Immortal Emperor!

Kunti is thin and withered, not tall, with long silver hair hanging loosely. Her eyes are very bright, and the pupils are special, they are silver crosses, brilliant!
He wore an imperial crown, glowing with nine colors, holding a staff, and was surrounded by an inexplicable aura. At this moment, he seemed to be the center of the universe and the source of all things!
But that graceful and terrifying divine power makes everyone in the foreign land tremble, even the giant Immortal King is no exception. There is naturally a huge difference between an emperor and an ordinary king!

"The origin of the ancient artifact is indeed related to the emperor!"

Kunti's mind was agitated and it was difficult to calm down. He had been waiting for this moment for too long. Feeling the surging divine power in his body, his mind was swaying and he couldn't help but want to scream.

Aren’t the countless kings who have crossed the boundary sea just for this moment?

He didn't cross the sea, but he still became emperor!

Before, when other kings saw no hope and left for the Realm Sea one after another, he had been as stable as a mountain and stayed in their realm. Now the Realm Sea is vast and no living being has ascended to the throne, but he is the one who succeeds.

He had firmly believed before that their ancient artifacts were related to the Emperor, and perhaps hope lay in the ancient artifacts. Therefore, he did not go to the Boundary Sea like others, but found another way to stay in the ancient world. Now his dream come true!

Kunti laughed heartily, the silver cross in his eyes was extremely blazing, and the runes stirred, splitting the sky into large and ferocious cracks, and countless stars rotated and were swallowed up by them.

The kings of other worlds are also immersed in joy and excitement at this moment.
"There are still people who dare to covet our world!"

Suddenly, his eyes turned cold and he saw two kings of the sea approaching their realm.

"Kill!" he shouted.

Under Kunti's feet, there was a gorgeous light rain intertwined with silver light, turning into a light path, extending out. He walked on this light path, as if transcending the time and void here, and went straight towards the kings of the two realm seas.

"So fast!"

The two kings who were wandering outside the city in another world were caught off guard and felt the endless fragments of time flying in front of them, and a powerful aura came overwhelmingly.

"Looking for death!" Kundi snorted coldly.

He stretched out one hand to chop, and if the Heavenly Sword fell, it fell into the eyes of many kings. It seemed that the whole world was as small as dust in that terrifying palm. The palm was reaching its limit, and with a pop, two big heads flew away. From there, blood splashed 30,000 feet, dyeing the sky red.
"How can you be so strong!"

Two souls spoke from the head, extremely horrified! Just run away!

With just one blow, their bodies were separated. What a terrifying method this was.

"The emperor has no boundaries, and all gods are respected by me!" Kunti said majestically.


The strong wind howled, Kundi reached out with his skinny hand, and grasped the soul marks of the two kings in his palm, letting them struggle in every possible way, but to no avail, unable to break away at all.
"The power of the emperor is so intoxicating!" Kundi felt happy in his heart. This kind of power made him unable to extricate himself. He regarded the Immortal King as a piece of grass, overlooking the heavens!

"He is indeed the Emperor!"

The Immortal King of Kings marveled that no matter how powerful the Immortal King was, he could not easily kill another king. Only the Emperor among Immortals could have such shocking power.

"Spare your life!"

The king's Primordial Spirit Seal said loudly, he would never have thought that Kunti had become so powerful all of a sudden, and it could be said that they were caught off guard.

"Those who offend the majesty of the Emperor - die!"

Kunti said calmly and handed down the sentence, coldly and ruthlessly.

His five fingers closed together like hooks, and the blazing light surged, trapping them, and directly annihilated the soul marks of the two kings into ashes!

"Senior Kunti is invincible!"

The foreign kings roared with excitement and laughed to the point of tears. This result shocked them all and moved them to tears.

They have waited for this day for too long!
"Now that I have become emperor, I see how those people like Immortal King Zhenyan are still so arrogant!"

"Yes, no matter what the Nine Heavens or the Immortal Realm Burial Ground, you must bow down. An emperor is an invincible existence in the world!"

The group of people from the foreign land were excited and gritted their teeth at the same time. They were filled with great hatred for the creatures of the world, the people of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Immortal Realm, because not only did they kill too many powerful people in their world, but they also brought the world to the realm.

