Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 499: Outstanding People from the Past

Connecting the sky, the earth, the past and the present!
It can be called the land of creation, the land of reincarnation, and the land that reaches the sky! This is a mysterious place that fascinates countless powerful people.

Xu Yu remembered that it was in that place that Shi Wu in the original trajectory experienced long years of transformation and rapid rise.

Even in his battle at the end of the Immortal Era, it was because Liu Shen brought him to the place where the past and present connect, that he was able to reverse the years and go to the Emperor's Fall Era.

However, due to the serious injury at that time, he did not obtain the secret of the past and present.

Now, he wants to go and see what is going on in that magical place and whether it can help more people practice.

Today's geniuses have no shortage of potential. Many of them just lack time. If they are given enough time, they will surely rise quickly in the future.

But now, God and the Weird Clan are at war and have no time to care about them. This is their best chance to rise.

The former Dark Immortal Emperor fell into darkness because of the sneak attacks of two strange Immortal Emperors. Now their eyes have not paid attention to the heavens, and he knew this in advance. This was a big opportunity!

Then, Xu Yu turned into an aurora and disappeared, appearing in the mansion of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, the land of the sky. A veteran immortal king like Dao Yin knew more.

After expressing his intention to come, the owner of the forbidden area was also surprised and said: "The land of Tongtian, do you also know that place?"

"I've heard a little about it, but I don't know much about it. If it were a real place of creation, it might be able to cultivate many immortal heroes." Xu Yu closed his head slightly.

"Yes, let's go take a look. That place is very mysterious. It may really produce many masters, but there are risks." Dao Yin also became interested.

He knew that Xu Yu was proficient in reincarnation, so maybe he would really gain something in that place.

With a loud noise, they penetrated the universe, turned into two blazing fairy lights, and disappeared from the Immortal King City in the end.

The starry sky is deep and boundless. It has to be said that the Immortal Realm is really huge. They are constantly passing through many star seas, and the journey is endless and far away. That place is far away from the ancient star realm and is rarely known.

After piercing through the universe several times, they kept changing areas, going around in circles, heading towards an ancient place.

Finally, they arrived in a desolate starry sky, and then landed on an ancient and dry star.

This was supposed to be a living star, but it was dead and deserted. It looked like it had been dilapidated for a long time, and even the human habitation was gone. This was the destination of their trip, and the Land of Heaven was right here!

"Many people have been here, but they can't get in here." Dao Yin, the owner of the restricted area, sighed and expressed regret.

According to his explanation, ordinary people in the Land of Tongtian do not know it at all. Only some ancient immortal kings may know it. However, even if they know the coordinates, they cannot find it. This place requires a certain amount of luck, otherwise the strength of Tongtian will not help!
At the very least, some Immortal Kings have searched here before, but in the end they could not find it and could only return without success.

Xu Yu's eyes were piercing as he looked at the world.

"You need to sacrifice the blood of the Immortal King!" Dao Yin said.

Xu Yu nodded, and with a chirping sound, a drop of blood appeared, suspended in the void, and then began to cast a spell to sacrifice the drop of blood into the void.

Not long after, the sacrifice was completed, the immortal light turned into blood and disappeared.

Soon, a crack appeared in mid-air, then expanded, and light came out.

"It's done, it's actually successful!" Dao Yin exclaimed. Obviously, since he was the one who was surprised, he didn't expect to find the entrance so quickly.

You know, over the years, many unparalleled masters have searched here, but in the end they have failed. Even the giants can only return without success. But they succeeded the first time they came, which has to be said to be a miracle.

The land of heaven!

This is really rare, and it may not be opened a few times in eternity. Who can enter, and even if they can enter, they may not gain anything. It has always been a legend.

The two of them rushed forward with their emotions up and down.

Entering the crack, they saw a road leading to a misty ancient fairy cave in the distance, from which chaos and fairy energy was spewing out.

Suddenly, there were fluctuations in the distance, and along with the loud sounds of prayers, there were even the sounds of sacrifices. It seemed that the ancient ancestors were crying and praying.

"That's..." Dao Yin frowned and stiffened slightly, showing an incredible look.

Xu Yu closed his eyes slightly, glanced over, and suddenly saw hundreds of living beings, and those voices of prayer and crying came from them.

Those creatures, the smallest ones are only as long as a tachyon, and the larger ones are as thick as an arm, almost half a foot long. Each one has a different color, and they all have thunder light and are colorful.

If you don't look carefully, they are just a group of snakes. In fact, this is definitely not the case. They are all extremely powerful. They are almost all the rarest species in the world. It is difficult to find a few in the world. These are the most powerful creatures.

Lei Ling!

