Chapter 503 Meng Tianzheng reappears

The sky was filled with lightning tribulations as Shi Hao triggered the Immortal Tribulation, and even the imprints left by the immortal beings in the past were triggered.

Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings and others were shocked. Is this the Battle Immortal Tribulation?


Shi Hao went crazy, fought bloody, fierce confrontation, and used all possible means!
Outsiders could not imagine that this was an unprecedented catastrophe, more terrifying than all the catastrophes Shi Hao had experienced over the years.

The lightning was billions of times heavy, and at the end the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine appeared again!

The thunder alone lasted several days for Shi Hao. The scene was horrifying. Wherever the thunder and lightning passed, many places turned into nothingness and completely collapsed.

When the thunderstorm gradually dissipated, phantoms appeared one after another, standing in the air, with murderous eyes, looking down at Shi Hao indifferently, with endless killing intent.

"That's..." Exiled Immortal was shocked.

"The laws of the great avenue are left behind by the fallen true immortals, as well as the imprint of the supreme power. This is the most critical test." The Ten-Crown King said solemnly.

The oppression of heaven and earth is too strong. Only by breaking through can one escape from the cage!
Chaos thunder and immortal lightning, densely packed, submerged the heaven and earth, appeared again, but the difference is that they are no longer the protagonists of these catastrophes!
Those imprints are the shadows!
They were the shadows of the fallen powerful men one after another.

They are all extremely powerful. Under the interpretation of Heavenly Tribulation, they are not inferior to their former peaks, and they are still better than them!


Just for a moment, that star field no longer existed.

"Fighters are immortals, I am invincible!" Shi Hao shouted.

The huge War Immortal Dharma form behind him was astonishing, and his momentum suddenly rose in an instant!

The chakra in the abdomen glowed, the sound of sutras resounded in the Taoist palace, the divine power of the limbs reversed, a big dragon rose up on the back, making a dragon roar, shaking the world, and then the head was extremely bright, with countless light rains, and the immortal platform roared.


At this moment, his strength reached its ultimate tyranny, reaching its peak!

However, his opponents were all truly fallen immortals, and they were also extremely extraordinary. They made him bleed many times, and his blood splattered in the sky.
However, he was stubborn after all, and fought his way through a bloody path, and finally integrated the Dharma, Tao, and Fruit into one body and turned into an immortal warrior immortal!
He punched out and the light was endless. The blazing lightning in the sky dissipated, and the phantom of the immortal path exploded like a bubble.

He successfully overcame the tribulation and transformed into a war immortal! Possessing the strength of a quasi-immortal king!

Those who become warrior immortals in the world of mortals are far better than the creatures at the same stage in the immortal realm.

At this moment, his physical body is flawless, his soul is immortal, and his magic power is endless, washing away the foundation of his mortal body!
Finally became an immortal!

Shi Hao has been waiting for this day for too long. The years of cultivation, ruthlessness, teachers, friends, and beauty have all turned into an unattainable dream.

"I want to go back, to my own time." Shi Hao whispered.

There were too many different eras and different worlds involved, and it was difficult to explain what was going on, but he had been suppressing it for a long time and was eager to go back and take a look.


Shi Yi, Ban Xian and others appeared and came to congratulate him sincerely.

Shi Hao achieved the position of War Immortal and created a miracle. With the accumulation of five lifetimes, he broke through to War Immortal in one fell swoop. If he transformed again, he would be the Immortal King!

Suddenly, Shi Hao noticed something unusual.

"The sky is going to change!" He whispered, feeling inexplicably a little nervous.

All around, time is mottled, endless light and shadow emerge, and the shadows are blurred.

"Time and space are unstable, can we go back?" Shi Yi also felt something strange in his mind.

The king of ten crowns and the banished immortal looked incomprehensible and had some insights.

The void blurred and twisted, and they saw a stone chamber.

On the rough stone wall, a drop of blood slowly slid down, with an inexplicable meaning, it was the mysterious ancient blood.

Even Shi Hao was confused. The drop of blood had no trace and no trace. He didn't know where it came from. He planned to ask for advice when he went back.

"He transforms into freedom, he transforms into eternity..."

Ruoyingruowu, Shi Hao heard the echo, echoing in the world of Emperor Luo, and echoing in the stone chamber.

Time fragments were flying, time was like water, and the glow here was gorgeous and mysterious. They walked along a passage and soon appeared again.

