The kings gathered together and began to discuss the matter. They began to discuss the matter of the king in the sea of ​​​​boundaries who wanted to join the Immortal King Yan Yan.

"If a king joins us, our situation will improve a lot." King Pan said, and he agreed to absorb the creatures in the world sea.

"Yes, this is indeed a terrifying force, and it may be able to be used by us." The Immortal King at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty also agreed.

"These kings may be unrest factors. If the world is in chaos, it will be very troublesome!" Some immortal kings also objected,
Everyone frowned at this statement. This was indeed a big problem. Most of the kings who had returned from the boundary sea had little awe in their hearts. They were no longer the same people they once were.

If trouble occurs, it will be terrible!
"It doesn't matter, even if he has evil intentions, what can he do? As long as we are strong enough, we can scare them and prevent them from doing whatever they want."

A young king spoke. He looked very calm, young and energetic, and his face was very handsome.

He is Shi Yi, who has been emperor for more than 100,000 years, plus 200,000 years since he was alive, he has become a generation of top immortal kings, extremely powerful, and is known as one of the most potential immortal kings.

"Yes, if there are monsters and monsters, they will all be suppressed. There is nothing to fear!" Shi Hao also nodded.

Today, he has become a giant of the Immortal King. His conduct is earth-shattering, and few people can look down upon him.

In fact, over the years, he has killed many kings who returned from the realm sea in the Nine Heavens of Immortal Realm and other places, leaving behind a great and fierce power.

"What do you think, fellow Taoist?" Qi Yu, the giant, looked at Xu Yu.

Nowadays, almost all the people are here for him. If they want to join Immortal King Zhongyan, they naturally have to follow his opinions.

It's easy to handle, but you have to pay a price, go to a foreign land to kill the immortal king, and get a certificate of surrender. After all, I don't accept incompetent people under my command! "

Xu Yu smiled slightly, his eyes flashing with inexplicable colors. How could it be possible to let them join for no reason? There must be a certain price to pay.


The kings' eyes lit up, this was indeed a good idea.

Attacking the creatures of the world sea and attacking foreign lands can, on the one hand, relieve the pressure on Jiutian and other places, and on the other hand, it can also weaken the power of the creatures of the world sea. On the other hand, if one can kill the immortal king, he must be a peerless master, which will be greatly improved. Supplement their strength in this world!

Not long after, all the returning creatures from the world sea learned the news, and their eyes flashed.

"Kill the immortal king from another world as a token of my loyalty!"

Although it is difficult to kill an immortal king as a testimonial, it is nothing compared to the temptation of joining the Immortal King of Final Yan.

Now, the great reckoning is imminent, and everyone is in danger, even the king who has returned from the Boundary Sea.

In order to avoid being liquidated, the kings in the world sea couldn't wait to find a place to land in the world.

In the Immortal Realm, the Immortal King finally possesses the avenue of reincarnation and can resurrect dead creatures. This is a great temptation for those kings.

When the creatures in the foreign land learned everything, they were all stunned, and then cursed one after another, and the curses of each other continued for a long time...

The foreign land was in a state of turmoil and filled with curses, but they had to be on high alert.

Because, the creatures in the sea of ​​​​world have returned again, and they are killing them in this ancient world!

There was a terrible roar that shook the alien world and resounded throughout the universe. All souls trembled and all races were trembling.

The Immortal King roared, roaring to heaven and earth, and the Immortal King shed blood, dyeing the rivers and mountains red.

The Immortal King's beam boiled, the immortal aura surged, and the essence and blood streaked across the heaven and earth, directly extinguishing the sun, moon, and stars.

It was a city, one of the gateways to a foreign land, and the sea kings from all realms came to attack and break the city.



Zhongyan Immortal King City, the mansion garden of a huge royal city
There are pavilions, small bridges, flowing water, colorful fallen flowers, and patches of flowers and trees.

Pieces of light and rain are rippling, the sky is full of steaming energy, white mist is lingering, and the sky is full of divine clouds. It is very peaceful. This place is in sharp contrast with the turbulent other world!

A stone table was filled with various fairy fruits, nectar and jade liquid. A group of kings shrouded in mist were sitting on the floor, drinking and socializing.

There were Immortal Kings and Buried Kings, all of them were quietly sipping tea, extremely relaxed, and leisurely looking at the picture in a huge mirror in the distance.

It was an altar, quietly displayed in front, with various laws intertwined to form a huge boundless mirror of mysterious light, which clearly reflected the scene in the foreign land today.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!" An Immortal King smiled while stroking his palms. Looking at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in a foreign land, he felt a burst of joy in his heart. This scene in a foreign land was something they loved to see.

