"A battle outside the territory!"

Xu Yu turned into a ray of clear light, held the sword body, and flew up into the sky, leaving the fairyland, wanting to avoid affecting each other.

If he continues to fight in the Immortal Realm for a long time, this vast Immortal Land will definitely soon fall apart and be devastated. This is a price he is not willing to bear.

The power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is extremely terrifying and cannot be endured by the Immortal Realm.

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor can easily destroy a whole world when he exerts his power. This is not just talk, but it is really that terrifying.

Kunti didn't say a word, with a cold expression. He also held the staff and went up to kill him. His whole body was filled with blazing light, and his terrifying aura made the stars tremble and fall away.

He knew that if the person in front of him was not dealt with, the Immortal Realm would not be able to be breached, and when attacking the Immortal Realm this time, there were also creatures brought by them, so naturally he did not want to affect them.


Kunti roared loudly, with overwhelming vitality. The staff in his hand crushed the universe. The most terrifying crack and the world-destroying brilliance burst out, sweeping across the world and everywhere.

The staff cut across the ninth level of the sky, falling down an endless waterfall of chaos, and struck Xu Yu directly in the face. It was so powerful that it was extremely powerful. This was the staff that originated from ancient artifacts. A simple blow shocked the human world.


Wisps of sword light burst out from Xu Yu's ancient sword body. He directly pressed against the staff, letting the cold air hit him, and the void of the surrounding universe collapsed.

His black hair was dancing backwards, as if he were facing a huge ocean wave. However, his body remained motionless. Silent as a rock.

The next moment, the Da Luo sword in his hand drew a strange arc, and the fairy light flickered. If there was no trace of the antelope hanging its horns, it actually pulled the staff towards the sky.

The staff shattered the sky and destroyed the sky. The stars in the sky were shaking, turning into endless firelight, and then falling down and turning into dust.

This is the Secret of Bing Zi. Xu Yu used it with the help of the Great Luo Sword Embryo, and he suddenly displayed amazing divine power.

"what happened?"

Kunti was in a daze, wondering why the staff fell down like this and was pulled out by a strange force.

The kings who were watching were in a daze, somewhat inexplicable, and horrified by this strange method.

I have to say that Xu Yu is indeed very sharp. His punching power is unparalleled in the world. He hits the boundless star field, like a star river falling down, deafening and boundless. Seize this opportunity.

Xu Yu's fist hit Kundi's chest, making a clear cracking sound, followed by a terrifying splatter of divine blood.

Kunti fell back, with a look of shock on his face. His right hand was broken at the wrist, and the entire fist was shattered, dripping with blood, leaving horrific wounds.

At this moment, Xu Yu's eyes flickered and he noticed keenly that after his hand took off the staff, his aura weakened a lot.
In the Immortal Realm, the breath of the kings is stagnant. This is too strong. Even if he is also an emperor, he is invincible.


At this time, the staff also fell down again, and was summoned into his hand. His power was rising again, and the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor was mighty.
"I am the immortal emperor, the only one in ancient and modern times, I am invincible!"

Kunti's eyes were dark and he roared angrily. He had just become the emperor and encountered such a situation, which made him seem to have lost his anger.

At the same time, the imperial crown above his head swayed with nine-colored divine light, and various auras filled the air, making him look even more powerful.

"Even if we are both emperors, I can still be called the most honorable among emperors, but you...can't do that!"

Xu Yu stood tall in the sky, his eyes as sharp as a heavenly sword, like a god of war, with an invincible aura.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill the enemy clearly!" Kundi roared fiercely, with blazing light surging all over his body.

The two moved as fast as lightning, like two big stars colliding one after another. Accompanied by lightning and thunder, the blazing light exploded, making the sky tremble and the starry sky dim.

In the universe, all the heroes are cold, and the battle between the two emperors is too fierce. If they fight in the center of the fairyland, this ancient boundary will definitely collapse.

Everyone was silent. Then he compared himself and felt the huge gap. Looking through the ancient road of the universe, how many people in this realm can compete with these two people?
After fighting with thousands of moves, Kundi's blood spattered, and every drop of blood that fell would evaporate a star field and darken it forever.

"Ah..." Kun Di's battle clothes were already dim and tattered, and his silver pupils shone with a faint light, but they became more powerful.


Xu Yu swung his sword, and thousands of streams of light, hundreds of millions of immortal lights, spread out like a phoenix from nirvana, illuminating the universe and slashing towards Kundi.


Kunti collapsed forward with his staff horizontally, his whole body covered with chains of the God of Order, entangling him like a demon who had broken out of hell, wearing shackles.


The two weapons collided together, the sword body was extremely bright, the staff also shot into the sky with black light, Kundi's tiger's mouth was completely shattered, blood flowed like a stream, and the whole person continued to retreat.

