The sound of dogs barking came from the sky!
If you look closely, you will see a palm-sized puppy running over.

The hair of this palm-sized puppy is dark red, giving people the impression of having experienced endless years, but there is also a vitality flowing through it. This is a bit contradictory, he seems like an old guy, but also like a newly born creature.

"I've met several Immortal Kings!" Xiaozizai paid homage and kowtowed seriously, unable to hide the excitement in his expression.

When he saw Xu Yu, he didn't know why, but his heart was inexplicably throbbing, and it actually gave him a familiar feeling.

This is also because his soul was pierced by the enemy's spear during the ancient battle. Otherwise, it would have been able to remember who Xu Yu was.

But now, it has been forgotten.

Xu Yu's expression was dull, looking at the puppy in front of him, he was slightly absent-minded. The square-headed, big-eared, shameless Black Emperor in later generations was actually like this in this era.

"It's interesting, a true immortal has come back from the dead." Daoyin's eyes were dark, staring at the excited puppy in front of him.

"I am a true immortal from the Immortal Ancient Era, and I have a very good relationship with the Immortal King Everlasting. During the Immortal Ancient Era, I was seriously injured. I was secretly attacked by a war spear from a foreign land, piercing my skull. My mortal body was buried at that time. In the land of reincarnation, the Taoism has declined sharply, but it can still be regarded as a return to the sun." Xiao Xiaozai explained his origin.

"The person next to Immortal King Wu Ending." The Thunder Emperor was surprised. He naturally knew Wu Ending, and he had been supported and protected by this Nine Heavens leader back then.

"If the Immortal King of the End can resurrect the Thunder Emperor, please also ask the Immortal King to save the Immortal King of the Endless King!"

The little puppy was about to cry, and kept kowtowing to Xu Yu with great piety.

He has witnessed all this in the depths over the years. A miracle was born right under his eyes. The dead Thunder Emperor actually came back to life. This was a miracle that defied the heavens.

"Senior Wuzu...has he also fallen?"

The Thunder Emperor's eyes flashed. Now that he has recovered, many things are still unclear. Even when he fell, Wu Ending was still alive.

In fact, he didn't know that these Nine Heavens and Ten Earths would also see endless destruction as the end of everything in the Immortal Era.

As for him, Xu Yu and others, they encountered the focus of attention from a foreign land not long after the war broke out.

However, Xu Yu's situation was better than him. In the end, he broke through and became a giant among the Immortal Kings.

"Yes, the strength in the foreign land is astonishing, and he is surrounded by wolves. Even though Lord Wu Zhong is extremely powerful, he is still outnumbered."

The puppy let out a long sigh, his expression full of loneliness. It was obvious that the end of the world meant a lot to him.

The Thunder Emperor sighed. He had also died under the hunting of foreign powers. He never expected that this leader would suffer the same fate as himself.

"Let's go take a look."

Xu Yu sighed in his heart, this little puppy is the future Black Emperor. The Immortal Ancient Era has an irreversible relationship with Wu Ending, and the Chaos Ancient Era has a close relationship with Wu Bei. They are entangled with each other due to fate.

Several people continued to walk towards the ancient cave, where the blood and weapons of the Immortal King Wu Ending were buried.

"I buried a drop of blood essence and weapon fragments of the Immortal King Wujiu here, which contained fragments of his soul. When I came here, I placed him in this place that connects the sky, the earth, the past and the present, hoping that he can be resurrected. "

The little puppy was dejected. He knew that this hope was slim, but there was still some hope.

Now that the Thunder Emperor has revived, he feels that the Immortal King Wu Ending may have gained a hope. His resurrection is no longer illusory. Perhaps the Immortal King in front of him can resurrect the Immortal King Wu Ending faster.

Just when a few people approached, the burial place. There was a huge fluctuation, endless blood was steaming, and the entire ancient cave was rumbling.

"what happened?"

Everyone's eyes widened, as something unexpected happened where the blood and weapon fragments of the Immortal King of Endlessness were buried.

The drop of blood emerged from the surface of the earth, its brilliance flashing, and it was very dreamlike.

"The blood of the Immortal King!"

The eyes of several Immortal Kings flashed and they recognized this drop of blood, which indeed belonged to the Immortal Kings.

"It is indeed the blood of Senior Wu Ending." Lei Di sighed.