"We're back!"

Shi Hao, Shi Yi and others reappeared in the world and returned to the stone chamber.

"It only took hundreds of thousands of years to become a war immortal, and turned into a quasi-immortal king. He is truly a genius!"

The Thunder Emperor sighed, with blazing lightning dancing in his eyes. This young junior is so unbelievable, even worse than he was back then!

"Brother..." There were tears in Shi Hao's eyes. After seeing each other for hundreds of thousands of years, it was like a dream, yet so real.

"Well done!" Xu Yu smiled. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, so it's no wonder he is so excited.

It is extremely extraordinary that the fifth life can penetrate the road of fighting immortals. Maybe soon, he will be able to fight with him. Shi Yi, the Ten Crown King and others also came to pay homage and were very excited.

Hundreds of thousands of years are really not a short period of time. To a few Immortal Kings, it may be just a moment, but they have actually experienced those years.

What makes them a little regretful is that after five lives in Emperor Luo, their complete transformation has not been completed. Although they have the strength to fight against immortals, they have not transformed into immortal bodies.

"It doesn't matter, the lower realm is over. You can continue to transform. Don't be impatient for a while." Xu Yu closed his head to reassure them.

Generally speaking, the third and fourth lives are the most critical for the transformation of the nine lives. Once experienced, the road to immortality will undoubtedly be much smoother.

Becoming an immortal in nine lifetimes is the path to the most powerful person!
And the few of them have already gone very far on this road. There is no need to worry too much about the future. When the time comes, things will naturally fall into place.

Next, everyone left the place where they were preparing to leave reincarnation,

Xu Yu looked at this side of the world and thought to himself, this is a magical place, and there should be some secrets. Let's explore it later.

In the end, the Thunder Emperor and a group of thunder spirits and puppies followed Xu Yu and others and left the land of Tongtian.

"What night is this evening..." The Thunder Emperor sighed quietly. Since ancient times, everything seems to have changed.

Zhongyan Immortal King City is a huge royal city that stretches across the universe, and all the stars in the sky are insignificant in front of him.

It is like the center of the universe, carrying countless glorious years. It is surrounded by the laws of the heavens. The laws are boundless, like a waterfall of stars and rivers, embracing a huge city.

"We are back!" Shi Hao and others were filled with emotion and excitement. After many years of separation, they could finally find their old friends and relatives again.

Soon, shocking news came out in the Immortal King Zhongyan City, and it quickly spread to the entire Immortal Realm!
The legendary Ten Evils, Thunder Emperor is resurrected!

In the end, Shi Hao of Immortal King City achieved the status of quasi-immortal king!
One is the reappearance of the ancient Ten Evils, and the other is the rise of the new generation of power!

These two things caused an uproar in the Immortal Realm!

Countless people were shocked. The Immortal King Zhongyan was indeed a master of all means. The Thunder Emperor was resurrected and Huang became a War Immortal. If these two things had nothing to do with him, most people would not believe it!

Everyone lamented that the power of the Immortal King City in the end was so terrifying. As a result, it was almost the most prosperous royal city in the Immortal Realm.
Time flies, and five thousand years have passed.

"It's time, you can almost go down to the next world,"

Xu Yu once again summoned Shi Hao, Shi Yi and others. He deduced that the world in the lower world would change again.

The heaven and earth are recovering, and the great road is being completed, but it does not nourish living beings and further suppresses them. This is the horror of the Dharma-Ending Age.

The so-called Dharma Ending Age means that after the peak of prosperity and decline, the heaven and earth directly seize the essence of the people and suppress all spirits to replenish themselves and repair themselves.

At this time, whoever stands at the pinnacle of the Ultimate Dao will have his Dao Mark merge with the heaven and earth, suppressing their Dharma and Dao.

According to this deduction, there can only be one person in a lifetime who can stand high and suppress all realms. Only this person can obtain the mark of Tianxin and be consistent with it.

"It turned out to be like this!" Everyone was surprised. "You all can experience it and walk this road again. This opportunity is rare!"

"The Tianxin Seal may also be called the Immortal King's Foundation. If you understand it thoroughly, you will most likely achieve the Immortal King's title!" He added.

Xu Yu smiled. This was the first time after the repair of heaven and earth. The mark of Tianxin was condensed for the first time, and it had a different meaning.

Even for the War Immortal Shi Hao, understanding the Tianxin Seal has many positive effects.