He waved the sword in his hand, and the sword energy spread horizontally. Billions of rays of divine light tore through the world, cutting off the long river of time, shattering the stars, and the scene was extremely horrifying.

Xu Yu moved extremely fast, and his right arm began to glow. A clear light flashed across, and with a chirp, one of his left arms was cut off, causing a rain of blood all over the sky.

"Finally, the Immortal King is invincible!" In the Immortal Realm, some people in the big city felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling at this moment.

What kind of grace is this for someone who cuts the emperor with a sword? Fascinating!

Even Qi Yu, Liu Shen and others were moved, staring at the two fighting, their minds wavering.


The divine sword split the sky, a terrifying sword light

He came out, cut off Kundi's body at the waist, cut forward with a palm, and the galaxy instantly disappeared into ashes, and slapped Kundi's head with his palm!

Kundi roared, and as his palm approached, his body suddenly moved. The imperial crown on his head emitted a terrifying divine light, sweeping out and sweeping the universe!
The divine light was like bright phoenix feathers, carving through the universe and sweeping toward Xu Yu.

This divine light is extremely terrifying. It is surrounded by chaotic energy, and its nine-color brilliance can break through all obstacles. The brilliance is brilliant.

Moreover, the most important thing is that although the divine light looks divine, it is extremely strange. It is formed by the rich black substance in the imperial crown.
"not good!"

Xu Yu's face suddenly changed. The nine colors of the imperial crown were so powerful that even he was a little shackled and had difficulty moving.

He tried his best to move his body, his eyes were extremely blazing, and he wanted to break through. He burst out with endless power but moved a little bit.

The human emperor's seal shone with light, and the endless light rain was like a rain curtain, protecting him and blocking out the black matter.

Even so, his shoulders were shaken violently, and then there was blood and bones flying.

After resisting the black matter, there was still a wave of divine power sweeping over him, and that kind of power was too terrifying. If the Human Emperor's Seal hadn't dropped various lights in time to protect part of it, his arm would have been contaminated long ago.

Now, it’s just an injury to my arm, and it can recover quickly, so it’s not a big problem.

On the other side, the two halves of Kunti's body were glowing, the nine-colored light was falling, and his blood was flowing backwards. He could already feel it.

Xu Yu was running the Immortal Sutra like crazy, all kinds of talismans were flashing, his aura was brilliant, and his arm was also getting better quickly.

"Behead me!"

Xu Yu shouted, the sword light shone, and the beams of light were like streaks, attacking Kundi fiercely, and at the same time, various taboo secret techniques reappeared.


The sky and the earth are vast, and a huge crack spreads. The sword light is like a vast ocean, cutting off the two realms, dividing the heaven and the earth, cutting eternity, and breaking the imprisonment of time.

This truly terrifying method reappears at this time, shining brightly on the past, present, and future, and terrifying the world!
Ah..." Kun Yan roared and sprayed out billions of rays of immortal light from his mouth. That was his Dharma and Tao. They were condensed together at this moment, and the light lifted people.

The duel between these two people was filled with bright beams of light, extremely dazzling!
The stars were split into pieces, big stars fell, and the sun exploded. The place was in ruins, with rubble everywhere and shattered galaxies.

With a pop, blood flew up. Kundi's body was hit by the sword light, and he somersaulted out. The endless light of sleep pressed him down, causing him to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

"That's all, kill!"

Xu Yu's black hair was flying all over his head, and his eyes were bright. In his eyes, he saw the terrifying scene of the falling sun and falling stars. As soon as his eyes turned, he saw that the world was dry and quiet, and the world was changing.

After the battle, he already knew that although Kundi had the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it seemed to be forcibly piled in. It had no power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. The biggest reliance was only on the ancient artifacts of origin, and was not aimed at the Immortal Emperor. A profound understanding of Taoism.

And he is already the Emperor Light Immortal King, who has gone very deep in this field. Although he has advanced to the quasi-immortal emperor realm with the help of the Immortal Realm Tianxin, his strength is not comparable to that of Kundi.

There were constant collisions between the two, and the beams of light shot into the sky. Even at the end of Star City, under this huge battle, the stars in the sky seemed to have deviated from their original trajectories, fighting with their fluctuations.

Xu Yu is becoming more and more skillful. He originally followed the path of fighting immortals. Now he becomes more brave and brave, and his aura becomes more terrifying. Every move and style invisibly stimulates his fighting potential.

The two roared, shattering the galaxy. The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering, murderous intent is overwhelming for eternity, and the war in this place has reached a fever pitch!

Xu Yu's whole body burst into fairy light, his body was filled with thousands of divine clouds, and millions of auspicious colors surged out. The terrifying fighting spirit surged out like an ocean, wreaking havoc between heaven and earth!
The bright beam of Xu Yu's eyes hit Kundi's shoulder. The terrifying big crack directly swallowed up his shoulder blade, dripping with blood, and almost split him open!

