Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 509 The request of the king of the sea

A young king with unrivaled status in the realm of Immortal Kings. Over the years, he has fought against the creatures in the sea of ​​​​realm and displayed his terrifying majesty!
The next moment, several kings of the burial ground rose directly into the sky. The kings of Jiutian came to help, how could they remain indifferent.

On the other side, Xu Yu was fighting fiercely with the two giants.

The duel between the Immortal Kings was extremely terrifying. Not only were their bodies and spirits at stake, but also their various life experiences and perceptions, all came forward at the first moment, shaking the entire universe.

Xu Yu raised his hand and overturned the heaven and earth. In a flip of his hand, he covered the world and suppressed the two giants of the world sea.


With a loud noise, the most dazzling light burst out from Xu Yu in the center, spreading in all directions, sweeping across the sky, destroying many galaxies, and turning endless stars into fragments and into powder!
When he punched down, the light surged, and the yellow gourd dimmed a lot in an instant. He was hit high by the blowback. Qu Zhong spurted a mouthful of blood and took a few steps back.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Zhai Zhong was extremely angry. He didn't expect to be robbed so soon, which made his expression extremely ugly.

He froze his figure and controlled the yellow gourd again. The mouth of the gourd spurted out a stream of red clouds, like blood, and condensed into a sword body, which was so ferocious that it struck down with a powerful force!
Xu Yu was not afraid at all, and raised his hand to slap it away. Between the two, a dazzling light emitted, complex symbols shone, and a patchwork of immortal patterns intertwined, creating a fairy king-level realm, and there was a big collision.

"Seal the world with your sword!
The Sword King roared loudly, and suddenly waved the long sword in his hand. The vast sword energy swept across, and the cold chill was forced into one's bones.

However, the next moment, all the sword light was surging, the path of the avenue changed, and it struck Qu Zhong, wiping his head.

"King of Swordsmen, you are crazy!"

Qu Zhong was caught off guard. He raised the yellow gourd and resisted quickly, but eventually he was a little slower. He let out a muffled groan and a hideous blood mark appeared on his shoulder, which almost fell off.
"It's not my fault!"

The Sword King's face was ugly. He found that his long sword seemed to be out of control. It was clanging there and seemed to be about to come out.

In fact, his heart was throbbing, as if he couldn't control himself and wanted to strike at Qu Zhong.

All of this was of course the result of Xu Yu's action, a powerful secret technique!

That's...the Secret of Bing among the Nine Secrets!

To be precise, it was the secret weapon that he evolved into the Immortal King's art. It was extremely terrifying and could control thousands of soldiers in the world. It was much more powerful than the ordinary object-controlling art. Even the Immortal King's magic weapon could be controlled!


The Immortal King's soldiers moved strangely, with long knives and Huang Chengcheng's swords all jumping around. Although they were on guard and the other party could not take them away, they were still very unstable.

At this time, Xu Yu took advantage of the two people being slightly distracted, and once again clapped a big hand, reaching out from the depths of the universe. The stars were like dust, flowing between the fingers, and suppressed the two people.

The boundless majesty caused chaos in time and space. The long river of time was faintly suppressed by this great force, and even had a countercurrent trend.

Infinite light bloomed and swept across the sky. The two people were shaken by the shot and bounced up, smashing into the continuous galaxy and causing blood to splash.

"The Immortal King Zhenyan is indeed unparalleled in the world!" King Xu Kun Zhan praised.

The other kings also nodded and formed an alliance with Immortal King Zhenyan. This step was so wonderful.

"My brother is invincible in the world. He is the only one who can kill enemies. No one can threaten him!" Shi Hao laughed.

Even though they are still fighting against the creatures appearing in the world sea, they are also unconsciously paying attention to Xu Yu's duel with two supreme masters.
"Finally... you!"

The two of them were shocked and angry, caught off guard that they had suffered such a big loss. They roared and stood up from the edge of the universe, their eyes red as blood, ready to fight back again.


The next moment, Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and two terrifying sharp edges suddenly appeared in the vast starry sky that made all the kings feel dazzling.

He illuminated the heavens and cut through the universe, making the stars dim. Even the ancient divine sun seemed dim and dull in front of this light.

The heavens wail, and everything becomes dim!

The two of them were shocked, and were pierced by this gaze. The solid body that had just stood firm was injured, and blood spattered in the sky. They rolled and fell out, falling into the land of chaos and destruction again.

The two of them were coughing up blood, mixed with shock and anger, and there was a look of fear in their eyes, and they were even a little confused. Such great power made them suspect that this person had the possibility of becoming an emperor.


At the next moment, the fairy mist that filled the sky suddenly rose up in the sky. Xu Yu's majestic figure walked at a very fast speed, lingering in the eternal fairy light, standing in the starry sky of the universe, overlooking the two kings.


He holds the heavens above his head and tramples the sea of ​​stars under his feet. Thousands of oceans are added to the body, like a ray of bright clouds. He raised his hands, and thousands of them roared in unison. The terrifying fairy light illuminated the vast starry sky. They suddenly united and raised their fists to kill!