"That old guy Kundi is already exhausted, so happy!" Immortal King Qi Yu smiled, took a sip of enlightenment tea, stroked his beard and smiled.

"Kill, kill, kill! Break through the guidance domain!" the king of the bounded sea roared.

Many creatures from the world sea, in order to join Xu Yu's command, have gone crazy and began to attack foreign lands and attack foreign lands crazily, hoping to kill an immortal king.

In the foreign land, Kundi's face turned livid, his eyes gleaming, and he said: "What a vicious fairyland!"

"Damn it!"

Foreign Land was very angry and cursed in his heart.

This current situation is undoubtedly equivalent to roasting them on a fire rack, which is too shameful.

But they had no choice but to fight hard.

Gradually, many kings fell one after another, bleeding in foreign lands, and several kings were born in foreign lands. Of course, the creatures in the world sea suffered more casualties. Thirty thousand years passed like this.

Time passed by so tragically that the world in the foreign land was almost destroyed.

Over the years, many kings have successfully hunted and successfully joined the Immortal King Zhongyan.

The six kings took down the immortal heads and successfully entered Xu Yumo. They were four supreme immortal kings and two giants!
Foreign lands trembled, heaven and earth were shattered, the universe was cut off, and countless stars were destroyed.

One day, a group of kings from the Boundary Sea broke through the foreign land and entered the central land, close to the central ancient temple.

"That's too much!" the immortal king roared.

How many epochs have passed, someone has invaded the center of the foreign land. The last time it was Xu Yu and the others, and the last time was at the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, when the ancient sacrificial spirits killed nine in and out of the foreign land.

The last time it happened, even the kings of foreign lands didn’t know when it was.

Nowadays, a group of kings who have returned from the Boundary Sea, under the planning of Xu Yu and others, risk their lives to enter the foreign land.

Moreover, the kings who have returned from the Boundary Sea are not weak. After all, if their strength is low, they will not be able to survive in the Boundary Sea.

Therefore, those who attack foreign lands this time are basically kings. There is no Immortal King, and there are many top Immortal Kings and supreme giants.

Especially the giants, although they are few in number, have also made many immortal kings in foreign lands feel helpless, because many giants in foreign lands have fallen in many battles.

The remaining giants have no time to deal with the giants returning from the world sea. As strong as Kunti, his two fists are hard to beat with four hands, let alone other immortal kings.

However, fortunately, there is also a king from a foreign land in the boundary sea who has returned and joined the war.

The wars are raging, the smoke is rising, and the blood is flowing. It is not enough to describe the foreign land now.

Even with the blessing of the World Tree, the foreign land is still in turmoil under the attacks of many kings.

Fortunately, the Immortal King, who returned from the Boundary Sea, joined the battlefield and relieved a lot of pressure.

"It's too much!" A giant from a foreign land who returned from the Realm Sea saw his homeland being attacked like this and angrily joined the war. Under his leadership, the foreign land once fought back and killed many people. A king returned from the realm sea, but the good times did not last long. Not long after, more kings of the realm sea returned and joined the battle against the foreign lands, causing the foreign lands to retreat steadily, but this angered Kundi.

The foreign land launched a peerless counterattack. Kundi led the kings and used ancient artifacts of origin to fight against many kings of the boundary sea!
Many immortal kings cast spells, summoning many black shadows from the ancient artifacts of origin, all huge and boundless, towering in the universe, and started killing everyone!

After all, not everyone is Xu Yu and cannot resist such a terrifying attack!
Many kings who returned from the Boundary Sea suffered a huge blow at once, with many casualties and many people hurriedly retreated.

At this time, the madness of the attack of the king who returned from the boundary sea has also slowed down a lot. The ancient artifact of origin is too terrifying, and no king can compete with it.

Just when the kings breathed a sigh of relief and the enemy in the boundary sea retreated, the golden ancient temple did not become silent, but began to shake, extremely gorgeous. what happened?

The next moment, the Origin Ancient Artifact suddenly rushed out.

It is like some kind of metal or jade, with nine colors of brilliance flowing away, dazzling and sacred, with endless light rain falling down.

This is the trump card of the foreign land. Even if the Immortal King is touched or illuminated by the box, it may be in danger and blood will be splashed on the spot.

But at this moment, he suddenly flew out.

The king of the foreign land has not left yet. Seeing this scene, they all turned pale with horror. The ancient artifact of origin was not summoned by them and flew out automatically?

Even Kunti was the same. He was confused and terrified at the same time. He wanted to retreat, but found that his body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.


The void roared and trembled violently. The entire universe shook like a broken painting, and there was a roaring sound.

That box was so mysterious, pouring out all kinds of brilliance.

