
Kunti roared angrily and was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. It was just that his disciple was captured. He even lost his magical weapon. This was a great shame and humiliation.

However, he did not dare to stop, burning his blood and running for his life. He could only abandon his disciples and his own magic weapon.

If he continues to stay here, even he may die here, which he absolutely cannot accept.

After overlooking the foreign land for many years, Kundi now only has the obsession to become an emperor in his heart, so he will never stay here.

Xu Yu didn't chase him. Kundi quickly disappeared at the cost of burning his origin, even if he couldn't catch up for a while.

And if they catch up, with the number of immortal kings in foreign lands, they can only repeat what happened before.

"Origin Ancient Artifact!"

Moreover, there are ancient artifacts of origin in foreign lands, which are difficult to conquer. Even if you enter the foreign lands and defeat the strongest, there is still no way to destroy the world.

Unless one has absolute strength and can destroy the ancient artifact of origin, an immortal king will still be born in a foreign land.

But to be honest, if he wants to forcibly destroy the foreign land, he can do it. He can use the blessing of the Immortal Realm Tianxin to obtain a quasi-immortal emperor-level combat power, which is enough to destroy this place.

However, he felt that this was too wasteful and was not willing to waste it. Moreover, the great turmoil in the world sea and the great liquidation had begun. If this world was destroyed, the Nine Heavens and the Immortal Realm might suffer more impacts, leaving the foreign land in this life. It is wise for them to share the pressure of the boundary sea.

"What an ancient world, it is destined to be my Buddha!"

Kong Jianxian Monk looked at this ancient world and nodded.

"The avenues are complete and the laws are at their peak. They may be more powerful than our ancient world of immortal monks back then. If the religion were established here, the faith would be everywhere." An immortal monk nodded in agreement.

Xu Yu was speechless. These eminent monks seemed to be suffering from occupational diseases.

"Strictly speaking, in this world, we are all descendants of dark creatures!" Xu Yu reminded.

"Dark creatures!" The faces of several immortal monks suddenly became solemn. The ancient world of immortal monks was destroyed by darkness. Darkness is the eternal enemy of their lineage!

Afterwards, everyone looked at the Immortal Refining Pot on Xu Yu's waist with envy.

The Immortal Refining Pot is a treasure. At this level, ordinary giants cannot refine it. Among the Immortal King's magic weapons, it is a high-quality product.

This magical object is indeed very strong. The body of the pot is hard and can easily kill the Immortal King. The inside of the pot is vast and boundless, with its own cave. The spout of the pot can refine all the kings.


Everyone left. The ancient artifacts with origin were in a foreign land and could not be easily destroyed, so they stepped onto the altar and returned to Jiutian.

After returning to the Immortal Realm, everything in the Immortal Realm was boiling.

Finally, the Immortal King entered the Immortal Realm again, single-handedly suppressed the world, and defeated the Immortal King. Kundi was far from his opponent, and even lost the Immortal Refining Pot.

Zhongyan Immortal King City was also in a commotion. Everyone was shocked by Xu Yu's terrifying strength. With such an invincible strong man, the entire Zhongyan Immortal King City was honored.

Immortal kings such as Qi Yu, Hunyuan, and Pan Wang were all alarmed, and came out of seclusion one after another to pay their respects.

They roughly understood the situation and were all amazed that Foreign Land had suffered a big loss again. Even the Immortal Refining Pot was lost and became Xu Yu's bag.

Immortal King Qi Yu was smiling brightly and his face was extremely rosy, as if he were millions of years younger. Kundi was his old enemy, and now that he had suffered such a big loss, he felt extremely happy.

Later, everyone learned that several immortal monks were invited by Immortal King Zhongyan from the ancient world of immortal monks. They were all shocked. It turned out that Immortal King Zhongyan had gone to other ancient worlds in recent years to travel around the immortal realm.

This suddenly increases the combat power of six more Immortal Kings, the lowest ones are all Extreme Immortal Kings, giving them a little more confidence in dealing with future changes!
All the powerful Immortal Monks have auras as deep as the sea, and each of them is no less powerful than the original Immortal Monk King. They are extremely terrifying.

Ten years, a thousand years, a hundred years, ten thousand years!
Years passed by, and twenty thousand years passed in a flash.

During this period, Shi Hao broke through the barrier and directly reached the top Immortal King Realm, adding another big boost to the Immortal Realm!

And Xu Yu also consolidated his realm, the imperial light of his body became more and more dazzling, and his whole person was as deep as the abyss and the sea, unfathomable.

In addition, he is also experiencing many magical arts, constantly analyzing and evolving them, rearranging and combining them, and sublimating their mysteries, such as the Nine Secrets and the Ten Evil Arts, which he has deduced to their current extremes, which are extremely terrifying and possess amazing powers. The power of the world!
Moreover, his deduction of various magical attacks over the years has actually greatly improved his deduction ability.

Calculating the secrets and making decisions, he has become a master of deduction! In the dark, he actually got a glimpse of many secrets.