Moreover, a fragment of a weapon was also suspended in the air, washing away various colors, and there was a faint echo of bells.

"Fragments of the Fairy Bell."

Xu Yu's eyes sparkled slightly. When he got the Immortal Bell, it was not complete, and there were also some missing pieces.

They emitted all kinds of divine light, and then their essence gradually passed away, seeming to dim.

With a chirping sound, it seemed as if a ball of light flew out of the blood essence, shattered the void, and fell into an unknown place. There was a faint sound of water flowing.

"That's... the long river of time?" Xu Yu's mind moved slightly.

"Master Wu Ending!" Xiao Zai was shocked and immediately noticed something was wrong. Why is this happening? Click!
The drop of blood and the pieces of the Everlasting Immortal Bell actually burned, and the flames were rising.

"Please take action from the Immortal King!" Xiaozizi said tremblingly. He realized that if he didn't take action, Wu Ending Immortal King would not be able to be resurrected in this world.

Xu Yu's big hand touched the sky and began to knead, and then the blazing light surged in his body, and six rays of divine light swept across the heaven and earth, facing the sky.

A long time passed, but there was no response. The six divine lights gathered the remaining spirits and failed for the first time!
His brows glowed, he closed his eyes, and began to deduce Wu Ending's true whereabouts.

Everyone knew that his combat prowess was unparalleled in the world, but they didn't know that his deduction skills were also unmatched in the world. He used unparalleled means to conduct deductions, and it took a long time before he established his cabinet.

"This ancient history no longer exists..." He suddenly opened his eyes, thoughtfully, and looked at everyone.

"What do you mean?" The puppy's heart trembled.

The drop of essence and blood is steaming, the blood is continuing to burn, and it seems that it will disappear completely at any time.

"How could this happen!" The puppy's face darkened, and he fell to the ground, greatly shocked.

At this time, a majestic aura emerged overwhelmingly, and with the sound of chanting, a majestic man appeared in front of everyone. He looked at the little puppy with a smile on his face.

He looked at Xu Yu, Lei Di, Dao Yin and others again, showing a trace of solemnity, and then nodded.

"Master Wu Ending!" The little puppy was shocked and his heart was trembling.

The majestic man, respected in ancient and modern times, looked at him deeply, but at this time, he slowly faded and disappeared.

The stalwart figure was blurred, and only the smile remained, which seemed to carry a kind of relief and a kind of yearning.

The breeze blew by, a burst of light rain dispersed, and the majestic figure completely disappeared, shattered into pieces in the void.

At the same time, the fragments of the weapon and the Immortal King's essence and blood were completely burned and turned into smoke.

"Master Wu Zhong?" Xiao Zai looked at Xu Yu cautiously, his expression appeared uneasy and nervous.

"There is no way to be resurrected in this life." Xu Yu shook his head, closed his eyes slightly, and made a vague calculation.

"What!" The puppy suddenly cried.

"He should have succeeded, but he will never be seen again in this era." Xu Yu shook his head.

Endlessness and beginninglessness are closely related. The true spirit of endlessness in this era has disappeared. It cannot be found in this piece of ancient history, and naturally it has not been resurrected.

"You mean, he has entered reincarnation and cannot be found in this era. Maybe we can really meet him in the next era?" Dao Yin said,
"Yes, this ray of true spirit. Perhaps it has traveled through the long river of time and has already passed to the afterlife. All this is determined by God." Xu Yu whispered.

The little puppy stopped crying immediately, stared at him with his eyes wide open, and said in a trembling voice: "After endless epochs, Lord Wu End may reappear in the world."

"Not bad." Xu Yu nodded.

He was surprised in his heart. This place of reincarnation was really amazing. The unpredictable divine power actually allowed Wu Ending to succeed in 'reincarnation' in another way!
The Immortal King Wuzu is considered successful, otherwise there would be no Wuji in future generations.

The way of heaven has neither beginning nor end, this is just a timeline!

Of course, the trajectory of the Thunder Emperor changed. He originally had no soul fragments left, so he could not succeed in the land of reincarnation because his intervention changed everything.

Of course, the main reason is that the remnant spirit of the Thunder Emperor is still in this era, but the endlessness has become a certainty in the future and has become a 'no beginning', so naturally he cannot 'summon the soul' for him.