What he poured out was clearly divine radiance, but the result was like the strongest dark substance surging.

The box cracked open and bloomed like petals. The blazing glow was unparalleled, and the inspiration stung the eyes of all the immortal kings with blood.

It was a staff, not particularly long, and extremely simple. It seemed to be polished from white bones. A figure was engraved on the staff, and a rich dark substance was condensed on it.

In everyone's stunned eyes, the staff flew over and landed in Kundi's hand, being held by him.

"This is……"

The beam of Kundi's eyes exploded, and he held the staff of the ancient artifact. He did not feel any discomfort, but he was able to handle it with ease. Under the blessing of the staff, his strength was exploding...

At the same time, a sudden change occurred in the burial ground!
In an ancient palace!
There is a box here, which rises and falls, dissipates the nine-color wilderness, and bursts into a divine light rain.

It has a metallic texture and a jade-like brilliance. When it bursts with rays of light, it shines like the sun.

In the world, there are only a few among the billions of creatures who can withstand the illumination of the ancient artifact, because if they touch it, they will die!
In history, only some corpses can withstand the light of ancient artifacts.

Over the long years, few creatures have succeeded, but those who succeed will be immortal kings.


The next moment, the nine-color brilliance soared into the sky, tearing apart the temple and almost cutting off the long river of time.

It can be seen that a long river has become unstable, violently turbulent, and caused huge waves.

The next moment, the ancient artifacts of the burial ground were automatically opened. Accompanied by terrifying visions, there were the deaths of innate gods, countless dark cages, and bright light rain. Various pictures emerged one after another, intertwined in the scene. Together, it's like a step through vicissitudes of ancient history.

"what happened!"

In the burial place, a terrifying aura evaporated, and ancient beings suddenly opened their eyes, staring in the direction of the ancient artifacts in disbelief.

Xu Kun, Tai Mei, Huo Heng and other burial kings all appeared and could no longer remain calm.

There was a soft sound, and the box was blooming like a flower.

The origin of the ancient artifacts of the burial ground is opened!

It was a ball of light, flowing with nine colors!
It was so rich that the light had turned into liquid, like fairy juice and jade liquid, and gradually gathered into the shape of a skull!

"It's really... the imperial crown!" King Xukun Burial said in a trembling voice.

Among the ancient artifacts of origin is an imperial crown!
When Immortal King Zhenyan came here, he told them that he didn't expect it to be like this. It was so amazing!

The snow-white bones flew out. He looked like a crown and had a supreme majesty, like an emperor descending from the dust and descending into the world!
With a chirp, he disappeared into the burial ground.

"Contact Immortal King Yan Yan quickly!" Many Burial Kings looked at each other in shock, and they immediately thought of Xu Yu.

The bone crown traveled through heaven and earth, breaking through the chaos, and arrived in a foreign land in an instant. It exuded nine colors of brilliance. It was so blazing that it suddenly attracted the attention of all the kings.

Kunti, at this moment, holding the cane, is quietly experiencing its mystery. At this moment, he suddenly raises his head and stares in the direction of the sky.

The next moment, the bone crown flew over and floated above Kundi's head with a chirping sound.

"What is this?" The kings of the other world were shocked, and their hearts trembled at the same time. They all sensed an extremely terrifying aura.

This is a terrifying crown made of polished skulls. It is white and crystal clear, flowing with strange colors. It is so scattered that the nine-color energy is dense and crushes everything.

With supreme pressure, he landed directly on Kundi's head, touched the black hair, and put it on.

The bone crown, as heavy as the superposition of infinite stars, more like a vast Europe, descended directly and landed on Kunti's head.

This ancient crown was mysterious and powerful. After it landed on his head, it seemed to sprout bone spurs one after another, piercing into his skull and seeming to take root.

At the same time, the nine-color radiance rippled and filled Kundi's whole body. It seemed that there was a secret power blessing and surging in the body.

Kunti held the cane and did not resist the bone crown. Instead, she looked yearning, as if she was expecting something.

Finally, the bone crown was firmly placed on Kunti's head.

He holds a bone sword and wears an imperial crown on his head. Although his body is thin and his skin is shriveled, he has the majesty of looking down at the heavens.

The god-like aura erupted, causing chaos in the sky and earth, and the vastness of the universe, sweeping across hundreds of millions of miles!
"Senior Kundi...has he become the emperor?
There was an immortal king who was trembling, sensing the terrifying aura emitted by Kundi, and couldn't help but trembling.

"From today onwards, I am the immortal emperor!" Kundi said majestically, his voice rumbled, and as his eyes moved, the years went up and down, and the sound of the Tao echoed throughout the universe... (End of this chapter)

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