Even Xuanwu Immortal King was greatly shocked after discussing the Tao with him, thinking that his talent in this area was extremely amazing!

The storm in the Boundary Sea is raging, and various strong men appear one after another, stirring up the storm and looking for landing points everywhere!

Jiutian and Immortal Realm have almost all been attacked, and there is only one burial place. It is relatively peaceful and has not encountered a huge attack.

Even if it was a foreign land, it was the same. The loss of several quasi-kings really caused huge waves in that world. A group of belligerent people were full of passion and emotion, but there was nothing they could do.

First, the Immortal King Final Yan wreaked havoc, and then they faced a great reckoning, which made them feel extremely humiliated. They could only lament in their hearts that times have changed!
There are too many creatures in the world sea!
During this period, Xu Yu also took action several times, killing some masters and leaving a great reputation that made people change their minds after hearing about it.

Relatively speaking, it is still the early stage of the outbreak, and there is no real world of rebellion. Therefore, although Xu Yu has taken action, there are very few, and a large part of them are still practicing and enlightening.

And Jiutian has Liu Shen, Stone King, Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan and others, guarding Jiutian so impregnably that even the imperial pass in the border area has not been cleared.
In this way, hundreds of thousands of years passed in a blink of an eye, and the burial soil was affected. There were endless wars in the outside world, and all the heavens were under terrifying conquests.

In the quiet Xue Tu, there is very little sound on weekdays, because the life of scholars is too simple, and most of them are spent in deep sleep.

Whether it is practice or retreat, you can use this to live forever in sleep, immortality in hibernation, and breathing underground.

And one of Xu Yu's dharma bodies is sitting at the burial ground. At the beginning, he drew a dharma body and several kings and entered the burial place together, so that they could echo the original deity from a distance.

In ordinary times, he is also practicing, understanding the burial method, studying it, and turning it into the material of his own method and Tao.

Suddenly, one day, Xu Yu's body was disturbed, and he suddenly opened his eyes. He sensed the change in Xue Di.

A clear yellow gourd fell from the sky in Pentuhun Bay and suppressed the burial ground. Someone took action against the burial world.

"Who is it!?" The Burial King was immediately alarmed, and Dayu came out to greet him.

The Great Reckoning is coming. This is the most mysterious and terrifying place. All of them have been attacked like this. It is because the Forbidden Emergency is taking action forcefully.

Rumble, the heaven and the earth roar!

In the void, layers of divine light swelled, and murderous aura swept across the world like a wave, reaching far and wide.

A figure, which looked very blurry, held a sharp long knife in his hand, shining on the heaven and earth, and appeared above the burial ground. The cold trace was like a sword blade, reflecting the world of the burial area!
Another invincible strong man arrived, holding a long sword and descending on the burial ground with murderous intent!
A world-shattering war broke out, and it was extremely terrifying. The world of the Burial Realm was intertwined with light, and it was almost about to sink. The fluctuations were so terrifying, there was definitely something wrong.

The Supreme Being takes action.

The battle between Xu Kun, Huo Heng and the other Yangwangs and the two mysterious strong men was very chaotic for a time.

One has a yellow gourd hanging on its head, and the other holds a heavenly sword. They are all terrifying.

"Please give Immortal King Zhenyan a hand and help us!"

These two creatures were too terrifying, both were at the top of their game, and even one of them, the Burial King, could not support them, let alone the two great kings. King Yudi of Chu blocked the way and asked Chen Zhi for help. Xu Yu Dharmakaya, who had been sitting in the burial ground, felt it immediately.

In fact, Xu Yu had already encountered the secret method and communicated with the true deity.

Not long after, blazing brilliance surged, and ocean-like laws undulated, settling on the earth of the Burial Realm. The originally cracked earth seemed to have reversed time at this moment, and was restored again.

A majestic figure appeared in the sky above the funeral world. He is as strict as a prison, and his momentum is even greater than that of the immortal king giants from the two realms.
Starlight wine falls, thousands of strands, like a silver waterfall falling, making him look like an immortal emperor coming from a cross-border battle.

"Back off!"

He asked Xu Kun Zhan Wang and others to step back. These people might be stronger than Kun Di, so naturally they were not something that these Yang Wangs could compete with.

Upon hearing this, Xu Kun and Huo Heng quickly withdrew from the battlefield and left this place to him.

"You... are not a burial warrior! You are a creature from the Nine Heavens!"

The strong man holding the yellow gourd looked at Xu Yu with cold eyebrows and a cold, murderous light in his eyes.

He has gray hair, and even his eyes are deathly gray, with an aura of destruction that seems to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

"Qu Zhong?
Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and he vaguely guessed the identity of this person.

According to rumors, in the boundary sea, there is a giant holding a yellow gourd. He is extremely terrifying. Even in the boundary sea, no one is willing to mess with him.

"it's me……"

A terrifying beam of light shot out of Qu Zhong's deathly gray drunken body.