Xu Yu's eyes flickered. He had seen several of Shi Hao's thunder spirits, so he was no stranger to such creatures.

This kind of creature is said to swallow heavenly tribulations and feed on thunder. When it grows up, it can be said to be invincible and difficult to match at the same stage.

They are shaped like dragons and snakes, with dragon marks on their scales. They are filled with the aura of real dragons, and are all wrapped with lightning. They are so powerful that if they truly grow up, not many people can control them.

The shapes of the hundreds of thunder spirits are also different, ranging from dark red soaked in blood, to golden yellow full of nobility, to silvery white with a cold luster...

At this moment, they all had their bodies hunched over and were offering sacrifices around a straw mat, and there was a humanoid creature lying on the straw mat.

"That's... that young man!" Dao Yin sighed softly.

"Thunder Emperor!"

Xu Yu's expression moved slightly, and his eyes suddenly swelled. With so many thunder spirits surrounding him, his identity was immediately revealed, and they continued to walk forward.

It looked very close, it was an ancient cave, but when they actually moved forward, the road under their feet disappeared, and behind them was the endless starry sky.

As for the planet and the crack in the void, they have long since disappeared.

As the two walked away and moved forward, their disillusionment faded with every step. The road behind them disappeared, leaving no trace.

It can be clearly seen that one star field is disappearing one after another. The road seems to be very close, but it is far away, which is inexplicably weird.

"There is an energy fluctuation that does not seem to belong to this ancient history." Xu Yu silently comprehended this world and was secretly surprised that the power of reincarnation existed in this place!

In just a moment, the two of them walked who knows how far, spanning a large universe. Finally arrived, approaching the ancient cave, he was spewing chaos and fairy mist, hazy and hazy, and ordinary people couldn't see through it. It seemed that there was a shocking secret here.

"Thunder Emperor!" Xu Yu's eyes were shining brightly, staring at the young man.

That straw mat was completely engraved with the traces of time and stained with blood.

Suddenly, hundreds of Thunder Spirits raised their heads and looked over. In the ancient cave, the essence was dense, including the essence of chaos, the mother energy of all things, the immortal energy, and all kinds of essences and birds, covering the place.

I have to say that this place is very magical. Even if it does not have the legendary effect of reincarnation, it is also a holy place for healing. It can quickly restore people's injuries, and it is even effective on the Immortal King!

The crying stopped, and hundreds of pairs of eyes stared over, with deep vigilance. They couldn't see through the two people in front of them.

"This young man was amazing. It's a pity that he died prematurely." Dao Yin shook his head, feeling sorry for this man.


A thunder spirit that was several meters long and golden in color was considered one of the leaders. He looked at Dao Yin with an angry expression.

To actually call the emperor of their clan Mian young man, this is undoubtedly a kind of blasphemy to their Lei Lings.

Dao Yin was speechless, but he didn't care. According to his seniority, he was an unknown number of generations higher than this Thunder Emperor. Although this Thunder Emperor was extremely stunning, his seniority was not high. He was the same as his female disciple Qingyue. A person of an era. Thunder Emperor!
A name that shocked the past and present. He controlled thunder pools and was in charge of killings. He was known as the most promising rising star at that time and was the youngest among the Ten Fierce Persons.
The strongest person in a clan should be called the emperor. Otherwise, who would dare to have such a title?
It is a pity that precisely because of his extraordinary power and amazing stamina, he was killed by the Immortal King of a foreign land with all his strength, and died prematurely!
Because he controls Thunder, which is known as law enforcement for heaven, embodies the will of God, and truly allows him to grow. In the end, it will make all parties fear him, so he was ambushed by all parties, and he died tragically on the battlefield!
During the Immortal Ancient War, the Thunder Emperor, like the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, were both targeted by foreign lands. At that time, the number of top experts in Jiutian was out of balance with the foreign lands. Even the Immortal King was besieged, let alone them.

Xu Yu had heard that before he arrived in the Immortal Realm a few decades ago, hundreds of thunder spirits carried corpses into the Immortal Realm. Even the Thunder Emperor in front of him caused quite a stir at that time.
"All the essence and blood are lost, life is extinct, is there any chance of resurrection?" Dao Yin said and looked at the people on the straw mat.

As soon as these words came out, all the Thunder Spirits looked up.

"The physical body will last forever. It's not a big problem. You can try to revive the soul." Xu Yu smiled slightly and made a judgment.

The Thunder Emperor has a permanent physical body and a carrier. Resurrecting him with the help of the six paths in the body should not be a big problem.