"Cover the sky with one hand and destroy the Immortal King!"

The blazing fairy light rises, the Tao becomes empty, the ancient beans are the same as the present, the heaven and the earth are chaotic, only Xu Yu is eternal.

This is an unimaginable power. The vast world and many supreme beings are shocked. Immortal King Zhenyan is so powerful that one person can actually suppress two powerful men.

Not long after, Xu Yu's palm glowed, and he cut off Xuegao's Heavenly Sword in one fell swoop. His five fingers were hooked into claws, sinking into his flesh and blood, and he chopped off the Sword King's head.

The Sword King's head was directly held in Xu Yu's hands. It was impossible for the soul to escape because it was imprisoned in the head.
"You...dare!" The Sword King was shocked and angry. He was horrified at the same time. He was someone who could be respected in the world, but now he was beheaded and held in his hand in such humiliation.

For him, this was an unimaginable event. His hair was numb and he was trembling. It was so terrible.

Knowing this, he would never be tempted by Qu Zhong to come to the burial place.

This should be a method available to butchers, chicken farmers, etc. Otherwise, it would not be so powerful.

"I will come back eventually, just wait!"

Qu Zhong roared, all the hair on his head stood up, and his eyes were wide open at this moment. The Sword King was beheaded, how could he dare to stay for a long time, so he could only put down his harsh words and prepare to escape.

With a pop, the head of Xu Yu's palm turned into blazing fire, and he was immobilized at once, his soul was completely suppressed, and then the Immortal Refining Pot flew out from his waist, absorbing the soul of his Sword King. Go in.

The spirit of the Immortal King is a good thing, especially for such a giant, it is even more precious. If it is destroyed rashly, it will be a waste.

No matter whether it was Jiehai, Jiutian, Burial Realm, or the creatures from other lands, they all took a breath of cold air. Immortal King Zhenyan did not fight for long, but he achieved such results. It can be said that it shocked the past and the present. The royal capital was suppressed.

Qu Zhong ran very fast, and Xu Yu walked on the fairy light.

Xu Yu stepped forward, but his footsteps were too heavy. Every step he took left a clear footprint of chaos. The starry sky swayed, and the whole world seemed to be shaken by this great force, and it seemed that he would soon catch up.

"Get back!"

At this time, Shi Hao held the Great Luo sword and swept it towards Qu Zhong. With this blow, Qu Zhong's figure froze slightly. The next moment, Xu Yu appeared,

" deserve to die!" Zhai Zhong was furious.

"You should worry about yourself." Xu Yu appeared in front of Qu Zhong unhurriedly.

"Ah...I'll fight with you!" Qu Zhong yelled, and had no choice but to fight with him again.

Xu Yu gave a faint smile, his figure was like a ghost, criss-crossing, flipping his hands and slapping, and it didn't take long before Qu Zhongzhen coughed up blood, and his hair was stained with blood.

The yellow gourd radiates light, the whale sucks the cow's drink, making the stars in the sky tremble, the light interweaves, and turns into nine sword embryos that fall down!
However, Xu Yu's big hand came down like a canopy, Yibaxue smashed all the sword tires into pieces, and then directly grabbed the gourd.

At the same time, the Rebirth Sword Technique created by integrating the three major sword techniques was activated in an instant, pointing at Qu Zhong.

His fingertips glowed faintly, and creativity suddenly surged, and the supreme sword power cut through nothingness. Kill time. Like splitting silk, the indestructible edge of the sword shines in the heavens!

At this moment, the Rebirth Sword Technique Wukong illuminates the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths with sword light. Even far away, it can still be vaguely seen. The supreme sword power makes many living beings shocked and trembled. This is now the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Immortal Realm. One person? It certainly lives up to its reputation.

The sword light is like the sea, majestic!
Zhai Zhong screamed, and his whole body exploded into pieces. Billions of rays of sword light seemed to shoot out from his body, tearing him into pieces.

The Immortal Refining Pot flew out, opened the lid, hung in the sky, suppressed it, and absorbed Qu Zhong Yuanshen completely.

Shi Hao, Thunder Emperor, and Xin Shen Trembling, this kind of supreme divine power is beyond their reach.

At this time, the kings in the realm sea did not dare to stay anymore and retreated one after another. Xu Yu suppressed them and freed up his hands. If they continued, they would be courting death. Besides, they could not deal with Lei Emperor and Shi Hao.

"It's finally over!" Several burial kings breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Shenwei!" Shi Wu laughed.

Xu Yu smiled slightly, and the disaster at the burial ground was relieved. Then, his eyes turned and fell on the two weapons.

"Sent to you?"

There was a clang, the heavenly sword beat the drum, and traced an inexplicable trajectory. The broken sword reassembled and landed at the feet of the Thunder Emperor.

And the yellow gourd was given to Shi Hao by him.

The two of them were overjoyed and couldn't put it down for these two weapons. Needless to say, the weight of these creatures was so great that their magical weapons were difficult to find anywhere in the world.

"My fellow Taoist is so powerful that I owe you a great debt of gratitude to my burial place," Huo Heng, the burial king, sighed.

