Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 502 Seeking Immortality at the End of the Dharma

Chapter 502 Seeking Immortality at the End of the Dharma

When everyone stepped into the stone chamber and was about to go to Emperor Luo, Xu Yu took action and left them a few Tao maps.

That is his method of becoming an immortal, which records the nine generations of immortality, the way to fight the immortal, and some insights into becoming an immortal in the world of mortals...

Now, it seems that it will come in handy!
Because, if they don't become immortals in the Dharma-ending era of the Emperor's Fall Era, or find a way to extend their lifespan, they will eventually be cut into dust by time, and there won't be any accidents.

Moreover, the Tao diagram that Xu Yu left in their hearts also explained that they are likely to go through a long period of time. If they do not transform and live life after life, they will eventually die.

"My fellow Taoist's methods are astonishing. Could it be that we have deduced that we will be limited to the final Dharma, so we left these Dharma doors behind?" The banished immortal sighed quietly, with a look of admiration on his face.

"Nine generations of immortality, the way to fight immortals..."

Everyone realized it for a long time, and their hearts became more and more shocked. With their supreme insights, they could clearly see that these two methods of becoming immortals, once successful, would be far better than ordinary true immortals!

Will he be a fighting immortal or a ninth-generation immortal?

They were confused all of a sudden. The Tao map left by Xu Yu told them to be careful. The way of fighting immortals is too fierce. Although it is faster than the time required by Hongchen Immortal, it is also the most dangerous. It is easy to be broken and should not be taken lightly. try.

The immortal in the mortal world wants to achieve nirvana life after life, constantly breaking through himself, and finally transforming into an immortal body in the mortal world.

Soon, everyone made their choice. Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings and others chose to transform life after life in the world of mortals, while Shi Hao initially chose the path of fighting immortals!

On the occasion of separation.

"I can feel that the world in this place is very chaotic, and the empire is boundless. Maybe we really have to go through a long time. I hope that when we meet again, you and I can be at the top."

The World Tree above the head of the Ten-Crown King, various auras transpired and turned into principles, surrounding him. Every leaf fell down, and the principles transpired, allowing him to almost stand in a piece of pure land, untainted by the tribulation atmosphere of the world of mortals.

He walked like a dragon and a tiger, walking with great ease and ease. He was going to find the way.

"If we cannot rise in this world, we will eventually be cut into dust by the years, so we say goodbye."

Shi Yi's eyes were deep and filled with blazing light. He was very calm and said goodbye to everyone. He was disillusioned step by step and disappeared.

"The dream returns to Emperor Luo, both real and illusory..." The banished immortal smiled slightly, with the flute at the corner of his mouth, and the faint fairy music sounded. He stepped on the fairy light and left.

Shi Hao sighed lightly and began to practice, but before parting, everyone made a promise to meet again if the transformation is successful in the future!

Outside the ancient cave and stone chamber, the Thunder Emperor and others frowned. The era of the Emperor's fall was heading towards the end of the Dharma. The kind of suppression was too terrifying and made people despair.

Because the heaven and earth were overturned, and they had just experienced a great battle, and all the immortal kings had poured out. In the sky, there were all kinds of violent laws, which would suppress all the strong men who were at the top of the extreme realm and hoped to take that step.

The fall of the emperor, the end of the Dharma era.

The four of them separated and went to find their own way.

As time goes by, time is like a knife. They are aging day by day, and their functions in all aspects are declining.
Now, almost 20,000 years have passed, and the blood loss of several people has become more and more serious.

"Strive to survive in the world of mortals and survive life after life!"

"Or you can become an immortal in battle and seek immortality!" This was their teacher, pointing out the way for them.

Becoming an Immortal in the Ninth Life!

Become an immortal in the world of mortals. Once you succeed, your combat power will be comparable to that of a quasi-immortal king!
The same is true for the War Immortal. Once he succeeds, his strength will be astonishing and he will undergo an extremely terrifying transformation!

However, it is hard to travel in the world of mortals, and the mind of heaven is unpredictable. On the thick sky, there is a layer of light curtain that others cannot capture, but Shi Hao and others can clearly sense that there is an invisible layer of suppression hanging on them. Above the head, let alone becoming an immortal, even taking steps to the supreme realm is extremely difficult!
The emperor has fallen into the vastness, and the world has no boundaries. A tragic song cannot bury the eternal loneliness!

But Shi Hao and others have no extra choice. Since they have come to the era of Emperor's Fall, they must find their own path to immortality in this era of ending of law.

Otherwise, they will most likely never be able to return to their original world.

Stone interior.

Several Immortal Kings stared at the stone wall, watching quietly, wanting to see what kind of path these geniuses would take!

"In the second life, how will they transform?" Several people were curious.

On the stone wall, carved pictures appeared one after another, and another four thousand years passed.

In the era of emperor fall, the Phoenix Nest.

This is a true phoenix's lair, huge and boundless, with boundless flames steaming and heat waves rolling.

The leader of this tribe died in the war, and the strength of the tribe is very low. Even the masters of the supreme realm are gone. Only some phoenixes who have escaped to the first realm are left here.