"Immortal King's Throne!" All the great geniuses sighed, extremely shocked. Since ancient times, it is difficult to achieve the Immortal King's realm. Needless to say, the Tianxin Seal can build the foundation of the Immortal King!
Several people were shocked and prepared to go to the lower realm again. Moreover, becoming an immortal in the world of mortals would definitely not be in the immortal realm. They needed to continue their transformation in the lower realm.

And Xu Yu also expected that there was probably a turmoil on the other side of the boundary sea. He needed to improve his strength as soon as possible and become the Emperor Light Immortal King!

Just as he was preparing to retreat, a messenger came to report that Xu Kun, Huo Heng, and Burial King from Burial Land had arrived and appeared in the fairyland!
The Burial King is here!

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and he was surprised that the Burial King actually came to the Immortal Realm.

Throughout the ages, the Burial Ground and the Immortal Realm have been wary of each other, and there is basically no contact between them. Although the Burial Ground is very transcendent and spends most of its time dormant, it has relatively close contacts with foreign lands.

Therefore, the Immortal Realm will basically not take the initiative to contact the Burial Realm.

The Burial King came to Linxian Realm with great fanfare. This was truly the first time in history!
In an instant, his mind was spinning and he had many ideas.

Xu Yu took a step forward and appeared outside the royal city, where he saw the two buried kings who were accompanied by the giant Qi Yu.

The tycoon Qi Yu personally accompanied him, so one can imagine the importance of the burial place in the heart of Xianyu!

The burial place is endlessly mysterious and has existed from ancient times to the present. It has gone through many reckonings, but it still stands proudly in the world. This alone makes many powerful people fear it.

Moreover, in the burial ground, it is said that an unparalleled powerful person once appeared... the burial master, that is a being that can be respected in the world sea, and perhaps only the butcher can be compared with him.

Regarding the burial place, Xianyu has always kept a respectful distance. Even if it cannot win over, it will not offend easily.

Now, the two burial kings are visiting, and Immortal Realm has suddenly captured the key information. This is the goodwill released by the burial place!

"Fellow Taoist Xuan, I came here uninvited, please forgive me, fellow Taoist!"

The Xukun Burial King smiled. His body was tall and straight, and his hair was gorgeous. Although he was a Burial Warrior, he looked even more sacred than the Immortal King.


Xu Yu smiled and invited a few people to his mansion. Soon, everyone sat down cross-legged.

Xu Yu waved his hand, picked some Enlightenment tea leaves through the void, and began to make tea.

Enlightenment The tea leaves fall, and the leaves are like tripods, knives, and swords, and each piece is gorgeous and falls into the teacup.

Soon after, wisps of fragrant fragrance floated out, refreshing and making people's soul feel ethereal.

"A Taoist friend, this must be the Taoist enlightenment tea tree from a foreign land. I didn't expect it to be picked up by a Taoist friend," Huo Heng, the Burial King, praised.

"Yes, it is that ancient tea tree that has been cultivated for thousands of years and has restored a lot of divinity."

Xu Yu smiled. This ancient tea tree had been planted for thousands of years and cultivated in the soil brought by Shi Hao. Its divinity had recovered a lot. Although it could not be compared to its peak state, it was still extraordinary.

A few people exchanged pleasantries and finally got to the point.

"Fellow Daoist, there are changes in the Boundary Sea. The great reckoning is really about to begin. Maybe a thousand years, maybe ten thousand years, or at most a few hundred thousand years. The creatures of the Boundary Sea will return in large numbers."

King Xukun Burial took a sip of tea and said with some worry. For ordinary people, hundreds of thousands of years may be a long time, but this is not the case for the funeral warriors. If they sleep casually, the sea will turn into dust, the thunder and lightning will dry up, and millions of years will pass by.

Therefore, for them, the great liquidation is imminent.

"There are already some creatures trying to attack my burial place, but we have forced them back." Immortal King Huo Heng also sighed.

At the beginning of this turmoil, there was already an undercurrent surging, and many creatures returned, even daring to consider burial places!
Xu Yu remained calm and knew why they came.

Soon, they directly stated their position, hoping to form an alliance with the Immortal Realm to jointly fight against the liquidation.

Xu Yu nodded slightly. He had reached an alliance with the Burial Land before, but after all, it was his own person and could represent Nine Heavens at most. But now that he has entered the Immortal Realm, these Burial Kings want to bring the Immortal Realm over again.

