
At this moment, Xu Yu spun around and swung his sword out. The light of Ruofeixian flowed across time and space, and endless fragments of time flew around so fast that no one could react at all.

With a bang, the imperial crown fell off, and he became dim, much more primitive, and no longer had flowing brilliance.

"Ah ah ah how could this happen?" Kundi roared, the light of the soul fluctuated violently, his aura was rapidly weakening, his realm fell quickly, and he fell from the imperial realm.

Sure enough, after leaving the two ancient artifacts of origin and lack of blessing, Kunti returned to the original state again.

But Kunti was still roaring, seemingly in a state of madness. He had worked so hard to become the immortal emperor, and now that he had fallen to this level, it made him feel more uncomfortable than killing him.
Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and the sword energy was flowing freely in his palm. The light of Kundi Yuan Shen in his hand became increasingly dim, as if he could no longer hold it up.

The Rebirth Sword Technique was activated, and endless sword light swirled in his palm. Kundi's soul was continuously struck by the sword light, and finally disappeared into thin air.

Kunti has completely fallen!
Kunti is definitely the fastest fallen 'Emperor' in history.

All the kings of the Immortal Realm breathed a sigh of relief. An emperor was too much of a threat to them. Killing him completely eliminated the major trouble in their hearts.

He looked at the two ancient ancient artifacts with piercing eyes. Although the two ancient ancient artifacts still contained amazing energy in their bodies, they seemed to have lost their carriers and became silent from then on.

Even the staff is like this. It no longer emits light. It is simple and unpretentious, just like an ordinary staff.

Then he pointed his fingers together like a sword, and pointed his fingers continuously in the void, releasing a powerful sealing force, sealing the imperial crown and staff, shrinking them, turning them into two golden light spots, disappearing from the world, and banishing them.

He sensed that the energy in his body was gradually disappearing, and the quasi-immortal emperor's combat power was gradually fading away. It would be very dangerous if he stayed with him.

Nowadays, more than a dozen kings and endless armies in the foreign land have lost their souls. Even Kundi, the emperor, has fallen, which suddenly plunged them into despair.

His eyes were up and down, his sword light was flickering, the sky was shaking, and the earth was in chaos. There was a constant sound of puffs, and countless sword lights fell, crushing all the incoming armies from foreign lands. Even the immortal king did the same.

Kunti is dead! All the creatures that attacked the fairyland have perished!
It was like a violent storm, the news swept everywhere and spread like a tide.

This kind of achievement is unprecedented. One battle shocked the world, and its glory shines on ancient and modern times, making people feel horrified when they hear it.

Nine Heavens, Foreign Realm, Burial Ground, Boundary Sea, Immortal Realm, all places witnessed this battle through their own means, and they were all shocked.

This is really a major event, and it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history, becoming a glorious chapter that will never fade, and will always leave the strongest mark.

In the Immortal Realm, Jiutian, countless families, traditions, and sects all roared and started to kowtow in honor of the Emperor of Heaven.

Even if it is a burial place, it is the same. Such a peerless figure will be respected by all races!
Everywhere in the universe, beams of light are rising, and the statues of gods everywhere in Xu Yu are all shining, and the mighty aura sweeps across the ten wastelands. Every statue of the gods is blessed with immortal divinity, shining brightly, and seems to be surrounded by infinite thought power.

"It's time to pacify the foreign lands!"

Xu Yu issued an order for the kings of the Immortal Realm to start taking action. He still has some of the quasi-immortal emperor's combat power, which has not completely faded away. It is time to completely eliminate the disaster.

Not long after, they crossed the boundless void and arrived in a foreign land.

"The Immortal Realm and Nine Heavens cultivators are coming to kill!"

In the foreign land, someone yelled, and the sound moved all around. Everyone was awe-inspiring, and the hearts of the monks of all races were greatly shocked.

Kunti and others all died. They had received the news not long ago, and many people had witnessed that peerless battle with their own eyes.

"Senior Taiyi, what should I do?"

Many immortal kings gathered together and looked at a skinny old man. He was a master of deduction and the immortal king who used tortoise shell pieces to determine Shi Hao's position.

This is one of the foundations of the foreign land. Now the kings regard him as their backbone and ask for his opinions.

"The time is also destiny, I will make a divination."

Tai Yi sighed desolately, his heart heavy. He understood that the situation was irreversible, but he still held on to a wisp of hope in his heart.

The pieces of immortal armor fell down, beating there and shining with divine brilliance.

"Cough cough..."

The immortal king of Taiyi trembled all over as if he had been struck by lightning. Dense bloodstains appeared one after another on his skin, which was ferocious and terrifying.


Many immortal kings were shocked, could they encounter such a big backlash after deducing a hexagram?
Then, the tortoise shell was covered with a layer of faint red clouds, as red as blood. This was the hexagram image presented on the tortoise shell.

"The long sky, how can I be so weak in my realm!" When he saw this hexagram, the Immortal King Taiyi seemed to have lost all his energy and spirit, and suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes dim.