A white-haired man came here, to the central land. He was a banished immortal and found a place of transformation that was very suitable for him.
His temperament is still elegant and clear, but his hair is white, his body is haggard, and his eyes are extremely cloudy.

He sat cross-legged in the phoenix nest, his whole body wrapped in blazing flames, and the hazy Tao surrounded him. Then, he was completely silent...

Almost at the same time, on a rock cliff in a secret place, Shi Yi sat cross-legged, his whole person seemed to be integrated with the cliff, and as his eyes opened and closed, eternal years were passing by. Shi Yi, with gray clothes and white hair, and his handsome face were no longer there. , very old, but his eyes contain endless vitality. The endless secrets of vitality emerged in the depths of his pupils, with divine brilliance rippling and ripples spreading. He was understanding his own way and capturing the trajectory of life.

In an ancient cave, the Ten-Crown King is holding the World Tree on his head, rising and falling, the light is intertwined, and wisps of avenues are criss-crossing, hanging down from the World Tree and entwined in his body.


The true phoenix's long cry resounded through the sky, and the fire was steaming. He succeeded in banishing the immortal, understood the nirvana method of the true phoenix, and lived out the second life.
The double pupil opened up the world, and he initially understood the opportunity of creation of the double pupil. In the withered body, he was reborn and revived.

The avenues rise and fall, and the World Tree has endless ways that are intertwined and hazy. The Ten-Crown King understood the ten thousand ways of the World Tree, achieved Nirvana, and lived out his second life.

The three of them were filled with endless emotions. When Wang Changsheng almost lived his second life, he was already extremely powerful and transformed once, which made them all feel that it was infinitely mysterious.

Another two thousand years passed, and they decided to get together. After stabilizing their realm, they once again came to the place agreed upon by each other.

When they met again, everyone was surprised that all three of them had lived their second life.

However, they never expected that Shi Hao was still in an old age and looked like he was about to die.

"What's going on with you?" Exiled Immortal asked in surprise.

All three of them have survived their second life, there is no reason why Shi Hao hasn't succeeded yet!
"My first life has not ended yet, so naturally I cannot transform." Shi Hao smiled.

Everyone was speechless. They had persisted to the extreme for more than 20,000 years, but Shi Hao's first life was actually close to 30,000 years and had not yet passed away. This was too unbelievable. You must know that this was the end of the Dharma era.

Finally, after another two thousand years, Shi Hao's deadline finally arrived.

Traces appeared one after another in his chakra, which were traces of time, and the wheel of life was almost disintegrating.


With a slight scolding, a ball of light emerged, and he cut away his corrupt origins.

Today, he is like a tree that has been attacked by insects. After a lightning strike, the tree exploded and fell apart in the thunder and fire, but the roots were still waiting for new life. Everyone's eyes widened. Shi Hao was already a successful person. He was different from everyone else. Perhaps his transformation would give them different inspirations and they could verify each other!

Chaos energy overflowed throughout the entire sacred mountain, and then there was a vast thunder light falling from the sky, and billions of thunder and lightning descended. When the deadline came, a catastrophe came!
At this moment, his almost immortal and powerful physique was now broken and almost riddled with holes.

The expressions of the Ten-Crown King and the Banished Immortal suddenly changed. How could their decaying bodies withstand such a violent attack? Are they trying to cut off their vitality?

"Don't worry, there is vitality permeating his decaying body, and it's not yet time to despair." Shi Yi was very calm, with heavy eyes.

The light shined, and he looked at Shi Hao and made a judgment. The Ten-Crown King and Exiled Immortal sighed, even if he had the intention, he was powerless. It was impossible for outsiders to intervene in this kind of divine punishment from heaven, otherwise it might cause a more violent thunder disaster, or even set him on fire!

Shi Hao was wandering between life and death, and seemed to see the scene where Liu Shen in the past Nine Heavens was struck down by the Nine Heavens Thunder.

Then, his consciousness blurred, and the entire mountain range turned into ashes, turned into an abyss, and was extremely charred.

At the bottom of the abyss, there are fallen star skeletons and huge charred bodies, silent and motionless.

Shi Yi and others quietly stood by his side to protect him, and dripped some large medicine into his body to restore some vitality to him.

A few years later, a little bit of vitality flowed out from the charred body, just like a lightning strike striking a tree containing a bit of vitality.

"Sure enough, this is also a kind of transformation." Everyone sighed and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was not in danger and would not really fall like this.

Then, his vitality gradually became stronger. The charred remains crackled and came to life here!

Soon, he shed a lot of residual bones, and even cracked old skin.

Shi Hao lived out his second life and returned to his youthful state. His blood was boiling and his essence was exuberant to the extreme. The decay was cut away. The Tao seed bloomed in his body, his essence flowed, many portals were opened, blazing light surged, and his divine power was unparalleled!
Everyone sighed, using one's body as a seed, it was indeed against the heavens, this kind of Tao fruit is undoubtedly world-shaking! Every time you improve, there will be a qualitative transformation!
Shi Yi and the others were silent. Shi Hao lived for 30,000 years in his first life, which was nearly 5,000 to 6,000 years more than them, and his potential was even greater than theirs.