It connects the sky, the earth, the past and the present. It is a place of creation, and indeed it has mysteries and wonders that are difficult for outsiders to understand.

Everyone sighed for a while and continued to move forward.

"The land that reaches the sky is just ahead." The puppy calmed down slightly and pointed into the distance.

Everyone passed through the mist of chaos, watching the mother energy of all things permeate, and arrived at the deepest point, close to the real place that reaches the sky. In the deepest part, there is a stone room, only one foot long. It is very simple, with no tables, chairs, or exquisite decorations, only extremely rough stone walls.

Of course, the chaos and fairy energy in this long stone room are more intense, and there are inexplicable fluctuations.

"This place is very strange. Once you enter, it means disappearing. You don't know where you are, and you can't find your way back." Xiaozizi said.

"It should be right here." Daoyin looked around and nodded.

"I remembered that in the past, there was a legend that this place could connect the past and the present and experience endless years. Some people also said that you could see some scenes of the future." He added.

In fact, after arriving here, he couldn't explain everything. He only heard some of the secrets back then, and arriving here was a huge adventure.

"It is indeed a place of creation that can provide people with training and shorten the long years of practice." Xu Yu nodded.

His eyes flickered, and endless runes were intertwined on the soles of his feet. There were strong fluctuations in space-time power here, and he sensed them.

A fleeting moment, but also like an eternity!


Xu Yu snapped his fingers and used the Immortal King's method. A stream of light shot out and a letter flew out.

Xu Yu sat down cross-legged, his eyes were rising and falling over the years, and his runes were blazing, and he began to analyze the great road of heaven and earth. He looked like an old monk in trance.

In this way, the years pass by, the sun and the moon rotate,

The vegetation flourished and withered, and five hundred years passed in a flash.

one day

In the Immortal Realm, in front of the Heavenly Gate, the Immortal Gate, which had been silent for a long time, was clicked, emitting a boundless radiance, which was extremely sacred.

The heaven and the earth were in harmony, and all the realms were in harmony. Several young people walked slowly to the gate of the immortal, with emotion in their expressions.

"Who are you...?" The person guarding the Immortal Sect shouted, and at the same time his face was moved. Wasn't the world in the lower world lawless? Four young supremes suddenly appeared.

"We are from the Immortal King City of Zhongyan!" Among them, a young man, walking like a dragon and a tiger, with a majestic demeanor, was very extraordinary. With a chirp, a token flew out with the word 'Zhongyan' engraved on it.

This is a symbol unique to the final city of Immortal King.

The remaining few people, all men, are all extraordinary. They all have majestic heads, and the sacred aura is rippling and permeating. They are surrounded by various avenues of fairy light, making them appear to be otherworldly.

"Please...wait a moment!" The guard was shocked. The man who was the Immortal King was the most powerful Immortal King in the Immortal Realm today. He did not dare to neglect and hurried to the spring to report.

Not long after, the city gate opened wide and four people stepped in.

Their group was Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings, Banished Immortal and others, who had completed their cultivation in the lower realm and returned.

After entering the Immortal Realm again, several people had endless emotions. Five hundred years was not a short period of time for them. They were only fifty or sixty years old when they left.

Just after they arrived at the Zhongyan Immortal King City, a stream of light shot out, and a letter fell, exuding a gleaming glow. There were actually wisps of fairy glow flowing out, which was shocking.

He fell lightly into Shi Hao's hands.

"Well, brother's letter comes from five hundred years ago," Shi Hao rolled his eyes.

"Brother asked me to wait for the place of reincarnation!"

Shi Hao was shocked. Is this the method of the Immortal King? The letter from five hundred years ago automatically manifested itself after sensing them.

"The land of reincarnation, what kind of place is that?"

Ten crown champions, Shi Yi and others were surprised.

Then, blazing light filled the air, and the letter disintegrated and turned into a stream of light, covering several people. It disappeared with a swipe, and took them away quickly.

Not long after, Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings and Banished Immortal appeared in front of Xu Yu and the others.

"Well, your kid is here too?" The puppy was surprised and looked at Shi Hao, and Shi Hao also looked at him, obviously a little surprised. It was obvious that the two knew each other.

"I've met some seniors!" Shi Hao and others saluted and looked at Xu Yu and others.

"Yes, they have all achieved supreme status." Xu Yu smiled. Five hundred years have passed, and these people have begun to grow up.

