Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 501 The Dharma of Self-Transformation

Chapter 501 The Dharma of Self-Transformation
At this moment, the heaven and earth exploded, endless fairy light surged, a long river surged, time fragments flew, and suddenly appeared in the stone chamber.

The void opened, and a drop of blood fell from the river!
This drop of blood was astonishing. It was as bright red as a blood brick, bright red and translucent, with endless divine clouds rising into the sky. It seemed to be surrounded by three thousand avenues, revealing a vast coercion.

"The blood of the quasi-immortal emperor!" Xu Yu's heart trembled slightly. That vast power was really terrifying. It was definitely the blood of the emperor.

Xu Yu didn't find it strange that there was this drop of blood on Shi Hao's body, because the blood itself belonged to him.

Among the immortal ancient ruins, Shi Hao also came into contact with Ye Fan from later generations.

He appeared on Shi Hao's forehead, reflecting the heavens, with a majestic aura, as if lifting the heavens and earth, and then made a sound, rumbling.

Even Shi Hao was in a daze at the moment, not knowing why a drop of blood fell down.

"A drop of blood!"

The Thunder Emperor was surprised. There was a surge of blazing electricity in his eye sockets. He stared at Shi Hao's eyebrows and was very surprised. It was obvious that this drop of blood had greatly shocked him.

"How could this be so? Could it be that the trajectory has not changed or there are too many secrets." Xu Yu frowned and his heart sank.

Logically speaking, if the trajectory had changed, this drop of emperor's blood should not have appeared.

Because, this may be the original trajectory of the Corpse Immortal Emperor killing Shi Hao with the Great Luo Sword Fetus, and then Shi Hao used his Transformation Technique to let more blood flow to all eras. If his future self confronts the Corpse, he can Change his ending.

Just like a reincarnation, Shi Hao, who became the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, was beheaded by the Corpse Immortal Emperor. Before the emperor's body exploded, Shi Hao used his Transformation Method to spread his emperor's blood to all eras, hoping to transcend. , became the Immortal Emperor.

If the emperor's blood still exists, does that mean that the future has not changed and it will still be Shi Hao facing the Corpse Immortal Emperor?
His mood is a bit complicated, so what is the meaning of his existence?

Or, is there any other reason for this?
"Ancient blood from the Emperor's Fall era!"

Dao Yin and Lei Di's hearts trembled. Facing that drop of blood, which was stronger than them, they actually had a trembling feeling in their hearts, feeling as if they were as small as ant dust!
"There is a sound of scriptures..."

At this time, Shi Hao murmured, his body seemed to be resonating with the stone chamber, the light was surging, and it almost merged with the stone chamber.

The scriptures flowed through Shi Hao's heart like water. Every sentence and paragraph was so clear and imprinted in his heart.
"He transformed his own magic!" Shi Hao was shocked.

The sound of the scriptures became louder and louder, making Shi Hao's ears buzz, and he remembered them firmly in his heart.

However, the sound of the scriptures was endless, vibrating, and resonating with the stone chamber. Even Xu Yu and others heard some kind of majestic heavenly sound.

"The Dharma of the Emperor's Fall." Dao Yin's expression changed. That kind of supreme Dharma is something that many people yearn for, but no one can practice it.

Since ancient times, no one seems to have mastered the Dafa of his transformation!
Xu Yu listened silently and captured those scriptures keenly.


After a moment of silence, Xu Yu took action and drew several Tao diagrams in the void, which instantly entered the consciousness of Shi Hao and Shi Yi. This may be their hope in the era of imperial decline.

Everyone was trembling. What Xu Yu passed on to them was so amazing!

The next moment, Shi Hao's figure disappeared in an instant. The puppy's eyes widened, searching here, confused.

Brush brush!
Next, Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings, Banished Immortal and others also disappeared, and they were no longer seen in the stone chamber.

Everyone was silent. Is there really any hope of success? If it succeeds, this will be the capital for the rise of several geniuses.

If it fails, it may disappear completely.

Even Xu Yu may not be able to find them. After all, if they are lost and detached from this ancient history, even summoning spirits may be somewhat powerless.

"Is it really right for us to do this? If we are under our protection, we can rise even though the years are longer." The owner of the restricted area said quietly. If a few outstanding people fall, the loss will be too great.

"The road you choose is in your heart and under your feet." Xu Yu sighed. The future will be very tragic. Now we must seize every opportunity to rise!
"Where did they go? Did they really disappear in the long river of time?" Xiao Zai yelled.

Dao Yin and Lei Di's eyes flickered, and they were thinking about what happened to those young people.