The creatures are attracted,

"The glory of our world will illuminate eternity. Who can compete with us?"

In the sea of ​​​​boundaries, countless divine lights all sensed those and fell silent.

Did Kunti, an ancient being, really become the emperor? They don’t want to believe it, and some of them can’t accept it!
Kunti sneered, he was taking steps, and in an instant, endless light flowed, and he appeared on the embankment.

Then, a line of faint footprints appeared, clear and dazzling. They were left by Kunti, clear and dazzling.


Many living beings were in a daze. It was rumored that only when the emperor passed by could he leave traces. Even giants could not leave traces. Now it seems that Kunti has really achieved the throne!

"Senior Kundi, the word "Di" can be replaced with the real word "Emperor"!!" The immortal king sighed with emotion.

"Immortal Emperor!"

Many immortal kings roared, whistling through heaven and earth, shaking the universe and making all things in it wail.

"I am Emperor Kun, and I have been ordered by heaven to hold the reins of the universe, carry the emperor's sword, and conquer the world! Order the troops and send them to the fairyland!"

Kunti's hair was fluttering, her eyes were as blazing as the Milky Way, and she was as majestic as a prison. At this moment, her aura was extremely powerful.

"Respect the Emperor's order and move to the Immortal Realm!"

Many immortal kings from foreign lands shouted loudly, with great excitement and mighty force. The kings gathered together and ordered their troops to gather their generals.

Soon, the army was densely packed and came from the end of the horizon with a majestic aura. It was as dark as a black ocean, and its murderous intent was overwhelming.

That was led by Kunti and a group of immortal kings!
"Kundi is about to attack, and the killing is coming!"

This news spread throughout the Immortal Realm, and everyone in every region was dumbfounded.

Today's Immortal Realm can be said to be a real dragon's pond and tiger's den. There are too many Immortal Kings. They are united like iron barrels, and the alien realms are just coming over like this. There is no panic at all, just because there is Kundi, the emperor. 'Now, this will be their biggest reliance on this trip.

The fairyland was shaken violently, and the kings could no longer calm down. They were all shaken.

Even top giants like Liu Shen and Qi Yu felt heavy-hearted and a little confused in the face of such a big change.
In the final city of Immortal King, there was a buzz of people. Many kings rushed over. They were talking a lot. Each one of them was very dignified and began to discuss countermeasures.

An emperor, even if he is as powerful as the Immortal Realm today, may not be able to withstand it.
"It's a joke, I want to see what kind of trouble they can create! Don't worry, Kunti can't cause trouble!"

Xu Yu said solemnly, he has the Immortal Realm Tianxin in his hand, which can exert a combat power of quasi-immortal emperor level in a million years, so he should be able to deal with it.

Everyone was surprised that the Immortal King finally had a way to deal with the emperor. Before they could recover, someone came to report.

"They are coming from Ximen!"

"Final Immortal King..."

Many kings looked at Xu Yu, waiting for his decision, vaguely considering him as their mainstay.

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, people in the Immortal Realm have unconsciously regarded him as their leader.

"No rush, let's recall the gatekeeper first and take a look before we talk!"

Xu Yu waved his hand, and the Xuanguang Mirror appeared, projecting the current scene of Xitianmen.

This immediately frightened the Immortal King. They couldn't sit still and immediately cast the light in the direction of Xitianmen.

Xitianmen has special significance. The two realms are directly close to each other. It was once a place of hundreds of battles. It was later sealed, and no one came in or out for who knows how many epochs.

It was too tragic back then. There was a decisive battle between the Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm in that area, and too many lives died.

A few epochs ago, the Immortal King and the Immortal King fought for blood and killed too many great figures. In the end, both sides could no longer bear it and had to retreat in various ways.

In the end, the Xitian Gate was sealed. Several epochs have passed, and except for the Immortal King and the Immortal King, few people know the true situation there.

Now, the West Heaven Gate has been mentioned again, which has caused huge waves in the Immortal Realm. Not only the Immortal King, but also the monks on the ground also know the news of the foreign lands.