The next moment, Taiyi exploded, and blood and bone fragments were mixed and splashed out. It was extremely tragic. An ancient immortal king fell like this, and died along with the withering of the world.

Xu Yu came, his eyes were flowing, and his aura was so captivating that the years were floating in the protective light of his eyes. That kind of aura made many people tremble and couldn't help but kneel down!

The divine power is mighty, wreaking havoc in all directions!
The only one in heaven and earth, eternal!
All the foreign creatures are in a state of panic, their bodies have betrayed their will.

"Immortal King Jiyan, do you really want to commit this act of extermination?"

The Immortal King shouted sternly, his eyes almost bursting open as the Immortal Qi surged out overwhelmingly.

The other kings were all awestruck.

Xu Yu looked calm and did not reply to him, but as his eyes turned, a mysterious light flew out, hitting him into a blood mist, and then a rain of blood poured down on him.

"Immortal King Jiyan, you must die a happy death!"

There were still a dozen kings left in the foreign land. At this moment, they all roared and cursed fiercely. Their hearts suddenly sank, knowing that something was wrong. This person had clearly come to destroy their ancient world, and there was no room for relaxation.

Now, Kundi was bleeding in the Immortal Realm and completely dead, and the whereabouts of the ancient artifacts were unknown. They had no choice but to watch this invincible person coming.

The foreign kings were frightened. Seeing Xu Yu and others coming to kill them, no one dared to resist. They all wanted to scatter like birds and beasts.

At the beginning, Immortal King Zhenyan was enough to turn the foreign land upside down, but now he has an emperor-level combat power, who can compete with him! They thought pessimistically that even if the most powerful ancient ancestor in their world sea returned, it might not be of any use.

They wanted to escape, but they felt like a light on their backs, and layers of chills appeared in their bodies unconsciously, feeling that the danger of death was coming.

At their level, their intuitions are extremely sharp, so they are all frightened.

Without any hesitation, they turned into a dozen streams of light and ran in different directions, fleeing for their lives.

A big hand reaches across the sky, caressing the sky. Between the fingers of the palm, one can see the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, nebulae emerging, fairy light soaring, divine power, and various beams of light rising into the sky, turning into energy storms!
When he fell, the energy of destruction was overwhelming, and the terrifying aura of heaven and earth poured out. Then the big hand split open and turned into a dozen big hands, slapping in the direction of a dozen immortal kings at the same time.

puff! well! puff! …

The dozen or so kings who fled for their lives were all turned into blood mist in an instant, and their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed.

This was the last secret of the foreign land. This time it was revealed, but it all fell. The people in the foreign land who saw it felt chilled in their hearts, and even their breathing became stagnant.

The Immortal King is now gone!

The blood rain is flowing, the foreign scene is terrifying, and every foreign creature feels despair.


At this time, the immortal kings arrived, and they brought the troops from the Immortal Realm and Jiutian to kill them, and everyone was excited.

What surprised them was that all the kings from the foreign lands had been killed, and now the strongest ones were only immortal beings. However, the people in the two ancient worlds of Xianyu and Jiutian were very excited, and their fighting spirit did not decrease at all. After all, Xianyu, Jiutian and Foreign Realm had hatred for generations.

Many immortals and supreme beings had participated in that battle at the end of the Immortal Ancient Period, and were stained with the blood of nine heavenly beings.

"Living in my ancient world and killing my ancestors, you will end up today!"

"Kill, kill, kill, destroy the foreign land!"

"Endless, Lord Samsara, have you seen it?"

Some true immortals and supreme beings even had tears in their eyes, and were so excited that they trembled. The mountains and rivers were in foreign lands, and they were incompatible with each other.

Originally, they were creatures from the Nine Heavens. They encountered corpses everywhere in the Immortal Ancient Era, and they were deeply touched by that era.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have been disconnected since ancient times. The heavens and the earth were empty and almost extinct. Now their flames of revenge were suddenly aroused. Everyone was emotionally agitated and it was difficult to remain calm.

Now, they will naturally show no mercy. They are killing foreign creatures in a mighty manner. The iron-blooded battle flag is fluttering, the Shroud of the Immortal King is fluttering, and the Universe Bag is roaring to the heaven and earth...

Xu Yu did not take any further action, and he was not interested in the creatures below the Immortal King. These people had feuds with Jiutian and the Immortal Realm and could just be left to them.

At this moment, his quasi-immortal emperor's Taoist behavior completely disappeared, and the effect of the Immortal Realm Tianxin was over.

Of course, he doesn't care. After all, the crisis is over now, and there should be no accidents in a short time.

Xu Yu began to clean the battlefield, and all the immortal kings fell. Their collections and weapons were all good things.

Even if it is a broken weapon, its value is hard to find. After all, it is made of rare magical materials and can continue to be used to refine immortal weapons.

