Yu did not participate, and started his retreat, exploring his nine-headed creature consciousness sea, and gained a lot.

This nine-headed creature really swallowed up many immortal kings in the world, many of them were famous big shots.

Later, he also tortured and learned a lot of unparalleled skills. Not counting the three major sword techniques, he has mastered them, as well as the World-Destroying Fist of the founder of the Immortal Domain, the Chaos Wing Technique of the Yu Clan...

Not long after, he came out of seclusion again and passed on some of the secret techniques such as the World-Destroying Fist that he had learned through torture to the kings who entered the Immortal Realm with him, providing them with reference, practice, and strengthening the strength of the Immortal Realm.

Nowadays, Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, Shi Yi, Ten-Crown King Banished Immortal and others are still cultivating in the lower realm. Everything seems to be in order, but Xu Yu feels that it is still a bit insufficient.

The future reckoning will definitely be the most terrifying in history. Almost all creatures below the immortal realm are ants.

"If we face a liquidation, we need to minimize losses in the future, and we need more talented people."

He was silently thinking about it, thinking about how he could create as many outstanding people as possible.

"The land that reaches the sky!" Suddenly, a blazing light flashed across his mind, and he thought of a mysterious place! (End of chapter)

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