"We are allies, and we do our part." Xu Yu smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

Now this battle has established Xu Yu's supreme majesty, which will shock the creatures in the sea for a long time!
Xu Kun, Tai Xiao and Huo Heng, all the burial kings, all sighed.

If it weren't for the Immortal King Jiuyan, many areas in the burial area would have been destroyed. Now the disaster has finally been resolved.

Many of the creatures who returned from the Realm Sea were silent. With the rise of such a creature, their landing journey would definitely not go smoothly.

Later, Xu Yu returned to Jiutian with Shi Wu and Lei Di.

In the following years, the Great Reckoning continued, with more and more returning creatures, and there were also many Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm stationed in the lower realms, stationed in the Nine Heavens.

Not long after, many immortal kings who returned from the realm sea were horrified to discover that many kings in the realm sea had died in the battle, but except for foreign lands, there were no creatures in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm and the Burial Ground after so many years of fighting. few!

This made them horrified. Are these people immortal?

The storm in the Boundary Sea has blown up, and the world has long been unstable. However, the Immortal Realm, the Burial Realm, and the Nine Heavens are still immortal and exist in the world to this day, as stable as gold.

There was a commotion in the boundary sea.

"I once chopped down a king of the Immortal Realm with my own hands, but not long after, he came back to life!" A giant said in horror.

"The same goes for the Burial Ground. I once killed a Burial King with my own hands, but soon, he appeared in this world again!"

"They were not afraid of death, and even sacrificed their own blood to kill us! But in the end, the king among us fell, but he was fine..."

The boundary sea was endless as far as the eye could see, with many soul lights rising, and they were all shocked.

Originally, when they returned from the Boundary Sea, the unrest would spread to all walks of life, causing huge unrest, but this was not the case in Jiutian and other places.

A battle at the king's level can easily result in bloodshed and hundreds of millions of corpses, and can even destroy a splendid civilized world.

But now, they can't even enter the portals of Jiutian, Immortal Realm, and Burial Ground, which seems a bit ridiculous.

Originally thought to be the most terrifying era of great reckoning in history, it turned out to be loud thunder but light rain.

There was a lot of discussion in the boundary sea. The enemy couldn't be killed at all. How could this be fun?
"Not to mention that they can be resurrected, their combat power is also extremely terrifying. There are too many giants of the Immortal Kings, and all of them are extraordinary in strength." A king sighed.

The kings were silent, and there was no need for Immortal King Yan, Liu Shen and others to speak.

Over the years, a new group of new kings have emerged.

Immortal kings such as Shi Yi with Double Eyes, the Emperor with Ten Crowns, and the Banished Immortal all have extraordinary strength, shining brightly on the heaven and earth, and their strength is extremely frightening.

Moreover, the Immortal Realm, Jiutian, and Burial Realm are united together, as strong as an iron barrel, and cannot be broken at all.

"Perhaps, we can only go to that world first." A king said solemnly, and what he was referring to was naturally another world.

The creatures in this world can be killed!

Some ancient creatures began to form an alliance and went to foreign lands in a mighty way.

In fact, over the years, there have been impacts in Jiutian, Burial Ground, Immortal Realm, and even foreign lands, and only a few kings from foreign lands have fallen.

As for the other ancient worlds, they were safe and sound. People discovered that the foreign land was the only place where the immortal king would fall, and there was no sight of the immortal king reviving.

Therefore, many people are now turning their attention to other worlds. Since Jiutian, Jiutian, and Immortal Realm are united and the attack is indestructible, the 'weaker' other world will be chosen as the landing place.

Of course, there are also a large number of kings who are probing and want to know the reason why Jiutian and other immortal kings are immortal. Perhaps, this is their breakthrough!
Soon, they got the news that all the Immortal Kings who died in Jiutian and other places were revived by Immortal King Zhongyan. He opened up six paths of reincarnation in his body and could resurrect Immortal Kings infinitely!
"I see!"

The kings were shocked, this was too outrageous, resurrecting the Immortal King at will, such a terrifying method was unheard of.

Even the creatures who went to foreign lands returned after not fighting for long, wanting to join the Immortal King Zhongyan. After all, the temptation was too great.

The kings of the foreign land were a little confused and confused. The people from the sea came over with murderous intent, but left in a hurry. They don't know why?

"We are willing to talk peacefully, join the service of Immortal King Zhongyan, and ask for asylum!"

Soon, the sea of ​​​​the world boiled. Unexpectedly, Immortal King Zhenyan was not only unparalleled in combat power, but could also resurrect the Immortal King. If he became his person, he would be considered immortal.

Why did they return? Isn't it because they were avoiding the dark storm? A terrifying existence that could resurrect the Immortal King was worth letting go of everything.

The path of cultivation is to go against the current and is full of hardships. Stepping into the realm of the Immortal King and entering the sea of ​​​​worlds, it is easy to die and disappear. The appearance of such a king is enough to make them desperate. After all, living is the only way to survive. Infinite hope!
Soon, Jiutian, Immortal Realm, and Burial Ground began to shake violently.

(End of this chapter)

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