Of course, Shi Hao achieved supreme status in his fifties. The lower realm is for rebuilding, so his achievements are naturally different.

In fairyland, foreign lands, and the lower world, they experienced experiences from all walks of life, and also experienced the Age of Ending Dharma. Through accumulated experience, they finally became the Supreme.

Shi Hao is especially the most powerful. He is already at the pinnacle of the extreme realm. His body has terrifying endless blood steaming, like a real dragon in human form, which is extremely breathtaking.

"How many years did it take for you to achieve the Supreme Realm?" Dao Yin was surprised.

That's it for Shi Hao. This is an eternal anomaly and cannot be compared.

And Shi Yi, the Ten Crown Kings and others turned out to be Supremes, which surprised him. Even the ten disciples he had trained did not become Supremes at such a young age.

Throughout the ages, almost all supreme beings under the age of 500 have been a taboo line that is almost insurmountable. Even some of the top geniuses in the Immortal Realm basically became enlightened after a thousand years old.
"After I went down to the realm, I began to rebuild and transformed into the Supreme Bone. I attained enlightenment fifty years after I left the Immortal Realm." Shi Hao said.

"The Supreme Bone has been chopped off..." Dao Yin was surprised.
"I have reached the pinnacle of the extreme realm and already understand its secrets. After opening up the secret realm of the human body, I created a system to cut him off and turn him into nourishment for flesh and blood," Shi Hao responded.

"You actually made your own way, so young..." Even though he was as stunning as the Thunder Emperor, he couldn't help but sigh.

Xu Yu's eyes were deep, Shi Hao's five secret realms were opened up, and the Supreme Bone was chopped off, and he reached the top of the Ultimate Way many years earlier than in the original work.

"What about you?" Dao Yin looked at the remaining three people.

"We all became enlightened around five hundred years ago." Shi Yi sighed. He was very handsome and dressed in gray. He was much more low-key and restrained than when he was young. Even though he was a supreme being, he seemed to be at the same level as his cousin now. Getting further and further away.

The expressions of the Ten-Crown King and Dixian were complicated. It could be said that there were only a few who had attained enlightenment in the past five hundred years or so. However, compared with Shi Hao, who had attained enlightenment in more than a hundred years, they all suddenly looked bleak.

The Thunder Emperor was in a daze. Did it take too long for him to fall? How come so many evil geniuses were born at once? What is the reason for this?

"Where is Meng Tianzheng?" Xu Yu asked.

Meng Tianzheng has extraordinary potential, and he also wants Meng Tianzheng to come here to hone his skills. If he doesn't see him this time,

"I don't know, I lost contact with the Great Elder a long time ago." Shi Hao sighed.

Xu Yu nodded and said nothing more.

"Forget it, you can feel this place that reaches the sky. Whether you want to practice here or not is up to you."

Everyone was in a daze, where is this place? It sounds dangerous!
Afterwards, after the explanation, several people looked a little shocked!

Connecting the sky, the earth, the past and the present!
"After countless years, I want to go!" Shi Hao's eyes were shining with dazzling light, and he wanted to get closer and see what happened.

But the little puppy was startled and shouted to stop him. He was really afraid that if he went in unprepared, there would be big problems.

"Somewhere, I feel that this place is destined to me. I don't feel in danger," Shi Hao explained.

"This place is very strange. Once you enter, you may disappear and you won't know where you are. You may be lost forever and cannot find your way back." Lei Di tried to persuade him.

"You guys should think carefully about whether to go in for training," Xu Yu said.

They are all geniuses, but a great age is about to come, and blood and chaos are about to begin. However, they are born at the wrong time and find it difficult to grow up.

"The sound of sutra sounds seems to be calling me to go forward. All opportunities and crises seem to be here." Shi Hao said.

"He transformed into the Dafa of Freedom?" Xu Yu's mind was moved.

"What about you?" Dao Yin looked at the other three people.

"Although we sense the crisis, there is good luck, and we are willing to go!" The remaining three people looked at each other without any hesitation.

"it is good!

Shi Hao took the lead and entered the one-foot-long stone chamber.

In an instant, his figure blurred and trembled violently, shaking continuously, as if he could no longer stand still. Ten-Crown King, Shi Yi, and Banished Immortal showed firm expressions on their faces, and they also stepped forward and entered the stone chamber... …(End of chapter)

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