One blood flower bloomed after another, and Kundi suffered heavy losses again, and his condition was extremely miserable.

"kill him!"

"Finally the Immortal King Wushuang!"

Many kings were so excited that they couldn't help shouting, wishing they could experience this battle themselves.


A shocking explosion occurred, and blood rained. The bones were broken and Kundi flew up. Xu Yu almost smashed him to pieces with his sword, causing the whole world to moan.

Pin Qiang Qiang!

Sparks flew everywhere, Xu Yu held a sword in hand and fought with Kundi. They fought quickly, and Gu Jian launched tens of thousands of moves, all of which were peerless techniques. Kundi's hair was disheveled and his body was covered in bloodstains.

Kundi was bleeding many times and was almost struck by Xu Yu several times.

But after all, he has terrifying combat power at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor, and is extremely difficult to kill. His body has been condensed and reappeared in the world many times.

"I am immortal!" Kunti roared, his eyes emitting a captivating beam of light, which was condensed and as blazing as the sea.

"If you have nine lives, I will kill you nine times; if you have a thousand lives, I will revive you a thousand times!"

Xu Yu shouted, he was majestic, with long hair disheveled, and blood stains on his body, like a peerless war god. Overflowing with vast fighting spirit, it surged forward and shocked the heavens!
The two of them fought together, killing each other from one place to another, destroying the sun and moon, and destroying the stars and rivers.

In an instant, the starry sky dimmed, and then became extremely bright. It was the destruction of the stars and the burning of divine energy by the two people. This scene caught everyone's eyes and was dizzying.

They were together with the light, and their speed reached the extreme limit of the world. During the collision, the river of time stopped and even flowed backwards.

Xu Yu's palms glowed, as sharp as a heavenly sword. He bypassed the staff and struck Kundi's body, causing Kundi's whole body to shake violently. Starting from his shoulders, half of his body exploded, dripping with blood.

This scene shocked the world, an emperor could be so miserable.

Kunti was so miserable, almost half of his body was destroyed. His whole body was full of energy, and blood rushed out one after another, healing quickly.

"Today is the day you die!
Xu Yu has a majestic face and is dressed in white clothes. He looks like he is in his twenties. His heroic figure and supreme grace form a sharp contrast with the miserable Kundi.

As soon as the sword fetus was suppressed, the void was torn open, the fairy light filled the air, and the light rain swayed. It was incredibly fast, and it reached Kundi's eyebrows, pointing directly at his soul.

At the same time, Xu Yu's pupils opened and closed, and chaotic light shot out, creating a chaotic world. It was a chaotic world, with terrible laws stirring up, which immobilized Kundi's body, making it impossible for him to break free for a short time.

Kunti couldn't help but roar. The sound seemed to come from the beginning of time. It was deep and distant, carrying extremely demonic power. He struggled to resist and neutralize this fatal blow.

He moved with difficulty and avoided the shocking blow, but his head was cut open with a sigh.

With a pop, the blood splashed high, with an inexplicable color, extremely dazzling, and a head rolled down, which was shocking.

"The Immortal Emperor collapsed so quickly..."

The emperor collapsed!
A brand-new emperor fell like this, which is horrifying to see how terrifying the power of the Immortal King is!
Kunti's head fell, blood was rising to the sky, his eyes were wide open, his expression was frozen, and his expression was extremely incredible.

Just when Kunti's head fell, the imperial crown shook, and the nine-colored divine light shot into the sky, exerting a pulling force, trying to wrap his head back to its original position.

At the same time, the frontal bones of Kunti's head shone brightly, accompanied by an extremely terrifying aura.

Afterwards, endless divine chains of order flew out from his body, like fairy gold chains, clanging, penetrating in all directions, and sweeping straight towards Xu Yu.

In particular, the most powerful immortal law is attacking Xu Yu's Immortal Platform, trying to kill his soul and destroy him from the source.

A fatal blow!

Xu Yu's expression was dull, his eyes turned, and wisps of fairy light washed away, like knives and swords, and the clanging sound was endless, slashing on those fairy gold chains, shattering all those law chains.

His Yuanshen, solid and immortal, was now at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor, and was extremely terrifying. He reacted immediately and did not allow his attack to be effective.

Xu Yu's ten fingers were like diamonds, and he moved forward with a powerful attack. Ten rays of light were shot out. If Yi shoots the sun, his ten arrows will move the sky!
It was a kind of peerless magic, with the power to transform decay into miraculous power. Ten fairy lights split the sky, surrounded by order, and the sonorous sound was deafening.

Blood spattered, and his palms dug deeply into his flesh. The blazing light surged, causing Kundi to cry out in agony. He let out a howl like a beast, which was horrifying to hear. (End of chapter)

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