Not long after, a strange phenomenon occurred in the stone chamber, which was extremely hazy, with chaotic light shining, a dense fairy mist, and some traces appearing on the stone wall.

It seemed to be the oldest and roughest stone carving. It was too blurry and not very clear. It belonged to the ancients.

"Since the emperor's fall, traces of the supreme Tao map from infinite years ago have actually emerged." Daoyin looked solemn.

Xu Yu's eyes were bright and she stared directly at the past. There was no trace at all there earlier.

But after a few people entered, something actually changed. The imprint of the past emerges, and the glory and splendor of the past are recorded.

Perhaps, the emperor once existed, fought great battles between heaven and earth, and then fell.

It was a mottled picture scroll, telling the ancient events of the age of the Emperor. Although it was not realistic, one could vaguely perceive what a cruel world it was.

The Era of the Fall of the Emperor, the name of that era really makes people have to imagine.

"If there is an emperor, there is no such thing as an earthly emperor!" The Thunder Emperor sighed slightly. Although he has the name of emperor, he is just a member of the clan. He is too far away from that kind of existence!

There was a huge earthquake in the one-foot-long stone room, and the rough stone carvings changed and became lifelike, seeming to be describing the events of the past.

"Huang and the others really went to Diluo!" Xiaozizi was in a daze, this was incredible.

"It's them!" Thunder Emperor was shocked and stared at the carvings on the stone wall.

The eyes of several great Immortal Kings were blazing with radiant light, staring at the figures of Shi Hao and others on the stone wall.

It was performing and changing, and they saw some scenes.

Xu Yu's eyes were deep, and there was a flash of shock as he opened and closed them, saying: "They are no longer in this life and do not belong to this ancient history!
On the stone wall, the figures and traces of Shi Hao and others were recorded on the carvings.

"He transforms into freedom, he transforms into eternity..."

A faint voice sounded, but it was extremely real. He transformed into the ages. What an amazing method this was.

That drop of blood was so bright that it seemed to reflect all the worlds, branding the past and present, echoing in the long river of time, flowing down the rough stone wall, turning the world upside down and causing chaos to collapse.

"He is immortal!"

The puppy's scalp was numb, and it was indeed a bit scary. Is this a flower that spans the ages and melts away endless years? "Eternity and the present are all transformed by him?" The Thunder Emperor was also a little horrified that he had such an idea inexplicably.

Epochs rise and fall, and they change through the ages. If we really speculate, there are many different mysteries and cannot be studied carefully.

In the rough stone wall, the carving slowly emerged.

It's like a heavy historical scroll is slowly unfolding. Under the reflection of that drop of blood, it is no longer blurry and gradually becomes clear...

"Huang, was born in Di Luo?" The little puppy was dumbfounded, a little unbelievable, simply unbelievable, staring at it.

"Then why are they different?"

Shi Yi, Ten-Crown King, Banished Immortal and others also appeared in Diluo, but they appeared suddenly. They were not born in Diluo, just like passers-by.

The simple lines and rough painting style are very primitive and record what happened countless years ago. A young man walked out of the wilderness...

He grew from weak to strong, constantly transformed, rising step by step in the realm of humanity, shining in the battle, bathing in the blood of his enemies, and making his own way.

Shi Hao, that's his figure, engraved on the rough stone wall!
When Shi Yi, Ten-Crown King, Banished Immortal and others came to this world, they did not come together, but were scattered in various places.

Dao Yin and Lei Di were also shocked. Is this a real reincarnation?
The past is gone and cannot be changed, destiny is unpredictable and irreversible!
Even the Supreme Immortal King can only trace back the long river of time and look into the future, but after all, he is a passer-by and cannot change anything, because the past is an established fact after all and cannot be reversed without human power!

Who can disturb the years, physically return to the past, and interact with the creatures of that life?
Xu Yuyi has deep pupils. Going back to the past is not non-existent. He has also gone back to the past years, but he also went back in the state of the Immortal King. He was in the same state as Shi Yi and others, but he was not born in that era!

But Shi Hao's situation was obviously different. He was actually reborn. He started from a baby and reached the pinnacle step by step. It was more like reincarnation and starting anew.

In the ancient cave, the original traces on the stone walls of the one-foot-long stone chamber are constantly appearing, describing the past events, and the mottled pictures are lifelike.

Relatively speaking, the three of them, Shi Yi, Ten-Crown King, and Banished Immortal, are relatively low-key, and they are all silently comprehending the world and cultivating.

In the era of Emperor Luo, there were brand-new laws, which were very different from those of later generations. They began to practice seriously, and soon their Taoism advanced by leaps and bounds.