The Immortal King's cave also attracted his attention. Without any courtesy, he took away the considerable accumulation of hundreds of millions of years and made it his collection.

Even though some places where the Immortal King hides his treasures are extremely secretive, they cannot escape his astonishing eyes and they can all be found.

These are unimaginable treasures, there are too many good things, and they are all famous and unique treasures in history.

There are ancient scriptures that are of great origin and contain complex mysteries, there are weapons that belong to the immortal kings who have passed away, and there are elixirs and elixirs that are made from many elixirs.

He took them all away, leaving nothing behind.

"world Tree!"

Suddenly, his eyes moved, and he saw the rules of the avenue emerging one after another, the true manifestation, condensed into a tangible body, rising and falling there, vast and unpredictable.

Looking from a distance, there is an extremely majestic ancient tree that blocks out the sky and the sun, and seems to be able to cover the sky. It is a lush world tree.

The leaves glow, and the divine chains of law and order are intertwined, connecting the past, present and future.

To a certain extent, the power of the foreign land is inseparable from him. After all, the complete law is of great help to practice. That's it.
It is enough for him to surpass the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of the past. Of course, the current Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the woman whose ancestor is the descendant of the founder of the Immortal Realm Cultivation System, has already taken shape, and is now rooted in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, nourishing The great road of nine heavens and ten earths.

He rose into the sky, turned into fairy light, and landed in front of the tree. He wanted to take the tree away.


With a loud roar, he pulled out the World Tree with one hand. With a roar, he left the foreign land and soared directly into the sky.

"Good weight!"

He was very surprised. This world tree was at least heavier than several stars, and ordinary immortal kings might not be able to lift it.

Shocking to the whole world!

Afterwards, he handed over the battlefield to the creatures of the Immortal Realm and Jiutian, while he held the World Tree with one hand and disappeared in the universe. He entered the city of the Immortal King of End and planted him in the end In the city of Yanxian King.

The World Tree is different from other ancient trees. It is easier to grow in a world where ten thousand paths intersect and the laws are complete. It does not mean that it cannot grow in a foreign land, so there is no discomfort.

After the World Tree was uprooted, the essence of the foreign world suddenly weakened a lot, and the entire ancient world was unstable and crumbling.

Without the World Tree, it is only a matter of time that the great world weakens. One day, it will fall into the same situation as the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Hahaha, Master Ta, I'm back again. Not only have I returned to my peak, I've also taken a step further. Who can I defeat?"

The gate to the Immortal Realm cracked open, and a nine-story ancient pagoda rushed out. It was as white as jade, filled with chaotic energy, and looked extremely powerful.

Nearly three hundred thousand years passed, and he finally reappeared.

His aura is very terrifying, much stronger than the average Immortal King giant. In terms of aura alone, it may not be weak to Kundi.

Soon, Xu Yu, who was tinkering with the World Tree, was alerted. He soon appeared, saw the long-lost Xiaota, and brought him to the final city of Immortal King.

"This fairy tree...isn't it a foreign world tree? How come it was planted here!"

"The foreign land was destroyed, so naturally it was brought back."

Xu Yu smiled slightly.


The nine-story small tower shook, and a dumbfounded human face appeared on the tower wall. He had just been born and rushed to the fairyland quickly. He didn't know what was happening.

Later, Xu Yu told him something about today.

After hearing a few words, Xiaota turned around and left, filled with chaos and seemed a little excited.

Xu Yu didn't know why and said, "What's wrong?"

"The foreign land has been destroyed. How much immortal material should be left in the Immortal King's cave? I'll go search for it!"

Xu Yu was speechless, Xiaota's nature was indeed hard to change.

"It's too late..." Xu Yu shook his head.

"How is it possible? There are some treasures hidden in the magic circle. Except for me, the master of the magic circle, who can find it? Unless it's you..." He said suspiciously.

The next moment, Xu Yu smiled and immediately asked him to go to Ruchui Ice Cave. He knew the miraculous power of the innate divine eyes, and was suddenly discouraged. He only regretted that he appeared too late.


Xu Yu shook his hand, and a large number of fairy materials appeared, all of which were hidden by the Immortal King and were given to the aggrieved Xiaota.

Xiaota immediately beamed with joy and accepted it happily.

"Why did he disappear for so long?" Xu Yu suddenly asked, very curious about his disappearance for so long.

"I found the last layer of the tower in the chaos. After merging, I realized something. I felt the infinity of heaven and earth, and the vastness of the universe. I didn't realize that the years had passed, and it was nearly three hundred thousand years ago." The small tower accepted it. A smile, a serious expression?
"Brother, don't believe him, we were trapped in a magic circle, and we just got out now!"

A chuckle came from the tower, a ball of light evaporated, runes intertwined, and a graceful woman descended.

She was wearing simple gray clothes, but she had an ethereal Taoist charm that was otherworldly!
The black hair is scattered, the beauty is like a dream, and the beauty is indescribable.

It is the girl with double pupils——Yun Yan! (End of chapter)

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