"About the third life, how to start it?"

As the years passed, everyone began to talk to each other and exchange their experiences, hoping to accumulate experience for the third life.

They each have different paths, but they all choose to refer to each other, because no matter what path they take, the essence remains the same, and they reach the same goal through different paths.

Even though Shi Hao clearly chose the path of fighting immortals, he would still have to undergo transformation for several lifetimes, and it would not be possible overnight!

"Use the longevity medicine as the basis to transform!" Finally, everyone made a decision about the third life's transformation.

Next, everyone started to take action. The most reliable way to transform was to take the elixir of longevity!
The elixir of longevity is rare in this Dharma-ending era, but since everyone is a supreme level expert, it is indeed much easier to find it.
They often go in and out of some ancient secret realms, looking for those ancient elixirs.

Although the world has changed and the efficacy of many medicines has deteriorated, they are still of great use to supreme figures.

Three hundred years later, several people found a total of four immortality elixirs.

"I want to become a war immortal like my brother!"

After finding the elixir of longevity, Shi Hao began to try to pass the test. Although the path Xu Yu pointed out to him would take several lives, he still wanted to try it.

Outside the stone room, Xu Yu was speechless. Logically speaking, this road was really the most suitable for him. However, it was basically impossible to travel through the Fighting Immortal Road in two lifetimes.

But with his own experience, developing his own system, and accumulating it for several lifetimes, he might really have a good chance of success!
Shi Hao began to attack, turning the Dao Fruit into a huge dharma form, containing it into one body, trying to penetrate the world.

But soon, he became scarred, his attempt to transform into a war immortal failed, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.

"The accumulation of two lives is not enough!" Shi Hao said to himself, even if he stopped, he would stop the loss in time and no longer attack violently.

But this also gave him a lot of insights. In order to accumulate a lot of experience in the future, he initially figured out the general situation of the War Immortal.

Long years passed by, and more than 30,000 years passed. On this vast land, billions of rays of glow reached into the sky.

Several people entered their old age one after another, and each used the elixir to regain their vitality, revive again, move from dryness to strength, and regain their youth.

Another 30,000 years have passed, and the four of them have used the elixir of immortality to live out their third lives. Now they have been in Emperor's Fall for 60,000 years.

In the third life, everyone's lifespan was extended again. Shi Yi and the three of them all lived to be about 30,000 years old, while Shi Hao seemed to have four to five thousand years left to live.

Next, Shi Yi, the Banished Immortal, and the Ten-Crown King exchanged their experiences and understood each other's methods. Shi Yi studied the World Tree, the Ten-Crown King understood the Nirvana of the True Phoenix, and the Banished Immortal studied the double-pupil creation vitality...

They transformed again and lived out their fourth life. They felt unprecedentedly powerful. Although they were not true immortals now, they had the capital to compete with true immortals!

In this world, outside the stone room.

"It's amazing, he transformed from life to life and evolved into a flawless immortal body!" Dao Yin sighed softly.

Five thousand years have passed, and Shi Hao used the true phoenix's nirvana, Shi Yi's Double Eye Creation, the Ten-Crown King's magic and other mysteries to fuse them together.

Finally, his old blood was drained out, his body glowed with light, and one portal after another in his body was opened.

He succeeded and lived his fourth life!
And in this fourth life, during the extremely long years, he was not only practicing hard, but also comprehending various magic formations.

"Chongguan Fighting Immortal, now!" When Shi Hao transformed from the fourth life to the fifth life, he lived for more than 50,000 years, and Shi Yi and others also transformed into the fifth life one after another...

In Shi Hao's fifth life, he set up a magical array that defied the heavens and placed himself in the center of the array, seemingly turning into a divine egg, blessing it with supreme power.


A thousand years later, Shi Hao roared out and rushed out of the formation's eyes. His whole body was filled with blazing light. He wanted to attack the War Immortal!
His teachings are profound and unbelievable.

Shi Yi and others recovered from the state of seclusion one after another. They were alarmed. Shi Hao was actually going to break through the seclusion again, which made every one of them feel nervous!

Shi Hao stood up and waved his arms, trying to open up the heaven and earth and recreate the universe.

Laws of reincarnation, willow magic, and the Immortal Sutra emerged in his mind. His arms and legs seemed to be burning, and the avenue runes were densely covered.


He seemed to be opening the sky, opening up the vast sky, and a huge dharma statue emerged behind him!

The wheel sea, Tao palace, and four poles are filled with endless power.

And on his back, there were big dragons rising up one after another.

Jiuweiji, change by birth!

He merged into the huge dharma shadow behind Shi Hao and became part of his Tao Fruit!


In the sky, countless black lightnings surged, spreading for hundreds of millions of miles, huge black abyss emerged in patches, and the bloody killing light dyed the world red!
The battle of immortality is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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