Xitianmen, this is an ancient city, and there are people guarding it. They are all the disobedient descendants of the major Immortal King families who were exiled to guard this important road.

For several epochs, this place has been very peaceful. The huge city is red, not a blade of grass grows, and even the spiritual energy is almost drying up and replaced by evil energy. It is a rare and harsh place in the fairyland, and it is extremely unsuitable for practice.

Because it has been stained with the blood of more than one Immortal King, this city has lost its vitality. Therefore, this place is like a prison. Some direct descendants of the Immortal King family who have made big mistakes will be demoted here as punishment.

"Evacuate Xitianmen quickly!"

An immortal king came riding on the aurora, obeyed the king's order, and led everyone to retreat.

Just as everyone was retreating, Kundi and his party had already left the city and arrived outside the West Heaven Gate.

At this moment, through the Xuanguang Realm, many people saw the mighty army of the Immortal King emerging densely.

There are countless armies, and there are more than a dozen Immortal Kings, using almost half of their strength. A dozen Immortal Kings are nothing to today's Immortal Realm. Logically speaking, they cannot make waves in today's Immortal Realm. But they have... Kunti.

A group of kings gathered around Kundi and arrived in front of the Xitian Gate. They were extremely respectful.


Xu Yu put his hands behind his back, shining brightly for a while, staring at the thin figure holding a staff and wearing an imperial crown, his eyes flowing, trying to find out whether it was true or not.

"Why did such a change happen to the ancient artifact?" He naturally recognized the imperial crown and the staff.

Logically speaking, it is true that the magic staff from the foreign city will actively attack people, but this imperial crown was put on his head and gave him the aura of a quasi-immortal emperor. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be like this. I always feel that things are not that simple. There seem to be countless causal threads behind it that have been fiddled with, and many trajectories have changed, which is why Kundi unexpectedly gained the strength of a quasi-immortal emperor.

"It's the imperial crown and the blessing of the staff that pushed him into that state!" Xu Yu thought thoughtfully.

The other party really has the aura of a quasi-immortal emperor. Although it is only possible with the blessing of two ancient artifacts of origin, it is amazing enough.

In the original weirdness, the two ancient ancient artifacts were not in such a state. They were occupied and controlled by one person at the same time.

Moreover, he listened to the words of the Buried King. The ancient artifact of the origin of the foreign land automatically opened and flew to the foreign land. Everything seemed to be inexplicably weird.

Just like the old gods he met in the time and space that covered the sky and in the Tianzun Wheel Sea, he temporarily reached the quasi-emperor state with the help of the power of faith.

Kunti's current state has many similarities with the old god, but the difference is that their realm and combat power are very different.

"The Immortal Realm is indeed closed." The Immortal King sneered.

"Little Doyle!"

Kunti looked indifferent, holding the staff, and with a slight wave, the blazing light surged towards the West Heaven Gate, making a loud roar.

Earth-shattering, the city gate tower was blasted open, and smoke and dust rose into the sky.

The West Heaven Gate is solid and immortal. All the kings work together. If you want to open it, you have to pay a huge price, but they cannot withstand Kundi's blow.

Fortunately, people evacuated in advance, otherwise everyone would have died!
"It exploded with one blow!"

Many immortal kings were shocked, all shocked, and dumbfounded. It took a long time for them to come back to their senses and start yelling.

On this day, the fairyland was in chaos!
The opening of this city gate means that the two realms will directly engage in a major confrontation and fight to the ground.

"The Emperor has come. If you don't come, please kneel down to greet him! Finally, please come quickly and kneel down to worship the Godless One!"

There is an immortal king who bosses around, yells at people, and speaks without politeness.


Xu Yushi suddenly appeared, his eyes were dull and indifferent, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with this immortal king.

His eyes bloomed with immeasurable light, tearing the sky apart, and immediately shattered the immortal king into a ball of blood mist.
"Dare to commit murder in front of this emperor!" Kun Di's face froze. Xu Yu killed the man so quickly that he couldn't react for a while. He was angry.

At this moment, Xu Yu also sensed from his reaction that he had been blessed into the quasi-immortal emperor realm. His control over this realm was still very shallow!