"I think it's feasible. The reckoning is coming. If we unite, we may have more strength." Xu Yu pondered for a moment, expressed his opinion, and looked at Qi Yu.

"I personally agree, but the vast Immortal Realm and the will of the kings still exist. I will come back as soon as I go!" Qi Yu said with a smile.

Not long after, Qi Yu came back. His beard and hair were all white, but he was full of energy. He said: "Fellow Taoists, you have agreed. Since there is an old relationship between Immortal King Zhiyan and fellow Taoist Burial Ground, King Immortal End Yan will replace me in Immortal Domain and Burial Land." Let’s make a covenant.” Qi Yu’s eyes flashed slightly and he spoke with a smile.

Xu Kun and Huo Heng, the two great burial kings, were slightly shaken and shocked. Sure enough, the current Immortal King Zhan Yan has a pivotal position in the Immortal Realm. In such a short time, he has been recognized by the kings.

Xu Yu looked dull, he was not surprised by this result!

The burial place could have been a strong support! Although they are closely related to foreign lands, now that they are facing a powerful enemy, they naturally have to take a longer-term view.

Moreover, more importantly, their status is too important now, not only his combat power, but more importantly, if his body or true spirit remains, he can summon the soul and revive the powerful Immortal King!
If you die unexpectedly in the future, you still need to count on him, and naturally you won't go against him!

In the end, an agreement was reached between the Fairyland and the Burial Land to unite and face the great reckoning in the future.

As a sign of sincerity, Xu Yu transformed into a ray of Taoism and went to the burial ground with the two burial kings. Sitting there, if something happened, his true self would be able to sense it immediately and communicate with each other.


Time flies, and another two thousand years have passed.


Xu Yu, who was in seclusion in the Immortal King's City at the end, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt that the mark of Tianxin in the lower world was quietly taking shape and was about to be completely formed.

He is also a little curious about the first generation Tianxin mark and is ready to take a look!
Soon, the kings also sensed it and realized that this was a great opportunity. Some immortal kings sent their disciples to the lower world to seize the fortune!

"Go and take a look!" He summoned the Liu Shen Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan and waited for the Immortal King who had been in the Nine Heavens.

Only they can go down to the lower world, because they are nine-day beings, and the king of the fairyland is temporarily unable to go down to the lower world.

Although the heaven and earth are being repaired, the laws are incomplete and will block them. Only when the repair is completed can they enter. The creatures of the Nine Heavens will not be stopped.

Not long after, a fairy gate opened wide, and Xu Yu, Liu Shen, Dao Yin, Liu Dao Samsara Pan and others appeared in the lower world.

All the heavens and ten thousand ways are manifested, and the laws are formed into the sea. They are the embodiment of the order of heaven and earth, and are the tangible traces of the manifestation of the great avenues.


The nine heavens and ten earth were shaken, and the souls of all living beings were trembling. This pressure was too great.

Attracting the whole world's attention, all the powerful monks looked up to the sky. Not long after, Xu Yu and others saw Shi Hao and Shi Yi.

A group of descendants of the Immortal Kings came to the lower realm with great interest. They saw Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Ten Crown Kings and others. All of them looked ugly, as if they had eaten dead children. These nine-day geniuses, and such With the Immortal King of Duojiutian here, what chance do they have?
"Why don't you go and understand the Tianxin Seal as soon as possible!"

A young man came over and asked Shi Hao and others. His skin is bronze. He is not very handsome, but he is very heroic. He is very strong, with a thick frame, thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a pair of eyebrows flying into his temples.

Descendants of Queen Pan—Pan Yi!
He came with Xu Yu, because King Pan regarded Xu Yu as his elder, and eventually Immortal King City and Pan King City became very close, and this young junior also had close contacts with Shi Hao and others in the Immortal Realm.

"The Great Elder has gone." Shi Hao smiled.

At this moment, a majestic man soared into the sky, with gorgeous golden armor and a heroic appearance.

"Meng Tianzheng!"

"Hey, so strong, so awesome!"

Sensing Meng Tianzheng's aura, the Nine Heavens Immortal Kings who came with Xu Yu from the lower realm were shocked.

"Have you already mastered the power of the immortal way before you even set foot on it? What an amazing young man!"

But in Xu Yu's eyes, Meng Tianzheng's human body was constantly recovering, and he even opened many doors to the secret realm of the human body.

(End of this chapter)

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