"Are you sure you want to continue taking action? It's not wise to go against me!"

Xu Yu smiled faintly, his whole body was filled with fairy mist, and the symbols of the avenue were burned, looking otherworldly.
"I have a karmic relationship with the Burial World. Whoever stands in my way will be killed!" Qu Zhong said coldly and coldly.

"What cause and effect, let me figure it out!"

There was mist in the void, and several thin lines appeared inexplicably. He fiddled with them with one hand and began to calculate.

"I see, the creature in the burial ground in the boundary sea has dealt with you, but you can't defeat him, so you come to the burial ground to take revenge." Xu Yu smiled.

"Be bold!"

Qu Zhong was surprised and resentful. He was surprised that he could actually deduce it, and he was angry that it was exposed. This embarrassed him. After all, there are many people paying attention to this place now.

If a generation of unparalleled creatures directly attacks the burial ground and comes just to land, no one will say anything and will praise them. If they cannot defeat them but come to the base camp to seek revenge, it will be a bit of a loss.

A giant cannot deal with the buried creatures in the world sea, so it is indeed a bit embarrassing to come here to seek revenge.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm here to help you. So what if the Immortal King finally comes? The place where he was buried today will be turned upside down!"

A middle-aged man, holding a sharp long knife, was like a galaxy condensed, filled with overwhelming murderous intent.

"Who are you, a clown? I will not kill unknown people," Xu Yu said coldly.

"King of Swords?"

This strong man holding a long sword was extremely indifferent, his eyes were as bright as the blade of a knife, emitting a terrifying cold light. No one even in Jiehai despised him so much.

"Dao Wuhen, is he your junior?" Xu Yu's mind suddenly moved, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He remembered that in a place of reincarnation, he beheaded a man with a sword without a trace. That man was a descendant of the King of Swords.

"Yes, it's you..." The Sword King's eyes suddenly brightened. He had long been happy to know that the younger generation had died.

"Beheaded by me!" Xu Yu smiled slightly.

"You are looking for death!" The Sword King's face turned pale and then darkened, and he said coldly.

"Why talk nonsense with him? Kill him!" Qu Zhong said coldly.

The next moment, Qu Zhong took action. This was a giant from the boundary sea. He noticed the yellow gourd and Zhenxiang Xu Yu. The gourd was as big as a mountain and made a rumbling sound.

The gourd rushed past. Even the Immortal King couldn't bear the force.
"The crime of killing my descendants deserves death!" The Sword King was also furious and took action in anger.

With a brush sound, the bright sword light swept across, the universe was cut off, the sky and the earth were split, and countless stars fell down. The scene was really too terrifying.

That long knife exuded overwhelming killing intent, as if it had drank the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures, and its cold breath made even the Immortal King tremble.

Xu Yu pointed his fingers like swords, and struck the gourd with a clang, shaking him violently. The gourd swayed with various divine lights, flew out, and deviated from the track.

Then he turned his hand and slapped the long knife, and suddenly the light surged and sparks flew everywhere, making the Sword King's mouth numb, and he seemed to be able to escape.

"So strong!"

The Sword King and Qu Zhong changed their expressions, and the other party used his physical body to challenge their Immortal King Weapon, and it seemed that he was not harmed.

At this time, several more figures came across the border and landed in the burial ground.

Those were a few kings who actually wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters and land in the burial world.


A blazing thunder light surged, condensed into a tall figure, and rushed over from the sky with lightning,

His body was so majestic, and it was surrounded by blazing lightning. Like an emperor struck by thunder, his power was too great.

As he raised his hand, the electric light surged, turning into the power of heavenly punishment and sweeping towards several immortal kings.

Thunder Emperor!

Several creatures have changed their colors. In recent years, the name of Thunder Emperor has been like thunder, guarding the nine heavens and killing invading enemies with fear!
Thunder Emperor, a terrifying creature, has risen rapidly in the past hundreds of thousands of years, not only breaking through the king realm, but also ascending to the giant realm.

Moreover, he controls the power of thunder, which poses a great threat to many people who return from the boundary sea, because the people who return from the boundary sea are more or less contaminated with some weird and dark atmosphere, but his thunder technique,
He is naturally restrained, so many people are afraid of him.

The sky and the earth were covered with thunder, and the vast thunder light fell down, surrounding him, like a supreme thunder god, executing punishments and administering laws on behalf of heaven.

An Immortal King screamed and was unfortunately hit. His whole body was burnt black and miserable, and his whole body was covered with arcs of electricity.

Several other kings have changed their minds. The Thunder Emperor is indeed powerful and well-deserved. In the field of giants, he may not have any rivals.

"You guys, don't be so arrogant!"

The next moment, a divine voice echoed in the sky, sweeping across all directions.

A sword embryo flew across the sky, light feathers flew, and the sword light was as bright as the sun. Like the Milky Way pouring down, it directly struck several immortal kings with unparalleled power. (End of chapter)

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