All the Thunder Spirits stared at them with wide eyes, looking at them in disbelief. Are these two mysterious strong men sure of resurrecting their emperor?
Xu Yu's body was intertwined with blazing light, and the six paths in his body rotated, turning into ripples on the avenue, filled with six colors of divine brilliance. He walked towards the body of the Thunder Emperor, staring at him with glowing eyes.

Those Thunder Spirits were trembling with fear, sensing the supreme power and his goodwill, and consciously made way for them.

In Xu Yu's child hole, there are endless symbols, Shao Shui, swimming around the body of the Thunder Emperor, carefully exploring his strong condition.

"It's really vicious, even a little bit of soul fragments and essence and blood are gone. Is this really because the king of the foreign land is extremely heavy-handed and wants to extinguish all hopes of the Thunder Emperor, or is it because he has touched the real forbidden power?"

Xu Yu silently thought about it, the Thunder Emperor had made great contributions to Jiutian, and the foreign lands that he had killed were frightened by the news, causing a huge counterattack from the foreign lands to kill the Thunder Emperor. This seemed to be the main reason, but after Xu Yu investigated it, he found out I don’t think so.

The Thunder Emperor himself should have gradually gained insight into the Heavenly Tribulation, and wanted to act on behalf of Heaven, thus touching the great cause and effect of the Heavenly Tribulation. The cause and effect of the Heavenly Tribulation itself may be the main reason for the Thunder Emperor's fall, otherwise the vitality of his life would not be cut off. So clean.

Even refining the ancient elixir from the Emperor's Fall era couldn't save him, and he was powerless. Normally, perhaps only a strong person at the level of the Immortal Emperor could reflect him and allow him to reappear in the world.

However, Xu Yu felt that the body was still there and there was hope of resurrection.

Originally, Lei Ling wanted to bring the Thunder Emperor to this place that connects the sky, the earth, the past and the present, and resurrect the Thunder Emperor. However, Xu Yu speculated that this method would not work and would not be able to revive him, even thousands of years later. The same result.

Unless the corpse is buried here and channeled through the corpse, countless years later, an unparalleled powerful man will be born again, but at that time, he will not be the Thunder Emperor he once was.

"The soul is back!"

Xu Yu shouted, the blazing light in his body surged, the six paths rotated, dots of divine brilliance rippled, and the light of life and death flowed.

In an instant, the sky and the earth spun, and the sun and moon lost their luster. Six rays of divine light soared into the sky, emitting six extremely amazing traction forces, and sank into the depths of the starry sky. Not long after, a little spiritual light emerged,

"It's effective, but it's too little." Dao Yin was shocked. The Thunder Emperor didn't even have any fragments of his soul, but he could still imprison the remaining spirits.

He saw a little spiritual light, which descended from the sky and sank into the Thunder Emperor's eyebrows, giving him an inexplicable sense of vitality.

All the Thunder Spirits were shocked and trembled with excitement. The emperor of their clan suddenly became excited because there was really hope of resurrection.


Xu Yu's expression was slightly condensed. This Thunder Emperor was indeed so badly destroyed that he could not regroup in a short period of time.

But with the incomplete spirit as a guide, the next step will be easier. However, the Thunder Emperor is different from the previous Immortal Kings. Condensing the soul is more difficult and takes more time.

In this way, fifty years passed in a flash.

Dots of spiritual light fell from nothingness, emerged with life, and sank into his head.

All of a sudden, the light was strong, and the Thunder Emperor's head was shining brightly. The light of the soul was from dim to strong. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the amazing power of thunder bloomed out of thin air. He slowly stood up from the straw mat and stood up. got up.

"I'm back!"

The thunder emperor with long black hair was exuding the aura of vicissitudes of time, and the colorful thunder shadows all over his body seemed to have split the starry sky and cut through the chaos.

His body was stained with blood and had horrific scars, which were left over from the Immortal Ancient Era and have not dried up yet.

All the Thunder Spirits cheered for joy, their emperor had really returned!
Lei Di turned his eyes and instantly understood the cause and effect. It was the Immortal King in front of him who saved his life.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!"

The Thunder Emperor saluted solemnly and came back from the dead. This kind of kindness was higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, which made him burst into tears with gratitude.

At this moment, all the Thunder Spirits were also bowing their bodies and making salutes.

"Your talent is very good, and you will have a broader stage in the future." Xu Yu smiled, looking at the calm and emperor-like young man in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Yes, we have gained another hero!" Dao Yin smiled. Even he once admired the Thunder Emperor and thought it was a pity that he died young despite having boundless potential.

With the potential of the Thunder Emperor, once he enters the King Realm, he will advance by leaps and bounds, which is very terrifying. There may be few opponents in the Immortal King Realm.

"Ouch...woof!" At this moment, suddenly, there was a dog barking... (End of this chapter)

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