Among them, the King of Ten Crowns gained a lot. His World Tree seedling grew rapidly in this world. It was nourished by a new world, giving the World Tree seedling full of vitality!
But Shi Hao, a fighting maniac, has turned the world upside down.

Wherever he is, there will be war!
"He faced off against the Dark True Dragon Clan, and the killing was so brutal. He single-handedly suppressed more than a dozen of the strongest members of the clan."

The puppy stared at the stone wall and exclaimed.

Not long after, some pictures appeared on the stone wall again.

When he became famous, Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings, Banished Immortal and others appeared and finally met him.

These three people are not like Shi Hao, but have returned to Emperor Luo in a supreme state. However, Shi Hao has risen very quickly and quickly reached the top of the Ultimate Dao. The secret realm of the human body has become more and more perfect, and his Dao practice has even surpassed them by a lot. .

Outside the stone wall, several people were watching quietly, looking at the terrifying records on the stone wall, as if experiencing a person's past years and all their joys, sorrows and joys.

"Butcher!" Suddenly, Dao Yin's face changed color slightly and his pupils shrank.

Shi Hao and others encountered the Butcher!

"The butcher in his youth was indeed a monk of Emperor Luo!" Lei Di sighed. Obviously, he also knew many secrets.

Xu Yu looked at that creature with piercing eyes. In the Emperor Luo era, he had also noticed him, this butcher, and compared him with Feng Yuan.

A ruthless and strong man who claimed to have killed all enemies in the world, and who was invincible in the past and present, was dubbed the butcher!

The Butcher, a taboo existence, a blood-stained legend, is almost the top group of creatures in this world, even many immortal kings are beyond their reach.

"The four young supremes and the butcher are starting to confront each other." The puppy shouted.

Later, the butcher seemed to be happy to see the hunter's heart, and he actually started to discuss with the four young supremes, discussing each other's ideas.

However, it was not a life-or-death battle, it was just a fight to the death. In the end, the Butcher actually left that big world and disappeared.

On the stone wall, a trace will be erased, and another scene will appear, telling the story of the rise and fall of the past. Then, some pictures will appear,
"The four young supremes, they killed the Eight Sons of God's lineage!" Dao Yin sighed softly.

The bloodline of God is invisible in this world, its bloodline is powerful and boundless, but four people in this world have achieved this step,
"The clan of Kaitian gods has been turned upside down!"

The Thunder Emperor was moved and stared at the stone wall, witnessing a glorious history and seeing the terrible achievements of several young people. It was amazing that these four people joined forces.

Chapter after page was opened, and time passed by one after another. It was the epic and splendid chapter of their imperial fall!
Where are they now?

When they appeared in this world, they were in a daze, and they only calmed down after years of fighting.

This is an era that is even more turbulent than that of later generations. The earth is vast and the sky is filled with blood. The Immortal King is shouting and the king's blood is falling, destroying billions of miles of land.

This era is so terrible that the four of them are almost constantly conquering.

But as one day came, the world collapsed, and the masters of the heavens fought in a decisive battle, destroying peace. All things were robbed, the prosperous age came to an end, many masters disappeared, and the world entered the Age of Ending Dharma.

Moreover, one world has dried up and some roads have been cut off, thus making it impossible to reach heaven and earth.

The world is vast, and many living beings are unknown. Fortunately, the four of them come from the same era, so they don't seem so lonely, and they have companions on the road to eternal life!
The whole world is vast, not to mention the old days, even if it is an enemy, it will look particularly pleasing to the eye.

Originally, they thought that all this was just the environment, but in the end, they finally realized that this was a real world, and they all came to Diluo.

The four of them practice together, search for the truth, and gain enlightenment in the Age of Ending Dharma.

Time flows, the years are ruthless, and ten thousand years have passed in a flash.

They are no longer young, and the real years have passed quietly for thousands of years.

How can this vibrant state be preserved in the final years of Dharma?
Most of them have gray hair on their temples, are as handsome as Shi Yi, and are as aloof as immortals. They are all stained by the wind and frost of the years, and there are light wrinkles between their eyebrows.

There is only one Ten-Crown King, because he is surrounded by various avenues because he is accompanied by the World Tree. He should be the oldest, but on the contrary, he looks younger.

"If we don't think about changing, we will eventually be cut into dust by this time!"

This is an era where it is impossible to become an immortal. Compared with the current environment of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it is even more terrifying, even worse.

Because this world has suffered a catastrophe, and too many powerful people have died. They have all become Taoists and become part of the rules. They have been suppressed for a lifetime. Anyone who wants to break through must break the suppression of the rules!
Not long after, several people discussed and decided to separate temporarily because their paths were different and they needed to walk their own path...

(End of this chapter)

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