At this moment, ghosts cried and gods howled, the heaven and earth trembled, and all the gods seemed to be afraid. One moment, blood rain poured down on the world, and another moment, divine flowers bloomed in anger, with crystal petals flying in the blood light. Extremely weird.

All living creatures in the vast immortal realm tremble.

Kunti's eyes are deep, like a vast ocean condensed, unfathomable. If you look closely, you will see that the universe and the stars inside are shattered, the heavens collapse, the heavens and the earth are created, and all spirits are born!

The look in his eyes made people throb, as if he was facing the founder of an epoch-making era, and his soul was really trembling.


The great avenue fluctuated horribly, sweeping across the stars in the sky. Many stars outside the territory trembled, but the land was frozen without any shaking.

"You are not the only one who has the combat power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor!"

At this moment, Xu Yu's aura was rising steadily. With the blessing of Immortal Realm Tianxin, he was also approaching the quasi-immortal emperor realm, and all kinds of auras were surging.

Brilliant light is shining, brilliant awns are flying, this universe is extremely terrifying, and the quasi-immortal emperor's aura is surging.

With majestic appearance and entwined with immortal energy, his aura is no less powerful than that of Kunti!
"No... maybe, you have also entered the imperial realm?"

Kunti's pupils shrank slightly, showing an expression of extreme horror.

I originally thought that he had entered the Imperial Realm and was almost certain to destroy the Immortal Realm, but he never expected that such a change would happen.
"What kind of emperor are you, fake emperor? If you don't have ancient artifacts of origin, you are nothing!" Xu Yu said coldly, not polite at all.

"you wanna die!
Kunti was angry and waved his magic staff, his divine power spread for billions of miles.

This is a true emperor-level weapon. Every ray of coercion makes the Immortal King tremble. No matter how far away they are, the lord of a domain cannot help but kneel down. It is too terrifying.

A ray of dim light came forward, dimming the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. They were simply incomparable to this instrument, and there was no brilliance in front of it.

"As expected of the ancient artifact!" Many people's hearts sank.

The origin of this foreign ancient artifact is a staff, and the origin of the ancient artifact in the burial place is an immortal imperial crown. The kings of the fairyland have long known about it, but they are still shocked when they see it now.

Xu Yu moved with one hand, and an ancient character flew out, filled with chaotic energy, trembling like metal, obliterating it.

"Brother, take the sword!" Shi Hao shouted and threw the Da Luo sword body.

Da Luo sword fetus flew over and was held in Xu Yu's hand. At the same time, the human emperor's seal appeared above his head.

The sword seals ring together, shining brightly in the world!
He held the Great Luo sword in his hand, and his killing energy swept across like a wave. A layer of armor emerged from his body, making a clanging sound, like a mountain of immortality standing tall.

"Jinyan Immortal King, suffer death!
Kunti roared fiercely, a silver cross appeared in his eyes, roared violently, slashed vertically and horizontally, rippled out, and swept through the immortal world.

"Back off!"

Xu Yu flicked his sleeves and robe, his eyes were bright and brilliant, forming an invisible light curtain to protect everyone.

The quasi-immortal emperor, a person at this level is completely different from the immortal king. They are completely different from each other. They have no strength to resist at all.

When everyone heard this, their expressions became solemn, and they all quickly retreated to avoid being harmed by the fish in the pond.

Everyone's color changed, even the Immortal King was no exception. They were all shocked and incomprehensible. In just one day, they actually witnessed the battle between two emperors.

At the same time, many eyes in the Immortal Realm, Burial Ground, Nine Heavens and Foreign Realms lit up, all shocked, silently paying attention to this shocking battle!
Liu Shen, Qi Yu and others retreated to a distance and watched silently, with solemn expressions. For them, this was a scenery they had never seen before.

And Shi Hao and some kings of the Immortal Realm have already started fighting with the foreign armies.

Xu Yu struck out with a sword, and immeasurable light swept across the sky. Vast fluctuations shook the heavens. The sword light was like a sea, reflecting the scenery of the heavens and all the worldly phenomena!

Almost in an instant, the universe seemed to be destroyed, and everything in the world withered. No matter how far apart they were, all living beings trembled and couldn't help but kneel down and worship the fluctuations. (End of chapter)

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